I'm LOST in Roblox Wonderland!

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i'm late i'm late hippity-hoppity i'm late i'm late i'm late i gotta get to the gate where's that rabbit going hulk see that sign right there follow the path and you'll get free robux free robux well down i go whoa there's so much stuff um i don't feel so good i feel kind of sick well well well seems like you fell for the old robux trick again sucker [Music] i can't believe i fell for it again well where am i anyways you have found yourself in the wonderfully wonderful wondrous world of wonderland where there are ladybugs with long tongues oh ew i hate ladybugs obviously this is wonderland can't you see the wonder the wonder in my eyes um if this is wonderland where's like the candy you know it's right it's these ladybugs are disgusting it's right there all you need to do is look this place is kind of odd are you a queen hello what a pity poor girl doesn't even know what she got herself into now escort me to my castle now do i look like i'm joking oh no it looks like you've fallen down the rabbit hole i'll help get you out meet me inside my house excuse me i don't think you're the rabbit hippity-hopping rabbit bow here has had too much coffee i'm late bye-bye lead the way okay come on follow me queen yes wait are you the queen of let me see uh the queen of uh look at my jam on my neck and my crown uh okay give me a second let me look you are the queen of compasses because i see a gold compass what i am the queen of hearts i'm scared um guys are you gonna help me escort this queen of this queen of compasses into her castle clumsy clumsy funny alice so clumsy and bad at hobbies technically my name would be hurry up phallus finale eh i'm wasn't ever good with names make sure you pet the ants they're quite friendly i am garden heart the queen is it me what the that one's gonna take forever okay i blame because the ants look super sauce look at them look why do they look come on who brought this squire here it keeps dying from giant ants these ants are so disgusting it's cute oh okay mad hat or dracco let's just get to the house of the rabbit we gotta make it through these hot steaming pipes do you guys smell that it smells like blueberry soda no it smells like the mists of a vapor of kool-aid i'm not gonna smell it go follow me lead the way yeah it smells like it just smells like h2o guys come on just water it's steam like a sauna it's great you're forgetting we're in the magical world of wonder oh yeah whatever let's just the periodic table does not exist in wonderland welcome as you can see i wasn't expecting visitors avoid the mess rainbow rabbit you're quite uh unorganized why is this place so messy you see you see i wasn't expecting any visitors so the queen is dying over a dirty slipper i'll give you a hint it's not really her house now i may be mad but what could a rabbit need to do with a pair of sneakers a single sneaker to be exact for me to go fast because i'm late i do not have time to argue with the mad hatter so you're telling me that rainbow rabbit is so fast that she lost her pair of shoes wait truck what's over there i meant draco hatter but wow an extra pair of shoes is it me or is this alice funny clumsy um you have to be pretty clumsy to fall in a hole that big ah no i fell down for a robux okay i was tricked how rude of me i should have offered food but it's currently covered with bugs bugs that's mad draco's favorite type of food right rainbow rabbit is quite the slob how hygienic you see i don't have time to clean my house because i'm always late look at this cake i think she had too much coffee to drink rainbow rabbit how are you late when you don't clean anything this isn't coffee this is tea it's always tea time here oh is my thing rainbow rabbit being late is your thing don't take my thing no that's being late for team time is mine that says one thing that he gets and you're taking some typing well you have no teeth all right quick quick cheerio i don't have all day that's strange haven't seen slime come out of the walls before slime in a wonderland that's quite weird okay i'll stop what don't worry it's just regular old goop come on let's go weird things always happen in my house i need to get a handle on it did you get it handle handle handle did you get it do you see now why i'm so mad because you live with rainbow the crazy rabbit yes i'm not crazy i'm she is what she is [Music] all right so we just need to stay near the wall what hey anyway get you see that you see what that hand is reaching for it's reaching for the like and subscribe button hit like and subscribe not my marble collection collection i love shiny things may i take rainbow yeah sure if you can carry it what the polite queen this queen of compasses is clean gold of composition i am queen of hearts queen compasses can you pick up that marvel i'll put you in prison if you call me compass queen one more time okay run we're sorry queen of hearts we're only joking wait dracula's just holding the top too much time talking and not enough hopping oh [Music] she's gone luna hurry whoa luna cheshire did it we made it it's my cat um gold you might want to run faster i demand don't take your time with this so stop right now come on girls the queen encompasses oh my gosh that was exhausting see you came up in one piece you're fine finally i've been meaning to clean this hallway for weeks can't you just turn off the vacuums right now to do a lot of nothing for a rabbit that's always late room room room we gotta run through the vacuums uh go go go bring it up the queen is struggling let's go to dead end oh whoa it's a magical mirror oh this mirror brought us in another dimension look a bigger mess in the rabbit's house what a surprise the reason why it's such a big mess is because i'm late do you not understand welcome to the bedroom try jumping on the basketball basketball does it bounce hoppity-hop banana what is this silly of course oh i guess only cheshire luna has the cat skills i guess the queen of hearts is going to sue you no yes this queen of composition just gets roommates no it's not it's not that hard she's going to trip and sue you now someone assist me to draco had her go the other side not my job ah no i do not no no uh queen of hearts you just gotta get your bounce on okay you just gotta be bouncing you gotta be bouncing just bounce okay there go you're good oh it's about this now oh oh no no why are there ants here they're so tiny you really should hire an exterminator yeah this is getting out of control the bugs are my friends oh that's why they look so friendly and nice and totally not obsessed this way and then last but not least we are the tiniest little humans see you guys later i hope there's a tea party at the end of this i really want some biscuits i can't guarantee what nothing what are ken's bouncy cameras what he did wow you guys are so bad at this i'm not clumsy at all then whoa giant shoe see you guys later i'm gonna make it to the end no wait we can get through the big door let's head through here it's because we're too tiny look how tiny we are we're so tiny oh is that a mouse there's this one you have mouses in this house oh mouses did you say mouse um i gotta get up right here um queen of compasses beware ah oh she just got killed by cheese yes there might be some mice amongst us fine queen of hearts follow follow why is your walls melting rabbit i think there's too much cheese in here it's because my house is made out of why oh what's a cute mouse oh no bathing in a pool of chess how beautiful why is it like it's staring into my soul what do you want little mouse it wants to eat us now leave quick fall into the cheese pool come on i don't want to be here rainbow everything here's scary okay i don't want to be here no more then we better hurry the exterminators took it to a whole new level with these lasers you have exterminators of course i think you would like them why oh are we the past because you're mad whoa we just got the cab cool and collective there you go whoa oh a dropper these lasers are gonna chop off my bunny anyone i'm the queen i was taught to parachute ah yes your cape definitely made you stronger oh no amazing there's a maze don't worry i got it i am the best at mazes because i am the mad hatter we go this way and which way wherever we please and we'll find the exit that shows us that you speak follow but if you follow me you'll get to the end you see you'll be free you guys better pay me for these rhymes i'm a rhymer home improvement is always going on make sure to avoid the saws they don't look that scary whoa we just jump over them watch this speed run whoa whoa [Applause] don't get sliced by those saws they're gonna hurt [Music] isn't that isn't that common sense not to everyone i believe we are finally at the back door [Music] finally happening back door or front door rainbow missed two checkpoints no what did you say and funny yes yes but is this the end no no there's more bunnies great so much bunnies whoa i have never been here before somebody must be pulling a prank on me i think this bunny is kind of mad too from their hat no you guys why are you always rushing what are you are you sure i don't even see it this is the path to my castle look at that frog i'm not your what i'm not a minion yes you are and don't stare at that frog for too long it'll poison you some of the creatures here look like they mean business bunny business i do do business with the frogs here i hope that tongue catches her it just wanted to give rainbow a lick that's all well i don't want it these frogs really mean business be careful what type of business business business frogs no oh my gosh these frogs touch me i don't want to look oh you just fell in the water you gave the frogs that gold no i do not want to turn into princess and frog chill rivet you don't want to become the frog ribbit hey this is easy rivet oh i could just jump across it come on let's go whoa hurry up oh going i'm going is that beware of the flying acorns legend says if you get licked by the frog you'll be turned into a frog themed ugc item it's too late i already lost i am now a frog i mean this is pretty easy goodbye acorns hey guys want to hear a corny joke no what's the joke oh i just said it did it i said why oh my gosh [Applause] do those leaves look strong enough to jump on is that a hint that these leaves are going to fall why would it maybe no these are strongly oh come on we made it oh now the cat's gonna have a vengeful story everyone left lunar cheshire cat behind but little did they know i don't know how to swim but i will get my revenge that portal looks like our way out let's get out of here is it really the way out or are we descending into magnus oh i know you can get jackets [Music] uh spiff spiff as a spry sprout in the waves of the wind doesn't that spider look cute guys i think dracula he's mad he's mad he's lost it he never likes spiders we gotta get out of here before it's too late no more everyone's already losing their mind come on we can't stay here forever jump in i'll come in after i'm out of here see ya and it goes on and on no no no there's nothing on and [Music] must off the queen of course the real queen of hearts not this queen of compasses excuse me this place is crazier than the last did you really need to say that rabbit rabbit why why didn't you have too fast we gotta go fast we're gonna be late we're gonna be late we gotta go wait for what rain but we've been in here forever i don't even think i could go back to the real world there is hope my stopwatch says i'm late so we're gonna be late for my tea party i've spoken to the locals and there's a castle here let's find it a castle that's my castle oh okay let's go if it's your castle waiting for then why are we taking our sweet sweet time we should be going there we should be having this there is no sweet time okay rabbit we know we know how you are about time and schedules so let's quickly jump whoa across and make it look at the pretty butterfly oh he doesn't like butterflies he's a little bit delusional right now but this one's not that pretty though it looks it's gorgeous are you sure it looks like a wasp eating a butterfly looks like a parasite cheese oh okay come on come on dracco you be losing your your mind out here let's just go down the log and make it to the castle we need to get inside there's the castle i bet they can help us get out of here can they are they evil i hope they're not evil finally boing boing boing boing sometimes the queen just has to do things on her own okay let's just go run see you later now yes we can try turning back on this arms are falling behind we could never turn back the moment he fell for that robux scam yeah yeah yeah so what there's the castle it's right there are those guards in front i can smell it hello guards welcome your queen home i don't think they know you gold chill hey are you going to help us get out of here hello what are you standing there for guard arrest them immediately looks like the queen of compasses has gone mad these are just empty suits they pulled me through this crazy world and made me lose my mind notice that everyone this is your world yeah gold you're not wearing one of those hats but you surely are mad no i am not oh come on this is the door to the castle inside let's ask someone in here knock knock knock let's go she actually didn't know what [Laughter] [Music] no we can't we can't get out what happened last thing i remember we were entering the castle anyway we need to find a way out gold this is because you were taunting the guards get me out of here i quite like this sad i'm quite torn apart to leave it quite um oh well you can stay there then if you're quite ripped let's go down the street enough i want to get out of here now what the swinging axes they really don't want us to get out of here one no don't stop for nobody this rabbit doesn't stop for nobody this rabbit is late okay sounds good please please please don't like my cape it's are you gonna fire these nights after for imprisoning you yeah you should left her lunar i will put them in prison more traps avoid at all costs ah these traps are dangerous ow am i the only one struggling with these traps you're not sweaty enough well this is what my bed looks like oh dracco is actually turning mad maybe you want to slide this side robux i'm sleeping on it no okay everyone already made it out just gotta be chill and run why is this the longest hobby we've ever played hello i think are you mad at this rate yeah i think it is a movie jealousy when it goes halfway down whoa uh it would be fun they said go down to wonderland not to expect giant half size three robux out of the floor and now there's lava hippity contain lava i don't know now i'm just starting to die like a i understand why you guys are all mad down here it's just there's just so much hey speak for yourself i'm not you know what's mad these unfinished wood planks well they're kind of shaky do they fall oh yeah they do fall come on it's the way oh the way out it's the finale guys are you sure you've done this many times in my queen blood gotta go i need to go i need to leave i don't want to sleep we're late let's how long is forever sometimes just one second does anyone know what time it is you know what time it is past obvi time and gold time she's so done she's literally leaving look remember remember the classic joke where it's like anyone know what time it is and then the person would say time to get a watch is this a bad time that joke killed me it literally killed me is that a bad time oh my gosh time is of the essence it is wow clearly i have all the time in the world because i'm struggling you may have all the time but we do not have all the time for a very important date and that important date is me leaving this obby because they better give us a really cool bag portal let's go everything is everywhere i believe we are getting close to the bottom of this the bottom of why the bottom of what the bottom of the wires are pretty much over there it is my hat 15 chapters ago yeah your hat is quite mad draco whoa draco just fell through oh never mind all right funny wait what checkpoint oh oh no funny goodbye hip hop chocolate jacko draco what mad dracco do you think what i'm thinking i'm starting to think this bobby is making us late i'm thinking yeah we're only 48 levels in millions of times i think you're making us late because he won't stop with your incessant rambling well i think it's no more time for rambling rabbit we don't have time for you we have to go no more it's time to start running because i see a bunch of eggs six of clubs or a nine of clubs this is the heart of tens or a heart of winds i would say it's a heart of gold if that's too much for me 20 jumping mushrooms later we have arrived at possibly the 100th portal this is the biggest portal we've made it hop in and let's get to the bottom of this if this rabbit lies to me one more time i'll be coming home with some lucky paws tonight some lucky charms oh from rabbits rocco eat yes you can't eat the rabbit come on let's go i'm not eating the rabbits i'm using it to put as a lucky charm do we have to go back through the op no no no we are not going back through the obby they wouldn't they would only be seen here guys i'm struggling what we just have to keep going until we reach the end oh i don't think there is an end to this i think we're just going to be infinitely trapped down here i'll never make it back there happens you know what it's called right alice in wonderland not alice leaves wonderland let me get out of here please [Music] the tea party is here [Music] i'm so hungry welcome i'm so sorry party oh thank you hey where's my badge the trick it's so nice where's my badge wait where's our badge there's a juicy burger right here it looks pretty good gold there is no castle here but what's this hey where's my bag where's my badge it seems this game does not have a badge uh lunar's gonna tear this entire map apart because this game comes with no badge i deserve a bench in our hearts that's what we know is there please that's that's true we played the whole sequel the movie the everything and there's nothing it's okay guys we have cake what did i learn today i learned that there's no such thing as free robux no we never left we never left nope i am burger hear me roar i am mad the trap's here forever stuck in wonderland as foods with no badge [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 4,779,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox family, roblox funny, roblox itsfunneh, roblox funneh, roblox wonderland, roblox wonderland obby, roblox obby
Id: mZto_zp7hQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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