My Best Impostor Game in Among Us #7

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all right bobby's safe let's stay with bobby oh great i was gonna do asteroids just chilling with homies [Music] i don't know any one of them their play styles either so or even personalities everything i feel like i'm good at knowing if someone's lying some people are just genuinely really good but some people do give away little hints but i think everyone in this lobby probably played it it's my first time playing this game wait first time ever ever why yeah so i'm like i swear to god so i'm like nervous are you already lying to us that sounds like a lie that sounds pretty sucks all right i'm here with charlie and that no problem oh that was fast you guys couldn't wait a second huh jesus it's right in front of electrical so someone sliced them before they came in i have a question for you i can tell you what i saw because uh xqc went yeah and i think pink was uh with him as well pink bobby you got something to say yo i literally was outside right now just going to do some work i don't know i don't even know this game this is my first time i was literally doing work what oh that sounds like a lot that's my first game too man did you have a question for you did you hit the kill button yeah i did not okay did you click them with a certain answer hold on i have a quick question so me and dakotas did lights lights get fixed i come out and you're just sitting there on download how did you not see the body of your report i moved before there was a body yeah i didn't go to lights i did my download i stood at downloads yeah but what was your pathing before that sorry bobby from the drop ship to downloads that's all i did it wasn't me i swear well you're the last one i saw with xqc wait so you didn't go [Music] i'm sorry what wait [Music] it was pink right i can't remember [Music] all right we can take care of that test later my goal is to not die all right i wanna end up like xqc there and just die right away because that [ __ ] sucks i don't play the game to win i play the game to not die and let me do the [ __ ] meteor i hate this one yes yes don't kill me the vision is so low i've got some big info here so i can clear lyric i had to wait for him on scan lyrics good i have a question for you somebody just ran by what's your question charlie so when you and i went to med bay we held hands near the med bay thing i was about to scan and then you ran away and i completely lost you did anyone see i did the reactor didn't you hear the bee me and summit did it i did right side some of the left i think that's actually fair okay did anyone here can anyone confirm well now i'm walking back into med bay um i left past the protest the coach didn't come at a drill when i left see he said yes charlie what were you doing then because you what what the same way as eddie yeah all right when she didn't i wanted her to see medbay so she could see that i was scanning but then she ran away and then i couldn't hear you i have a question like what are you trying to be curious about with each other no one i'm curious of you something i didn't see you do card swipe or flip you just went right away and then you went to node with adapt yeah and he never came to do the flip switch hey guys remember when it was obviously bobby you remember that wait during the weekend over here man yeah i'll be honest i mean watching bobby play i feel like i feel like he's just on another monitor he's all tabbed man [ __ ] i'm not gonna be able to be this like alert when i'm the imposter we'll see uh oh uh oh do not come near me who locked me yeah and then i'll finish off with the specimen hopefully no one vents and didn't get no i'm dead why did the doors lock there i'm so dead [ __ ] how do i survive this if i don't die now it's even more confirmed i'm staying oh look at that i'm running i said that all right so the lights went out right yeah yeah yes train i think you're the one that turned them off right yes i fixed them yeah i did why do you run to the lights when the lights turn back when the lights happen it's scary oh my god you ran towards them when the lights had turned back on that's hella to me like adept was trying to kill no yeah thank you it did right them okay okay now i feel bad it was summit summit i'm voting feud was in weapons i walked up to the door i saw him i walked back i knew some of it was there i knew i was gonna be in kill range if i stayed in weapons so i ran to lights to try and be safe yeah but the lights turned back on and you still ran towards them that's why i saw wait no no wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah because something was coming from admin no it wasn't pewdiepie pie it was pizza it's a dip it was foods and weapons [Applause] uh that i'm sorry if the that wasn't you i can't i just just you at that's it all right stick with charlie i don't think it's him this is in the middle oh god it wasn't bobby there's two killers i think we know who we have to vote right i mean summit's the one alive and he was being accused a lot man yeah yeah but that's exactly what they want you to think add up getting voted off and then immediately trying to get me in the in the mix dude that's exactly what they want you to think we're gonna throw because of it dude um i had to wait one other thing uh charlie why why did you leave the seismic there's a reason these tasks are going up so fast bro i'm tasking my ass off charlie wasn't with me he went towards it then i went back when lyra came out of electrical i went in because i thought there might have been a kill there wasn't oh okay so you were just leaving it knowing i was gonna touch it yeah yeah i'm thinking dk fine in the body and dk fighting me randomly that one time is making him hella sucks what because you've had the code client the whole time and you have dakotas was in security for a lot of the game i was next to him and then near the end he was yeah but who feels the most comfortable sitting in security dude the killer someone does with those guys no no me and charlie were both in security yeah i finished my own my task it's got it's got to be summoned here then all of us i think it's something else i think we know what to do sounds good that sounds [Applause] [Music] is my mic picking sorry i guess no you're good okay let's see if bobby does this task all right i can't accuse bobby oh my god oh that looks suspect wait who the [ __ ] did i see fast kills man okay where yes sir that was right below the ship actually oh no okay well it could have been lyric i choose your charlie and my yup yeah i fixed life just as one kill it could have been lyric xqc or charlie or me couldn't oh okay okay okay okay you saw me come from north i was in lab charlie should have seen me yeah yeah you were above you were above yeah yeah uh listen train the only people who did the jobs in the beginning everyone else was standing around i went south to do the freaking bridge thing where you hold the button down or up okay i was holding it up and it was 312. i just understand how you can kill my man bobby like that train where'd you go i fixed lights instantly i project okay which always pewdiepie and charlie you know what dakotas what was your first task to cortez i did uh i did the rockets yeah and it does look suspect that i went from med to to left and i found the body but you know it did look like you walked over him where was there i don't think you're saying wait where is pewdiepie if you can vouch for him how can you vouch for him because we walked in on the body at the same time yeah it looked like he was afk but i don't know that he actually did it that's my only success uh it's kind of fun actually playing with the people i don't know because i don't know i'm not going for that stack i don't know play patterns and i don't i don't know anything so it's really like i don't have no idea this is not a great time to murder someone unless it's a double uh guys i have a first series of questions can i say can i start first hey uh mr pewdiepie you started the map of pretty pretty hot what'd you do with the first two things you did uh i just did one thing what was it wait are you accusing me out of nowhere literally we could have talked about this last round and the code has already vouched for me as well he's not the imposter it's just a question what'd you do first uh the [ __ ] thing at the top i don't remember the meteor no no no no no in office would you in office when they around started right now bro i don't even remember being in office okay okay yeah the download it's the download on the right yeah this gamer comment i think is wires not download is it or there was a download there trend is download common to ask it's wires no no i'm asking is download a comment as account i don't think so i did downloads that's all i got here's my question yes [Music] [Music] you see where were you guys okay yes i guess i have to remember everything i can do okay that person just died they haven't just died immediately um where's the body where's the body it's telescope room same place as last okay so i'll explain i'll explain it i'm on i'm currently on vitals and it's said that um yellow was dead only and by the time i got the left door uh trent is dead and it's reported upper which that that's almost he died about two seconds ago so where's everybody now i'm on security cams right i can attest to that uh charlie is on cams that's actually true uh lyric at the comms and we were on the left side yeah i did see you near the end but i don't know where you came from though so we were on the opposite side of the map dude i don't know if you booked me there was a murder on the other end of them most suspicious person from the last time is pewds someone vouched for me i didn't lie about my task have anyone checked there was a download yeah i bet so uh lyric it's hella says that you assess me same with you xbc dude i suss everybody i don't trust anyone everyone says i don't know what the heck i i couldn't kill you so easily there larry look look okay if pewdiepie is right then sure i did see most insecurity so then if it's not us three it's xqc or summit not stop it that makes sense to me that actually makes a lot of sense okay yeah because you're the only ones near the body either you see yourself guys guys pewdiepie did not do it [Music] homies [Music] yeah someone has to either see who killed or it's him all right i'm sticking with charlie again this has to work actually actually let's go here oh god i thought i'd uh i thought i died jesus [ __ ] crying these imposters do not waste a second and bobby were kicking it in cafeteria relaxing whenever oh yeah so i trust him i was not chilling but yeah we were there uh train and i went into admin i failed card three times i left and found tran's body in the dark yeah i was gonna call you out for faking your test but you didn't um okay okay so listen so whenever whenever you did your uh your uh your failure i was scared of you because i thought you'd fake the task no i literally failed three times i failed three times yeah i i'll i'll believe it but i ran i ran up that's why i didn't go to lights there because i was scared of you you killing me i'm voting bob because i want him um i was around three other people who saw me just because it was it was summit charlie and i don't know why it's funny trolling in okay which only leaves lyric and a depth i was on the right i did see a depth and then i lost her but i did uh the leaves and i was i was running through lights at the top well you can test me for all you want but i told you i i was scared she felt a desk i don't know why uh last time i was so good at not dying i thought i figured out the game finally jesus christ it's bobby okay no it's not you know he's dead brown pink blue okay okay okay i will say get ready i i'm telling you guys right now both the killers are purple and brown okay but now i have to convince you guys with arguments that it's both of them i agree it's brown summit is back lurking the entire game intelligible looking for easy kills while we're defending bobby doing tasks real quick i was continuously going back into election do we have to fix the lights here this is where i die yeah this is where i die isn't not the [ __ ] it again there all right it cannot have been adept or charlie wouldn't have been any of us we came across you guys are going to listen to me where did you go you guys are going to listen to me very carefully okay me and gb were again together the entire round okay we're together and we finally meet a depth in storage that was locked and then we meet a pewdiepie and charlie so they're three stacked right and i go up and you guys go with gp when she goes down the lights go down there and i run across the map so i can keep my information safe right and now what the [ __ ] are you talking about you know what i probably vented in and killed her yeah that would have been easy it's easy where's everyone okay guys guys if you're a formative game please get your head on your shoulders it's just the depth and with the scouts this kill could not have been heard the whole time she was literally we were literally stacked on each other charlie listen [Music] oh god what is happening are you serious at that impressive oh my god round one two and three and we never but the whole point of the imposters is to make sure that doesn't happen brother i feel like i did such a bad job the other time like i wasn't even serious all right there's a there's a body bottom right 100 i'm telling you 100 uh i think it's enough actually there's a blip in that right now i don't want to hear it [Music] [Applause] yeah please be quiet okay okay i see you um walk towards um admin table from down the only place that's down from there lyrics only walk in i did i did i did i did okay but the doors were locked i know the top door was locked i would the bottom was not locked up okay okay okay okay if you're on admin like you said you were give me more information wait bobby who did you vote on i saw a cafeteria i'm near admin i'm doing wires wait who said that i don't know the names i saw pink and uh light science election electrical i cleared myself a hundred times and i saw three votes oh well i cleared myself because i scanned and i saw it so i'm cleared guys i have so many things to do i hate this map cause like you bump into someone you're dead i should have stayed with the group there all right i'm just going to stay alive oh bobby no don't do me like this uh gb and bobby it could be safe or oh god all right all right all right pewdiepie is running away from lights it's right on top of lights no i was not running anywhere baby yes you were you i just know you just earned yourself another vote yeah thank you bob he was feeling because yeah yeah we were near each other running we were chilling yeah okay guys all your son's [Music] you see bobby and i were in admin okay guys guys guys i have information i haven't stopped voting pewdiepie stop well we were in admin like he bought me second gb was there too then i went i went down into storage i finished my you you already [ __ ] up you're done you're done past me you're not gonna see a dev go down anywhere i didn't see her at all yeah yeah bobby stop by no i saw you i saw you and admin being real suss and then somebody else oh yeah i was like tell him bobby yeah excuse me stop voting please guys guys guys when i when i called out the debt punch okay i barely voted for myself okay bobby rarely votes now he votes for depth and now he jumps on the pewdiepie training defense pewdiepie even even though there's no no bobby would never lie literally bobby would never lie and bobby i had already voted actually who did you go actually who did you vote appreciate pewdiepie i don't think it's true oh that's hilarious bobby's word means nothing i understand now there's five imposters ah i thought i saw it i started oh it was trained and trained get him out called it dog train 100 train i saw the chop man okay okay buddy i i need to level that with you so you understand what where what i'm gonna say okay so busy right there we're all five stacked and two of them are not this is like uh we're all like students and xqc is like the sub the weird substitute teacher yeah i'm voting xqc [Music] dude now me and peter are actually gonna do a mixtape together why did you not vouch for me i was i was next to you as well no i was with you dude or yeah all right i'm not killing bobby not happening all right double kill damn literally lyric what up man administration oh charlie no we'll be your your downfall okay did he vent in there nah he just he just um i was on an admin and whenever uh lights went down there's a camera on who's on campus it's probably trying right now no it's not me okay i dance under the camera so i wouldn't die and then lyric comes last and i go up and there's a body it's just lyric the lights went on and i started moving towards lights no no it's not a good test i saw him a second to last last is lyric yeah yeah last desert second to last i mean but the lights are off lyric could have very well pass the body no no no way no no i did i didn't see anybody i came from the top right did the shoot came down to admin i saw you go left x you see and then you okay well how did you see him go left were the lights on because we were in admin point i'm pretty sure the lights were on at that point so actually go left i wasn't expecting you to call me out right there but if you saw the body and cap not stan why you think it's me i just know you're saying that that's all i know i am innocent guys don't do this don't do this it's too early that's what a killer says oh my god skipped it safety safety all right yo bye guys i will die please vote run out when i die okay we're just chilling with bobby he's looking a little obsessed but i think he's okay he killed me already all right uh all right we gotta sabotage it i forgot how do i know if lights are off [Music] oh god hi that's the quotas it's not gb what are you saying depends on the body where's body so i went uh i thought so gb followed you up excuse me cafeteria before lights went off i figured uh gb killed you so i went to look for your body and then i decided to go right i see bobby at wires i go down dakota comes up and adapts bodies at shields so wait did you go did you see gb come back down or she continue to go up i saw gb and dakotas both come down and they went to electrical so i went to look for the body because cafeteria doors were locked and then i went right and dakota comes up past me to nav and adapts bodies and shields what if lyric just killed and hid inside of a vent no no no no no because i electrical if i killed someone at shields i can guarantee you i would have vented and not risked being seen i did all three of my tasks in electrical and during that time i saw gb ending that was my problem but i here's my problem um somebody who's somebody who killed there uh used the fact that kem's are off because you called coms so somebody killed in the vicinity of a camera because they call the comms and then i think dakotas was running up and that's what exactly the comms are train i think that you're a third imposter and i think if i would have killed someone at shields i would have vented that's what i think i'm thinking i passed adept she was alive when i passed her yeah but then who was there you should have seen someone there i saw xqc i passed him near nav no bobby was a nav no i think wait no someone was at nav sorry i seen someone yeah i went from electrical through navigate uh and then yeah make sure you if you believe just go with what you believe i'm skipping voting on it it's a free shot at a oh yikes uh lyric also skipped again i think it's doesn't move do not kill do not kill bobby do not kill bobby i'm protecting him you saw that right summit it was green dakotas thank you wait why i mean i was going no matter what right no matter what he did take some of him dude i trust the dakotas wow wait pewdiepie when did dakotas come in like dakotas was top like i ended up running to top o2 from the bottom i i am i don't see anything i was just chilling with bobby honestly dakota's right now i'm hella suss on you wait judy why are you uh when he came in train did that right in front of you something and you're gonna really believe that when i got right neon bro i don't even know which voice is which i don't know if you're a crew mate you're vote trained right now by myself was doing bottom o2 admin trains come train comes in dakotas comes in then we all together go to the top one because we're worried that no one's doing it but it does get done so we're in cafeteria we all decided to group up and go up there anyways to see what the you guys are doing and then the green guy sliced the [ __ ] you know she sees that summit train is right in front of you and he did it bro like right next how certain are you on this man i don't know who to vote for wait wait wait we can solve this we can solve this we can solve this we can solve this guys i know how i know how long please listen listen bobby who do you think it is i think it's train all right bobby all right i'm trusting yesterday train guys lyric dude please tell me you voted in dk all right please i'm trusting you right here man you guys swear thank you man congratulations trust yum hella suss on bobby right now he just jumped in the line of fire like he was the president bro no i thought it was i i i think it's train bobby it's a [ __ ] chat dude i don't know everyone's sticking together this makes it tough lights went out i saw light blue go right body was storage i think it is it might be poods man i'm literally just trying to stay alive as soon as the lights go as i always go away lyric name the last two tasks you did i i'll be honest i was not doing tasks because i was trying more to see what the hell you guys are doing look xuc said it was me the first round i am innocent i saw a blue [ __ ] no one right i did not go right i literally didn't even go there dying wish sure but some people's dying wishes are wrong all right it's five and we know one's out i said we vote lyric and then we stay together for the game look all right you can vote me out that's fine just be cautious of light blue okay this is excuses dying i will be sacrificing scared remember me i just want me and bob in the end we're gonna we're gonna do this me and bob we got this it's all right so now we just gotta kill anyone that's not chibi really what so hasty pewdiepie it has to be pewdiepie holy [ __ ] it has to be him hopefully someone will come through here no it's train it's trade bobby you gotta listen to me man listen it wasn't lyric lyrics said it's pewdiepie we should have left bobby you've been with me the whole game oh bobby please bobby yeah no listen right now this round who went right said me you and gb correct pewdiepie was nowhere to be seen pewdiepie comes from the left kills uh gb and now he's blaming me lyric blame them last what the [ __ ] are you saying because because beauty could have killed me a few times if it was him that's not good enough because he could be using you as an ally what do you mean that's not good enough what an alibi think about it think about it okay if i know you're new to the game i could stick around you not kill you and then when it gets dude he's talking down to yourself [ __ ] hard well i'm not talking down to you okay what's your defense bobby bobby you knew he would stream from last okay let him defend his son let me defend myself no cutie come on now it's your turn go well it's not me obviously i said okay i said it i was with you the whole time i could have killed you a million times bobby that's what i think i'm sorry and and and you knew you voted trained last round as well you knew it was trained i was with you literally right there right yes but then i was like you know no no you're trying to confuse it literally makes no sense bobby bobby bobby you're my boy yo let's make a diss track [Laughter] call it one train hell yeah bobby i'm sorry i'm so sorry [Music] no matter what that was my only strat i was not trying to trick you i just wanted us in the end dude no i'm mad right now oh yeah we all in here trains me wrong all right this might might be fun bobby would not do me like that i don't think bobby would fake around two lights right all right bobby's safe let's stay with bobby oh great i was gonna do asteroids just chilling with homie no no train for that no way i was on logs bro you never passed the y corridor bro cause i don't i don't fully trust something i saw him but there yet the body was there i'm gonna feel so terrible if it's wrong i remember first round lights went out charlie went left that was weird okay cool guys listen why did you buy that train because somebody just came out why do you guys feel bad when you're voting okay who is he still learning jesus without hearing their all right i have emotion man it's an entire double-edged sword the whole game is the death gonna kill me i thought she'd kill me all right well it's not uh i think it i swear as before the lights were going out i swear i saw bobby man it was bobby i was just running with three people okay i want to ask for first through hard clears just just as a pointer who did the fuel who knows they did the fuel you mean who else did the fuel come on guys what's the fuel sorry you'll adapt adapt where's the fuel anybody fuel fuel yeah i did it yeah okay then i think this is correct there's stupid people that did it because it has bar i think these are all three good you ever charlie oh wait i didn't do fuel sorry okay we've seen pewdiepie pass no so this is what i was going to tell you i actually saw a teal that was going to happen as they wake up so it couldn't have been i like how into the game they are though summit faked his shields task oh what what what the [ __ ] are you smoking okay how can you possibly know where i was if the lights go out while i'm on a [ __ ] task okay how do you know when i get off that test he sounds genuinely angry so it's hard to tell unless shroud had a shroud-like scooter accident and broke his arm okay he faked his cast hundred percent because it's probably tell me how explain it then just don't expect because the shield's gonna be it'd be so funny if the other one is bobby i feel like it right this is not saying it i run away from lights i keep saying what are you smoking what are you smoking whether i'm still on that task or not huh brother yes i'm done that's really going all the way until it was at zero guys you can still skip on seven uh out of respect but it's summit i have no respect but i'm skipping anyway [Music] oh lyric no listen it says there is a true body okay i left summit and lyric up top and there's two bodies now can we can we please not vote before we lose again no no no no man i saw you i saw boots you see you guys were on light and then i'm running down and then you guys super suss on x because i think so too many i thought it was bobby first round but not anymore i'm about to turn him on like 10 db he said to lyric oh don't do that okay 22nd each you wanted me to talk oh man no bro how emotional are you going to get in this dude before you just tell them can i talk to you you know what i mean bobby i just i just look at you at the door you know the door that opens to the that's you right you were there yeah i was there okay i was at pewds um there was lyric in summit i went down i saw you because admin says that that somebody was there and i want to look it it was you i go back there's two bodies there is two of them it's both summit and lyric i think we will sum it up first i think that i think we killed among us with this game you feel you felt that too right now bobby if the game doesn't end here it means that the vote was correct otherwise we lose instantly what a way to talk to him dude i think i made that mistake two games ago where i took the game two series and then it's just like not fun i had so much more fun when i just generally no no i was about to report bobby and she hit the button before i could i was going up to electrical and she she killed the body no bobby you got this i was literally about to report man bro we can literally end the game right now if you vote she killed xqc on the top of the y and just i was about to report but she's self-reported come on bobby you got this yeah we're gonna throw if you don't vote right now don't push bobby like why don't you put that bro it is on you though man lyric and summit wanted to kill xqc they wanted to vote him off last round we would have i didn't trust summit or xqc is making a good point at least yeah but xcc was he was accusing me since the first round [Music] he made the right decision this time boys hell yeah gg yeah that's some good [ __ ] all right thanks for playing all the best guys take care uh i think it started off maybe a little bit sweaty but i think we had some really good games i had a good time even if it ends now remember this is good times because it's like it's been really cool go check out the other streamers go you know go check out bobby okay guys [Music] foreign
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 9,223,173
Rating: 4.9538412 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: 32s6iS9ihpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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