Concealed Carry: Non-Hollow Point Ammo in Your Carry Handgun

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[Music] hi we're out on the range today so please bear with gunfire you hear in the background now when it comes to selecting the ammunition for your concealed carry personal protection home defense handgun there's a long list of property of taking a consideration availability cost accuracy perceived effectiveness what barriers have to shoot through what barriers you don't want to shoot through the list goes on at astra but what I consider to be the two most common types of ammunition people will say is some kind of polymer tipped ammunition that is a ballistic tip or some kind of hollow point and the two main reasons to select hollow-point ammunition is one the expanding projectile will do more damage to the intended target and to the expanding projectile will [ __ ] penetration so the danger of damage to inanimate objects like household appliances or vehicles through over penetration is reduced and the danger of injury to innocent bystanders through over penetration is reduced however one of the things on that long list of criteria in selecting ammunition are your local laws there are jurisdictions where hollow-point ammunition is prohibited so viewers have contacted me asking about alternatives to hollow-point ammunition well on many previous occasions we fired ballistic tip ask ammunition of various calibers and various types we've also fired lead round-nosed full-metal-jacket round nosed full-metal-jacket flatpoint lead wad-cutters so today I'd like to shoot three types of ammunition that maybe we haven't fired before let me show you a close-up of them and here's the ammunitions we'll be using today now from your left to right on the left is your Underwood superior high-performance 9 by 19 + p extreme defender with a 65 grain non expanding projectile that looks like a cut off Phillips screwdriver in the center is the Winchester super-clean nine by nineteen with a 105 grain jacketed lead-free flat point and on your right the MagTek 9 by 19 with a 124 grain round nose soft point because we're talking primarily about concealed carry handguns I'm going to use this Sig Sauer model 365 with a three inch barrel and the ammunition I'm going to start with is our mag tech 9 by 19 124 grain round nose soft point now our test medium for those who haven't seen it before is the meet target that's leather jacket skin pork steak pectorals pork ribs a bag of oranges to simulate lung tissue more ribs on the back four layers of t-shirt on the front four layers a t-shirt on the back and the whole thing followed by the new and improved high tech fleece bullet stop and I'll shoot from 7 yards and let's see what kind of results we get while our projectiles all went through the ribs on the front of the target went through the orange lung tissue they all went through the ribs on the back of the target don't really see any damage other than just nine-millimeter holes in our meat target and all of the projectiles were stopped somewhere between the 25th and 35th layer of fleece now let's take a close up look at the projectiles I fired five rounds but I dropped one on the ground and I couldn't find it so here's four of them and you can see virtually no deformation virtually no expansion I've got a new meat target set up and now let's try our Winchester super clean jacketed lead-free flat point target ammunition now this ammunition has the word target stamped on the box and it's also labeled as lead-free so if it's not lead what is it according to what's printed on the box it's a patented tin core and even though it has the word target stamped on the box when I look at this projectile it's not fully jacketed that patented tin core is exposed and the jacket has the divisions in it as if they had expect this projectile to expand so looking at it it looks like a flat nose soft point so let's shoot this in our meat target from seven yards and see what kind of damage we can do [Applause] [Applause] and again you have holes in the ribs on the front of the target holes in our orange lung tissue holes and the ribs on the back of the target doesn't look like a whole lot more damage than just nine-millimeter holes in our target however as far as penetration three of the projectiles were stopped between the 30th and 40th layer of fleece and it looks like a couple of them went clear through the fleece bullet stop now let's take a close up look at the projectiles I did recover and here's our super clean ammunition and we see that the jacket did peel away a little bit on a couple of them but still very little deformation now I've got a new me target set up and I'll shoot this from seven yards with our Underwood superior high-performance extreme defender nine by nineteen plus p65 grain cutoff Phillips head screwdriver projectile and let's see how this does [Applause] [Applause] now I had to move the table due to the Sun glare but I disassembled our meat target and the extreme defender projectiles did a lot of damage to our pork chop pectoral profound damage to the ribs on the front of the target really chewed up our orange lung tissue and the ribs on the back of the target the holes aren't nearly as big as the ribs on the front of the target but still where the projectiles hit ribs broke them and the holes are bigger than just 9 millimeter and all of the projectiles were stopped anywhere from the t-shirt on the back of the target to the fifth layer of fleece so it looks like in the genre of non expanding 9 by 19 projectiles we found a winner but what's really interesting is the condition these projectiles are in now let me show you a close-up here's four of them and you can see they are not deformed at all now a couple more things to add first if you live in a jurisdiction where you're prohibited from having any kind of ammunition other than Full Metal Jacket round-nose don't despair Full Metal Jacket round-nose with proper shot placement can be effective secondly I cannot quote chapter inverse of every firearms law in every municipality in every county or Shire in every state or province in every nation in the entire world but I can say that in many jurisdictions there are ammunition restrictions and those ammunition restrictions are written differently in different jurisdictions in some places it may be a prohibition specifically of hollow-point projectiles in other places you may be prohibited from having any kind of expanding projectile and just because those extreme defender rounds didn't expand that does not necessarily mean they're legal in all jurisdictions so on that long list of criteria in selecting ammunition checking your local laws is definitely on the list so as always don't try this at home on what you call a professional and thanks for watching the non hollow-point ammunition video [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 372,102
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, paul harrell concealed carry, fmj concealed carry, hollow point concealed carry, non hollow point concealed carry, non hollow point ammo, hollow point ammo, concealed carry ammo, paul harrell non hollow point ammo, paul harrell hollow point ammo
Id: t1xpAbV2gsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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