Full Metal Jacket Ammo Vs Hollow Point - Difference And Usage

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[Music] hey y'all bill cork with the defensive training group and big daddy unlimited here to do another video and this time we're going to be talking about the differences between defensive ammunition and our training ammunition just explaining the whys and the where fours and why you're going to choose one for which application so typically speaking for training recreation competition and whatnot we're going to use full metal jacket and what that means is that the the projectile the bullet itself has got this consistent metal jacket usually copper that covers the entire top of the bullet now a full metal jacket usually the the base is going to be exposed lead you can get tmj which the base is covered with a jacket as well but your typical full metal jacket is just going to be the exposed portion that you can see when you handle the cartridge on the other end of the spectrum we've got our jhp jacketed hollow point and this is what we're going to normally use for defensive purposes so we're going to get into that so the reason that we use our full metal jacket is normally it's less expensive of course that these days that's not necessarily the case but in ordinary times this is going to be less expensive than your jacketed hollow point and these are also very reliable and most semi-automatic pistols because they are a nice smooth rounded shape and that's going to be relevant for some of our our discussions in a second as well with your standard full metal jacket you may get a little bit more of a point of impact shift at times because the velocities may not be as consistent they're perfectly safe to run but because they are more of your your economy ammunition in normal circumstances there may be a bit more variance shot to shot that if you're a good enough shooter you may actually see that so the hollow point on the other hand the hollow point like i said this is for defensive uses and a couple of things to think about first of all uh usually a bit more accurate because these are the premium load so a bit more quality control goes into them like i said perfectly safe to shoot i'm not suggesting otherwise but a bit more consistency and shot to shot so that is going to produce a bit more accuracy again if you were good enough that you can actually capitalize on that the big thing about the hollow point is the way that it is designed to respond in soft tissue and this is why we use it for defensive purposes so if i was to give you an example if i was to give you a grapefruit and have you hold it in your hand and take an ice pick and stab into the grapefruit you'd be like i don't want to do that because you know it's going to go straight through the grapefruit it's going to stab you in the hand not a whole lot of energy transfer as the point goes through the the fruit and it's going to hit you in the hand that's going to be your full metal jacket nice pointed tip and not a whole lot of energy transfer as it goes through whatever's in front of it there's a good chance it's going to continue all the way through your hollow point on the other hand is designed to expand when it hits that soft tissue and so what it does i have here this is a 147 grain federal hst and this is a shot 147 grain federal hst that was fired out of a service pistol in this case the czp07 at about five yards through a pork roast and this one did not go all the way through and we were able to autopsy it out of the pork roast this is a demonstration i do in some of my classes where we will get the pork roast and we shoot it first with full metal jacket and then we get a second one shoot it with the hollow point and then a third one we shoot with a standard defensive response of three to six rounds of hollow point just to see what they do and to illustrate in a very graphic way for the students why we do what we do and after we shoot each piece we bring it back and autopsy it look at the wound channel look at how much energy was transferred to the flesh itself and recover any projectiles that are in there and we'll talk about that in a second because that's also important so because this is designed to expand you can see you go from .355 of an inch nominal to this one is about .7 of an inch but you can see quite a significant increase in surface area so going back to our our grapefruit example so now if i gave you the same grapefruit and a hammer and told you to smack the grapefruit you'd have no problem with that because you know the flat striking surface of the hammer is going to transfer all the energy into the fruit and not go through and strike you in the hand that is what our hollow point is meant to do now this isn't about damaging the person or hurting the person or anything like that this is about transferring energy as efficiently and effectively as possible into the target so that a it stops the target more reliably and b is less likely to over penetrate and strike something that we didn't intend and those are two very important considerations in a previous video several months ago we talked about the concept of cya which in this case is not what you think it stands for can you articulate can you as a reasonable person explain to another reasonable person why you did what you did and this is a good umbrella principle for us to use when we're looking at modifying guns what guns we're going to carry our training and our ammunition selection hollow points have been presented in certain circles as being more damaging more deadly all sorts of labels that really don't get at what we're trying to accomplish the way i look at it cya can i articulate these are the responsible choice when we're talking about defensive ammunition using something as a defensive tool because when they expand it increases the energy dump into that target which increases the likelihood it's going to stop that target and like i said it decreases the possibility of it over penetrating and striking something we didn't intend so it really is the responsible choice when we're uh talking about our ammunition i hear a lot well i want something that's not going to over penetrate and unfortunately i'm here to tell you you can't ever count on that the most reliable cartridge that intest has never over penetrated in the real world you just don't know the bottom line is you are responsible for every single round you fire so paying too much attention you can look at the prop their properties do your research and find something that you think is less likely to over penetrate but ultimately at the end of the day you are responsible for every round that you fire and you can't count on something not making it through i have seen rifle cartridges fail to go through drywall i have seen pistol cartridges go through drywall punch through it like a hot knife through butter you just don't know the angle the deflection just luck of the draw may let it go through me it may stop you just don't know you're responsible so that's a big thing to think about i mentioned earlier that your full metal jacket tend to be very reliable and semi-automatic pistols nice smooth shape they're going to feed very easy with modern good quality semi-automatic pistols like my ate iglook 17 or my langdon tactical 92 compact 92g compact you're probably not going to have a problem at all with hollow points but just consider that because you do have this lip here this this ridge that between the two this is going to feed better this if you're going to have a problem is probably more likely to worry where you're going to see your problem so you need to take your gun your hollow point not just hollow points but your specific hollow point that you have selected and test that ammunition in your gun at least 50 rounds 250 is better yes i know it's expensive but how valuable is your life you want to make sure that your weapon system is going to run your ammunition and you can't just read an article and go well they said glocks run with this stuff really good your gun your ammunition you got to go test them there have been examples throughout history in the past 20 30 years where there was a good cartridge and there was a good gun among the many guns that are out there and the two were just not compatible this particular cartridge based on the way this gun is set up with the feed ramp and so on and so forth they just did not like each other you won't know that unless you go out and actually test your gun with your ammunition okay so that's a big thing to think about the final thing to talk about is accuracy point of aim point of impact when you get into the ammunition 115 grand 147 120 427 different bullet weights for nine millimeters what i'm talking about here but all calibers are going to have this people get really wrapped around the axle about well i want everything to be the same i want to maintain this that and the other just because your full metal jacket is 147 grand and your defensive hollow point is 147 grain there are other variables that go in there as far as the powder the velocity it's loaded to all this kind of stuff so just because it's the same weight bullet does not mean in a perfect world it's going to have the same point of impact ultimately you need to go out and again test your ammunition know where your ammunition your carry ammunition is going to hit what's the point and what's the point of impact in my experience and this is going to be a little bit ego devastation to a lot of people most people myself included do not shoot really well enough to notice too much of a difference on a good day at 25 yards i may notice the difference between my hollow point and my full metal jacket normally i run 115 grain full metal jacket and i run the 147 grain federal hst as my defensive lid and um on a good day at 25 yards i may notice a difference in point of aim point of impact closer in i don't okay so test it make sure you know see if there is a difference that you can discern but i wouldn't worry about that too terribly much the big thing is make sure that it is in fact reliable in your weapon system so those are the things we wanted to talk about with defensive ammunition versus your full metal jacket if you have any questions put them below if you have any comments put them below as always if you like the video give us a like give us a subscribe and you all stay safe
Channel: Big Daddy Unlimited
Views: 28,953
Rating: 4.8971257 out of 5
Keywords: tactical, guns, gun, 2a, gunsdaily, gunporn, pewpew, militia, ar15, glock, firearms, 2ndamendment, merica, pistol, molonlabe, weapons, rifle, 9mm, weaponsdaily, military, sickguns, gunsofinstagram, secondamendment, gunchannels, ammo, gunfanatics, nra, pewpewlife, concealedcarry, america, tacticalgunners, fmj, fmj vs hollow point, fmj for self defense, full metal jacket, hollow point, hollow point, hollow point bullets, hollow point vs full metal jacket
Id: 2Wm7iSVfMPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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