Amir Tsarfati - Revealing Revelation 2023 Davao - Session 5

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Lord we thank you [Music] blessed are you Lord the king of the universe that gave us life sustained us and brought us to this very moment to this very day of being in the last session of this amazing opportunity to study your word of Prophecy that has the promise of so much blessing to the reader and the hearer in Jesus name we pray amen so all things new are you excited see often times people think that when Christ will reign on Earth for a thousand years the millennial Kingdom there will be no pain and no sorrow and no sin no Rebellion but nothing could be further from the truth I want to tell you something folks yes Jesus will reign physically from Jerusalem yes we will reign with him but do not throw away your tissue papers because you are going to cry and have pain and sorrow like actually never before and let me explain as we just heard Jesus will reign for a thousand years and he's in Jerusalem in the fourth temple that Ezekiel describes in Ezekiel 40 to 48. and we we all have our glorified bodies look we will have a beautiful body that requires no more diet we will be young and new and the Bible says in first first Corinthians 15 that the Mortal will wear immortality we will not I mean people will fly on airplanes and we will fly next to them we will knock on the window from the outside asking him how the food is ladies and gentlemen but what is going to happen in the end of the millennial Kingdom we just heard the greatest rebellion of mankind in the history of planet Earth is going to happen when Satan will be released for a short time remember and so many will join him from the four corners of the world to come against the Lord and against the Saints in the Beloved city folks we're talking about can you imagine how heartbreaking it is to be with Jesus for a thousand years and to receive such a farewell party from the world we will be in a State of Shock and maybe even PTSD when we enter into the New Jerusalem which explains why in the New Jerusalem there is the tree of life that has leaves for the healing of the Nations in fact the greatest Rebellion as I said is going to take place something that as I said surely brings so much pain and tears to all of us now for the good news the final battle we just heard is over no more war no more sin no more Satan who is now burning in the Lake of Fire no more sinful nature because all of us in the New Jerusalem act are actually uh with glorified bodies no more World system in Rebellion those statements are hard maybe to to even comprehend since we are all sinners living in sinful world see for us sin we may hate sin but we're acquainted with sin we know what it is we're not surprised to see it so we almost kind of got used to sinful world for us to hear the word sinless world it's unbelievable unthinkable but one day all those statements will be our reality amen there is going to be new heaven A New Earth and it's important to remember that it wasn't only Earth that was contaminated as I stated before heaven was as well Satan rebelled Rebellion is Sin Sin was there remember there is three heavens when Paul talks about how God took him to the third heaven it's because there is the heaven that we see when we look outside there is the heaven that only in a spaceship you'll be able to see but there is the heaven that you cannot see this is where the throne room of God is this is above and beyond the galaxies and sin we know who Satan was the Bible describes him as one of the cherubims that was given great Beauty and great power so he was in the throne room of God in the third heaven he was in the presence of God and he rebelled sin penetrated into the holy of the holies heaven as I stated was penetrated with or contaminated and that is why God is going to introduce both new Heaven and new earth now the new Heaven and new earth as in Revelation 21 I saw new Heaven A New Earth for the first heaven and first Earth had passed away also there was no more sea all the Filipinos you will be re-educated no more sea although I was born in Jerusalem my parents actually met in the city of elat by the Red Sea and then they moved near Jerusalem that's where I was born but then they were divorced and they went back to that City but I didn't I never went back with them I grew up in foster care but but my throughout my life I used to go to um you know summer break or or holidays and I was right by the Red Sea all the time I I know what it what it's like to fall in love with the ocean and and a lot has one of the best coral reefs in the world and yet we're coming to the point when the vast majority of material that covers planet Earth is going to be gone no more C then I John saw the holy city the new Jerusalem this is not this one oh I love Jim Bruce yes this is not it this Jerusalem will come to an end and it will be burning and destroyed like the whole world is coming he's going to make everything new the New Jerusalem coming down out of what not a man-made Out of Heaven and tell you why it cannot be man-made look at the materials it's made of prepared as a bride adorned for her husband and I heard a loud voice from Heaven saying behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people God himself God is you know God the father is not here right now if the holy spirit is here there's no doubt but God the father in The Throne Room something that the people cannot see because we are in our sinful nature but God himself will want the Bible says he will be with them and be their God and God God look we are already in the New Jerusalem not in the millennial Kingdom Earthly Jerusalem we're in a new thing and only there because we just come out of the Great Rebellion God will wipe our tears from our eyes there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying that means up until this moment there were up until this point we had tears we had pain we had sorrow we had crying there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away you know some people say Amir when we are raptured will our cats and dogs we were happy with us and I'm like when you're a Rapture that's the last thing you will think about you know one time I was in Miami and uh I saw a woman jogging with a stroller the stroller was double stroller and she's jogging everything and the closer the stroller got to me the weirder it got and then when I finally got to understand what I'm seeing these were two chihuahuas in their baby strollers these things will pass away I was in in another place I went to have coffee and someone was sitting outside with his bulldog and the bulldog had a glasses on now this is not just a new testament concept huge new Heaven and new earth you can find it throughout the Old Testament as well I mean Isaiah 65 says behold I create new Heaven and new earth and the former shall not be remembered or come to mind shall not be remembered which means your mind will be reprogrammed it should not even come to mind not only that you will not remember you won't even think about it after that oh I I love Davao City I love balut I love uh you know um durian what is wrong with you guys one time I remember I was in gensan and Manny Pacquiao told me okay in order to prove your allegiance to the Filipino people either you eat balut or durian and the camera was on I had to make a choice and I'm thinking balut or durian I chose durian and I threw up the whole night Isaiah 66 for as the new heavens and the new Earth which I will make shall remain before me says the Lord so shall your descendants and your name remain then there is the Apostle Peter who also referred to a new Heaven A New Earth in second Peter he says but the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise and the elements will melt with fervent heat remember I told you this this Jerusalem is going to melt and the Bible says both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up therefore since all these things will be dissolved what Manner or persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness looking for and hastening the coming of the day of the Lord because of which the heavens will be dissolved being on fire and the elements will make will melt with fervent Heat now by the way the Greek language has two words for new the first word is and it refers to something that is new in time and the second word is kainos which is new in nature basically um so new in Time new in kind and the new Heaven and new earth are actually both both new in time and also new in kind they are superior to our present Heaven and Earth they are both Chronos and kainos and along with the new Heaven and Earth we see in our future also in New Jerusalem that is coming down out of Heaven it is not heaven itself and the best news of all is that our God will Tabernacle or dwell with us Emmanuel this is what God always wanted from his people from the very beginning he said that I want to dwell with my people so in the wilderness he had Moses build a tabernacle which is a tent of meeting and so he could also be with his people the Temple of Solomon God once again was able to dwell with his people and then Jesus arrived on Earth and he was God dwelling with us and now finally and eternally Our God will be dwelling with us and so we are getting a message from the throne contrary to the perfect nature of the New Jerusalem where once again introduced to the other place see outside of the New Jerusalem outside it's not geographically we have to everything is going to be different outside is almost like in a different realm it's not like we are going to have Windows and look at the outside of who they are burning no no no it's a way but it's outside it's not it's not in our world there's going to be that Lake of Fire which will continue for eternity look when we live in this world our choices are whether we want to live with Christ forever or burn forever but it's in both cases eternal Revelation 21 5 to 8 then he who sat on the throne said behold I make all things new and he said to me right for these words are true and faithful these are not stories that's not something I'm using to scare you it's not scared tactic Jesus is saying right it's true it's faithful I'm telling you and he he said to me it is done I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end I will give of the Fountain of Water of Life freely for him who thirsts and he who overcomes shall inherit all things and I will be his God and shall be my he shall be my son but and look how he starts the list we love to say oh sexually moral oh this oh look what the first in list is what is it cowardly those who are afraid to stand up for the truth they are first the unbelieving the abdominal the murders and now comes the sexually immoral not that he's less I'm just saying so often this is the first thing that comes out of our mouth but God sees all the others that not maybe sleep with the same sex but and now enabling it allowing it and are afraid to speak against it abominable murderers sexually immorality by the way is not only same-sex it's also sleeping outside of marriage it's also committing adultery it's not just one thing or one I don't know I'm attracted to women so I'm go oh what if you lost another woman you see we love to tag the others but we need to understand this list Sorcerers idolaters but any religion and I'm saying that and I'm taking responsibility and I know that is it will be considered one day's hate speech any religion that is allowing people to worship little statues it's a religion of idolatry it's a religion of not only idolatry but sorcery and all liars also Liars it's very simple you know one you say the other that's a liar have you ever thought about how important it is for a Christian to Simply say the truth they shall have their part in the lake which burns what with fire and brimstone which is the second death you see the first death we learned anyone who dies among you among me among anyone the whole world when you get to a certain age or disease or you gotta or accident or something and you die that's the first step you can die a month old you can die 99 or 116 that's the first step first step your body and soul separates the body is rotting in a tomb after 11 months nothing is left but bones and your soul is waiting for the judgment now it all depends if you're a Believer or not if you're a Believer to be absent from the body means to beware present with the Lord you go up but if you are a non-believer you go to a place called where you are waiting your sentence which is the white Throne judgment and is that's where people are sentenced to the second death and the second death is eternal and it's terrible because you're not really dead you're alive forever in the wrong place Isaiah 48 listen to me o Jacob and Israel Mike called I am he I am the first and I also and the last he says it is done The Grieving of the father is finished his children are no longer sinning they are home with him and we now drink from the Water of Life and God judgment is what is for a reason but also for a season we can be assured that the pla the plan that God has laid out in Revelation will come to pass all the good things in Revelation belong to those of us who have become members of his family for those outside of Christ unfortunately I'm saying that all the Terrible Things written in the Book of Revelation will be theirs just like Roman said eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory honor and immorality um and any mortality but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish and then he makes it very clear remember you remember what he says in Romans 1 he says he he he's talking about um the fact that he's to the Jew first remember what about here even the bad things to the Jew first and also to the Greek for there is no partiality with God then we hear about the New Jerusalem one of the Seven Angels who had the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues came to me and talked with me saying come I will show you the bride the Lamb's wife now remember it's not just the Lamb's wife is is not the city necessarily but it's the city and where the bride lives also because we are definitely as the Bible says we are also the bride of Christ as as you can clearly see in Revelation 19 let us be glad and rejoice and give him glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his wife has made herself ready and to her it was granted to be a raid in fine linen clean and bright for the fine linen is the righteous Act of the Saints so we are the wife now of Christ after the wedding and for us also the New Jerusalem is coming as a bride you understand that he described this New Jerusalem in the next 22 verses not only that it is a huge City have you ever seen a city that is 1400 miles long now I know Davao is considered as the largest city in the world in in land mass am I right what is the length 50 miles 1400 miles a thousand four hundred miles long Jerusalem now comes the fun part are you ready listen look at me Jerusalem will not only be 400 1400 miles wide but 1400 miles tall and wide it's a cube it's something of a new dimension that you have not seen before it's a new thing everything you know kiss that thought goodbye that all things have passed away he's giving us something amazing new refreshing large enough for all of us the New Jerusalem shines with the glory of God Brilliance like a precious Jewel High walls with 12 gates and 12 angels at the gates three gates on the east north south and west with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel the wall of the city had 12 foundations with the names of The Twelve Apostles of the Lamb the length width and height were 1400 miles the walls were made of Jasper 216 feet thick the city was made of pure gold look at the people today they see something made of God you're going to be walking in a city and it's just all gold okay listen I heard someone told me that the New Jerusalem is in Davao okay do we read what the New Jerusalem is all about with all the money that kibaloy has is it all made of pure gold are the walls thick made of Jasper yeah so he built a stadium wow the 12 gates were 12 pearls each gate made of a single Pearl now every time you walk by his New Jerusalem you will be like that because you know what the New Jerusalem is all about the great Street of the city was pure gold like transparent glass no Temple is needed for the Lord Almighty and the lamb are its Temple no sun or moon since the glory of God gives the light and Jesus is the menorah the glory and honor of the Nations will be brought into it only those whose name are in the Lamb's Book of Life will be in it he makes everything new for those who say that what John wrote is not what he really meant by what he wrote We quote from the last chapter of the last book of the Bible this then he said to me these words are faithful and true and the Lord God of the holy prophet sent his Angel to show his servants the things which say must must say must say must must shortly take place see these things don't mean what they say they mean how then can they be either faithful or true it's as if John wrote Satan was bound for a thousand years but of course I don't mean a literal thousand years so you'll have to figure out what I'm really attempting to tell you or get expert explained I mean no John was not writing these words to a seminary professor he was writing them to a group of people who did not have a library full of books at home these were people who had letters read to them by someone else who had the ability to read because in those days most of them were never had the luxury of literacy can you imagine them clustering together after they heard that letter read and asking one another I wonder what John really meant when he wrote about a thousand years there must be something deeper there of course not so how come you said shortly well the word shortly in the Greek is not talking about The Nearness as much as the speed tahos is speed this word deals more with the speed of the events than the timing of the events and what's being communicated is that once these events begin they will take place in quick succession the same word was used by the way in Revelation 1 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him short to show his servants things which must shortly take place one in other words once they begin it will be quick and he sent and signified by his Angel to his servant John then Jesus breaks in in chapter in verse 7 saying behold I am coming quickly blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book four times Jesus breaks into the narrative saying behold I am coming quickly and then he adds blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book this is a reminder of the blessing he said at the very beginning of the book in verse 3 of chapter 1. a reminder of great blessing now John made a mistake you know John is human I know that some people teach you that though those old New Testament Apostles and Saints are like God but hey he was human he made a mistake now I John saw and heard these things and when I heard and saw I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel who showed me these things and then he said to me see that you do not do that he's very very polite he didn't kick him up and say get up he says see that you don't do that for I am your fellow servant I'm an angel I'm not God I'm just fellow servant he said and I'm your brethren and a fellow servant and Brethren of the prophets and and of those who keep the words of this book worship God everyone let's say together worship God don't worship idols don't worship a man even if he sits in the Vatican worship God not amen ladies and gentlemen he says and he said to me do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand he who is unjust let him be unjust till he was filthy Let It Be filthy still he who is righteous Let It Be righteous still he who is Holy let in he holy still see only one person deserves the worship and it's not ourselves or some angel from heaven but God does not share his glory with anyone he alone is to be worshiped and Jesus breaks in again and says behold I'm coming quickly my reward is with me to give to everyone according to his work I am the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last see salvation is always a matter of God's grace but Rewards are the results of our faithfulness we will receive our rewards at the bema seat of Christ but if that isn't enough he is the reward here is the reward of being with him throughout eternity so not only that we receive that we are with him forever and ever that's it it will be on an entirely different state of being nothing like today where we work while it is daylight and then we watch some TV and eventually turn on turning for bed our new bodies will need no rest hmm no sick days off no leave of absence for pregnancy no need for vacations no concern for over working for a boss who doesn't really understand us see John once again reminds the reader that this is a book of blessings there are seven blessings of Revelation if you remember in Revelation 1 3 blessed is He who reads that those who hear the words of this prophecy Revelation 14 13 He says blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord from now on Revelation 16 15 blessed is He Who Watches and keeps this garment Revelation 19 9 blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb Revelation 26 blessed is and holy who he who has part of the first resurrection which is the resurrection of those who believed who belong to Jesus revelation 22 7 I'm coming quickly blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book revelation 22 14 blessed are those who do his Commandments that they may have the right to the tree of life but there are seven more blessing even as Believers we capture a glimpse of Heaven and see how much we will gain by being Believers and ambassadors of Christ in the present evil age in which we live today number two we come to see what true worship is all about it's not about my trials and tribulations on Earth but rather it is Heaven focused God focused and the lamb and the lion focused three we get to understand that the promises of God through the prophets the apostles and Jesus culminate in the Book of Revelation and it has over 500 references from the Old Testament alone how can you say the Old Testament is not relevant when 500 times in this book alone you have those mentioning we are blessed to know both the evil that evil will be dealt with and never to appear again that's it it's not a temporary it's Eternal end of evil okay hello amen amen we're blessed to see the work of the entire Triune godhead in the book The Father the Son and the Holy Spirit amen like Abraham of old we too look for a city our city is the New Jerusalem descending from heaven we are blessed to know that we will not spend eternity in heaven floating on clouds and playing Harps but we will have purpose relevance and all the blessings that come with serving the King of Kings and the Lord of lords amen and then Jesus breaks in once again and says I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches again the word church is here again we're speaking to the churches again this love letter is to the churches I am the root and The Offspring of David the bright and The Morning Star that's the first time we find the word church since chapter three the entire description of the tribulation the word church is not even mentioned once because we're not there we read about Israel and the Nations we've read about the wrath of God since chapter six but we were but where is the church in those chapters from chapter 6 to 19 you can't find it it has been removed the wrath of God was never presigned to punish the bride of Christ it was designated to bring Israel to their Messiah and to punish mankind for his sinfulness lustful and self-centered life the Babylonian mindset first Thessalonians 5 9 for God did not appoint us to Wrath but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ and one last warning one last warning for I testify to everyone and listen to this this is very important that's a warning from Jesus Christ to the church not to the world outside I testify to everyone who hears the words of this prophecy of this book if anyone adds to these things if anyone says God appear before me and now I am the appointed son if any Revelation outside of this book I the God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of this book of this prophecy God shall take away his part from The Book of Life from the holy city and from the things which are written in this book wow that's uh God says this is the letter don't touch it read it and listen to it as is don't change don't add don't subtract these words are like those of Moses when he reminded his people to obey what God had revealed to him Deuteronomy 4 2 you shall not add to the word which I command to you nor take from it that you may keep the Commandments of the Lord your God which I command you Jesus breaks in once again saying he who testifies of these things says surely I am coming quickly amen let's let's stand and and and and say together okay let's stand let's say he who testifies to these things says surely I am coming quickly amen even so come Lord Jesus the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all amen amen we just finished the book of Revelation congratulations wow wow wow you can bring the two chairs outside I don't know how but we made it we give you a few minutes for questions and answers and then we will conclude listen to me now you cannot say I don't know that excuse is out of the window but now you can also say I'm blessed I am blessed I'm blessed because you just heard the words of this prophecy and the Bible says blessed is He who reads and the one who hears the words of this book so you are blessed amen amen Lord we thank you for your word we thank you for your promises for your blessings for your warnings as well we thank you that it's here in Davao that we started the one day revealing Revelation conference the people here came from all around to behold and listen not to the words of men but to the words of Jesus Christ himself we thank you and we bless you and Lord if there is anyone here that still does not know you today May the Holy Spirit not let him sleep at all and Shake him and bring him down on his knees to acknowledge your lordship and to confess his sinful nature and to give his life completely to you to be completely radically changed and saved we thank you in Jesus name amen
Channel: Praise Revival Center Davao
Views: 34,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amir tsarfati, behold israel, barry stagner, rapture, prophecy, pre-tribulation, revelation, revealing revelation
Id: e30KTzOLIcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 2sec (2582 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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