The Millennial Kingdom - Amir Tsarfati

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I prefer to be in the house of the Lord and thank you for the invitation thank you for all of you yesterday was a an amazing day I think that the Lord has done a lot of things in I am grateful to be able to share with you this morning a message that I only shared once and that was last week in Manila and here you are getting it for the second time it's a message that the Lord put on my heart due to so much confusion false teachings in deception that is related to it and I'm talking about the Millennial Kingdom that Kingdom that so many people aren't really clear about they don't and you know I don't know if you know that but a lot of people believe that we are already in the Millennial Kingdom and it's so sad because if this what the Millennial Kingdom is all about then I'm worried about heaven I want to tell you folks the Millennial Kingdom is the topic of today and we need to understand that the term millennial comes from Allah from thousand in other words the thousand years Kingdom and we will ask ourselves what is the Millennial Kingdom what is it all about and in order to understand that let's go to Revelation chapter 20 verses 1 to 6 this is the only place where the Millennial Kingdom is mentioned New Testament apart from little hints elsewhere that the epistles so chapter 20 verse 1 through 6 then I saw an angel coming down from heaven having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand he laid hold of the dragon the serpent of old who is the devil and Satan and bound him for what a thousand years for the first time we see the term thousand years merely thousand and so he cast him into the bottomless pit and shut him up and set a seal on him so what he will he should deceive the nation's No More until the thousand years were finished but after these things he must be released for a while I want you to remember the word must say that mass Jesus used that word when he talked about him fulfilling the prophecies in the Old Testament he says all that is written regarding me in the Moses and the Psalms and the prophets must be fulfilled the word must is the key to understand it you have to understand God is out there full to fulfill his promises his word and therefore must it's not maybe could be should be it will happen it must happen and therefore we see that even the release of Satan back to the world for a short time must happen and tonight today we're going to find out why it must happen and then the Bible says and I saw Thrones and they sat on them and judgment was committed to them and then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness so he saw a throne he saw people and then he also saw those who were beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God who had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands and they lived and reigned with him and lived and reigned with Christ for how long yes once again we see the term thousand years okay but the rest of the dead those who are not saved those who receive the mark of the beast those who never received the love of the truth that they may be saved the rest of the Dead the Bible says regarding them they did not live again until the thousand years are finished this is the first resurrection he says blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection over such the second death has no power but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him how long exactly so we we see that there is a term there is a term of time there is a period of time of exactly 1000 years where two major things are going to happen and obviously the Bible talks about the future one we know that the culmination of the satanic presence in the world will come to an end and he will be thrown down to the bottomless pit he will be shut up sealed off and he will no longer be able to deceive the nation's this is by the way the number one job of satan he goes out to deceive the nation's deception lies this is who is is the father of all lies why by the way you cannot deceive anyone unless you know the truth only when you know the truth and you tell the opposite you deceive someone when you don't know the truth and you tell someone something it's deception it's you're wrong basically but you're deceiving someone when you know that what you say is wrong and yet you want that person to believe that lie and so lies are normally when you lie to someone you know the truth but you choose the lie and then Satan has been deceiving the nation's and it may be next year when I come we will hold the teaching on the deception of the nations there's a whole teaching on it on what is it all about and for the most part the deception has to do with Israel he deceives the nation's regarding Israel but I want you to know that during those thousand years something amazing is going to happen the believers in Jesus Christ are now divided to two there is those who went up to be with the Lord during the rapture and there are those that are going through the tribulation because they got saved throughout the tribulation and they did not receive the mark of the beast and they did not receive it or they did not serve Him and they were beheaded and yet the Bible says that the Lord will resurrect them and he will give also them a chance to be equally ruling and reigning and becoming priests throughout that time of Millennial Kingdom now how can you be a ruler or a priest unless you have people under you I mean I can be a priest but if there is no one under me Who am I going to serve how can I rule can you imagine your elected mayor of the desert and there no meaning so by definition to rule and be priest means there are going to be subjects in your kingdom so now we understand this is the New Testament portion it is referring to the end of the tribulation it is not part of the tribulation if the Bible talks about our time and then comes the rapture and then seven years tribulation and then comes of course the return of Christ on earth with us then there is a thousand years Millennial Kingdom and only after that he's going to make all things new new heavens and new earth and new Jerusalem so the thousand years are going to be in this earth devar was still well throughout the tribulation a lot of islands will disappear so um you don't want to be here regarding Jerusalem and Israel I can tell you they will survive so you might want to think about moving but I just want you to know I just want you to know that we're no longer we're not talking about anything new yet we're talking about Christ will return and establish his kingdom with us on this earth here and there will be sinners and people and this earth whom we over whom we will of course right now is the Millennial Kingdom in the Old Testament you know there's so many people that don't understand that the Old Testament has more scriptures regarding the Millennial Kingdom than the New Testament you must understand for example Zechariah 14 verses 16 to 20 the Prophet Zechariah speaks of the Battle of Armageddon speaks of the last battle when people will want to fight Jesus and the Bible says and Jesus's feet will come and stand on Mount of Olives it says and it shall come to pass that everyone that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the king the Lord of hosts and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles it not interesting is not going to be keeping Christmas it's not gonna be keeping Easter it's not gonna keep be keeping things giving it's not going to be keeping the Black Nazarene what is it that we are going to celebrate every year in Jerusalem when Jesus will reign from there the Feast of Tabernacles because of all the seven festivals of Israel Tabernacles will be fulfilled in the Millennial Kingdom so the word Tabernacle means the Lord will dwell with us and the next time Jesus will dwell with us on earth is in the new in the Millennial Kingdom and the Bible says that it shall be that who who so will not come up of all the native families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the king the Lord of Hosts even upon them shall be no rain so the Bible says there will be people on earth nations and they will have to go to Jerusalem every year that's why if you want to invest your money invest it in new airlines and new hotels in Israel because everyone will have to come to Israel every year and if they don't come the blessing will not be upon them the Bible says I'm thinking about new airlines air Messiah Jesus Airways all I mean think about it so listen so many I mean listen why am I saying that the Bible says if the family of Egypt go not up and come not then have no rain that have no rain and there shall be the plague wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles you understand if you don't come their consequences they will flock to Jerusalem so the airlines will have good business hotels will be full and this shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all nations that come up come not up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles in that day shall they be upon the bells of the horses holiness unto the Lord and the pots in the Lord's house shall be like the bowls before the altar it's gonna be a beautiful beautiful thing now let me make it very clear Jesus Christ will come not as a suffering servant riding a donkey weeping over Jerusalem Jesus will come back as a ruling King riding a horse and he will be establishing a kingdom and there is political side to that Millennial Kingdom the political side of the Millennial Kingdom I want you to understand consider that with me the rain will be worldwide as chapter 2 verse 2 and Isaiah - look at how many times Isaiah speaks of the Millennial Kingdom Isaiah - Isaiah 9 Isaiah 11 Isaiah 42 Isaiah 33 32 I mean 60-49 I mean Isaiah is and that's just one I didn't even mention Jeremiah in Hosea and Zechariah all the old prophet the prophet of the Old Testament were given a revelation of what it will be when Jesus will reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years it will be peaceful in nature and the world will be blessed with righteousness and justice the Lord's throne will be established in Jerusalem for he will occupy the throne of David his government will be a theocratic Pharos it will be not democratic it will be ther aquatic God will be also the ruler God will be also the political ruler and it will be also that and then of course he will serve as king legislature and judge amazing the Bible says that the redeemed will reign with the Lord as princes see Isaiah says in 32 as princes but we just heard we will be like priests and rulers look at yourself right now take your two fingers touch yourself if you're a believer you're a future ruler future prince or princess future priests you understand the Lord will be reigning from Jerusalem the nation of Israel will be the prime nation in the world nowadays we're not let's face it the eyes of the whole world are at the Washington DC nowadays anything that happens there makes worldwide news within seconds any word that the president of the US says affects global markets today but the day will come where Israel will be the prime nation in the world because the Lord will reign from there that will be the new and the most important capital in the entire world there's also a spiritual state of the Millennial Kingdom that we need to know first of all the glory and holiness of the Lord will be manifested Isaiah 40 Isaiah 52 Isaiah 61 in Isaiah 66 all speaking of it holiness will abound and an attitude of joy and praise will prevail the ransomed of the Lord will return and come with joyful shouting to Zion with everlasting joy upon their heads they will be fine gladness and joy and sorrow and sighing will flee away every built temple in Jerusalem will serve as the worship center of the entire world there has to be a temple in Jerusalem therefore if somebody says we already live in the Millennial Kingdom this is baloney there is no temple in Jerusalem Jerusalem is not the capital of the world and Jesus is not sitting there on the throne the Bible says incredibly the Shekinah of glory of God will hover over the city of Jerusalem like a canopy and the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea wow what about the nature in the Millennial Kingdom another proof that we're not yet there because the Bible says the Land of Israel will no longer be a place of desolation which is true instead the fruit of the earth will be pride of Israel waters will break forth from the wilderness but then it says the animal kingdom will be restored to its original perfection poisonous animals will cease to be poisonous you're not amazing and meat-eating animals will become herb herb various have been herbivorous her beavers her beavers you know people ask me if I'm vegetarian I always tell them the steak that I eat is of a cow that is vegetarian however all animals will eat herbs once again all members of the animal kingdom will live together in perfect peace I mean how often do you see a National Geographic Channel you see how the cheetah or the the tiger they're running after a an innocent deer and they just put their teeth in it and just devour it that's not living in harmony last time I checked but they will live in harmony because the deal will not be any more food for the lion it will be his friend they will leave in peace and with each other and also with mankind when was the last time you went to the jungle and sat and had coffee with the Lions but we will be able to do that during the Millennial Kingdom there will be peace not only between the animals themselves but also between mankind and animals I mean the Cobra will go all around stand like that look at you and smile now we don't have it now do we but Isaiah said that we will have it I I'm just we can just look into Isaiah 65 25 just so you can understand what I'm talking about in 65 25 trust me I I went over all those verses and it says and the in the wolf and the lamb shall feed together the lion shall eat straw like the Ox I mean he I'm sure all the animals will make fun of the lion look at you became vegan and dust shall be the Serpent's food they shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountains so we see an amazing world we see an amazing reality yet most of the people in the world do not believe in the literal Millennial Kingdom in fact there is a great deception in often times the enemy deceives people over the most important things if it's not important he don't he doesn't need to deceive you but if it's super important for your life he will make sure you will be deceived that's why Israel is the subject of the deception of the nations because if you believe that God chose them for a reason for a season for a purpose and if you support them and if you pray for them then you do God's will and then that proves that God exists but if you believe that you are now the new Israel you have replaced Israel Israel's no longer God people God forgot all about them so exactly the type of God Satan wants people to think that he is that forgets that is not keeping his covenant and there is a great deception and that deception alone shows me how important the Millennial Kingdom is all about the Jewish people believe that all the description that I just read to you from Isaiah and Jeremiah and all the prophets this is the first coming of the Lord you understand they don't believe Jesus is the Messiah because they believe how come he came and we don't have that perfect world therefore we conclude he's not the Messiah because in their mind Messiah is not to come to save you from your sins Messiah is to come and bring about peace prosperity animals live together in peace Jerusalem is once again the Nate the capital the temple is once again in Judah they mix the second coming and the Millennial Kingdom with the first coming they don't believe in the visitation that's why Jesus said Jerusalem you've missed your visitation I had to come first for the issue of sin and you did not know therefore you're still in your sins therefore you're surprised therefore you are so stubborn therefore I will go again back to my place until they acknowledge their offense and then in their distress and affliction they will earnestly seek me so there's a great Jewish hope great Jewish hope but it's miss identifying the coming of the Messiah thinking that the first coming is actually that one where it's the second coming but of other Christians you would think okay Jews may not understand blindness in part has happened to Israel okay but do you know that most Christians are completely apathetic there's a grace I call it the grace great Christian apathy they're completely apathetic when it comes to the Millennial Kingdom they most churches in the world today are our Millennials they believe there is no such thing they say they a millennial viewpoint of endtime Bible prophecies the majority view within the church today held by both the Catholic Church and most mainline Protestant denominations amillennialist by the way are those who believe that Jesus is currently reigning over all the world from heaven through the church they don't believe in the physical return and the physical reign of Jesus on earth they therefore believe that we are in the Millennium now the last time I checked since Jesus went up there's already two thousand years so they're already wrong in 1,000 years but then of course that they believe that it began at the cross and will continue until the second coming but we're already past that time now a lot of a lot of people are confused who is going to reign in Jerusalem is it gonna be King Jesus or is it gonna be King David because honestly Ezekiel for example says I will establish one Shepherd over them and he shall flee he shall feed them my servant David he shall feed them and their share and be their Shepherd and I the Lord will be their God and my servant David a prince among them I the LORD have spoken then jeremiah says but they shall serve the Lord their God and David their King whom I will raise up for them so let me put it very clear David will resurrect like all the Old Testament Saints he will be one of the princes like all of us will be so yes David is coming back there's no doubt about it King David is going to come back but not to reign instead of Jesus but to reign with us together with Jesus is that clear and we looked at it yesterday but if you were not there you might want to look at it again the whole order of of the resurrection so you more or less understand how come David is there you can see the first Reza correction is comprised of all those who belong to God all those who either believe in Jesus when he came or were those whom God chose earlier in the Old Testament so you can see Jesus is the first fruit from among those who first fell asleep so he's the one the first one now by the way you might say wait a minute Lazarus was resurrected first well I'm not talking about that type of resurrection Lazarus resurrected but hey he died again Jesus is the first person in the history of planet Earth that died resurrected and never died again that's what it means the resurrection the resurrection is the resurrection for life no more death so first Jesus then when the rapture comes the Bible says in first Thessalonians chapter 4 the dead in Christ will rise first and then we that are alive and remain will be caught up to be with him in the air so the church will be resurrected and then in the middle of the tribulation the two witnesses that are going to be killed by the Antichrist will resurrect the Bible says and then of course the Old Testament Saints and the tribulation martyrs will also be resurrected so all of them will be able to reign with us and Christ for a thousand years the only people that cannot be resurrected for the Millennial Kingdom are those who rejected Christ and those who did not believe in God and those who followed something else and they will only be resurrected for the trial for the great white throne of judgment at the end of the tribulation and that is the second resurrection so between the first resurrection and the second resurrection is the Millennial Kingdom okay so David will be there the Jews sometimes referred to the Messiah as David by the way because he was known that the Messiah would come from David's lineage the New Testament often refers to Jesus as the son of David both in Matthew and in mark there are other reasons besides being the son of David that the Messiah is referred to as David King David in the Old Testament was a man after God's own heart he was unlikely king of God's own choosing and the Spirit of God was upon him as a first Samuel says David then is a type of Christ the type is a person who first shadows someone else another example of this kind of typology is Elijah whose ministry foreshadowed that of John the Baptist in the extent that Malachi called John Elijah same thing they call Jesus David because of their first shadowing that's why the confusion make no mistake David will be resurrected at the beginning of the millennium along with all the other Old Testament Saints David will be one of those who reign with Jesus in the kingdom however all believers will rule the nation's as we read even in Revelation we see that and judge the world according to first Corinthians 6:2 the Apostle Peter called Christians chosen race a royal priesthood and a holy nation we see by the way in Revelation chapter 3 verse 21 that Jesus says about the believer who conquers I will grant him to sit with me on my throne and in some sense then Christians will also share the authority with Christ there is some biblical evidence as in the peril of burl of the ten meanest meanest that individuals will be given more or less authority in the kingdom according to how they handle the responsibilities that God is giving them now in this age do you want to be charge of many let's see how you do that now if you're faithful and your small things God will give you big thing if you're not he will know Jesus is the king of kings in Revelation 19 humanly speaking Jesus is from the Davidic dynasty but in power and glory in righteousness in every other way he's rightly called the greater David the government will be on his shoulders as Isaiah 9:6 the old and new Testament revealed that the future king during the Millennium and all eternity Jesus Christ and him alone you can read it in Jeremiah and Isaiah and revelation and even in first Timothy where is he going to reign from by the way the Bible says that Jesus will return to his earth to reign from Jerusalem not from Davao of all places I'm speaking about this message from Davao where there is a New Jerusalem I'm sorry it's not gonna be from here I know I'm disappointing the appointed son and all of his followers but it's not gonna be from here Zechariah says in chapter 14 then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations who fight in the gate in the day of battle and in that day his feet will stand on the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem on the east and the Mount of Olives shall be split in two Jesus will return to the Mount of Olives which faces Jerusalem in the east not to Davao and he will make a very large Valley half of the mountain shall move towards the north and half towards the south then you shall flee through the mountain valley for the mountain valley shall reach to Iselle and look what it says thus the Lord my God will come and all the saints with you the return of Jesus back on earth we'll be with the church ladies and gentlemen the rapture is Christ comes for the church the second coming is Christ comes with the church the first the rapture is Christ is not touching earth he's coming halfway to the clouds and we go to meet him in the air the second coming Christ with us coming and his feet will stand on Mount of Olives so the next time Jesus will set his feet on earth it's with us and in order to do that we need to first go to be with him amen good is there any indication to Israel's salvation during the Millennial Kingdom there is Zechariah says I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication then they will look on me whom they pierced and they will mourn for him as one mourns for his only son grieve for him as one grief for his firstborn when Israel will see Jesus they will understand that they were wrong Zechariah says de not me the prophet zechariah zechariah in hebrew he's the ron who wrote via baby to ally at a share the cow the Homero a love car sharing a lab in or Alaba hall in hebrew it's so clear by the way the same wording of Peers appears also in the book of Revelation Jeremiah pictures the Millennium as a time when Israel and Judah will be united in peace the city of Jerusalem will be called the throne of Lord Jesus the righteous branch will reign as the king and act wisely and do justice and righteous in the land because of his new role as king the name of Jesus will be changed to other nights it kennel meaning the Lord is our righteousness that's in Jeremiah 23 6 David also will serve a king like all of us and the enemies of Israel will be destroyed according to Jeremiah 30 the city of Jerusalem and the temple will be rebuilt according to Jeremiah 30 and the population will be multiplied according to Jeremiah 30 the morning of the Jewish people will be turned into joy according to Jeremiah 31 the Jewish people will repent of the rejection of their Messiah and they will enter into a new covenant New Testament the Bible says in Hebrew Venna Tati lehem Brit hadashah New Testament new covenant I often tell my fellow Israelis the word new testament was promised to the people of the Old Testament the word Brit hadashah New Testament is in the Old Testament in Jeremiah 31 verse 31 the streets of Jerusalem will be filled with the voice of joy in the voice of gladness now so we all understand everybody's now going to the tailor to make their suits for their time they will range or is life but who are we going to reign over all right that's gonna be interesting who will be those subjects in the kingdom remember there's going to be seven years tribulation most of the population of the world is going to be gone those who will survive the tribulation as we read from Zechariah will be those that will live without a glorified body remember who will receive a glorified body who only the one who has to be resurrected you understand so those who did not resurrect those who survived they don't have a resurrected body they don't have a glorified body that means that their body cells will continue to die by the way your body cells are dying right now I mean put your picture from 10 years ago hello you're dying there's a challenge right now everybody's doing that I'll never do that I look ten times better ten years ago why would I let people know that right now I grieve quietly for the decay that goes through my body right now I don't need to do it publicly but I my point is the people who survive the tribulation and their descendants will be those that we are going to rule over Zachariah says shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to Jerusalem now what about Jerusalem how will Jerusalem be different than the one today first of all the river of life ladies and gentlemen Ezekiel says that n Zachariah 14 says that when the earthquake is going to take place Zechariah the Prophet says the earth will shake Zechariah the Prophet says Mount of Olives will split into two and Zechariah and Ezekiel both talked about River that comes out of the Mount of Moriah half of it the Bible says we'll go to the east to the eastern sea which is the Dead Sea and the other half goes to the West to the Great Sea which is the Mediterranean Sea and that river of life is so amazing that everywhere it goes it will revive whatever is dead whether it's plants or even water that's how in the future the Dead Sea will have tons of fish you know there's a group of Christians that came to the municipality by the Dead Sea and they wanted to buy fishing permit and now the mayor is sitting right there and he's looking at them the Dead Sea's 35% solved nothing grows there it's dead that's why it's called the Dead Sea hello and they want to buy fishing permits now you candy if your corrupt you'll sell it to them of course there's no fishing here but he had to ask them why are you buying fishing permits why do you even need them in the Dead Sea and you know what they told him when was the last time you read your Bible they said we might be Christians but it's in your Old Testament open Ezekiel and open zakat Ezekiel says the same type of fish of the Great Sea will be in them in the eastern sea in other words they will swim up the river down and multiply the Bible says they will cast the Nets all the way from an Gedi to end a climb in the north there will be no room for fishermen to to cast more nets there will be so many of them the river of life so Jerusalem it will be the same city but with a river in its means Maariv olives will be split that's what the Bible says but then there's another thing that Jerusalem will be different and that is of course by the way I wrote you the whole you can move one and you see the whole description but you can read it back home the whole description of how the water comes and they all go all the way and you see and their fish will be of the same kinds of the fish of the Great Sea exceedingly it says that it shall be that fishermen will stand by it from and get eaten and lime there will be places for spreading their nets the fish will be of the same kind of the fish of the great sea exceedingly many but it's swamps and marshes will not heal the Dead Sea even today's already divided have you seen the latest aerial photograph there's two thirds of deep sea and one-third of marshland this is the area of the evaporation pools and the hotels and all of that well the northern part will be healed the southern part will be left so I would not invest in any hotel in the southern part of the Dead Sea and then the fourth temple is going to stand wait a minute how did we get to the fourth well because we already had two there will be a third one that the Antichrist is going to be reigning from Christ comes all of it is going to be destroyed in that earthquake and then Ezekiel in chapter 40 all the way to chapter 45 five chapters he's describing the new temple by the way the new temple bigger grander and more amazing than anything we ever had before now let's agree millennium is quite a long time isn't it I mean a thousand years guys you will reign a thousand years over people that will have mortal bodies so you can tell someone I knew your great great great great great great great great grandfather he was better than you I mean you could really say that literally but he's in a millennium and long time well first of all the Bible says in second Peter 3 says but beloved do not forget this one thing that with the Lord one days a thousand years and a thousand years one day the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some count slackness but is long-suffering toward us not willing that any should perish but all should come towards repentance so first of all for us it will go just like that for those who live may not but for us like that but now comes the most important part of this message today what is the purpose of a period of a thousand years to live with Christ on earth why don't Christ move directly to new heaven new earth and judge all the people right now and that's it why do we have to have this thing in the middle stuck there first of all the Bible says in first in in John 3 for God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved you understand that the first coming of Jesus is to save not to condemn okay they had a chance for the last 2,000 years all over the world whether you're a Jew or a Gentile you have a chance to enjoy the purpose for which God sent Jesus and it is to save and not to condemn and by the way the Bible said regarding condemnation if you remember that he who received Christ and believed in him is not condemned but he who is not is condemned already so if you want to be released from condemnation you have to believe in him he gave them the chance acts 17 he told Peter Paul is standing in the middle of Athens the capital of wisdom and of Education in those days and he's telling all of those super superduper educated philosophers he's telling them God has appointed a day on which he will judge the world in say that in righteousness by the man whom he has ordained the purpose of the millennial kingdom is that he will judge the world after that in righteousness wait a minute so what are you trying to tell me I'm trying to tell you this I'm trying to tell you that there will be a period of 1000 years where you can no longer say there is a satanic presence and that is why all of Satan will not be there he will be bound in the bottomless pit for a thousand years God is going to display his righteousness by showing the whole world that for a thousand years not for ten not for a hundred for a thousand years there will be time without any sight anak yet people will reject the truth has been preached in his first coming and will be displayed in his second coming yet I know that the nations will be ignorant and although Jesus spoke about his second coming it's so hard for them to believe first of all because Jesus is no longer writing if donkeys riding a horse he's a political leader that is about to take hits leadership Jesus will come as a man of war everybody is so used to him giving the other cheek and forgiving and crying and hugging yes that's what he came for for now but then when he returns is a man of war that will consume his enemies with the breath of his mouth Jesus will come no longer to save the world but rather to judge the world he gives you a chance to be saved now but if you choose not to receive the love of the truth that you might be saved then you're already condemned there are going to be two judgments during the Millennial Kingdom the sheep and the goats and the great white throne of judgment I want you to see this chart right after that Jesus is going to return with his bride in his second coming remember we have been raptured there is a seven years tribulation and then he comes back and there will be a thousand years that Jesus and his bride will reign over the millions of unsaved subject and then he is going to judge again now watch this can you I think there's another slide is there another slide to it or no okay now go back okay here the Bible says and when he comes in Joel chapter 3 and in Matthew 25 he's going to judge all the nations sheep and goats though and by the way what is the criteria how they treated Israel if you treated Israel well you're welcome to stay and enjoy the Millennial Kingdom hello if you did not you're gone okay then they stay and then at the end another judgment the great white throne of judgment where all the people of the world who died in the history will be resurrected that's the second resurrection and judged the New Jerusalem will come down for us but they will be cast down you know where to there are there's judgment now why it is so important for us today to study the events of such far future because your decision today will affect your place and role in the future choose him today you'll rule with him tomorrow there are no promotions in the Millennial he cannot be a subject and be so good that he will elevate you to be a ruler if you want to be a ruler and a priest and a prince today you have to choose him a subject can never reign follow Jesus today and reign with him tomorrow reject Jesus today you might not even see tomorrow second Timothy says this is faithful saying for if we died with him we shall also live with him if we endure we shall also reign with him if we deny him he will also deny us now a lot of people ask me when I travel a mere what do you think can people get saved throughout the Millennial Kingdom by the way the same thing the same thing people ask me can people get saved in the tribulation it's not a valid question why if God wanted you to know that there is more opportunities in the future he would have not said today is the day for you to be safe the urgency of accepting Christ today would have not be displayed in the scriptures you have to understand look the Bible doesn't say you cannot be saved but the Bible tells me that all those salvation may be possible during the Millennial Kingdom all I know is that you will not be there if you choose to reject him today so maybe then in the future someone will there's not gonna be you if you reject him today because you will not make it to the Millennial Kingdom so it's irrelevant question for you oh I'm asking for a friend really second Thessalonians 2 is going to tell you what's going to happen to you if you choose to deny and reject the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan with all power signs lying wonders and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish because they did not receive the love of the truth that they might be saved and for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness don't Bank on salvation in the Millennial Kingdom the only description that we do have of people in the of the non-believers in the Millennial Kingdom is not really that flattering did you hear about that second Gog and Magog can you as anyone heard that there is another one let me tell you folks there is the famous gog and magog everybody knows from Ezekiel chapter 38 and 39 but the Bible says in Revelation chapter 20 now and the thousand years have expired remember what happened he sealed him up for how long and then he but the Bible says he must say must he must be released for a short time the Bible says Satan will be released from his prison and I told you he must why because I told you God is gonna reign and judge in righteousness remember so God is gonna prove to the whole world and display to the whole world then when he is going to judge them and condemn them it's in righteousness because look what they're going to do when Satan will once again for a short time will show himself the Bible says and he will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth Gog and Magog you see and then what to gather them together to battle and look how many whose number is of the sand of the sea they went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the Saints in the beloved City ladies and gentlemen after 1,000 years that Jesus will reign on earth there will be peace between animals they will peace between animals and mankind there will be such great joy in the whole world once Satan is released for such a short time guess what millions will join him once again and who are they going to come against the Saints in the beloved city and that is why he had to be released for a short time to expose to the whole world that men's heart is desperately wicked to expose to the whole world when I judge them it will be in righteousness when I condemn them it will be because they deserve it second Corinthians 6:2 behold now is the accepted time behold now is the day of salvation if wanna be saved don't wait for the Millennial Kingdom hey you will not live there be even if you live there the chances are that you are going to be deceived by Satan once again and turn against the believers so I want you to remember the gospel displays the urgency of salvation because it will be almost impossible for you to believe any other time in the future God is a righteous God God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so he whosoever believed in Him will not perish but they have eternal life Kieko Ahava louima Talam at the sheraton at Blois a seed or she colum amin bo law of ad ella in house a olam this is all John 3:16 in Hebrew I just want you to understand choose him today today now is the accepted time of the Lord father we thank you so much Abba Father we thank you that you're a righteous God and a righteous judge we finally understand why we had to reign with him for a thousand years we thank you that you're going to display to the whole world why the judgment will be righteous one father we ask you but you will use us to lead people to Christ today to understand their need for salvation and redemption that's how wicked their heart is and how desperate it is father we know that King David said himself in Psalm 51 create in me a new heart and take not your Holy Spirit from me we thank you Father if we understood the message and responded to it but at the same time we see a lost world all around us and we asked that in the very short time that was left for us today even here in Davao we ask that you will use us to lead people to the saving knowledge of the messiah father use us in everything we do and everything we say in even everything we think may we will be true and loyal ambassadors of Christ here on earth when may we be businessmen doing our father's business and Watchmen who warned the people from the coming tribulation we thank you and we bless you and we ask all of this only in the name of the king of kings and the Lord of lords who told us that when we pray we should ask these things in his name and we ask it the shamea schewe in the name of Jesus and all of God people say a amen amen [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Praise Revival Center Davao
Views: 91,176
Rating: 4.8314013 out of 5
Keywords: Amir Tsarfati, Endtime Prophecy, Bible Prophecy, Bible, Millennial Kingdom, Jesus, Tribulation, Pre-Tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, Post-Tribulation, Salvation, Evangelism, Antichrist, Armageddon, Battle of Megiddo, Gog and Magog War, Heaven, Hell, Life, Death
Id: wnQp1yJobN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 18sec (3618 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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