The Days of Ezekiel | A Teaching by Amir Tsarfati (January 17, 2023)

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yeah I know we're all excited to hear Amir speak this evening but before that we're going to Worship the Lord okay and so for our call to worship I'll be reading from Psalm 100 let's all stand the word of God says Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord all the Earth serve the Lord with gladness come into His presence with singing know that the Lord he is God it is he who made us and we are his we are his people and the Sheep of his pasture enter his gates with Thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him bless his name for the Lord is good his steadfast love endures forever and his faithfulness to all generations worship you in this house [Music] we worship The God Who was we worship The God Who is we worship the God whoevermore will be he opened the prison doors he parted the Raging Sea my God he holds the victory this joy in the house of the Lord today and we won't be quiet shall I operate there's joy in the house of the Lord is [Music] safe [Music] everything is always takes away [Music] [Music] in the house of the Lord there's no in the house and we won't be quiet be where the back is [Music] great let the house [Music] Running Free [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] of the Lord today [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] know this is a unique unique country there is no Nation on planet Earth that came back to life after 2000 years of not being in its land almost every other Israeli somehow related to either the Holocaust or to the unique and miraculous Return of the Jews back to their land we're in the most violent neighborhood on planet Earth we're in the most unpredicted neighborhood and planet Earth We're in the most religious neighborhood on planet Earth when now we celebrate 70 years we we celebrate it and we call it the miracle that is called Israel it is America foreign starts with me being born to a Jewish Family I ended up finding myself without a family when my parents got a divorce I grew up in foster care at the time I looked back in my life and it I really saw no hope I decided that uh I should put an end to my life foreign was about to do it thence I felt that something is telling me that I may have not given the world enough chances [Music] I decided to give the world one last chance in that week my friend's family they're all holding hands closing their eyes and the father says let's pray him and they ended up the prayer with the very interesting thing they said the Shem Yeshua in the name of Jesus and I was like very very shocked because for me to hear such a thing was hard why do you pray in the name of Jesus Is God not enough we are Jewish people we believe in the god of Israel I was told why don't you ask God to show you who Jesus is and I remember I wrote on a piece of paper God you know please show me who Jesus is the next day I go to work I put together the newspapers and a big one page size advertising in that newspaper Yeshua the name of Jesus in Hebrew in the proper name of Jesus not the curse it was the Jesus film of Campus Crusade showing in Jerusalem it was filmed in Israel it's a Hebrew language Israeli actors and I'm watching all the prophecies that I know being fulfilled before my very eyes I was amazed the Virgin shall conceive by his end chapter 7. a child will be given unto us Micah chapter 5 story of New Testament given to the people of Israel Jeremiah 31 the suffering of the Messiah for the sake of our own sins in Isaiah 53 I mean it's almost like the all the pieces of the puzzle came together for me and I knew then and there that I have to make up my mind because I remember you just few weeks ago I was about to end my life and now I'm for the I know why I'm not done I remember that night I literally prayed and I asked him be not just the Messiah that would be my personal one I got baptized not far from here and uh I joined the Israeli Army I ended up being the Deputy Governor of Jericho in the Jordan Valley and I was the official guide of the Israeli government for all the delegations that came to toward the Jericho area and the preparation of the Handover very good to the Palestinians I don't know how many people got to see God in action protecting their Nation during war the way I did right here today we see a nation that has the Zeal but not knowledge they have the Zeal but the knowledge of the Messiah is missing the good news is that there is hope Paul says it's the hope of Israel is not the peace process the hope of Israel is not their government or the military or their land hope of Israel is Jesus you want peace he's a prince of peace you want a king he's the king of kings you want a Shepherd he's a great Shepherd Jesus is the only hope of Israel the only hope for the Jewish people [Applause] be here and beloved Cebu wow there's a lot of people here can I take a picture of you okay I have to I mean it's like no one will ever believe me okay uh that's a picture of all of you want okay do you want to maybe say shalom from Cebu Philippi okay yeah yeah but you know you don't just say it like that you have to shout Shalom from Cebu Philippines because this will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people from other places around the world they don't know what Cebu is so say Cebu Philippines do you mind but then when you're done saying that you have to say yeah and clap and until I tell you to stop are you up for that look if you will get quiet before that they will see it so all right so uh video okay video one two three step [Applause] oh my God now you can be depressed as much as you want no problem you know I was here many years ago last time I was here I kept coming here uh but the last time I was here was in 2015. [Music] that was uh eight kilos ago eight years ago and uh and uh yes definitely um I was everywhere here we went to the mountains into the lakes and we went to it was beautiful yes you've got a beautiful place beautiful country and I'm telling you you have more freedom here in this country than any other country I know regarding speaking about the Lord anyway look I've been all over the world no country is so open to the gospel no place has universities so open has shopping malls allowing church services to go on has it's just not going on anymore like that you need to understand you're blessed if you can you can complain about so many things that's fine traffic balut [Music] you know uh you know durian whatever you want to complain about but you are a free country and this is so precious look I was uh uh Landing in Singapore and the government forbid me from speaking there Singapore they've got beautiful roads beautiful shopping malls traffic is better probably hardly seen balut or durian there is a building that looks like durian there but the thing is this is very rare now uh allow me to pray and then we'll dive into the word of God okay father we thank you so much for this amazing opportunity to be here and Fellowship together the Saints here in Cebu in this beautiful country with people that are so open and hungry and thirsty for your word father I thank you for this freedom and Liberty that they have not only to study the word but also to Proclaim it everywhere I hope and pray that they will take advantage of it before that might be even taken and Lord we pray that tonight it's not going to be men's teaching it's not going to be ideas and speculations tonight we want to hear from you speak to us through your word your word is truth and sanctify Us by this truth Jesus name amen amen so the title of the message this evening is the days of Ezekiel I thought it says today we decided to multiply it and the days of Ezekiel and before we do that allow me to say that we're just coming out of covet and churches are you see you're in good shape but I've I've seen it all over the world churches are shredded to Pieces families are broken friendships are broken people are broken I see more Angry Christians than I've ever seen in my entire life and sometimes it's hard for us as humans to understand that the world is bigger and the word is greater and the Lord is much bigger and greater than all of that and all we need to do is get a Biblical perspective of things because it's super essential in order to get a Biblical perspective of things we need to go to the word of God because we fixed we fix our eyes on circumstances only things don't really look that great in fact as we speak right now right now in Davos in Switzerland the World Elite is meeting to discuss the next virus that might might hit the world the next catastrophe that might be fallen on this planet look you know how the book of Psalm in Chapter 2 says the Lord looks I mean he's laughing at how the how the the leaders and the princes of this world are plotting against him and his anointed one and what I'm trying to say is that we need as Christians to take a few steps backwards and look at the whole picture and we must understand the times and the seasons in which we live and I want to take you back pick your index finger all of you press right here reset your brains We're Going Back 2 000 years ago to the first day of the week you see you have names to your weekdays you call it Sunday how do you say by the way in in Tagalog how is Sunday lingo lingo lingo Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday you see in Hebrew we don't have this we don't have names to the weekdays we walk according to the order of creation first day second day Third Day fourth day that's why the Bible says now on the first day of the week you could have said Sunday but we don't use those words you worship I don't know Sun the moon Sunday Monday whatever we I mean this is first day of the week the only day on the week that received a name in Hebrew is Shabbat Saturday Shabbat means to cease from working it's just okay there's a meaning here it's not a moon day or Sunday it's cease from working so now on the first day of the week very early in the morning they inserting other women with them came to the tomb bringing the spices which they have prepared but they found this Stone rolled away from the tomb okay the disciples just lost their hero they'd been following him for three years they left their families and their businesses businesses I mean Peter left a boat loaded with fish they left businesses they left families they left everything and they followed a man whom they thought is going to be the Messiah the king and they will be his people and they just witnessed his public execution not just public execution according to Judaism to be hanged on the tree according to Leviticus is reserved to the worst of the criminals so in their mind their whole world came tumbling down everything it's beyond losing your mother or father or sister or brother which is hard by itself it's losing the hope of your salvation the the the the the majesty and the kingship and the glory of everything you had hoped will happen right now not to mention later on think about it the last of Jesus for the disciples that Friday or Thursday depends what I never understood why we were so why we care about it's the same thing that happened to the rest of the Jews when they saw their temple in flames in the year 70. everything all their world is gone so those women go not to find a living person they they go to take care of a dead body and the stone is rolled and and if that's not enough there's some two men that stood by them in shining garments and and then as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the Earth they said to them why do you seek the living among the Dead he is not here but is risen see that the angels are telling the woman why don't you remember he told you why why are you so depressed why are you crying what's the story remember he spoke to you when he was still in Galilee saying the son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified and the third day rise again he told you isn't that interesting Jesus told his disciples exactly what's going to happen to him and they did not believe not only that they did not believe they rebuked him Peter took him aside and said far be that from you Lord don't talk like that because we've we have a plan for you and don't move to the right or to the left see Jesus came to do one thing his own disciples hang in their mind thought about something else which is exactly what I see today around the world the church I don't know who promised them that in this world we will have a garden of roses I don't have a clue who told him that the world will love us and that the the world will accept us and that the world will fall in love with everything we say who told us that if anything we were told and promised that we will be the minority that we will be persecuted that they will say false things about us in his name and Jesus said when they do that Rejoice for your reward is great in heaven and it's funny because they remembered his words oh yes and then they returned from the tomb and told these things to the eleven and to all the rest and it was Mary Magdalene Joanna married the mother of James and other women of them who told these things to the apostles and their word seems to them like what the man did not believe the woman forget about the fact that they never believed Jesus now the woman says okay now he's alive I mean he's not in the Tomb the tone the the stone is rolled two angels came to told tell us that he's alive and the what did the men do you see you're a woman you're emotional we need to go and find out ourselves let's see who gets there first but they start running John and Peter ran and who outran who John outrand Peter but who got into the graves first Peter we have to set these records straight ladies and gentlemen when they saw that the tomb is empty show me the verse when they started dancing show me the verse that they started rejoicing show me the voice the verse that they started singing praising happy great wonderful typos were sad even seeing the tomb empty because still Their Eyes Are Fixed On circumstances Their Eyes Are Fixed On the problem on their plans that were changed and how do I know that they're sad let's see I don't make it up two of them were traveling that same day to a village called emails which was seven miles away from Jerusalem and they talked together of these things which had happened so it was while they Converse and reasoned that Jesus himself not someone that looks like him the Bible says Jesus himself Drew near and went with them is that interesting you go to somebody's funeral and then on the way back home he sits next to you on the plane I mean Jesus himself is literally walking right next to them but their eyes were restrained so they did not know him why their eyes were restrained I'm asking you why why do you think they did not know him because they were fixed on the problems and on the circumstances and not on his word and on those his promises and therefore there is no way it's him so he approached them and said to them now watch this what kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and you are what say I didn't make it up that these are two disciples that heard that the tomb is empty left Jerusalem embarrassed confused angry and sad and he took Jesus to join them to come and approach them and say what is it that you're talking about and you look so sad they look at him now that's Jesus how do I know Jesus the Bible says Jesus himself so Jesus is there they are so obsessed with everything that is going on that they're looking at Jesus and they're saying are you the only Stranger in Jerusalem and have you not known the things which happened there in these last days in these days and Jesus answers what things and they said the things the things concerning Jesus of my stuff like that is getting even better they're telling Jesus about Jesus the things concerning Jesus of Nazareth now watch past tense who what was a prophet then who was a prophet Mighty indeed and word before God and all the people and how the chief priest and our rulers delivered him to to be condemned to death and crucified him and now watch this but we were hoping that it was he who was going to redeem Israel this is almost another funeral we were hoping that he was going and then the best comes they now tell Jesus about his resurrection it won't be understood if they didn't even know that the tomb is empty but look the Bible says besides they're telling now Jesus he's resurrected he's in front of them saying beside all these things do you listen and Jesus yes okay beside all these things today is the third day since these things happen which thing the things okay and then what yes and certain women of our company who arrived at the tomb early astonish us when they did not find the body and they came saying that they had also seen a vision of angels who said he was it was alive sure look look how they talk and then certain of those who were with us went to the tomb to and found it just as the woman had said I guess the women were right but him they did not see and look at the answer of Jesus to his own disciples it's not to the Pharisees it's not to the Sadducees it's not to the Romans it's to his own disciples what did he say oh foolish ones and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken Jesus Christ rebuked his own followers for not believing the prophets and not taking Bible prophecy seriously he said this is exactly why you are like this angry confused embarrassed and sad this is exactly what this I see the church today why because 90 of the churches around the world do not teach Bible prophecy and therefore all they could see is they are fixed on circumstances they can look and look and then he says ought not the Messiah the Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory it says are you you don't understand didn't Isaiah say that he had to be killed didn't Isaiah say that he will resurrect on the third day and Jeremiah and Hosea and Joel and all what are you talking about and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded to them in all the scriptures which scriptures the Old Testament Jesus never quoted the New Testament look at you some of you are like well I was told that the New Testament is the most important thing in fact I go to church with only New Testament right now well I hope you paid half price because it's only half of the Bible folks when Jesus expounded to them in all the Scriptures it was just the Old Testament the New Testament has not even been written yet and what did he expound the things concerning he's everywhere he's from the moment the Bible says that the world was created the Bible says and and God says let there be light who was the light of the world it was the sun in the moon and the sun no they were created on the fourth day oh Jesus was the light of the world from the very beginning and at the very end in the New Jerusalem there will again not be sun moon or Stars the Bible says for the Lord God and the lamb will be the light once again he's there he's everywhere they drew near the village where they were going and they indicated that they they would have gone he indicated he would have gone further but they constrained him and saying abide with us for it is towards the evening and they still don't know it's Jesus by the way they don't understand it's Jesus but at least now they understand that he had to die oh it makes sense and suddenly he takes the bread look at my look at my sleeves and look what happened to my sleeves when I raised my hand what is exposed the wrists he took the bread he lift up his hands they realized it's Jesus their eyes were open and what happened he was gone he was gone and what did they do wow we're not staying here now that's night you don't leave the city at night they stood up and started walking back to Jerusalem during the night this is the walk of Victory not walk of shame this is the Walk of I'm sure I'm not confused I'm happy I'm not sad I know I don't know and they came to the upper room and said guess what and everybody said he's alive we know immediately all the Arts you know we've seen him he was here too you're not that special oh it's amazing you see what I'm trying to say is this only when we read the word and only when we study what God Said we understand that this is not it God has a bigger plan a greater plan everything has to happen for a reason and for a season and if we and I am rebuking now many if you choose to pick on one thing of all the things that are going on right now and to make that the fight of your life instead of making the gospel the battle for your life what are you what are you willing to go to the prison for I'm asking you right now a fight for what because I'm telling you this world will offer us less and less and less freedoms as we move on and the more you go out to the street the more they are emboldened to even do more go out to the street but give you give them Jesus tell them about the hope tell him about the plan of God Isaiah 46 says remember the former things of old I am God there is no other I'm God there is none like me declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that are not yet done saying my counselor shall stand and I will do all my pleasure God declares the end from the beginning he wants everyone to know what is going to happen this is not kept for some people who have special wisdom who can count certain words or certain letters every few words and comprise some code and and know there is no Bible Code it's only on YouTube to cause you to view so they can make money the Bible says in Deuteronomy the secret things Belongs to the Lord but those that are revealed belongs to us and to our children everything that he wrote belongs to all of us we all should know we all should understand and we all should draw so much hope from it in second Peter chapter 1 20-21 he says knowing this first no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation for prophecy real prophecy Prophecy from God not prophecy of people who walk up in the morning and said I'm a prophet today you see people come to me a lady three years ago ran after me here in Manila at the airport in the jetway into the plane Prophet Amir no no no no I come from a non-profit organization I said please don't the Bible says no prophecy of scriptures of any private interpretation prophecy never came by the will of man but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit you can't go to school to become a prophet this is something that God is doing through youth by the power of the Holy Spirit sometimes against your plans so what are the days of Ezekiel it's very interesting see I believe this generation all of you all of us we are the most blessed generation since the time of Jesus Christ more prophecies have been fulfilled before our very eyes then throughout the last two thousand years combined and here we are hungry and sad and confused when God is is given us of all people not to your grandparents not to your great grandparents to you you see the Jewish people lost hope for hundreds of years they were gone from their land they thought this is it and then God at the right time started calling few of them back to the land the land was then look what the land looked like take a look on this it was dead it was so dead that even the cactus didn't want to grow there mosquitoes decided I'm waiting until there's vegetation before I even come nothing was growing no one wanted to live there and before you move with the slides don't move yet God said in Ezekiel 36 you moved never mind it's okay God said in preparation for returning the Jews back to their land I'm speaking should fought your branches and heal your fruit o mountains of Israel for My People Israel are about to come and look now pretend that right now you see the slide wow no no let's go now we can okay good wow now let's stay there not move again that was Ezekiel 36. and then the Lord in Ezekiel 37 and we're not moving the slide yet in Ezekiel 37 the Lord brought the prophet to a valley full of dry bones and he's showing Ezekiel a terrible picture of a of some people that have no flesh and then he says Ezekiel you see and you see he said what is this Lord he says this is the entire house of Israel they say our bones are dry our hope is lost and we have been cut off he says and for for so long I was trying to figure when was it that the Jews were like that and then I stumble into this picture of the concentration camp that were liberated in 1945. you see them without flesh almost just skin and bone you see there is no hope in their eyes dead but they're alive and the Bible says Ezekiel tell them I'm about to take you out of your Graves that Holocaust that Europe your biggest graveyard ever and I will take you out and place you in your own land how will they return take a look at this by air by sea by land from the moment World War II ended for every Jew that lived in the land four new immigrants came it's a flash flood that's why the Bible says in the Book of Psalms bring us like the streams in the desert there's no streams in the desert of Israel besides flash floods that's exactly how the return of the Jews was they came by sea by I mean of course this is modern days and that's from the 1980s but this is from 1945 1946. 1947. in one of the first countries to acknowledge the newly born state of Israel was the Philippines did you know that [Applause] and even throughout the Holocaust one of the only countries that offered a shelter for Jewish people was the Philippines Manuel Quezon opened doors policy did you know that [Applause] so the preparation of the land was fulfilled the rescue of the remnant was fulfilled in the return of the remnant from their graveyard to the land was fulfilled as well and today Israel is a land that is safe secure and prospers safe security I mean we would never we were never that prosperous as we are right now talk about water in the Middle East this is a big thing we don't have enough water Israel not only that decided started desalination installations and we are now selling it all around the world of course nowadays most of our drinking water is that but we actually 87 of our Wastewater undergoing purification take a look at this it's amazing listen one time I came to a farm in Israel and the lady showed me a pool with water and it was so clear she says guess how deep it is I said one meter she said 10 meters said wow 10 minutes she said yes she says taste it I'm tasting it wow it's good I said wow and she said yeah good I just flushed the water in the bathroom and then I said you just what she said yeah this is what we do here she said watch this I flushed the water the water goes all the way to a pool this is where we put water plants plants on top of the water the plant starts cleaning the water then the water moved to a lower pool with different plants that continue to clean then to a lower pool with other plants that can complete the cleaning and then we can actually drink from it she said you want more I said no no no I don't I took it I prefer Coke Zero please sure usage was from natural Water Resources only 25 the rest purified desalination what about energy which is the big deal in the Middle East and all over the world right now this is the hook I believe in the jaw of Rush Russia that will bring them down to our place look at the Mediterranean and look off the coast of the Mediterranean look how many fields of natural gas we found trillions of cubic feet of natural gas we found we became such such a energy superpower overnight that Putin came on aboard a plane and we thought he want to talk about Syria Iran no no he only want to talk about having a stake in the Israeli gas we told him no and someone is asking me so what's now I said oh it's different Russia from being number one exporter of gas in the world is now having to deal with this headache solar panels look at this 350 days a year we have sunshine why not making energy out of it we have a lot of interesting ideas we even extract water from the air literally you sneeze we drink eight percent of Israel's electricity in is from solar panel and by 2025 it will be 30 or actually 20 by 2025 at 30 by 2030. what about food while only 3.7 percent of our Workforce is Farm Workers they produced 95 of what we need yes amazing isn't it Israel also takes seeds and we are able to make them better and then from the same seed we can get 10 times more tomatoes for example that's why all our neighbors want this technology think about it in in Egypt farmers are all along the Nile Farmers don't pay taxes because the government needs produce so they hire Israeli engineers to give them 10 times more because they still don't pay taxes interesting what about Israel companies listed among top 10 top 50 global agricultural technology food and Tech firms in 2020 military we're number one in the Middle East as you know that we have amazing technology in the military and technological advantage Israel is a cyber superpower by the way I'm not praising Israel here I'm trying to tell you that the word of God when it comes to Safe security prosperous is indeed in action we're only 74 years old we're surrounded by enemies that are plotting against us day and night we don't have peace with them more than half of our budget is for military use you know how much taxes I pay for a car 55 percent 55 percent whatever Americans buy a car for I pay more than double for the same exact car that's how it works and now we're not alone in this whole area lately around our border we hear other languages we don't hear Arabic we hear Russian Pharisee Turkish Russia is around Russia came to intervene in the civil war in Syria Iran is sending its own forces and they're already almost on our border not only in Hezbollah and Lebanon but also proxies these are all Afghans and Iraqis they're all coming and they're all Shiites and they're all practicing and preparing with uavs and long-range missiles and and all of that to prepare for the day they will have to destroy us turkey is warming itself towards Israel because the economy is falling apart and they need us just for a reason and for a season Sudan and Libya are on and the funny thing of all the leader of Sunni Islam the mother of the holy sites of Islam Saudi Arabia is exactly the opposite they're warming up towards Israel Israel has non-official relationship already with Saudi Arabia in fact Netanyahu was running on the ticket of I will bring also peace with the Saudis and why am I telling you that because the prophet is he healed in chapter 38 is telling you that they're coming a coalition of Rosh meshech and tuval Persia government this and put and Kush these are all five nations I just mentioned and then he says that Sheba and didan which is Saudi Arabia will protest the war that is coming against Israel they will be on the other side and they are already on the other side Europe is going through chaos with what's going on there I don't know if you understand that but oh my God the Europeans are not doing well right now with unemployment with crime with in illegal immigration what's going on there it's crazy they just don't tell you that and then the U.S with a senile president no listen forget about that people don't take him seriously around the world why do you think in the former president's period Russia never invaded anywhere because they knew there was someone stronger the White House no we don't take chances the minute this guy came in the biggest war since World War II is now going on in Europe Syria is not even mentioned in Ezekiel 38 why because Syria has you know Civil War in fact take a look at the Abraham Accords look at this all these countries right now are having peace with Israel Abraham Accords were signed in the White House three four years ago as you can clearly see with an orange-haired president on this side and and from one Administration to another the person in the White House affects the Middle East and it doesn't really matter by the way I don't care I'm not a Democrat I'm not a republican I'm just telling you that both Trump and Biden fulfill Bible prophecy one brought peace to the Middle East the other one is allowing all the enemies to gang against us so exactly what the Bible says so we can move on to ask ourselves what's next what's next because there is a big confusion in the prophecy Community people take verses out of the context people confuse Psalm 83 Isaiah 17 Ezekiel 38 Zechariah 14 Revelation 16. these are all prophecies about wars but Psalm 83 is a prophecy that has been fully fulfilled in 1948 describing the close first to your enemies of Israel that came up against Israel when Israel became a nation and called itself Israel it's been fulfilled Isaiah 17 what about it can we see the next slide I don't know if we have it Isaiah 17 says the burden against Damascus behold Damascus will cease from being a city and it will be a ruinous Heap is Damascus gone not yet can I see a picture of Damascus right now this is what the city looks like now which means it is a future it's actually I believe around the corner I believe that for Ezekiel War to happen Damascus has to be destroyed first and then of course you will have the swing from a country that was born and I Psalm 83 fulfilled to Ezekiel 38 when we are strong and we are prosperous and then of course we can read and let's look at Russia and Ukraine for a second take a look at the war big war almost every side lost more than a hundred thousand people besides that cities are Level to the ground people over three maybe five million people are already um you know they're refugees tens of thousands of Ukrainian women are being right now trafficked as sex slaves why because it's easy pray they're helpless moneyless and let's do it what is going you know how many thousands of children were taken by the Russians to give to Russians in Russia that don't have children yeah you have no clue what's going on the casualties the brutality that is going on there and people ask me Amir how is this war affecting the Bible and the prophecies in the Bible very simple watch this we don't hear about this war in the Bible just like we'd never heard about World War One in World War II and we never heard about Japan's occupation of the Philippines and we never heard about Hiroshima we never heard about that but what we heard is how this affects Israel the return of the Jews to the land could have not happened if World War II would have not happened and look at this and I'm going to tell you three things that happened since the world began one the Jewish people from Ukraine and Russia are coming back to the land by the thousands the return of the Jews to the land two the Israeli gas is now a big thing no longer just a in their in regional thing now Europe wants it now it's a competition to Russia now the Russians don't like us and number three Russia and Iran and turkey formed recently an alliance that allows the Russians to have weapons the Iranians to bypass the sanctions and to become International Players and the Turks to benefit from both the Turks are the biggest force in NATO but Europe doesn't want to accept them as a member of the EU so the entire Alliance of Ezekiel 38 is being actually emerging from this war the reason for the war The Hook and the jaw is outcome of this war and the return of the Jews is also this this is the Bible prophecy is not about Nations between themselves but it's about Nations and how they affect Israel Israel is what you need to look at in order to understand the times and the seasons when Jesus gave the whole teaching on the end times to his disciples in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 he said to them there will be wars and rumors Wars pestilences and earthquakes many things and then he stopped and he says learn this Parable from the fig tree when you see its branches coming back to life and giving and leaves know that summer is near it is the end this generation he said shall not pass away until these things happen Israel is God's victory in the Bible you read that in Hosea and in Amos in all the other prophets so when these things begin to happen in Luke 21 Jesus said look up and lift up your heads because your Redemption is Drawing Near I'm asking you which Redemption is he talking about aren't we redeemed already oh oh look at yourself no no no don't look at me look at yourself right now you're dying you just you made it already to the peak now you're on a free fall look at you pinch yourself this body is in a slow process of decay we are still we are New Creation New Soul new body trapped in a carnal old body where new so you know we have new heart new spirit but we're still trapped in this body and the Bible says this body cannot enter this kingdom of God so the Redemption is Drawing Near is what the Redemption of your body when will the body be redeemed behold I tell you a secret not all of One are going not all of One are not all of us are going to die but all of us are going to change how in a moment in a twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet this Mortal body will turn into Immortal this uh tent will turn into a building we're going to be changed and when we're changed gravity won't hold us anymore and we will be taken to meet the Lord in the air right here first Thessalonians chapter four speaking of the Rapture of the church Boom the same moment where change we're out of here Romans 8 23 speaks of that Redemption of the body the Rapture the kingdom of God will come after we are coming back and I will conclude with this verse Romans 13 do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep for now our Salvation what salvation of the salvation of there body is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent the day is at hand therefore let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light let us walk properly as in the day and if you're not ready you see world events and our life are two parallels world events will happen whether you like it or not the Ezekiel war will happen the rise of the Antichrist will happen the war they they the the tribulation would happen you cannot stop it because when John received that Revelation he received the revelation of the things that God already determined that he knows that they're going to happen but your life in the decision of your life will determine where you will be during those world events will you look at the tribulation here on Earth oh well will you be on in heaven when it's going on your decision today will determine your tomorrow so if anyone here this evening understands that if the Rapture took place tonight if he's not ready don't go to sleep tonight before you make sure you're right with the Lord do not Gamble on your soul and your the salvation of your body listen if you have eternal life you know the Bible says that we we are not guessing we know we have eternal life the Bible says that the minute we believe the spirit of God is now sealed in us as a down payment to our Salvation not just down payment the word arabon in Greek means it's the same word we use for engagement that's it we're engaged ready to be married this is it it's not if it's just when do you have it is there a day in your life where you know that you accepted the Lord that his spirit is entered into you you're sealed in it and you are sure of your salvation or are you flirting in this world between things asking yourself as second Peter says you know many people say the Lord is coming but uh the world is the same scoffers father I pray this evening as our eyes are closed and our heads are bowed down that if anyone here tonight truly sense the urge and the nudge of the Holy Spirit because no one can come to you unless he's drawn unto you if there is anyone here tonight and as our eyes are closed and our heads are bowed down if anyone here tonight wants to either accept you for the first time or maybe get back to you as a prodigal and return and as our eyes are closing our heads are bowed down if it's you I want to see your hand and I'll just acknowledge it no one else will see it if you're here I see your hand yes I see your hand I see your hand in the back I see your hand I see your hand I see your hands I do see your hand yes father I thank you for all these hands that were risen all the commitments that are being made tonight all the souls that are being changed tonight and and the joy that is in heaven right now to welcome these people to your kingdom I thank you Father for your word can never come back void I thank you Father that it is sharper than a two-edged sword and we thank you that you have a plan we thank you that soon and very soon we're going to see the king and now we ask that you will allow us in these last days to persevere give us patience endurance and perseverance and we know that you're about to save us out of the hour that is coming and not through because we are not destined to your Wrath we thank you and we bless you and we ask all of this in the matchless name of the Holy One of Israel Yeshua and all of God's people say amen amen fight okay am I being kicked out all right thank you very much brother Amir and we would also like to invite on stage um yes can we flash okay before that can we Flash the number where they can send um a few questions if you have questions for um brother Amir you can send it to these numbers we will read them this is not my number but that will be rewarded to me so if you do have questions please do send them in through these two numbers are they the same yeah they're the same through this number and yeah we will request for brother Amir to accommodate these questions [Music] but before that we would like on behalf of Living Word I.T Park brother may we thank you for this very insightful talk uh this evening I am hope everyone is as blessed as I am as I was uh listening to you for um was that already 14 minutes that was very short when we are having fun we are learning a lot from um from you and the word of the Lord so if any of you have questions maybe Pastor TJ you want to start okay uh I have a question brother Amir lately we've been noticing some Jewish people setting up businesses here in in our city we see them in the malls right um I what would be the best way to share the gospel to a Jewish person then with the knowledge of the Old Testament because coming to tell them that you that the John 3 16 is a nice verse won't help you they don't believe in the New Testament and then quite frankly if if if if Philip could lead a Ethiopian just by the book of Isaiah and and baptize him I think you can too you can study your Old Testament see that Jesus is from the very first chapter to the very last in tell them not only how much you love them how much God loves them but those who tell them that you understand what they're going through only because you see it in the Bible but you also see what future is going to bring and you also know that it is to the Jew that Jesus said unless a man is born again he cannot enter the kingdom of God he said that to Nicodemus he didn't say to some Gentile the Jews don't have any privilege when it comes to Salvation they have privileges with the things that God committed in their hands there's amazing things the Bible says that in Romans we read about Romans 3 and Romans 8 Romans 9 but when it comes to Salvation there's only one way you can use the word Jesus Yeshua instead of Jesus to make it feel and you can also tell them Yeshua is for Yeshua salvation so exercise your Old Testament exercise a little bit of your Hebrew and have a smile on you okay if there's one thing we know is that or we think is that the world hates us literally I mean the Jews are always on the defense so show them that with you they don't need to be and that's already halfway to to their heart are they selling stuff on in the mall like the Dead Sea products and stuff like well why don't you at least buy something or tell them I'm gonna buy one but so you know I'm gonna get a new body also let me show you how you can do all right yes thank you very much so we have another question here do you have any updates on the red heifer and the Third Temple yes don't believe the news listen to me and I will say it once with love but love that is dipped with so much frustration stop watching these videos it's sensationalism at its best why if you knew Bible prophecy you would know that the Third Temple cannot be built before we are out of here why ask me why because the Bible says that in order for the Antichrist to be revealed the restrainer must be taken out of the way and the Antichrist is the person that signs a deal with Israel for seven years and he's the one that will allow them to build the temple and halfway through he will walk into the temple and declare himself as God so as long as we are here there will not be a third Temple therefore we don't care about a red heifer and by the way all the time these people come out with this big news of red heifer and then you don't hear from them you know why because those that were just recently brought to Israel are not even red heifers they're calves a heifer in a Hebrew para it's an older cow already it's not a calf you understand that it has to be at least two to three years old most of these are either a year or less and what happened is between their one year and two year two year and three year then you have white hair coming out and that's it there's disqualified why are we always falling into this and you know what every time people write to me when it happens then I tell them it's nonsense and they they accuse me that I'm the party pooper I am the one who destroys the excitement yes I I'm sorry there's enough excitement in what we just talked about why do we need more sensationalism and what happened is then nothing happened from what they say and then people leave faith because they built all their faith on these things instead on the word of God so look will there be a third Temple of course there will be are there already a blueprints yes they are but when can a third Temple be built when there is a world leader that allows the Jews to build it and we're not going to see him so yes it will happen yes it will be built yes the Antichrist will rise but it's none of our business we're not looking for the Antichrist we're looking for Jesus Christ stay in this mindset and it will save you a lot of time and and it will save you from a lot of Anguish and disappointments yes yes thank you for that so our third question is how may we pray for Israel today and how may we pray about the Russian and Ukrainian War yes first of all for Israel pray for their salvation you know what Paul said Paul said I wish I could have been accursed a mathema in Greek if that would have led to the Salvation of my people so Paul had a heart for Israel God has a heart for Israel Jesus of course is the one that gave Paul that heart and I want you to know you need to have a heart for them you need to intercede for them for their salvation the Bible says in second second Corinthians chapter 3 that they have scales the Bible says only in Christ The Veil is taken pray that they will get to know their Messiah so the veil is removed because now I'm going to tell you something that oftentimes is not being taught but that's Zechariah Chapter 13. the Bible says on one hand that all Israel will be saved but it's the all Israel that will be present at the return of Jesus what what's going to happen throughout the tribulation Zechariah 13 says two-thirds of Israel will perish and only the last 30 will bring through the fire and refine them and save them it's the only nation that we know exactly what's going to happen to them and we have good end of the story but throughout great tragedy and by the way they will perish because they guess what they put their trust in who in the Antichrist they will be deceived by him they will receive the mark of the beast they are going to be deceived by his you know ideas where do you think the Antichrist is going to to enter into the temple in Jerusalem he's coming to deceive not just the whole world but Israel foremost and as I see Israel today when I go through all the liberal mindset in Tel Aviv and the central part of Israel they would have received him right now so Israel must you see yeah pray for their salvation that many will be saved from that terrible terrible future that we know that eventually will happen yes so whether the people of Israel stand with regards to their Tanakh I'm not sure if I remember Heritage in relation to their current state of political military and economic Affairs and do they still believe in God yes well most of the Jewish people believe in God some of them are angry with him but if you're angry with God that means you believe that he exists you just you're angry with him most of the Jews believe there is a God they acknowledge Him in fact it's funny because when you when it comes to the hard times they'll immediately acknowledge that there is a God but in their day-to-day Affairs I would say only maybe 30 percent of them maybe 40 will acknowledge Him on the day-to-day basis the rest will go about their business it's almost like asking me if the Filipinos acknowledge Jesus Christ most of them will tell you yes we believe am I right most of the Filipinos will say I believe in Jesus but in their day-to-day conduct absolutely not okay for them he's a something you celebrate last weekend or he is still on the cross or he's still a baby I'm not sure Jesus is not on a cross thankfully resurrected and he's thankfully he grew up and for most Filipinos the the resurrection and the promise of the Rapture means nothing listen 90 of the church don't teach the rapture they don't teach they don't teach prophecy they don't teach that we're going to be taken out they don't teach that are we're going to change they don't teach that Jesus will come back with us they don't all of that is in the Bible but what's happened when you don't read the Bible you don't know when you don't know you're being manipulated that's it so we need to pray both for Israel to know the Bible and for the Filipinos to know their Bible as well and I want to tell you something folks God placed Philippines on my heart 25 years ago this is the first country I ever traveled to to teach the word of God first ever 25 years ago I'm 15 I can't believe I'm saying that number I'm so used to 40 something just like a crisis in my life right now here and I'm 50. 50. next is I need help now watch this 25 years ago I came here and I nearly got killed in a severe car accident in the Philippines it was in Mindanao on the way from Davao to Cagayan De Oro and I I almost ended up my life or being on wheelchair for the rest of my sip I mean I have a back issues since then thanks to the land of balut and durian when I was asking God why is it that this nation is so heavily on my heart then he he started showing me all the Filipinos I know that are they live here but then they part of their family is not here and then I realized you're the Delta Force of God because you're everywhere in the most unlikely places if I make it to the Philippines and teach and this teaching goes to the Filipinos elsewhere I can end up being watched in the living room over Saudi Sheikh where a Filipino is working yes you understand I can't do that with any other Nation this is like you're in enemies territory for me bringing the good news everywhere everywhere I go I see Filipinos there's churches they're on fire by the way they're more on fire outside because this is the only thing that hold them because they miss their families they miss their country Mr Children Mr husbands or wives whatever and God is their help and God has his hand on this place for a reason and don't don't play games because eventually the Philippines will not exist oh why because God says all the islands will be gone during the tribulation and eventually in the New Jerusalem in the new Earth and the new heaven there will be no sea therefore no Islands so so you're here for a reason and for a season God placed you here gave you such a message known as the word of God that changes lives breaks addictions causes people to come back from their dead actions you read Colossians chapter 2 and see for yourself what it says about being dead in Christ and how we are alive now it's God gives us a box full of gospels pills Gospels all you need to do is give it to the people now whether they take them or not is their problem or whether you give it or not it's your problem give it to them give them what can happen what is the worst that can happen they won't take it but what if they will so let's have a deal tomorrow you're sharing the gospel with at least two people share and then more and more and you will see but there is so much vitality and joy in your life when you understand that this is it I'm not here just to eat balut and durian I'm here to share the very thing that saved my life I can now give it to others whose life is dead thank you I love you God bless you come here [Music] [Applause] whether a mirror in his introduction I was so challenged and encouraged by what he shared he said that the Philippines has so much Freedom when it comes to sharing the gospel but I guess sometimes we get too familiar you know with that that we take it for granted so I hope after this event you and I would have a sense of urgency to share the gospel to our neighbors to our classmates to our relatives to those who do not know the true and living Christ will we do that church we started with worship we're going to end with worship uh I think that's the right response after hearing brother Amir share the word of God to us but before we do that we would like to pray for brother Amir we know he's a very busy man uh he'll be speaking tomorrow in talisai and then after that he'll be flying to Davao and then he'll be going to California for another speaking tour and so I'd like to request the pastors of Living Word I.T Park uh Pastor Nigel Pastor Mack Pastor JoJo Elder Nick to please come join me on stage as we pray for brother Amir whether Amir can you join us on stage and can I ask everyone to please stand and let's pray for our dear brother who has been such a great inspiration and encouragement to the universal church and it is such an honor and a privilege for our church here in Living Word I.T Park to host this event and so Pastor Nigel can you just uh say a word of prayer for brother Amir church can we stretch our hands forward in heaven tonight as one body in Christ we call upon your name because together with brother Amir and fellow Believers the world over we are brothers and sisters bought by the blood of Jesus Christ filled with the same Spirit calling upon the true and living God and Lord indeed after hearing tonight's word we see that your word has hands and feet Lord what we believe in is real and Lord your word is really worth fighting for it's worth living for even worth our very lives so Lord we pray tonight that as our brother has Faithfully shared your word to us exhorted us instructed us according to your word that Lord you will honor his faithful labor Lord let his labor tonight to us not be in vain because Lord you are zealous for your word for your work and for your name let us as a church and as your people here in the Philippines mobilize ourselves and serve you faithfully and diligently and as brother Amir sees this let the joy of seeing you work in him and through him be his portion and his joy and his delight and Lord he is a man whom you have set apart for yourself Lord was it 25 years ago he almost ended his life but God you redeemed him for yourself and Lord seeing him the man he is today and the great things he's doing for your costs and for the gospels Lord we praise you when we see him we praise you when we Behold Him so Lord we pray that this good work that you've begun this good work this Mighty work that you're doing in him that your spirit will bring into completion in fact we ask God that you give him more assignments more opportunities to testify of the glory of Jesus Christ and wherever he goes Lord we pray that he will be proud and he will boast in one thing and one thing only Jesus and his cross Jesus crucified and Jesus risen now to Reign forevermore so Lord may your hedge of protection be be upon him and his family and his team that God wherever he goes even unto hostile territory that your presence would surround him that you would send forth angels to keep watch over him and that God he will go from strength to strength and from glory to glory not by might not by power but by your Holy Spirit living in him and Lord through all this through all this labor through all this service may he may he say now and always Lord you are my portion and my delight now and forevermore so Lord your blessing be upon our brother and Lord continue to advance your kingdom through brother Amir in his life continue to make Souls know you treasure you pursue you and love you through his life and Ministry and Lord we pray that he himself you will cost always Delight in you the river of his soul in Jesus name amen [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] s that speak about the return of our King and Savior Jesus Christ guys we have hope because we have a king we have a savior who is coming back and he's coming soon do we believe that let's declare the glory of Jesus Christ [Applause] [Music] I've been Heavenly cries risen from the dead he now Reigns Victorious his kingdom knows nowhere on that day we'll see you shining brighter than the sun on that day [Music] we praise you for you never ending Grace and we will keep on singing on that glorious what a blessed will spend eternity around our savior though we grieve our losses [Music] [Music] know you as you lift our voices oh God forever [Music] [Applause] forever [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] on that place [Music] yes [Music] [Music] forever continue to worship [Music] do you feel the world is broken do you feel the shadow sleeping thank you do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through do you wish that you could see it all made you it's all creation groaning is a new creation coming is the glory of the Lord to Be The Light Within our midst [Music] is it good or we remind ourselves is anyone home is Judah who conquered the grave his name is [Applause] [Music] is he worth y this is my God and it's Jesus [Music] is anyone Worthy is anyone home is anyone able to break longer the greater always [Music] is he Worthy is he worthy of [Music] [Applause] [Applause] of all blessing and honoring Glory his word [Music] [Music] [Applause] his words [Music] his word of a blessing of a blessing and honor and Glory his word [Music] [Music] this is surely I am coming soon amen come Lord Jesus the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all amen [Music] [Music] Praise Him [Applause] [Music] having me home Grace Father Son and Holy ghosts thanks for coming everyone have a blessed evening night [Music]
Channel: Living Word I.T. Park
Views: 60,194
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Id: N6UtetUTmXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 17sec (6257 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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