Best of Jonathan Cahn: Seeing Biblical Prophecy In Our Time + The Dark Trinity | Praise on TBN

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the propitious Smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the Eternal Rules of Order and right which Heaven itself has ordained in other words if America should ever disregard God's Eternal Rules of Order and right then the smiles of Heaven His blessings will be removed from this land and if the days of darkness must come then let them come for they will not overcome the light of God but will only magnify it and if the words the world should go from bad to worse that it's fine for you the people of God to go from good to great what I wrote in in the harbinger now we're calling it The Harbinger one but it's a warning it's the that for those who don't know it is the the ancient mystery that in the last days of ancient Israel there was these nine harbingers or signs that appear in the land warning the nation that there that judgment is coming that they have fallen away from God they they they're now heading for judgment and God's waking it's a wake-up call well those same nine harbingers that happened in ancient Israel are now appearing or have appeared on American soil and not General things I mean specific I mean Eerie specific I mean some involving objects some involving ceremony some involving national leaders you know um and it all has happened and so but what what people don't realize that wasn't the end of the matter that was the beginning that because the harbinger is speaking about the beginning of this progression of judgment not the end so it wasn't over so when I look back Eric you know I look back at the harbinger and I look at there's a chapter called things to come and it speaks about you know you know just for the those who don't know that wake-up call That's a classic sign in the Bible to a nation comes in the form of an attack on the land and it's a strike and it's limited it's going to tell you but it's a waking it's shaking remember after 9 11 it was a wake-up call you know and people were flocking to churches and they we thought there was going to be there was no Revival because there was no repentance and so America has gotten worse not better look at where we are now and so and so but that's part of the mystery so the thing is that it it goes and then when I looked at this it said things to come it speaks about what's going to come that there's going to be resuming of shakings coming upon the land and it talks about the kinds of shakings we'll get to it I know but it even pinpointed the year the time when this had to happen according to the template so much so Eric that that for years I was watching this year and because there is a Biblical mystery we'll unpack it but there's a Biblical mystery and so so before this year began I I also had a strong sense and I'm telling people you know that I believe there's shakings are coming now and I believe when I always give like a word for the year to the the congregation I said that the that this is going to be your you'd be ready for his great shakings but God is going to use it but you're ready for the shakings um and so I believed it was coming and it was going to be the resuming of the mystery and the harbinger and so when it comes I the second thing I got I'm praying I'm saying Lord what do you want me to what's the next book because I asked the Lord what's the next book and I have a few could be this this and it was this and I was like well because I've held off on this Eric for years because people always said when I harvesting they said are you going to do the sequel I said I can't just write us you can't just write a Harbinger I mean it's got to be God doing it's got to be things happening and it's got to be God's hand so I got that and and that I knew that with the shakings that were coming I had to give the word out I had to I had to I had to write this for this year I mean because of what's going to come and I started writing it before it came and that that God's people would would know what's happening and it would be warned and even people who don't know the Lord would come but so it is the harbinger 2 is all that the harbinger 2 is is the Revelation first of all there were things that when I wrote The Harbinger there was so much happening that I never I couldn't put it in the harmony of the apartment is only a little bit of what came to me so the things that happened with 9 11 that are that are affecting us today that I couldn't do it so one part of the new book is called the unrevealed so that the second part is since the harbinger came out it hasn't stopped it's continued the rebel the the the the the mystery of judgment the the harp new harbingers you know have happened up to this this day it has intensified it has intensified yeah and then the last part is what's happening now is what's happening now the shakings that have come upon America in the world is that the is that the continuation of this mystery is it is there a mystery behind it is there a Biblical Temple to be honey what's the what's the point where is it heading are we approaching judgment how much time do we have and what do we need to know what keys do we need to know to Prevail and stand for the days to come that is what the harbinger 2 reveals and that's why I had to write it I've never felt such a compulsion to do it timely like this is for the time I had to write it now the harbinger to me in reading it again it came out in 2012 the first Harbinger yes um I didn't expect the sequel yeah and maybe you didn't either but God LED you in that direction and again with the shaking going on this country yeah it's time well I knew I knew there was going to be because I knew it wasn't the end I knew I knew that the that what had happened in in in 2001 was and then after was the beginning was the warning it you know what's the word Harbinger means the warning of us or or the sign of something to come so the entire thing that happened then was a Harbinger warning of things to come later and I knew when I looked at it and it's even you could if you if you look at the last the last part of that book of my first book The Harmony you'll see it's talking about what's going to come and there's a absolute pattern I mean the nation has a choice but if it doesn't go in the in the right direction it's gonna progress and that's exactly what I've been I've been watching it happen but I just could not release it I could not do it until the time was right and the time is now yeah get us up to speed real quick we're going to dig into this Jonathan but between the harbinger and the harbinger part two it seems like the harbingers the warnings were not heated by and large here in the United States and we are in a very precarious position right now yeah well that well listen you know even that Eric is part of the mystery of the harbinger because what was that about remember it was the people of Israel are being warned the Lord allows their hedge to be taken away shaken enemy attack but that's it but then what do they respond they respond they say and this is the this is the key scripture of the harbiter the Isaiah 9 10 the bricks have fallen in the attack but but we're going to build stronger without God we're coming the the tree the Sycamore has been struck down but we're gonna plant uh Cedars or everything so we're saying we're coming back without God we're going to defy God and so all those things were manifesting in America which wasn't just about what God was it was about what the nation does the nation was saying we're not coming back right now we're heading away from you and that's exactly what happened to America and that's why things got so much work I mean you look at how it was in 9 11. and even then it was it was not good but look at where we are now things have happened it's part of where it's not just the signs of these harbingers it's America itself is following the the footsteps of ancient Israel and that was the warning of the harbinger it's happened and now here we are yeah there are such such close parallels Jonathan between ancient Israel and America you unpack it in the book some of the Mysteries in the harbinger too many of them most of them you couldn't reveal in the harbinger part one one of them is connected to the Pentagon yes uh the obviously the seat of American Military might in the DC area tell us about the mystery regarding the Pentagon which you reveal in the harbinger too yeah I didn't even in the heart the original Hardware I didn't even get into Washington I was really focused on New York pretty much you know but but here's here's the thing uh one and this is part of we just of course during the sun we'll only be able to touch on some of the many things that are you know that are there but but to give you a taste this is in the section of the unrevealed these are some of the things that were I could not say but are from there but are affecting us are relevant for us now and that is this when judgment came to ancient Israel uh the powers of the nation were struck you know God humbles the nation strikes its powers and says that that listen you have the powers because of me you know but without that so one of the powers of America is certainly it's military power so what happens on 911 it gets struck I mean actually the Pentagon is like it's almost like the ancient wall we don't have walls but one side's judgment is the wall gets breached well it happened but the thing is that but he he does that and he brings the nation back to its foundation so when did America's great military power begin well we became a great uh superpower you know we were kind of isolationist what brought us in once and for all was World War II we entered in 1941 we never came out of being the the world superpower of of military and so what happened was at that same time there was a building built that match that marked that very rise and marked the very moment that America was rising in 1941 it was the Pentagon so the question is they they gathered in that you know on the other side of the Potomac and they they broke the ground to begin the Pentagon marks the rise of American power what day was it the Pentagon was born on September 11th 9 11 9 11. but it was God brought it all back you see you know why was it 911 Why didn't why didn't all this happen on 9 11 because that was the day of America's power being birthed and the thing it was long before it was a day of Calamity it was the day of the foundation of America's rise so what's the warning and let me let me say something else about this the the building that the Pentagon replaced the old war department had been there had been existing for 60 years if you take the date that the Pentagon was born and at 60 years it comes out to September 11 2001. the exact day that year and so the thing is so the warning is God is saying listen all your blessings are because of me you Rose because of me I allowed that but if you turn away from me then all you your power is going to crumble including your military power the superpower now we are here in New York City now now there's another power that that was linked to the rise of America and that's its economic power it that is focused here this is where it all you know trade Finance well well New York so when did New York begin well New York began when Henry Hudson sailed up not far from here sailed up and discovered Manhattan and they started planting it what day was that it was September 11th New York was born on September 11th America's power born on September 11th so even that power and the warning is with that your your Prosperity America is from me says the Lord but if you turn away and turn war against me that Prosperity is going to crumble to the ground so Jonathan what you're saying this is absolutely fascinating what you're saying is America's military might was born the pentagons on September 11th and really it's the seat of its economic might New York City was also discovered on September 11th yeah yeah everything there's no accident everything comes everything comes back not only I mean listen to the day and to the place of where it happened I mean each thing hits the place you know someone symbol of economy and the towers and the other symbol of military strength but that is a warning of where we are now because those things were symbols you know it's symbols of something harmages of something to come and now we're even seeing signs of the weakening and the shaking of America economically and other things to come there was a scripture yes appointed to be read in the days leading up to 9 11. yes what was it and a lot of people won't know this yeah and the Parsha is that on a Sabbath day you know the Jewish people open up the Scrolls and they have a scripture that's appointed from you know ages past for that day well well just before 9 11 came now remember there's more Jewish people in around here in New York than almost any other place in America and most places in the world and so it's there so they're all over New York they're opening up the Scrolls and what's the scripture the scripture is the scripture where God says warns a nation that has known God been blessed by God and has now turned away from God and he says this is what's going to happen it has a list of judgments that begin and and so you know some of them I mean of course it's to Israel but God applies these things and some things are are just that but it says an enemy shall come from Far Far Away land and shall attack you you in your gate by the way this is the Gate of America you know they shall attack New York City New York City Ellis Island yeah I mean this is the gate this is the gate and that's where judgment begins and so he says the enemy will come he'll be brutal he'll be really it talks about it talks about in the middle of the day there'll be a it says it says there'll be a a rain dust upon you remember this place was covered with a rain of dust it says you'll be groping around like a blind person it it literally says and I'm not saying you know there's different applications but God can apply it says that below you the ground will be Iron above you the sky will be copper or bronze well literally Ground Zero it was made up of steel or Ally of iron and above them there was this Cloud that was made up of copper you know and so literally and then it says it says that you know it says this it says that the enemy will come sign of judgment in the Bible Like an Eagle coming upon the land you know come when judgment came to the ancient Israel he uses the eagle as the image Eagle well it says in that scripture an eagle shall come he'll come like and the Hebrew says which means a swooping Eagle he'll come down to every plane the 911 they came from the sky like eagles they came swooping down and the the plane that began at all on the back of that plane was an image and the image was of an eagle swooping down the same scripture that was appointed for that day and what the scripture is revealing is that's the beginning America that's the beginning of God's warning but it's not the end two and a half thousand years ago the Prophet Jeremiah stood outside the walls of Jerusalem by the valley of hinom in his hand was a Potter's jar like this one a prophetic symbol of the nation to which he was about to give an ominous warning the nation Israel had as an Earthen vessel been formed by the will of God by its creator molded for his purposes but it turned away from the purposes for which it was created and that was on the verge of Destruction 400 years ago another civilization was begun formed and molded for the purposes of the creator 400 years ago today a merchant shipped navigated the waves of the Atlantic to make its way to the new world the ship was called the mayflower in November of that year it landed on the shores of Cape Cod and its passengers sealed a covenant called the Mayflower Compact the Covenant was embedded in the foundation of this new civilization that would be called America and in that Covenant the purpose of this new civilization was declared it was for the glory of God and in the advancement of the faith less than 10 years later another ship crossed the Atlantic the Arbella on that ship the Puritan leader John Winthrop issued a prophetic vision of the new civilization he would help to plant it would be he said a city on a hill the eyes of the world would be upon it and if it followed the ways of God then God would bless it and make it the most prosperous the most powerful the most secure the most exalted of civilizations the blessings of ancient Israel would come upon it winthrop's vision would come true in as much as America strove to follow the ways of God and be a light to the world it would be blessed the city on the hill would be calm as Winthrop foretold the most prosperous the most secure the most powerful Revere Nation on Earth America would seek to uphold the light of freedom and the sacred value of human life and conscience in the face of tyranny and totalitarianism it would provide refuge for the world's oppressed an opportunity for the world's impoverished it would stand against the dark powers that threatened to engulf the Earth in the 20th century the city on the hill would be lifted up and feared and envied and emulated and dreamed of and hoped in and looked to by peoples in every nation and land in the eyes of the world would be upon it but winthrop's Vision didn't end there it led to a prophetic warning if he wrote the city on the hill should turn away from the god of its foundation then the judgments that fell upon Israel would likewise fall upon it and what was it that happened to ancient Israel in the midst of its blessings the nation turned from God the god of its foundation it strange themselves from him at first it was adrift then a departure and finally a war against his ways the people drove him out of their hearts out of their government out of their ways and lives out of their education of their children out of the Public Square out of their culture and as Israel drove him out the people they opened up a vacuum into that vacuum came a flood of other gods the gods of prosperity of comfort of Desire of carnality sexual immorality perversity and self-obsession they became their own Gods they overturned his Commandments they disregarded his ways they redefined truth they created their own reality what was evil they now called good and what was good they now called evil that which they once revered they now reviled and that which was they once knew to be wrong they now celebrated they profaned the sacred and they Sanctified the profane and so the sanctity of Life they desecrated their children their most innocent possession they now lifted up as sacrifices and shed their blood on the altars of their new gods and so the blood of their children cried out against them and would call forth their judgment and it was over that Valley where they had sacrificed eyes to your children that the Prophet Jeremiah stood with a Potter's jar in his hand to pronounce his nation's judgment what about America has likewise Fallen in the midst of our blessings and prosperity we too have turned away from the god of our foundation we've estranged ourselves from him and our Falling Away came the same way first as adrift and a departure and now a war against his ways we drove God we drove God out of our hearts out of our government out of our ways out of our laws out of the education of our children out of the public squares out of our businesses out of our media out of our culture out of our lives and as we drove him out we opened up a vacuum into which came a flood of other gods we would not call them Gods but gods they were gods of prosperity and comfort and desire and carnality and sexual immorality and self-obsession and we too have become our own Gods we have overturned the Commandments of God we removed them from the walls of our Public Square we redefine truth we created our own reality what is evil We Now call good and what is good we now call evil what we once revered we now revile in what we once do to be wrong we now celebrate we too have profaned the sacred and have Sanctified the profane and as for our children our most innocent possession we have sacrificed them on the altars of self-indulgence it was here in this city over there it was here that their Collective murder was blessed and given sanction but a thousand laws and a thousand Supreme Court rulings and a Thousand Angels swearing on a thousand Bibles cannot alter one iota of this basic measure of morality to shed the blood of an unborn baby is to murder a human life and the most innocent of human lives the people of ancient Israel lifted up thousands of their children on the altars of Baal and Malik and by doing so they invoked their own destruction but we have lifted up Millions and our Collective hands are covered with blood and what does that invoke 60 million Americans have been murdered and instead of weeping over that fact we go still farther it was less than two years ago that in the nation's abortion Capital New York that that gruesome law was passed to push the boundaries even farther to murder The Unborn Child to the point of birth and when they passed that Bloody law they cheered and they lit up the tower at Ground Zero in the color pink in Celebration the city on the hill has grown dark its light has dimmed that is in danger of going out it has now been overtaken by a plague that has left it shaken a lockdown that has battered its economy and paralyzed its daily life and the sword of disorder and violence that has set it on edge and divided it in two it's an America that has declared war against Its Own Foundation a nation its Founders would not recognize an America in which the statue of one of its Founders its first president after which this city is named is pulled off its pedestal wrapped in an American flag and set on fire and yet it was that same first president who on the first day of his presidency gave the nation a prophetic warning he said this the propitious Smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the Eternal Rules of Order and right which Heaven itself has ordained in other words if America should ever disregard God's Eternal Rules of Order and right then the smiles of Heaven His blessings will be removed from this land and if the days of darkness must come then let them come for they will not overcome the light of God but will only magnify it and if the words the world should go from bad to worse that it's fine for you the people of God to go from good to great and if the darkness grows yet darker it's time for the lights of God to shine brighter for we are no longer the candle of the day we are now the candle of the night that shines against the darkness and lights up the world with its Radiance the same light that once lit up the world 2 000 years ago for of the nation of Israel has returned where it once was at the beginning of the age back to the land then it's time for the people of Messiah the people of God to return where they once were at the beginning of the age to the book of Acts and on the day of the return it's time for the people of God to return to that same power that same calling that same anointing that same Glory that they might again light up the world it is time to live on hindered uncompromised Unbound bold all out on fire and mighty in the power of the Living God it is time to rise it is time to return for thus says the Lord called to me and I will answer you and show you Great and Mighty things you know not of [Applause] prepare prepare prepare the way of the Lord make straight in the wilderness a highway for our God let every Valley be lifted up at every mountain and he'll be brought low let every crooked way be made straight let every rough way be made smooth and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and the Reigns of the latter days will come down upon the earth and the spirit of God poured upon the Nations for thus says the Lord arise and shine says the Lord arise and shine says the Lord for your light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you deep Darkness shall cover the Earth but the glory of the Lord shall rise upon you in the name above every name the name of Yeshua hamashiach Jesus the Messiah the way the truth the life the King of Kings the Lord of all the hope of the age the Prince of Life the light of the world the star of Jacob and the glory of Israel and the lion of Judah amen we're not necessarily seeing people worshiping golden calves obviously and Idols of wood how would they return it seems much more subversive today they're returning to a civilization that has known God so you know that that quote a quote Christian civilization so it's a whole different thing can't come back first of all can't come back all at once can't come back saying hey we're going to mess you up it's going to come back step by step by step first by a little thing a gentle and the thing is what's going to open the door is if that Civilization starts turning away from God and when you can see the real marker is or at the beginning of the 1960s you start seeing the Turning putting God away putting prayer away that is what's going to open the door and the thing is that the when you look at you know which gods are going to return uh well the same gods or the same principalities that were in when Israel turned away from God you know because we're in that pattern that they're going to return and and with Israel there were three primary gods among others that were that that epitomize everything one I call in the book and that return is called the possessor and you call these by the way the dark Trinity yes it's a trend that's right the dark Trinity yeah the first is the a book called The possessor the second is called the enchantress and the third is called The Destroyer so these are the three primaries gods that have returned as as look you you mentioned rightly Jonathan beginning in the 1960s a bit of a national backsliding away from God really began then prayer removed in the schools the so-called sexual Revolution you dig into it in the book yeah well the first yeah first you open the door the door is turning from God but when you open the door the house is never going to stay empty that's what it's saying and so what happens you have the first one called the possessor in Hebrew his name was ba'al or bail which means the possessor or the Lord or the master or the owner and what he did or this principality is he was the alternate substitute Gods he was the god of the turn away from God he I'm going to be your new God I'm going to make you prosperous and he's the one or this principality that drove God out out of the Public Square out of the palace out of the children's education so what do you see in America do you see a spirit that starts driving God out step by step by step started small people said okay it's taking prayer out look at where it has come because again you empty the house it's been empty the house you're gonna something else is coming in and so what comes in is this Spirit of Baal really the main Pig indeed it's yeah Bale was the most prevalent in ancient times yeah he's later on he's actually associated with Zeus you know in the time of the time of the Greeks of the Romans so he was the king of the Canaan like us he's the first one he's like that first spirit that comes in he don't and then he brings his friends and so in the Bible it says it says he caused Israel to forget God so so he so what's happening is there's a spirit that has caused America to forget God to forget that it ever knew God you know if you knew back then in the 60s where if people knew where it was going to end up you know what what's the thing is this These Are pagan gods or Pagan Spirits so if they come to a Christian Nation their mission is to take a turn a nation that is quote Christian and turn it into a pagan Nation paganized that is what we have been watching for the last half century when you're saying what's going on that's what's going on and it even says he caused he caused Israel to turn away from the Commandments we literally have struck down the Ten Commandments in America we banned it the spirit of Baal is in all these things we are watching we're watching this nation and this civilization becoming Pagan and you have written many times Jonathan and really many of your books about the parallels between Israel's trajectory with the Lord and America's trajectory with the Lord are our shared Destinies in some ways so I guess it's no surprise to you obviously that some of the same problems that plagued ancient Israel are now plaguing America yeah with the harbinger in the other books it's speaking about the signs that happen now this is speaking about the actual spirits that are in there and they're in America now and and it actually goes deep because because the the process of Baal taking it Taking possession of a culture is that he that it's deep because for instance world you had many gods you didn't have one God so you didn't have one truth you had many truths you had you could make your own you could make your idol I created my own reality that is what we were watching when people says your truth my truth if I say if I say I'm a tree you have to accept that because there's no truth because that's Pagan that is totally Pagan and when you also take away God everything becomes God sex becomes God nature becomes God ideology becomes God this is behind wokism this is behind I mean even behind I won't get into we won't talk but an ancient mystery linked to our addiction to computers computers are linked to this um uh virtual reality New Age all this is linked to Baal and the Pagan is the paganizing of America 1960s the door was really open to this Jonathan did bail uh the sign of the possessor physical sign did it manifest itself in America yeah right near here yeah right near here and we're in New York City just a reminder yeah this is the one of the the signs of Baal actually was a bull a bronze bull all over all over the America all over Israel was it was a sign and it was linked to you know they went to bail because they said well you're going to help us be prosperous you're going to help our Fields well what happened is in a in the 1980s a sign appeared right near here they are they put down they laid out it was a massive massive bronze Bowl the sign of Baal and the sign in the Bible of a nation that once knew God and is now turned away from God and is now subject to to Baal and right by Wall Street by their financial which is about Prosperity we call it a bull market that's a bail Market you know and so on and so and there and there's so there's actually I won't go into it because we don't have the time but even even a part of Bale's Temple was recreated and erected right near where we are in New York City and in Washington bulls and Bales folks you're not going to hear this anywhere else I guarantee the book is called The Return of the Gods and it can be yours for a gift of just 25 you see the information there on your screen pick this book up for such a time as this hey we're talking about the dark Trinity yes the possessor bail number one the second member of this disasterly Trio the enchantress yes tell us about her yeah actually in in Canaanite mythology she is known as the the wife or lover of Baal but she appears everywhere she appears in the Bible as she's called a start or actually and you see Belle and Ash Torah and then that order of polls yeah yeah so first is bail then comes ashtora and what was she well she's known as Ishtar as well she's also known as when she went to Greece she became Aphrodite she became Venus was very dark dark thing she was the goddess of sexual immorality sexuality divorce from Marriage she was actually known as the great Harlot The Prostitute goddess and so when she came comes into a culture what's going to happen what we'd expect that as bail comes in the Turning from God first then we would expect something to happen to sexuality a revolution and that's exactly what happens starting in the 60s the sexual Revolution starts this is the power this is the the principality that will seek to possess a nation by turning the Christian sexual values of values of marriage into Pagan sexual values that's exactly what we have been witnessing ever since so this starts taking over our culture it's the second part and it goes deep the enchantress is is a goddess of prostitution yes as you describe in the book Jonathan yes a goddess of drunkenness even and many many vices but all coming back to to sex permission promiscuity and gender confusion and gender man it's going to get to that yeah it's going to get to that yeah so she it's but it starts first with taking sex out of marriage remember she's The Prostitute goddess so what does the prostitute do take sex out of marriage puts it into the marketplace puts it into the culture so we're watching the sexualization of America and of the West and what that means is she was a you know she was detrimental to marriage so we're watching marriage become weakened we're watching marriages getting destroyed broken homes broken children because that's what it does but even I'll give you a little mystery here that that and again we can only touch on the things that are in the book but the the word for The Prostitute back then in Greek is the word porne or porn we get pornography actually comes from this goddess the first pornography was from her she put that you put the images of naked women she also the pornographic literature came from her we talk about the word erotic of happening to uh to the world well well that comes from the Greek word Eros Eros was was a God who was born of this goddess it all comes back one last member of that dark Trinity the Destroyer before we go about a minute before the break Jonathan who is the Destroyer it always it goes right in progression first turning from God then sexual sexual immorality then what happens is they Israel started offering up their children as sacrifices to the gods particularly the god Molech and Malik is the destroyer and so what what this is a pagan thing this was common in the Pagan world but what it means is if we are continually following these Gods if they are coming back if we are being paganized we're going to end up actually offering up our own children and like clockwork it happens we legalize abortion we have killed 60 million children and we want time to go into the mystery but even when you look at the I bring it on the book that the ancient ways of offering up the children to Malik are actually being reproduced right now without even people realizing I mean it's unbelievable that people should know Jonathan what went on in ancient times and during bible times Malik this Idol people literally would sacrifice their children yeah the Bible called it passing through the fire yes yeah I mean and you detail it yeah yeah it's the same way it happened with priests I mean we have our own form of priests same way actually actually more poor children basically minorities were killed because of this God and it's happening the same way here it's it's following like clockwork it's it's you can say how could they ever do that we're doing it we're following these are this is what the gods do this is what the Pagan world did and that's what we're doing and 60 million yeah 60 million here in the U.S Ishtar or ashtarath or inanna and that was that something strange she's she says in in the top I had looked at the actually ancient inscriptions to see this uh and she says I am a woman I am a man it says in a hymn to this God as it says she's the one who has the power to turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man she is the one who does now now it's amazing because this has been this has been this has been growing until we are right now where we are but it's it All Began also in the 60s the first part is she's going to seek to de-feminize women she's going to seek to to masculinize women that and and that's the spirit in the culture I mean in every way you don't need a man you compete with a man that's what she did she she was a goddess with actually masculine qualities to her a fighter she would she would compete with that so you see and which also tears apart marriage so all this all this is all together um and you know with that she also she also um is going to feminize men and so and so that's what you would take away the lead you know there's a spirit that hates men and there's a spirit that hates men if they are leading or whatever this and if a woman acts masculine the the society applauds it if a man asks it acts masculine then he's he's you know he is condemned that something is really strange but that's the spirit of the Goddess that's what she does and she's been doing it she's doing it to Children she's doing uh boys are being trained this way uh girls are being trained this way in every way this has affected our culture that's just the beginning of her of her transformation well children Jonathan at the age of four or five years old are being told today that they can choose their gender yeah whether they want to be a boy uh or a girl this is this is Ishtar this is the spirit and it started out like that and now it started out originally just saying hey you know be more like this one now it's come to this you know you know she had a she had a priesthood the priesthood of the Goddess was this listen it was men dressed up in her Temple as women those were the priests and they would go around acting as acting as women and so she is the goddess of androgyny not combining male and female blurring the lines between that it's part of Destruction and that's what she did and so and so you you have now again men dressing up as women that's the return of the Goddess is that used to have that in the Pagan world you had it really Central and this is prevalent yeah yeah exactly and now it we don't realize it's been out but that was the Gospel that that stopped us now it's back and it's all over that is the spirit of the goddess and and not only that well not only that now we talk about you were just alluding to it transgenderism that listen she was the god of transgenderism she she actually kind of morphed between the male and female she had an assistant that went to male and female back and forth and actually she her priests were many of them were surgically altered they actually were surgically altered which affected their hormones in fact that all the things that are happening now those were her priests and you remember we talked about the spirit what happens when the spirit comes back it's worse well back then that was the priesthood she's seeking to do this to an entire generation of children to children that's how that's how it's even more than it ever was she actually had people dancing in front of her some of these transition people with with scalpels celebrating this this is this is back because the gods are back perilous times Jonathan no doubt but Bible times as well and we will tell you more about that before we're through yeah um yeah the return of the Gods also reveals an ancient mystery we've talked about New York City yes this is good yeah but we have another NYC throwing it break that down for us yeah yeah all this that we that we have that has transitioned basically uh America no pun intended yeah America um The Pride movement the rainbow all the the gender movement All Began in New York City and there was an event it then it happened and right nearby where we are and it was basically uh there was a police raided a bar that was of same sexuality and and there was a Revolt a riot they called it Stonewall every parade you see goes back to that as a celebration of that but what is amazing is that when you look at that night the all the signs of the Goddess were there of her return was in that night and there's so much that I can only just touch on some this was 1960s 1969 that the summer of 69. there's so much here I'll give you an example the the ancient texts say that the goddess where she kind of rules is in the eshtom eshdam was the bar or the tavern Stonewall is an eshtom it's a bar it's a Tavern that's where that's where she was and that's where she reigned one of the signs when she comes into battle when the goddess comes into battle she rides lions in her mythologies in pictures lines and she puts her head on the line she puts her foot on the lion's head saying I am I am so powerful I'm on the lion said the lion said the first thing you would see would be the lion's head well before this happened this war it was basically a culture War it's going to happen with the goddess the first thing that appeared on that street was a was a place called the lion's head right next to Stonewall then Stonewall came and and there's something called you know we speak about in the ancient times that there were priests or priestesses who would be filled by these Spirits you know because they'd be avatars in a sense they'd be well there actually was someone there's a person who triggered everything that night and was a woman and it's a mystery woman and she actually triggered the whole revolt and that woman embodied the goddess Ishtar she would all the characteristics of that Ishtar was called the storm it says you are the loud thundering storm you are the storm the woman's name was storm or storm a and and I mean I mean I'm just scratching the surface yeah there's something called the dance of the Goddess that when she's at War she dances there's a dance in the middle of that that Riot a dance breaks out and they actually the the men who are dancing as women are actually actually chanting words that go back to the tablets of Ishtar on that very night and by the way they were attacking police during these Rhymes we're trying to set them up set the bar on fire with the police in there another theme we see unfortunately in modern America yeah uh police being targeted yeah yeah um take us back uh two ancient times to Biblical times and again just so people know this was not some Fringe movement in those times this was prevalent yes throughout Pagan Society Christians were an outlier at the time yes and a hated minority to be honest in the early days especially the Roman Empire yes this was if people can understand what Jonathan is laying out the dark Trinity the enchantress the possessor this was the dominant force in the culture at that time the dominant quote-unquote religious Force yeah of times and if this was mainstream everything you're laying out and it's coming back and that's why we're saying like what is this what is this what all the things that were there are coming back and even even this I'd even mentioned what the night of when this all began when all the Stonewall when all this began was was the exact was it even the timing was according to the ancient Babylonian calendar it happened on the weekend of the full moon happened by the summer solstice happened in the days of the Goddess without even going into detail It All Happened actually the date of this was sealed was actually sealed on a day that according to the ancient Babylonian calendar says it's a that day is appointed to cast a spell to cause a man to love a man that's when it was all sealed and so it's all I mean it is it is it is I mean beyond anything that anybody could have made of and it's not that these people knew what they were doing we got to pray for everyone and we're all in the same boat but they didn't know what they were doing but this was the return this is all like clockwork the way this is happening that is that remember this keep this in mind they were cast out by the gospel they were cast out by Christians okay so when they come back they have a vendetta they are focused on Christians they're focus on conservatives because they try to stop this thing from happening but their focus especially on Christians so as the as the gospel pushed them out they're trying to push out believe members as the gospel marginalized them they're trying to marginalize Believers as the word of God puts them out they're trying to nullify the word of God and push it out of culture push out so so this is a dangerous thing that that there's a focus on us there's a focus that's why religious freedom is being threatened that's why that all these things are happening this is round two we're the obstacle yeah the followers of Jesus are the main obstacle to the God's plans coming to fruition exactly and that you have a bullseye on our backs that's right and that is and yet we are to be Overcomers we're to be Congress and so and so in God and so and that is another reason for it for I knew I had to write the return to God's Not So Believers could know it and could wake up and also rise at TBN our mission is to use every available means to reach as many individuals and families as possible with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ thank you for helping make the gospel of grace go around the world without you we couldn't do it God bless you
Channel: Praise on TBN
Views: 160,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonathan cahn, jonathan cahn 2023, jonathan cahn prophecy, prophecy, biblical prophecy, the harbinger jonathan cahn, return of the gods jonathan cahn, understanding end times, end times prophecy, praise on tbn, tbn, the dark trinity, god, jesus, bible, end times, current events and the bible, the oracle, jonathan cahn sermons, sermons on the end times, sermons on biblical prophecy, understanding the bible, understanding scripture
Id: KvQERtOHamo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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