America's MASSIVE Abandoned Storage Unit Mystery Box Unboxing #2

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you guys ready hey man whoa we hit the jackpot guys waiting with weights ventures and you're watching The Ventures YouTube channel a family channel we scour the state of Oregon and do this full time finding amazing storage units that we can make a ton of money on but more importantly share it with our YouTube family so buckle in we bought three massive storage units and we're ready to unbox them live in the warehouse to show you guys the treasures and the amazing stuff that we're finding here in the state of Oregon so get your popcorn ready hit the subscribe button and the like button and let's get into this all right we are live no they can still see you alright guys so today we are opening another big ol box now whoa what is this a first it says figurines candleholders trinkets and it's fragile okay good I like these kind of boxes and we're not sure you picking the boxes guys we're just doing what's in the bottle you put hoping to open it I'm shocked about this what is this what what brand are they oh there there are speakers a lot there's just two different kinds - scents people things well that is the first time whoa maybe second time it he hasn't had the right label someone else must be helping that day Wow okay well okay we got a bunch of speakers we got we got fools on that one let's see if this one is what they say oh my gosh where do they say it Merry Christmas okay it is kind of Oh Oh ladies are gonna love this one if you do craps it's a circuit machine with all its accessories in it wit and it's packed in 2011 and we're supposed to leave this site up a little late for that let's see what Santa brought today I almost got when I had my craft or I almost got me none of these hopefully it's in there cuz you said that they go for good money right well they they did when I was looking at them I thought it was good expensive that's why I didn't get one so we'll see I blame ER I know nothing Oh the box is almost assault you're like well I don't know why you're making me do this everybody has to wait how did you get your injury oh oh oh it's in there Wow hopefully it's in there oh it looks like a box it would be em doesn't it but you know we we do not guarantee everything's what it says yeah it's fully in there this is the yeah it's in there I recognize the shape that's what it is let me grab my phone and we'll see how much it's worth well let's show the people right here it's precious yeah yeah I wanted one of these so bad this could this could be good money here let's see now I'm back when I wanted to buy one I know they cost and they cost about 300 or more and that's just the Machine not with all the accessories or brandis's oh okay or like a model number all right let's see you guys and see how much money is here don't see them all number of course I don't see anything I really circuit cousins checked this one is selling 410 on eBay yeah this one almost looks brand-new like and none of this stuff has been used I'm willing to bet nothing's been opened I'm willing to bet it's brand-new ants do we have some accessories with it what is this the paper and stuff that you printed out different things you can use cut it man it's none of it's open that's all of it this is all I think this is a brand-new machine wait and here's the ink yeah I haven't even been put in there oh yeah so without a use price those views yeah I don't this isn't used there's nothing about it well pretty good let's move on to the next women appreciate this there you go merry Christmas to you open them they're all interesting yeah this says China and ceramic cups caution very fragile do not drop or slam no slamming this around I love the details it's part of the fun of this unit is the things he wrote on the boxes and boy do we have mugs we have nuts I'm hoping they're all different and really cool okay there we have a Christmas reindeer mug oh my gosh there's a lot of look we have another reindeer mug only a little different oh we might be into Rangers today was another well this doesn't have to be Christmas and this doesn't have to be Christmas these are moose aren't they moose are they rain do you see a moose I see it right here here's an ornament mug Christmas mugs think yeah another one another one and none of these are chips now this one looks cool it says Hargrove going to Grandma's on Christmas Wow now here we're getting into a little 70s that's 70s mug if I ever saw one oh we got too 70s I like the 70s so four good years okay Oh sunflowers Wow let me see coffee Wow it's got it's kind of like raised a little bit now we have moose really a manly moves cook that's not bad that would be for a man I'll bet they're very heavy those two and they go together oh there's a whole set of four I think and they're all different thank you okay yep we got one more yes there's a set of four somebody's gonna love those why wouldn't that be different I can't have everything look at love bugs it's kind of cool ladybugs ladybug another flower those I'd like it when we have sex yeah there's okay that's a lot of cups over there okay okay what's the next you want to do some way no my finger remember oh I forgot you're injured I keep forgetting even John Major and it doesn't look like much but if I peeled it off it would make you guys sick all right let's go over here he sits down on your pinky like last time yeah thank you let's go ahead see what's in here this fragile breakable but you know what last time it said it in a box like this we got old squeakers and this time we hit the jackpot I like fragile and breakable okay this is large and small cookie presses cookie presses I know some of those can go for good money don't know I don't want you to okay he's doing it for the team so you better go back over and rest okay what's in here oh my gosh good luck with that oh my gosh you're right okay we gotta see what they are oh there's two little things in here and it's wrapped more everything's wrapped like two or three times and there's I know we bought a tape factory out I don't think we use this much tape in a year together no oh okay now I know what they are and I do like them they're ceramic little cookie presses you make your I bet your sugar cookies would be good with this and you press them oh wow I'm actually never seen ceramic like here's the sunflower and they're real pretty and there's a whole box full of them yeah I'll show you a few more I don't know if you want to see the whole box you might say I wonder how much these things go for I don't know I've never I've never purchased any actually I've ever seen any this nice but I'm sure the people watching me now these are so I just love these now look at this one it's another flower with that but the tops are real pretty ceramic I don't know if you can see that film the top yeah they're just little like quality film don't look cheap there's a teapot the ceramic part is what I kind of like almost the best did I show a couple more yeah the whole box is solidly packed full of these good wood apart oh this feels different after I just go it's in a package these are cool I want to show you something real quick here oh this one came in the package tell them all about it later so these go for like 15 to 20 bucks each they've never been used no you can tell they're not oh wow this one still has its sticker on it oh yeah oh there get bigger too okay I got a pullout big one you know a lot of people a lot of sorting and YouTube videos are doing auctions now we may consider doing that that'd be fun I bet people would love to buy some of this stuff that'd be let's try that out that'd be so fun that you do yourself though oh look at this press this or anything on the other side it's on the bottom the cookie breath oh my gosh it's a big old sucker here there's a couple big ones like that I mean aren't they they're like designer presents where you'd want to leave them on the counter Wow I don't want to put these away look at that this could be worth some good money here's another big one and there's no chips no they're all night oh this is a Christmas tree one show them all sides they're so detailed I've never even seen these things before I have never seen them oh they're numbered they're numbered says Brown baked cookie arts so the special number 23 remembered yeah these are numbered and he used the finest tissue paper which I'm out of so very nice well that's crazy not to be so upset oh wow Ashley may want to keep these you know what the kids make cookies but God you and you don't want to burn now there these are really big I've pumps I wonder how much these things weigh they're heavy they weigh like a bit two or three pounds maybe two pounds I'm not good at judging the weight thank God I've never known that did these Wow they're like clay aren't they no they're uh ceramic or resin I think they're rezoned okay let's see because they're stronger than clay hold on my resins heavier than correct play so I think their resin this one is an Easter Bunny one Wow and the details on these things okay we only have one more left dang it and it's a big one we might have another box somewhere we still this is one box out of this box okay let's see okay so yeah they're almost a pound a little bit shy of a pound each yeah you're good you're better at judging weight than I am that's still pretty uh that's still pretty heavy now remember this is just the first box out of the box like the little girls tea party Wow how do you got all these in this box I do not know but he did he's a master Packer he really is that's crazy okay let's keep all of this nice cuz it's really nice tissue paper okay let's go with whatever I can get out yeah these are all numbers no writing on it so we're gonna all be surprised and now I'm pretty sure we're gonna be surprised I mean I was very surprised on the last one I was thinking like a middle cookie press of some kind some of those can go for a really good money to bigger ones what I was shows you you can't always think oh we got oh it's rap rap it's a bear a honey bear I think because he had something on his head no it's not honey bear that's a pretty big one regular it's a backpacking bear Wow a cool backpacking bear let's see what he says oh it's the same company as a moose yeah spring tree presents Barefoot's they're sure detailed that a log has SS by Jeff Fleming yeah Montana artist Jeff Fleming see you can even see the bark on the log there you go wow that is a really cool piece do I think the birds here he goes in here okay this one says bare bones is it a skinny bear oh it's another bear though Polybius same guy what the heck dude that's crazy somebody give me a basket of food there you go yep same guy by Jeff realize he's probably a pound oh I forgot who did but somebody commented you know that Tupac album that we've done it's worth 85 bucks where is that it's in that other storage unit oh oh that is so cool giving a shout out whoever did that forgot who said that remember names I can't even remember names of people I see every day so I try so hard to remember people's names on the comment comments and I might I have to either write them down or practice them and then I still hope I can remember yeah I remember this one says this is Raymond oh oh I thought it was like the artist name no that's Raymond oh he's a three pounder right Raymond you're heavy bro he is isn't he he's been eating a lot no way Raymond cuz uh weights way more than the skinny bear he's getting ready for the hibernation here let me see oh he's ate a lot of honey before then yep why the Jeff I just think they're beautiful though he goes in here let me win I'll win let's see what do you guys steak great I bet Raymond's a two pound bear I'm hoping I'm doing okay cuz I'm sure I'm saying more than I need to do we got walking Willie here for sure walking Willie oh yeah he's 2 pounds he's a big boy okay [Applause] Hawk and Willie is about area he's a bear hibernating video I do I think they're all bears Oh see you have you won another walking Willie he might be bigger than the last one we other ones too pounds so I could be all the wrapping all right oh he's a walking and mouth okay here comes walking really you know if you do somebody mean Willie wouldn't it be fun to give him the bear that's walking Willie oh you're a heavy boy pretty cool boys day out there but Jeff lend me a bit just let me well yeah we already know who he is he's the artist I think it's two bears off what do you guys think let's see I've never seen him put two together all there seven there's packing paper oh how cute it's a little family of bears is it I think so Wow we'll know for sure in just a minute oh it's one oh my gosh and it's heavy oh wow look at that that's a cutest thing Wow oh this one has fur and our use only well it's got let me I haven't seen this sticker on him yeah okay now this next box moving right along says carb black Pike Oh bear okay he's fragile they say so he's nuts I think he's different than those other bears whoa not sure I'm getting mad okay what I can't see oh he's my favorite he's a hiker bear he's on it he's on a real piece of wood I think I can't believe we've only done you these two videos and we still have yes that is a real piece of wood he's a different brand than the other bears okay let's see oh they're like her bear oh yeah here's his box made out in China okay Wow he's my favorite your favorite out of all the Bears okay now we're to it down to our last box in the box in the stuffing in the stuff Christmas stocking shelf hanging black bear canoes small canoe set of three canoes with bears so all that's in this box well I'm sure after seeing these things all in that small little box I have a feeling that he was able to put along there you know it's kind of like he did the storage unit I have never in my life seen a storage unit where you did not have a happenin puzzle he was a great Packer it was every Nick and cranny to the ceiling that's you yeah that was undertaking okay one and we will get to it I just don't want to break it so oh wow these are littler bears I think yep a bear attack anew and that cute let's see he's light so you show them why I speed up the process I'm wrapping them oh wow this is cute this is cute I think everything is but not for myself for all the people we sell a chip I got to be careful oh look at the canoe with the paddle he's pretty cool I think they all are I hope there's some bear collectors out there and would love these these maybe once you want to kind of put together these smaller ones wouldn't it be good to have one of those boat shelves and put these little boat bears yeah I wonder what they're made out of they feel like resin they don't feel ceramic no and I don't think I'll show you yeah no show me oh wow that is awesome this is probably my favorite you can't say that yeah we're not at the end of the box favorite so far that is my favorite so far he's got the little fish over here Wow wait enough for me to unwrap it you doing great I'm trying now be careful because the or is loose now this is heavy this is made out something different the or I think goes in in somewhere yeah put it together Wow so there must be a bear that goes in here I think we got another canoe but there's no bear bear fell overboard this is the canoe floating afterwards if you want to use our imagination but this one's stuck in there the plastic oh okay we got one big thing coming up next and the last and it is heavy so there's another one here guys I like the boats even what is it while I'm surprised on the skateboard what the heck look at this Wow wait oh oh it's a stocking oh it's a stocking holder that's why yeah so heavy for the fireplace it's got felt down here yeah that's a stocking holder how cute for a little boy that loves fishing yeah I'd be just so cute oh boys are gonna have to love fishing your dad does there you go alright shall we do one more box alright alright let me take this guy and we will do wish your finger was well I'm sure they're tired of my doing it you do it better oh you're fine ok so you'll be healed enough tomorrow you guys you're gonna make me unwrap it I I scraped all my skin off of your eyes honey I wish you wouldn't show them how small it was well why did mammal teapot with kissy lips and black handle ok let's see we gotta I'm thinking don't injure yourself even if I did I wouldn't tell anybody don't injure yourself oh it's metal does have kissy lips alright what is up with the kissy lips hey that was a very good description hi I was picturing no I think that's better what the cutest teapot you ever saw wow that's funny it's got a little Wow yeah that's not how I I imagined it I figured a whole bunch of kissy lips on a white tea pot with a black handle but no those are real kissy lips alright so what do you think about this video we've got some good stuff yeah you don't have any more boxes to have until next time until tomorrow see how he regulates it yep we have to we have we have to get working we have to clear a spot yeah that's a clear spot alright guys we'll see you tomorrow hopefully you enjoyed this we only have a small working place in this and kissy lips to you y'all say that again I'm it to the audience from you yes see ya thanks for watching don't forget to hit the subscribe button and if you want to watch more from wavez ventures click the videos on the left [Music]
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 31,342
Rating: 4.9122925 out of 5
Keywords: America, Abandoned Storage Unit, Mystery Box, Unboxing, storage wars, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, storage hunters, auction hunters, mystery boxes, self storage, storage unit, storage locker, how to make money online, 2020, storage lockers, storage unit finds, storage locker finds, storage wars full episodes, how to, storage auction, wades ventures, abandoned storage locker, storage locker auctions, auction house, buy, sell, storage, storage wars fights, box, boxes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 31sec (1831 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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