Americans, It's Time to Leave #NomadDad

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hello i'm bob henderson i'm the nomad dad the father of the nomad capitalist andrew henderson andrew's given me a number of topics he wanted me to discuss with you from the perspective of somebody who's a little bit older i was in the wealth management business for about 39 years i was in the life insurance business i was also in the media radio and tv got somebody to write me a check for over 25 [Music] years as a result of the media in particular i got to see and do things that maybe people outside of the media wouldn't get to do i've gotten to go to the white house with other talk show hosts of america uh gotten a chance to interview presidents uh that sort of thing and um that's obviously very interesting to me and then i think that you get to a certain age you begin to i don't know you you have all this accumulated knowledge which hopefully uh some of it's worthwhile that that you can pass on uh with a perspective that might be might be helpful so i wanted to talk about um not being afraid to move whether it's from the united states any of the other legacy brand countries or quite frankly any other country andrew was said for years and we'll talk primarily about americans because that's where he's from he says americans and he's not saying this in a bad way but americans seem to think there may be a little bit provincial that well the only healthcare in the world that's any good is america well it might be good but there are plenty of other places in the world where it's also good you won't be able to have first world amenities in some of these countries well certainly you do in western europe but as you travel around and andrews used the example of kuala lumpur malaysia when he was born in the mid-1980s that was a backwater frankly if you want to talk about malaysia why don't we talk about singapore for a minute singapore in 1963 was kicked out of the malaysian federation for being bad since then they have risen to one of the most economically free countries in the world and it didn't take them very long so in andrew's lifetime look at all the immense changes you want to talk about health care one of the best places you can go for health care in the world is prince court hospital in kuala lumpur and you can do it a lot less expensively than you can most other places in the world you'll have first class care if you speak english you got british doctors you can understand them these are the kinds of things that i think people wonder about i know andrew's mother and i do as we get a little bit older and we're in good health but it's something that you do have to keep in mind so i'm also going to little maya culpa here we have been looking at this and i think this is where andrew began to get interested for 25 years and i thought about new zealand for instance for a variety of reasons this was a company that was a country that was flat on its back they were one of the early kind of soft socialist countries and everything went pear-shaped in the 1980s and it took a left-wing government who had no other choice but to do the right thing to revive the country now they've kind of fallen back like most of the other western countries but they're still far ahead of where they were 40 years ago but we thought about going there why didn't i well i didn't have the nomad capitalist and i don't i say that with all sincerity i didn't have enough information to make the move the nomad capitalist andrew and his team have been to over a hundred countries he's got people all over the world that can give you legal or accounting or real estate advice they keep up on what the changes are and the changes are incredibly immense point being i didn't know who to turn to to get the right answers and i'm not a huge risk taker maybe more so than some but i had a young family and a business that really required my time and i didn't have the ability to be boots on the ground flying all over the world to find the right place i say this in the nicest way you don't have that excuse anymore because you've got andrew in the nomad capitalist company to help you decide what makes the most sense for you after thinking what it is that you're looking for so you could be afraid to move across town it's a different school district for the kids or it's going to be more expensive maybe we can't afford it or you know you could move from one place in one state to another place in that state or cross country which andrew and his mother and i have done a couple of times it's a little bit scary i understand that and taking that next big leap outside the country can be even more scary but again andrew makes a great point people say well i'm leaving california i'm moving to texas okay as long as you're doing that why don't you just go for it and go to some other country i mean as long as you're moving okay you might as well just go for it but if if it's information that you need so that you make a good decision you've got to know mad capitalist to help you with that today now depending on your age and your station in life and this has been one of my concerns is the insurance we're on medicare if you're going to leave the united states and still be a citizen you want to make sure you continue to pay your medicare and or your medicare supplement premiums you can do that you can still have the coverage they won't cover you outside the u.s but you can come back to the u.s for your physicals and any other care but you must continue to pay the premiums if you're not on medicare and again you're going to need to look at this but i think it's going to be pretty much the same across the board there's a 63-day period where if you go without coverage it might be difficult to reinstitute the coverage you know pre-medicare coverage so bottom line you might want to keep that coverage and keep paying the premium just cost of doing business in canada i know that you cannot leave the country in many cases for more than six months and keep your insurance i think it's seven months in ontario and they won't even let you out of the place or newfoundland i think is eight but you need to look at this kind of thing uh because the insurance is is very important and uh this could be a great wealth destroyer it's not hard to get this information when you do leave in terms of maintaining your existing coverage you're going to want to get coverage for when you are abroad nomad coverage and you can get it from anywhere what five to 364 days at a time and then renew it safety wing uh is is uh is somebody uh that that i think uh could meet your needs because you are going to need the coverage and if you're going to in in involve yourself in hazard hazardous activities make sure you've got coverage for that too not all of them are covered but many are obviously as a rider that'll be a little bit more expensive so being afraid to move sure there's some apprehension um are other countries safe of the places i've been i've never been concerned in the least i don't mean to pick on the united states but if you look particularly over the last year or so i could say there are a lot of places that are not particularly safe in the united states right now particularly in uh in big cities uh just use your head you should not run into a problem somewhere else andrew's mother and i have been to israel everybody says you can't go there it's unsafe we were there i don't think it was that's ridiculous that's a ridiculous assertion there's signs on a few places that say don't go here all right don't go there the the airplanes that we took over i think we took ll they have any missile equipment under the wings if there's any airline in the world that i feel safe on it's ll you get on the captain doesn't say hi how's your day no captain is dedicated to one thing getting you to tel aviv that's all that matters but that's all we're paying for that's all we want so you hear all these things and most of them just aren't true you need to experience it yourself boots on the ground take a trip take a couple of trips but i don't think that by and large it is something that has to get in your way uh of moving don't let the fear of leaving the country whether it's permanent or temporary uh and by temporary i mean maybe you live abroad in a locale or two and then the rest of the time in your home country it should not be a problem but you need to experience it i would not just move somewhere sight on scene uh you probably need to take a couple of exploratory trips and as i say boots on the ground it was great to have you this time i've got some more topics coming up that i hope you'll find interesting and i hope to see you next time i'm bob henderson the nomad dad for the nomad capitalist how can nomad campus help you four ways number one subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell to make sure you get our new video every day number two get a copy of nomad capitalist the book you'll learn a lot of my 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Channel: Nomad Capitalist
Views: 98,912
Rating: 4.8980894 out of 5
Keywords: nomad capitalist, go where you're treated best, leaving the usa, healthcare in usa, health care, moving to malaysia, living in singapore, where to move, deciding where to move, leaving california, california exodus, travel to israel, israel, singapore, health care costs, leave the us, medicare, americans leave, easy immigration policies, emigrate to, easiest countries for americans to move to, to get citizenship, emigrate, move to texas, moving to texas, leave california
Id: nSO8MHvTDfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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