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and cut by my Africa hey guys welcome back to our Channel welcome back it's a wonderful Saturday morning and we are drinking smoothies down at the beach we're not really this healthy all the time don't believe it yeah I know usually we eat waffles for breakfast say they're covered in chocolate yeah yeah truth Hey how's it going no we just wanted to thank you guys so much for the response we got for our first video all the likes all the curved chairs and all you subscribers out there and I can subscribe no but anyway we just want to say thank you so much for all the support from our family and friends ok so now getting back into the next part of the video as you guys might have noticed in the title today's video will be about my American boyfriend trying to speak Afrikaans so living in South Africa we have a bunch of different languages my home language being Afrikaans so that means we took Afrikaans in the house a lot and for his students also surrounded by people that talked Afrikaans every day of their lives so hopefully in this year that he's been in South Africa is there an embedded of Afrikaans and when he just came here it was a bit of a struggle because he wanted to impress me with his epic on so we were walking and the next moment he tells me hello my aunt and I'm like excuse me and he's like I love my aunt and I just look at him and I'm like what he sang to me sir he said that's what you say to the dogs and he thought hello my aunt means like a cute little name I kind of my angel or something like that well actually it means father my dog so he just called me a dog listen it was good it was good it was about the third week here and I came in with that nice Afrikaans word when trying to impress maybe I was a little bit I was like let me shoot this one at her and I think the best reaction was not only hers but I was like oh crap what did I just say when she was looking at me I thought for sure I was gonna have to pack my bags and live on the streets now but the funny was when everybody turned that was around you just so happy to say everything all of Capetown was walking by us and they're like this man's callin his wife a dog and the whole time I think it's like hello my love propitious apricots has gotten a little bit better since that encounter so it's guessing he said this is how it's gonna work first I'm going to give Preston and our pecans sentence which he needs to translate into English second I'm going to give present an English sentence what he needs to transit into other cops and then third which is my favorite section is where I'm going to give Preston and at the cons were to read needs to pronounce it and then he needs to say what he thinks the word means that's going to be very interesting I'm gonna do great yeah okay so they started with the first section where I gave Preston and ivory Constance and he needs to translate it into English let's do this okay so the first sentence is the coffee is packaged well that's an easy one that means the coffee is really good check me out there we go bring it on next one okay the second sentence now this is something that person says probably every single day of his life the sentence is ax ik Nevis schooner what do you just think ACK sick niba schooner something about buying a scooter it'll say it one more time ak soup neva schooner can you use it in a sentence please okay just give me the answer okay so it actually means I want new shoes well about that everyday thing that is pretty good yeah okay yeah anyway this is ridiculous okay moving on DS so the next sentence is something that he should say everyday a kiss me Finn my my see what should you say everyday Princeton so you do a kiss leaf Finn mine I see how to be completely honest with you you got a thing good not reason she's saying I love mice that's what it sounds like but if I should say this every day I little bit of it let's go ahead and uh let's go ahead and say I love my girlfriend for 20 points [Applause] good for this next round I'm going to be giving person an English sentence and he needs to translate it in a very good attempt into every Cotton's this is gonna be ridiculous well I chose hurts that I think he should know the same things is my name is Preston hmm that's easy my name is Preston hey catch me outside needs to get that was like one of the first sinking since he learned it is how are you here we go taking the championship home today you're ready for this wait how are you yes ohand it watch out watch out watch out watch out okay this one he needs to know he says it a lot it says did you sleep well ah here we go did you sleep well heck yeah like a hump slap quite right it's she does this every time every time I pronounce it and get it right and I get excited well you forgot this pronunciation you forgot to give a little bit of into it because that's literally the Afrikaans language like I'm not even joking something with their arse that they do which I'm not gonna embarrass myself right now and do but literally this language is it should be named choking because every time you pronounce something it sounds like you're choking this is my favorite section because I honestly don't think person is gonna do too well so let's hope for the best look at these words this is a bunch of letters mixed together to make a word okay so the first one he should know the word is let go well that which translate to good so we South Africans feel like we're not get it can't be translated cuz it's just such a lacking word you can't really translated but good is it okay now translation but well done I'm proud of you okay so the next word is this one yeah well to me which you'll be seeing all these words on the screen so you'll be seeing what I'm seeing right now hmm looks to me like it would be very pleasure burp letter that's it verb letter factor pronunciation is it how do you get that other than yeah and then it means to completely destroy something how was I supposed to know yeah I don't think it is moving on this is unbelievable so I will have to say this means caddy CAC WOD I didn't get that from that tag again CAC WOD okay there's a K there's at least seven K's in this word cat tech wad oh that's that's almost that Kotak want Kotak watch the pronunciation is cut the quality sounds like a fruit like some born fruit in the Amazon jungle okay say it's like II know mine kids for this is this is something that your mom sage you did when you were smaller like when you were a young boy you would usually do it with your friends I was always up to no good it means getting up to no good hmm interesting conflict quality still sounds like a three okay so this one person needs to know because I gave him a few hints about this one just he knows something well and you can tune down to the screen where you see the word I would have to pronounce this as spring Metis spring really but I've absolutely no clue what it means so I'm assuming it's popcorn yeah I'm sorry okay here we go okay so it starts with a G as you can see below once again I'm gonna have to go with gaagaa if I may be it may need Gaga you're right but it's pretty darn near close yeah this okay I'm probably go yeah kind of look at that see everything is choking yes sir this is one of those words that Americans really don't like because it's just one of those noodles that they don't have in their language and we have Jaco Oh sounds like something else but okay yeah you know that it's not it like okay so they're the accurate pronunciation is haha and what does it mean ha ha ha this is up that scene of Nemo oh yeah is that the cross over the water and what does it mean I don't know insect insect all my American fan out there I'm going to do this one for you by the looks of this word as you can see right now that once again it's the entire alphabet mixed up to form a word yes looks like traps a Jew cheap sounds like my long-lost Japanese father's name perhaps ahjusshi traps ahjusshi actually it sounds like a sushi roll did you although that trap ahjusshi roll oh sorry yes I shouldn't do that trap tsuki I can wait all video to do that though is that soon what do you think it means say it again drop sticky I have no clue sorry American fan okay said that's not I knew you wasn't gonna get wrong because it's one of those words that I'm pretty sure myself africans really good wrong so the actual meaning of traps iki is chameleon how was I supposed to know what a chameleon is and ever times oh you weren't that's what makes it funny yeah [Music] okay so I already hope you guys enjoyed that video and I hope it was a little bit funny I know I found it very funny of me making a fool of myself yeah basically that's right so we just we know it's a little different but we just wanted to show you guys a little bit of our daily lives because obviously the person being an American and me being a South African we not only come from different countries but we also come from backgrounds in different languages say hey shut up we're blogging here sorry that would be my dog bookie please poor thing but there's one last thing that person wanted to share with you Oh hon American - yes that's right we're going to America that's right and we're flipping stoked man I haven't seen my family in like three years now it's really been eight months but I get to taste tastes that was weird I get to take this beautiful young lady with me that's right folks America we're coming for you and it's gonna be great so yeah you guys we are super excited we're leaving in a week's time to fly out to America and be on the lookout for our next video that's coming out after this one this really awesome video that we just made but no be on the lookout because we'll take you through our packing our traveling going through the airports and Monique's never flown across the world so it's gonna be a great experience and it's gonna be super fun once again thank you guys so much for watching we really hope you enjoyed that video give this video a thumbs up subscribe to our Channel and remember love God love people and love coffee [Music]
Channel: Preston & Monique
Views: 192,616
Rating: 4.8153844 out of 5
Keywords: America, South Africa, Travel, Foreign Language, Afrikaans
Id: a6bE40LI4yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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