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APRA Nobita Afrikaans go on its website come on whip so much [Music] hey guys and welcome back to our Channel today we are filming a video that I'm sure you guys are going to love because you guys loved our first video where priced and attempted to speak Afrikaans I digress so we decided to do the part two in this video is brought to you today by chicken boy just kidding yeah we wish say if you didn't see our first video be sure to check it out we will link it basically how it's going to work you're gonna make a fool out of me that's what this is gonna be there are three sections in the first section I will be giving Preston and arqon's word that not become the same since then he needs to translate to English in the second section Oh give Preston and English citizens that he needs to translate to apricots and in the last section which is everyone's favorite section ristin will have to pronounce an upper cons word and then say what the meaning of the word is calm down Marco Marco and honestly I think in the time that has paused his Afrikaans has gotten so much better but he definitely understands it better than he speaks it and I'm lazy she does try at least no be done okay we'll get there we'll do a phrase and try singing Afrikaans for our first station and our con sentence that Preston has to translate to English I will be giving the words on the screen for you guys because is by a Lakha the food is very good well good it makes sense is egg how did you glad I thought you read know this one AK how fun chocolata echo chocolata chocolate yep I love chocolate no I like chocolate oh then why there's no other one love word and my ex leaf de Chocolat Oh ok so the next sentence is dry links by the fibula good lord alright dry links by D for cutely dry links by the forecaster absolutely no clue commands something you do when you drive wait Eve oh ok so dry links benefit gears look is turn at least at the track it's funny when she says it now it's just like yeah I don't care at all these things before yeah well maybe you got confused because usually even in Afrikaans we would say through a book not beautiful yeah if you said that the next one my five is all tied to that my hair is always nice you know what this means it's not it no my fro is art a trap kisses oh that's for a think it means my wife is always right ah that's my name it is true that's okay then next to our offer cons phrases I think once of the staff this I don't think Grayson's gonna note but maybe he can give me the brightest me you want to pronounce this one all that gray peas open stoking well then I'll be super spooky and you have any idea what that means that means listen all jokes aside I go GT not in chief I have friends in South Africa that would teach me stuff yes they literally it means old jokes on a stick that's funny but yeah it means old exercise next one your co-star with more subscribe The Jackal marries the wolf's wife yes and when do we say that when the Sun is how are raining Oh Lord we say what inherit America I don't know someone said something about when the Sun is out it's raining that means the devil's beaten his wife I have no clue what that means okay okay the next section I will be giving Preston and English sentence and he has to save that recons translation for the first sentence is I love you I believe do miss Gumpy yeah yeah she wants to act like it ain't right well it's just not 100 here we go again but I try so hard and she does this is right but I my mom illegal now she always gives me the credits just correctly Vidya the next sentence we are going to church just hon - Kate - yes sounded like that I'm Tom caffee alternate acting well then the next one my wife is beautiful they throw is Volume one well yeah but you can say that as well it's just my throat is bracha yeah my boy would be my wife is pretty more than just pretty I want the dog egg from a hunt you just did one in an upper conflate hey then I have like a challenge for a phrase but and I think he's gonna be good I want you to count to 20 in afrikaans time do 10 yeah you can do to begin to yeah 3 3 3 3 B you making jokes oh hey babe sakes can see Evan Nyanko king leave oh oh that's it shoot 12 full 12 3 impacting bad thing bad thing feed and tithing no feed 15 15 16 17 octane near contain 20 oh you did a good job David days of the week and our cons you've been practicing this one mom doc mm-hmm don't duck mm-hmm bones duck down the dock yes Friday Saturday Sunday woman right you know I like on a Friday on TV makes bowling great piece on Stokey I have a son who sure it is all told home son who's her it is all told almost son who hurried who it isn't oh come on almost son with me now who here it is all salt hole son who's hurt he's all salt hole us unhook her it who him and he is all OH are you crying I'm so proud because that was on a dais where I tried to teach him and then he makes jokes I just sing it in the shower all the time I love it I have another one from my lolita ye vez ha ha ha stack and loofah new to me but likes to say wrong just teases anyway fun in the next section I will be giving priests in an Afrikaans word and he has to pronounce it and say what it means what the heck is that rail rig really rake yes almost parlor right Pig I have no clue what that is it sounds like some farm fish or something and what is the meaning I think there's a things if I pick and pay the grill or something like T's girlie yeah brothers Achilles I have no clue I've never seen that word in my entire life this word means gross next word AG in Texas give you a hint it's a number try again tongue ah 88888 who did this who suggested this nonsense on every race then it's not going today I think a lot of I'm rollin any better what is it come on G butter huh bone G butter there's literally four words put together you make money for that word is don't blame keyboard hum boy B butter it's peanut butter oh yeah that's like very high upper concert you know but now this word I didn't even know if this is an offer concerts on suggested that price and say this and I know he's not gonna know what it is but it's gonna be funny how did tongue gots poems got hot and Toph Scott what the heck it says torture Preston this is make me a fool internet this is what this is it's what didn't thought Scott people don't do you think you forgot me praying mantis if should know this one black Jake welcome the more I stare at it the more it's not changing so I'm not clear it's blunt young what does it mean it's something you put on food chutney yeah hmm love chutney love me some chutney that was los pasos ver wellness there's no there's no way there's absolutely no way fed boring Lewis serve odd Lewis no cleanse all right guys it means neglected this word I'm not sure if we had it in the first video but maybe prison will noted check but cattle back kick back kick back oh my no good cut the buck cat a buck and what does it mean poop buck you're thinking of another caver cat a buck you're gonna kind of kick yourself is it an animal no if you're cut it's an animal is a cat but it's not in this context okay so the translation for kata Bach is a boot or a trunk Cologne drinking I have no clue this is what this is this is enjoyment it is it just means that you have to practice before because what a year there's no way once again like I said in the first video not to offend you all I love Afrikaans but this looks like they took the end of the alphabet and mixed it and just put a bunch of different letters to make some foreign word the word is old vine keep cool thank you you have any idea what that means cool thank you it means cupcake okay I think this is like almost one of those words hungry puns are kanji pointin your this bacon for its right color I really go I'm getting frustrated okay hi keyboard says hi keep on sir yes that clip it's a stapler okay so now part of the very lost word or sanctums that person's gonna have to pronounce I'm not gonna have him give the definition of this because it's a tongue twister in our economy but I do think all of our subscribers you really want you to say this very Rebecca started out my tongue for that thing like a little monster [Music] did not give up in this video is over thank you for watching Roy is it a book no I said that I'm gonna make me some plain pink go thank you capes twisting what do you guys think I think he's not joking as much he's gotta start it up okay well that is it for today's video guys we really hope you guys enjoyed it just as much as you enjoyed the first video please share it with your friend yes you liked it and you want to make fun of Preston share it all around and once again don't be offended all you out there we got so many comments you hate South Africa no that's my second home I love that place and when I heard Afrikaans for the first time I loved it and thought somebody was in the spirit speaking in tongues maybe we should try to end the video in our regards no suits Oh as a brief bio funding video in for huntin all know leave the era leave the menses leaf tea coffee we didn't know everybody that that was 30 can get some subscribes of this woman leave Vienna leave you menses and neatly coffee it all seems [Music]
Channel: Preston & Monique
Views: 6,152
Rating: 4.972414 out of 5
Keywords: Afrikaans, American, South African, Husband, Wife, Godly Couple, Marriage
Id: DMT2bND6hKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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