Japanese try South African snacks & treats for the first time!

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hey guys what's up I'm Shinichi I'm a shuttle sheep welcome back to another international food review today we're trying out the snacks and treats of South Africa [Music] big big big thank you to Alan and Nikki for sending us these treats we cannot wait to dig in we have so much to cover as always so let's get started before we get started with our treats Alan and Nikki also sent just the trees so we are going to have him try this at the end of our taste test and as you can see Justin is like super excited already mmm he can't wait to get into this bone the first one is robust tea Oh Roy postie I love robos team me too Dadda brand is fresh buck fresh pack okay so they must be super super fresh and I heard rooibos tea means the red gush red bush Oh red bush tea well I like rooibos tea because there's no caffeine it's herbal and it just overall tastes really good too so let's make some cups of tea okay so here are a cup of teas I love the color it looks like an English TV it does actually it's basically tea color hmm like this unique flavor yeah me too um it's not a boring bland type of tea it actually has some oomph to him you know how can I describe this taste grass and green grass and greens Oh getting soul yeah I guess so the next one is from Wu words whoo these are yogurt dip crunchies and these look like cookies to me and on the package it says that this is made by one of the oldest bakeries in South Africa oh um they were founded in 1976 and they use local ingredients such as local oats and locoweed etc etc so dark moss mmm-hmm crispy ricotta little bit the Sun is maybe it's from yogurt probably yeah the sourness of the ogre and coconuts yeah yeah also teach the oats yes also she's an author you read yeah this Cara just a bottom sign you looks like white chocolate it does but it's yogurt it's yogurt well that is delicious and a great way to start off our food haul the next stop isn't wrong mr. sweet speckled eggs eggs what kind of rhymes with Easter the colorful Easter small exit you're pretty the shapes are exactly small eggs yeah I'm gonna take the pink one I know no sorry I'm gonna take the purple one you should have the pink one because you are the princess after all so I wonder what's on the inside what okay I cannot expect that jellybean yeah it's jellybeans it's it's it's candy-coated chocolate covered jellybeans mmm candy chocolate and jellybean hmm I thought that the whole pot is crispy you thought the whole thing was crispy I thought the whole thing was just gonna be chocolate you know kind of like M&Ms but so so that jellybean kind of surprised me hmm I like it cuz it's kind of fruity and chocolatey okay next one comes in this pretty big box and it's called OMA these are muesli rusks Rus are twice baked bread kind of reminds of biscotti the way these look and there are eight individually wrapped rusks in here and that's one for you thank you and this is one for me oh I've never eaten muesli really really you know you don't want to go to like hotel buffets here in Japan they usually have like usually like next video girl in the fridge BuzzFeed eat rice I think so yeah I don't think you're like a big big fan of muesli oh oh it's a very dry hey yeah it's definitely dry um they say that the best way to eat these um is to dunk them into coffee concrete but they also like it just as is okay let's try these just as is [Music] crumbly dry but not hard not so hard like Biscotti's I can taste this grain me too me too I like it is very very wholesome tasting um is there simple in taste there's a raisin in here hmm yeah the raisins give it a like a like a little bit sweetness I like it the next song is from become all the thoughts the original play food original mini I stopped reading why God mini licorice thank you guys for sending these as we all know Satoshi is a huge fan of licorice thank you very much would you love this thank you very much let's go to the next no no you know you know why this is a good thing you get to eat this quickly so that you can get past this experience there we can go on to things that you actually like but who knows you might like these I mean these are cute look at these I mean what is this Cookie Monster there's like one that looks like a pill and there's there's like orange eyes and there's like these cubes that looks like mini cakes take your pick may I remove with this black no you may not I'm gonna have the blue one or oh I like the texture of the new one if candy-coated on the outside and these are good licorice this isn't bad who is that not too bad is it my blue one was very strong licorice wise but it's there it's there now it comes if I I they think this left oh that's nice boy I love how intricate it is this mean with wire and meeting mmm love it thanks guys thank you since you were so brave to try that those licorice on next one is something that you would definitely like and these are potato chips flavored potato crisps and this is called out the bag and this is fruit chutney flavor Chuck chutney flavor you taught me yeah hey and these are like ruffles they have ridges reach it and they smell so color is a little bit orange II yes it's no good Oh mmm I mean it tastes good for me it's similar to the ketchup ketchup you know for me it kind of reminds me of like a barbecue flavor but with a little bit of tartness mm-hmm so yes there's a toughness mm-hmm so I thought its catch out the next time is from Simba knickknacks made snack or reach another cheese flavor oh I love cheese flavor I love me I love anything horn and I like this package who is this oh that is my friend we took said Cheetos in to us actually that Maura Cheetos I love Cheetos by the way so the color is also Cheetos good she says mmm nice jeez I do have to say though Cheetos has a stronger flavor I don't cheetos is a lot more easier and saltier this one isn't as salty or cheesy as cheetos but in a way that's kind of good because you can kind of keep eating it I can't addition it until the end me too and it is a small bag so that's totally I mean moving on the next one is called may art life is juicy these are the original wine gums I like the face like it's juicy life is juicy yeah like juicy it's always juicy baby these look like jewels and there are red ones yellow ones green ones and a black one looks like a licorice it does look like licorice but I don't think this is licorice because these are wine flavor lime flavor so try that one I think that's what I mean I want to try out the wine flavor right like black grapes or you know purple grapes mmm I'm gonna try the green while interesting talk mos hard hmm the green one mmm tastes like lime lime hmm lying there's different wine mmm really mind is like lime but this is a wine wine white number all of them a wine wine wine I don't know maybe it's just a name wine gum your seats like wine though right good I could use a taste to like really you wanna try the red one and one for the yellow one mmm the yellow one is definitely not wine may yeah I have no idea what the yellow one is I don't taste anything you don't taste anything so the fact that they're called the original wine gums is a mystery to us the next song is baked cut slow bake to mini authority clucks Oh intesting named OTT crackers who is roasted on your yay you're all sit on your onion lover what what are you doing this is mine I'll just have one oh it's okay I prefer I prefer those licorice hoes I really like the licorice that you guys sent today they're not too strong you know sometimes licorice can be really really strong i I don't we I can't really eat those but this one is amazing thanks guys okay so these crackers are like small smooth this submit is already like onion really well these are roasted onions around disc shaped crackers kind of like a mini Ritz Thank You mas oh definitely has that distinctive roasted onion flavor but not just onion it's like roasted onion and I actually do see specks of roasted onion I see like black specks you like him it is rich she is it good we should eat it tonight my dinner that's what we're having for dinner next one is by a company called Safari they've been making these since 1946 and these are guava fruit rows these are 100% vegan high in fiber cholesteric and self africa's favorite fruit snack because that's what it says on the package now it's it Wow I know this paper I know we don't have things like this in Japan this actually looks like some kind of paper that you would construct something with it looks like leather yeah actually some people call this fruit leather I used to love these when I lived in Hawaii oh when I was a kid because we're gonna have things like this in Japan so I remember I was in first grade and my friend gave it to me in class and I was like what is this but I was so intrigued by this you know cuz it was rolled up like paper swear it's a very fruity yeah I smell the guava what is guava hmm it's not that sweet I like that it's not that sweet this is fruit too sweet sweetness it actually tastes like a fresh Guam on the first thing which came to my tongue was just sweetness but after that we are grew up of flavor taste came to my nuns what the next time is from Simba that goes to Pope's Wow Oh the original favorite is Carrie made snack okay it's a corn snack cold snap cookie okay so go spot I hope it's not ghost pepper goes the box and the collar is yeah must be spicy my whole bar I'm not in the mood for spicy through the shape is interesting Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Justin or an L yeah mm socket dot hmm good dog this is a kind of texture you like it's very Airy I like the sticker stuff neat it's not spicy mm-hmm my opinion mm-hmm this flavor yes sour less ketchup sour less ketchup the only generically about so it's unknown flavor its flavor I mean this is good but it's kind of boring for me lucky yeah the texture is too Airy for me I think I'm not a huge fan of Airy corn snacks I like them a little bit more dense I like any cons now you do actually don't you everyday I want to introduce my favorite Japanese junk cones next you know what you should though you actually should because because the last time you know we get the supermarket video might introduce everyone to my favorite things from the supermarket next time you should do that you should find 10 things that are your favorites because they're not particularly my favorite to our viewers don't you guys think that's an interesting idea the next one is from mr. sweet the little mischief makers and these are Rascals fruity flavors candy coated fruit flavored choose can be equal to the flutes choose yes man they are colorful looks like among the thicker and mammals yeah but there are fruit trees so I have a feeling it gonna be chewy I'm gonna have the green one green I'm eating popular well my bubble maybe it visits great mmm mmm that's good it has a it's like high chew that the chewy candy should be definitely fruity a little bit tart Wow mom chewing gum for her mature battery now well I have no idea what what flavor of my um mint green one was it's definitely not mint mint but it was tasty I do like chewy candy and but I don't eat chewy candy that often because they're pretty addictive the next song is from a become totally free body Pizza phizzer oh I don't know it could be disease like maybe like soda interesting though what's a the commute da cunha thoughts long squishy pink bar oh it is hard interesting what is this Oh remind me of saltwater taffy I find out like sticks to your teeth so nobody flame Oh mmm something fizzy I can I can feel really mmm no I can't I feel anything my tongue is more sophisticated this is definitely strawberry flavor it's like a tart strawberry flavor it's really nice actually but sticks your teeth next one is from baked these are mini chatters cheese flavored snacks once again these are baked not right and trans fat three oh these are round disc shaped crackers like once again but they are not roasted onion these are cheese cheese flavor Oh mmm I like how like they're not like super salty or they're not super super cheesy I have to combine this pony along don't you oh is it good mm-hmm they go together really can I try it are you sure you're not lying to me but on your furry butt is much much esterdome yes I could you know because your reaction was kind of the next stop is Jenni toss a taste at the venture crazy berries of paper though I love the packaging wonder to me crazy baby I think it's just like the berries are having a party ah oh why why are we so surprised this is a cutter the Kohanim and blueberry cranberry maybe it's strawberry oh it could be here let's try all of them which one you guys drivers here I want to try it under moving the blueberry one I like the texture looks like a gummy candy my softer soft I'm Cammy Cammy does it blueberry I don't know I have to it hey I don't know this color baby so it could be blueberry blackberry raspberry grape okay let's try the red one it could be strawberry watermelon apple there's not a pink one what's a pink fruit he just drove it don't you think so maybe it is that cosmetics these berries are definitely crazy last but not least we have this package of fashions by Nestle and they are assortment of chocolates in here thank you so much for singing it's so much chocolate I'm gonna try out four of these oh but I do - yeah and the first one is called text briefs text me thanks I'm yeah I'm gonna try I chose for that I've never tried and I'm pretty pretty sure you've never tried any of them um so they look like a chocolate a piece of chocolate and there's most likely something on the inside okay the chocolate like a cold dip yeah it's kind of hard so let's just take a bite Oh wafers very possible yeah a little bit harder he can't do harder he can but taste is different yeah yeah so which means it's not a firmer the tip is a promise to tell the difference but the taste like eat it up really oh no it's basically chocolate-covered and then there's like a layer of wafers and then there's a layer of chocolate again but kind of a harder chocolate and then there's wafers which is why it doesn't like it's not completely stuck with dough because there's a solid layer of chocolate between the two wafers it is a nice chocolate flavor though it's like Nestle chocolate flavor the next one is called borrowing it but no in there yeah it comes this black package and this one looks like a creamier texture chocolate and it looks lighter in chocolate doesn't look like milk chocolate the first one was kinda like dark chocolate I think Oh the caramel off-time inner self to camera my favorite milk chocolate with caramel that's like maybe this combination this is easy to eat is it the first one was difficult not too difficult about the little bit too difficult to understand what flavor it is that's true this one is like more direct it's like caramel milk chocolate next one we have is called Rolo Rolo yeah and it's a round shape this time candy yeah like a bonbon yeah so oh cool got a male caramel this one is a smooth the caramel mm-hmm there's a lot more camera on this one hmm okay I like the role it was better now Rollo's is my favorite so far out of these three deep and chocolate last but not least we have peppermint crisp Pippa me whoa I mean wow what does that mean nothing nothing nothing I'm not a big fan of a peppermint - chocolate - taste it that's true that's true but I don't know who knows you might like this one oh oh I love this one this is too minty for you to me oh my god for me it's it's like a toothpaste I love this while usually crispy chocolate mint chocolate I surprised it regularly the me chocolate it doesn't tip have that a crispy texture this is what makes it so unique for me this is heaven for Satoshi it's basically toothpaste but isn't it wonderful to end with toothpaste I was like you know fatigue right all right it is just in time it's time to give just no no no no no no we have to choose our favorite first all right I almost forgot almost forgot so have you chosen your favorite my favorite the one I have two - sure okay you can choose I would love to choose one is savory my my favorite one is the roasted roasted onion crack-up oh okay I knew you were cheese from the sweet I choose this you got a deep two crunchies this cookie really I didn't think you were gonna choose that I like this flavor a little bit sour yes from maybe from yogurt and cannot taste it hmm I actually didn't think he was gonna choose this because you usually don't like whole wheat things my favorite thing from the savory is the outer bag fruit chutney chips these are amazing huh I like this dude and my favorite from the sweets was one of the assorted chocolate it was the peppermint Crispo oh my god that one new discovery if I find this at the store I definitely find these okay now it's time for Justin wake up wake up all this time he was sitting right here right between us he was waiting for his food so look at this detail this is a big bone though mmm it's really big isn't it okay well too much it's too much huh well okay so let's give this to him and see what he thinks of it Justin does uh I said too big for him I think let me break a little piece oh here we are Hugo hey oz up I feel like maybe it's too hard for him yeah let me give him a tiny piece here we go yeah it was a bit too big for him yeah he ate it Oh Shi yum yum yum yum yum yum oh my god I was so afraid he wasn't gonna eat it well we really hope you guys enjoyed today's video as always let us know which one were your favorites in the comments down below and if this is your first time please subscribe to this channel especially if you like videos like this one and big thank you to Ellen and Nikki for sending these treats to us we've got a whole bunch of international food reviews that we did from around the world if you're interested in seeing those make sure you click right over there so see you on next international food review video bye bye you
Channel: TabiEats
Views: 449,033
Rating: 4.9122286 out of 5
Keywords: food haul, food review, tabieats, tabieat, south africa, africa, snack, Japanese, taste test, snack food (food), food taste, snack taste test, tasting, chips, potato chips, candy
Id: QbbXvAP43iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 16sec (1396 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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