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hey guys and welcome back to our Channel today we're doing a video that is super exciting or at least we think so today we will be comparing South African versus American accents are just basically ways of saying the same thing differently yeah glad you joined us today let's do this [Music] so how we're gonna do it is first we're going to look at words that is the same word but we pronounce it differently because they are a completely different and this by the way has caused a lot of disagreements and then secondly we're going to look at words that have the same meaning but we just say totally different words for it here we go just a little disclaimer I'm not saying the way that I'm announcing it is the correct South African way it may just be how I pronounce it it may not be how everyone pronounces it but just this word was probably the first word that president I disagreed on and I think at the end we found out that person's pronunciation was the correct one right in South Africa we would say night instead of Nike which is the shoes the athletic wear just do it they pronounce it Naik yeah so I would say yeah I'm here mykes or you know word and when I first heard that almost lost my mind yeah but they were just kidding that makes Nike the next word is I would say I can't do this and priests and say yeah I can't do this I actually don't sound like okay this word is something that we figured out that we say differently maybe me to the zoo lost week so presuming to say my gosh a Jaguar like that angry and I would pronounce it as Jaguar Jaguar which I never do all South Africans say it that way but that's differently I thank you are Jan you are unbelievable its Jaguar it's a Jaguar again anyways searching and the next one I don't say we're following a specific route at Grayson it's a route route that's exactly what it is but ever since I've been in South Africa I find myself saying route I'm like yeah what's happening to me yeah I guess that's because of Africa Ron sounds very similar to that because we it's a driptip say fruit yeah waketa and maine the loss pronunciation word is I would say I eat a potato and prison it's a potato no you guys say patina you don't say potato yeah we're Thomases I'd like to eat a potato potato maiden potato we've said us from down south we forget some of the letters added on tomatoes I go on to how we say it's just weird and they may just say like something totally wrong totally wrong the first right this is actually also the first word that we figured out that we just say it any different the very first time we made to your life we have to stop at the robot and Kristen's like robot what the heck is that yeah for the longest I couldn't understand I mean where I'm from will give directions and be like turn right at the first red light you see yeah I mean some people may call it traffic lights or stop lights but I don't know I've always just said at the red light turn this way or at the red light you go that way I call a red light I'm sure they get robot from it's not the correct English word to say it but we just say we stop at the robot the next one is that means all South Africans know we say we're about to drive like a bride like no matter if every contouring place you bright and you say barbecue just the other day she was like I can go first I'm getting barbecue yeah because they don't understand and I say Brian I would say hi you guys praises yo hey y'all I love that word that's probably my favorite look at it southern y'all hey y'all I mean wait some sometimes I'll say you guys or something like this but it's mainly y'all's we would say I want some sweets that was weird the first element recent candy sweet that could be anything same this was something that was really interesting to me in South Africa we say this car is a Bakke and I'm pretty sure all English people say this and I think it's just every concert a little bit I think everybody says we call it a Bakke and they say truck a truck but we think of a truck as like a big vehicle that 18-wheeler yeah a teenager or what included a Mack trackers yeah Mike Chapman yes big ones but they say a truck for a bucket we would say this is weird for trunk like on your car when you put stuff in the back of your trunk they call it a boot like what that doesn't make sense I didn't get that the first time our moms and put it in the boot I was like the right or the left you know I try and get it we would say we honk the Commuter hooter what the deuce that's hilarious horn the bonnet like the front of your car is upon it that's a hood the hood of the car they call a bonnet oh no this is weird okay now this is something that I just heard II did not gate when we moved to Louisiana they would say I'm fixin to do I'm fixing to do it okay okay I might just be my face me no actually it's know it oh yeah that means I'm about to do it I'm fixin to do it does that even make sense it doesn't make sense at all I'm fixing to do it is about to do its other end oh no I said there are people who got weird ways of saying things like anything I would say this is quite a weird thing that South Africans say the most aggravating thing ever you would say I'll do it now now which means I'll do it later that doesn't make sense so they are always I couldn't understand it forever when I was there working with these different people and stuff like that it would always tell me I'll do it now no and I'm like okay but you're not doing it are you doing it which now no and at least three years from now that's ridiculous hey I I'm pushing the trolley and we call them buggies like at the store okay this is also something that is so weird that Americans say okay you said yours first no you say yours riza no you go first all right so something that I guess we would say if we haven't seen somebody in a long time I don't know but I would say like I haven't seen you in a good minute all right I haven't seen you in a minute like you haven't seen them in a long time and that doesn't make sense to me because a minutes in my opinion is not long it's really short so no good that mean a long time I guess it's slang I don't know where this stuff comes from I gave me something that's old South Africans days a shame and when I sit in here everybody's like what is she saying like that doesn't make sense at all so it means like poor thing or really like good thing and you said before funny poor thing or if you're really country you'll say bless your heart bless your heart but I don't do that that's just weird yes your heart we would say we call a ground meat we say oh this is weird this was weird the first time that I heard this I didn't hear it - I was staying with Monique's family so we say I'm gonna put on my swimming costume yeah but they didn't use swimming at first yeah your mommy I said say I'm gonna put on my cross you gotta put on your costume like it's not Halloween what are you put on a costume for so we call that bathing suits which normal human individuals call them bathing suits this is something very very confusing you can live in the south okay so we cool a cookie a biscuit okay well most people do we were called a lot of people a lot of people in South African cookies biscuits but in the South they actually have a biscuit that's not a cookie it's like like it looks like a scone but it's not a good picture yeah it is nice fluffy and delicious yeah so that's a biscuit it's not it's a it savory like it's a salty soft thing that a lot of people eat from breakfast and stuff like that tell Africans to say I I'm going to drink some cool drink but I guess in like English I would just say some cool drink and you guys say soda we use serviettes and you guys napkins we eat chips which is oh that was my saying fries french fries they say I'm chips I think South Africans would say chips for like the like Lay's chips and just work that we put petrol in our cars yes yes this is quite a funny one I don't know where saw that concern he came about this but we go to your place like McDonald's or KFC and get takeaways we got a fast food this is something that I'm not sure if all South Africans cool it like record that but like the stuff that you put on your nails I would call it Q ticks but I know that that's probably a brand but you're just like cute six like how we would call gum chappies just because it's the brand not me sitting because it's a charming but cute Texas when I know nail polish nail polish seasons of the year we would say it is autumn and you guys say oh I guess I love what she tries at our country and so hilarious so we would say I wear khakis to go running and you guys would say tennis shoes eNOS you use the right shoes tennis shoes that would be the one thing that we call it alright you guys so that's a wrap up on this video it was just a fun little comparison of what we found it to be like but we wanted to kind of throw in and you know show you guys which have possibly caused at least 73 disagreements since we've been together our pronunciations and arguments and another funny one that I first heard was they called Nissan cars misses missins and the first time I heard that almost lost my mind me and her mom we would always go back and forth until arias it's the funniest stuff ever but it's awesome because you just you learn differences and where people do but I picked up on a line of living in South Africa for two years but both countries are beautiful and the different things we say is quite hilarious especially down here in the south always remember folks love God love people and love coffee it's clear coffee [Music]
Channel: Preston & Monique
Views: 213,121
Rating: 4.7269168 out of 5
Keywords: American, South African, Accents, Sayings, Challenge
Id: 7LitAEbw-Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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