UK / US / South African English Vocabulary Differences

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hello everyone this is Korean Billy American Daniela and so that we can shut up so today I'm with my American mate and South Africa mate and since I am with them I want to talk about the differences between British English American English and South African English today I've prepared our eight pictures and I am going to ask you guys what you call the objective okay ready go ready let's do this yeah the first one is this one I'm gonna say that British English so I believe in British English people call eight trainers trainers right what about American English speakers we use for famous mistake Ducky's is like Tek kie what was it called techies so when I came to Korea I was asking about techies like [Music] forgive you asked for techies everyone will know what it is I'm not sure remember we have 11 national languages so we use kind of words from Afrikaans English and some of the black national languages too so it could be from that I'm not even sure actually is it your first time to hear the word hockey's yeah no that's the first time measurements chunky I think I know we had like a shoe store called tacky town keys and everything stays I'm jealous and you call it sneakers we have sneakers and what about trainers do you also get trainers use trainers for the specific type of shoe because they're different kinds of shoes there's one for running one for training runs and there are like running shoes and training shoes and casual shoes right right shoes right yeah so we would just say sneakers for that one when the self topic of people here was like sneakers or trainers you guys know you know we definitely know sneakers and I always knew trainers too but I suppose some might not but I think sneaker might be more common than trainers next one is this one right I think British people would call it toilet or what about like restroom or a bathroom restroom it depends on where it is I guess but I guess the nicer way we think I think we use restroom or for when you go to restaurant so big oh excuse me where's you know where's the restaurant a restaurant where it's the restroom they ask excuse me like where's the you know where's the restroom yeah instead of toilet so it's the restroom or like a fancy one yeah I feel like it's a fancier way toilet where's the toilet you know yeah it's kind of like the toy should I make it fancy I say restroom Becca that's that's more formal we use bathroom or toilet or loo I know I sound good - do not restroom so much actually I heard it a lot more working with my American colleagues yeah what are other signs I say usually in buildings I tweet it I think what about WC yeah did you use water closet this is fun to say water closet yeah when I come some people say the next photo is this one so in British English people school it's just traffic lights yeah yeah traffic light traffic sign what about South Africa it's not the crazy one we call it a robot robot of course they are electrically I have no idea but yes oh I never thought it's just a South African thing so when I came here as well I was talking about the robot and people are like this robot you turn left at this robots and that's what we call it but I we know traffic light of course yeah but it's a robot maybe that's because it's kind of like automatic machine right changes the color also I've heard people say stoplight but the store might like have three different colors I know I guess people just relate that to gosh stop so what about just usual robots yes but does make sense I mean it's kind of like AI machine right we just had more sense than other people yeah I suppose next one is right I believe British people call it boot boot a trunk trunk yeah yeah we are the same with a boot - boot nothing ways that the boot I'm not sure so why is it called trunk cover I guess then you can put you put ask you you would call a suitcase a trunk so that's why it's a trunk that makes English yeah well it depends on the food barbecue barbecue yeah we didn't call it barbecue it's dry dry if you speak like we say South Africans like solution to problem let's pry we do it a lot on the weekends especially you invite friends it doesn't even need to be a special occasion like at home Saturday nights my dad cries and we had to go home and have supper with so when you say bride does it both mean the meat or the occasion I invite my friends over for a bride you know and then everyone knows you bring your meat you bring your drinks and I supply the bride's speaking of BBQ Ashley it's the next photo is this one okay Jamie so in British English I believe by its cord just sausage sausage sausage sausage we call it sausage or horse wash so it comes from the Afrikaans the Dutch side it's actually Buddha force was a short we just say force I know that sounds French for because I'm Russian with the bride that's really really interesting gates how much weird words we have oh then do people call it a both sausage and bush yes if you call you know if you call it sausage just perfectly normal and I think just purely South African people we call it force you know then the next one is this one Wow I will say in British English they are poor sweets right what about candy candy candy and II would say sweets too sweet what about counting there really you know I think we we've started using it because of you know American TV and everything but I grew up with sweets you know what about you do you know if you want something sweet yeah you can say candy or you know would be more specific saying oh can I have some Gummy's or you know hard candy or everybody has some metric tubes yeah is that for a lollipop I think Donnie Papa's lollipop I kind of remember lollies because I haven't eaten these these are like smaller ones next one is this one I believe in British English they are called bees no bees not amazed corn corn yes yes how in the pioneer days the settlers first came we use maize and mie mie mie ie so is many more common when I see the spelling it doesn't really look like English so today we've been talking about the vocabulary differences between British English American English and South African English and it's been really really fun thank you so much [Music] if you liked this video don't forget to click thumbs up and subscribe to my channel as well and I'm gonna see you again like the next video thank you very much [Music]
Channel: 빌리온에어 Billyonaire
Views: 694,858
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Keywords: UK vs US vs South African English, British English, Amercian English, South African, South African English, south african english vs american english, south african english vs british english, South African English vs American English vs British English, UK English, US English, SA English, South Africa, Vocabulary differences, word differences between british and american english, word differences between uk and us and sa, Word Differences, 영국영어, 미국영어, 남아공영어, 남아공, 영국 미국 남아공 영어, Fun
Id: -KXpr7WioSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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