American & Australian Women Attempting her Best British Accent!!

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i want to try like the strong can i have a bottle of water hello hi i'm christina from the us hello i'm lauren from the uk g'day i'm grace from australia i think yellow accents are pretty cool the best yeah i always like hearing different accents i think it's really interesting i love christina's boston awesomeness yeah comes out sometimes yeah okay excited i prepared some great ones for you oh i'm so excited okay oh no the hammer adds the pressure i'm ready oh no are we seeing an evil side of christina i don't like hating you guys man i'll be i'll be gentle i'm down for whatever just hit me up when you want to go oh that was good i'm not gonna hit you a little little valley girl okay that's a little belly girl okay i'm down for whatever just hit me up when you wanna go go i don't know valley girl and then like i was hearing some southern americans like i'm just gonna put them all in one i'm trying to give representation for the whole of the states i appreciate the effort the effort good afternoon i'm down for whatever just hit me up when you want to go oh when you like yeah i think want to go like usually we say want to go down for whatever i can't wait to go to the barbecue my friend makes a bomb hamburger hamburger girl i'm sorry but the way you said can you say barbecue again barbecue yeah sorry that's when you lost it barbecue barbecue thank you just relax how can i relax with it bar barbecue oh yeah that's butter i can't wait to go to the barbecue my friend makes a bomb hamburger oh that was so good no seriously you sound really valuable oh my gosh this is so fun it's making me realize how bad my american accent i can't wait to go to the barbecue my friend makes a bomb hamburger you sound like one of those you know like the listening exams that they have like that's what you said it's so smooth [Music] i can't believe you're bailing already it's not even midnight that was a pass really i was like failing bailing okay ready okay oh my god i can't believe you're failing already it's not even midnight i can get that cat you can do it if you go oh my god oh my god i had to like get into character yes so you had to add oh my oh my god okay i can't believe you're bailing already it's not even midnight it's so smooth just so like so confident you have such a great american accent yeah it's so good do you want to chill this weekend no we don't even know what accent that was do you wanna chill this weekend one more time okay i'll give you a pass i'll give you pounds so yeah i would say it's like oh do you want to chill this weekend weekend weekend weekend ah we can't like weekend weekend we can say the d really yeah that is from d and then want to is like you want to chill this again [Music] i want to try like the strong can i have a bottle of water i feel like that's the stereotype there's so many different accents what about can i have a bottle of water that's great oh nice it's just funny like when you guys do the cockney like can i walk up like it's just so weird like yeah yeah is there anyone who actually speaks like that yeah people [Music] wow okay i'm gonna do fancy the forecast says it's going to rain this afternoon don't forget to grab your brolly that is so good i would just go like scared when you were hitting your leg i'm like is she preparing to whack me receive pronunciation type the forecast says it's going to rain this afternoon don't forget to grab your broly i don't know what i was doing grace did earlier you mix like three different accents in one i always do that i always like mix the accent the forecast says it's going to rain this afternoon don't forget to grab your brolly brony oh cast it's simple to make just pierce the lid pop it in the microwave [Laughter] let me give it a go it's simple to make just pierce the lid pop it in the microwave and bob's your uncle oh you sound like david attenborough yeah it's so good tldr i've been watching the crown recently so i'm inspired by queen elizabeth maybe that's why i'm getting better yeah i think so do you want to meet for coffee later we can have a good old chin wag what's a chew egg i think do you want a meat for coffee later gonna have a good old chin why do you sound southern i don't know i'm really bad at this like i'm like worse than i the sentences are hard i'm sorry i'm so sorry what's a chinwag chitchat do you want to meet for coffee later we can have a good old chin wagon chin wag why do i keep saying i'm going to go for a standard steve irwin accent reference g'day mate how's it going you nailed it up until the last word g'day mate how's it going i'll give you a pass okay i feel like that was like just passing i'll give you a pass because if the accent was good it can be shortened i will teach you got it got it so if i go full eyes g'day mate how's going it's house girl how's it going good night mate how's it going good day how's it going oh good good really think you've got to like go speak from like up the back no wires mate she'll be right okay i'll give you a pass no worries mate she'll be right oh yeah oh that was that was good no worries mate she'll be right we usually do like a tone up she'll be right he'll be wrong worries mate she'll be right they're a few stubbies short of a six-pack [Music] i'm gonna say just because you started to sound a bit new zealand towards [Laughter] this is stubby is a beer like like a beer so you get a six pack of beer means that they're a bit stupid they're a few stubbies short of a six pack crack you look at the size of that crop it was good but i feel like you could have done better i could have done better yeah yeah i could have more outrageous what what is that thing i'm working it out crikey look at the size of that croc yeah that's what we want so if i'm channeling our national treasure steve irwin crockett look at the size of their croc cronky look at the size of that crook look at the size of that croc wait i feel like new zealand though that was good i wanna go to movie world movie will world today but i reckon it'll be chock-a-block it was the choco blog picture oh cause we say it'll be i want to go to the movie world today but i reckon it'll be a chocolate block are you so irish what's happening i'm having a crisis an identity crisis i don't know man so movie world is a theme park where they film warner brothers they film a lot of movies they're like avengers i want to go to movie world today but i reckon it'll be chock-a-block or alternatively you can say it'll be chokers chocolates nice chocolate shops yeah they did well pass [Music] it was i thought i would be better at the american accent and i'm really disappointed in myself it was so bad but i'm i'm proud of my uk accent yes and i'm proud of these girls the received pronunciation english accent i did worse than i did last time i don't know what's going on yeah i'm kind of struggling maybe i need to watch more uh shows in the uk you gotta veer away from the cockney accent and just do the really hard shot i hear like so many hours you guys can be my teacher so today we tried imitating each other's accents from the usa uk and australia if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up comment down below and subscribe to world friends we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 1,960,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sQMphfstmU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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