Can American Tell who is a Foreigner just by their English? Find REAL American!

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what's your favorite uh us landmark you have a family rant in america where is your family's ranch on the west the west side what state is next to the west side of texas i don't know i haven't studied enough okay hello my name is lara joy i'm from germany i learned english in school and then at home by myself through watching american tv shows hi my name is irene and i'm from spain in spain we study english at school and after that i also made a lot of foreign friends and i practice english with them hi i'm zen i'm from london in the uk i'm fluent in english i'm from i'm from england so nine or ten i would say like around nine but with my spanish accent being kind of strong i would say anit ten i would say yeah i would say so maybe not politics and stuff but i know about the culture and the food and the lifestyle i would say and i watch american youtubers as well i know america really well because of all the movies and stuff but i haven't been there i think i'll try to remember how the people talked in those american tv shows that i watched and try to imitate that spanish accent is one of the strongest ones i'm still having this s and r going on so i think that a native person will easily see that i'm not american i'm going to try my best to hide my accent we'll see what happens hello i'm ila and i'm from the united states i just have a general american accent i think maybe they can hear my accent and they'll know it's me i think so hi everyone i'm haley from the usa well i have a lot of foreign friends so i've heard a lot of non-native speakers speak in english like they all speak my language you know so i'm always like really thankful that they speak the one that i grew up speaking because it's not common for most people and i think it's very cute when they have the accent i love when people have accents on english are they speaking english oh then i think i think i'll know unless they're like really really good i think i'll know can i mean something i'm just nervous i can feel like that there's people behind me you know oh it's so bright hi everyone can you go ahead and introduce yourselves for me hi i'm joy from california hi i'm emily from texas hi i'm olivia from new york hello i'm just from nevada and how i feel about it i think number two is not american well i feel like they all kind of sounded like they had like some kind of accent but there's also a lot of accents in america but i don't like number two and number three can you say one more time uh what state you guys are from i'm from california i'm from jackson i'm from new york i'm from nevada i feel like she sounds like she's from nevada that's my bet number four is american what's your favorite american food my favorite food would be um roast beef fried food fried food buggers i also love burgers i feel like so i'm pretty sure they're behind me right so i feel like numbers two and three definitely have an accent number three sounds like she's british and number two when she said barbecue she sounded like she had an accent oh what's your favorite american movie maybe draws jars the notebook the notebook oh you like sad movies yes avengers i love scarface okay you guys have very different tastes in movies what was your favorite scene from those movies i think my favorite scene was when the first person got killed by the shark the first death okay one day a romantic that's not oh okay of course i love the ending scene now and he's like say hello to my little friend okay i still feel like either like one or four what's your favorite uh u.s landmark for me the statue of liberty my family runs oh okay oh you have a family rant oh okay in america number three the bridge the red ah the golden gate bridge oh yeah that's like where i grew up and number four maybe the grand canyon oh see this is so hard cause we have like a lot of immigrants in america too american citizenship so their accent can be from wherever they're from and they can still be american and also if you're the child of an immigrant oftentimes like you might have your parents accent so what if her family rants what if she's the american she just doesn't sound like a standard north american accent to me or what if she's faking it [Music] they don't go to school tomorrow they don't go to school tomorrow they don't go to school tomorrow they don't go to school tomorrow people oftentimes from um if they have an accent they pronounce the word tomorrow differently like the word tomorrow and when they say go to i'm trying not to look back at them a lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker a lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker a lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker a lot of people ask me if it's possible to sound like a native speaker okay so if we're basing this on like the standard american accent number two definitely sounds like she has an accent number three she had like one sentence where it sounded like very american but maybe she's not and i don't know maybe she's faking it i still feel like it's number four are you guys laughing because i'm wrong [Music] uh number two where is your family's ranch thank you i feel like this much laughter means you must not be american it's in texas it's in texas what city is it in or i guess if it's a ranch it's not really in the city so it's in the countryside whereabouts on the west the west side what state is next to the west side of texas i don't know i haven't studied enough okay number one you said you're from california socal locale so-called socal what city that's below to private okay number three you said you like burgers right what's your favorite burger joint mcdonald's i feel like you're not american okay so you said you like burgers so i assume you also probably have had fries with your burgers do you like mcdonald's french fries yes why do you like mcdonald's french fries crispy they're crispy they're very divisive in america you know mcdonald's fries people feel have a lot of feelings on them so the number four where the heck in nevada are you from like do you mind if i ask like what city or like are you from like the california side yeah yeah closer to cali closer to cali have you been to lake tahoe i have you have which half of the city did you like better the california half or the nevada half i like them both for different reasons you know like not that they're that different but yeah i feel like number four has got to be the american number number two you laugh too much about this if you're laughing again about the city that your family's ranch is i feel like number three doesn't feel strongly enough about mcdonald's french fries to be an american i'm kind of between number one and number four but i'm feeling number four i just feel i feel like accident-wise you're the most standard north american but maybe you're just faking it y'all could be playing tricks on me but i think accent-wise is number four hi nice to meet you i feel like i can't stand up because i might see them yeah i'm zen you're in i'm from london so you're not american i'm not married you had a good accent thank you yeah [Laughter] i was wrong nice to meet a british person have you practiced your american accent somewhat somewhat yeah enough to trick me i was so surprised that you thought i was american there well i feel like your answer about like nevada was awesome number one hello hello hi nice to meet you nice to meet you too are you american i'm from germany you're from germany my name is i'm not gonna pronounce that well okay did you practice your american accent no yeah you have a good act oh thank you so much is it the person with the ranch who just laughed a lot please bring out the ranch [Applause] hi are you american and i'm from spain you're not american i'm so sorry it's okay yeehaw we're all for a ranch in the middle of so i was very wrong number three please come out were you trying to trick me guys we're friends in real life it was her birthday the other day too were you trying to trick me yeah see i heard them say i heard that's why i quickly chose olivia yeah and then i was like oh maybe it's like a nickname have you been working on your accents yeah apparently nice job thank you yeah well she tricked me you all got me congratulations i'm not that disappointed in myself because our american friend she tricked me she did an accent our londoner she felt like she was from nevada i thought maybe maybe it was the rants and she was just avoiding my question she's laughing back there now i'm not that disappointed in myself i feel like they did a good job what did you guys think like in the comments let me know let me know if you guessed better than i did in the comments please so leave a comment give us a like that thumbs up hit that subscribe button and i'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 835,423
Rating: 4.9411035 out of 5
Id: QajXor43OXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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