When Scottish People Speak English.. | 當蘇格蘭人說英文時...我投降了!!

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i see that shoulder in the corner it's on his ass right so i cycle people make glasgow all right ladies and gentlemen we're in glasgow let's go meet some people in glasgow hey are you drunk joris yes that's me cold day in glasgow quite cool today i think i'll just rain rain rain what do you do in glasgow to boost your mood you could have a drink of the weekend is it would you say it is a scottish people spirit look scottish people like them you drink i like their big drink like they'll be swelling [Laughter] what do you say swally be spelling i drink actually we call it swallow swally john is absolutely brilliant a very friendly scottish man how long have you been living in glasgow 59 years all your life all my wife oh she's engaged yeah oh sure how did you meet in hong kong and hong kong where we're having a swally oh you're having a smile here and you met the good lady and you gave it up you better chat chat yeah you'll eat big man oh you're an eight big man what does that mean oh you're all right big man [Music] scottish people are super super friendly when we just arrived in glasgow we were told that actually in glasgow most of the restaurants i would say 95 of the restaurants are not owned by chains all the restaurants in glasgow's a family run i was recommended to come to this italian restaurant to try out some amazing food so let's go hi we we want to get lunch no problem just coming in please for a wee bite to eat what are we biting i didn't know your grandfather is from scotland yes really my great grandpa we're gonna go there tomorrow to go explore his origins all right that will be in georgia's channel 52 years ago this is the oldest italian restaurant in all of the all of the city did you open it my father opened it oh yeah where's your father from he's from italy the very north of italy from trentino and then he came to scotland yeah and he opened this restaurant in 1970 and you grew up in scotland yeah born and brought up in scotland i've been running the restaurant 26 years can i have a wee smiley now could ever be smiling no so what time is acceptable anytime scottish very sociable people so you can have a whiskey whenever you like one that we have is from loch lomond which is very famous they make their own whiskey brand thank you thank you and is there a specific way you should appreciate whiskey in scotland i would say straight is good if some people they like a touch of a touch of water inside yeah they say it opens up and brings out the flavor with coke no you're joking who's getting coke no not this whiskey this is uh guys think of the guys that they've made the bolo they've been working for years to make this and then you put coca-cola inside the gnar it's a crime yeah they put you in jail for that [Music] no wonder scottish people like to drink if i have fine alcohol like this i'll drink every day [Music] wow your pasta looks great the building's in glass clothes so well kept you feel so cool walking around the streets here [Music] all right scotland rains all the time a lot of people just walking without an umbrella but we're not scottish enough just yet do you not have an umbrella no you don't need it no i don't need it i'm immune do you want to say hi hi are you from scotland i'm glad we didn't i i am glasgow you what uh short term is ouijas ouijas we got called ouijas so you're saying we're ouijas am i good enough to be a ouija ah you know everyone's going to be ouija can you teach me one or two uh ouija slangs getting on it getting on it that means you're getting steaming get steaming like get drunk getting steaming and getting mad we are all mean you're getting stephen why is every ouija slangs about alcohol because they're all steamers no alcoholics how many drinks do you have on a weekend i don't really drink oh i don't really drink not much but if i went tonight i'd be a good at least 30 drinks minimum 30 drinks on a night out but that's including shots as well one person crazy thank you so much what's your name taylor lovely meeting you taylor taurus nice to meet you lovely meeting you i said how much do you drink on a weekend then 30 drinks but i don't really drink but just not that's what she said subway in glasgow is tiny look at this section ladies and gentlemen welcome to glasgow university which is ranked 86th in the world people obviously come to university of glasgow to learn but right now you don't have to come to university to learn if you want to learn you can actually use an online language school called lingoda like this lovely viewer of mine there are more than 1500 native teachers so you can choose whether you want to learn scottish english liverpool english american english canadian english south african [Music] and you take 60 classes in two months successfully you get all your money back alternatively you can join sprint and you take 30 classes in two months to get half of your tuition feedback learn with any teacher you like choose the topic you like and meet friends from all over the world use the link in my description box to sign up and my promo code to get 20 euro off your deposit i apologize every shot in the uk are kind of dull it's not because of my filming skill i'm i've tried my best it's just the excuse it's just the weather i we just bumped into two very lovely glassweeds and gentlemen and oh my god his action is so strong i'm not good i'm not even gonna put any subtitles and see if you guys understand a word he says so a show that's no sale on a lot of stuff someday my pal said yesterday when i see that shopper in the corner it's on his ass right so that's like glasgow i have no idea what you say so a shop that's no sale on a lot of stuff someday my pal said yesterday when i see that shop around the corner it's on its ass right so i cycle so i know how to speak glaswegia now you just take a sentence like i like to eat cake and you say i like to eat cake there is a lot of words for being alcoholically consumed for example pushed steaming full way up no i follow it i don't understand these words and the scottish drinks so much that there are laws here to prevent them from drinking too much you can't drink in the street in scotland and after 10 o'clock you can't buy alcohol from a supermarket and you can't buy alcohol before 10 am as well these rules they don't exist in england where you guys from in england right on the border of england and scotland so do you consider yourself as english or scottish oh no but definitely english unfortunately yeah because english is boring you really hate england as an english english person do you think the english drink more or the scottish or the scottish really they don't just drink more they do it better had a drink like a scotsman or scottish woman yeah so when you get up in the morning have something to drink and then just keep on going like in liverpool like they're not saying they try to be alcoholics but in scotland like it's a life it's a lifestyle choice it's more of a religion than that i don't really drink at least 30 drinks so how many drinks do you have normally on a night out too many like i'd say like 10. uh and how many times do you go out per week three three yeah how old are you i'm 19. so you're in uni yeah so you're enjoying the party party party yeah you don't come across as having a very strong scottish accent well i'm uh i guess not i'm from like i'm not from glasgow i've moved here like a while ago but i'm from aberdeen so people in aberdeen they have a less strong accent yeah are you guys old enough to drink or in scotland it's chill chelsea they don't check the id and stuff how old were you when you first got drunk yeah [Music] lampar wood lom powder lampard and this is my observation in the uk the more north you go the more passionate people are i use the word passionate because i don't want to say the people in the south are cold but you see like i'm vlogging everyone's friendly hey yay yo what's up yeah you can really feel the difference guys i'm in glasgow in my hotel and this room is playing jai chao i think we are should i make friends with him or her hey once you're on eating the girl oh once you're an eating dog um you should make a youtube uh [Music] sessions [Music]
Channel: Torres Pit托哥
Views: 2,775,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scottish english, glasgow english, scotland travel, 蘇格蘭英文, 蘇格蘭旅遊
Id: LhMvmH_uodE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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