American vs British vs Australian Slang Comparison! Can you guess the slang of other countries?

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gordon ramsay is it like an exclamation got it bennett yeah hello hi hello i'm christina from usa hello i'm lauren from the uk hi i'm grace i'm from australia i think so there's going to be some wild words thrown out there yeah i already feel so many different words i feel like my slang is not up to date but maybe we'll learn some newsline [Music] when i think of british slang the only word i know is like mengen lingan megan is that yeah it's kind of old not old but like when i was in high school we would say oh it's minion oh like it's a bad thing i thought it was good like oh yeah it i'm like disgusting oh you're a minga oh it's the same like ming and manga for america i only know dope oh that's dope lit [Music] i think that started like to get popular like five ish or six years ago yeah fam like you're my family oh that's nice [Music] i think this one's quite popular it's awesome good like a synonym sounds dope yeah that's good people actually use it often though i sometimes do i i still do it like oh that looks dope and you also use it as a word to describe a certain thing do you still use it like that that's kind of old school so like like my parents would say uh-huh yeah i don't know what they're talking about oh hey your top today looks dope oh this beat is dark it's pretty dope boom boom boom [Music] [Laughter] scare someone boo i'll be like oh i'm just going to come with my boo oh or bae oh that's my baby it sounds a little cringy though [Applause] i don't hear like too often but sometimes sometimes i hear people saying too i feel like it was like popular in the 90s or something like i feel like you heard it a lot in like old r b songs that's not blue like that [Music] i feel like i can only say this with an american accent badass badass yeah with an australian badass oh yeah that's badass that's badass can you call someone a badass oh yeah if that person's like crazy doing crazy stuff and be like yo you're badass cool and crazy yeah badass my best friend she's such a badass badass like their their ass is naughty like like naughty booty i guess like ass is just like like that's like the person and like you know like bad can be like slang for like good like cool crazy bad could be slightly good no wonder english is so confusing break a leg break her leg oh break her leg good luck good luck good luck something to do with like performing usually it's it's when you perform yeah break a leg like if you're about to go on stage sometimes you'll be like ah break a leg i don't know why you don't want to break the leg honestly i'm thinking i hope not that's like the worst case scenario yeah this was used quite a while ago too this is a very old but it's still it's still used like i used to do competitions and dance and like i remember even like the moms or you know our coach would be like break a leg yeah so it is still used today i'm familiar with that i've heard it on tv shows and in movies right yeah but i've never used it myself i feel yeah i think cursing glasses [Music] okay so uk gordon bennett what is bennett gordon ramsay is it like an exclamation for something like oh got it bennett yeah like on youtube there's like this video where this guy it's like similar he's like ah bob saget like is it a guy who makes a lot of mistakes i have no idea what did he do what did gordon bennett do to become so famous if you're god and bennett and you're out there please contact us cod's wallet cosmetics i know yeah cotswallop is it cod wallop or cod's wallet cod's wallet cut swallow if you like punched a guy or you're like oh he gave him a good wallet yeah or they they need a good quartz wallet to put them are we closed i don't think so it means like it doesn't make that utter cog swallow oh blah blah blah blah blah we're so violent well i hear a wallop and i'm like exactly also it's like nonsense like nonsense utter rubbish so like oh stop talking cod spoiler yeah or it's just like it doesn't make sense or why are you like lying about it or like so the news today was codsworld usually we'd just be like oh that's called swallow oh that's that's what's a cod's wallet but i like it i like it i'm gonna use it okay i'm gonna whip it out to my to my us friends and they're gonna be like what girl what are you saying what are you saying yeah what are you saying can't swallow it okay what does it mean you were just kidding i love this word dishy dishy dishwasher like dishing out the tea what kind of tea are we dishing out like gossip that's what i'm thinking of you know when you're dishing out the tea yeah you might have dishing out a dish it's just been shortened spilling the tea handing out those dishes that's dishy i guess it kind of has two meanings to it in a sense so first thing i think of with dishy is like a guy oh he's so dishy like he's really attractive oh yeah so that's completely different like a really hot guy dishes can be quite good looking right after they've come out of their dishwasher yeah they're nice and clean you know i wonder where that came from so you would say he's dishy what about what about girls mostly with men it's mostly like about men and also can mean like dirty that's obviously she is like like his heart yeah his heart is like sexy or like dishing the dirt like you were saying when you were like spilling the tea i was like oh she's nearly there like it can be like oh this news is dishy like oh it's kind of like you know exciting and enticing and like a little bit so instead of talking about a person you can talk about like a situation like a rumor or like yes nosh i have no idea they're like posh so not posh nosh not posh genius even if it's it doesn't mean that we should create a new trend okay no she's so nosh okay so it actually means food food wait wait well it has two meanings first one is food like let's go get some nosh even though i don't really think anyone uses it like that anymore oh could you say like i made some nosh yeah i made some nosh have some nosh serve me some nosh okay sounds wrong i require not i require some nosh ready for some aussie slang yes oh i'm so excited okay the first one evo oh divo devo or devo devo if it's pronounced devo i would say it's short for devastated just a short word but if you pronounce it as devo it's something completely different is divo describing a type of person maybe devo i want to say diva but surely i know like i'm thinking diva like oh she's such a diva but it's devo male version of a diva or maybe not i'll describe this situation like oh he's such an old devo like creepy person we usually say old devo old deep old devo but if it's devo it's just we use devo for devastated too yeah we don't we actually usually don't say devastated like it's quite a big word crack off crack off oh he's such a crack off i feel like like he's crazy might be like someone having an argument like they're gonna go crack off or like they're getting angry that's actually i think yeah crack off it's like crack off of someone they're getting a crap off it's like going off at some point going up it's like getting angry we say crack on in the uk like it means that you're trying to like you know come on someone and flirt with them oh cracking on to someone yeah if we crack off just getting angry crack on is like uh-huh so fun i learned so many new slangs and slaying is one thing i love learning about different countries are you going to use some of the sling oh definitely i definitely want to use some of the british the australian slang is really interesting yeah we have a lot of slang we really do have a lot of design that i think has developed as we shorten it's part of your culture yeah yeah flying is similar it's quite similar american sign i had heard before i think just because it always comes out on tv yeah the media so today we compared slangs from the us uk and australia and if you enjoyed the video don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 573,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PZf0pDAfIR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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