Word differences Between 9 different country! Germanic,Romance,East Asia (Shocking Similarity!)

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in Chinese we say what I think I will die in China super super hello I think in general we have many different countries here so some words are going to be same like for Roman languages but other ones are going to be very different especially Chinese I I love you oh yeah so English is a language that's been influenced by lots of other languages such as German or French and I think we even have some words from like Italian so yeah it's uh related to like other Germanic languages or Anglo-Saxon languages there's a lot of words actually is really similar about Chinese and Korean for example BOS in Chinese is Bash is really similar actually in German Supermarket is supermarket in Turkish it's supermarket in Portuguese from Brazil we say superado really it's very similar in Italian uh we say super merato wait wait wait wait wait wa wait wait wait cuz the thing is depending on the rart we can say super mercado cuz like in s Paulo we have both accents we say either super mercado together yeah uh in English we say supermarket in French we say super maret in Korea we say supermarket in Chinese we say what in Spanish we say super Sim yeah I was like it's very similar but I I have to wait on but also with the French like super and also with the Korean because it's like klish so finally it's very similar to I think the one that popped out more differently was Chinese I'm curious how do you say I'm going to the supermarket I think it's I think I will die in China no food okay but I'm surprised that with uh Turkish it's also very similar right yeah I thought it was going to be something so different Super Market but your your air sound it's very similar to mine like super yeah we we also have like a strong SP Market super super super It's s the same this really sounds the same in German it's Park Turkish Park in Portuguese we say Parky in Italian we say Parco in English we say park in French we say in Korea we say in Chinese we say okay in Spanish we say par it's hard when they bring me so many words with r because I would have to do the three accents like par par in German it's Chada in Turkish it's tiola O what tiola I like it similar similar to mine really similar to mine actually and similar to catalon too I think I'm going to be different this time okay so in Brazil we say Chach cute okay in Italian we say chol or Chola depends uh in English we say chocolate in French we say cha in Korea we say chocolate in Chinese we say choli m in Spanish we say cholate oh it's more of a Cho right cholate I think uh a lot of us do the the sh sound like in the Romans languages but I felt that the Spanish was more closed like to English like the ch ch sound in like for example Portuguese Italian it was also with ch which one was the sh me so we this time we are together please don't hate me French people you were also sh right yeah oh we also we also so I think it was German Portuguese and and French it was more like sh it's written with s instead of CH it was the most different with the Chinese and Korean cuz like the ending but I think yours was most different for sure what was that name Chola I like Turkish I really like the Turkish way it sounds like fancy cha do you want some [Laughter] cha in German it's hot in Turkish it's K I know where it comes from I think we have a similar route because maybe it comes from crimson red so maybe it has something to do with Latin so it's different it's like more on a cool tone red yeah it's the undertone that changes maybe that's where it comes from in Brazil we say Vero and in Italian we say Roso in English we say red in French we say rou in Korea we call red or in Chinese we say h in Spanish we say Roo and actually your say ver ver uh in Catalan we say also ver very nice I will to you whatever you say or for my Spanish or for my Catalan you are not safe with me I have to be careful there is also another type of of red we say in Italian verion Veron yes Vermon I think it's that kind of ver Veron in German it's ALU what I'll take the AL look really quick in Turkish it's aor once again it's similar in Portuguese we say elevador in Italian we say aen I'm going to learn Italian now it's easier than you think languages are so similar today should we change here uh in English we say elevator in French we say asur maybe come from French because we have so many words that coming from so in Korea we say elevator in Chinese we say DNT in Spanish is asensor uh but I I don't know if in other countries also they say maybe elevador but in Spain we say asensor so same same family that tur yeah yeah very similar ones in German it's V in Turkey it's bu okay this time is very different in Portuguese we say ning oh SAR so in Italian is NOA uh in English we say cloud in French we say n in Korea we say kurum in Chinese we say Yun y y oh that's so easy pretty so pretty in Spanish we say n i I think cloud so far is my favorite word cuz like everything sounds so pretty right and German it's Z in Turkish it's gunes okay so nice see why you're talking like you're sexy sounds so nice uh in Portuguese we say so in Italian we say so in English we say son in French we say in Korea we say he in Chinese we say tang in Spanish we say soul yep we are there yep so I remember the sun in cran is called the we also call or we mostly use son to I guess actually I was thinking about that too in German it's in Turkish it's car in Portuguese we say n in Italian we say ne in English we say snow in French we say in Korea we say in Chinese we say in Spanish we say you would be interesting if we had someone from Japan here too true oh it was so interesting especially when the word suddenly is completely different yeah I think a lot of things we were expecting to be the same were not and a lot of things we expected to be different they were similar so that's pretty cool I like so much this kind of programs because I a very curious person and see all the words in different language is like yeah this is like you know when a child goes to a candy shop that's awesome and I want to learn all the languages like I don't have time in my life but I want it I was more scared of of Chinese not going to lie and like now I feel more excited like I kind of want to learn it's not that hard I think we have so many words that is similar with French I think like randevu oh I think randevu means like meeting yeah right yeah right same I was so shocked I was expecting Turkish to be like really different and it was not you had so especially with Italian like you girls had so many similar words I was like what I was also surprised that we have so many similar words a pronunciation sometimes like the way that we say ch ch I feel like the English one was interesting cuz it wasn't really that similar to any of them like sometimes it was a little similar to the German or sometimes the romance but I thought it would be more similar than it was so today we try to find uh differences between nine different languages if feel like this video please like and subscribers and then comment please we will see you next time [Music] bye
Channel: World Friends
Views: 643,980
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Id: S5ydJRC-jTw
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Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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