America Unearthed: Lincoln's Secret Assassins Exposed (S2, E12) | Full Episode | History

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before the law for affection there's arise who would pass here must face both fire  and steel are you willing to do so yes are you willing to abide by this obligation remember the penalty brother knights show him all the history that we  were all taught growing up is wrong my name is   scott walter and i'm a forensic geologist there's  a hidden history in this country that nobody knows   about there are pyramids here chambers tombs  inscriptions they're all over this country   we're going to investigate these artifacts  and sites and we're going to get to the truth   sometimes history isn't what we've been told american history is filled with stories those that stand out are the ones  that have gripped us as a nation or the ones where foggy details have  exploded into full-blown conspiracies   my latest research has turned up a story  that fits squarely in both categories   the assassination of president lincoln   i'm on my way to meet a man who says he's  uncovered information that could challenge   everything we thought we knew about lincoln's  murder at the hands of john wilkes booth his name   is john de salvo and his collection of memorabilia  tied to the president's assassination is unmatched take a look at this this is the only known  existing piece of fort's theater's curtain   that was hanging right near  lincoln's head when he was shot   and it has his blood on it that's amazing somebody  had the presence of mind to grab some of this uh   piece of cloth here with the blood stains  on it were they souvenir collectors back   then a lot of souvenir and relic hunters  in fact the curtain that this came from   completely disappeared the next day this is  the only known piece that still remains wow   these are actual strands of lincoln's here really  now this is the highlight of my collection this is   a civil war role book and diary combined sure this  officer was stationed in washington that night in   which lincoln was shot okay and almost hour by  hour writes what's happening as the information   was being disseminated april 14 1865 12 p.m it is  just reported that president lincoln has been shot   6 am the president is mortally wounded  by an assassin at ford's theater   8 o'clock a.m i have just heard from a police  officer that the president is dead the streets   are one great house of mourning john that  is really amazing just chilling to hear   that essentially a play-by-play of one of  the signature moments of american history   many historians have written about the  events surrounding lincoln's assassination   it is commonly accepted that lincoln our country's  16th president was killed by the famous stage   actor john wilkes booth booth shot lincoln in the  back of the head at ford's theater in washington   d.c less than three months after lincoln abolished  slavery booth then escaped on horseback he was   reportedly caught and killed by union troops  to this day some people questioned whether   booth acted alone in killing lincoln or whether  other powerful people orchestrated his murder the prevailing wisdom is or the  theory that everybody buys into   these days i guess is that john  wilkes booth was a lone gunman   do you buy that theory booth was not the  only one involved in the assassination   there were two other accomplices booth was going  to kill president lincoln his other accomplice   was going to kill vice president andrew johnson  and his third accomplice was going to kill the   secretary of state william seward so the plan was  to decapitate the top three officials of the union   government which would have been a huge blow and  really would have helped the confederate cause   the whole night could have been different if  general grant attended the theater with lincoln   so why is that important well grant had a a big  entourage around him like any general should have   and they would have came to the theater with him  protected him but grant turned down the invitation   some people think someone convinced him not to go  to the theater with lincoln the other interesting   thing is lincoln's bodyguard his normal bodyguard  was told not to attend the theater that he had   extra work to do in the war department office  the more you tell me the more people have to be   involved for all these parts to come into  play for the president to be assassinated   let's go back and talk about john wilkes booth  he had to have other help other people with the   power with the money with the information so he  could carry out this plot john wilkes booth was   a sympathizer with the confederates in fact they  think he was a confederate spy he made several   trips to canada where we know was the location  of the confederate secret service in canada yes   okay the base was in montreal booth had a lot  of contacts through the secret service the guy   named john surat an interesting person he was a  confederate spy well-educated and he's the one   who introduced booth to his other accomplices  the ones who were targeted johnson and seward   the secretary of state and vice president he's  one of these key players behind the scenes that we   really don't know about right exactly so clearly  there's there's more going on here this sounds   like there's a conspiracy so maybe john wilkes  booth wasn't the primary player but just a pawn   you know at that time there was a secret society  in canada a confederate secret society called   the knights of the golden circle and we know booth  traveled to canada at least once and met with them   now was he just associating with them or were  they recruiting him or using him in an overall   plan the knights of the golden circle was known  to be a ruthless elite group of confederate spies   and confederate sympathizers their goal was to  ensure the south remained a political and economic   powerhouse even after slavery was abolished  members were inducted through grisly rituals   and operated largely in the shadows some believe  their mission was to amass gold contacts and power   that they could use to start a second civil  war in the event the south lost the first one   both definitely had a connection with them  and surat was definitely involved in that   so if booth was being financed or part of a  bigger plan that's where i would be looking   at the knights of the golden circle what i'm  hearing from you based on everything that you've   told me these are pieces of evidence i mean there  are factual bits of information and when you add   them all up to me it says conspiracy and i'd  love to learn more about this there was this   former cia officer they've never had a chance  to contact him but maybe you can follow up the idea that a confederate secret society could  be behind the assassination of president lincoln   is nothing i've ever heard before if it's  true that the knights of the golden circle   had a hand in the assassination i need to  understand more about the group and its members   but it might be a matter of sifting through  secrets and spies with someone whose former cia   so uh what can i do for you i'm looking into the  assassination of president lincoln by john wilkes   booth and i think that there's something  more going on here i think he may have   been associated with a secret organization  okay and i'm told that you might have some   evidence that could help shed some light on  that i most certainly do well i need to see it come on have a seat scott i  want you to have a look at that   hmm well what do we have here well this  is something called a visionaire cipher   tableau that was found in the possession of john  wilkes booth or more specifically in his trunk   at the hotel he was staying at when he shot  lincoln okay basically it's just a system   for encrypting messages this looks like serious  business no absolutely it was quite high grade   quite sophisticated for its time so it's hard  to explain why booth would have had this if he   wasn't in secret communication with somebody  almost certainly the confederate government or   confederate army i don't see why somebody would  just use this as something to write messages   to themselves it's hard to explain why  else yeah can you show me how this works   so here's a tableau you can use all right why  don't we work on decrypting this message here   this message has been encrypted with the phrase  spy museum that's the code word that's the key   word yeah okay so what i'd like you to do is  above each letter of the cipher text write   down one letter of the key word so you're just  going to write spy museum spine museum spy museum   okay all the way all the way across one letter for  one letter p y when you get to the end of museum   write spy museum again so what you've got here is  the keyword and the cipher text and we're going to   derive the english language message okay s is your  keyword so i want you to look in the s column here   on the table up here now your first cipher letter  is l so go down the s column until you find an l   in the column all right right here and then what  row is that in that's a t t so write down t the   next key letter is p so go to the p column so  i go down to d you go down until you find a d   o o two the message is two  somebody that's a good beginning okay something's starting to  crystallize a little bit here   so what does that say so far too general  ah so let's see who the general all right   i want to keep going here this is this is  getting good here down to k s p down to w h i bet you we're gonna find an a here there it is to general sherman so we know this is a union  message and it continues on okay i'll save you   some work here it's orders from general grant to  general sherman to move sherman's division across   the tennessee river and to attack chattanooga and  send me a report about your casualties and your   rations and how much ammunition you've got i  was surprised the message mark had me translate   was a union message and not a confederate one  it turns out both sides used the cipher at one   point during the war but only confederates like  john wilkes booth used it for the duration as the   primary source of coded communication the union  had much more sophisticated systems that they   use for messages they'd send by telegraph they  actually had a family of 10 or 12 of them that   they changed out quite regularly which is good  cipher practice you know you really have to be   on top of these key words right if the enemy gets  a hold of a message like that it could be disaster   absolutely and that was really the confederate's  big failing is during the entire war until   the last couple of weeks they only used  two different keywords manchester bluff   and complete victory two words two that's it and  that's it and once the union figured that out   any confederate message they got could be  very easily deciphered but the confederates   did have a workaround in 1864 there was a lot  of confederate secret activity up in canada   and they would communicate by couriers who would  actually sneak through union lands to get to   canada to bring messages back in canada yes that's  interesting because i do know that john wilkes   booth did spend some time in canada canada at this  time was still a british colony and britain and   its colonies were very dependent on the cotton  that came from the confederate states so in an   economic sense their bread was buttered very much  on the confederate side not on the union side   makes a lot of sense actually there's one  more thing i'd like to show you sounds great so in 1864 the confederate congress appropriated  five million dollars which was big money at the   time for a sabotage campaign against the union and  one million of that went for something they called   the northwest conspiracy northwest yes i can  show you on the map what that was the northwest   conspiracy referred to the northwest territory  which would these days be the midwest and the   upper midwest okay sure and what's interesting is  that this northwest conspiracy was being run by   confederate saboteurs operating out of canada  the people involved were a pretty ruthless bunch   part of the northwest conspiracy was a group  called quantrill's raiders quantrill's not very   well remembered these days but one of the members  of his gang has actually become very very famous   and perhaps maybe you recognize that young man  there i do jesse james so are you saying that   one of the most famous assassins john  wilkes booth and one of the most famous   outlaws jesse james were part of this northwest  conspiracy could these guys have known each   other and work together there's pretty strong  reason to suspect that they were part of this   same organization this northwest conspiracy  that's incredible so do you think maybe the   assassination was part of this i mean we've got  john wilkes booth we know had this code on him   we know that he assassinated the president what  else do we know now we don't really know precisely   booth's motivation but there is good reason to  suspect at any rate that he was linked in with   the confederate government some people have  even suggested that booth may have been part   of a secret society called knights of the golden  circle the kgc right the kgc yes and we do know   that many of the confederate saboteurs operating  out of canada were in fact members of the knights   of the golden circle it's not something i know  tremendously a lot about uh but it's helpful to   you i know somebody who does well i tell you  what i'd appreciate any help you can give me you're gonna make me work  for this aren't you yeah i am when i started looking into a conspiracy  surrounding the assassination of president lincoln   i thought i was just looking into the actions  of one man john wilkes booth but as the   evidence slowly unravels i'm realizing that this  mystery is really part of something much bigger   i would never have guessed that booth  may have been acting on orders from a   confederate secret society called  the knights of the golden circle the kgc was well known for its power and influence  during the civil war and was equally well known   for its gruesome rituals one of which was said  to require initiates to kneel on a human corpse   to prove their allegiance i think getting to  the truth about who really orchestrated the   president's murder hinges on understanding  the men involved in this secret society and   their motives booth his friend john sarat and none  other than jesse james have connections to the kgc   and may have been part of a larger  confederate terror campaign against the union   called the northwest conspiracy the success of  which may have depended on killing lincoln so   were they all involved in his murder hopefully  the man in this message leads me to some answers warren i'm looking into john wilkes booth  the assassination of president lincoln   and this group called the knights of the golden  circle i understand you know a little something   about that what can you tell me well i wrote a  book about the knights of golden circles called   rebel gold and the knights of the golden circle  we're a confederate underground group a very   secret society so what do we know that links john  wilkes booth to the knights of the golden circle   there's a lot of evidence that shows that booth  was a member of the knights of golden circle the   government itself was after the kgc during the  war and was very focused on membership in the kgc   they investigated every member of booth's gang  for membership well clearly the knights of the   golden circle was a powerful organization who  are some of the people that were involved anybody   that we might know well one of the key members was  john wilkes booth of course we had nathan bedford   forest confederate general who became the head of  the kkk john calhoun in the earlier phase who was   a vice president united states maybe even edwin  stanton the secretary of war what kind of power   do these people have were they influential the  knights of the golden circle in my view were more   powerful than the cia or the fbi is today it was  a large group there were 500 000 people involved   jesse james was i thought he was an outlaw well  he wasn't outlawed but in truth was the field   commander of the knights of golden circle in terms  of gathering the gold and the silver and the arms   that needed to be buried for second civil war  you always hear about jesse james robbing but   you never hear of them actually obtaining the  money for their own benefit where did that money   go it went underground for the cause of the  confederacy what other evidence do you have   that links john wilkes booth with the knights  of the golden circle there's something very   interesting the library of congress called the  great conspiracy and you can tell that the person   who wrote the book was a member when i found this  document at the library of congress it scared me   i see an interesting passage right here it says  before they entered booth was blindfolded and his   arms bound the word rome was pronounced  and the door thrown open two men   entered the assembly and stood in front of the  candidate with naked swords planted at his heart   to risk all to help southern independence shake  off the hated yankee domination you know what   this sounds like an initiation ritual it is an  initiation ritual it's very masonic the knights   of the golden circle where a confederate masonic  cabal if you will this document it talks about   two things one that booth was initiated to  the kgc right in baltimore and then later on   it talks about a meeting of the knights of the  golden circle where they plotted to deliver a   mortal blow against the president and that  the person who delivered that blow would be   aided and abetted in the rescue from that scene  that's in here history says that john wilkes   booth was killed in the barn in virginia two  weeks after the assassination by union troops   but there's tons of circumstantial evidence to say  that was a patsy who was killed and he was rescued   by the kgc which put him up to the  assassination to begin with really yes   you're absolutely convinced he was a  member i'm absolutely convinced john   wilkes booth was a member of the knights  of the golden circle okay so if he was   and he was the one who basically volunteered  who was assigned to assassinate the president   what were the motives behind them that led them to  want to kill him what was their endgame their goal   well the knights of the golden circle wanted to  establish a confederacy that extended into the   south american continent and the caribbean  lincoln posed too much of a challenge   he was warned many many times that they were out  to not only undermine the union but to kill him   they wanted to send a message to somebody that  that they were credible they were powerful and   we pulled this off absolutely and one of the  most influential members of the knights of the   golden circle in fact its leader is the only  confederate general to have a statue up here   in washington dc it's right down the road  i'll take you to see it it got me intrigued albert pike he was a high-ranking mason now you telling me  that he was also a member of the knights of the   golden circle at the same time more than that i  believe he was the leader of the knights of golden   circle and um the most powerful mason in the world  at the time and he basically organized this group   this was a surprise to me because i knew all  about his work with freemasonry are there   parallels between the two organizations they share  an initiation ritual that's very similar you had   to get into it through rituals that were very off  the record let me ask you about sacred geometry   the freemasons this is one of the main tenets  of sacred geometry the early freemasons in this   country george washington and others were very  oriented towards sacred geometry meaning how to   lay out an entire country if you will and the city  of washington on a geometric basis the freemasons   had this tradition but they also had with the  knights of the golden circle a goal and what was   that goal it was to lay out a underground fort  knox where gold silver and arms could be hidden   secretly so warren you're saying that the kgc  buried caches of gold around the country for this   revival of the south how did they do that was was  pike involved with that pike was the mastermind   behind laying out this grid of underground  depositories where did the kgc get their money   they had money from the membership fees and dues  and then secondly they used jesse james and his   rebels to steal payroll from u.s troops it was  all being taken and put into these underground   depositories not to the golden circle caches  we could say there was a plan to resurrect the   confederacy with this money and these arms that  were hidden did anybody ever find the gold is it   still out there conservatively there's hundreds  of millions of dollars of buried gold and silver   underground large amounts have already been  found some of it's forgotten to history   some of it's still being protected by  this organization wait wait wait wait wait   yeah you're saying that the kgc still  exists and they're still guarding gold you're saying that the kgc still exists and  they're still guarding gold yeah i'm saying   that a legacy organization that grew out of the  knights of the golden circle the kgc still exists   and they are protecting this money this is amazing  i mean we're talking about going back to the time   of the civil war right this organization  is still perpetuating right to this day   still guarding gold and still guarding an  ideology or or a belief system that they   still embrace to this day absolutely the kgc  still exists and they are protecting this money   not for the revival of confederacy but for some  purpose that's way bigger than most people could   conceive of the organization continued on they  just changed their goals around the goals changed   with time but in the end it was having to do  with a new vision of the world sure a new order   a new world order maybe a new world order earlier  this year i investigated rumors that a modern-day   secret society called the new world order exists  and now i'm wondering if it's a modern-day   incarnation of the knights of the golden circle  some believe the new world order is a radical   group of people who want to enact things  like population control and world domination   while operating under a nazi-like  government that spans the globe   i'm not sure about that but i do think that  the new world order could be responsible for   a monument called the georgia guidestones they  contain cryptic messages some consider frightening   that could be interpreted to reflect  both new world order and kgc principles a man named r.c christian  whose real identity is unknown   strolled into the local bank with a briefcase  chocked full of cash to build the monument   and now i'm wondering if that money  came from the kgc's secret coffers similarities between the new world order and the  kgc are striking both groups wanted a new radical   government both had connections to confederate  states and both use sacred geometry to build   things i wonder if the new world order could be a  continuation of the knights of the golden circle   which included booth jesse james and  other powerful men from that period   it continues on and and there's lots  of money involved here and that's being   watched guarded today in some places i've been  personally accosted by unidentified gentlemen   wearing lots of firepower we'd make it very clear  they would like you to leave they'd like you to   move on you're kidding no it happens all the time  wow i've been to 30 knights of the golden circle   underground depositories and they all have a  pattern of symbolism summer warnings to stay   away some are saying this place is booby-trapped  they're primarily in the south and southwest   stretching from georgia to new mexico i personally  have seen flus pulled out of the ground we pulled   up a heart with a wine through it what's this made  of metal iron the only reason we came to that spot   in the woods because you followed because we found  two intersecting lines that were given coordinates   by the clues that we were coming across oh okay  that would intercept with another point and when   the two lines intersect you'd find something this  is crazy so did pike was he part of placing the   gold or what role did he play well pike organized  a depository grid and how it was laid out   pike at the end of his life in his  late 70s or 80s made an enormous   journey throughout the west and southwest and  even up north to check on all these depositors   so right up to the day he died he was still  part of the kgc absolutely we're talking   about hundreds and hundreds of millions  of dollars worth of silver and gold bars secret initiations jesse james the murder of a  president coordinates pointing to underground   depositories the more i learned about the kgc the  more i realize how powerful a group it really was this investigation began with a  cipher connected to a dead assassin   but like most great conspiracies the story  goes much deeper in this case leading to a   hidden network of caches that may contain  millions of dollars in gold and weapons   both of which must have been  stockpiled for a specific purpose in order to fully understand  this conspiracy and how far   it stretches there's one thing  i need to do follow the money i've tracked down a guy named jay long who's  been hunting for the vast amount of kgc treasure   still thought to be buried underground he  thinks the gold may be here in brownwood texas   and says there are two other things here   proof john wilkes booth wasn't actually killed by  the union army after assassinating the president   and the final resting place of jesse james  which has been debated for more than a century welcome to brownwood i'm investigating  the assassination of president lincoln   and i recently learned that john wilkes booth  the man accused of killing him was a member of   a group called the knights of the golden circle  the history that we were told was that john   wilkes booth was killed by union troops shortly  after the assassination in a barn he survived   you're saying he survived but what happened  to him in 1922 a newspaper article came out   that said that john wilkes booth came to  brownwood and spent the year of 1871 in brownwood   why is brownwood such a central figure if you will  in the in the whole kgc mystery brownwood was a   relatively wild frontier place after the war  okay for those who want to run from the federal   government and for outlaws in general that were  operating under the cover of the kdc okay so what   happened here well in 1869 a man came from new  mexico his name was henry ford not that henry ford   not the automaker okay he soon became a key figure  in the knights of the golden circle in brownwood   this is one of the few illustrations of our henry  ford he arrived in the williams ranch in southern   brown county everybody says he was penniless and  the next thing you know he was a partner in this   bank beside us in a couple more years he was  elected county clerk of brown county so when   people asked about ford's past what did he say  he wouldn't answer he didn't let anybody know his   past most of his relatives believe he bought  under quattro well i recently learned about   quantrill's raiders and the famous outlaw jesse  james and his brother frank were part of that   group yes a lot of the old-timers in brownwood  believed that henry ford was really jesse james so you think henry ford was jesse james henry ford  could have been another alias for jesse james it's   a very complicated topic henry ford died in 1910  about two blocks from where we're standing here   the strange thing about it jesse james's mother  and brother frank came to his funeral really and   it was one of the largest funerals ever in the  history of brownwood frank james made a public   announcement that said that they shouldn't put  a tombstone on henry ford's grave if they did he   would come back to town and blow it to kingdom  come why do you think he said that he wanted to   protect his identity i believe one of the things  i recently learned from warren getler is that the   kgc had multiple caches of gold reserves so do you  think there's any of these caches around brownwood   anything's possible let's sit down i'll show you  right here this is a map of the downtown area of   brownwood okay well here's the star so that's  where we are right now right yes okay there's   supposed to be a tunnel entrance right underneath  this slot here that the park sits on there's also   supposed to be one in the bank building behind us  then we have another story about a heavy equipment   operator whose backhoe fell into a tunnel entrance  over under this insurance company parking lot   several years ago okay we believe that tunnel goes  all the way to west anderson street that's where   the knights of golden circle were said to hold  their meetings well jay i think we could probably   find these tunnels there's a technology called  ground penetrating radar that i'd used before   we may be able to find one of these tunnels and  learn more about the way the kgc operated but   the other possibility is maybe that one of these  caches of gold is still here anything's possible i've used ground penetrating radar or gpr  before to look for clues to a medieval burial   in arizona's mustang mountains because it  detects man-made disturbances underground   it will be perfect for finding tunnels  allegedly buried below brownwood after setting jay up with a gpr technician  to look for evidence of the kgc's gold caches   i had one more stop in  texas to make the rio grande when i was researching all the members of the kgc  i turned up a possible member named j.o shelby   who i found out is the ancestor  of my friend don shelby don offered to meet me near  the border to explain to me   what he says is the real truth  about the kgc's involvement   in lincoln's assassination and the truth  about the secret society's overall end game don how you doing scott good to see you thanks  for meeting me here is this him right here yeah   this is a picture of j.o shelby as he's heading  off into mexico from eagle pass here over into   piedras negras j.o shelby was considered by both  union and confederate forces the greatest cavalry   general in trans mississippi and he uh engendered  a great deal of admiration but let me ask you this   was general shelby a member of the knights of the  golden circle i don't see how he could keep from   being a member of the knights of the golden circle  perhaps even a high end officer and in his own   brigade jesse james and the quanto raiders rode  as civilian marauders and outriders attached to   that brigade but i'm also convinced that he didn't  know anything about the assassination of abraham   lincoln because there was sort of a relationship  there he was one of lincoln's favorite generals   he was his favorite a cavalry general because  he never surrendered this is fascinating i mean   that you've got uh the president united states uh  northerner then you've got a confederate general   and these two must have had high regard for each  other i mean why have we never heard of this   i want to show you a few things out by the  rio grande you ride horses don't you sure on the rio grande right here at eagle  pass it's where general shelby and his   regiment of men crossed over into  piedra negras in the mexican territory   well what was he doing down in mexico there was  a hope that they could rebuild the confederacy   further south in mexico in central america i have  a map here let me show you where the kgc planned   to do this and why it was called the golden circle  so you see this here map the western hemisphere   so right around the gulf of mexico was  this giant circle and they hoped because   of the richness of the of the land in central  america and southern mexico that they could grow   cotton and continue with slavery with slavery they  knew that they needed cheap labor in fact unpaid   labor in order to have the fortunes of the south  continue to rise they believed this would be the   golden circle for the confederacy what this really  sounds like is a southern version of manifest   destiny well it was exactly manifest destiny  confederate style if that was the plan of the kgc   to extend slavery south uh lincoln wasn't gonna  have any part of that and he would have stopped it   but having that initiative in his mind that  basically signed his death warrant didn't it   it would seem to me that that was one of the plans  that the kgc had with relationship to john wilkes   booth well don you know that the knights of the  golden circle were stockpiling hordes of gold   did uh general shelby have any role in that well  i'm not sure but there was obviously an effort to   try to create a treasury for the confederacy but  the story that makes me feel the best about being   a descendant of joey shelby is that when they  came across the confederate treasury of gold in   austin texas the men tried to loot that treasury  and he stood before them and said you will not   his men he said to them we know what history will  say of us we are the last let us also be the best i like that that says a lot about him   it does or it could also mean that he  knew where there was plenty of other gold well don the knights of the golden circle as  it turns out when you dig deeper you find out that   their goal was was very grand they were  going to basically create their own country   that would have global consequences  it would have impacted the whole world   if they had been successful the  kgc has an element that you have to   admire in the scope of their thinking they  needed to expand internationally as a plan b   should they lose the war that took some fairly  remarkable and sophisticated thinking definitely my investigation of the lincoln assassination  has led me to realize that the mastermind   behind this monumental event was not  a sole gunman but in fact a powerful   and well-funded secret society called the  knights of the golden circle a society that   included everyone from the highest ranking  freemason of the time to outlaw jesse james the gpr search in brownwood texas where some  believe jesse james is buried did turn up   evidence of what might be kgc tunnels underground  not only that there's evidence other cities across   the country including princeton indiana and  leavenworth kansas might have tunnels too   now the next step is today my search for the   truth revealed what i think is the  real story behind lincoln's killing i think he was murdered because he  was standing in the way of the kgc   building a new empire a golden circle of  supporters that reached well beyond our southern border you
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, america unearthed, history america unearthed, america unearthed show, america unearthed full episodes, america unearthed clips, full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 episode 12, America Unearthed s2 e12, America Unearthed s02 e012, America Unearthed 2X12, America Unearthed s2 full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 clips, season 2, episode 12, Secret Swamp People, Lincoln's Secret Assassins Exposed
Id: 4etTvYdG9KQ
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Length: 43min 32sec (2612 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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