America Unearthed: Proof of Ancient Voyagers to America (S2, E13) | Full Episode | History

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okay so the history that we were all taught growing up is  wrong my name is scott walter and i'm a forensic   geologist there's a hidden history in this country  that nobody knows about there are pyramids here   chambers tombs inscriptions they're all over  this country we're going to investigate these   artifacts and sites and we're going to get to the  truth sometimes history isn't what we've been told i'm on my way to hawaii to investigate just how  far one of the world's most intrepid groups of   voyagers travel i'm not talking about the  vikings or anyone from europe i'm talking   about the polynesians we know they settled hawaii  but they may have gone even farther east than that   maybe even to what's now the united states  mainland my investigation starts with an email   from a student in maui aloha scott i'm a college  student in hawaii and my archaeology professor   just told me about a spear point some hikers found  in haleakala national park a volcanic crater here scientists have long been looking for  evidence that the polynesians not only   settled islands like hawaii but actually made  it to the americas around 1000 a.d i think this   spear point could be that evidence and that's why  i'm hoping you can come take a look sean beckman   the polynesians were some of the  world's most accomplished sea voyagers   most people know very little about  them and their amazing accomplishments   hawaii is just one of many islands the  polynesians settled in the polynesian triangle   an area of the pacific the size of russia because  hawaii was formed by volcanic eruptions 400   000 years ago you'd expect to find a  lot of obsidian volcanic glass here   actually there isn't much and what is here is  black the spear point in the email shawn set   is greenish gold and i don't think there's  any obsidian in hawaii that looks like that i'm headed to one of the only places on  the islands where obsidian can be found   to talk to an archaeologist i  want to find out if this artifact   could have come from here or if someone maybe the  polynesians brought it here from somewhere else scott walter yes hi it's jan at six nice to meet  you hey i'm anxious to see this spear point i   don't have it with me it's on maui with the people  that found it but i do have some photographs here   and i'd like to share with you wow well janet  this definitely looks like obsidian and i did   find a few pieces of obsidian here and obsidian  is a silica rich volcanic rock that comes out of   a volcano cools very quickly into a glass is there  a lot of obsidian here in hawaii there's maybe a   couple of quarries this is the main quarry that  i'm aware of i was really interested in the color   and when i talked to a rock expert he said  green gold obsidian that sounds like pachuca   which is located in modern day mexico which at one  time was the ancient homeland of the olmac in the   maya in the new world yes we think that this  might have come from there and i'm doing some   analysis and we're going to see if it's a  match to pachuca and quarry we know through   oral history that the polynesians and hawaiians  went to what they call the land of mystic frogs   the land of mistand frogs is part of  hawaiian legend it's believed to be what   is known as mesoamerica mexico and central  america before spanish explorers arrived   i wouldn't be surprised if the polynesians went  there and saw a piece of shiny green gold obsidian   that they wouldn't bring it back with them so what  you're saying is the polynesians would have to be   involved and that would mean that they had to go  there get this item make it or trade for it and   then bring it here is that right well we know  the mayans weren't sailing around the pacific   and we know the polynesians were they're  bringing with them their thoughts their ideas   things that are sacred things that are special  and rocks would have been one of those things   maybe a point like this could be now can you  tell me a little bit about how this was found   and when was it found well it was found in  2009 by some friends of mine that were hiking   in haleakala crater and i have some footage  that they actually shot of them finding it   they shot this video moments after  recovering this artifact while climbing see that thing is big and there's trevor he's the gentleman that  actually found it they called the park and the   park kind of pooh-poohed the idea that you would  find a giant spear point inside the park because   as we know polynesians don't have that right so  they put it in a box and they didn't do anything   with it you can see that steep vertical face it's  very steep yeah and it's rugged terrain right and   that adds to the mystery who put it there i mean  it's not a place you'd leave an artifact a simple   easy access place and so this begs the question  could polynesians have put it there i'd really   like to meet these guys any chance i could meet  them and take a look at the artifact yeah i'm   sure i could arrange a meeting for you janet  i'm very excited to meet your friends and see   this spear point but before i do that i want to  learn more about the polynesians this spear point   could prove that the polynesians made it  to mexico and if they made it that far   maybe they even made it as  far as the united states people may not realize that the hawaiian  island chain stretches 1500 miles   and actually includes more than 130 separate  islands we know the polynesians settled this   chain and every island in the polynesian  triangle before columbus ever set sail   they covered that distance in just 400 years  between 1000 and 1400 a.d but did they go further   when a couple of hikers in maui came upon a  spear point made of green gold obsidian a type   of rock not found here they may have stumbled upon  evidence the polynesians sailed to mexico and back and if these intrepid voyagers  could make that journey   they could easily have made it  to what's now the united states before i look at this mysterious spear  point i'm meeting a professor who knows   all about the polynesians to see what he thinks  about the likelihood that they made the trip hi terry hi scott welcome hey nice  to see you thanks for meeting with   me sure i hope you're hungry i got  us lunch chicken looks great good i'd really like to know more about the  polynesians well polynesia is a vast area   millions of square miles most of it of course  open ocean with tiny islands and polynesians   over the space of about a century about 1200  a.d went from tahiti and discovered just about   every single island all the way to places like  hawaii down to new zealand out to easter island do you think the polynesians made it to the  new world and if so what evidence do you have   yes they did make it to the new world and the  evidence is right there sweet potato it's not   native to hawaii it's the best evidence we have  that there was contact between south america and   polynesian you're claiming that the polynesians  went to south america and brought the potato back   but a skeptic could argue that maybe the potato  floated over or somebody else brought it to the   islands the real clincher in the evidence is the  name the polynesian word for the sweet potato   is kumara and the south american word for the  sweet potato is kumar found in the languages in   ecuador and peru it's a very similar word for the  same thing evidence that there was face-to-face   human transfer of this important crop is there  anything else any other evidence that you can   build upon with the sweet potato the chicken  some believe that the south american chickens   are actually from polynesia archaeologists have  found chicken bones and they've dated the chicken   bones and it does fit just barely within  the pre-colombian times so it may have been   chickens from polynesia reach south america sweet  potatoes from south america come back to polynesia   is that the reason we're having our chicken  and our potatoes here for lunch or i thought   you should have some polynesian food and this is  genuinely polynesian it has been for a long time   well terry you seem pretty confident that the  polynesians definitely made it to south america   and back do you think that they could have  made it to north america prior to columbus   north america wouldn't be that hard to reach  some of my colleagues think that there's a   connection between the chumash of california  and the polynesians the chumash are a group of   native american tribes in southern california  who lived and continue to live along the coast   diseases introduced by europeans caused the  chumash population to drop from 22 000 to 300 in a   century's time there are now 7 000 chumash living  in the united states in the chumash language   you have words similar to those in polynesia  some believe that there's a linguistic tie the   same argument the idea that there are canoes in  california that look like polynesian canoes terry   one thing's for sure if there is evidence that  the polynesians made it to what is now the united   states before columbus that would change history  if you're interested in the california polynesia   connection i would say go to santa barbara and  learn about the chumash evidence see what you   think i will do that but not until i finish  my polynesian chicken absolutely and potatoes so far i've learned about an obsidian spear  point ancient polynesians could have picked up   in mexico and left here in hawaii i also found  out what great navigators the polynesians were   colonizing islands all over the  pacific in just a few hundred years   not only that it looks like these voyagers may  have transported food and language during their   travels i wonder if the polynesians made  it to what's now the united states mainland   distance wise it's actually a shorter  distance to travel from hawaii to california   than from hawaii to mexico there are some  promising leads to follow up on in california   but first i'm going to meet  trevor carter and brian axtell   the guys who found the mysterious spear point  in mount haleakala an inactive volcano on maui haleakala is one of the biggest dormant volcanoes  in the world there's a 2700 foot drop from rim to   crater and the distance around haleakala measures  20 miles the volcano last erupted in 1790   it's a sacred place for all hawaiians  and its name means house of the sun hey i'm looking for brian and trevor  they're on the other side of the ravine   um you got two choices you can either  take the long way or the short way shortly oh trevor scott how you doing man brian aloha  all right hey i'm anxious to see this spare   point i can't wait but i want to hear this story  how'd you find it it was in 2009 in may a group   of about 12 of us all went up together  to do the 15 miles through the crater   wow we were all taking a break trevor went off  and continued on up the trail just happened to   literally step over this pile of rocks and this  rock just really stood out and i reached down   for not thinking anything of it and realizing  hey this is a piece of obsidian and as i got   some of the mud off of it i realized this is  something that's man-made as i'm holding this   spearhead i just was enthralled by it the  energy that it put off it wasn't normal   we realized like holy cow this is something  awesome it was green not black obsidian well   i've seen some obsidian here just recently and  it's black sounds like this is different and   if it's different that means it's not from hawaii  so you knew that this crater was a sacred place   right to the local people so you knew it had some  importance to it what happened when you went to   the park people you showed it to them right not  immediately because the park was closed and there   was no one at the station we brought it home and i  called the next morning and i'm like hey we found   a spearhead in the crater what do i do and the  official response was well that doesn't sound   hawaiian you're welcome to bring it up somebody  will take a look at it and get back to you   maybe so trevor when you found this thing did you  realize how significant it was yeah i actually got   it tattooed on my side i have it permanently on me  right now you did i did i gotta see it all right look at that what does it say here  it means gift of the warrior spirit   so you assume that this thing was made here in  hawaii with hawaiian obsidian right that's what   i thought i didn't know anything else because  i didn't really know the history of this area   well trevor i love the tattoo thanks but i'd  like to see the real thing let's take a look   it's gotta have really bad news what they took it  this last tuesday before you got here what do you   mean they took it who's they the national park we  don't have it so are you telling me that the park   service just took from you this potentially  history changing artifact they just took it so so are you telling me that the park  service just took from you this potentially   history changing artifact they just took it  physically took it from you we don't have it the national park set up a meeting with me to  actually see it for the first time in four years   and they took it knowing that i was meeting  with you you're serious aren't you absolutely   we originally called them the day after the  discovery right they made it seem like it wasn't   of any significance they didn't care they made no  reference to caring whoever i spoke to well why do   they care now i personally believe they care now  because they knew you were coming but why did they   take the artifact i don't understand that  explain that to me i don't understand it either   we were together for an hour i was sharing photos  everything i had that we have found over the years   so it's civil at this point completely okay when  did it turn when did they make the play for the   artifact did they say we want you to hand it over  no they asked me if i had it with me after about   45 minutes and i took a breath in and i i  said yes i do i do have it and she demanded   the artifact is that what happened she showed me  her badge it was a federal law enforcement badge   i handed her the artifact i stepped back she was  threatening to arrest me what the hell is this   seriously what i don't understand is i've  never heard of anything like this before   i mean i've seen things covered up swept under  the rug i've seen every excuse in the world that   people can think of to cover up an artifact to try  to show this isn't real it's fake but i have never   heard of a sting operation like this this is crazy  they had no interest it was blowing off a couple   guys and then realized maybe this is significant  maybe this has some worth and value to history   and they want in on it all we really wanted is for  this artifact to get studied and get the attention   that it deserves well i think it's going to get  the attention it deserves i just wish it would   have happened in a different way janet 6 showed  me a couple of photos you guys have to have some   photos they're back at the car we're going to  have to take the long way back but i got a bunch the fact that the national park service  confiscated the obsidian spear point   four years after trevor found it tells me  it's even more important than i thought   it's illegal to take artifacts found on national  parks property but it sounds to me like these guys   tried to do the right thing keeping artifacts  in their archaeological context is important   so scientists can study them properly  the spear point could be evidence the   polynesians traveled to the new world before  columbus and brought back a sacred souvenir the key thing here is janet testing to find  out if they can actually fingerprint this   to quarries over in mexico and if she can do  that boy that to me is really the final test   let's see what you have you got it well the  first photo is a picture of the artifact on   a piece of paper it has the dates the location  and the primary witnesses who are on the hike so   they grab this as well as the artifact absolutely  this is some close-ups oh yeah where you can see   the uniqueness of it compared to hawaiian obsidian  well it's got that sort of golden glow along the   edges here that's exactly what we noticed right  off the bat it's sparked interest all over the   place we were so fortunate to have folks from  our local nasa astrophysics lab bring us into the   office and take some pictures which do you have  some of those let me pull them up right now okay well clearly man made probably a ceremonial piece  you can see that they were skilled in what they   were doing oh yeah it wasn't a machine this is  man-made but they knew what they were doing my   favorite quote from all of the the people who have  looked at this was from a flint mapping specialist   over on the big island okay he said if this is  tourist junk this is museum grade tours junk i   can tell you one thing guys this is not junk hang  on just one sec here getting a text from somebody   hi scott got the detailed data back on the  spear point the green gold obsidian is in   capital letters from pachuca like we thought could  be evidence the polynesians got to mexico and   back janet well you needed some good news that's  for sure that's an understatement there's no   way this spare point came from haleakala  crater they don't have obsidian like that   guys i have to go up and talk to them i  don't know if it's gonna do you any good   you can't go up there so they won't let me up  there they said none of us were allowed up there   until this investigation is finished well then  we'll have to find another way to get to the truth i came to hawaii to find out if an out-of-place  spare point could be the key to unlocking the   mystery of whether polynesian navigators  made it to the new world long before columbus here's what i have so far the discovered spear  point is made of obsidian that can't be found   in hawaii it's believed it came from a  quarry in mexico janet the archaeologist   had it tested and incredibly it was a match   the theory is polynesian voyagers went to mexico  and brought the spare point back here to hawaii unfortunately i'm only able to see  pictures of it since the artifact itself   was confiscated but the spear point isn't  the only piece of evidence to suggest that   around 1 000 a.d the same time vikings  were discovering america in the north   the polynesians may have been setting foot on  the other side of the continent i'm meeting   an archaeologist named terry jones in santa  barbara who claims to have the next clue in this investigation hi terry scott walter scott nice to meet you nice  to meet you i see you've got a canoe behind you   tell me a little bit about this our local chumash  our native americans here in southern california   brought a modern replica of a tamale okay which  is a sewn plank canoe what's unique about it   what's important about it is the engineering  the way it's constructed you have a plank here   you have a seam and then another redwood  plank and then they're sewn together at   a number of locations and the craft  is built up with this combination of   stone planks and then a tar sealer to keep  it watertight that's amazing it's really   sophisticated so how does this canoe construction  technique connect with the polynesians this was   the standard technique for making boats among  polynesians and i have an example right here okay   so this is the polynesian style here you can see  the same technique you've got virtually the same   ship building techniques that either developed  independently here in north america and in   polynesia or there had to have been some type of  contact correct that's exactly the way we see it   now it's certainly possible that in both places  they invented the same technology however not   only do we have the same technology but we have  linguistic similarities the first one is the word   that refers to this craft the ancient word for  sown plants boats would have been tu malo'o that   word is very very similar linguistically to a word  that we would have seen in polynesia to morocco   on paper these two words may not appear  to share more than a couple of letters   but linguistics isn't about how words are  spelled but how they sound when pronounced   by native chumash and native polynesians  these two words would have sounded the same   is there any other linguistic evidence  they were two groups in southern california   that used these boats the chumash and the  gabriellino the gabriellino word for their   boats is not tamal it's tiat polynesian word tia  is to sow some plant canoe to sew it seems like   it can't be just a coincidence ah i would think  not but would this canoe have been used to travel   across the ocean well these particular canoes were  used primarily to get out to the islands off the   coast of southern california the polynesians  used this technique to make much larger boats   that also had sails that allowed them to cover  thousands of miles of open water is there any   other material evidence such as stone tools of any  kind that might provide a connection we do have   some archaeological evidence this is a pretty  standard shellfish that we see from southern   california these things came into existence about  3000 years ago okay but after about 1300 a.d   we see this much more elaborate style it has a  barb it has a groove for attaching the line we see   the exact same style throughout much of polynesia  we don't think necessarily that polynesians came   here and stayed there was an exchange of ideas  about how to work wood about engineering about   how to build boats and then they probably left  but they had an impact on each other they had   an impact that had an effect and this would be  one of the things that the people here learned   is there any chance that we might be able  to try this canoe out i think we're in luck based on what terry told me i think  these paddlers ancestors may have had   a visit from ancient polynesian voyagers  who set foot on american soil long ago the canoe construction the  linguistics the fishhook design   these are all significant connections  but what i want to know now is   what do the chumash people themselves have  to say about this alleged ancient connection terry has arranged an introduction with a  chumash elder to help me understand this   600 year old relationship scott i am so happy to  be able to introduce you to my friend georgiana   she's a chumash elder here hi georgiana  nice to meet you so happy to meet you scott   i've been investigating the idea that eastern  polynesians may have come here to what is now   southern california what i'd like to talk to you  about is oral tradition is there any mention of   contact with polynesians coming here there is  my own genealogy goes back to the island of limu   people know that island is santa cruz island  off the coast off the coast of california right   here limu means seaweed all around limu there  are these big kelp forests and seaweed beds   and the emu it's a polynesian word so  this is a word that your people picked up   from somewhere long long time ago is  there anything else you might suggest   i look at that might be able to help me  with this ancient polynesian connection   well have you heard of the kennewick man i have  heard of the kennewick man you're talking about   one of the oldest skeletons ever found in north  america dating back about 9 000 years ago well   i've heard recently that the kennewick man could  possibly have been polynesian polynesian yes kennewick man is an ancient skeleton  that was found in kennewick washington   in 1996. i tracked down the guy who literally  stumbled across it his name is will thomas   and he's taking me to where he found the skeleton  when he was in college it was a controversial find   because local tribes believed the bones were one  of their ancestors while they fought to have them   reburied scientists fought in court for a chance  to study the remains which were dated to sometime   around 7300 bc the study of those bones is what  caused the polynesian connection to surface all right you want to give me a hand or pull  this boot up all right i want to show you where   we found comic man all right over this way  tell me about this discovery well dave and   i were trying to sneak into the boat races have a  couple of beers before we got in the races that's   really ultimately what led to finding kenwick  man so you're sneaking in then what happened   so we were walking along shoreline and we're  right about to enter the spot where you get   into the park and the races i look down and i  see this rock underwater that looks enough like a   head that i was going to mess with my  friend dave so i i pick up this rock and   first thing i see is teeth turns  out it is a human head holy crap we know ancient polynesians  traveled far the question is   how far could they have made it  to what's now the us mainland   decades maybe even centuries before columbus  there's a lot of evidence to back that up   the out-of-place spear point that suggests  the polynesians made it to mexico and back   in the distant past food boats fish hooks and  even words all suggest these intrepid voyagers   traveled to south and north america around 1000  a.d but now there could be reason to believe that   the ancestors of those polynesian voyagers may  have been here far earlier than that around 9   000 years ago making them some of the first people  ever to set foot in what's now the united states i'm in kennewick washington talking to will  thomas the person who discovered kennewick man   an ancient skeleton which may be connected to the  polynesians back in 96 will was just a college kid   trying to sneak into the local boat races when  he made a find that changed american history   i see this rock underwater that looks enough like  a head that i was gonna mess with my friend dave   so as soon as i started getting that thing up out  of the water the first thing i saw was a set of   teeth on it so my rock my rock turned into a skull  it was a skull it was a skull what happened then   we made the decision to just hide the skull meet  our friends at the beer garden one of my friends   there he wasn't buying any of the story calling  your bluff so he says i don't believe you let's   go see this skull so i said all right let's go  so we jumped on his motorcycle headed to the site   found the skull put the skull under my arm and we  drove back to the truck and i showed the rest of   my buddies it this is every archaeologist's worst  nightmare i can't argue with you so you've taken   the skull to the police they bring the boat over  here they pull up to shore then what happened they   started picking up bones immediately dave and i  go over and check out see what they're looking   at and my friend dave pipes up and says oh yeah  that's a stick we had already found that earlier   and they all just kind of stopped and looked at  us and they said no this is the femur off of a   yeah so when the police were at the site they're  looking at these bones did they know they were old   at the time or were they thinking it was a recent  death they could tell it was old immediately they   got the radiocarbon dating back on that those  bones are over 9000 years old there's a local   archaeologist by the name of jim chatters and  he got involved with ken mcmahon the very night   that we found him well i would like to look  at the skeleton as well do you think i could   maybe meet with him yeah well he might be able to  help you out you might have a tough time getting   to the bones however those are under lock and  key right now at the burke museum in seattle kennewick man the skeleton some people  think is connected to ancient polynesians   is inside the burke museum but i can't see  him nobody cares the army corps of engineers   says kennewick man's skeleton is too fragile for  anyone to touch in fact a team of scientists had   to sue for the right to study him i'm on my way to  meet one of them the guy will thomas told me about well welcome to the lab so what do we know about  kennewick man what did you learn he had more   injuries than i've ever seen on anybody except one  fellow who'd been in a helicopter crash in vietnam   a head-on collision with a truck on his motorcycle  and then beaten to death by his neighbor   that's the worst one i've ever seen  but ken mcmahon was second to that   so ken mcmahon must have led a violent life  you can see here there's a stone spear point   yeah that was healed inside the pelvis this  guy's just dealing with pain every day he   got struck in the chest probably right in  the center of the chest there's a couple   breaks here that were healed could he have been  rammed by an animal or something he could have   been around by an animal he could have fallen  off a cliff with any number of possibilities   this really underscores how much information you  can learn about a person's life just by looking   at their skeleton it's amazing jim i would really  like to be able to see this skeleton especially   the skull no no core engineers won't allow anyone  to see it how about a cat scan of the skull has   that taken place yeah in 2005 when we had the  authorized studies you know i think i have an idea since i can't get my hands on the real kennewick  man to look for a polynesian connection i'm going   to do the next best thing using data from a cat  scan i'm going to make a 3d print of kenwick   man's skull at the university of washington to  compare with the cast of a native american skull   when compared to native americans  polynesians had longer skulls   more elongated facial  features and wider cheek bones hey duane how you doing i'm good scott good to  see you yeah it's my friend jim hi dwayne how are   you tell us how it works we're going to take the  ct scan data convert it into an appropriate file   format and then we're going to print it slice  by slice on a powder printer well it's like   printing multiple pages only stacking them  on top of each other and gluing them together   it's exactly that yes each layer is about  four thousandths of an inch so you can think   of it roughly like a sheet of paper what are  some of the applications that 3d printing is   typically used for and what what can you  use it for it's starting to become used in   biomedical applications you know in extreme  cases if somebody loses an ear and a fire   they can scan the other ear mirror it print  a replacement part for a prosthetic um   and there's also just fun things you can do with  3d printing we did a project in class last year   where everybody got 3d scanned and we produced  little mini-me figures is that you that's me that's incredible how long is this going  to take printing a full-size skull should   take about a 12-hour print time and then  we'll let it sit overnight and we'll be   ready to depowder in the morning i'm ready  to get started let the 3d printing begin i think we're all set up we've  got it oriented in the build space how did it go well the computer  thinks that it completed the build   but you never really know until you pull it  out so the real test is let's see what we got   exactly you can just start sweeping so you just want to go gently through there  until we find something that's bound together something's appearing right here that's what  we're looking for there you guys there it   is teeth now his nose right look at oh this is  awesome there's the skull there's the eyes jim   does this look familiar oh yeah oh yeah  you look familiar from beginning the nose everything we need for comparison is   pretty much there yeah i brought that cast of  a native american with me i can get all right   point out the differences here what makes  these two different from each other i mean   i can see some subtle things but help me out  this one ken mcmahon is much longer and narrower   than the native american one he also has this  projecting mid face this face projects forward   whereas this one is more or less straight up  and down the cheekbones aren't nearly as wide   see that there okay yeah and the face is is  much longer here than it is in kenoic man longer   longer face now the big question for me is do  we have polynesian features here and is there   a connection with ancient pollinators well  there are 63 measurements we do on the skull   the statistical analysis makes kenwick man closest  to polynesians of all the peoples of the world   to the layman the differences between the skulls  are subtle but the kennewick man's skull and the   native american skull are different when you  compare them can a wick man's face is longer it juts out forward and the cheeks are  wider but when you compare kennewick man's   skull to a polynesian skull the results are  scientifically striking in their similarity from the high-tech 3d printer to the low-tech  canoe the evidence is overwhelming i believe   polynesians traveled to the new world and  they did it a lot earlier than we thought   i have learned so much on this investigation with  your help and many other people i'm convinced   that ancient pollinations not only made it  to south america but north america as well   the great oceans of the world were far from  barriers they were actually super highways   there's no doubt in my mind that there were many  cultures coming across the oceans to north america   not only hundreds of years but thousands of  years before christopher columbus ever set sail my investigation into whether polynesians made  it to america before columbus has taken me from   hawaii to california and to washington state  in search of evidence i think i found it i've   discovered that the polynesians may have shared  things like sweet potatoes language canoe building   technology and other innovations with people  along the north american and south american coasts over and over again i'm struck  by how the things we find today   bones stones and strange symbols  connect us with people from the past there's no denying that people  in the americas have long been   and continue to be influenced by people  across the pacific and the atlantic we've   discovered so much about the bonds that connect  us but i know there's still a lot left to learn you
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, america unearthed, history america unearthed, america unearthed show, america unearthed full episodes, america unearthed clips, full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 episode 13, America Unearthed s2 e13, America Unearthed s02 e13, America Unearthed 2X13, America Unearthed s2 full episodes, America Unearthed season 2 clips, season 2, episode 13, Proof of Ancient Voyagers, Ancient Voyagers to America, Voyagers
Id: hvqANniyRzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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