Beyond the Lens - Branson, MO

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[Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of missouri more specifically branson missouri and even more specifically than that i am in front of beyond the lens now this is an attraction that's somewhat interesting history um a few years ago they were building two attractions um called the national enquirer live these were a national enquirer essentially a national choir museum or a national choir themed attraction they were building two of them one in pigeon forge one in branson the one in pigeon forge opened first and i went there and filmed it right when it opened and then very quickly after that just a few weeks after that they they got rid of the national enquirer theming and changed their name to beyond the lens and this attraction never had the national enquirer theming um by the time they opened they went directly to using the name beyond the lens and i've never been to this uh iteration of the attraction here branson so i figured today we check it out so please follow [Music] me [Music] here on the branson strip there's a lot of eye-catching unique buildings and yeah this fits right in got the camera there held by those hands all these crazy words bursting from it sensation celebrity gossip so you can see definitely a lot of the national enquirer influence still incorporated so let's head in through the lens beyond the lens if you will [Applause] and here we are inside the lobby i notice first off we have a friendly uh little alien over here hey there buddy not only an alien amongst these palm trees i also spot a sasquatch [Music] now they do have a flight simulator called flight ride very similar to soarin the ride from epcot and uh disney california adventure uh fun little ride they are a little uh liberal with the uh water effects so you do get a little bit a little bit soggy so we enter into the traction under this flashing sign here oh there we go we enter through the human kaleidoscope but uh yeah i gotta take a second to check out sasquatch leaping out of the window there so yeah through the human kaleidoscope what's going on in here i guess uh that kaleidoscope action going on all around us kind of scope down here at the end very cool little entrance so we entered through the red carpet here there's a couple of oscars to greet us all right so we continue along the red carpet here you can see that uh the paparazzi there snapping snapping photos love us as we come by oh look how excited they are ah always fun shoving camera in people's faces oh look there there i am i'm on uh i'm on the news reporting on my entrance here on the red carpet it says welcome to l.a land of the rich and famous here is your 50 million so i guess get a complimentary 50 million dollars here that we guess we can uh we can pose with and sit on it says parking reserve for mr clamp it see the beverly hills car pulled up right next to this pile of money the actual the real car for beverly hillbillies is here in branson but that museum is actually currently closed all right so we sit here big pile of money this is almost as much as i make on patreon i'm just kidding okay here we spot the difference all right spot the difference so we have the girl from the office oh jeez do you guys see any differences i see zero differences here we are in front of a picture of grauman's chinese theater for hollywood hands looks like you can put your own hands here in this virtual cement so let's see how this work tap screen place your hands on the screen draw your name with your finger see your stone in hollywood it's only got one hand so uh let's hold the camera with the other so put one hand here in the concrete and oh okay next draw your name all right tcb stands for the carpet bagger and you know what i'll draw and draw a little little possum here [Music] all right next there we go and there i am that's the other hand prince tcb here we have a wall of dances we have the 50s jitterbug okay so that's the jitterbug we have the jerk do the jerk is the guy's doing the jerk right there well this guy here is doing the 70s funky chicken was this was this a popular thing to do in the 70s i was born in 1980 here we have the 80s footloose that's pretty pretty cool dance the 90s we have duh dip does anyone remember the dip i was alive in the 90s not all that familiar with duh death so moving on to the 2000 they have the chicken noodle soup i don't think i know that much about dancing apparently because uh not heard of the okay and also the bernie league oh okay this is one i do remember the bernie doing the bernie i remember that from from uh weekend at bernie's because because he's dead he's a dead corpse and they carry him around and he leans backwards so that okay i do remember that one the tens are we calling up the tens now are we really doing that it's the juju on that beat i'm not too familiar with that one oh gangnam style i remember gangnam style uh gangnam style was pretty cool no art no arguments there okay 20 is what we have the savage this i guess this is the the dances my daughter does on uh on tick tock all right we have a uh pump it up i guess this is a dancing a dancing game [Applause] [Music] from the dance room we transition into the nostalgia room starting over here at the 1960s can you dial this number i can dial a number let's see [Music] eight six seven five three oh i actually remember remember using phones like this it's kind of crazy to me that some kids um today will never get a chance to use one of these phones i said they'll probably come back and be trendy at some point here we have uh atari i guess this is like a giant atari pad or these those little like rock hard little uh joysticks that were so hard to use what game are we playing it's hard to even even see okay i'm frog oh i gotta jump jump and eat the bugs maybe see what the button does oh the bucket makes me stick my tongue out oh i i okay you gotta am i fighting the other frog jump wait do i okay these games are hard they really are okay here's my boy oh it says 2000's but it's showing sonic the hedgehog i think the games are maybe off a bit but uh let's play some sonic a giant genesis controller there [Music] oh there we go sonic oh this is one of my favorite sega genesis games of all time sonic 3 sonic and knuckles it was actually it's hard to explain this is actually sonic 3 was its own game and sonic and knuckles with some game but you could actually plug one game into the top of another and you could play them together it was awesome trust me right now we gotta get running okay this is hard to do with only one hand but sonic hedgehog one of the first video games i ever played here super mario brothers okay it's hard to oh yeah it's really hard to play with uh without the benefit of two hands some interesting video game facts here says according to research violent video games actually reduce the rates of violent crimes i don't know maybe people can get their violence out in their video games and then then not really shoot someone in real life so we have these little action figure packages here it can be both barbie or gi joey here we have a massive space invaders game see if we can shoot some of these no good aliens what's that giant butterfly i don't remember this part of the game like this game called wall defenders got some dodge balls here guess we just start by hucking a ball at the screen all right didn't start yet start there we go all right incoming what do we got to do oh it's like asteroids you gotta break the asteroids with these dodgeballs bad asteroids incoming we got more asteroids coming oh no [Music] oh oh yeah he survived interesting murals here at this scuba diver with a selfie stick and uh the shark here hopefully uh they don't uh run a foul of each other here we have an elvis suit i remember these to say on roadside america the elvis was one of the few americans that could be recognized without his head now these frames here some more interesting pictures a t-rex with tiger stripes and a gorilla taking a selfie so this is the bullet time chamber because you enter here and it will capture you in bullet time okay so i stand right here stand still for a dynamic camera shoot get ready oh you see me up there creating your video okay oh there you go that's me in bullet time just like the matrix now we see a little bit of the leftover national inquirer influence as this is a section on the kennedy assassination you can see it's a replica of the window that we that oswald shot uh kennedy from start the video the government theory so yeah these are like uh i guess they run you through conspiracy theories on uh 12 29 how jfk was assassinated showing uh computer simulations a second shot from the book depository it's kennedy from behind oh no the bullet enters his upper back penetrating his neck and damaging a spinal vertebra in the top of his right lung do we know what really happened so there's different theories shadow government theory new orleans theory uh military-industrial industrial complex theory cia theory this back from a time when uh conspiracy theories were maybe fun to talk about here's the celebrity mugshot room see all these famous people in their worst possible moments of their life crimes of the century so some of the most notorious crimes lindbergh baby kidnapping 1932 the black dahlia murder that's a horrible thing 1947 the tate la bianca murder okay these are all these are all horrible the patty hearst kidnapping when she was taken into a violent cult the son of sam murders there's john wayne gacy there he is in his clown outfit jeffrey dahmer and columbine high school very very dark history of america celebrity wall of shame yeah we already have some celebrity mug shots [Music] oh so you click you tap on one i'll show you who it is and what crime they committed that's dust and diamond or screech public intoxication and uh yeah i don't know who all these people are um looks like there's a couple lindsay lohan mug shots there's bill cosby and that was that chumley chumley is his name from pawn stars looks like this exhibit's been uh been removed i'm not sure what they'll be putting here in its place it's a full exhibit on the murder of lacey peterson replica of of the boat that her husband would have used to dump her body in the san francisco bay uh there's a body right there it's kind of oh yeah this is some some some darker stuff in here you stand there move to the side to show what your crime is mine is being saucy and bossy okay and here we go check out the bigfoot uh research vehicle here we're heading into the bigfoot section this little cabin here and we will uh fully explore the bigfoot phenomenon okay i really want to test my knowledge here test your uh bigfoot trivia knowledge i'm gonna do this in one take so i really wanna know how much i really know about bigfoot so let's push start uh which company there's the messing with sasquatch commercials that is oh is it slim gym or jack links i think it's jack links yes okay i got nine of these questions one of the most famous television yetis appeared in the 1964 stop-motion classic rudolph the red-nosed reindeer it was the bumble yes okay which did see disney pixar movie includes a yeti cameo monsters inc bam okay okay we're doing good bigfoot plays a starring role in what 18 sorry 1980s movie that would be uh harry and the hendersons bam okay whoo what mountain range is home to bigfoot's snow loving counterpart the yeti it'll be the himalayas yeti is the original playa from the himalayas uh himalayan lore originally described the yeti as oh okay tall whiteford beast that walks like a gorilla a dark foot dark for creature resembling a gorilla blue haired with blue human with eyes for hair tall white fur beast now i think the yeti i mean a lot of times we see the yeti as white i think he was originally described as dark i'm not 100 sure got it okay what now relocated nba's team mascot was a sasquatch huh now relocated uh vancouver uh bigfoot's often associated with seattle i don't know this one for sure we're gonna guess seattle okay whoo which us state has the most the most bigfoot sightings i'm gonna say again that pacific northwest i'm gonna say washington okay final question what is the scientific name given to big the bigfoot um i know that gigantopithecus is what some people believe he is that's a real ape that lived a long time ago so we're gonna go with that gigantopithecus whoo i am a master see this here's some various drawings of bigfoot different ways that he has been described over the years [Music] these are some bigfoot foot castings this one's actually a hand print and this is pretty cool to have a big foot locator so tap anywhere and we can let me see we're not going to pull up a map of the united states and so we're in branson so let's uh let's search the branson area okay here's one near branson oh this one actually has photos connected to it you can actually see the line oh sasquatch footprints going through someone's yard see a sasquatch totem there with some sasquatch faces carved into it for the skulls of some early humans along with the gorilla skull that is a modern human skull right there so you kind of compare the various skulls let's see just how big a sasquatch is compared to a human and a gorilla so yeah emphasis on the big this bigfoot in here this bigfoot in here huh there we go look at the squatch look at him look into his eyes oh my gosh i don't know why i'm whispering the classic outhouse photo op here if the door stays open but it's sitting here pretending i'm taking a poop see sure hope sasquatch doesn't bother me while i'm pooping from bigfoot we move into the space section see the united states have landed on the moon there's an astronaut claiming the moon as the 51st state more of the national enquirer influence left over the moon landing hoax talking about how some people believe the mood landing did not occur can you find all five theories so i guess this you navigate the moon and it shows you the different conspiracy theories on why the moon landing did not actually happen no stars no stars now it is my understanding from everything i've read sounds like the the moon landing is legitimate um so i i feel we've been to the moon and while we're in space we're gonna check out the alien section okay you can see the alien there standing in his alien pod they're full of eggs there's another little friendly happy looking guy isn't he so here we go we have the alien egg pit that we are allowed to jump in aliens got eggs all inside of me oh my these actually feel like they have like a swallow they are like swallowing me they should kind of a freaky sensation here oh my gosh i can't stand up let me out i don't want to be an alien okay no no no seriously um this is kind of terrifying i feel like it's literally swallowing me it is kind of like quicksand it is what's what why is this all right so see we can see if we can stand up [Music] maybe here we go we stand up in that alien eggs that's crazy that's a weird sensation being in there oh these are the stairs right here okay so we're gonna drop trump trump and so if we can get our leg up here we are freed from our prison of alien eggs okay so two minutes to escape two minutes to escape your timer's actually up here the flashing red flashing yellow alert sign okay everything starts when you press this red button now here's the trick once you press that red button okay don't let go can't go the red button okay let go if you let go two things happen number one you're gonna lose the simulation number two a nice little surprise is gonna come down a surprise i'm not gonna tell you what that surprise is okay you think you can trick me you can't oh what i am gonna tell you is that it is safe and it's just meant to get so it's not gonna kill me it's not gonna injure me not in the slide sounds good now this chair and this breaker box have something in common when you figure out what that commonality is you're going to just flip the breakers to the correct colors okay when you flip them to the correct colors that red light is going to turn green okay when that light turns green this box over here is going to pop open when that box pops open there's three cables inside you're gonna attach those cables to the inputs in the wall and you'll notice there's a clue on those inputs as well okay that's all it takes but you have two minutes okay okay all right and if you want i can sit here and hold the button for you while you figure it out okay sounds good you anything okay all right sounds good here we go here's the door all right are you ready sir i'm ready all right here we go welcome okay all right congratulations take a look to sit on the bright red button activating the critical failure gas dispersal system and lets you disarm the device before the countdown ends with critical failures oh okay so we got a map right here we're gonna try to match that up let's see okay so go red red so red green green green red yeah so green green green red red red then green green green green okay okay so it's like the launch pop box open okay oh cables uh okay so uh there's blue minute left one minute jeez okay so uh let's see we gotta plug plug this in let's do the b uh we got another b over here you gonna put that in 25 seconds 45 seconds okay uh yellow yellow cord here and that's red red red yellow yellow yellow oh it doesn't almost doesn't reach okay [Music] 15 seconds wait there's around the floor i almost can't reach it well you did it all right you think you're special i suppose you are sort of get out now would you like to know what would happen yeah yeah let's let's see what happened if we lose all right i'm going to reset it just press the button and let go okay okay pull this down okay all right so all right you ready yeah yeah hang on here we go go ahead okay so hit the button and congratulations let go murder gas so if we lose we get gassed to death it says what kind of party animal are you change your animal by jumping so currently i'm at fox oh chaos reigns so it's jump jump oh i'm a bunny how appropriate let's jump again and now i'm a moose oh look at that i can move move my moose hoof around and oh we're back to fox we have entered the michael jackson area there's neverland ranch and then some sort of chamber oh yes look at that we have michael jackson sleeping in the chamber i guess he gives him eternal life why did he why did he uh sleep in the chamber this is interesting the evolution of michael jackson's noses there's his 1975 nose it's 1979 nose you can see it gradually gets narrower and there was a 191 get a band-aid on his nose i guess that's his final nose in 2001. huh [Music] all right so apparently i'm the president now i can tell you what these modern times i would not like to be president i think at any time i would like to be president that makes you wonder who actually wants to be president the last few presidents ronald reagan george h.w bush bill clinton george w bush barack obama donald trump and then our current president joe biden all right finally i can make a little bit of change in this world all right claire comes on the run a national monument it's a presidential time machine see bill clinton there we can use this lever here to make him younger or older so yes slide it back and forth you get young bill and as he morphs into old bill [Music] old bill we have headed into the royal section of the museum so we can learn about the royal family see these british guards here you cannot make them smile and this is a simulation here of uh when princess die was uh what was killed in a car accident it shows uh her limousine moving and then the paparazzi the paparazzi chasing after her through the tunnel oh my god very very sad very unfortunate let's see what does the queen really own let's take the quiz true or false prince philip was born in scotland false true false the queen never went to school true true false prince william met kate middleton at an art gal i don't know why does anyone care dude i don't know i just i don't understand the fascination with the royal family we have entered i think this is the social media room it shows the top rankings of uh different celebrities on social media justin timberlake is number six and followers nicki minaj is number six on facebook number three on instagram i have these giant giant phones here my horoscope okay we get my horoscope i am a uh scorpio let's see what it says oh this is long negative and pessimistic feelings may prevail oh no you may face a lot of emotional mental stress on the 20th of october this stress may result in anxiety and depression from the 24th of october you may feel mentally relaxed this is very specific some mobile games you can play on these giant phones oh what what's this one i loved this one what's it called i cut the rope or something so yeah you cut cut the rope oh oh oh you gotta pop you let it okay let it hit the start then you gotta pop the bubble it falls into the little guy's mouth and he's so happy oh it's a fun game what was the name of this game we exit here through the gift shop and look at this you can actually buy your own your own tinfoil hat i guess that's fitting it goes along with the uh the moon conspiracy and and whatnot so thank you for joining me here today at beyond the lens as i come out from the giant camera so yeah what is beyond the lens i think a lot of people would ask um they they change the theme they're not the national enquirer museum any longer i'm just kind of like uh see it as kind of like interactive digital uh games and play a lot of different a lot of variety a lot of different stations and things and games you can take your time in there and have some fun uh playing all the different games and interacting with all the interactive exhibits but if you like this video uh consider checking out some of the older videos on my channel i've been to the 48 continental united states and filmed roadside attractions amusement parks museums haunted houses in all of them if you'd like to make a suggestion on where i should go next just leave that comment in the comment section if you'd like to help support this channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also some goodies in the etsy shop until next time this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 76,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, beyond the lens, national enquirer, camera, attraction, roadside attraction, roadside america, museum, interactive, branson, mo, missouri
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 51sec (1971 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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