How to Build a PC Live – Giveaways + $3600 Build in the Corsair 5000d (5900x / AORUS 3080 Master)

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how are we doing how we doing how we doing sorry about the delay we were waiting for the we were waiting for the uh ram to come in and then uh it showed up like literally three minutes before the stream started so anyway it's here now we're good to go we can actually get started um happy saturday everybody and for those of you who haven't been back since we've done a pc build i'm sorry we weren't able to do it on thursday but hey we're kicking off our saturday afternoon build this is our second saturday as part of our new fall season and our new fall schedule so i really appreciate everybody hanging out yeah we got we it's gonna be fun it's gonna be a lot of fun we got more ram yeah it was 128 gig hit so uh we had to make sure we got all of the ram uh in the right place and we'll go through parts and all that sort of stuff here in a minute but i want to just take a moment to let people start trickling in as we we uh we started a little late and all that sort of stuff hey what's up wind indian how are you no to nova saying okay let's go yeah stork score keepers here we got his build coming up we're waiting for his uh we literally got 10 well more than that i think we got 12 000 in parts in the last two days actually um we might just do a surprise stream on monday and unbox it all because i have i think 15 massive new egg boxes sitting downstairs filled with parts and i figured hey you know we should uh uh we should uh basically get this up and going and just let people uh open and see all the parts for all the stuff that we've done so you can basically see all of the parts uh which should be super fun so i think that'd be a cool thing just to open 15 you know 12 15 000 in pc parts and and see what people say by the way none of which will be gpus not a single gpu in there i will show you the gpus that go with it because we get gpus from different places but i think a lot of people saw those new egg boxes was like hey he's just getting no none of them are gpus unfortunately i wish um it just takes a long time to basically going it's it's uh it's not a surprise anymore laugh out loud okay see the news about the 20 60 12 even the 30 60 very can even use 12 gigabytes i did not see that or chaos uh if you could dm me that on on twitter i'd love to basically go from that it'll be a surprise stream on monday so it'll be like random time on monday afternoon and so like not expecting moderation or anything like that we'll see how it goes and see if blondie's probably like yeah like heck it won't but we'll see where we can go um and uh go from there uh anyway uh that is uh part of the plan um she's always like i like i like impromptu she's like roby when you have as many people whose watch your stuff impromptu doesn't work i like to pretend i like to pretend for sure yeah i know a lot of people uh antonus uh who are kind of in the same boat i sent my vote youtube my youtu everyone else go cast their thumbs up oh thanks court keeper i appreciate that um okay so uh what are the giveaways for today because i always like to get that out of the way first of all i do want to say thank you to our weekly sponsor for saturday's uh cdk deals you're looking for an inexpensive uh inexpensive windows 10 or office 365 subscription check them out you can see the code down there rv20 we get to the halfway point of the build we'll take a quick break talk about um talk about our usual uh tech deals and then we'll talk about cdk deals but again if you're looking for that it's honestly you can see get windows 11 essentially for 17 and 17 cents uh you got the links uh showing up right there um let's see what else is going on but anyway giveaways for today so we got two giveaways we're gonna do uh two 256 nvme uh 256 gigabyte nvme drives we're gonna be giving away here on the show uh the first one uh if we get level five hype train twice on the channel uh we'll give away a 250 gig nvme we have not unlocked it yet tomcat is tomcat mr rotten and jhubs are trying to get it going right now so we should be able to unlock it like any second if we get a couple more like bit drops or whatever it was but if we get two level five hype trains we'll give away a 256 gig nvme if we get 500 likes on the youtube stream will also give away a 256 gig in vme as well so that's those are the two kind of regular ones now on the top bottom oh sorry in the bottom corner you'll see that five of 50. if we get to 50 subs and give away a 50 new gift card if we get 100 subs give 100 new gift card 150 subs give away 150 to a gift card and uh it goes like that now uh if we uh and again it'll start upgrading to like a 5800 x a 5600 x all that sort of stuff we start giving it hardware when we start getting above that wheel i think we gave away a 5900x yeah we give away a 5900x on the last show so we got to 600 plus subs and we give away a 5900x on that 30 thousand dollar build um let's get a couple bits one more sub something like that because we'll get the hype trains kicked off right now um and that means that we're in good shape for it to to hitting off in a lit in a few minutes and let's get that going so let's see if we can do that somebody drops in there 5950x is we did not that was 800 subs we got 720 um and go from there so uh anyway uh last thing is we have the 3080 we're giving away as part of september so we're giving away an rtx 3080 to one lucky subscriber over on rubytech so if you're over rubytech or newegg you can pop on over to robytech uh and use your free amazon prime subscription and get entered to win in fact the person who won in the month of july won a 3080 ti over using nothing but a prime sub so if you want to get in on uh winning one of those jeep that gpu uh go and just drop your free prime subscription and then if you want to get extra entries you can do things like donate subs like so many people have done you can do things like uh gifting subs which is the same thing you can also subscribe to tier two and tier three and then we'll give away uh tier two and tier three and then we'll uh you'll basically get five extra inches for tier two and ten extra entries for tier three so that's how you basically unlock and get some extra entries towards those gpu we got saiku saizaku uh dude628 and there's hype train has just happened zero heat kicking it off with five gifted subs and we've kicked it off how do you fix blue screens full metal there's a bunch of different options so um so that's uh we'll go from there um so anyway those are all the giveaways that are happening uh we are gonna announce it i know people were because we missed wednesday uh sorry thursday stream which is when we're supposed to announce the winners for the giveaway that will happen on next thursday streams we'll announce our winners and get that up on discord uh they have been drawn they just forgot to pull them so sorry about that when things get kind of wild and we move streams around sometimes things like that get lost but we have drawn winners we do have the winners for the 2370s from last week so those will happen on thursday mod monday on monday so we will be having a mod monday we're doing it with covent which you've actually seen me raid a number of times so i'm actually building a pc with one of my friends he's going to be on mod monday so we're going to be building a pc with covent on monday uh and then we're back again on wednesday for amazon live and then thursday is when we'll announce the winner for the 3070s so that is all the giveaways and we are now officially into hype train so let's see we do we're at level three guys remember we can get those extra entries for those 38 for that 30 80 and going from there and that's at 4 p.m pacific time on monday yep so that is that so we have 4 p.m pacific time monday and then we have a stream on wednesday sorry stream on thursday and then again so the one reason that we kept mondays and moved them to four is because it aligns that way for people who are used to our normal schedule 4pm is our normal schedule so that way it works for mod monday as well so happy saturday from red dragon zombie mods and techs and robbie nation thank you very much red dragon for saying hi thanks alfie for saying hello i built a new pc it was working out of the case but when i assembled it in the case it's not turning on i again disassembled it but it's not working please help captain op uh go and drop into our discord there's some really great tech people there discord gg slash ruby tech somebody can probably help you walk through that stuff because there's a lot where that's not gonna be something we're gonna be able to figure out here on stream uh sorry i gotta build a pc i can't i can't help you can't help you troubleshoot buddy i'd love to so hey there we go red dragon dropping five taking us up to tier four and we're gonna get going one now once we're done with that once we get done with that then we'll move on to uh doing parts and all that sort of stuff red dragon thank you huge supporter and always making making life better and i appreciate that um one of those videos we have coming out so we have a video oh by the way i didn't want to let people know we have a new video upload schedule so videos for youtube now come out on sundays at noon uh they come out on what is the other day blondie can you look at the schedule if there's also i i forgot sunday and then there's a couple more and i got her tomcat dropping out ten tom cat dropping ten saying let's get this over with uh hey did you do yes i did the cool pc collab with linus yeah it's still where that pc is still being given away so uh we still got more to go that we still haven't been up a month to enter tomcat dropping 10 taking us i think to level five so i'm going from there i'm trying to remember what the other she's looking at the schedule and i'll let you know so uh oh no we're not at level five we still have four minutes left but we're at 26 percent of level five tomcat getting us there clearing level four and getting us towards level five let's see if we can finish this out um yeah there's the linus build off right there and then she can look at the schedule and let you know what the uh the um uh the next one is going to be she's checking she's checking i can't remember like we just we're in the middle of doing this stuff and there'll be a new updated um i do love coconut pineapple ice uh we'll get a new updated we're gonna do a new updated trailer for all of our channels in the next couple weeks gifted subs red banners that's zorg is is is not knowing what's going on hey tomcat that's awesome finally got a 30-60 congratulations please send pictures and put them up on discord i like to go in there every once in a while i'll give a hype or whatever it was so that's awesome so that's pretty good phil's pig dropping five gifted subs taking it up there there we are we're at 71 percent three minutes left everybody's just kind of chilling so it's got a little bit of a chill vibe on a saturday afternoon well rebel 996 this is the normal time now i would like to think i would think you'd be able to get video cards in december with the ethereum difficult bomb when the there uh we'll hope hope hopefully so liquid blaze but the problem the the shortage the chip shortage is still causing a lot of problems so sunday tuesday and friday thank you so blondie just go so there's a video now on sunday tuesdays and fridays and those all launch at noon so we have the be quiet uh be quiet video dropping on sunday we have how to choose parts for a content creation pc on tuesday and then on friday we have the drop for the razer the razer laptop their amd laptop with the 3070 that's dropping on friday so that's that's this week's uh drop schedule tomcat dropping 10 more seizu dropping one tier three sub that's huge filth pig dropping out five and then golden star sticker there it is two hundred percent guys we're five away math roby five five away from unlocking uh the uh that first gift cards if we get five more then we're good but well we've already unlocked the rise in five let's go and get five more and then we could be uh we can be ready to go for that uh for that 50 new gift card then we're just working towards 100 after that monday you're building a pc with covent yes we are red dragon there it is thanks for dragging let's update that yeah we're building a pc with copen on monday i'm going to die apparently okay so i want our window 100 new gift card there we go we have 50. not nine we have 50. okay cool that's good uh 262 percent thinking red dragon for that sub thanks ruby tech and blondie 150 i won earlier this week i can't wait to get it count to it she's she's doing she's uh i will google gifted subs it's gifted subs means somebody is giving subs to other people that's how that works and tomcat mvp according to noda enemy exclamation point ticket i don't know what that means you want a ticket we can send a copyright if you want yeah oh man i'm ready oh there you go yeah a lot of people getting the uh a lot of people getting their gifted subs right now i'll be there yeah so blondie's doing prizes this weekend so a lot of people have them show up what's up louie how are you okay who's ready to start talking about parts in this pc just ready to start talking about parts we got 50 seconds left so we're almost done with the first type train and then we'll get run it we're gonna do it we're gonna get it's we're gonna i am no worries thank you so both so much uh don't i don't know if your card will be out this weekend usually it's like 60 60 days for gift cards so all right here we go let's talk about the pc parts going into whoa where's our cpu uh cpu uh the cpu is not in here let me go get the cpu kind of important kind of critical have the cpu there use chippy i could just put chippy in the socket unfortunately it's an amd not an intel so we'll make sure that we're up this we're up we're off the snuff there on one sec oh my gosh yeah okay cool okay so with the core apparently i'm dying at the core of this pc we're using the rind and ryzen 9 5900 x 12 core 24 thread cpu um these have been going out of stock pretty much every day because the price has been finally getting to the point where um finally getting to the point where uh the uh yeah this is finally getting the point where amd is getting the cost down and so these are pretty much like we've been like they they're usually about 549 bucks they've been going up and down akina ranger thank you for the 99 cents but uh it's been good to see uh these getting picked up more now that they're much more available but at the second at the same time because they're much more available they've actually been selling out which has been rough so anyway uh if you catch them make sure that you put a notification on so when they come in stock they're usually there almost every morning so i ended up picking up a couple yesterday but yeah overall really great great gaming cpu uh plus productivity cpu pretty much one of the best if not the best you can get just in terms of price for performance um and just really just one of just a rock star of a cpu right now until we get to alder lake and uh ryzen 6000 and all that sort of stuff coming up uh here very very soon so uh that is the core of our cpu for our motherboard we built in one of these last week as well um and for uh grouchy truckers and we're using the rog crosshair 8 dark hero absolutely love this motherboard absolutely beast of a motherboard love how it looks and it just has like all of the all of the awesome that you could potentially want uh for uh your um for your uh for your drive and for your pc and all that sort of stuff somebody's asking about terms and conditions for our giveaways you can check all that stuff out on discord all the rules and stuff are up there so um and but anyway this is uh our cpu for our storage we're using two wd black sn751 terabytes um so another thing that has been actually relatively hard to get a hold of um has been these sn750s it feels like these have been rough we're just now on the verge of having the sns the sn750se we actually have our we just got our we actually just got all our samples so we'll be checking those out as well which is their pcie gen 4 version of these they're not as nice as the sn850 they're a little bit more consumer price friendly um and so we'll be testing those out and seeing how those test out but it'll be cool to see like this new one and we may see more of those starting to make their uh way into our builds with the 750 ses so uh essen these are sn750s um no he spent his money on the next part so for ram we're using g skill triton z 3600 megahertz gigs this is 128 gigs of ram so this is what he wanted he wanted ram i don't remember what it was that he wanted the 128 gigs for but yeah he's using 128 gig ram kit um oh there it is i'm not a fan of the d i want yeah so i don't i don't i don't know actually but anyway this is what he's doing from here so 128 gigs of ram is just reading some of this stuff and going from there he wants 100 gigabyte ram disc there we go so anyway he's got 128 click clicks of ram right there so that's that's uh for our storage uh for cooling this bad boy uh we're going to be using the uh corsair h-150i capellix hey akina ranger thank you very much for the uh uh uh for the dollar 99 and he's he got a 30 60 xc so he's going to put it up on discord that's awesome so there you go should be more enough cooling we know that fits nicely within the right the corsair 5000d um he's going to be using all ml 120s for his cooling in fact we've got three of them right there three in there and then we've got another one in the back so that that'll cover all of his cooling uh so we'll basically that's all of his fans and stuff like that and then of course something we haven't used a lot of on the show but we're gonna be using the go the geforce rtx 3080 aorus master um this has that really awesome screen on it um and uh i've been sitting on this for a while because this build's actually been in works for quite a bit of time so we're gonna basically be doing all that sort of stuff so what's up good now how are you um and so uh yeah pretty excited about this it should be a pretty awesome board this is for cloud kt is the person who's basically having this one built and then of course we're also using an evga 850 watt power supply and then we always use our asia horse cables uh just to make sure everything looks good so it should be an absolutely incredible build should be a lot of fun nothing too tricky you guys have seen corsair 5000d builds here on the show quite a few times but it's cool to get to showcase a new gpu um and at the same time also showcase uh you know like some some some nicer uh pc components and stuff like that so uh should be a good build and a lot of fun so let's go ahead and start getting everything ready for the build portion of today's show so we'll keep all this stuff out this is all our stuff for the and today's ice flavor is uh lemon lime lemon lime is today's ice flavor so that's what we're using today sparkling ice did notice me we got responses guys apparently people have been dming them and stuff like that apparently people have been dming them um and now they finally said hey thanks for bringing roby to our attention so uh yeah it's uh it's going to be uh pretty cool everybody's like yeah they there's cloud kts right there so i'm on their radar so let's uh let's yeah we're going to try and get them sponsored uh we're trying to see what they're going to do in terms of sponsored family friendly i feel like i'm a great addition to the talking eyes family i must say so myself but we'll see how that goes um it's uh well if nothing happens whatever but it'll go through that nothing cools like ice there we go wow another rtx 30 that's out of stock at rubytech yes k7 yes we we are aware yeah i need to move yeah it needs to be in the shot like all time so be like if you want to be in there this must be in the shot every time but i don't want to spill this on the on the component so that's why maybe what i'll do is i'll i'll do this because it'll always be in the shot don't put it here there you go it won't spa if it spills it'll spill that way so um okay here we go let's go ahead and get this opened up and go from there okay wait wait wait yeah your live stream is bored what does that mean my live stream is bored there's 500 people watching it can't be that bad it's like it's like your live stream is bored it comes into a stream with 500 people there's six there's like five between all the streams there's a bunch of things like it can't be that bad if that many people are watching it so um okay let's go to top down and go from there right so here is the motherboard right here this is a uh this is a uh the dark pro uh the dark uh dark hero uh motherboard we're gonna get it out kinda with some sort of stick in there because it's been like at the bottom i love this motherboard there it is right there and throw that down there i don't think i wonder i don't think i'm gonna check if i actually need i think i need this i still think i need some yeah there okay we got everything we need we got some rog stickers put that off to the side and get this going okay we have 166 likes over on youtube yeah i don't know does anybody when they use it when they actually get their pc parts does anybody actually put the stickers on anything i haven't ever i don't know if anybody does that's always a good question put them on the water bottle so okay here we go right here let's go ahead and start our peels um getting all the stickers off oh well that was a good sounding peel there we go get this one as well oh there it is another one right here i hate that it's not dual glass what what it's not dual glass i have a razor sticker oh okay so you do who puts their stickers on their pc builds i'm curious stickers spice it up do you think it makes it go faster uh bonnie says nope there it is okay i think we got one more peel right here oh i love st i do love stickers on consoles i'm team sticker on consoles oh by the way guys um real quick i did want to remind people there is a new show launching on wednesday it's called custom keyboards and gaming uh we will be starting it's gonna be wednesdays uh after the amazon live stream so starting between 1 and 1 30. we will be building custom cut custom keyboards once a week uh and then afterwards we'll do some gaming and it'll be a litany of different hardware so we'll test different keyboards different mice uh different pre-builds all that sort of stuff so you can just come we'll play different games uh we'll try like a keyboard mice we might have a pre-built a different monitor and then afterwards when we get done we'll spend about 20 minutes talking about all the stuff what i thought about it but you can also come and actually watch me play some games and stuff and all that sort of stuff so it's pretty cool so it's like an hour of pc of custom keyboard building if you guys are into custom keyboards i'm gonna have blondie make a custom keyboard channel uh i will go get the parts for the first custom keyboard real quick and then we'll get back to this um right now but if you we need to get more we need to order more so our first one's from glorious and i have all the parts right here dropping it all you guys can see that i'm taking this seriously we got the whole kit here little kitten caboodle caboodle and kit okay okay i got all of the stuff so this is the first keyboard i'll take a picture of this for host the stream look okay so this is the first one that we're building so this one's from glorious we got the rotary knob we got a padded rest for it um this is a switcher pooler as well we got switch opener um for this we also got here is the aura mechanical we got some aura mechanical keycaps we've got the ki another keycap puller um we had this is our we got the coiled cable really nice cold cable for it um we've got glorious panda switches which is the only switches that i basically have right now so we got some glorious panda switches um and then we've also got lube brush and then our gm in gmmk pro um hole like this is the keyboard we're actually gonna build and then i also got this glorious lube station so that's everything that we got so we're going to be doing this um this is going to be the first build that we built uh the switches um the switches are here i'll open them here let's open it real quick and then we'll we'll take a look at them but this is again this is my first foray into it um we're going to be building one of these at least a month so that's going to be a new show that we're going to be doing and kicking off so here we go right here so the switches are white they look like they're they're glorious panda switches and there they are right there so it showed top down view there's our switches right there so there's the actual switches that we're going to be using right now um so yeah that's the that's the switches and then the keycaps are the are these gonna be able to go back in as a question i've pulled them out have i pulled out pandora's box here anyway the short of it is is that's what's going to be happening on wednesdays from now on and so well this one i don't know if i have to lube these or not like we're not sure we'll figure it out oh i got another sticker there's the sticker the glorious panda sticker um so yeah this is like i said we're taking it seriously we're doing that so that's gonna be the first one and that's going to be happening that's going to be happening starting wednesday so all of that stuff and then again if you have other pc or other keyboards you'd like to see me build or get me educated on head on over to our our discord we'll have a mechanical keyboard section um and uh start start that process so yeah uh caps yeah different keycaps the caps are these are aren't these the cat no that's the keep the pad we'll open the caps here they're right here here's the caps here's the keycaps i got there are these ones like i said this is a new world to me so this is definitely going to be new but there we go yeah so here's the keycaps so there's our keycaps right there so they're like i think it's rgb it should be rgb but there's all the keycaps that we gotta put on there as well so yeah so yeah should be good uh there's a lot of things you can customize with keyboards more than you think um so yeah and i'm learning this i used to not think that too but like welcome to a new world guys a new place to put a lot of money apparently so and we we we're going to get up to speed and like it but anyway that's going to be on wednesdays that's going to be on wednesdays uh starting at uh 1 130 uh it'll go for about two and a half three hours um and so like i said it's about two hours of gaming um an hour sorry it'll be three hours three three and a half hours it'll be an hour of pc of keyboard building followed by two hours of gaming and then a half an hour of a wrap-up so it should be cool oh so that should be that should be a lot of fun yeah so and then well yeah well so again if you have feedback or anything like that make sure that you pop on over to our discord and start giving we're going to have a whole channel that's where i'm going to start learning uh but we figured we'd just start by building so that's going to be in this new show now if it gets really popular it'll also end up on friday so it'll be wednesdays and fridays but right now we're just gonna have it one day a week to see how it kind of kicks off so here we go let's get our let's start getting our build done i know that was a nice little distraction going from there what do you guys think i mean do you guys think it sounds like a cool show yeah plus we have the amazon live stream i think it sounds like fun people are saying yes yeah you get to see pc builds and everything else good i'm glad reading all the sn7 are they being installed or can you briefly explain it regarding the sn750s are they being installed as raid 0 no they're being installed the main reason i put two in is the first one is basically an os drive it's just it's just proper hard drive management because again you don't want to fill them up so we have one that's basically for dedicated for gaming and one that's basically dedicated for os um you can rate zero them if you wanted to but again then you end up with losing a drive so again it's just they're fast drives a lot of games now specifically with next-gen next-gen uh consoles using uh nvme ssds especially at pcie gen four speeds um are starting to take advantage of those load speeds and the other thing too is that with um the resize bar and everything else soon gpus will be able to direct right to storage so having fast drives actually will make a difference as that stuff starts to get more and more prevalent so that's that's what it is um going from there okay so let's get our cpu in and go from there thank you very much douglas for the two dollars that's huge and thank you very much for all the seven new subs that i missed i apologize for missing those uh brew crew 26 and sabashito i'm trying to say that correctly sorry sometime in japan so i apologize i'm not trying to be um racist i'm literally trying to pronounce it correctly thank you for the uh six month anniversary and there we go just gonna drop this in and there it is right there beautiful ready to go and installed okay let's get our m.o oh never mind no it's p it's it's click time what am i doing uh so liam lee to be honest liam lee you shouldn't use anything but the lien lee software i mean you can use the motherboard stuff um but uh corsair you want to use iq okay here we go 128 gigs guys stop the music please don't stop the music oops that would be the wrong one there we go gonna pause it okay here we go ready for the clicks let's get our decimal five dollars from kaka kakashi hataki thank you very much for the uh you're welcome man that's huge appreciate the five dollars dude okay let's get our decibel meter out here okay here we go right there getting ready for our clicks you guys ready first one 128 gigs of often even even golden oops you guys ready here he goes 89. that was 89. 89.7 on that one let me turn this one get a little bit closer there on that one 89.7 oh that was good that was a good one oh you guys can't really see the let me see if i can get it so you guys can see there you go next one 86 on that one oh this the lights hard to see you can get this one here i'll pull it down a little bit 86 on that one it's hard to break a hundred it depends on the there it is possible okay that's that there we go yeah just in time for the clicks here we go 89.9 on that one okay you guys ready click 113 that was so good [Laughter] new record clickbait that was record breaking that one so loud oh man that was good okay i haven't said it oh yeah something like that that should be that should be pretty good okay let's go and get our m.2s in now we got two yeah loudest ever cut left click ever caught on camera [Laughter] oh man so funny is this hi no luckily i have luckily i have sparkling ice to keep my vocal cords completely lubricated uh and hydrated there we go there we go [Laughter] do you like that we're gonna get it oh man okay there we go [Laughter] lubricated is kind of it's it's kind of pg-13 okay i have to stay hydrated should i say it's the way that i keep my it's the way that i keep my uh my vocal cords moist moist like is that moist my mouth there we go [Laughter] i have some handmade stuff that can help you do way better than that oh okay i wonder what that is i'm worried now i feel like i'm going into a dark rabbit hole [Laughter] oh cool evo cybernation that's awesome put your put your hands on the table what are you talking about okay there we go uh i'm pretty sure you could do i don't actually know it's actually most of the time it's motherboard i don't know off the top of my hand i don't know if one of my tech specialists could look up what's the max memory you can have uh for a ryzen i think you can do 256. um usually motherboard is the limitation not not a cpu but i'm not entirely sure that's a good question is it worth putting a 22 with a is it worth putting a gpu with a 2200g um 2200g is pretty weak so it's going to make a big difference uh no matter what you're gaming at so yes um but you are looking at uh but you're definitely looking at some bottlenecking for sure okay we're just going to take our little m.2 here and what we're going to do is you see there's a little slot right there we're just going to pop it in so there's our first one there's that one pop this one grab our scissors our skysers okay there we go we're not going to be putting in three but we can okay so now we're going to take this one pop this in there what did you thumbs up oh cool thanks okay just making sure i didn't know which one you thought maybe you'd switch out the height board or something um okay then we're going to do the same thing with this one just pop it in just like this i was like wow that was really fast so that makes way more sense as to why he comes up from that one you get ready to head out to your erin okay cool and we're gonna pop this in just like that the way guys orange oh but i do appreciate everybody uh jumping in uh we got a lot more interactions on the fitness channel so i appreciate that uh if you guys are on a fitness journey or wanting to follow along on a fitness journey you can always join us over at discord dot gg slash roby tech uh uh exclamation point uh sorry hashtag fitness uh we're like we're a bunch of us are basically well not bunch like i think there's like four of us uh basically talking about fitness is like i've been doing a lot of weight loss stuff and things like that um and so if you are interested or just want some motivation you can always jump over there and uh you know i'm going to the gym three or four times a week and so i post about that and share share my stats all that sort of stuff if you're always looking for something like that um you're welcome to join us so oh this carnivore diet is it just wait is that really like you just eating meat so hey electronic grandpa don't be too happy electronic grandpa that's that's that's bad you can only have you have to have a level of your hat you have to have a level of your happiness sorry about that man uh okay uh so now we're just gonna put in uh so again speaking of that the reason i talk about the fitness is because i'm literally doing the fitness part of my the workout part of the build here and that's duck butt so what you do is you get your you want your feet about shoulder width apart and then you stick your butt out and then it gives you a better angle depending on your height of your table you can feel it in your flectoids um you just hold it and you'll burn anywhere between one and four calories but the burn is worth it and i've noticed i've started to notice some shapeliness uh in my uh in my torso because of the duct the extra duct by this so and you got to breathe steady for sure that's a good point duck butt is super important oh you can feel it afterwards oh and not only do you like not only do you get to build your pc but you get to feel the burn afterwards here it is right here another one get ready afterwards a little bit of stretching once you line it up just goes in so much better duck butt is just a create a duck butt cam wow um it's just it's just an integral part of uh of pc building i'll just tell you i don't i think it's been i think it's been hidden i don't know if you've noticed uh you know if you're looking at some of the world's best tech tubers jay all those guys buns of steel man spuns of steel and all as a duck bunch so okay gluteus duck butt yeah exactly spin that bend and eat a calzone there we go [Laughter] okay so there is our board for the most part it's pretty much done um we don't have to worry um about uh our uh putting in a special um we this is you this is what the corsair uses i'm sorry my mind just went blank uh we're gonna be using these brackets uh these brackets for our aio so we don't have to worry about anything spectacular there um so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna set this off to the side uh bring our case over strip it down and prepare for uh putting in a couple fans getting some fans installed so there we go okay so what we're going to do is get the case stripped starting from the side view hopefully it's not locked up sometimes it doesn't know it's not okay we're going to grab our just unscrew these put this off to the front over there so you guys are not blocked by it pull that out just like that [Music] also on this side over here is all of our our like cover our cable management coverings we're just going to get this peeled off not cut ourselves there we go oh it did freeze froze not oh no no it didn't okay i was about to panic okay then what we're going to do is lift this up just like this pops off there we go i'm gonna pull this out it's like extra stuff it comes with the case and then down here you go ahead and take this out there's your extra screws and stuff like that there we go fun times okay there's that and we're good there everything there um yep you don't have to take this off you could if you wanted to we're gonna keep ours on so let's get let's pop the let's go top down a little bit there we go pop this off we just took this the reason the tape is on here is because we took pictures for parts photos then pull this off a little tab okay now lastly back to the side cam i'm gonna go and take the front off glass pops out just like that there's nothing that we need to worry about there and then we go to the front that pops off and finally last little bit and there we go so now i'm gonna grab our wow stick before we do that we're gonna pop over here up here at the top is two bands we're not gonna be using go and untwisty tie this we're gonna be pulling this here in a minute there it is go and this pull up and through there we go pull through there we go so now we can go here hey davinci codex i'm glad you're enjoying this now we're going to do is just take this off this off this off i love the wow stick by the way okay there we go okay there's those last one over here lumion fridge thank you very much for your eight month happy eight month anniversary man that's huge there we go here we go one more one more time we're gonna celebrate and there it is okay so now all of our fans are stripped we're good there we're going to do real quick as quickly as we can anyway is we're going to install our ml 120s to the front here's our ml 120s right here right here um yeah it is a nice i like this case this case is actually really good it's probably one of our top cases of this year for sure so the case is too naked that's right and there we go well i'm glad you think so king slayer that's totally okay i'm not offended by that at all i'm glad everybody's got their opinions and i'm cool so thanks for coming in at least telling me your feedback it means me that's me you're pretty passionate about it on yontube beyond tube wow james some of these guys we got to unpack that buddy sign up for one of my sessions we'll talk you through it we'll get you off of it okay there we go right there okay this is not what i needed i do need this this time so i will need one of these because unfortunately we have more than six fans so we'll take all this stuff out so i'll need that and that and that and that here's some screws okay so all of our fans are out now which is good i wish that they would upgrade even these though instead of using to the new um the new ones that the ql uses i don't know if they're maybe they're more expensive i'm not sure but i really wish that they would upgrade okay so now we have all of our cables ready getting all of our fan and screws ready okay let's grab our little cutters cutters there they are now we're gonna do is we're just gonna cut off all the little cables so we can put these in there it is just going to go ahead and get all this stuff prepped oh fun the joys of new i mean it's like first world problems for sure but still uh this one's got two so we're gonna just un-twisty tie that one okay we got a couple more fans to prep and then we'll get it put in there uh what's the difference between the ll and ql rgb uh the rg the number of i believe the number of leds is the same um the ql has it on the front and the back which is pretty nice so the ll's don't the yellow back is like this uh versus the ql um which actually has like a ring and stuff so that's actually pretty cool um the ll performs better than the ql in terms of just cfm um but the and then the ll is louder than the ql so hopefully that answers your question so yeah will we see a tie today no to die today i was all of a sudden i started talking like i was like today today ladies and gentlemen we are just going to i don't know why i decided i was going to start talking like this but now we're not going to be using a 3080 ti we're going to be using a 3080 so it's just going to be a normal gpu not a other gpu no idea why i decided to start doing an accent but we did so there we go oh pop it [Laughter] i don't know what that was but it just came out so there we go it's tuesday ain't it okay now to get the stuff installed here hello yeah i know it i don't know why it's just i've been able to do accents uh quite a few i can do i can do the french accent job hello everybody today we are doing the pc build we are using the rtx 3080 today in the build these are the email fans that we are using they are using maglev so i've been able to do like a number of others but yeah i'm getting excited [Laughter] i can't do that one off the top i have been able doing pretty good with a russian accent um that would take a little bit more work i always have to speak speak the language before doing it so that's why i do vimnius vilnius nostalgic which means villainous schoolmaster um so and i can do i can do german uh uh hello uh today we are building uh the uh zpc uh as a pc on this one oh man now i'm doing french and german it's i can't now i'm mixing it up i'm gonna stop i'm gonna get myself in trouble fan sticker is not sideways fan sticker uh kart kragen kragen d spin just just fyi dude spin these spin casino so they [Laughter] so don't don't panic they spin code red they spin i wanted to get him i just wanted to be so he didn't have to panic anymore uh right now yes yeah the ql ml and lls are pretty much all the same price which is actually pretty awesome uh so yeah it just you would you can just choose which ones you uh which one you want to get is that a little too low no it shouldn't be apparently it is though you can scoot it up a little bit apparently i made this a little too low this is why we only put in two screws we can make sure that you if you need to adjust them you can do so pretty quick okay now you'll be able to get this in okay let's not get that in the way that's why it's blocking there it is okay now all our fans are in makes it lovely wouldn't it be lovely lovely oh calm down there there we go put the other screws in there it is film next one and last one but the best one okay there we go fans are in whoa calm down let's go to top down know what we're going to do now make sure all of our cables are tight uh we're using the wow stick it's called the wow stick we always have a link for it there it is hidden attributes got it got it all prepared uh we're using the no we actually are using the fan the rgb hub that comes with the capelex and then the lighting node pro because the capelix actually comes with a six fan hub and rgb controller yeah kragen that's about the cost of the fans right now so two they're both i think the qls are the most expensive at 99 and i i don't i think the ll's are the least expensive of like 96 or 91 right now this pc is 3 600 uh you wish you could show i have done that in a build before but i'll tell you what if i do another uh corsair 5000d i'll make sure i show you how to do a um to do the install um we have done it uh and then i use i don't use the 90 degree angle uh sata cable i use the straight one which is how you don't have it block okay so what i'm just doing right now is just going ahead and taking care of the cable management i'm not going to do it up here because it always ends up being a problem with the um always ends up being a problem with the pci cable i keep making that mistake i'm just remem i remember this time okay there we go i'm gonna go ahead and cut this one then we can go ahead just for the sake of easiness shove these down here they don't become such a problem okay so there we go everything is ready to move forward and i'm just going to keep this one a little bit higher so it holds that in okay let's flip this over okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go and put in our motherboard motherboard [Music] okay grab a drink of my ice yeah and that's one of the things i like about this case is you have a lot of those options like putting uh fans in the side panel but again if you're willing to pay the nine dollar the extra 100 for nine more fans i mean as cool as five degrees is like it's not going to make a performance difference i mean these things are made to run i mean cpus are made to run it they can run at max temp forever right they're not it's not going to cause additional wear and tear um so so it's really i mean this is some people it's like unless you're going to overclock and you need that headroom which some people do and that's okay but you don't need you know it's just that's what it comes down okay more garbage uh the fact that the rgb case actually has a closed front panel all right so versus uh the this one does not so i don't recommend using the rgb version because the closed front panel is just terrible so i mean i guess it doesn't matter as much because frankly you're probably cooling i mean it's going to starve your gpu though so yeah never mind i would not i just i don't recommend the i don't recommend the top the top the rgb version uh so i have i have a lot of people in my community who also enter things like new age shuffle some who get things from best buy who sell me the gpus at uh cost so people always ask where i get my gpus i don't get them any other way than other people other than i have a community who helps me buy them and then i sell them to the people who i build commissions for at cost so it's kind of like linuses it's kind of like linus's uh gamer verified gamer program because obviously my people go through a process right and they have a completed pc and they get their pcs at cost so and then i can make content which helps me too but the only thing i get is the commission obviously obviously off of building the pc and i can't sell gpus directly that's against my license though nor would i hey thanks court keeper i appreciate it we are getting there slowly but surely don't call me shirley okay one more screw over here and then our there we go there's all of our stuff in and by the way just so uh you know this sticker is this is just for our ocd friend the stickers in the back are all the same direction just fyi i didn't do that so there you go don't have to freak out trying to keep things just trying to keep him trying to keep him from having to worry bring my little bag okay let's go and put our last rear fan in ocd triggered uh mac uh mac inventor we have literally thousands of people who bought from that site and so it's it's very legit and it's nice and cheap and i even i have bought them and most of my commissions who i buy buy windows buy them directly from them so it's very uh is a water cooler better than an air cooler we have so it depends but they are they're pretty much interchangeable one thing that's nice about water coolers is they're less dependent on the case themselves so they give you more variety more options unless especially for cpu but gpu you may have a sufferer like depending on what you use for your gpu like your gpu may suffer from temps um if you don't use an airflow case for the most part i just don't i can't find a reason why people shouldn't use an airflow case but okay so what we're doing right now guys is we're just installing our exhaust fan which in this case is an m120 to match the other fan so everything's all the same in this case we actually could make a different exhaust fan because this will be on its own rgb controller but we don't want to have weird inconsistencies in rgb that would be weird more boom okay fans are installed okay so that is all of that i'm gonna put this pop this down so this fan is going to plug into slot one on here because we only have six on the one and then this i'm gonna plug into slot one here then i want to actually do this better go down like that take care of that here in a minute and then we're going to take this and this so this will go into here and then this plugs into our lighting node into slot one right here this i'm gonna plug into this like so then what i'm gonna do is take this no this is not a commander pro this is the lighting node pro the commander pro is a is both this is this comes with the three pack of fans so because we have seven fans we need one that's on its own controller that's what i'm hooking up now so okay there you go this is gonna go right here what i'm working on here is just going to be a little bit of cable management out of the way where we can might as well do it while we're here sometimes cable managing as you go makes sense i'm going to pull this out put this under like this that'll hide that and get that underneath there we go that's done then we'll take this one probably want this a little bit smaller actually i'll do a three finger get my thing [Music] pinky out of the way do this you can actually run this through here again this is just a little bit of cable management practice to get it look nice right there let's do it from the other side using a tricky cable yeah there we go that one's out of the way and clean okay that takes care of that now we've got everything just kind of prepped already for the next part of the evolution because this is by itself i'll go and do the same thing this one i'll do [Music] i want this a little i want this to have some room because i want the i want the cable being so tight there [Music] here we go yeah here we go there we go now that our fan is hooked up our other rgb is hooked up and ready to go now we can do is hook up our front panel connectors get this done so this is going to go here i'm going to go here yep so we'll have that run down through the bottom then twist these there it is okay undo this these out of the way okay so we'll take front panel that goes right here shoving it all the way down so it goes out of the so it's out of the way this is usbc there's hd audio dump that into this corner over there there's hd audio got another front panel connection that's going to go away down here windows key doesn't work are you sure it's not a scam yes reach out to their their customer support and they will hook you they will help you out glump like i said we used it a lot and so i've had a couple people like not very many here that like third and they had issues and then they reach out to customer support and they got it fixed and if that doesn't work let me know and you can send me their order number and then i will get it fixed too but i've never had to do that before there's that okay now okay let's see here i'm where i'm just gonna see where usbc and usb3 are i think after 50 000 of these you'd know but i don't ever remember all the time okay so usb 3 goes right here got it to bend there we go and usbc goes up here there we go okay now last thing is i'm going to go ahead down here at the bottom you can see that i have this drive tray let me go and unscrew this and move it up and over as far over as i can just to give us maximum room at the bottom for cable management for our power supply then i learned this little trick from tomber i was like this if you're ever wanting to cable manage some stuff and just get it out of the way take one of these like little velcro strips just kind of this one probably isn't the ideal one but yeah that didn't work at all never mind don't well no it's still working okay take one of those velcro strips and we can like basically velcro this stuff together so that way it just is together i mean you could do it this way which would probably be the best way there you go there we go so those are out of the way and then now we can flip this over and hook up all our front panel stuff front panels yay okay so this one the first one is going to be our usbc it's our usb 3.2 this is going to be a little bit of a hard one pop it in there we go nice next up is usbc there we go keep it at a 90 degree okay so there's those two then we've got a fan connector this is for the fan hub that our one fan is hooked up to but we need to make sure it works so there you go plugged in okay now front panel it's down here at the bottom so we've got reset switch power switch and power plus and minus i'll zoom in so you guys can see all this a little bit later i mean so you can see this here in a minute it's plugging them in so that way they're plugged in and again if you have questions like you're trying to follow along you're like oh i want to follow along and do this myself with you use your motherboard manual i'll show you where they plug in but their motherboard manual has the the map for how those plug in okay usb this is for our lighting node plug pro we still have to plug in the one for the aio but this will be plugged in now okay there's that and then finally we have hd audio which goes on the far end over here okay i'm just making sure all the cables run down there we go okay so let's zoom in so you guys can see okay so here's what we plugged in so this is our usbc so our usbc this is our usb 3.2 right here down here we've got our fan hub this is basically for our fan uh that is the one fan that we have plugged into the back down here this is our front panel connections this is power plus and minus power switch and reset switch that's where they go you'll notice it right next to on off uh this is our usb 2. uh this is for our lighting node the other one that will be next to it will be used for our capelex aio and then over here we've got hd audio so there's everything hooked up okay let's flip it over a little bit more cable management just in terms of getting things out of the way so we're not going to zip tie any of this yet because it doesn't make any sense to hey laser thank you very much for the subs dude that's huge taking this to 71. these are all our like power and stuff like that over here so i'm just gonna put this down so it holds it down and then let's get our start putting our aio together yeah i like them a lot the corsair capelex ones yeah it's a good it's a good aio i agree okay there we go oopsie come on baby just hold that down okay so that stuff's all controlled ready to go gonna get this out of the way let's get our ai oh built oh [Music] there we go [Music] we're doing a liam lee xl next week i think so yeah hey what's up cherno-rama good to see you 770 people here right now thank you very much for everybody for watching those you don't know my name is jessica rudy the host of roby tech this is a show that's now every monday thursday every monday wednesday monday yeah monday wednesday monday wednesday and uh saturday starting at four on mondays and wednesdays and 1 p.m on saturday so just so you guys know and we are pc builders that's what we do today's saturday sorry it's been it's been it's been a week with that 30 000 build on tuesday and yeah it's just been and then we had yeah it's just been a week okay there's our fans all of our extra stuff we need yeah i glitched on my dates yeah so there's the this is the people are asking about the commander pro this is what we're actually using okay let's get everything that we need set aside by the way guys we actually do have uh we are um coming up we actually only have um i'm actually going to start taking uh commissions again so we actually are getting ready to have room for commissions so if you are interested in actually having me build you a pc um there is going to be some room so reach out um because i'll put you in the queue and then when i'm ready to actually move forward i'll ping you they fill up my slots always fill up really fast when i actually advertise them because i don't actually like there's enough word of mouth that usually people reach out um and i haven't i actually haven't like i've turned a couple people away but now we're at the point we're actually pretty close to being able to do it again so if you're interested reach out on discord we can uh we can get your uh get you into the queue for a build get all this put away uh we showed that a little earlier nikolai and the only two is if you watch a lot of my step-by-step guides it shows you how to where to put those fan connectors yeah there's scorekeeper right there yeah he's he's actually one of the he's got his all his parts just showed up so he's getting pretty excited there we go uh honestly you could do something as inexpensive as the um ek ones are really inexpensive um there was a couple that i did on the amazon live stream which were ridiculous for the price oh evga the evga ones are crazy for price and efficiency they don't have a ton of rgb they don't they they're a little bit less like they don't have like movable pipes and stuff like that but because of that they're inexpensive and they work very very well oh yeah that would be a good one to check out ooh scorekeeper's excited he's gonna make notches they're gonna put it on the big screen that's cool i like it when people do that we've had a couple people who've had that kind of celebration [Music] this one is amd but i've done i do intel like i'm doing an intel build on monday okay i think that's everything extra and that's everything i need here i mean our aio is fans installed here okay and then what i'll do is i'll do one in each corner essentially just get them started because then from there it makes it really easy to just kind of get them installed just like that haven't played that game yet hades i know a lot of people really like it i'm trying to think about what game i'm gonna play on friday i mean on wednesday i might play it needs to be something that actually uses keyboard and mouse really well so it might be i might play some apex but i'm trying to think of games that use mouse and keyboard really well so oh good kragen i'm glad so like i said i'm gonna get them all started like this tarkov i haven't actually played tarkov before it seems complicated there we go i'm probably going to play some outer worlds because that that is still an fps they're not as crazy play some apex looking for other ones i think of i have played vr games i love half-life alex beat saber um my son actually plays a lot more than i do on vr though who do would be good i'd love to be fun to play you do maternal mavis beacon i'm gonna play where in the world is carmen san diego yeah i'm not gonna play hades on a controller on a keyboard it's like that's like people play like uh play like avengers on a on a keyboard and mouse i'm like uh i don't remember off the top of my hand uh mars don't not crazy but i do like apex a lot oh i love the ascent i love the ascent a lot there we go simply getting this done okay there we go now get these there we go and then what this is for is just to create like make it a little easier to thread there we go boom okay so the only thing i need now is out of here is the small screws let me get rid of the big screws because i do not need big screws go we'll need two of these the rest will put away there we go okay so now that that is done [Music] let's get this up okay what we're gonna do now is we should have i'm pretty sure i'm just going to do some couple things just to make sure we're going to go ahead and install our eps cpu power connection here real quick okay okay four pin there it is and then i just this is just to make sure that so that way if there isn't any room issues or anything like that i have to worry about trying to remove the don't have to remove the gpu or anything like that sorry the aio to get this set up so okay there we go just like that okay so this takes care of that one now it's in and set up okay now what we can do is set this up there's that this up grab one of these these are our screws with a and these are like live like they're tooled enough that you can just use your fingers to get them started we'll take the other one we've got started my okay yep that takes care of that okay now what we can do is use our wow stick top down let's get the rest of our screws in [Music] brings me back here we go quality screws they take a little bit of time to get in you know what i'm saying why electronic grandpa hey uh for the guy who's talking about it being stolen and sold one of the things that i did uh and always recommend is using these these are called tiles they're basically these little stickers um and they're uh they're what i do is i take these these are gps locators and i put them in the bottom of the build next to the power supply on the inside that way if your build's ever stolen you can actually track it and then the cops can go and get it hey at tennis thank you very much for the raid man so you basically use something like this and throw it inside of your build so should it ever get stolen especially college or anything like that great way to keep your build and get it to be able to find it at a later point oh dodge ram oh these anyway just an idea we'll get you a tom will get you a link they're called tiles and there's a bunch of different ones but yeah i recommend something like that you just put it in you hide it they're black so that and they're not people don't usually think you'd do it works much better than low jack with uh and stuff like that which is pretty good they have it on amazon in australia too okay come on all my axes live in texas ooh mosquito bites are like annoying i don't know you might be able to find them you might be able to find them on new egg [Music] oh yeah the one thing that's tough about the mason ones is that uh about those is just they're much bigger and they're easier to see so that's why i use the tile ones because these tile ones like i'll show you like if you look at this they're a little small see what i mean they're super tiny that's how big they are like they're crazy small and then they just stick on the bottom they have a little sticker i mean hiding something like this inside of a case nobody would know it's in there so it just makes it a lot easier to than some of the other ones which is nice and they last a long time yeah i use them for my keys like do i have my yeah i have my keys so like here's my key right and i've actually got i've actually got the i've actually got the app the tile on my keys so yeah so yeah i use them too i use the apple ones too okay now okay here we go oh i need to grab oh it's right there okay so what i'm gonna do real quick is i'm gonna take this take this and plug this into the cpu header right up here just like that and then i take some of these the batteries last a really really long time um i don't know but you can look at the site somebody could basically get you the number uh if you guys want to have me build pcs it's like it's there's a lot of options there you can always call me a lot of people build them i build pcs you don't have to have a bill if you don't want to buy a pre-built you can't get them from me probably end up costing you the same price you'll end up with better parts oopsie that just shot out okay there we go [Music] then what we do [Music] there's that this one on okay so there we got that's all set up and we're going to do literally pop this there's that one the other one goes right here there we go show me a little bit and that is in solid now okay so what we're going to do real quick is just go ahead and okay takes care of that i'm gonna pull this all the way through the side camera there what we're doing right now is getting this stuff the extra stuff through not putting it through the pan which i've what i'm doing right now here we go uh lighting a zest strike how many uh how many fans do you have and then what aio are you using because those are going to be important to that question now i just need to get one thing zip tied uh electronic grandpa next one's on wednesday wait a minute is my stream on wednesday no it's monday's oh sorry guys my stream is thursdays mondays thursdays saturdays it's not fridays it's not wednesday monday thursday saturday not bad so 10 total h150 so six fans will be do you need two you need one lighting node for the your h150 will do six fans and six controller six fans and six rgb and then you have one lighting node pro that'll do the other six and then you can use the fan hub in the back six and if you have a three pack it comes with them so they basically you're all set you buy one three pack then you're good i'm doing right now okay cool there is that put this down [Music] okay there we okay go there we go so top down we now have the i o installed then that looks nice and clean everything looks good let's flip this over real quick and get this hooked up and then we'll take our quick break do our uh walk through our deals for the day and then and then our sponsor and then finish the build actually in really good shape right now we're just going to get this stuff kind of so killer shots you just got to reach out to me on discord and having a 39 is going to help you a ton so yeah come on there it is right there yeah that's if the art cards are that level the good thing is is that intel doesn't use the same manufacturer so we'll see automatic okay there we go okay there's that okay here we go oh i was like what is this oh yeah that's right i was like oh yeah i have fans that are coming up from this let's have a little bit of a brain fart there for a minute guys brain fart okay okay so what we're gonna do here real quick is hook up the rgb there's one two and three one two three okay here's all our aio hooked up grab our sticky that is true that is true of cole she is a cranky old lady from kentucky she's pretty cranky dreamlabs is the only bot no there's tom tom's the other bot okay here we go okay there we go so that's all hooked up now let's grab our other cables here that have to get hooked up for our rgb and stuff let's grab let's hydrate guys it's hydrate time there we go there we go build's coming along oh get it zest strike yeah i got some ice thank you right there ready to go okay now to get these hooked up and there it is okay the last two fan and last two rgb three two one okay and the fans as well oh shoot three go and then one oh you guys can't see it sorry one okay okay sorry about that guys oh no hold on oh internal temp okay that's always good i need to get air going in here one sec guys so the fun part when we uh we do this i'm gonna do this oh it's in this there you go okay well why don't we do this this seems like a good time to take a break uh that's one of the reasons we do is just because the sensor has a tendency to get hot sometimes on our cameras um so let's take a break we're gonna go through our sponsor all that sort of stuff and then we'll come back and uh go from there but yeah we're getting closer okay so for those of you who don't know my name is justin roman the host of roby tech roby tech is a show dedicated to pc building tech news tech deals and then also uh we're now going to be doing gaming and uh keyboard building as well the show happens on monday thursdays and saturdays uh thursday monday and thursday at 4 p.m and then saturdays at 1 p.m um so that's when all of our shows typically happen um we uh we have some giveaways that are happening today on the show uh the first one hey blumu thank you very much good to see you man it's been a little while so blue moo who uh thank you to your two tier two for for 11 months that's huge uh for those who don't know uh the show happens like i said uh and it's a new schedule it started uh with fall we also have amazon live on wednesdays and fridays and then we have a new show called keyboards and gaming starting on wednesdays as well so there's actually a lot of streaming that happens now now that i'm a full-time content creator the other thing too is uh we have some giveaways that are happening on the show the first one is that if we get two level five hype trains on the show which we we actually typically do pretty every time uh the second which should be coming up here in i don't know probably about an hour 40 minutes uh we'll give away a 250 gig nvme ssd the other one that we'll do is if we get 500 likes on the youtube video uh we'll also give away a 250 gig nvme ssd as well and i don't know how many we're at 473 so that's what uh that's the uh that's pretty typical and that's what we usually do so yeah that's uh that's what we usually do now we also have another giveaway which is our first part of september um and uh september uh is 20 off for all subs right now if you look down in the bottom uh sorry if you don't look down don't look down there right now uh it's uh gosh darn it hold on one sec oh hold on there it is sorry guys just waiting for this to load i do have access to it okay hold on okay this is just being really weird so i apologize one second so anyway uh we have a couple we haven't we have a we have the down in the bottom right hand side of the corner you can see it down over there if i'm putting in the right place yes uh you can see that we are 83 towards 100 if we get 100 100 subs we'll give 100 new a gift card if we get 150 subs get 150 new a gift card and then it continues to kind of jump up from there to a 5600 x at 5800 x etc um the other thing too is that we also have a sub only giveaway that's happening for the month of september which is 20 off we're giving away an rtx 3080. uh if you want to get in on that all you got to do is if you're over at newegg or rubytech you can drop on over to rubytech use your free amazon prime subscription and then you're entered to win in fact the person who won the 3080 ti from uh the 3080 ti from july one with an amazon prime subscription now you can get extra entries the way you get those extra entries is you can do things like gift subs like you saw blue moo do uh you can also do things like uh subscribe to tier two and tier three that gets you five extra entries and 10 extra entries uh respectively so uh pretty good pretty good plan for that sort of stuff if you're uh if you want to get in on uh some of those giveaways and stuff like that now today's today's stream is sponsored by um we've talked a little bit about this before let's hope that it works as soon as i turn on hopefully it does this thing is always yeah there it is from uh they're one of our primary sponsors they sponsor us quite a bit um and so uh if you're looking for an inexpensive windows 10 and which will upgrade to windows 11 um this is a very good option in fact we have many people here who've bought keys uh from this site before and so here we are in cdk deals and if you do something like search you look for windows 10 there it is windows 10 pro you can see it's 21 and 64 cents so if i click on this and it's like wow that's a pretty good deal you can hit buy now and instead of being uh hold on just one second instead of being uh just instead of just being uh 21.36 you can use your account like what i have going to do here and then you hit by now hit by now you can actually see that now it is you can use your code it's 21.36 hit rb20 hit apply and now that price drops down to 17.09 which that's a pretty awesome deal now that's all that's pretty good in terms of getting it so instead of paying 120 bucks or whatever it was you buy uh 17 and nine cents again you can ask people uh here in chat a ton of people have actually used cdk deals to make purchase for windows it's completely legit we've done verifications with microsoft to verify these are legit code so you're good to go there the ones that are bigger the one that i think is always bigger is this one right here which is office 365. so if i click on office 365 for five devices you can see that this is usually 234 and 92 cents but i if you look here at the buys again 3235 but if you use the same code rb20 at checkout and we go to that drops to 25.88 that's basically one you can basically like you think about it that's five dollars for each office 365 which is crazy so again if you're into need to office or you basically need to basically pick up windows this is a great option to do so these are legit keys they get them at oem prices which are significantly less than what you pay and then they sell them directly at those prices in there and uh so that was it uh you can uh you can use the reuse the code for multiple purposes absolutely um and so you are allowed to use the code for multiple purposes you can use rb20 for as many purchases you want it does not go away and so uh that that will basically go from there so these are legit keys they're not great they're verified with microsoft they are legit keys uh we we uh we have a video coming out for it in october that we're going to basically be doing so if you want to get them out there yeah i got mine there a lot of people have gotten their keys there and there's zero issue whatsoever uh the other part i want to talk to you guys about real quick and we'll be fast i promise because you want to get back to the build is uh our website here we go check it out loading up here so we uh we have um some pretty awesome stuff uh that we basically have tom tom takes the time so on top of us doing builds we also have a person dedicated tom whose old job is just to go find tech deals or pc hardware uh you know basically games all that sort of stuff and so all that stuff is curated on so if you're in the r if you are looking to purchase a pc definitely go place here because again a lot of those parts end up being on sale and he tries to find the parts uh at the lowest possible price the other thing too that you'll look here is that you'll see this thing where it says stream builds click here if you ever want to know you're like hey i really like that 5000 d build that he did or whatever it was you can always go here as well and he he curates all of the builds and like here's all the parts for today's build curates all of those things and the cheapest place to buy them if they are available are in stock so again uh really good in terms of uh that option as well first i want to talk to you about is right this is discover samsung event samsung has a pretty crazy and we're going to start seeing links coming up here in just a second samsung has a crazy deal that's about to launch and so if you want to sign up to find out what those deals are this is televisions uh basically televisions phones tablets earbuds everything samsung makes they're getting ready to just have this ridiculous event that's launching so i would just recommend at least clicking on the banner to give it a go we're gonna here's the leo right there give it a click go check it out because especially if you're looking as it's getting into holiday times or something for inexpensive televisions if you watch my amazon live stuff they have a really good like these guys are some of the televisions that i definitely recommend and so going on a holiday season if you're even thinking about that good time to sign up for it because you're going to get some really great deals on some really good samsung tech so wanted to make sure i highlighted that and it also supports us if you go and at least just click and take a look which would be a huge support for us so that's just free just to go and even click and look um let's talk about deals though let's talk the stream deals these are the deals that he curates and if you're also another one that just look at is also at rubytechdeals on twitch sorry on twitter um because he basically puts it and curates it right there but let's see what he's got for us today uh in just in terms of normal deals um so eclipse p400a uh you can get a white computer with a eight eight 650 watt 80 plus gold power supply uh for 159.98 so you get both so that's basically 60 that's actually a pretty cheap price for that case which also comes with rgb fans and a 650 watt power supply so if you're doing like a a 30 60 build or a 6600 xt build um that could be a good deal for you um with a with a case uh evga x20 gaming mouse we're actually going to be checking out this x20 gaming mouse on the first wednesday show next week so uh 59.99 uh it's got five profiles 10 buttons that's a lot of buttons um and it's ergonomic i haven't used it don't know a whole lot but 60 bucks is a pretty good price nari ultimate headset i like this headset this is the one that i use uh on all of my systems uh it's also thx spatial audio uh pc um i like it because it's wireless it's also got the haptic feedback as well um so i love the if you're into the haptics some people aren't some people are i've actually got a review of this up on youtube uh 159.99 uh on amazon so 40 off that's actually pretty cheap for that headset if you're looking for some red red ram see what i did there not red wine red okay if you're looking for some red ram 72.99 over the 3600 mega cl 16 for 72 bucks that's a 16 gig kit uh ll series fans uh 87 holy crap white ll series these are the best performing uh corsair fans a little bit louder but on sale for 87.99 over at new egg that's actually a pretty good deal uh titanium 850 watt 80 plus power supply on sale for 179.99 i haven't used super flower lettuce i don't know i mean 80 plus titanium is pretty good i don't know anything about them uh but going from there uh gigabyte m27q uh definitely one of those ones those nice budget uh uh monitors it's uh it's got 1440p uh what is the 1440p what's the we didn't have the let's see what their fresh rate is on it 170 hertz so it's 170 hertz 100 1440p refresh rate hdr freesync 269.99 it's been reviewed pretty well at least by uh the folks over at hardware in a box they liked it and so it was compared against that razer uh the razer 27 inch raptor uh cooler master wow that is a great price so this of all the deals i found 25 for that hyper 212 that's a really good price for that cooler and that's a really good cooler so if you're looking for a nice budget level cooler 25 bucks and uh good performing the hyper 212 block is good uh looks like we got some white 3200 megahertz uh 32 gig kit for 139.99 uh and then not a pc but awesome deal for today only you can get a air fryer well there you go if you're looking for an air fryer uh 55 bucks off so making it 44.99 so if you're wanting to get into an air fryer there you go right there it is a tech deal so there you go 44 bucks you can basically pick up an air fryer so there you go that's a good deal i mean i i actually may get an air fryer and so it's only today only so if you're looking for an air fryer there you go what did you guys think of today's deals we'll be honest uh tom and i were talking that right now is kind of a hard time to find deals because you're getting right into the pre-holiday season that's why you're seeing stuff like the samsung deal and stuff like that definitely go click on the samsung stuff because again if you can get they're nice televisions for really inexpensive uh that may end up saving you big uh when it comes to uh when it comes to christmas and stuff like that so uh but yeah that's it was i look hey i was looking for an aio fryer okay well that that isn't going to do any good you were looking for an aio fryer look no further than the amd ryzen 5800x i'm here all day okay guys i i got some new dad jokes by the way some new dad jokes and these are called i i really like these jokes so i've been a huge fan of them uh so here we go we're gonna get these are called these are called these are special to me they're called uh uh hold on i'm gonna bring them up so you guys ready you guys have been asking for these and here we go um these are called anti-jokes and uh and anti-jokes are some of my favorite so here we go you guys ready you guys ready here we go dad jokes but they're anti-jokes but still what do you call a joke what do you call a joke that isn't funny what do you call a joke that isn't funny a sentence [Music] hey you guys want to hear something that will make you fun uh you want to hear something that'll make you uh smile you guys want to hear something that'll make you smile your facial muscles what do you call what do you call a pencil sharpener that can't sharpen pencils what do you call a pencil sharpener that can't sharpen pencils broken what do you call a talking turtle what do you call a talking turtle fictional what did one okay here's the last one what did one frenchman say to the other frenchmen i don't know i don't speak french there you go so i got a whole bunch of them guys i hope you guys enjoyed this uh and [Laughter] there are some dad jokes for you and we can get started on the build let me return the camera back on it should have sufficiently cooled off i hope by now and we'll go from there okay drop the ice luckily it's mostly full mostly empty okay cameras back on ruby's prime for the build we get right to it let me get my zoom in here okay let's grab our build and get it back going i love i love anti-jokes [Music] okay so here's where we're at again parts in this ryzen 9 5900x 128 gigabytes of memory h-150i capelix uh we've got uh seven uh ml 120 fans and uh we uh we are basically uh we have left to install the gpu the psu and i think that is about it we're going to finish our cable management and go from there yeah the top camera overheated it's because i didn't have the air flowing in here [Music] you could should do more portable fields so we just got finished doing like four tinted bobcatgamer uh we are going to be doing one in a brand new case from call from cooler master next week so that's coming up so that will be a portable build um we finished it meshalicious and the full review comes out in a week we just did the height which was another portable build so yeah um oh yeah i'm sorry nero matrix can you use the can you use the uh can you at least use the airfryer deal i hope that's that that one you got yeah i've seen that one before i've ordered a chicken and an egg on amazon i'll let you know i like that one too okay so here's what we're gonna do we're actually we've actually got most of this actually mostly cable managed so this is kind of the end of it the first thing i'm going to do is pull these down so we get like a straight 90 again i'm all about the 90 degree angles here 90 degree angles you get this stuff like just kind of looking clean which is what you want yeah the ryzen 7 5800x is an ai it's not an aio killer it's just it runs really hot and so that was more of a joke than anything else okay here we go let's run this through like this plug this in we're going to make a convergence here both things here there's our first convergence again just slowly cleaning it all up what's up pocket drummer we'll see in a bit can't samuel give me a give me a single shot pumpkin spice latte with a uh with uh only two pumps of the pumpkin spice too please uh and uh that'd be great thanks before to the coffee get me charged up here i don't think he was offering me coffee but a man can dream right [Music] oh i'm sorry jay blue eyes were working on it i'm disappointed too i'm sorry i don't understand why they're not taking me seriously i'm telling you that smell but i mean who wouldn't want that smell in their house i'm telling you i it is enough for me i do more than that i start getting like headaches and then i actually turn into the hulk so much caffeine you don't want to see roby hulk do you i'm working on it i'm on i'm working out so yeah hopefully someday you'll see ruby hope here we go i'm still here hulk smash i don't think this that's the thing that cloud kt does not want to hear when i'm building his pc hulk smash i turned into the sulk oh we still building it takes it takes hours to get this done but we'll get there we're still building take some time this is quality time with me and the community we are quality timing it up right now oh austin for james came from the new extreme well welcome to the roby tech stream which is the same stream just different place guys we're 13 away we probably want to hit that last 13 before the hype train because if we want to unlock 150 new gift cards so if somebody wants to drop like those last number of number of things before the hype train that could be huge and then we'll give away 150 new gift cards you're welcome good now it's my pleasure pleasure okay we're slowly i do mean slowly not that slowly but slowly enough working our way through on the cable management here okay what i'm working on right now is just getting all of this stuff into a single uber spine but everything's still cable managed to the point where it's all like it's not it's not so hard to figure out where the cables go because there's still it's like if this is like a mix of the spline method the spine method and the like uh like what's called the individual method because all of the individual components are still pretty much separated um so you're like oh here's all the stuff for this lower fan and all that sort of stuff so it's kind of a mixture of the cable management i'm doing right here okay now let's do this see how far i think some of these we're not gonna be able to run like well like this won't run all the way over so we'll have to keep this down we'll probably make a single one for all of our okay this is going to go in here these are all of our power cables all our sata power which there's four there and then there's one way over here too yes let's get this plugged in real quick and then we can finish our stuff 88 subs and then we can finish our cable management for the there we go the pellex is plugged now in of our front panels are plugged in you're probably on these and this down like this and this one is going to go here okay those are all going to be for our sata okay now it's the last little bit which is all this extra stuff well one sata that we have to plug in over here get this stuff kind of into a loop here we go [Music] it's not supposed to come out but it's okay we got some room here get it back in down [Music] all we're doing right now is finishing up our cable management okay guys all the cables managed right there looks clean me yes [Music] okay [Music] okay now that's all said and done [Music] and there we go everything is clean and looks good [Music] okay now we can simply cut all this stuff off be careful when you cut you don't cut any cables go oopsie like it [Music] [Music] there you go and we are clean and it looks good there you go it's a nice clean looks good it's all integrated well we got all 90s there so we have a little bit of cables there but nothing crazy and so it all looks when you open this all up it will look clean and good and all that stuff which is what you want so this pc is sold yes this is a commission so now what we do is we're just going to quickly get these prepped because then we'll do our we got to flip this over and finish our little bit that looks good we got four of these to unplug here in a minute but yeah okay so now let's put in our gpu but i did just get notification guys that the um that the uh hype train is unlocked so we can start hype train now to unlock that last giveaway for uh twitch and uh so that is now available for us to do so that's gonna be subs that sort of thing and then we'll get our gpu installed and our youtube goal is reach which is great so we only have a little bit left of this build okay so let's get that hype train unlocked guys we're at the very end here and then we'll uh we'll do our last little bits so while we while we're doing that i'm gonna start putting in our thank you i'm glad you guys like the build i mean that's the that's the plan right like anytime i do this what am i doing on none of them thank you very much [Music] thanks guys i'm glad you guys are enjoying the build uh you would basically just put it right here you put it right actually both of these slots either one of those would work for a 4k capture card let's see guys let's see if we can unlock that hype train just here we got some bits going in there see if we can do it let's get a hype train unlocked what's up davern how are you uh the idle temps on this should be in the like the high 30s oh this got to help us out guys we got to get this we got to get the hype train going unlike that last giveaway let's get this in i'm too poor to hype uh because nobody likes it i mean like a lot of people don't like amd gpus they're way too pricey is number one they're crazy expensive even if you are paying msrp and then as nice as fsr is it's still not it's still not dlss and until it becomes more widely adopted i just don't think people want to get those gpus so there's some bit love okay just a couple more things hemp racer dropping it there's a couple more things we can unlock it there we go get some subs or whatever it is let's go hype train i don't know if i'm gonna have miller this may have to be up hemp racer dropping a gifted sub trying to get it going yeah i mean i'm interested to see what those how those end up being too thank you ramp racer dropping his tier two subscription too temporaries are doing his part we gotta be close [Music] um i don't know if this is going to be able to work i'm just going to have that up [Music] hey shift click subscribe with prime dude db1 one more we need one more thing gino dude one one one has gotten it we need one more thing it's i can see it up there we got four minutes and 13 seconds to make it happen there it is black hop dropping 100 bits wilbert wilbur mania dropping his gifted subs there we go three away from at least 100 100 gifted card we are in we are in it to win it now and there we are level two guys so you can get to level five i had this like this is like i usually don't remember this going so low but it seems to be right there will be fine i mean it should close still but yeah maybe chase drop in a prime subscription remember guys red dragon zombie dropping 1500 bits remember guys on top of the giveaway that's over here we also have that 3080 that we're going to be giving away as well which is going to be for uh the the rtx 3080 we're giving away as well for um for them for september right so um if you want to get in on that obviously dropping a dropping a gifted sub and then of course your free prime sub your prime stuff gets you in and like i said that somebody won a 3080 3080 ti from a couple months ago was actually one off if somebody just got a prime sub thank you d the one slayer the one slayer thank you for the gifted sub as well and then oh ed thank you very much for all the guys who are going in there okay we're getting there we're gonna do our we're gonna after this we're gonna do our gpu and then install our psu and then we'll basically be ready to go yeah amazon prime includes a one free yeah i think one for there three minutes left guys we're still we're at level four when did that happen oh okay we're at level four so we're close oh how do you do it oh yeah you just yeah there it is right there hey craig thank you very much for helping him you've been wrestling the troubles uh balooza there he is velozad using his prime sub and welcome to the family man okay so we're on our way to the 150 gift card now i'll fix that real quick we're using this one okay let's go to ow widgets okay all right 150 new gift card we're at 150 we're at 103. there we go awesome neo giving out and night night gano there it is 103 i think let me just verify that but i think we're good oh we're at 110 okay sorry i'm gonna end this and say we're 150 new gift cards there we go oh we're not quite oh never mind oh we're not quite there bobby oh it's still going courtser look at all these guys coming through the last men and there it is level five smashed beard knocking it out 300 bits we're at 115 okay and i have 113 so let me fix this uh alert box one two okay there we go and now it's all right we're at 115. one bit no username subscribe with prime thank you very much for all of that stuff guys so i push air through the radiator in this case it's a push configuration in an exhaust so these are the front three are intake the back ones are exhaust the top and the thing so it's pushing air through the radiator i just subscribed did i really that's awesome gabe balarin one gifted sub thank you very much for that i appreciate that as well i'm glad you love the case okay guys we only have three minutes left on the thing and then we'll finish out our build i got everything ready for it so the build is just about done thank you for the bits by the way okay thank you very much man yeah i appreciate it too um yeah i saw you hit tier two that's awesome yeah it did go through i saw it yeah it went through hey i'm glad you like it tinted uh i don't i'm pretty sure campbell that linus won it's it's hard it's hard for me to beat somebody with 13 million subscribers so and i mean he just has a lot of fins and that's okay i mean if the fans vote uh i'm okay with it so i just don't i don't think i got crushed i mean last time i heard it's 160 160 000 to 100 000 was what the votes were so roby won in my heart i appreciate it yeah i appreciate it i'm glad you guys enjoyed him i appreciate it shift click shift chick we tried to make it i mean i you know i like at least i didn't take at least i didn't take it lying down right like i actually did a good build hey war skulls thank you very much for the sub 1 minute and 28 seconds left guys everybody's a winner that's right and i know and like if people voted for linus i'm not offended like i said that's okay what is it like to game on a gaming computer it's pretty good uh brett mcgee resubscribe with prime three months happy three month anniversary man i appreciate it uxie yuki's yeah what's going on with those gleams what do you mean twister uh rip the height oh no the hype train's still going we got 46 seconds left you guys i mean 147 is awesome prometheum thank you for the once the sub that's awesome zerudos that's incredible thank you i'm having a great day eunice yeah finley no kidding he's like i just i don't want the build i just want the white 30 90 in it how you doing i like the case yeah i know and a lot of people did okay hype train's done level five 32 gifted subs 3 101 bits you guys are the awesome who's ready for gpu time gpu time okay let's go to oh let's go to you'll see here here it is i love opening these we'll actually let's let's i haven't opened one of these before i don't think i have so let's put this off to the side and let's open this up here is our gpu right here i don't think we've opened one of these before okay so here we go go to top down there it is right there there's your there's your card look at that oh this came out it's mostly just it's so thick now this is the one that he put that he put this is what linus put in his build look at i mean it's it's so thick wow that is thick that is crazy thick oh my gosh oh holy cow wow that is stick stick thick like thick like thick thick thick thick look at that oh my god dude look how big that is that is so thick that is so crazy thick okay okay let's take this off there's not one on that wow yeah we got some peels for sure i wonder you need a freaking latch to hold that thing okay let's uh start up the music again apparently it's over it's over the music's over oopsie this one there we go okay let's get some peels done wow that's a lot of peel there we go wow that's a big boy card there it is peeled is there some on this can't tell yeah there's some here i think nope there's not maybe no it looks like there is maybe no no that's not okay get this cleaned up okay there we go get this out of the way jesus so big there is a peel on this if i had nails and that card is so thick it was not thick as my nails there we go oh there we go let's grab our little cable thing there we go get this out of the way okay let's see i think this is like double slot there's one there's two okay you guys ready big boy time wow fills up the almost that is so big so big look at that that is chunky that's big chungus for sure oh my god big chungus okay okay uh it is a triple slot card i do not need that though we need this it's all gonna go up wow this is like a big freaking card [Music] i can't believe how thick this thing is wow okay i know oh it's four slot you're right it's four slot yeah it's dude it's so thick i think it was just so blown away it's even that many slots [Music] here we go [Music] yeah they are the only cases are good it depends specifically on which liam lee case but yes there's no i don't have any issue with liam lee cases you wanna be next to me i'm just putting on all the cable combs from our cables here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay one more set of cable combs we should be good tell me here we go don't let me go i wanna be next to paper let's run these down here and we'll make it look pretty uh okay [Music] there we go wow okay oh you mean run it up well the screen's actually only right here guys that's why i ran them this way the screen's actually only right here this doesn't there's no screen here so the screen is actually only this little section right here so it this these will not these will not cover the screen so it won't like you won't yeah so it's fine we're just going to try and give it a little angle there create more angle look to it there you go yeah there it is right there okay let's turn this over and let's finish i mean the build like that's what the build will look like when it's done you know what i mean but so i mean you guys have seen this is like pretty much the full build from the front i just got to put in the psu and we're done okay psu time finder there it is you guys enjoying the build so far okay okay here we go there's our 750 g3 out of the way comes with a free bag free bag put that in there adapter garbage a power supply cable there it is dsu okay how does it smell right out of the box that's not bad not bad that's uh that's a lighter one lighter smell for sure on that one not as bad as some okay terms of cables we need it's always the fun part we need one of these cpu cable there's that second one we're not going to use we need sata we'll need four i put two of those in there we go we'll need our motherboard cable that one put two of these just in case we can't reach so here we go and then we have one two there's a vga two don't need that don't need that molex ew everybody say molex ooh three okay molex ew okay so cpu vga 3. vga bga sata sata and motherboard guys we're 30 away from that 150 new a gift card if we want to unlock that okay there we go that out of the way luckily i made all that room okay let's get it up side view coming up okay first one oh come down there screws trying to fly off go the deuce and once while it's a little too high okay now our psu is in that becomes the fun part last part of the build last part of the build [Music] okay so if all these they all need to get plugged in hopefully i plugged it in the right way there's that one i'm sure we'll put this on the bottom here like that we have this one right here there we go and this okay let's grab one of these we put it right up near the top actually have it go down we're just getting this out of the way there you go takes care of that one our other sata okay this one only one on here the budget for the pc is 3600 for this one well that's how much it cost uh pre-tax all that sort of stuff there we go okay scare that one okay next up we'll do cpu it's right here keeping things as untwisted as i can cpu okay now let's do motherboard a couple longer cables to get this one done [Music] [Music] cool that'll hold that down it's great okay last group of cables is our gpu there we go last one okay [Music] okay let's do this we're gonna just zip tie these last two because everything is now hooked up into this build this just being such a pain here one cable that's just being kind of a pain here okay so there it is as you can see even the bottom down here looks nice and clean so that's all clean cable managed this is cable managed now what we can do is grab our little door and all that work i did just disappears look at that but it still looks clean even when you look at her like oh that looks nice under there too but you know what i mean looks good underneath there but then when you close it it also looks good there's that and then because you did a good job there this goes like that there you go right there grab our top there we go great okay and this goes on the top like so goes like this sorry wrong direction there we go right there and next we grab our here's our front panel there's that go there we go that goes right there put our plastic away grab our front panel and there it is boom so the build is done let's get it up check our front here there's your build and it looks great okay here we go guys moment of truth here it is the moment of truth okay and that is a good sign there it goes and there is your build all this fans are spinning and there it is yeah those rgbs look great again you can see the there's the top one spinning up there there's the top of it spinning right there a little egg thing yeah and then again you got your front as well there you go site we'll do the wide camera angle there's your fans at the bottom they're all spinning yeah yeah she lights up let's go to let's go to uh let's go to mood mode as we call it the studio don't need all the lights now there we go mood mode a little bit less light so now you can just focus on the rgb there it is right there i wish you the robitec logo stickers for the center of the fans and hidden on the chassis somewhere is genius oh i should do that that would be kind of cool okay guys well now it's time to do and cloud kt congratulations on your build it's all finished it works actually i don't see a post that's we'll verify that when it gets in there we're not seeing the post which that could be a lot of things because again there's all sorts of things we could have to flash the bios all that sort of stuff but we'll definitely check um so we're not seeing a post yet but that could be i mean the fact that everything's spinning and that we've got there i could do this hold on sometimes it's this so we'll check that but again everything else looks like it's good we'll get it checked this is an orange light on it hold on yeah it looks like it's saying there's an issue there's a the ram light is on but it is neo so we'll check and go from there and make sure it's all good but the the yellow ram night is on so so we should go we'll get we'll give that a verification and make sure that yeah it's probably a bios update yeah which is usually what happens so we'll just we'll uh we'll uh yeah we'll uh q flash it which is usually what happens so when we flush it with the latest update it should fix it okay guys well let's do the giveaway yeah no it's not this is our building pad uh so we'll we have a new engine yeah we're gonna bios update it and then we'll go from there and then we'll make sure it all works yeah um okay guys uh next step for this is uh basically getting updated and all that sort of stuff uh but for you it's giveaway so we have you guys have unlocked all the giveaways for today's show so we've unlocked 100 new a gift card plus two 256 nvme ssds so we're going to start the first one which is two 256 in nvme ssds i'm gonna start that giveaway first so all widgets nope sorry cloudbot uh commands no giveaways that's what we want okay so first entry is gonna be exclamation point community exclamation point community this is for two 256 gig nvme ssds starting that right now two tuner starting that right now two minutes guys exclamation point community so so ah [Music] okay guys we drew our winners for those two we got madame mad moonies and we got shiri cheery lover jerry lover on twitch and mad moonies from twitch as well congratulations you two you are the winners of the 250 gig nvme ssd okay next one that we're gonna be doing is for our hundred dollar new a gift card um i did want to let you guys know so uh for those of you who don't know uh newegg now has new egg now has uh same-day shipping uh same-day shipping for uh in california so if you go to uh let me put this in chat if you go here and you live in southern california slash so uh same day if you live in if you live in uh socal you do newegg dot io slash same day those are the items you can get the same day for so again uh you can get those uh uh you can get same day delivery if you order before 10 30 on uh am that day and that's like on thousands of stuff uh so yeah no you can witch on you can win on uh youtube and on twitch you can win on both so yeah if you're looking for uh same day shipping on certain tech and stuff like that newegg does now provides uh uh same-day shipping in socal uh for a lot of individual items and so new egg dot io same day and you guys so if you're in socal which apparently if you're there you also have micro center and everything else which sucks but hey for those of you who are there yay you but i'm actually i mean that's pretty awesome that they do that and so same day shipping and get your stuff before you can get your stuff by the by the end of the day if you uh order before 10 30 a.m okay so let's do exclamation point new egg now this is for uh 100 new a gift card and then at the end of this guys we're going to be giving away we're going to be raiding somebody finding somebody to make their afternoon so one thing i always ask is just stick around uh just give that individual follow uh that sort of thing it just makes all the difference in the world to some of these folks who don't have over 500 people or over 900 like we have uh all up for that so we are going to rate somebody after this so please just stick around again next stream is on monday mod monday starting at 4 p.m we're doing a stream with covent then we're back on wednesday for keyboards custom keyboards and gaming with roby tech that should be a lot a lot of fun so really excited about that that's going to be happening on wednesday uh along with amazon live on wednesday as well and then we're back for our normal roadie tech stream on thursday then we have another amazon live stream on friday and then saturday another build stream and you're going to want to tune in on thursday because we have a brand new case that we're going to be showcasing uh and people are talking about portable build so it should be super fun on thursday so pretty nice jam-packed week this coming up week um and it should be a lot of fun plus about money and everybody loves mod monday and i love covent uh so that should be pretty cool so uh as well uh let's see who we're gonna be raiding today i'm sure blondie's out there searching for that individual right now and we still have there she is we're gonna raid vostik vostik we're gonna be reading vostik tonight uh today it's only i forgot it's not tonight we're gonna be reading vostik today how many people are enjoying the saturday streams getting an opportunity to watch and enjoy that stuff are people enjoying it the saturday streams yeah good awesome well we're back every saturday starting at 1 pm sorry it was a little late today um but normally we'll uh we'll go from there so we'll see you guys next time okay join the winner in 20 seconds and don't forget you need to whisper blondie but geeky if you win um because that's how you have to go um and and get get your win in the stuff that i get i'm glad fifth pig good i'm glad people are enjoying them we had over we had we had we had 900 plus people tonight over 900 which is cool okay guys uh winner the the street the driving is over uh we're picking a winner blaze townsend blaze townsend over on youtube congratulations blaze townsend you are the winner of a hundred dollar new a gift card blaise townsend make sure that you reach out to blondie uh over on uh discord or whatever she's giving it in there so make sure you reach out to blondie okay just to recap guys we're gonna we're gonna raid somebody we're gonna raid vostik please just stick around if you're over on twitch give them a give them a hello give them a hello and all that sort of stuff super appreciate uh super appreciate you guys being here today um we are going to be uh we are going to be uh raiding him and then again back on monday for a stream with covent so uh gonna go ahead and start that raid right now uh see what he's playing playing slip gate wait is that the same one is it vostik underscore is it v-o-s-t-i-k blondie flip gate i'm asking real quick oh slip gate okay here we go we're going to raid vostik who's playing slickgate here we go starting that raid right now we get four or 500 that'd be huge okay guys have a great night and well a great day and we will see you on monday thanks guys bye
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 27,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, corsair 5000d, aorus master 3080
Id: VsU6rZU-vug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 205min 26sec (12326 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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