Can Papa Robeytech Build a Corsair Build PC Kit! (13700k / RTX 4070Ti) (Part 2)

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okay we're gonna try and see what how does it look now dang it I was always afraid of crud did you lose it I lost I've lost part two okay does it look better guys okay yeah did I step on something I don't think I stepped anything I'm fixing hold on guys the unfortunately the the uh I had to the YouTube had to split to two videos now so if you are over on uh if you're over on you on YouTube guys there's two there's two thumbnails I'm sorry if I had to move you over we're trying to make this better because people were saying it was really bad foreign I was trying to see if I could close it and save it so it does both okay is it look does is it more smooth okay so you got those in now okay okay what does it say now okay here we go okay now okay so we gotta we're now on the thing if you want to hand me that we'll put that off the side and then I'll hand you the next part okay the cooler the radiator okay so how do you wanna so this is saying radiator and two fans okay okay so we're gonna go to top down here you go here's your radiator there you go and then where's your fan oh they're right here be careful don't yeah be careful when taking that off want to rip anything I wasn't trying to lose you guys I was trying to make sure it stayed smooth okay here you go there's one fan there's the other fan okay yeah I'll put it full screen so you can see better so let's go back to that once you guys can see it's a little bit better so yeah long screws oh yeah those are all in there yep okay yeah sorry guys we're trying to keep it going but like it was if we're like I guess this is as the does it look better are you guys happier with the quality now okay he is working on the top down version does it matter which way the fans go I know it does Woods or ones and ones and out so yeah easy I would just follow what you see on the screen how it is on the screen there you go okay and those must just sit right like that okay he's getting he's putting his radiator together now let's scooter over a little bit so we can see it right in the middle there you go that make sure to line up with the holes on this on the radiator oh there we go there we go okay getting it in now he's doing good yeah that's rad somebody says that's rad Papa Ruby Tech because you're doing in the red okay he's getting getting it screwed in there we go putting his radiator together now he's screwing in the he's putting in the screws right now guys make sure you head over to YouTube we got to re-earn the 250 because we had to fix it we had to fix the uh we had to fix the refresh rate so if you guys are happy at the refresh rate and all that stuff head on over to sorry hit that thumbs up and oh okay uh I guess they want us to use these dad what these fans but that's not what the that's not cable that's these came with the AIO though yeah those came in the AIO but it's saying that we should use the RGB fans that oh it's we should use these RGB fans so I guess we'll put these on because you want the RGB okay we didn't follow the instructions because he did say in the video use the RGB fans we failed on that one I'm glad you guys are paying attention so I guess these are just extra fans yeah you got some extra those are really good fans too okay so you can put those back on there you go there we go there you go use that that's a little I mean again you have the screws but because he's on Ruby techy you can use the I'll leave it out anyway we gotta we gotta use the wow stick we got to give Grandpa the chance to I mean Grandpa's got to use the wow stick he's getting he's getting he's having fun with it the wow stick is wonderful yeah the wow stick is wonderful at least your bleeding stopped okay so you got those screw you got those screws in okay moving to the next set there we go he's getting them lined up guys my dad is building his first PC it's so awesome he's doing good what do you guys think is he doing good there we go thanks Kel wow that was very nice of Kelly he says he has the best teacher yes it's teacher's Corsair but I know what he said okay so okay so he's got that done okay what does it say to do next so we've got that I don't think I used it you did right once wasn't there so it wasn't their washers no those are on these oh those are on those okay so now we're gonna do the top okay so you want to grab the case okay so you can see where to put it right in the top number that's like yep on the top where it says to put it on the top ah yeah papa Tech tips here we go hey Tina North hey Tina my seat door okay here we go so you're gonna put this in you know put it in like this okay I mean because that's what they're telling you to put in the top okay so you're gonna wanna kind of sit I would run I would it doesn't say this but I would run the cables through the back here first so let's run those cables through both of the same slot yeah I I would I run both of the same side here I'll just wear this we're having two people helped yeah but I don't think we got them all there we go all right here we go okay there we go now just line them up with the holes he's lining up so he's going to top down here we go you have the washers on there yeah those are not the screws he's showing pretty long okay you got to follow the instructions dad you gotta follow the instructions here yeah it's good oh you got we didn't is the Watcher on there no not anything okay here okay I'm gonna put these together for Dad oh that's these okay here we go I'll start handing you these okay yeah I'll zoom out a little bit yeah sorry hold on one sec okay so he's working on the the screws for this now yeah right getting his screws in nope they want me to hold it up oh the way they go there you go we need the magnetic uh that use the other screwdriver then this one right here this is I used to get one started here there we go now the rest should be over there you go there you go you got more right here Now work on the other screws for you it's not gonna fall now well I mean it's always good to have them on the even uh like an even amount on one on each side you know what I mean see it like puts him on the other side then you're good hey uh Ladarius if you have questions uh head on over to our Discord server great place to ask those questions uh versus us trying to answer them here on the stream it's always tough we're just following the video steps right now okay there you go anywhere screws you have that's it right there is a bunch more two four six eight more one two there's two in each one there we go there's one two three four oh you have three left welcome there's two and all the other ones well there's only two in the middle one because that's the center part of the fin thing okay okay we got dad all squared away here he's got his radiator mounted now here we go I need one more it's right there yep okay he's got all the screws in don't do that don't need that okay he's getting his last last screw that you're actually like cranking like we're almost we got a lot mounted here what's up Bloom cat if I was doing this by myself it would take a whole lot longer that's okay I mean again yes you are but I'm not I'm not yeah you're just you're I'm not helping a lot no you're just helping me organize the tools yeah I'm organizing it and stuff like that okay okay so we've got that done dad has got can we get some height let's show people what it is at Dad let's show them the show let's show them the side view here here we go this is what he's got done so far radiator it's got his radiator he's got his whole PC is installed and then he's got all of his RAM and stuff so he's got everything in here so all I know he's doing pretty good and then um we're uh we're on the we're following the steps here so we're gonna jump into the next part of the video and go into what's next okay here we go okay so this is where it's saying don't touch the thermal paste there's thermal paste right there yep so pop this off yeah pop that off be careful okay pre-pasted okay now where is it show where the tubes are and stuff like that you just want to put it in the same way okay the tubes are over here like that yeah okay the logos straight away too so there you go okay so you're just gonna stick it on there and here's your oh it just sits on the mountain there you go there you go and he's getting it installed are these just thumb tighter oh no you'll want to tighten them all the way yeah so you'll probably tell you that we haven't I'm not trying to help you but we're gonna go in there he is a natural see what it says on the video yeah I did it just trust me okay okay then grab your wow stick and then put them all in the crisscross there you go just like that he is a natural killing it you actually just come like that there we go yeah yeah you can actually move that just so you know move the tubes okay then I'll tighten it down yep and then use the wow stick to finish the rest by putting on lug nuts on a car yep I've been going across pattern there you go look at him listening I am very proud this is my dad he's dude talk about like putting yourself out there literally thousands and thousands of people are gonna watch this and so it's like to come and learn like that and then he said what do you say he said peel dad peel oil zoom in for the peel zoom in for the peel and I would have just cut my fingernails yesterday so I don't have a whole lot of fingernails oh there it goes oh computer whisper there it is it's undone okay there he goes we've got that done now okay what's the next step okay so now it looks like you're taking the fan all the fans off taking the fans off yeah you're gonna take all the other fans off is what he's showing you now okay let's go to white static there you go foreign s now let's go to side we'll go to side views here's and see this a little bit more luckily you've got a a uh a PC a a live video guy who can like move cameras and stuff there he is because these are not RGB no we want RGB right Dad you want RGB RGB makes it faster that's right I've trained you well I've trained you well okay okay so and there is another fan back there you go it says remove those fans Blondie wants to know if Papa Roby Tech is having a good time I'm having a wonderful time he's never done this before so like now he knows what he's doing what his dad his son does his dad does his son does all the time so he will be able to say I've built a PC okay you wanna have any screws there you go four fans okay so you've taken out four fans dad are we gonna put four in okay we're gonna see Igor dropping two gifted Subs taking us up to 55 okay what does it say so taking the fans out yep yep okay so you need all your fans so we gotta get all the fans out who's who who let the fan the fans out you wanna do the back not me there goes I didn't let him out do the back first yes we'll do the back one okay we'll do the back one first okay so here we go you can actually set if you want to set it up it's or like you on it's like this like you wanna did you like it or you do that too whichever is easiest but I have a tendency like when I do it I just do it like this and then hold the fan and put it in okay so here's your fan I would run the fan all the cables through the back yes yeah right there a little hole there so run those little cables in there okay here we go let's go to the side view so you guys can see this right do you hear my dad yeah right this is all the stuff that is hold on let me put it up so you let me put the the thing up so you can sit there and see this there we go dad says yeah right look at that all right okay now you need how do we know which way is up or down like I said so it shows oh that goes like that then correct yeah did Dad following the instructions I'm just confirming whether he's right or not okay okay so now let's take these yep and you're just gonna put them right into the thing I would use our red and black one our red and black screwdriver there you go here look at you with your like skilled did you get it yeah did you get it you got them all now here put your this is me helping there you go all right I only helped was put a screw on I didn't do anything else we gotta have RGB put him he's putting his screws in my dad got into building PCS in 96 wow guys head on over to robotic live hit that Thumbs Up Button remember we're on a second video now so it's with a second video that means that he you're you're we gotta we're trying to earn it again let's keep let's get the hype up for Dad hey thank you account for top popping in and saying hi call me about a oh uh uh kelt wants to know that he's got a PC Builder job open for you yeah maybe after 100 more maybe after 100 more he says kelp thanks for hanging out man You're Gonna Want to Go tighter on this I will I'm sorry you're just getting them all started okay I'm sorry I'm trying to tell my dad what to do and he's like back off son Iko to owning it right now guys okay let's be clear my dad who's never built a PC before look at what he's gotten done no he's got he's got all he's got his pump in he's got his pumping all that sort of stuff so we're we're like in really good shape hey Dad we're gonna we're gonna run one thing real quick it's got to get run power yeah so if you want to here let's pop so here what we're going to do is at the very top here I'll show you something I don't know if they didn't they showed it or not but at the very top here let's go top down there's a plug right there that you're going to plug that into and it should be this way it goes into where up here at the top oh it goes into the uh into the pump can you get to it you see the hole nope I'm trying to feel it first you even put the thing down put the table down there we go okay okay so let's run that to the back too okay so we're gonna go to the side view he's gonna run that up and through the back here which back up into here oh I can help you okay yeah okay that's a lot of cable yeah a lot of cable just helping them get route this stuff through Okay cool so he's got all that routed through now for the cable manager stuff okay now we're all hooked up okay okay now you need three more fans more fans okay um I guess we need the big fan screws in oh yeah they're going to be more in here so that was one and it said it said it actually showed showing the other three too go back over here okay hit play from here and then you'll see it the rest okay okay he's watching the video okay so you haven't done the front ones yeah okay so you gotta install these three right okay there we go is it better to I guess it should be up so we want to see the fan no these spin so it doesn't you just you want these logos to all be the same direction in the back they're all sitting up like this yep if I would start with the bottom or the bottom because then you can line them up better does that make sense that makes sense okay I'm doing little tips for people who've never done this before but all in all if you were to fight he's following the instructions so hey good good thank you for the tier two sub it's good before we get to undo the Let's uh dude undo let me just undo I was I was doing the undo these twisty ties so many mystery0114 wants to know was Roby a good kid when he was when he was younger Justin was a very good child I was annoying I was annoying I do know that Dad said I was annoying only at your wedding you were annoying I was annoying I was annoying at my wedding what does that even mean he said it he said he said I mean it's I think that's kids in general yes kids in general are annoying sometimes yes we get annoying especially with your own kids you're like come on but I think it's just payback for being kids he didn't pay I was the one I was a hellacious kid no I was not hellacious kid I was not a hellacious kid no Justin was actually very very calm good kid all my kids were good yeah if I had to say teenagers or teenagers yeah that's that that's dad being politically correct yeah let them be kids but they will get in trouble I can tell you that yeah no matter how you try as a parent let them get in trouble let them pay the consequences and then you're good unless it's murdering people then don't let them do that yeah don't let them kill people [Laughter] hold it up just in doing is installing it hold on Dad unscrew that you want that over there remember this they show the the inside that you want the logo the right direction we're here checking his work guys uh let's see if we can find a cool way to do this you guys can see them a little bit better here okay so let's have you install them this way and I'll I'll come to that side here we go okay so then you'll run this through here like they were showing they all go to the same slot oh one goes up at the top okay there you go now here you come over here and then I will hold it right here for you tell me where to hold it so that way you can get it screwed in it's good is that good yep uh dang pop is gonna be able to take us all down with all the frames this thing is gonna push dude yeah I mean this is a legit PC that he's got right here 40 70 TI 13 700k I mean this is a legit good PC a little higher I I got room I can still move it how is that good that's good okay I'm just I'm I'm a second pair of hands and don't forget guys you can enter to win one of these if you want to uh if you head over to I think we can go and try and enter to win one of their giving one of these kits away this exact kit is being given away so if you want to go check that out right down as far as it goes I guess it is if there it does go if does it show more okay yeah okay there you go I'm glad people are enjoying this and enjoying the stream guys that's what we want this is uh pretty intense yeah it has never done this before this is pretty intense but you're having fun I am having fun now you're just putting his stuff in okay yeah the screws got a little bag okay you got a little bag of screws okay he's putting in more he's getting them all screwed in you saw that pretty quick you just got the screws in okay you're putting it you put it up there okay I'm not helping him if Papa can do it so can I and I think I'm almost his age if not older yeah he's only 35. yeah I look old for my age origin piece yeah origin PC CEO is uh so we got Kevin celebrating the fact we're putting in some RGB fans right now love the RGB RGB let's see if we can get those hundred Subs guys see if we get that last goal let's celebrate uh let's celebrate Papa Ruby tech let's get a little Sub sub thing going for him okay you got one more fan right one more fan we're gonna celebrate come and celebrate with me okay one more fan dad he's putting oh he'll only this will be the last of the fans like The Last of the Mohicans but the last the fans oh wow okay he's routing it that way is that easier that way no no you're doing great Okay computer Whisperer dropping five gifted Subs celebrating Papa Ruby Tech four more screws thank you very much for that uh computer whisper that's amazing are you guys feel like you're learning from this too I mean like are we showing you guys how to I mean like again you're watching him build this wait where's that okay it's coming out for the rock you're good hoping you guys are enjoying this and showing this stuff off this is what he does I mean like well I mean sorry he doesn't build PCS but he supports us right like an all in all like so he's definitely he's definitely uh I love how he just like kind of Dives in like there's like no there's no there's no uh I'm behind the scenes guy if I see something needs to be done I do it yeah quintus says I'm learning from this build I am too this is before now you know what I do all the time this is pretty intense all right three fans four fans are in okay okay so it says we've got all you've got all the RGB so let's turn around and show people where the we're gonna be at this camera right here let's show people what you got dad it looks actually pretty clean yeah he's got his motherboard and another fan in the back that's exhaust fan one thing we are gonna do because we're not monsters guys one thing we're gonna do is we are going to put cable extensions in because we we don't I don't like I don't know I don't like I don't like sticky cables you know you don't have this again you have the option of doing this this is going to be an optional step what color would you think we should have that what do the cable extensions do well they don't do all they do is they make the cables look pretty oh okay so we're just got like we're gonna we're gonna replace two of the cables with because we're gonna replace all the cables except for oh we got a 40 series we even have a 40 series one what do you will make it black but what do you want the what do you want the cables yeah they add color and stuff you got so if you're gonna do a color see let's do black I think black and red black and red okay black and red Papa Ruby Texas black and red for this build so we'll do black and red it's a black case I'm gonna do black and red okay foreign cables to throw in with this I will be super clear this will be the best looking the best looking of all the of all of the DIY PCS that got all of the Corsair build kits this will be the best looking of them for sure that's the way we roll here we're gonna mod it up a little bit hey Tina says I was thinking black and red and you heard me okay here we go okay black and red it is so we got some black and red cables here from easy easy DIY this is an optional step if you're gonna do this this is just to make the PC look better everything's pretty yeah see so they're going to make it look nicer so that what I'm going to show you I'm going to show you guys how to do we're going to show you how to do this part which is these take what to take take place of what they're gonna so you'll see when we when you hook them up okay what I'm going to show you is what you're going to you're gonna take this and you're gonna put oh Pop those on on every so I'll do the first one and you can do the other ones and all you're gonna do this every set of red and black red and black yeah and this is this what this does is you'll see versus the the cables that they have which are like just ugly this is like we're all about showcase PCS now uh PC uh CEO is probably like uh sorry Kevin's probably like Ruby that's not the kit but you know what I just I can't I just can't have a pce that gets built by a Robotech individual that doesn't have that doesn't look extra pretty okay so you're gonna put all those four on and then just put them all so just take each of time and then while you're doing that I'll do the other one that you need so what do these little ones were for the small ones you want to make sure they're on the top that is all the same thing okay okay we're splitting these in right now Mike got your mic got a bit quiet okay I'll take a look at it it doesn't oh you know what I know why hold on battery right now okay should be better now there we go I might got a bit quiet because my battery died on the receiver there we go okay we're gonna get all those yeah we got stream remember put dad you're putting the wrong way wrong way it's probably the hardest part right here put these things on yeah it's not hard it's just it's just appropriately challenging yeah [Music] appropriately challenging is the right is the right word and because we're installing extensions gonna have that one put in and then everything else will be the same because this is like the one thing that's a bonus right of like doing something like this is that you still get to have the PC DIY side of this so you can still make a PC look pretty but at the same time you also get to you know you still get the benefit of all of the stuff that comes with the fact that you get all the pre-built and the and all the stuff like that so yes this is tedious here I'll do the I'll get I'll get you the last one so we can keep going with the rest of build okay so that I I you you did it you did so what did this replace so there's a cable up at the top that you're gonna you'd regularly plug in but I just plugged that one in instead I need you see it they're plugged into the fan no no see up here so yeah I plugged in the motherboard where a PSU part would normally go but we'll you'll see when we get to that part of the steps so we haven't we haven't we all we did was replace we're going to replace cables with prettier cables that's all we're doing okay cool and this is something that you don't get like one thing I do like about if you were to buy versus buying like a uh just a pre-built from this like with the DIY kit a nice little you know you talk about the upgrades and the remix it's like now we can remix this and just make it look that much better with additional cables and all that stuff okay so we got that we got cable extensions in now okay so what is the next step dad we're going to play okay hold on guys next one hold on we're close hold on hold on guys he is finished with video number two Neil sir Neil Neil Neil you are now dubbed a full Squire of the PC Building realm sir a PC early romance he has finished video two video two video two is now completed and he is now on to video three which is up next okay so we have finished people's fan Cable Management okay that it's time for Justin's favorite part yep Cable Management uh cable routing and cable management okay so it is basically saying refer to your motherboard manual okay but let for the sake of brevity guys this so what it's saying is it refer to the motherboard manual which is where it would tell him to put all of these cable connections but I'm gonna be in this case I will be his virtual motherboard his brother virtual motherboard manual which you know which this is something you're saying it does say in the instructions and I'll show you right here Broken Dreams where is it say hold on well those are the bigger cables at the bottom I'm going to show you what it says here so there it is right there at the bottom you can see where it says refer to motherboard manual so we're going to do that what we're going to do is I'm going to use motherboard manual but again we're going to show him what to do here okay so let's it's selling I know it's telling you to connect we're going to show you that hold on hold on okay I'm gonna be the motherboard manual I'm going to be the motherboard manual so I'm not going to help you okay you're going to set it back up so you people can see what you're going to do here okay okay so first thing we're going to do is we're just going to un we're in the back we're just taking out all the cable stuff and just making sure you have no cable management okay okay so first thing we're gonna do we're going to do USB 3.2 which is that cable right there okay okay the connector is right here Dad so come over here the connector is right here which it would point in the motherboards you're going to route that okay and you're going to plug it now be be careful with this yeah you want to just be really flip it the other way see how there's a little Notch yeah there you go yeah you want it's going to be really cautious plugging that in because you can't bend cable okay good good all right okay that's it okay let's pull that through and not twist it here okay there's that one so this would tell you to move okay next up that dad's got in his hand USBC okay let me show you where that goes see this connection right here Dad let me get it unwrapped here first okay see right here that's your USBC oh hold on let me go to side view hold on they can't see okay okay hold on real quick real quick wait wait hold on that wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait BC hold on wait wait wait wait okay here we go yeah a light okay here we go so you guys can see inside of the case and I can see inside the case there you go so you see the those silver doesn't matter which way it goes up or down it'll only fit in one way well that's not the right way I guess it's in that way okay there we go so we got that now pull that straight well keep it straight okay straight okay now next on the list is and we're using our Elgato key light all right next on the list is gotta be this one what is that one okay this is HD audio so it's going to go in right here in this hole see my face see my finger yep gonna put it right there and it's gonna go in the far left corner and it only goes in one way see how there's like a missing pin far left far left bottom left yep oh there's a missing pin okay and then on the cable you can see the missing pin and missing pin it's gonna go right way right sorry I'm gonna go right there right there as I said which one's missing see on this there's a top one yep so this top one is missing right there so it's going to go yeah just like that yeah you see below below here we go okay let me see no no the bottom one died this one not that you plugged in the top one it's gonna go on the bottom one it's below start at the bottom so okay what's the top one for that is an LED hey koalas are having a great night manual for this section and this would show you where all this stuff is in the motherboard manual okay there you go guys got it plugged in he's got it plugged in at the bottom okay next up what's the other one okay those these right here these small cables no no no these right here okay okay so these are your front panel connectors okay take these and these are gonna plug in this is gonna be hard so these are gonna plug in right here um so I'm going to show you okay so they're labeled but it's really tiny labeling so I'm going to show you a different way to do this let's here pull this route those through make this whole like okay we gotta pull it all through okay and then we're gonna do is we're going to lay it on its back okay hold on let me go to top down dad and let me zoom in because we're gonna make I'm not gonna I need you to I need you to be able to solve this you got to build the Helen zoom in real quick do you see the lettering on the little writing on the cables themselves or yeah sales on the cables and then also on the motherboard this is power LED power LED so see underneath that really small power LED power LED okay so power plus and minus plus is in the far left and minus is right next to it so start with power plus and minus four plus okay we're gonna go to side view so you guys can see it's a little it's hard because he's gonna block it guys I'm trying to give you guys the best angle this is the most probably difficult part here so power Power Plus is going to go in the far top the top left Power Plus and then right next to it goes power minus so plus is on the on the left side plus is on the top left yes you wanna hold that for you and it goes the other way nope turn yeah so top the the K the writing goes up at the top and so that one is going to go right top top and then turn it again it's going to go like that okay yeah I would not have read that I would have read Plus on the other side there you go and then minus goes right next to it and it's got to go top up just like that I like the other one other side yeah to the to the this is a tough one guys this is a tough one this is probably one of the hardest parts but he's gonna do it can we get some hype in the chat because everybody knows this is one of the hardest parts the front panel connectors yeah minus is going to go over here on that side right maybe you should get that minus in first yeah it might be yeah what this is a minus goes in first next to it it went too low no and then up up one more nope nope up that's the last one up Dad great top row yeah that's one of the minus over there I'm putting the minus in yeah I know top row one oh one over here oh so it'll be right next to it then yes yeah right now I was putting it across from it yeah yeah no right next to it okay that looks right that is right okay let me see hey he's got power plus minus okay so this is what you did so you did Power Plus and power minus next to that is the power switch which is power ground so you see how it says power switch so next to the power plus minus comes the power switch which would be right here so that's going to go right next to power plus and minus put the label up yep good job okay and then what's the last one reset switch right yeah and that goes right underneath the power switch so right underneath it see how it's reset is literally power switch right underneath that right below it is a reset switch oh underneath on the other side of it yep on the bottom oh okay I see it so there's two pins underneath the power switch yeah you're gonna put that underneath there yeah how am I gonna get that underneath there you could do power switch out and put that one in first yeah okay this is like what really makes you a PC Builder gee me okay then power switch goes above okay that they should re-engineer that they did they have here okay this is like this is like legit Dad this is Dad already saying so I will say there love it dad's like they need to re-engineer that uh dad like getting in there and going from there but now they what they do uh yeah there's some motherboards but a lot of cases now come with a single panel like what you did with the HD audio and then you just plug that in and it just goes in one at a time but you did it Dad I mean that is like a rite of passage that honestly guy I don't think I could have done that honest yes you could you just like you would have you would have looked at the video you left the manual word we're streaming but I okay I that is a big moment for any PC builder for when somebody actually accomplishes that correctly so I'm a huge shout out to Dad for getting that done because that is not let's be honest that is not an easy task if you've ever done that before yeah and they're not as used so I'm gonna give him how a huge shout out for that let me zoom out and I'll show you all the stuff he's hooked up so you guys can see this because it's a little bit harder so what he hooked up is our USB 3.2 yep and what this is done is this is the connections up here for the USB right this is your USBC e and this is to the top connection for USBC okay this is your front panel connectors which is like now dad knows he's like I hate those uh they're your power buttons so your power button and then your light through your power button and then this is your HD audio and your HD audio is actually so you can plug in audio up here so that's what you plugged in and then you have your pump Cable in there but he's got all his cables routed really quick and then the only other thing he's got hooked plugged in and you can't see it but up at the very top he's got his red and black he's actually got his red and black uh CPS connection plugged in as well so anyway that is a huge deal Dad wow uh yeah there you go uh and going for there so let us real quick hydrate oh yeah thank you let's do a little hydrate let's take a moment guys make sure you head over to robytech live hit that Thumbs Up Button uh because he is killing it got real info for new Builders yeah but um take you have to take the time on that one unless you're by yourself and I've never done it before that's going to take some and like us and for those people who are curious what I was showing Dad I'll show you this it's it's hard to show but inside they were telling you in that video to reference the motherboard manual so in the motherboard manual he was looking at this I'll zoom in on it so you guys can see that oh so right here is the front panel header right here and so there's your power plus and minus your power your reset switch and your power switch now on the if you're in there and you're doing this yourself this is all the labels so it actually has everything labeled so we're saying here's our USB 3.2 USBC HD audio and there's your front panel connection so this is what they're telling you in the book in the in the actual uh manual to reference when you're doing this so to speak so that's what they're saying from there so that was honestly that was probably one of the things that I was most legit concerned about when you get to that because it just takes it takes some time so yeah a lot of people are saying I hate those things they are not easy to install so good job dad you've done it okay okay so we're going back to the capture device let's see what's next okay so you know that yep that's the RGB controller okay so here we go now this is so now we need is one of those yep there's how many one two three four there's exactly six okay so let's flip this over flip the whole case over we're gonna start working on cable management turn it all the way over all right flip it this all right so flip it this way okay we gotta deal we gotta deal with this nightmare okay so what it's saying it they're telling you to put it they're actually telling you to put it um right here over here but let's see let's take a look at where your links are so let's yeah what we're gonna do is right now we're gonna kind of put all all the cables and kind of get them out of the way uh where is okay zoom out a little bit okay so let's get all of these so let's for now what we're gonna do let's let's do some simple stuff because this is like uh Cable Management stuff so okay these are your AIO fans okay okay let's take this and then this is this is all your front panel so what we're gonna do right now dad is we're gonna get this stuff under control yep so let's pull what we're gonna do is we're gonna kind of create a a spine so to speak so let's go and get this stuff back into here and then kind of get this stuff back down and by cable managing this stuff we'll get this stuff kind of out of the way okay go ahead and do the next one pull every make sure that don't be here for this one okay so actually hold on before we do that stop stop let's do this because we want to make sure these stay straight yeah see this is what we have right now okay let's not do this one what are we making straight here so here so I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring this stuff up okay because you want this to be at a right angle and I'm going to show them on the side this is stuff that this is we're gonna we're gonna add some Advanced building stuff at the same time so what we're doing is inside here hold on let me grab that light what do I do with that light oh here it is let me bring this light in so this is just a little advanced stuff if you want to make this look better and you're watching this you see this right here I've got these cables so what we want to do dad is we want to keep these here so now pull these in and then like this now cable flip that under push that under tighten that okay what that does is now when you look over here Dad when you look on the front so now you've got this so these are going to stay they're going to stay nice and clean so that's what we fixed right here yep no wobbling okay so now we'll go back to top down so when you look at the top down now guys you'll see he's got a little bit of a bubble but that's so we can keep the cables and then for these what you want to do is you just want to make sure that this stuff is like here and George George is watching right now he's like it's like Ruby cable manager doesn't matter yes it does through cool now what we can do with this stuff is this is like your extra kind of cable stuff what we'll do right now yeah just zip tie just put that like that and they gave you clippers for it so go ahead and just zip tie that right there in this Center this is this is father-son Duo cable management okay you want to clip that okay question you can do this zip time in zip time in guess the count of them is it going to be even or odd is the question we can give me that zip tie down okay so we are going to start our stuff to see if we're going to use an even or odd number of zip ties so that is going in here so what we're gonna do is dad's gonna we're coming to see what he's going to use so uh the vote is going to be available for you to earn some some Channel points okay so uh last thing it's going to work we're going to want to do is we're gonna now we can take let's find out where all of our cables so we want the see these ones that say two RGB says two RGB Hub we want all of those two two RGB two RGB or it should be six of them yes there's three here four five okay let's turn these again okay so we got six right here okay so it looks like from it uh then you're oh it's there's one two oh there's one right here missing one right out of this there it is is that one yep okay so let's see when I when I would look at this I would say the best place to put this is up here so let's what I'm gonna have you do is put it off the side and let's put this well let's make sure because it's all this like little bonus stuff guys you want to make sure the USB reaches okay so we're gonna open this up okay so if you put that here let's put that down it's not gonna stick yet right but we're here put if we put it up there put it up there how would they see that USB cable that reach nicely down over here no not that the USB yeah that right there okay so we probably want to put it right I think right there would be okay okay cool so we're gonna stick it right there so we're going to put your sticky on it's gonna be two of them you only need you only need one you only have six yet it says you might need one with this one you only need one okay so you got six RGB fans just stick it out in the back put it in the center there we go this is a little Advanced tips like if you did it exactly like they did we're gonna we are making sure the cable routing looks good is really kind of what we're focused on here too okay so there we go so here is take these three and then oh let me see if there's there's one two three yeah no no no this one okay there's two and then here's your third and they just probably go popping right there one two three yeah just like he shows in the video two and three oh wait hold on there you go there it is okay there's all your V okay there's those before you go to the next ones what we're gonna do this is always a fun thing where we're gonna go ahead and just cable tie cable managers this is stuff they didn't teach you in there but this is stuff that we're gonna we're gonna get a little bit of Roby Tech listing at the same time so let's go and grab a cable zip tie go ahead and zip tie right see this little tie down right here oh yeah okay so put that into the tie down thank you Pro tip here what you can do as a pro tip did you get it yep okay okay just go unzip that oh it's backwards this is Father and Son Father and Son cables cable work package there you go okay and then zip tie that down okay clip that okay one two cables here okay cool okay then we're going to do is go and take another zip tie actually hold on let's do this you still did it right but I'm just gonna this is a little little Pro tip stuff to help if you're watching this and you're wanting to build one of these kits he's going under the other cables yeah just to make it look nicer okay and then we'll do like you had plugged in plug those back in and then what we're gonna do is do this one second hold on okay go ahead and throw one in there okay there we go now we're going to do is we're just going to get these to be straight this little this is a little extra cable management stuff isn't there tie down there no we we won't we won't need a tie down for that so okay and then we'll do one more zip tied down one more aware right here on the on just here on the edge here zip tie right around that again make sure you get all the cables there you go okay guys cable manager we're just gonna make this has got to be the best looking one so we're giving you some education still he's still doing this whole thing I'm just helping him plan his cable management okay there we go go and clip that okay now for the instructions okay so there we go see how much clean look at how clean that looks dude now you gotta get the other three that is Santa yes it is Santa it was the one who played Santa so you're gonna plug in four five and six if you pull on it hard enough it'll come up the one thing we want to do is make sure all these are not Twisted out if you want them all there you go oh and pull it down please far down as it goes okay this it's the works with the cable management area where it goes pretty cool okay now let's do these real quick so we got these we gotta get squared away here let me take the hold these out yep okay okay all we're doing right here is the cable management okay zip tie that right in the middle there we go [Music] okay cool with that one okay so you got some basic cable management trust me this is not this is not Roby tech level but it's it's Roby Tech enough yeah right to get to be okay okay so now we got okay so perfect instructions for the instructions we have hooked up all of our RGB and now we have three fans here we got our USB still and then we've got our two fans there and then we've got our fan here yep and then we have we're missing this oh yeah this is this is for the this is for the AIO and all that sort of stuff so we got some more stuff that we still haven't hooked up yet but that's where we are so dad's got basic cable management here it looks pretty good right can we give look pretty good can we give uh can we give him a shout out that he no you you still all you did all I did was help you route it you still zip tied it and everything else okay so here we go we got more cable ties okay okay so let's go to our capture I think Dad's doing well I think Dad's doing well okay so we stop selling a good amount of cable ties too here cleaning up our area a little bit okay so let's see what's next okay go on to in here what's next okay so we gotta plug in our USB things so uh hold on hold on this is this is the USB okay so we have USB here okay so it said take this USB that go and put it right down here I'm gonna hold on let's go to top down so you guys can see what I'm doing it's going right so it's gonna go right through here just like that okay and then you're gonna take this USB and also route that right through there all right I think again and flip it over again there's your USB plugs right there for the motherboard on your motherboard manual so you can figure out how to plug those in but they go in these two ports right here sure let's turn on the light form so this one and this one yep yep they both go they the USB should point up how's he doing orange how's he doing Kevin is he doing good that's pretty simple yeah these ones plug in uh he actually works as part of the robitech team he is uh executive producer on Roby Tech he basically uh he worked in the Air Force and he's done a ton of different jobs but now he works for uh us for for us full time okay and then you can just hold the power button down okay I'm blind okay so let's cable manage those get those squared away and then we'll do the next step that was on there so these are the two so this is it right here so what we're going to do here the way that I have a tendency to do this is just try and slide it right through there yeah we'll just do we'll just do it yeah let's do and then we'll for this one we're gonna want to run these is down here okay so let's not do this okay so what it said next was take the fans these two fans yep and they plug into your two fans uh the two fan connectors here so let's go right there uh They Want to Know What You Did In The Air Force dad I was in uh military intelligence for about 20 years I worked on aircraft maintenance for a couple years but uh Military Intelligence flew on the rc-135 reconnaissance missions uh which was pretty pretty crazy I did that for about six years in Omaha Nebraska and Okinawa Japan in support of strategic intelligence okay and the last thing we're going to do is see this cable right here this one right here you're going to route that up there and then route it just route it through and then we'll pull it down on the other side okay flip this over and find that cable there it is you see it uh went way over here that's why it's a better thing it is around it like this across the top okay okay so there is a the see where it's at I gotta be your motherboard manual here hold on real quick you need your CPU connection for your hold on one second let me look at this I'm trying to find the CPU header for the fan okay I'm gonna find it on the manual wow can't find it I need a CPU this is for your pump header and stuff so there's a couple over here a couple guns over here there's pins over here it's like three pins in a row oh okay it's over here okay that's awesome okay so it's actually over here buy this it's no that's not it that's your art that's your light okay I gotta find the we're trying to find the CPU header for the motherboard for the four oh they're over there it's right there okay so yeah okay actually hold on let's run that a different way then okay so let's lift that up pull that cable out okay let's scoot it and then we're gonna route it through this this side here this little hole up here oh no yeah that's it yeah yeah pull that through here right here rtfm what does that mean yeah it'll cool if they're uh yeah it'll cool 13-7 a 240 will kill a third cool 13-7 yeah okay okay okay so now what we've done I'm going to top down so you see where it says uh AIO pump and plug that into AIO pump or actually here was only three oh that's it that's okay that's fine it's just it goes where the see how there's a little lip around it and there's a little plastic bin put it where that little there you go okay cool and then we're gonna pull that top so hide that as much as humanly possible be really careful about not pointing too tight but yeah it looks like okay hold on does that look good is it still straight yep it's good I really hate that cable I wonder if this is home we're gonna check one thing let's try and run it this way up to the bottom because then you can hide it behind the GPU that actually looks like it'll look better don't you yeah okay so we're gonna so we just made a Command Decision okay so that's all of these Okay cool so what we can do now is we can cable manage this Dad let's have your cable manage this so you can come over here 's some cable ties what we did is we decided to route that to the bottom guys it'll just look a little bit better what about oh these are openings we'll get that yeah we'll worry about those here in a second okay have to probably do this on this side here okay let's just make sure that okay there's that no okay here Dad you want to grab a zip ties and put them over there for you okay go ahead and zip tie one up there oh let's go to top down to you guys and see what we're doing there we go foreign just getting his little bit of so there's all this cable stuff that's nice and clean that's going to be for power and this is going to be for something okay so let's go ahead and zip tie that little thing that little thing together okay there we go okay and then what we'll do for this last thing here go ahead and do one zip tie right here sorry all right you should see how many zip ties they gave us because we're we got more there's more in the PSU yes you're good that's like Dad's getting nervous about the zip ties welcome to my one there don't worry I know where all the zip ties are hidden we're good okay and then okay okay we're gonna do another zip tie right here we go did we lose origin did we lose Kevin from origin one more go ahead and zip time right there a little bit all those together oh he's still here how's it looking Kevin he's getting some cable he's getting some cable management instruction but I'm not how I'm trying very not hard not to help him just help me with cable management so don't get mad you gotta make sure this looks good you know the backwards that looks like it's backwards here we go all right okay guys uh how are we doing all likes on YouTube we're trying to get him a job we're going to try we got to make sure PJ's cool with uh with this too it's got to look good enough okay so according to this Dad so this is your power for this is your power for this these are your power cables you've got a I say this looks really good for somebody's first cable managed PC the only thing we haven't been told yet is what to do with all these fan cables go yet so we got our fan cables this is all fans and then we got this fan cable so we got to figure out we got four four left four left the other fans are all hooked up and good to go so I'm just gonna have to say like this looks pretty good for somebody's first one um are we out of zip ties nope we're here one left hey what go ahead and let's go and zip tie this uh see that little you're gonna have to like do some like trickery to get that to get it started does that make sense yep okay I'm not help I'm not doing this stuff it's like it as much as I want to jump in and help him it's like he's got to do this you know you get it got it okay cool and then I'll put this in here tie that down what plugs into this that'll be one of the PSU cables that you'll learn about power yeah it'll be power later this is this is you different than the instructions I mean we're doing we're adding some DIY elements to this always okay okay so now we've done all of the stuff they've told us so far so let's go jump back to the video the four fans we've done this got that available okay okay so it says now we just gotta find all these other places that we can plug in see if you uh we plug in other uh other fan headers okay that's what it's saying so let's go let's flip this over flip the case over flip it the other way so it's like this yeah there you go let's find all the places where we got we got fan headers we gotta find four fan hitters dad we got one two band three and then we've got one there that's the four one so we got one two three and then four okay okay so what those little buggers got to go in there yeah so what we should do so what we'll do is we'll see so we gotta run two fans down uh two fans down to the side okay so let's let's go to side here I'm gonna hand it here we'll run them we'll run all the fans this one goes this one is let's see how long it is we'll go up the thing here it might it Dad it's just long enough come over here and okay so let's that one's just long enough let's go to side you're going to plug that into that CPU fan you see it up above the AIO one uh let's follow the other cable oh the other cable and it goes above it oh I don't know it's not going to fit it will yeah I'm pulling pretty much is it not it's let me see I thought it looked like it was length I don't think so We're not gonna make it nope you're going to make it okay well let's do this let's do this then hold on because I got it pulled pretty tight it's not going to go all right here you go do it on the one underneath it okay did you get it okay he's getting that one in how are we doing likes on YouTube guys and guys can we get those let's get those last let's get 100 let's get to 100 gift card for Dad we can do it except we only have 73 likes on YouTube guys come on there's 370 people here right now okay so these two so let's grab our longest ones so grab our longest ones and then where are those headers those fan headers where are they here or are they here you see them down at the bottom which hole are they closest to them right there right there okay okay so yeah run those through right there and hook those both up to that there's one we got one more fan hitter left down that's it okay okay and the other one is the other one's gonna be right there okay so where is it right here okay Dad at this point in time all of your major connections are done we just got to do a little bit more cable management okay okay so let's get what we need is more zip ties at this point in time right yep okay because we're out of zip ties we still have to install our wireless card we don't know where that's at wait how are we here okay hold on one side one second you get some more zip ties out of the PSU dad's art Dad's doing his own cable manager guys I'm looking out he's already he's already grown to the point where he's like I will do my own Cable Management Roby Tech be danged look at him okay we got some more zip ties there let's see what we got here another spot right here let's what you're trying to do is try and run them straight and then over so why don't we do this yeah we'll do this come on cable managed to Cable tie that in oh can you hit top down over on the button here it says top down top there you go okay woo dad changing scenes now let me zip tie that down okay okay so this is all going up here so I'll clean that up and then what we'll do here is we'll just get this into like a you can do like a few times something else we can go underneath here there you go let's try our best to get these all it takes a little bit these are you got to get them pliable yeah because they're not very pliable right now get pliable cables okay go ahead and cut that's pretty good I like it dad's like that that was pretty good okay one more cable thing that we'll do after you cut those two okay is go ahead and grab and zip tie this one up here so that'll that'll trap all this stuff into there let me tie that one see there's a cable tie up there in the top just tie that in and then get you see those two cables back there I'm gonna try to get under him but yeah you want to get under you can pull them out to get to get them out and then there you go whoa we got a brace on rain why why hello Ray Thorne how are you man we got how's it going get swarmed how you doing sir we got raid height going on here we're we are combining the world of Bray Thorn with um with uh both pre-built and with uh DIY here because we're showing off what is essentially a pre-built DIY PC see that in there no there you go and then those are all pushed in all right cool what do you think of what do you what do you think Papa Roby Tech's first cable management job guys I'm just saying he's looking this is looking pretty good pretty dang good for one's first cable management job I just got to say for if especially we're talking about Corsair basically Corsair fans this is a Corsair system which anytime we're doing Corsair that's there's a lot more uh cleanup that usually has to go with something like this so I'm just saying he's he did a pretty dang good job okay so we got this done now so this is the for those of you guys are joining us this is the new Corsair BLD kit so these are um essentially DIY pre-builts that they send you all the parts and then we're following the instructions to install everything and we are testing this with Papa roaming Tech and so just to show you guys how clean his build looks so far here we go this is the build as it stands thus far so we'll go side view here and then we'll we'll add a little bit of uh oh there it is yeah we'll add a little bit of light so you guys can see what it looks like so far but this is his build so far looking I just got to say looking pretty clean he's done a really good job in terms of the key like keeping cables clean everything's pretty much at right angles like even the down bottom looks bot looks looks pretty clean so you did a really good job for his first PC and so he has never built a PC before so that is what we're working on right now so we are okay let's go back to the video power supply okay guys guys he's finished another another section another section is completed okay Neil sir Neil Neil his next his next section is done I dubbed the first night of the PC Building realm so I'm just saying he's doing really good so far from Squire tonight he went for yeah I mean you've been you've been upgraded really quick here he's like a knight of the uh a night of the realm here so far knighted around okay so we do we are gonna add one thing that is not in the video and that is this cable Dad okay so what you're gonna do let's go to side cable side view this cable is going to plug in right into that really big that really big place there yep doesn't matter which way is up or down it's only going to go yeah it's gonna go that way yeah just like that we're adding cable extensions and give it a good solid push okay okay is it in it clicked it's not coming out okay yeah it goes back yeah it goes back through there foreign keep rolling keep rolling oh here let's and then what we can do with the cables oh here let's do this so one of the things we did so let's push these like much closer yeah you probably don't need a fourth here so we'll get rid of this one okay and I'll throw you that cool okay pull up pull up pull okay there we go okay there we go look at that dad looks pretty nice right got some red in there got a pop of red in there now this was his choice for color the same this has to be the best Corsair BLD looking kit on the Block and the other other BLT kits must be jealous of this build okay so we're gonna do now just to make sure that this sticks because we need to make sure this stays up we're gonna do one more no you need no no you need one of these because we're adding cable extensions okay here you go over here top down dad you didn't even get the whole thing man oh where's your clips I missed he missed that still counts as a dead a dead zip tie though okay yeah the beginning okay there should be another one where was it let me grab my haircut okay there you go oh there you go that looks better got it all yep you know okay there we go hey GPU PSU yeah we're on PSU so if you want to grab your PSU dad I'm a PNY 4070 TI No that's your that's your GPU PSU okay PSU oh I heard GPU I'm sorry PSU and GPU installation is what we're on now okay so going to static here okay you hand me the little box and stuff okay there you go the book little book cables cables which you'll need okay so he's taking out his PSU nice compact PSU whoa whoa don't drop it how does it smell like uh [Laughter] smells good uh the it's the capacitors the capacitors are different in the E versus the X and the other one so that's what the difference is okay so there we are we're on we're on this video right here okay okay so it says you've already done that yep okay so it says let's see what you got in here okay motherboard PCI CPU okay so here's what we're gonna hook up okay so here's where it is we're on Dad's dad's connection right here he's already got his 24 pin and everything else so we're gonna we're gonna so you need a 24 pin but we already got that so we'll unload this foreign okay and then they said you need a some SATA which you'll need two so it doesn't go that way we'll hold we'll just get we're gonna get the cables we want to set that down for now yeah here's your there's your Sato one okay then you need a CPU yep okay there's your CPU and then you'll need we'll need two of these motherboard okay all right now what you need is these again so these are like this yep okay so let's go to top down let you start plugging in those foreign 250 guys let's get those likes in there you go these two are the same yep they just plug into those yep there we go not that one yeah it'll be the it'll say it'll see there you go for that one yeah you got these two still huh [Music] and then that one other side oh here yeah where the three pins are okay now what we got to do is see that you want to slip that in here other way so the fan goes towards the bottom and then this is gonna flip like this oh it goes like that okay oh it goes like keep flipping there you go all right there you go and sometimes what helps with this is yeah just pull all these cables out and then silicone you can move that around those cables twist like that oh there's oh you got a cable stuck under there you go there you go I'll put it back in okay go to side view there you go okay and then you where'd you do with the PSU cable the the screws it came with screws the PSU did I saw them oh they're ready PSU cables PSU screws screws okay there you go and those are gonna go you see the hole there and I would so my my the advice that they said on there is just don't tighten them all though like be smart about as like kind of get them started and then and then like tighten them down after you hey there you go don't tighten them all yeah just get them all in there first there you go it is a modular PSU yes it is how's he doing guys how's robitex Dad doing is he doing good you've got like three screws there's gonna be four yeah oh there it is that's it okay they need to tighten them all down okay guys this is exhausting what do you mean so one other thing that we're adding one thing that we're going to add that is different as well is we're going to add just to make it look pretty we're going to be adding a different uh cable extension for the color for the cable stuff so uh what they've already done is they've hooked up all of their power stuff so we're going to be doing that a little bit different because we have cable extensions so which they they did not have for there so take your big one and that's going to plug into this yep it only goes one way so let's see if I'm right first time and notice I did not help him there we go okay so there's that that one's in okay let's go ahead and zip tie that I gave there was a big one big one right here it was right there oh that's backwards there we go okay there's that there's our big power cable okay next up so we're gonna grab our CPU one which is this one right here and that's going to plug into right here right there yep and again only one way yeah okay so this one what I like to do for the cable manager for this is I like to create like a little stack on top here it's going to mix that so it covers the other one so we have some small ones right here here we go you just kind of make sure you're through the bottom one too cool there we go okay cut that okay now the other one that's really easy is talking about the satis so you have these two SATA right here those don't go into this it goes into this right here yeah the ones with the funky ending yep the funky in there's one goes you can see they're like an L so you just want to play they only go in one way too see how there's an L on here there you go one and you got one more just going yep goes into oh yeah this is Jay's chain there's a bunch oh they're just days changed together okay there we go okay so now you can just get this cleaned up what I have a tendency to do is just turn it into a nice ball of cable you have it long enough there you go okay cram that in there down like that so it looks good okay so now we're going to do something a little bit different because we know that it's going to use a 16 pin so for these what we're going to do is we're actually going to run a cable extension on these for the 16 Pin cable because we just don't want that ugly adapter because that would be gnarly so we have a special 16 pin connection so we're going to use this easy DIY 16 pin adapter that's going to turn this into a a prettier prettier connection for our 40 our 4070 TI okay so what we only need to use three of those so we're going to plug so yeah you're gonna plug I'm gonna hold these out they only go one way see how the clips at the top Clips at the top there's a clip on the other side oh okay there you go you gotta make sure this this one actually has to go in right before like this and then just go to the knife okay and then this one yep and then we have one more two this one too you're gonna plug that one in okay he's just making sure the cable is connected you got to make sure that that little clip goes in the up so it looks like this well you got to make sure it Clips up so like this has got to be on there there you see how it holds now okay now plug it in no I didn't saw push okay there you go and then one more okay he's plugging in his last cables there there he goes that's right that one holds really nice that was easier okay cool now we know this is going to run through here in a minute so we're gonna have to make like a nice little storage thing for this one because this one is going to be a big chunky piece chunky cables but we got well we're not going to Cable manage this quite yet because this is going to go up here we don't know how it's going to run okay so we'll just run into the motherboard no that cooks the GPU okay so you got that one ready to go so now I'll be honest guys this Cable Management he is pretty close to pretty much finished he's just gotta so we've done this so let's go back to the video so you slid it in yep okay art let me just say let me just say let me look at that cable management guys and look at this cable management look at that look at that cable management may not be done yet and look at this Cable Management I am just saying look at that cable management and then look at this Cable Management just saying ours looks significantly cleaner just saying okay yeah we didn't finish we're not done okay PCI cards okay just saying Corsair we're just gonna put this like this for now and then we'll flip it over flip it over on the back flip it over on the other side yeah I'm getting heavier well yeah now it's got the PSU in it and let's rotate it oops there's a screwdriver okay let's go to top down okay so now what you're gonna do is we have to install our extra said now it's time to install the wife the the PCI devices yep oops Okay so um we're gonna remove okay let's look at our our devices okay so you got here we go let's go static we got this here's our Wi-Fi card okay this is the best to go top down or well there's a slot there okay so okay hold on hold on let's figure this out here so this might be why they wanted you to do the yep okay so we have that's why they gave you the USB thing so I have to rewire that okay good to know okay so you need a lit you see how there's a little what this re fit there's a little one like that you see that yep right there okay so we're going to want to unscrew the the device right there next to it okay here okay let's go to top down yeah so that one here you go let me screwed tight yeah they're they're screwed really tight no this is a b660 so it does not have a Wi-Fi chip in it okay go ahead and slide that in and then screw that down I have done this before when we had our first computer back in way back in the 90s yeah when you did the uh sound card Sound Blaster that help with the sound blaster that's right that's the memory flashback that's way that's way back in the day okay so we have this this cable which is unique which is why they get now it makes more sense I was like whatever they give us a USB hub well now I know why they give us USBS you want to throw that in the Box over there so they gave us this Dad which we have not installed and I now know why they gave it to us okay so go ahead and why did they get this too because we have three USB and we only have two here oh so now we gotta we gotta we're gonna have to do a little rewiring here yep we'll see what it takes safety you want to hand me the safety stuff okay no cable so there's a what do we got for cables that's our to put in the warts a sticky yeah so these are this is a unit so this is a USB hub which I didn't know actually Corsair made um so what this does is we have we have an extra power kit we got to plug in and we got a USB we got to plug into this so let's flip it back over I would flip it so you yeah there you go like that let's not put it on the laptop there Cannon rotate it okay so we we have another USB that has to get plugged in here and so what we have to do is we basically need to undo some of our cable managers so let's go and grab one of those Cutters and then carefully cut this okay and then let's see what else I don't know if we'll have to do anything else let's go and cut this one okay and I think that'll be okay okay so let me see here so what we're gonna do is you have okay on the front here come right here and then go ahead and unplug both of those okay and then we're going to pull them through from the other side hold on go to side view so you guys and see what he's doing okay so what he's doing is because we have a USB hub and everything goes through the USB hub they're going to pull them out okay they're both out yep okay cool let's put this down unless you're gonna plug them in the back now yeah we're gonna plug them into this okay let's go and put him down put it down okay so what we can do which I think would be the right thing to do here I'm going to top down is we're not going to put an SSD so we're going to remove let's remove this SSD spot right here so we're going to take that out okay there we go take this put this over here and mount it right here yeah and then we'll Mount this I'll Mount this right here if you want to take that yes if we unplug those two into there okay I'm going to plug that one in too going we're at the right direction one hole will be filled in yeah there's a little mango in here like oh it's catching on the top oh it's got a top thing for it interesting oh so that one yeah so we'll have to plug this one in the front okay that's fine we'll plug this one in where's the other one go to that's okay that goes into the Wi-Fi card okay so for now oh this is magnetic oh cool that's cool okay so that's magnetic so let's go ahead and grab our go and grab a zip tie unzip tie should be there's a yeah there's a catch right underneath there yeah pull that tight okay cool okay I'm going to pull that okay cool now we're gonna do is we're going to take this this right here on this under here and plug that into one of these ones that is uh one's not used [Music] there you go okay okay now let's go grab a big one real quick fix this last thing back underneath yeah Americans we could do that I don't know why you would feels like a little overkill for this PC okay I'm gonna clip that okay so we're gonna run this right here we're gonna run this okay so what I'm gonna have you do for now we'll keep it standing up here we'll worry about these cable tournament all right so run this through here okay you're gonna plug this you're gonna plug this also into there so remember how that would you need a light yeah okay this is gonna be two of them in there yeah there's gonna be two okay and then the other one is going to go that's going to go down and notice there's a hole so that one will fit okay cool now what we're gonna do pull these tight so they're hidden now we got to do this weird thing dad so we're back to the hub yeah no here come here I'm gonna do this here come here so that plugs in at the end of the cars there which end of the card so if you come here come around this side come come around the table okay you could just do it's harder to see from over there let's go to side view so see how there's a little plug right there [Music] yeah under the card right here okay yeah give me some light there so good oh I see where you see yeah yeah okay on the side of the card yeah I always look under there for it now there's that we're just trying to keep that hidden that's the Wi-Fi that's the Wi-Fi cable so we've got that okay so let's do the last so now we have we've done that's the last bit of these hidden cables here okay okay so just for the sake of keeping things go ahead and grab the big one down it's right over there it's in that bag right there right there he's on the last part guys that was too easy there you go there you go okay try to make this a little bit more clean which I mean all this build actually looks really clean for okay guys this is the last cable so we'll deal with this so we got to turn this over and he's got to do his GPU now hmm okay so if you want to go get your GPU GPU okay nice uh right here zip guys the end of the whole build okay and then they have that really gnarly we don't have to use this because we don't have to use ugly beautiful PNY yeah there it is let's go to let's go to Statics and show it off there it is nice pretty you gotta pull it out dny 40 70 TI that's a good car Dad for not bad for your first PC build yep okay so you got some peeling to do oh that's right peel peel peel peel peels it's the pop appeal yeah the problem is he just cut his nails yep I have no fingernails and there you go yeah good job okay so that's that do more yeah there's one on the back that one yeah here let me see if I can help you with it there you go boom boom okay now you got three slots let me see if that's it oh no there's these of course there are so it's gonna go in this top slot so take out this one this one whoa whoa hold on I think they want you they must they must want this above the GPU okay so again let's remove that go to top down and go and remove that and then we're gonna move it up to the very very top slot this one up here yeah so you're still yeah you're just going to take take all of those those three out foreign all right go ahead and uh grab the GPU here you go that's gonna slide that top slot there oh no where is it at where's the gold stuff what did you knock out oh [Music] [Music] from the inside I can't see the slots there you go that's in there yeah I'm just trying to make sure this isn't bent too far no that's okay it's okay I feel like it's okay okay let's get that screwed in let me have a screwdriver [Music] you got it okay [Music] no it's fine okay cool that was good okay so now plug it in take this cable plugs in right there into that Center make sure it plugs in all the way give it push good push even here click okay good yeah we don't want to get out catching on fire okay so now we do get your combs in there yeah there luckily this one already has the Combs installed so we just this is just about making it look nice so okay there we go nice clean I mean that looks way better than that ugly adapter yeah they're on the top down cool okay so here we go flipping it over just got to get this last big chunky cable covered that's a chunky cable yeah I'm still here hey if you wanna go ahead and wrap that okay there there we go guys okay so his build is officially done there you go what do you think not bad for a cable management job right like it's much cleaner okay we're gonna put the back on that over with that so then you just go like this and push hey there it is a little bit of a bulge but not bad does it have hold on let me see if it's got a grip in the center sometimes they do yeah it's not it's just gonna it's we if we put it on if what if you want a cable train if we wanted to Cable train it which you could we could yeah is you just basically lay it on its back for a while and it'll it'll flatten those flatten out yep so we did this now all right let me let's get the last little major bit done let's clean up our mess dad part of our boxes yep get all our zip ties get all our extra stuff clean these extra zip ties there you go clean make sure everything looks nice this is first ever PC build guys there you go Dad well here we'll get rid of this there you go extra boxes dad extra boxes there you go get it all picked up now I'm gonna put those bars in there yeah if you want to hand me all the hardware I'll put those in there okay okay all right okay let's get our camp we'll get our extra cable manager yeah put that the tool kit away took it away and here it is guys the first live Corsair BLD kit build done completely by Papa Ruby Tech see we got a little bit of a bulge here but like I said if we worked on it I wish there was like grips in the center of this case to like hold it down it is it is getting there but yeah it's gonna get there it'll get there we'll we'll let it sit overnight on the back on its back but yeah oh sorry okay let's get this uh take that you see that white cable down there yep that was small white that no this plugs into that see that small white cable plug that in put this away okay another box another box ing box there's another yellow box there's another this is extra Hardware foreign okay let's do the zip tie game let's take a look at the zip tie game real quick what do you guys think he did a pretty good job right in terms of look and stuff like that uh let's put the rest of your stuff on dad looks pretty good okay that goes on the top Cannon this goes on the front front see how they see the Corsair those are the last on the bottom first oh all the way like down here oh I see it okay Canon that goes on the front okay guys we have a built you see we got tempered glass we'll do the peel here in a minute just go and take a look at it from the front do any more last minute adjustments Dad we want your first PC when it turns on to look click party to look pretty I don't know man that that looks really good you did good you look good okay well then Neil sir Neil sir Neil sir last time for the last time because we dubbed the sir Glenn Papa Roby Tech King of the PC Builders he is here and there it is right there so there it is right there power cable we'll get that done we'll get that we got to do we got to go through our let's let's look at our deals and stuff real quick let's do our checklist we're gonna go through our deals real quick again guys for folks who don't know what we did is this is the the full Corsair BLD kit we were showing how do you guys think he did how do you think he did the listing board does have an m.2 key or Wi-Fi this does not there's no Wi-Fi card on here so I don't know if this is a separate one they did it yeah so apply is a rush to see the fruit of his labors yeah it's not bad you get a 40 Cent 137 11 out of ten people say 11 out of 10 great great job a plus so 10 out of 10 from uh 10 out of 10 from uh the Kevin Kevin said that your uh your invite to work at origin is on the way sorry you can't steal them you can't steal it so there's no Wi-Fi card yeah it's right there will you installed it yeah we installed the way okay so Dad now that you've built your first PC yes what do you because you've never done this no I said it's it's uh pretty taxing on your memory and your brain to figure out where all those cables go and the small cables not the big cables I'm talking about the tiny ones yeah yeah yeah those yeah those two little uh plus and minus those were crazy the the front panel connectors man now you know when I build you've built a hole Yeah and this this is not a not complicated build because this is actually a it's got an AIO I mean this is a 13 7 with a 40 70 rgbt it's not rtb like that's the important thing uh it was like a 40 90 now yeah it's like again yeah it's all it needs is a 40 90 dad says oh yeah with a fart with the RGB it's a 49 uh 40 90. um what do you think of the instructions they were okay they're okay okay they're okay I mean uh if I was doing it myself I would have had to probably watch each video four or five times okay go down stop and back up and stop but uh yeah yeah but I think they they come with everything uh pretty well it's just it went fast really fast yeah I I think it would have been helped have been a manual manual okay a hard copy now okay like some of the uh yeah you building tips come with a almost like a Lego manual okay so but the videos are good but I it would have been nice to actually have something to help okay here it is here it is instead of the manual for them on the board or something so if you think you think every every Corsair kit should ship with me yeah exactly clone him ship them with and then and on top of that how do you feel about the blood draw like you've oh man the blood draw that first I did not realize I don't even know what a hell I hit but all I knew I was ouch it was like ouch and going from there yeah yeah so yeah you only he only lost a pink in the process that's right Valkyrie he only lost a peachy a pinky in the process I played pretty good there for a while yeah yeah so it's like uh it was it was a it was a uh it was a challenge right it was a challenge it is hard and I I'm pretty sure this is going to be something that Corsair will continue to involve uh you know evolve over time it's it's one of those things that you know you get people out there you'll get feedback and I know this is something just talking to the team over Coursera that they will constantly be involving with updated instructions even all the way up until this launch right they were continually uh in uh they were continuing uh iterating on this so this will be something in there again love seeing something like this because again you get all of the benefits of a pre-built while at the same time uh you get with the warranty one place to go all that sort of stuff yeah you get to build it yep but how do you feel after when I plug it in turn on it'll feel wonderful he's like he's like when I plug it in son I would like to I would like to get to that stuff all right so we're gonna run through just one thing real quick guys uh we're just gonna run through deals again and then just highlight again what we're going through so again uh head on over to or Corsair build kits there are three different options the one that you guys saw uh Papa Ruby Tech built today was the elite kit uh then there's the pro kit and the core kit uh core Kit's gonna be a lot simpler in terms of installation and stuff like that uh we did the math 29 it was two thousand ninety nine dollars Tom said it was about 75 or 20 between 25 and 75 uh less expensive 25 to 75 dollars less expensive to build it yourself if you were going to choose that is a fantastic deal right there is no there is no uh there is no uh basically getting around that uh and again you get a very good showcase level uh PC uh one thing that we did in ours versus what you see here is we added cable extensions it's the only thing we added just to make it look uh more better so uh it was pretty awesome yes and the stream did get restarted so it's actually been almost closer to three hours and then again they have talked about this they will be adding an ultra skew which is the one that Dad is asking Kevin to send him which is the one with the 4090 that's right that's what he's saying he was like this is too easy Kevin please send me the 40 90 and make me work on the bigger one he's like he's like he's gonna need a break for a little bit he was the easy part the stuff all the startup and stuff like that go from there real quick just because we always do this if you're always curious uh you can head over to our builds if you wanted to just find the parts themselves we actually have all the builds here from today as well as the individual list of parts so you have a builds and we have all that stuff also located here uh and then the last thing we obviously want to go through is deal so let's see what Corsair deals are available for today so uh Elgato wave DX Dynamic XLR microphone this is their brand new one uh with uh no with the single note all that sort of stuff again on sale right now 89.99 over at Amazon uh IQ ml120 RGB Elites can I get an F in the chat because these are into life we now have the AF RGB fans that are coming out these were my favorite fans from Corsair but they are on sale right now ninety dollars they're fantastic they're beautiful white they they're fantastic static pressure fans and I'm a little sad to see them go uh Corsair mp600 Pro this is there 2282 terabyte nvme SSD 149.99 that's a really great price for a a two terabyte nvme nvme drive we got the Corsair 865 surround you've actually used these I have yeah very well they work very well uh these are ones my dad uses uh 39.99 over at Best Buy right now that's a really good deal uh for 39.99 those are nice headsets those are really nice headset and again 7.1 they're wired work with your PS4 PS5 and your PC PC has a little USB dongle so it does show up in Corsair IQ uh the lc100 these are the accent lights you've seen me use these before they're like the Nano Leafs like what we use here that they go inside of your PC add a bunch of RGB make it pretty we've got we've used these a number of times they're on sale 95.99 for the expansion kit uh uh right now over on Amazon Corsair Vengeance 32 gigs of 6 000 megahertz ddr5 Ram if you want that non-rgb Ram uh the I love the Corsair Ram kits again you don't have to worry about IQ or anything like that if you want to uh that is in there 139.99 and then in the world's largest font on the planet Tom you've got premium gaming headset uh this is Discord certified works with your PC PS5 PS4 in white 23.5 23 off making this 84.99 so uh I don't know I don't know if they had font 10 billion but apparently uh Tom's going in there now we are last thing I want to just cover and then we'll get back to it uh is our um store uh we do have our build mats but Dad these are all going on sale right very very soon so yeah these great jackets uh all of our our shirts and stuff like that going on sale very very soon look for those uh first week of March uh they're all going to go basically half off at this point in time so if you want to get some really really quality those hats and those um those jackets are phenomenal uh but yeah we're getting ready for the new Mar the new merch drop that's going to be coming so if you guys want to pick those up uh those are going to be available uh coming up March 1st so that is the deals that's everything going on and all that sort of stuff guys we got to get let's see if we can at least get to 150 over on YouTube I want to make that we are going to give away a 50 New Age gift card I'd love to see Roby Papa Roby Tech has built his first PC can we get some sub hype can we do that can we get that we got excitement we got some the simplest excitement here let's celebrate with uh let's celebrate Papa Ruby Tech maybe maybe some some some high some sub hype to go from there and uh get it going while we get ready to go in and turn this thing on sub hype the grandpa Grandpa's like so bite okay let's get this unplugged we're gonna run all this cables through and then we're gonna do the zip tie see how many zip ties were used okay so we got our there you go you gotta plug this in my cable HDMI cable that's just a magnet day okay don't turn on yet I'm not turning nothing on okay there's your there's that now this does actually already have an OS and everything on it but there's one thing we forgot dad and that is the zip tie count yep we gotta do our zip tie odd or even there we go high train logic Riddick drop in 10 gifted Subs logic dropping two gifted Subs one more person and we are going to unlock a hype train Juniper drop in 10 gifted Subs guys four okay he's Counting five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen it's sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 21 22 23 24 25. it is even even I'm sorry odd that's odd it's odd so it's odd guys 25 25 let's get this last hype train come on guys let's get this last hype train 25 and let's get this last hype train going and then we will turn on the PC and uh go from there let's uh we'll turn it on with the hype train let's get our last hike train guys so we'll just need one more person to to pop that button I'm gonna put it in mood mode oh and we also we got to sing Happy Birthday to Riddick all right okay uh Elgato we need one more guys one more person to put it in the hype train it's it's a hundred bits anything let's get it done we're so close let's celebrate there it is Cosmic Jordan dropping five gifted subs and we are now in high train we need eight more subs but Dad with the hype train we're good bro let's push this button push the button so turn that yeah it's on okay no no that's the other way but the other one's already on yeah and then hit power power hopefully we have power I heard it it's it's lit I heard it it's lit there it is we got Cosmic Jordan going in there five gifted Subs we got uh there it is we need eight more subs to finish this out another hype train to basically go in from there dad that looks good that's good that looks good let's uh let's get a side camera view there for you guys so you guys can just see that extra special Papa Roby text first ever PC build there it is right there that looks good dad good that looks really good we are where oh and it is by the way guys uh go and hit captured as posting hit capture capture there it is right there it is posted and there's Mobius thank you very much for the for the raid and there it is it is posted you've posted that hey yeah your first PC build and it's posted um and it's it's up there ready to go can we get our last eight Subs so we can make it to 100 and give away a hundred dollar new a gift card and let's see what the OS is getting the OS and like uh let's just take a look here real quick yeah we're just gonna restart here foreign there we go so we got that in there can we get our last let's get our last we're almost done another level five let's see if we can get our last level five hype train and then at the same time also hit that last eight Subs guys and then how we doing likes on YouTube okay here we go hitting F1 okay let's go ahead and turn on our we're gonna go in there and do capture real quick you guys gonna see me turn on XMP get that full Ram there and there we go now enabled it's all enabled so now it's at full capacity fans are running fans are running as com subscribe with prime tickets to 93 guys we're seven seven away let's uh let's go ahead and do this real quick dad uh hydrate oh yeah hydrating yeah it's gonna get a hydrate in there Seven Subs away guys two minutes and we are now in again it is posting Jesus and we got stretch there from uh from juniper yeah you stretch a little bit there is Windows 11 and it's good to go okay so we got United States here yep U.S skip just waiting for our updates did you guys get an ed ad one minute 34 seconds guys it's finished out seven more we're so close to that uh that last let's finish it with a with strong you accept yes Dad accepts uh we're gonna name your device Papa Robotech there we go and it's resetting it's popping in there one minute left guys one minute for straighter 57 people here guys finish it out we're so close Logics drop in one there's now 94. yeah I don't know what's going on there man Paulie it's it's welcome to Twitch man 47 seconds we're close we're gonna we're gonna sign in and we're gonna show you a little secret just go no uh thank oh no we're not okay there we go now we're gonna Papa Roby text oh okay we'll just do Papa Ruby there you go okay we got Bob oh Bob sponge 89 15 seconds five Subs it's all it takes five all we got left we're so close five subs and we can be done we're at the very end we can do it all right it is yawning salmon five more taking it to level six and boom there it is guys there it is thank you very much celebrating thank you celebrating for uh Papa Ruby Tech getting that hundred Subs that's 100 new gift card unlocked for a giveaway today which is awesome thank you very much guys so clutch yawning salmon coming in we should just call him yawning the clutch salmon uh right there uh at the very end and nailing it at a hundred and hitting that level five hype train so good job you guys um how we doing likes on YouTube let's finish out those likes also don't forget to like And subscribe over there as well supporting us and and helping support us as as we uh continue to can make content appreciate you guys and thank you for all those follows as well the raids from EVGA this was a support from uh the folks over at Corsair you know and I do want to give again a special shout out uh to um our uh you know the team who's basically going there but lucky ghost uh and David does Tech stuff for uh for hooking us up with uh with those uh with that support and stuff like that and then happy birth okay so I have to do this this I promised him he's been he's been such a I mean he bought stuff from us so anyway guys we're gonna sing him happy birthday you don't sing I don't say yeah you don't say I don't think but here we go uh happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear it is happy birthday if I'd let Dad sing but he is completely toned up so it is Happy Birthday no we're not gonna do that so yeah thank you Gary's for the uh for the donation but yeah he's been a uh he's been yeah uh and he's uh he's such a good dude and we really appreciate him and uh who he does okay so this is how it comes is we're showing this this is how it comes when you do get the PC is it's going to install Armory crate real quick but they have this whole drivers ready to go uh when it's it goes in there so we're going I just want to do uh one real we just want to do a thermal test I think that's the only thing we want to just basically test because we were asking about the 13-7 so we're gonna do a quick thermal test we won't do anything more and then we'll basically call it we're gonna wrap we're trying to rap by 11 P.M 10 minutes no it's nine okay fine Happy Birthday Mr President happy birthday to you there we go I stopped I stopped I stopped my eyes yeah yeah I think they have nightmares yeah it's new installed ready to go so it's just installing uh we're just gonna let it finish arm recreate and then we'll uh we'll let it get everything else done while we're doing that we'll run a Cinemas run just to see how the attempts are on it uh which should be uh pretty straightforward not overly worried about it that was awesome I'm glad you guys did put shred panel on do a peel we can do that Dad wants it dad's like excited he's like I want to do the peel okay so if you want to put the front panel on lethal on this front light here uh so if you want to put the front oh yeah go and take the back one out there we go so we got a little bit of extra light here we're gonna put on the side there we go okay there you go it's really dark but you got to do the peel okay here you go guys for this first ever PCP PC peel it's incredible you built this Dad wow and there it is beautiful this is a dark dark glass yeah it's dark tinted I mean you can still see it in there but it is uh not bad for Papa Ruby Tech no kidding um you know what uh I don't know I I don't know what we have a plan for this I have no idea what we have planned for this I mean I don't know I you know it's funny because uh my mom probably is gonna I think my mom might have scanned it because I think she wants a new pc if you guys want to know so so this might actually get absconded I mean honestly he built it so if he says he wants to keep it and use it then that's his prerogative it'll definitely get used yeah so I think I think it's actually gonna give it away no it'll go to pop the Roby Tech guys if it's his first ever PC build the first person who gets rights to it is actually honestly him I mean like that I would hate to give away the first one he ever did when we do a sack it with his second one then we'll uh we'll uh we might do something where we give it away but you never give away your first so this is definitely my plan as you can see we threw away all the boxes I had every expectation he was going to get to take this home and he was going to get to do it it's for his man cave which does my mom would never let him have so it's not to say that she she just like again I do know Nate like dad says he's got six grandkids uh two of his my son and his my my sister son uh our big PC Gamer so she know I think my mom is actually probably pretty excited to actually have this at home did she even know you're doing this yes did she did she ask if you get to keep the PC she didn't say she didn't say I haven't seen her on the stream oh yeah yeah she might have been on there well I mean you were you were pretty focused yeah I was pretty funny you're pretty focused get it done he needs an upgrade oh yeah Dad's like uh so when he I know what's probably gonna happen is we're gonna go off the stream he's like he's like you know you have 40 90s in there so can we just swap one of those out but no I think he'll be okay I'm pretty happy with the 47 40 70 TI I mean he has there are not a lot of people who have uh 40 70 so I mean again 13 7 in a 40 70 for your first PC that you ever built I mean can I get a raise of hands who would love to have a system like this I'm just gonna say very nice by Corsair thank you very much yeah big thing this is a big thing and I will say Corsair specifically requested you they were like hey we want your dad to do it so origin PC CEO if he's still there Kevin if you see it how did we do did we do good did you feel like did we did we do did uh it come out the way that you wanted from that this this setup it's pretty late in Miami he might he might I wonder if he logged out I don't have to see yeah I do not know how to get on the screen job well done Papa okay mom says I don't know how to get on the screen but Mom question is were you expecting to keep the PC that's the question Mom it is so pretty she says she said he said fantastic so all right yeah there you go he and I think the whole expectation is they I think I think origen pcco would also expect that when he gets done with this that he would use this PC you want this to be definitely be used yes it's not going to sit in the corner it's going to get used the only thing I will say and she says she goes no I want it now I will say uh it will go through b-roll we'll take pictures of it again given what it is um uh so she'll uh we will make sure it gets pictures and because this is his first ever so we'll uh we'll throw this through the usual thing but then it'll of course go home with him and all that sort of stuff so uh we're just gonna reopen the app here she goes I'm so excited so she's very excited she's already absconded it just like everything else dad gets right Dad pretty much I didn't get my laptop though yeah he's got a really nice laptop it's in uh it's a beautiful AMD Advantage system uh so he is uh he's he's doing good this isn't me yeah um okay so we now have uh uh Armory crate is open so we're good there cinnamon I'll get there I'll get there we just gotta get the other stuff done it's one of those I'm gonna do this gonna do this guy do this oh we got Corsair wallpapers okay Dad which court okay so dad's in here which Corsair wallpaper do you want they have some cool wallpapers Okay so we're going to open this up so we got this one this one this one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one that one one just out at you yeah I think the third second or third one I'm guessing it was that one this one that one's gorgeous okay he's saying this one so this set is desktop background okay there is his background so he's got it all corsared out um let's run okay we gotta run IQ setup because we need to make sure it's ready for it's ready to run it's uh run all of its when it when we do run it it's got to be the the cooling's got to be appropriately set where do you want it to be red I like them to be red okay so Dad he's gonna we're gonna make it red which we can use murals for which I don't know if you guys know about this but murals is a new thing from Corsair so we are going to use murals which we'll show you that once we get uh IQ installed this is actually very easy because you're watching us set up the whole system when we're said and done so we're we're getting it set up here so we're gonna go to capture here and then we're just gonna not create it well yeah we'll go ahead and have a desktop shortcut for that so we're gonna install IQ yeah it actually really is a nice wallpaper I love that wallpaper it's gorgeous whoever's done that's uh that's a great it was me dad I did that it was me it was all part of my personal station let's uh one thing I will say is colors you need to activate oh well I'll have to put in your code is it not activated I guess not okay activate okay so here we go let's go to troubleshoot okay so we're gonna go to here real quick go to static and here why don't you grab this no let's not read it because then somebody else can take it but you type the numbers in yeah okay okay there it is okay um let's go to side cam you guys can look at that real quick while we're putting in our code um make it small enough yeah they did I'm just gonna hit I'm gonna hit change oh they're oh they're saying there's more oh you gotta peel yeah there's like four more characters I was like wait a minute what's going on here scratch off oh there's a scratch off guys you want a million dollars hey guys I want a million dollars oh never mind oh there's way more okay this is like not easy like that they make it so tiny too oh I did it hey we activated okay now we can do it okay so there we go we got we're in static now we're back into the the code thank you very much for that so we got we got the code now we're waiting for this this is start IQ install our latest driver there might be an even newer one okay here we go okay so let's go to personalization colors uh there you go that looks better with all the let's go to this okay we're gonna getting our driver in okay so now we're gonna do is we're gonna grab this okay so our graphics driver and video graphics driver degree there we go okay let's wait for this see what are we okay so we're just installing all the last minute stuff just to get this all set up so here okay so here's all of our Corsair stuff so we're going to go to murals and then we're gonna go to oh okay we're gonna go static color next we're gonna do our color as red and that's not that's very not red there we go there we go okay so now it is red next and there we go so now we got here's our side view and now it's all red to match his hole like his old material and inside and all that sort of stuff he's got it all red now and then we're waiting for this to finish and there we go now we got that wow that's good okay display settings okay let's go to duplicate changes now we're going to go to 25 6 14 40. keep changes it'll go to 150. okay there we go okay so now we have now we're there so now we have all our now you can see that a whole lot easier can you yeah oh it didn't go to Red why don't what happened here oh one of the fans didn't change no they're all they are all red and then they all decide not to be ready now they're switching back and forth oh okay we lost that oh I know why okay Armory crate did its thing okay so let's open up Armory crate Okay so we've got that okay there goes and there they're all red now okay Okay so we've got that that what I'm gonna do now I just got one more thing to do and then we'll do a little bit of testing and then we'll be good to go you guys are watching us how close how fast it takes us to basically get this to fully set up it's actually pretty fast processed because we just started yep it's pretty cool and it's actually we're almost we're almost done it only took like what 10 minutes 10-15 minutes 10-15 minutes uh if we are for us to do gaming would take a long time because again we'd have to install a game on it and all that sort of stuff I'm assuming gaming on it with a we do actually if you guys want to know oh actually I can just tell you uh I'll be able to tell you with another way hold on one sec I can get you guys what the the gaming performance is going to be here in just a few minutes she said my mom says thank you that's very red too fun she said uh she did want to say thank you to all the Roby Tech uh uh thank you everybody at robitech for the sponsor for the support um we're gonna get into Armory crate real quick and then get this uh set up the first thing we're going to do is go to Startup turn off teams we'll leave one drive off because you guys will probably use that yeah okay cool um let's open Armory crate what is armor create so this is your all your motherboard stuff so this is like your motherboard side but what I'm going to do is I'm just gonna I need to there's probably there's probably some last minute drivers that need to get done which are included on this in the armor crate stuff I agree skip cancel so we're gonna go to here and this will be drivers your other motherboard drivers yeah see all this stuff needs to get installed okay so there we go we're gonna let this finish and then we will get let's while we're doing that let's grab cinebench and then we'll grab a CPU ID Hardware info monitor there it is get uh and now let me get you guys uh performance for let me get you guys performance for gaming on this system because they do actually have it okay so for gaming performance on a system like this if you were going to use a 13 700 a 13-7 with um a uh uh 40 70. hold on one sec okay so for your for cyberpunk 2077 yep for cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p you're looking at 157.13 frames per second here we go just uh for Forza Horizon 549 frames per second Modern Warfare 2 at 1440p 244 frames per second shout out of the Tomb Raider 257 frames per second tiny teen is Wonderland 198.64 frames per second Apex Legend 291.3 frames per second and fortnite at 1440p with uh low visual settings 395 Point 396.5 frames per second so from a gaming standpoint it's an absolute Beast let me just say that that was I don't think you'll have any complaints whatsoever from a gaming standpoint in terms of how this system would run uh at 1440p and if you went to 1080p it'd be even more of a beast if that answers your question um okay so we got that now let's download uh we'll just start without your data you guys know that later confirm and start browsing skip go to dark okay and then next finish okay so let's go let's do Hardware info monitor CPU ID okay so let's ground we're going to grab Hardware info monitor real quick set up for that There You Go download now I wait for the last of these little driver things to finish if you ask your question about uh performance guys and then any other questions for Papa robitech I mean you got you got my dad here while we're waiting is we're just doing the other stuff too so any other questions for him while we're here you guys have that opportunity 354 people still here right now how are we doing like oh 152 of 250 okay so we had 150. can't we get those last 50 likes can we get to 200 guys trying to get to 200 so let's hydrate dad that seems like a good thing hydrate hydrate so super uh super Hulk uh super Hulk was asking how do you test the disc speeds for your SSD uh crystal diskmark is the name of an application it's free and it runs uh it'll give it'll basically test your drive speeds um the other thing you can also use is 3dmark 3dmark actually has a benchmark for nvme ssds as well Papa must have the ultimate dad joke okay that is a call Dad yeah I'm gonna talk about my favorite toy as a kid wait listen oh did you hear that yeah okay Dad joke now another Roby Tech dad joke phone out okay okay here we go so your dad dad's dad's dad joke here we go you don't have your dad joke you don't have a dad joke not not tonight oh we've built this whole thing up for you to have a dad joke no I want to talk about my favorite toy as a kid uh I don't know a lifetime ago me and my buddies who lived a couple houses down for us there was new construction going on in our neighborhood okay we drove around those little metal cars at Pedal Power you know remember those in the old day you get into the pedal power and four wheels look like a uh almost like a uh a box car but they were made out of metal with all this construction going on they dig down and build the foundation well me and my buddy used to drive down there and then see if we'd crash into the concrete so you crash the best and that explains that explains a no helmets no seat belt I think I think that explains a whole lot more about why my dad is the way that he is um that is funny okay so we got that we're just waiting for the hardware info monitor to finish this last install from uh it's just doing the Because you want to make sure all the drivers are because there could be some problems there okay let's open up IQ one more time just gonna make sure our cooling is there we're gonna go to Cooling there it is h100i cooling we're going to turn it on uh extreme just for now because we want to make sure that it's at basically at Max okay so our cooling is now at extreme so we're ready for when this is done um okay so what was the other quote you somebody else asked another question there were some other questions that was a dad story so I think that was as good as a dad joke we gotta have Dad stories because that wasn't a dad joke that was like real life dad stuff uh what other games you plan on playing on your new computer ah I don't know probably some uh uh puzzle games I really like puzzle games yeah he really does he does like he does like to see what's out there yeah he likes puzzle games you you really liked you really liked you used to play a lot of Tetris back in the day and you guys really liked 7th Heaven and Eleventh House seventh guess sorry seventh guest and 11th Hour uh were were big ones that were like super popular with you um so I mean he might like games like it's funny because if you have some recommendations he does like cinematic games yep I do like Cinema he does like cinematic games so modern warfare he's gonna play Modern Warfare more for he's gonna play Modern Warfare because he plays it for this the campaign not for the other stuff um you did play sea of Thieves or did you did you ever no but my other son John does he wants to do he wants to be able to see it isn't the witness the witness hey Captain Cosmic the witness is like uh as a puzzle game right uh mom said Forza all right he's like 14. yeah he likes Sports actually you know what he really wants and it's too bad Andy left he really wants a Sim rig he really wants a Sim rig uh you price them out they're they're a bit pricey uh yeah the one that Deb has is 25 Grand yeah so we should check you let's check out the Winchester witness out the witness out mom write that down good night Charlie good night Kevin good night Kevin good night Kevin Slater on the East Coast good night yeah you might like outer Wilds that one might get Hot Wheels yeah the Hot Wheels for Forza was really good so oh so yes it has 600 puzzles all right yeah so maybe they'll witness that that'll be a good one I want to be like you know there might be other ones like fire watch I don't know if oh and I did want to I did want to point something out guys House Of Da Vinci games is a good puzzle game I did want to point something out real quick so uh I don't know if you paid attention on Twitter or um Twitter or on um Discord but uh our own mod Eternal coal um and those guys I brought up about this uh she's she's having a really terrible situation right now if you want more details head over to Twitter uh she's got it all on a goal that she's trying to raise um right now uh Blondie can we link that if you guys could check that out again I don't do this very often but Cole has been a friend for almost a decade I mean it's been a really long time so I've known her but she basically was going to have a house built uh she's living rent free with her aunt saying and then they basically pulled the rug out from underneath her and she's just trying to get uh up on her feet so you can check that out let's get a link to her page uh if you guys wouldn't mind just throwing a little supporter away okay all that sort of stuff she's amazing she really is for those of you guys have been long-term Roby tech fans you know this everybody loves Cole Martin um and uh worth checking out so if we get a link to that that would be huge um and uh you know I don't do this this isn't something I I I know I'm I have a platform I'm very cautious about putting things like this but I know when she's asking for help she's on honestly genuinely asking so there it is right there the Kofi deal all that sort of stuff going through them so all right I think we're good I think we can actually try this now Dad yep okay so we've got we've got it all here oh we're not in we're not for some reason it didn't duplicate again let's go to this let's go to duplicate here we go there you go okay keep changes and then we're gonna go and see how the cooling is on this um 25 60 150 okay here we go okay so let's bring this up um just make sure our cooling is set for Max here so we're just gonna go Cooling it's all extreme okay so we're at extreme here on on for our fans and stuff like that okay so we're gonna open Hardware info monitor cinnamon okay so there you go right there so our Temps now this will not be what it'll be so right now package temp is sitting at 39. I do not expect this to be uh this will not be anywhere near this for gaming this is obviously worst case but we're gonna just basically see what it hits uh under load so it's sitting in the 980 high 80s 90s and we're looking at this package temp right here doesn't look like it looks like it's going to stick around it might get up to 95 but again it's keeping it under control a wattage I'm looking for wattage actually oh there it is 230 Watts wow so it's keeping it 230 I mean again it's getting up there in terms of wattage too it's got up to 250 Watts so oh look at that oh that was interesting I've seen this before and I've seen this with CPU so it just dropped way down yeah I don't know why it does this I've seen this on I've seen this on a number of things and it doesn't make any sense this is an Intel thing that I've seen and Ace actually this is an Asus thing where I've seen Asus do this there is a way to get this to stop but essentially you have to turn off some of the Asus voltage control stuff the thing that's interesting is even with this wattage though check out the the cinebench score is still actually very high um but yeah I've seen it where it drops like a hundred it like it was running at 250 something watts and then it drops its overall stuff down so uh in other words it was running no problem and again dad's not going to be doing anything like uh dad's not going to be doing anything like this cinebench or anything like that for gaming we'll probably see in the 70s I actually I absolutely expect but it was interesting this isn't this is something I've seen with uh oh there it goes so I got 170 but this is something I've seen with Asus boards uh with more recent bios updates so um yeah that's uh going in there but there you go there it is Dad uh we gave you gaming specs we gave you thermals uh we gave you pricing we gave you the whole package the whole picture and you guys have stuck around for the entire thing yeah suppose or I've seen this on on ASU Sports and I don't know why it does it it's not a thermal issue as you can see it never got anywhere near 98 it just drops it like crazy and I don't know what that is so Legion of fire uh Papa Ruby might like Tome oh Tome okay the witness and Tome so we got a couple games I'm having mom take notes because she's gonna she's gonna take notes on those games anyway guys that is it for today for those curious uh we are going to be back on uh Saturday finally catching up on that Valentine's Day build I'm super sorry that whole thing kind of fell apart but it's an already on build we might actually change it to just make it a Powerhouse Valentine's Day build I haven't decided yet so if you want to make your vote known head over to robytech and let us know but I hope you enjoyed this stream again a huge shout out to Corsair thank you for letting us be one of the one of the first to get to do this um yeah huge shout out to Andrew and obviously Kevin and everybody we even had Falcon Northwest here in the chat we had Corsair here in the chat so many people hanging out in the chat today and also huge shout out to Bray Thorne and EVGA for the raid that was huge sorry we had to uh split off and uh and and ended up having to restart the stream but I feel like it was worth it just for the the stream quality alone anyway guys have a great night looking forward to seeing you on Saturday uh and uh miss you guys very much New Egg happening oh giveaways crap yes giveaway giveaway thank you yes we're gonna give away a hundred dollar new a gift card thank you for reminding me I almost forgot uh exclamation point New Egg now guys exclamation point New Egg now is going to be the uh entry and it's for a hundred dollar new egg gift cards let me get that set up here two minutes thank you for reminding me sorry about that guys okay starting that giveaway right now 100 Day gift card up for grabs it's going now look at all them and there it goes 100 new gift card up for grabs that's a pretty dang good system Dad no kidding so I just put it back on balance so it's not loud not that you can hear it right now but oh yeah I couldn't hear it at all but I can sure feel it blow me yeah yeah when it blows it extreme it definitely blows in there man it's pretty red I like the red you see it from the front I did in camera yep looks good in the front too and your cables are all clean yep that looks great it does it looks really good that's a heck of a system you just gotta text you got what you got to do is Text Aaron and say like my computer is better than yours so he's gonna he's gonna be like what grandpa has a better system than me uh we uh we seconds guys 30 seconds that was the system going in there I think it's like all in all like 2100 which for this whole thing which is actually a really good price yeah for what you got for all of this like it's really crazy that's with that's OS installed all of the setup stuff everything I mean your PC is like 100 ready to go now that looks that's good oh got some Windows updates we'll let it finish those uh uh there we go congratulations to Saga oh Sarge T congratulations Sarge T you are the winner of the hundred dollar new egg gift card anyway guys now I can say that is it for tonight thank you so much to everybody for hanging out super appreciate all of you guys you are amazing have an absolutely absolutely great night and we will see you guys on Saturday good work Dad thanks thanks Justin appreciate it foreign foreign thank you foreign
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 3,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zThEuSc_cJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 49sec (11749 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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