Building a $4000 Showcase NZXT H9 Elite Build + Giveaways (Intel 13900K / ASUS Strix 4080)

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foreign testing okay there we go what is up guys welcome to the show we are live happy Saturday we are going to be building we're going to be building in the the pretty right so where you know what honestly every once in a while we just need to build a build just because it's going to be in a beautiful white case we're going to make it look absolutely stunning and I'm very excited to see how this uh whole thing performs today so should be a lot of fun should be nice and chill we're going to do a lot of building because we got a lot of fans and all sorts of stuff to just kind of get into but we're going to shove you know pretty much the best from a gaming standpoint right now mine is probably the most powerful CPU which would be the ks um pretty much going to put the best of the hardware that we can that's all white I wish I had a 40 90 white strix that's what I'd put in here if I did but you know we'll use a 4080 because that still looks Stellar uh and we're just going to we're gonna see how it performs when we're all said and done so should be pretty we got all of the stuff that everybody loves uni fans we got wide aios we got we're going to check out that shift power supply which it looks like it's going to work we got that shift power supply so we're gonna be checking that out we're gonna be checking out all of the cool stuff plus we're going to be hanging out with you building PCS all that sort of stuff you guys ask questions you guys are here for the builds it should be awesome and then we got the usual giveaways we got the usual giveaways that you guys always like the the more it Stacks up the better it gets but if you guys are hyped you guys love seeing uh seeing bills like this seeing and having a good time then make sure you hit that thumbs up button head on over to YouTube robitech live hit that thumbs up and better yet have YouTube and twitch open at the same time just be a part of the whole experience man get the double in there and all that sort of stuff and you know just really just kind of help our viewership across the board so that way you can chat with the youth do folks and you can chat with the twitch folks and everybody can have a good old party time and all that sort of stuff but trying to get those 250 likes it unlocks a 25 new gift card second thing we got the stacking the stacking giveaways right um and then uh we got the stacking giveaways we got the uh we are going to replace the rear fan because so I'm gonna have to grab I don't know if I have 10 uni fans I think I only have nine we might just do two maybe we'll do two at the bottom and then replace the rear fan so we'll just do two 120s at the bottom or something like that we'll see uh in terms of the uh in terms of uh for the uh for the stacking giveaways 50 Subs 50 uh 50 new gift card 100 Subs 100 anyway gift card 150 steps hundred fifty dollar new gift card then we start giving away you know nvme drives uh CPUs all that sort of stuff so the more that we get the better things get and all that sort of stuff hey Ruby do they make white screws you know what I don't know I'm guessing probably somebody powder coats white screws so we could have white screws as well so yeah let's have a powwow let's just get a ton of people in both locations I will say the one thing that is nice if people stick and do YouTube and twitch is just to be able to chat with both because there's a lot of YouTubers sometimes who are like I want to talk to people and then they cry and then they can't talk to anybody and this is our way of making sure they do so and and thanks to people like Cole uh who uh is uh making sure we can uh w is that does that say wolf wolf 791 Dave for the sub also smoke and Juniper osera who dropped some subs earlier on super appreciate that stuff too uh it has a little clip holding the cable as a pain you have to yeah I did know that uh so thank you very much for that beemoc he's letting me know yes I need but I don't I need to go see if I have one more uh uni fan because I'd like to do it with a white uni fan uh over doing the white I guess I could oh you know what I'll do I'll probably just take one of these f-140s because it's got the Hub and I might just throw an f-140 in the back and just have like that single f-140 back there I think that'll actually end up looking really pretty and since we already have it anyway monoxide thank you for the sub as well um thank you very much for all that sort of stuff but happy Saturday today is Saturday what what's what's everybody's plans for tomorrow I got church and then I'm basically heading up on the mountain again gonna get some snowboarding just came back from studivants which is like our big snowboard place here so I just had to replace my bindings and I had to upgrade my goggles because I was using i o goggles um and I needed the XLS the mag XL so I can actually wear my glasses because last week I pretty much snowboarded blind not not the smartest move I might say but yeah pretty excited about it uh tomorrow's your birthday Sergeant nobody that's awesome uh snowboarding rough on the body you saw it no it wasn't you know I was sore I was sore a little bit uh on Saturday uh last week when I got back but it wasn't actually too bad and I'm pretty much expecting like if I go up again this week the hope is to try and go up for the next like three weeks before we jump onto Miami where we're doing a really cool thing with Audi so that should be funny but happy birthday Sergeant nobody but thank you for asking how is like anybody else who's playing Hogwarts raise a hands who's playing Hogwarts I mean is anybody having a good time playing and enjoying Hogwarts that game is phenomenal let me just say I have been enjoying the crud out of it we do have it on here installed ready to go so uh we will be showing that off if we depending on where we are in time builds like this you never know right like I always have an expectation in my head yeah this will take half an hour four hours later we're uh we're still going love the car content do we did we post the other one yet I don't think so I think today was an EK we did an EK post but we got a stelvio estrava uh uh post coming up and then a Lincoln uh sorry the Jeep Grand Wagoneer post coming up too uh stay away from warts okay okay uh which looks awesome wish I had it yeah you know well wait till we get to the end of this my friend because then you'll be like I really wish I had it because I think this build is going to look amazing so I'm really kind of excited about it it's gonna be fun downloading it now yeah 70 plus gigabytes yeah it's a big it is a big game um just got finished putting it on my replacement PC for the uh for the main game room and all that sort of stuff too but yeah it should be a solid thing uh let's see can we get some hype trains going love to get some unlocks going on as well guys we're gonna just have a good time today it's gonna be fun we're just gonna talk we're gonna talk all that sort of fun stuff and then we'll put things inside of this build so uh let's go and start talk about what we're putting inside of it why don't we why don't we kick it off there and don't forget guys hang out YouTube hang out twitch hang out both uh and hit that thumbs up button and hit that subscribe button while you're at it as well um okay so what are we starting with much to be Mark Chagrin he hates this and I think a lot of people do but it's still it's still right now it's currently the best uh gaming CPU out there if you if you can cool a 3900 KS which we we're going to be doing uh later on next week in fact we'll be doing a ultimate gaming build next weekend uh but this is the 3900k uh currently the king of the Intel stock still probably the best performing CPU that is on the market right now and in terms of all around it still has a slight Edge over the AMD counterparts right now and there's some bonuses to it obviously you've got z690 z79 you can do ddr4 or ddr5 so there's a little bit more that goes in there but again end of life so this is just kind of the uh the beginning of the end now all the rumors are swelling and we'll see what happens with 8 000 series and all that sort of stuff but still like the fact that you can pretty much buy either Intel or AMD and end up having a really great system so pretty stoked about that and we're going to be putting that inside of this is we've had some pretty much AMD heavy time so it's time to go a little team blue for a little while and show them there the best space heater gaming CPU yep that is that is true unless you have a 7950x because that runs actually warmer that's the thing bmox like it's the best space heater but this actually runs cooler than a 7950x so I I'd have to say that's actually better because the 7950x runs it Max all the time it has to what that's what it does we can't we can't argue that like you know what I mean you can at least kit this to go down to the AMD if you put a bigger a bigger cooler on it it just runs into 95 anyway so I don't know that's kind of a though I have to say like there's a lot I love the 7700s and all that s there's a lot of love about AMD but I like to poke the bear a little bit with B mock which is always fun um for uh RAM we use this in our Cooler Master build but I like that it's 6000 megahertz we are going to be throwing some 7 800 megahertz Ram Riddick dropping 10 gifted Subs by the way it was your mat he forgot to send you your mat that is what it's on its way so I meant to tell you that uh we uh we're gonna be using the t-force 6000 megahertz Ram uh next week we're going to be using the T4 7800 megahertz Ram uh with our 3900 KS um which should be awesome and don't worry we have a beautiful Valentine's Day build coming up that's all AMD AMD GPU AMD CPU as it's called a plus a so uh we we got some AMD love in there as well guys it's AMD it's it's Intel it's it's across the board we love everyone we just like all Tech so anyway pretty RAM and all that sort of stuff 7 800 yes 7 800 Kurosaki 7 800. um okay uh for our motherboard just because I like clean and I do like clean and I've been more and more impressed with azurec mobos uh so uh this is the the NZXT N7 z790 board bummer on this guys a bummer on this a little bit a little bit of moment here a little little little time little little Ruby time bummer on this one thing is so we've been using the b650 because we've done a number of AMD builds the b650 version of this mobo actually has three USB ports on the board but the z790 version doesn't kind of a bummer I just I just got to say that because I've loved that extra expansion I don't know why they didn't do it for uh for team blue but for team red there's a win right there so yeah there we go um so yeah that's that's uh that's that's kind of a bummer but it's gonna look really hot inside of this build uh this is gonna make Tom mad because I didn't tell him that this is going in there but we're going to vert Mount we're gonna vertical Mount this you know because you know you got to have some fun with some gpus and that strix card looks so good so we're gonna be we're gonna be vert mounting it uh so we got the uh the uh NZXT vertical GPU mount kit in white of course because we got to make sure it's white so we're going to be making sure that GPU looks nice and clean inside of there uh for our cooler keeping this 13900k super cool uh and I actually really like these aios probably one of the best performing aios out there that's what I do that's that's I mess up the links in real time uh I uh we got that deep cool LS 720 in white uh probably one of the best coolers on the market right now uh and from a white option it's definitely one of the best ones we're waiting for the new uh the new ones from uh Asus because they've got their Gentech their eight their uh gen 8 Ace attack pumps coming out soon and all that sort of stuff but man when you're talking about cooling your CPU this one we actually saw we just got finished doing AIO testing and this one actually did a better job than even the lt720 um so in our in our round of testing so uh pretty excited about that uh and should look good and should do a good job now you guys might be saying Roby why no screen well beemoc has a point there um a lot of the new screen ones outside of the uh the um the new XT models for from Corsair which we're actually using in a build on Thursday I had to basically already have that reserved so I I didn't have a good and newer screen AIO that would work look very well within this and honestly if we put this to White and stuff like that it's going to look super hot we are going to be replacing we are going to be replacing um the fans with that though because you know what honestly I figured everybody else uses these why am I not going to so we're going to throw some Lee and Lee uni SL1 Infinity fans we got all the white fans all the the love in here so we're gonna make sure we got all those white fans because people just like it when you use the infinity mirror so uh using a little lean Lee magic in here making sure this this continues to look you know fan freaking tastic so there's there's our nine nine fans with our 10th fan uh we're gonna replace and keep the one of these 140s in there okay and then finally for GPU just to make sure that we keep things looking good we're going to be using and this is honestly just because they don't have a ton of the white strixes so I haven't gotten a 4096 we got the white 4080 strix uh and then for uh we've got white Asia horse cable extensions they're kind of their thicker boy ones and then lastly we've got that white easy DIY easy DIY 16 pin extension for our 4080 and then for storage we're gonna go Renegade we're gonna go Renegade guys everybody say Renegade I want to see Renegade in the chat a little Kingston Fury there we've got a one terabyte OS drive along with a two terabyte uh game drive so giving us three terabytes of storage we still got more room if we wanted to and then lastly to power this whole thing a little bit of Overkill but it's okay I wanted to show this off we got the Corsair shift XT these are their new side mounted uh psus so we're gonna be using that 1200 watt right there for our build so this is it this is it everybody say Renegade everybody's going over there there's our there's our build that seems like pretty good now I wish there was a version of this where I just I just sat here and then it just built itself you know and we could just chat and talk and you know look into each other's eyes but unfortunately I have a job to do guys I gotta I gotta actually build this thing you know what I mean foreign we can't see yes because they walked off the St I walked off to the picture yeah it's a PC Buffet yeah PC buffet with all of our parts what do you guys think um you know what do you guys think of the uh the build is it is it feeling like it's going to be pretty good 56 out of 250. that's a terrible score this is a k uh only only six only six they're hiding me I can sit here and dance the music so it's a haul right it is a haul I can't look into your eyes right now oh I see what you're saying I see it there we go that that's better yeah so it should it should I think it's going to come out looking pretty nice thank you very much for all the bits and the uh the subs guys this is a nice cake I agree it's going to be a nice cake okay so let's start taking it apart let's start putting our Build Together what do you say Channel that's what we want let's get kids guys no streamer cables no they don't actually have a 12 Pin strimmer cable out yet so I don't use streamers until they come up with a new one which I'm pretty sure at some point in time has got to be coming no them not having an RGB cable I think Liam Lee is probably all over that I'm glad you guys are ready we haven't seen any hype let's see some height okay we're gonna pop that over there oh we we're actually we can put this off to the side actually let's grab our power supply I'm excited to use the shift there we go the hype train was not ready to was there a hype train I didn't think we actually hit it how's my YouTube guys going today you guys doing okay it's good to see you okay we got our drives ready okay oh I just put my uh okay we'll get to that here in a second CPU just getting all the parts off of there zeistan what's up my man dropping a drop in a sub thank you very much my sir oh we were close I didn't know that oh I feel bummed it's all good guys okay there is our build okay there we go okay so let's get this out of the way ah let me get this building okay deep cool where are you it's time to build a PC now what are we gonna do deep cooling you okay now I need my Mobo and my dream 31 months holy moly oh there it is 31 months and one month of tier two that's crazy how long have you had the H9 case I've had the H9 case what month is I've had the H9 case since before Christmas corpse says how long have you uh uh another wrong with mixing match yeah I'm actually I actually have a guy that I'm working on right now with a um who wants to do a commission um who who's gonna do a white and black build uh in a uh we can start the prediction now see if it's going to clear if the uh if the if it's gonna clear the um vrm that's fine throw that in there she's all over it [Applause] well thank you very much for that zeistan and thank you for the barbecue when I get out to Dallas I'm pretty sure again okay that's ready to hold any of my extra stuff oh he has brisket going right now oh thank you sir thank you very much scorps for the sub over on Twitter I mean over on sub uh over on uh the YouTubes okay guys ready to open the silver or what was it somebody said it was a different color but I've always thought of a silver the the uh core I9 13 gen platter the uh what's essentially a wafer there it is there is our core I9 waiting waiting to be opened there it is right there ready to be put in now the question is will our whoa that is wound tight holy moly that just that scared me that like popped off I do stay on here we go there we go it was a prima yeah premature pop oh zooming in you like you guys like the extra sound effects okay there we go well honestly uh Onis if you want to ask we have the right smartest people uh here in our chat who can answer those questions if you want I'm gonna look at something real quick guys I I have some of those contact frames finally I've never looked at how to install them I don't I mean I've saved them for other builds but maybe I have these kinds yeah here they are by the way it has an authentic tag in it I don't even know what the heck that means so they're bending contact frame so I think you actually put this out and you just cover this right it just goes it just goes over it you just put your screws in yeah you take the whole thing out okay but let's see if this pops off and then if it does great but we'll uh we'll uh let's see that oh you're welcome agent Okay so we've got our we're gonna take our we're gonna use our bending contact frame but let's see if this clears oh nope this is not clearing even remotely that is no no go it was no pop it's not even a dirty pop it's just a pop pop okay let's throw this let's let's use the contact frame let's just see what we're gonna how it's gonna work here that's a no-go yeah I never get to I've never gotten to use these before and I finally like I've finally got a number I'd order in on them so I was like oh sometime in time I need to find the uh I need to find this and actually use one of these see what our see what our temps are like uh no it's not it's a different company uh actually it was higher rated than thermal Grizzly ones there we go so we're gonna put this contact frame on just because now there is actually a lot of research that Intel is doing on these by the way I want to let you guys know because um the actual CPU sockets are actually meant to flex um I was actually having a conversation with a couple sis who when they finish their board when uh when they do the board testing and they come and do their temperature testing they actually have a pressure plate but their boards and this is like something they've been dealing with for actually a lot longer than this but the actual there is supposed to be some Flex so there is some concern about what this is going to do by keeping the um keeping it right yeah this is the thermal right one so yeah it's a it's an interesting it's an interesting thing because Intel's not entirely sure what the long-term impact is going to be of these frames but yeah we'll throw it on see what it does see where I know temps are going to be better we have a version of this you guys have seen me do with the washer mod which does kind of the same thing um but uh we never actually used the contact plate so we'll use it this one okay so we got our we got our our bracket in now just having some fun here putting in some new stuff just for you guys we still get to do a little bit of thermal we're still gonna do some good thermal paste though so let's get our thermal paste on now get a text see what he says okay I didn't put it too tight I'll I'll uh I don't think they're too tight you said uh just be careful don't make them too tight so I'll just make I didn't push it too I'll just do it like to just stop point there we go there we go somebody was just giving me a little so I just needed a stop point thank you for that beemoc this is why you do things publicly too because sometimes I'm telling you having one guy who absorbs all of the the news for the entire planet from a tech standpoint like or not is just not possible so I'm glad to have such an incredible group of uh tax and tax Specialists and stuff like that who help me navigate some of these things especially when I use something new okay let's cover this there we go okay cool hmm no you do actually um there's an interesting thing I don't know if you guys have ever seen these but we actually have a similar thing for AMD which is uh and it actually has to do with um getting thermal paste into their chiplets uh because they did it for aesthetic reasons I don't know if you've seen these thermal Grizzly things that are out now but we actually are gonna you guys will see me use them uh coming up um the uh the covers to uh and the other two is understand from the AMD standpoint just a shade this is just to say I'm not saying this because I'm Pro one way or the other they just all have their problems the IHS on the freaking AMD chip is really thick so um yeah you have to do them on both there's there's little nuances with both of them none of them are perfect well that was good Roby take off some of my thermal paste good job on that ropes yeah see that that was genius right there what I just did genius oh there's enough yeah I need to put a little more thermal paste on not a lot but some you do not want it to be too thin because you need it to actually spread you want it to still it still needs to compress underneath the the processor you'll actually push stuff out if it's too thin gosh darn it there's like some sort of like there's some sort of weird something or other on this stupid this is why I replace these spatulas oh great it's good enough for what I need got this little Gap right here I don't know why I'm too OCD for my own good guys there we go there we go okay good finally got it okay finally okay we now have an even cover and I pretty much just worked way too hard for that but hey it's a uh yeah I think they answered your question you want an entire coverage of the IHS and that's that's the thing is like now these chips need to be covered completely you will actually see temp differences if you don't Kilt man thank you for the sub that was a lot of work for just that little bit but I'm just too I just I gotta have it even uh you know what that's a good question I don't actually know the answer to that um I don't uh thermal paste doesn't last long enough in my in our household for me to to know that because the stuff that I buy we go through it pretty quickly as far as I know I don't think so oh we'll get there we'll get the snap on RAM don't worry you're gonna get it hey zero heat thank you for the sub 20 months right there my man and we had 28 from kiltman we could hit a hype train guys because all we got to do is have one more person kind of throw stuff in there let's go ahead and peel this uh let's do 95 for the clicks that team group stuff is actually pretty strong so we'll do 95. Igor dropping his two dailies thank you sir okay is there a one terabyte in and our two terabyte CJ drop one more guys and we're hitting hype train one more and we're hitting High train and then we're good you can use your Amazon Prime sub okay let's do our two terabyte there's our one terabyte slipping it in there be mock dropping it Riddick dropping five more we got Bernie Sanders which is what's such a great name Bernie Sanders dropping it there there we go guys 25 we're 25 away from our first unlock which is awesome okay let's unlock this one choo choo there it is guys we've unlocked the hype train uh let's see if we can get to that let's get to that 50 and drive towards 100. all right I'm all we'll be in and out working on slides for tomorrow's festivities though okay let's pop this on here there we go luckily these are magnets so it's actually really nice to be able to put those on there we go and oh okay there we go it is now installed and ready to go I'm going to reopen this because it's being wacky come on guys remember if we get to level five whoa I think that's completely locked up we get to level five then we unlock the 25 anyway gift card to that weekend and so if that if we don't hit 50 we'll still get that 25 new gift card so let's get to level five guys three minutes and 14 seconds left while I'm working on this okay so let's do our Ram clicks three minutes okay here we go what am I looking for I'm looking for the Ram oh there it is 6 000 Mega transfer Ram ready to go okay it's ready to go remember guys 95. well you guys got some high numbers you guys are saying over there yeah I had uh we ended up having uh we ended up having um meatloaf today okay here we go guys two minutes left let's see if we can at least get that one here we go let's pause the music see if we can knock it out of the park in the first one 95.4 easily crushed that one but oh that's right we're going for 96 sorry not quite there I don't know man this board may not be able to do it oh it's 90 okay then we cleared it that was 96.7 anyway so between those two we're good to go okay there it is guys there it is hit there it is one minute left and the prediction result let's get one minute come on let's get that in there let's see if we can hit that last uh that last sub goal let's hit that first sub goal and start off uh something strong you guys help me help support us and all that kind of jazz and keep keep keep the keep this stuff going you know we've never not done a level five hype train let's see if we can get that knock it out there you guys have been so awesome with all the subs up until this point nice nine no doing good Jeff thank you for asking I guess we're not gonna do it today okay oh congratulations 5K wow that's a lot oh we should fight we should probably do something like that at some point in time like loudest loudest Ram hype train is done guys thank you for all the help though okay I think this stuff actually I think this one we're gonna put in I think this one does not it doesn't oh it does have the little brackets I think we actually do this afterwards yeah this one actually just uses the the same it even though it uses this it won't stick until we put it inside the case so we'll just have all this stuff out I've seen both here and twitch Jeff yeah we stream on both but we're trying to get more people to hang out in YouTube um of which there's over a hundred of you guys there right now so we're trying to keep people on YouTube too have Community strong communities in both hit those likes and hit that thumbs up congrats wow 41k wow that's a lot Kurosaki that is a lot okay we got that uh the motherboard is 100 ready to go we're just waiting for that we'll put that clip in here in a second let's go ahead and strip our case and go from there oh there it is the glass monster there we go there's that one you can't take off the front but what we can do is here on the back undo this and there we go okay so there's all of our connections there let's undo our box here in the front I forgot what was in this oh okay you guys can see okay oh it's a smaller radiator oh that's kind of cool so if you if you do a 280 you get a different radiator top that's kind of cool I did not know that was part of this okay there's this yeah I like that I like that it's funny because I've built in this I've actually built in this case like three times but I forgot what all the extra stuff is it's in here okay so here in the back go to the side let's go ahead and grab our power our beautiful wow stick there we go I'm going to bring this up a little bit see that a little bit better one more up here and pop that open there's our extra stuff at this what I was looking for right here okay throw that in there okay now let's just get our fans out I'm gonna go ahead and remove this and just all the stuff I don't need so what I'm doing right now is going to the top I'm going to remove the mounting bracket for the radiator which we're going to use later and then the other thing I'm going to do is remove this let's go to the side there side and this is so I can get now the cool thing is is they actually give you a ton of Splitters and all sorts of stuff as part of this that I don't need any of it for this build the only thing I'm going to use is I'm going to have one because the I mean that's one of the nice things about the uh one of the nice things about the Liam Lee fans so what I'm doing is I'm just stripping out all the stuff I don't need right now okay we got this little clip in here that we got to bend out that's on the inside here do you better to get Windows 11 Pro or home if I get a new key I would be using I I wouldn't get pro pro you don't really need to pay for anymore because all it really is is if you have over 128 gigs of RAM or um you need a certain Enterprise stuff outside of that there's no real difference and the performance is the same okay so right over here there's a little clip I need to listen lift that up a little bit and then I'll use that again later to tighten it down but that's just to get this this little fan out right here and the thing is it's like right up against a um it's like right up against a rivet hole or a screw hole brutal but once you get it in annoying there we go there you go Okay cool so there's that let's go and remove this there is a mini wow stick yes we have it right over there we don't use it very often but we do have one oh okay we're just taking that off okay so there's our fan so rear fan is out now we're going to do turn this back around and get our all of our these fans out because we're going to replacing them with the lien Lee which is actually nice we're going to use one of them so down here at the bottom is you got to be and be careful with this when you remove these by the way because or you will actually damage the the RGB headers there we go to these okay okay so there's all of our fan extensions that's just nice it's really nice at the actual case comes with everything for this yeah what a tangled web we weave for sure okay so then what we're going to do is just make sure that these are loose and unrestricted just like that which is cool okay put that back in there and now we can do is just remove this and this and the cool thing is is that this whole thing just pops out okay cool so now we have those out it does make it a whole lot easier to work on these cases okay so now we have our fans out We're Gonna Save one for the rear because we got everything to use it so might as well and they're honestly these are very pretty fans now remember with the elite you actually get three of these which is actually kind of cool but the one thing I will say about the lean leaves is it makes it really easy to do really easy to do cable management hey what's up Evo here we go yeah the the one that comes with it is not RGB but we're going to be replacing it with this one one of these these are the f-140 f-120 Duos which I love because they're pretty on both both directions which is cool which is like a lot like the Lee and Lee's okay so like I said we're going to save one of these for our rear fan and then these two we're going to get put into the box the mobo box here because they go with the case Okay cool so now what we need is we need our Lee and Lee fans are Infinity fans there we go get these out of the way oh shoot I shouldn't have done that yep okay this is always the fun part where we sit here and spend all this time installing fans but I'd like to make sure that you guys can see the whole build so I don't want to I like I as much as I'd like to skimp sometimes it's like it's a it's a Saturday night you guys like this is show like a showcase build we want to make sure that we have as much of the build that we show as humanly possible so if you're not in the fan building I apologize but like at the same time like sometimes doing these fans is very different so from fan to fan and I want I want this to be educational content you know I think we're vibing thank you for asking let's give you guys more of a view of the workstation here on one set guys there we go okay there we go okay cool now let's get this stuff peeled which this can be 50 50 whether these work or not they don't always peel seems to be going a little bit better than it typically does okay there's that one there we go one more okay well see see what I mean sometimes it okay that one worked doesn't always work sometimes it sticks and it sticks it's annoying because see like that we have to like spend time yay okay okay we got fans undone that's a good thing okay now what we're gonna do the best thing about Lee and Lee fans is we're just going to put them together there's that one more is why everybody loves these fans okay there we go and these are going to go like this now we just got to grab our power cable then these just basically pops up like that then we're going to make sure that these are intake right these are intake yes okay so we're not going to use these those are for the longer screws what do you mean ion master I'm just curious what you mean by that it's not as awesome as you think the cool thing is is that you can get away with only putting in four screws and there we go fans are ready and installed oh oh okay I was just curious what what did you uh what oh was something that you won that wasn't worth the price after you won it okay those are the extra screws for that and there's all of our fans drill is actually called the wow stick it's not a drill it's actually a um it's a it's a screwdriver and I love it and we uh we it's something we use a lot of here in the show so yeah okay guys we have our first three screws our first our first ones are our first uh our first um our first um screws are in for our fans let's get these put in okay I'm gonna run that right there I think might run it up okay making sure you guys can see okay there we go okay getting those screwed in okay so screw first fans are in which is good and take this which I wish was white but it's not so run this up okay so you can see here from the top down what we've done is there's a little hole up here at the top where I'm pulling this through and then it just goes up like that and then now I've got the one thing about the 011 these more recent the infinity fans is these fans have a ton of room and a ton of cable so you can pretty much place the wart wherever you want okay so first fans are in the other thing too is what you can do just because of the space you don't have to worry about this in this case is we can go ahead and install our bottom three which are going to be intake so we're gonna go get those installed and then we can start cranking through the motherboard and all that sort of stuff so one more set and then we'll we'll start churning through stuff and the good thing is is that with this method with doing these cables the great thing about it is when we're done the uh we're only going to end up with uh what's essentially four cable uh five cables with between the exhaust fan and then the three sets for the Lee and Lee's which is a bit nicer okay so we're gonna save this because we're not going to use this which you don't the cool thing is is that with the newer Infinity fans they actually made it so you don't have to use the Lee and Lee Hub if you don't want to can all be done via RGB but we are going to use the Hub because we have a lot of fans okay so we can put that back in there put that back in there then we'll take these three out put those on the metal pad screw pad and there's that one you might be asking Roby why are you taking all the time to seal up the boxes and make them look nice it's because we re-put all the parts back inside of the retail boxes we're done so we can use them for other builds in the future as much as I'd love to keep every PCI build I can't do that I'm not sleeping just subbed in my friend well thank you very much for that dude I appreciate it so we're working on right now is just opening up all these there's that let's go to our last one you're very welcome yeah some people like to keep their boxes for their PCS just because but I know a lot of times people are like this feels like a waste of time for why are you doing this so I just do it because it's easier to do while I'm building and the second part is is because I like to explain why I do things that way somebody's like oh is he just one of those people keeps all his boxes in my P original PCS yes I used to keep all the boxes but now it's really there's a practical purpose behind it and that's called repeating reusing Hardware okay cool there's those three okay let's get our cables done our peeling done maybe this one okay peel seems like one side peels better than the other or it wants to come off it wants to come off oh you just got to go slow with it can we do all three of these without any of them getting stuck is the question no come on come on nope the answer is no it's annoying guys okay there's that one last one okay that one worked so we only had one malfunction on this one Maybe we'll see we're on the last one oh that's one's two ah only one malfunction on that one nice that's a win guys that is a win okay let's get these together they're gonna be intake from the bottom those are exhaust intake intake I want the back of the fan showing which is what I have in the f-140s okay that's the back of the fan okay so these are going to be the front okay yeah that's right okay we're good there we go okay cool but hey I I can black out my build okay there we go oh come on why are you being this way why are you being a pain no I have to do it this way that's why okay cool that's it that's ready okay lift that up go to the side there we go foreign next one there we go foreign no I almost I did these backwards because those are exhaust exhaust now that's intake intake we want exhaust exhaust sorry those are pulling in there yes okay and I want the bottom to pull in here it's like I was like I keep going through this in my head and then my mind is like mushy a little bit today so there we go okay cool flip these over okay foreign think about that for a second and make sure I didn't do this sometimes I get it messed up in my head okay okay cool there we go all of our fans in there foreign Okay cool so there it is all of our fans are there we got exhaust intake intake from both sides and then we'll have exhaust exhaust at the top and now where most of our fans are basically in which is nice so now we're just going to pop this down and let's start getting our motherboard and components in which is the next phase of this operation oh I remember that too when they were when they were basically when they were uh they yes I do remember that as well okay top down okay there we go look at how clean that looks God that looks so clean I like clean yeah Sarah white cables to match okay let's grab our screwdriver there we go now this actually has less screws to install than most other motherboards it's actually only uh eight there we go um yeah it is a roomy case there's lots of room and that's the one thing I like about it is like even installing your other fans down below isn't going to really mess with you like you would have on like some of the smaller Lee and Lee 0-1 ones um you got nothing weird like that um to get it to get it installed and set up so it's pretty straightforward in that regard you come up here and just put our last Cable in grab our power there's some extra screws for that thank you for all the follows guys uh what do I think of them I think that they're not for most individuals I think anything above like 64 gigs is like well outside of the waste of even prosumer level gear so and that if you do if you do decide to throw those really big modules in there just make sure that you are at that point in time running Windows 10 Pro Windows 11 Pro because it was not it does not support uh larger than 128 gigabytes okay what we're going to do now let's go ahead and put in well actually let's do our let's do our front panels real quick and then once we do the front panels then we'll put in our our vertical GPU Mount but might as well get our front panels in and all that squared all that stuff I am going to go ahead and grab the warts for our Lee and Lee real quick is there a reason you don't use the wow stick on the mobile yes you can uh over you can uh uh you can basically uh what's it called where you get a screw cross thread so you don't want to cross thread screws so I used another one because you're a little bit of another screw because you're just you can be a lot more gentle with it which is super important there's all my Infinity fans just looking for my I have a separate box the infinity controller I saw it in here earlier oh there it is there I found it foreign because I want to run all my cables right now for uh for the for the connections and stuff like that so that's what we're working on right now and the only one I really need to run is this one because I don't even use the fan or RGB one let's use all the Lee and Lee software for that okay let's go to our side view okay so here's our side view let's put our thing up a little bit what we're going to do right now is work on our our front panel connectors so first we got this one actually belongs to the wart for the infinity fans we're just going to throw that into this USB slot right there just run it down below and that'll be for our rest of our Infinity fans okay and then we're going to disconnect this or this is just the baggy removing the baggie with all the extra cables in it okay so let's start with our USBC which is my favorite on this mobo because it's just like the way that they do it is just perfect so you just go around from the side here you just want to make sure it's not very Twisted that's the key part okay so it goes out like this it's going to connect like that I'm just making sure that our our cable isn't Twisted so when it goes through it's the right direction okay so this is going to go out like this it's going to go right here just like that how do you know if the standoffs are in the right place uh they're actually labeled on the uh the motherboard itself now even though this is a little tricky here guys I'm going to try and do my best I'm trying not to block you guys but the way it works is you just want to come at it right from a 90 degree angle oh shoot foreign because you just got to get it right at that 90 degree angle and then one of those cables that can be the most bendable in terms of bending pins wow but I love how clean it looks coming from the side might do it this is right that's really hard from standing up position foreign there we go okay cool so it takes a little bit of work to get that in but once you get it in it looks nice and it's probably I love this with this way of doing the install because it ends up looking the cleanest okay next thing that we're going to do is the USBC that's going to go up here it's going to run it we'll do that top down so you guys can see it a little bit better okay then the good thing is is with this case you get a combined front panel connector so that's going to come up right here then we're also going to run another USB it's going to come up right here that's for your one for your just standard NZXT lights and you've got an HD audio and that's going to come over here that's all the front panel connectors for this case okay so we're going to close this let's go to top down you guys will be able to see that a little bit better yeah a lot of people don't plug it in but man I will tell you on this case because of the fact that of just how much space it just looks nice and clean you know what I mean just kind of sitting there it's it's just not problematic so when like it's worth to me it's like worth the effort because it looks nice but it is a little bit of work and you just have to be you have to take your time with that cable foreign there's our USBC next one's up front panel again it's just a whole connection easy to do goes right here over the front panel header I love that the H9 and all of the new newer generation NZXT cases do that I think the main reason being is that I'll be honest guys it's because they're a system integrator which means they also build PCS for people and that you know when you have somebody who builds as many PCs as they do they're all about they're like oh that's great I could I could actually save some cogs or I can save time and time is actually more expensive than cogs I think in some of these cases Canon front panel connector is going to go all the way over here on the left hand side cool there we go all of our front panel connections are in we've got both of our USB for our Lee and Lee we've got our front panel connection we've got our HD audio connection USBC connection and then our USB 3.2 so everything's kind of routed we're actually in really good shape now we're at the point where all we really have to do because of where we're at is you just have to do our AIO which is actually very simple given it's the given it's the um given it's the uh deep cool very simple AIO and then we can basically do our we can go ahead and do our vertical mounts let's grab our vertical mount but even before I do that I just realized I might as well install our rear fan use that beautiful I actually really like these 140 millimeter these 140 millimeter knock uh NZXT fans they're very nice looking and I won't want to do this so we don't have the we don't want to see the there you go I don't want to see that gnarly sticker really okay that'll give us that RGB in the rear because you got to have rear RGB okay cool okay let's now run this side view pop this under here we go recompress that down hold that I'll run the rest of that when I deal with the cable management okay there we go okay cool that'll hold that in and now our skirt now that looks really nice okay so next up let's go and throw in our vertical Mount GPU so we can make that look good too okay foreign this is just going to essentially replace all of those right there so we're going to take this out I'm pretty sure we remove all of these yeah every one of these grab our little mat here a little screw mat now wasn't expecting it to go out that way there we go a little bit more here come on baby there it is a little bit more there okay I did a good job of getting none of those in okay so now this foreign there we go okay I'm going to try this on its side go to top down okay there's two screws that go to this there's that one and one more okay and just like that the vert Mount is in now we can vertically Mount our GPU we got all of our cables already ready for that so we're good there and that's gonna hopefully do a good job of okay cool okay vertical Mount is ready while we're while we have it in this position the other thing I can throw in here real quick just to make sure we're good to go is actually our forgot to re-add this back okay so now we have that and that is our build I think I did it wrong go this way must be this way there we go okay got it in correctly okay guys uh here's how things look now is we have vertical mount g vertical mountain we're basically at the point where we need to do our AIO which we can do using the separate AIO Mount so we're gonna work on that now okay so we need this bad boy which is called the floating the floating AIO Mount supposed to look like it's floating okay so that's going to go in the back okay now we just need our deep cool AIO foreign foreign Cole uh Tom just put it in the I think Tom just put it in the uh in the NZXT in the in the twitch chat uh can somebody get YouTube folks the uh link for the um vert mount I think for this actually I don't know if I'm trying to remember something here let me check something real quick want to check something here real quick uh okay cool yeah just checking something okay let us okay let's go ahead and get this put together so we want this over here and now I need my last three fans it's the last three fans of the build guys last three fans of the build kind of the longest part last three foreign no we have a different bill for Valentine's Day we'll be doing that on Valentine's Day actually okay let's do a prediction just for fun will all of the peels happen at one time with no with no errors or will they not on these Liam Lee fans that's the question that's a prediction well all the peels happen or will there be a one that sticks what's up traveler how are you man I'm doing good man I appreciate the asking building a PC you know having having a good old time oh yes oh it's not done yet oh okay zip tie predictions going guys you still have some time don't forget zip time man guess the count of them if you can even dogs who can know make your Wagers on every show okay so get your vote in is it odd or even spend your channel points and you get to make the guess and at the very end what I'm going to do is I'm going to count off how many zip ties we actually use so PC's a Negroni whoa that is fancy right there um how we doing on likes on YouTube guys we're still halfway to that giveaway too see if we can unlock that giveaway if somebody wants to start a little bit of sub action over on the twitch side that would be amazing I'd love to at least give a give right now we're not giving anything away at the end uh will that vertical Mount work with all cases I do not believe so I think it only works within zxt cases but I could be wrong I mean it's pretty it depends right because it's got to be the exact number of slots and all sorts of stuff like that we're at 135 likes too guys let's get those last likes as well if you're over on YouTube guys if you're over on Twitch pop on over to robotic live hit that thumbs up in fact why don't you chill over there too might as well chill over there be a part of the conversation hang out with the YouTube folks too you can have them both open and wire to it hit that Thumbs Up Button hit that subscribe button so that way you get notifications when we not only do we go live but also when we post a lot you know YouTube shorts and all sorts of stuff that we post over there that's additional content on top of this guys so it's always worth doing that so hit like subscribe and all that fun stuff and hang out with the YouTube folks there's a bunch of people over there too top down okay okay so we go we can't do the prediction on this but we're gonna see what happens will it all come off so far so good there we go there we go okay that's one was 100 successful on that one will it work on this one oh it's looking good this one doesn't have a green thing oh there it is up there oh oh that's good too oh 100 successful on that one or else wants to fight but it came off oh this is gonna make me nervous guys because it's really down to this will it come off it did it was a hundred percent successful guys all right all the peels worked all the peels worked here we go and now we just need our last connection here there we go last little bit okay that is all done okay so if I do it this way it means that this would be sitting like this okay that looks right okay we're gonna just get the two in there's that one I like that the uh silver I like the silver screws because they actually end up matching okay so there's that now we got them all held everybody I want who's new on the YouTube side raise your hand if you're new on the YouTube side say hi for the folks over on YouTube so people can see that you're new trying to create a little bit more uh Community there too look at that easy breezy okay there you go that is all in we're basically ready to mount this into our PC but the thing is is that with this Mount it's actually a little bit easier just grab this and this is going to go like that oh Siri stop talking Siri wasn't talking to you okay let's get these in okay grab this one down here okay now you just use the wow stick to finish out our work yeah when Siri talks yeah Siri's having a good time for some weird reason okay keeping this going oh hello from Quebec oh hello to you too looks like this the the restream thing is just dying here guys I don't know why it's having such a hard time it just keeps dying so it can't keeps crashing there we go looking from Alberta hey uh sorry so YouTubers I couldn't see your chat just curious who's who's new hanging out in the YouTube chat today love to say hi to our YouTubers I got my twitch folks who are over there telling me from all over the world but yeah okay cool that is all that and a bag of chips nice Simon welcome everybody Welcome uh Juan and everybody else thank you for hanging out today okay guys this is uh ready let's get this in okay oh being careful here next step for this is just to easily but nicely pop this down and then boom okay and now it looks like it's floating up there like a little trapeze man deep cool is going to go like that which is awesome so now what we can do is we can throw in our bracket and all that fun stuff and finally get that hooked up okay so we're going to throw our bracket in real quick this is just going to go right in the back there we go and then on the bracket you have these little black things like this and on the top of them they actually tell you if they're 1700 or not so these are the 1700 right just got to find the 1700 side there we go oh never mind here's the 1700 yes they're the they're the they're the dash the ones that have little they have little like uh indentions in the side if you wanna You Wanna Know there we go LGA 1700 the only thing I wish they added that deep cool added in this one is if they would have um on the AIO itself on the 70 uh the LTT version this is magnetic but on the ls version it is not which is like a huge Lifesaver and Time Saver and I wish they would have just done it on both because I'm holding this and doing this little screwdriver thing actually you take some work because you gotta you gotta mount you got to mount the uh the bracket here it's kind of painful there you go same thing with the other side the best thing to do is just to stick it on here like this and once you get this on here like so screw it in there but on the L the other one it's magnetic so it just holds you don't have to do any weird like hand manipulation I guess is the only way I can think of it I will tell you man you get quite the more these you do that you get quite uh creative with how your hands can spread and stuff it's like a neat trick I guess okay let's unscrew that okay so this is going to go down now what I have a tendency to do to make this work really well and you have this pressure plate is just holding this cable so it it pinches on the other Underside like that and then put it on and put in our you just want to make sure that stays that way you just get this like single cable look on the hold it and hopefully it's gonna be light like that they're little things to help with okay once you have that you're that relatively tight and that'll hold it on okay now I can just use and the main reason I do that is because I I hide it against the edge there of that cold plate like that main reason being is that now with it like that with it like that now it just uh will only have a single cable coming up through the back okay and then now when I run this up and through just be this one little cable here let's make sure that this is on the right connections if you fan okay and then what I do okay and then we'll run this down let's put this down and then we'll we'll do all the little Cable Management just to make it look super clean okay guys AIO is installed so we're in we're truck kicking killing the gas now now there's very little left to to kind of do here all nine of our fans are in we're in a good spot let's go to top down and let's see about getting that little it's looking nice oh okay the cool thing is is like now with how this is done remove this you can't really see that now okay grab that right there okay okay now we can do that cable through run this up and through here as well I run that oh that went up and in okay let me I'm gonna loosen this and loosen these because I want to run this AIO cable the same place just is going to be the better spot for it so run this up and through here too so in the top down let me go to the top down View you can see I'm actually running it hopefully you guys can see it yeah I'm running it up here where the other fan came through the main reason for that is just going to make sure that it's hidden okay cool now if I go back to side view reseal this back up we just have cleaner cable management okay now let's get that top done get the front finished and we'll be in really good shape here now the whole hope here is to make this look good you want to show as little of that white cable as humanly possible now we can should have the room here just a little bit of patience see and then you can thread that up like that same thing with this one okay there you go much cleaner look here okay cool be gentle clean up our mirror here our mirrors here okay we got a nice clean look now we're going to do real quick is just get this to be probably end up just doing a nice little U there which I think will look the best so go to side view now you can see what I've kind of done here just going to make this look like it is pretty much just one cable here we go I took care of that one how's that look s pretty clean you can hardly see any of the cables which is exactly what you want okay so now we can go to getting our cable management done which actually isn't all that complicated guys there's not a lot of cable management to do here a lot of it's going to really just come off of the side here and then we'll uh get the GPU in and the PSU in and then we'll be done okay so we're going to undo that it's not a real one okay cool now let's just get this cleaned up okay and then this is gonna place this one we'll just hide the hide the zip tie here oops drop the zip ties and the key here is we for this one we want to just make sure that we keep this on the other side so we can keep that at a 90 degree in the front there we go okay let's cut those two there we go run these down and then we'll just do this okay same thing with this one we just want to make sure this stays at 90 degrees we're going to throw one more zip tie up here because you want to make sure the front looks clean that's what I'm talking about is when you look at this at the front of the case at the side view here I want this to be this right here this cable right here to stay at 90 degrees so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to basically zip tie that so it stays locked in that position it's just to make sure that the front of the build looks nicest so I want it right there Okay cool so now you have that nice clean cable there and it looks nice let's go back to top down okay this is for the power it's for the wart here okay we can use this over here too okay for these it's going to do simple which is usually the easiest nice even stacked USB cable oops sorry you guys aren't seeing the top down nice little stacked USB cable right here there we go nice stacked USB there okay got one more on the side here and then we'll be good with this side so that'll clean up the whole back portion of the Cave the case okay so now we only have left is our little wart stuff okay now let's run our looks like this we might want to run down and under oops okay there's that so we want to put rgb1 and Fan One there's fan one rgb1 these are the only connections for that okay nice simple simple cable connection right here make those look nice and tight and easy you guys enjoying the show it's just like again just getting it we're just in the throes of cable management right now but it's honestly it's not that bad cable manager it's actually pretty this is going to be pretty quick there we go one more right there this is where the PSU will be it'll be right on top of this so you won't even see this it would help if I actually put that cable with that cable tie where it belonged I hope that that should compress that should compress we'll have to see that may not want this about the same height as the other one okay there we go and try that we're going to try and have the the basically the PSU sit on top of that so it'll be hidden okay last cable here which unfortunately is for a lot of extra stuff that you don't need but but it is what it is plug that in okay we have a SATA and a RGB connection and usually this would be this this fan connection would do some extra stuff but because of how it works here so let's go to our side here get a couple little more white cables to run there we go and one more which is the RGB for the deep cool it should be not give me a top one they do not now of course it's in like the worst place imaginable guys I thought it would be I thought they'd give me a top one but they did not now I'm going to do something unique here because I have access to it I'm going to grab a special cable that'll allow me to control this with the RGB header um wait a minute no that won't do that never mind I'm thinking backwards never mind and one that goes the other way okay so I'm gonna have to run that down below that's unfortunate I was hoping that there would be a RGB header there but there's not the closest one is unfortunately down at the bottom of the case and I hope I can get to it sometimes you have to flip the case over though we're going to try and get this at a better angle okay let's make run off the left side trying not very hard not to have to remove the vertical mount but I think I might have to yeah I think I'm gonna have to remove the vertical mount sometimes it's just not worth the effort guys that's still oh shoot yeah be careful about the door okay got a top down um let's remove the vertical mount so I can get to the RGB plug oh come on he's trying really hard not to this thing is trying really hard to not work with me here foreign guys okay so what I plugged in was that little RGB in the bottom left hand corner I can put this back on which will make it so you can't see any of it but okay okay now we're finally getting somewhere I mean not that we weren't before just a little little slow downs but let's take care of this one little cable that we have left that'll be the last of our AIO stuff and then do our GPR our big cables oh we still have to do these bad boys we need that to not do that okay let me give this some extra love this can go right here because it's going to get used by this AI used by the PSG right here foreign okay cool throw that in how are we doing the likes on YouTube guys are we doing good on likes and because at this point in time guys all of the giveaways none of them have been unlocked I guess you say you're saying you're not entertained there we go Riddick drop in some gifted Subs trying to get things going we can unlock a hype train okay these are the last three things I gotta hook up and run that up too come on come on Riddick trying to call the train Riddick trying to get you guys some some uh some giveaways anybody gonna help him 180 in terms of likes and also don't forget to hit that like And subscribe guys like And subscribe for the YouTube side okay we got this one done okay so that takes care of this so now we have both of these ready to get plugged in okay this is all we got left these cables right here this is it this is all there is like the rest of it is all in and clean so now let's grab our box okay we got dual power adapters here we gotta throw into this like geez okay so we got this one okay we got let's do one two two and then we got three I'm going to do is put this right here feels like that makes the most sense is just putting it right here here we go oh there we go the little black thing is the is the wart for the Liam Lee this controls the Liam Lee somebody wants to type that out for him he says death so which we appreciate you joining and watching man we're going to create a little train thing here so we can so his stuff is so the stuff bends correctly okay there's all of our wart work you go ahead and do one more zip tie right here I want to leave those loose because I don't know how much I'm gonna have to bend them out to plug in all the SATA so we'll leave that kind of loose there lots of SATA there okay there we go there's our cable management there When I close this this will just bend and it looks like it looks good right then you open it up and you can still work on it and get to it and all that sort of stuff oh shoot dang it's okay it's not going to be as clean as I wanted but still works here we go so that'll be the wackiest looking cable of all of them we'll just be that one but you need to be able to get open so there we go okay let's go ahead and throw this in just to make sure this stays straight okay cool okay there we go good place to put a wart and clean install there okay so we got that all done now we got all of our cables run for it all of our cables are plugged in now we have left is our PSU which is going to go right here which should go over that and then we're in good shape I'm going to go ahead and seal these up just to make them look nice so our powers we got to just do our power cables and then we're essentially done okay okay guys let's get our extensions in then once our extensions are in it's just little little things that we got to do and even extensions aren't even really crazy anything crazy um I like the 216 that's a great case that's a really good case okay let's get our cable extensions in kind of at the uh into the build guys pretty smoothly even for all the K or even for all the uh team Shady what does that mean okay all of our stuff is put away all we have left is like our little bit that has to do with here but yeah this is actually in oh thank you team Shady for doing that how's that look build looks good right very clean even the top looks clean like it's just all about creating cleanliness just a very very clean looking build there oh GPU is not there yet it's coming don't panic don't worry we'll get it it's one of the last things that usually goes in okay let's give this a couple extension places if you're hanging out on Twitch also don't forget you can hang out on YouTube we have a you know quite a few people hanging on YouTube as well so if you want to chat with both hang out with both that would uh that'd be a good thing and while you're over there you know don't forget to like And subscribe um which means you get which just helps us with basically just with additional performance after the Stream but you know it also lets you know when we have YouTube shorts and all sorts of stuff and also don't forget to follow on Twitter I mean on Twitch either we do these every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday we're always doing builds and we build in the latest cases with the latest Hardware so it's like if you want to see you know a new build or a new case we usually have it right we're one of the first people to get to build with it so you'll get to see a lot of Hardware you've never seen before this is why we have YouTube as well team Shady okay keeping it going here just getting our cable extensions in uh I do I have built them for customers a lot of these are just built for a show so if people want to replicate them they can we try to I try to explain as much of them as I can as I go um you know try and make him awesome uh but we do we do builds for customers too not very often though this is not push-pull this is just the uh the radiators are too thin for push pull we need 15 more subs guys to give away that 50 new gift card at least uh if I could 4k monitor I would do uh the new Asus OLED which is a beautiful one or the fg42 the xg42u from Orris I like that monitor a lot it's 42 inches though if you want something a little bit smaller 27 inch one coming out from Asus is going to be perfect for this let's go to the side okay here the key is you want that to be absolutely vertical just like that and then up here okay looking for that vertical look once you kind of have it and you're happy with where it's placed take this extension here okay that is not going to go where there to go down to get trapped I'll put that one in this one I just want to make sure what I'm locking here is just making sure that the cable itself stays at 90 degrees because you just want you want you want that stuff to look you'd be straight you know okay cool now we have a nice clean looking cable extension whoops okay there we go time to get that GPU in that's the last bit and then we put our power supply and then we're done guys let's look came across came up really really clean let's go to top down replace our there you go again very very it's all about symmetric Symmetry and all that sort of stuff with the build and everything like that which I think looks very very nice Square all that sort of stuff okay now let's grab that beautiful strix 4080 from Asus Rog UE how's it going Mr deathix okay here we go there it is [Applause] there we go it's one hot mama huh oh shoot when you do all that work and then you forget to put one thing back you just want to really see the Box again I'm sure there we go okay let's pop this in here there we go okay now get this in to the case figure that out here in a minute okay now the more interesting thing is screwing these in okay okay we're gonna have to use actually I think the right thing to do maybe is to remove let me get that from this way yeah you definitely want to make sure that this is like all the way up and against the okay foreign that looks really good okay here we go guys here's the side view of the with the with the GPU in it looks like it's sat I can't tell if it's sagging a bit I gotta I don't actually think it is I gotta look from a distance you do we can't we actually do have a sag bracket we could put yeah I think you're gonna want the SAG bracket okay luckily there is one I'll put it in after we're done but I'm gonna grab the Sab bracket out yeah it looks like it's sagging but it's okay luckily thanks to Rog I'll show you guys and then we'll take it out and okay come on box okay maybe the case is sagging but the GPU straight that could be true okay a little too much is that straight there we go there it is then that looks good right needs more up let me look from a distance because the only two is it might be the camera angle you guys are looking at okay I can give it a little bit more yeah there you go there's more up yeah that looks right that looks good there you go well luckily there's a lot of control there with that sag bracket so it actually works really well but it actually looks really good now okay let's get our P our PSU in I don't know if that thing's gonna come out when I put it on its face but we'll see it might it'll be interesting to see if it holds okay last part guys PSU time check out that new shift ah there we go okay let's go to top down I'm going to show you guys the brand new Corsair shift psus okay there we go it takes care of that and there's our cable management ready to go let's grab our new this is the brand new and they do have these in thou 850 1000 watt 1200 watt and I think the 1200 watts the highest one but I was going to show you this one because we have this one being used in a different build the thousand watt being used in a different build on Thursday these are the are these are the new shift psus from Corsair and one of the things that you'll notice about these it is different is that the PSU connections are not on the back of the PSU in fact the back of the PSU hey what's up the back of the PSU is blank the PSU connections are on the side so when if you had your case uh inside on the side like inside you would cook you would do all your connections on the side like this so very very different uh probably not ideal for this case it'd probably be better to just do a normal one but the cool thing is is that you do have 100 access to them um at any point in time so like if you had like a court like anything else now it's easier to get to the the connections is the whole point and this does this is atx3 we're not going to be using the atx3 in this because we're using the cable extensions but this does have the 16 pin this does have the 16 pin ATX as well which reminds me I need to hook up our 16 pin real quick so let's throw that in real quick I thought it was maybe it's not yeah there is a reason they called it the shift they shifted where the epsu connections are okay cool let's get this hooked up real quick kind of forgot about that feels like is gonna go in like this okay okay let's go to side view here thank you foreign bits down here which I think would be easier to get to but they're really not thank you what I'm working on right now is just spreading these spreading the cable Combs so the bill doesn't look whack here okay cool there we go now we got it all hooked up and our cable is in the right place okay cool now we can do our PSU sorry about that guys okay foreign okay so what do we need for this build by the way this PSU is extra stinky like like extra stinky like wasn't expect this level of stinky lots of stinky on this one okay so it does it does come with the 16 pin if you want to just use it for a 16 pen these do come with 16 pins we're not going to be using that extension so we're just going to use using the standard PCI ones first up is our power connection here and again the difference is little tiny look at this little tiny little tiny connections for the shift um so yeah it just a lot more interesting here 's our motherboard Molex ooh this is one GPU connection we went four probably got three whoa whoa there it is okay there's one GPU there you go okay tiny connectors a little bit new for me here 's another one there's two save that one for there's two see there's three okay SATA connections we have one two three four on this one we have one two three four connections okay so we need one of these there's that I'm gonna grab one of these and go to a double because I don't need different okay so here is our one okay we just need a CPU and that's it yeah these should be the only other two cables I need okay here's our CPU which I'll put right here okay and the last one is our s our split Graphics okay cool okay there's all our power they're all going to be coming out of the top something a little bit different it's a little bit different because all of our cables are now up at the top what I'd hoped would work here did not work just gonna make those flat there we go okay cool there we go okay okay psu's in I just need to connect our cables and then we're done okay now for the fun part let's get all these under control let's start with our SATA if you're right here as these will kind of get up okay so SATA there's one there's two make sure we should do those three and finally the last one right there not a whole lot I'm gonna be able to do to kind of so you can do to make this a little bit better but it's just kind of kind of funky yawning salmon thank you for the one month and the five gifted Subs taking us we're almost to the 50 now so we're gonna get away at least a 50 anyway gift card how are we doing on likes on YouTube the awning thank you very much for that it's huge thanks dude appreciate it my friend okay now let's do this let's grab our power this one okay and then we're going to grab these might as well just all get wrapped into everything there we go okay and this is the last cable and this is going to go up to the top so let's see what we can do here let's try and make this look pretty pretty awesome here we might just for the sake of Awesomeness this would be pretty cool if it works out okay there we go okay just trying to get this last little bit buttoned up here okay oh come on it's not going in there we go okay cool that's all linked that's all in that's all clean foreign cable for this whole thing goes right here okay and what we'll do we'll do one more cable up at the top but that will hide this any news on release of what again oh the nv7 oh that's I think it's they said they said marcher March or April so that's what they said when they at CS okay guys there it is a completed NZXT H9 Arctic build what do you guys think Cable Management looks clean right and this thing keeps locking up okay so there is our build the only cable that I can't do anything about just because of how that cable is this one because we open it up we can still work on this so that's but when it's closed that's how it looks there we go okay foreign we're nine Subs away from unlocking that last giveaway foreign foreign okay guys let's get this up oh look at the uh let's get the thing up here there's our build it's not quite of the street okay what do you guys think okay well let's throw our back on and all that stuff throw this back on the top here there we go trying to see if there's any doesn't look like there actually is any okay there's no there's no cover on the inside okay we'll save that for later okay so I'll turn this on in just a few minutes we're going to go through our sponsor for today and then we're gonna do our deals and then we'll turn this bad boy on but real quick let's do our zip tie count there we go zip tie count one two three four five there's five right there one two three four five there's ten one two three four five there's fifteen one two three four five twenty one it is odd today five ten fifteen Twenty One odd is the winner today guys Twenty One yeah there it is 21. congratulations you guys are the odd are the are the winners today okay so let's go through deals and specials real quick uh deals and uh our sponsor and then we'll get this turned on and then Benchmark it and check out the games and stuff like that so we're very close to turning this on guys for those who've waited this long foreign okay how are we doing on likes on YouTube yeah there's going to be some glowing for two for sure 23 guys remember we got to get to 250 head on over live hit those those thumbs up and while you're there hit subscribe too make sure you guys do it all because we got all sorts of content that comes out of there as well so hit it all um okay okay so you get finished with the PC like this and you're like okay Roby I need to go ahead and install Windows 10 or Windows 11 or whatever on it so how much you know what would what would something like that cost you can't even really buy Windows 10 so we'll take a look at Windows 11. this is a uh Intel system so we'll take a look here windows 11. so Windows 11 is uh 216.94 but if you were able to pick it up at um VIP cdk you can pick it up for 31.37 which is part of the Valentine's Day code but Valentine's Day deal but if you really want to save some money use rbck at checkout hit apply and what you're going to basically do instead of 31.37 you're only going to pay 21.96 which is a great which is a great deal what about Office 365 then Roby here's Microsoft Office uh here's office 2021 regularly 205.74 cents but you can pick it up at for uh 74.52 but again same thing if you use buy now uh use the same code at check out rbck hit apply what was 74.52 would actually only be 52.16 so again VIP they're authentic Windows keys they have great customer service we've had literally probably over 10 000 people purchased from them they're absolutely fantastic um and if you like if you're interested in picking up a copy of Windows or a copy of office great place to pick stuff up they also sell other things as well so if you want to take a look at some of the other stuff they sell you can check that out as well um but yeah it's a great place once you get finished so you don't have that crazy activate Windows and you can do things like customize your desktop and the other things that you get with parts of that stuff so use code rbck check out and then you're good to go a couple other things I want to go through real quick and then we'll get to the build and the deals if you're looking for or shopping for PC parts uh or you're uh you're basically uh looking for things like monitors uh Games Etc follow at robitech deals on Twitter it's a fantastic Place Tom who is uh here in the chat whoa why did it go away don't do what I did and just close it uh it's a great place as you can see he's basically posting stuff all the time finding codes for cases uh uh laptops gpus CPUs you name it and he's basically posting this stuff all the time so a great thing to follow on Twitter if you're looking for deals and you want to you want to basically find some good deals on a bunch of different stuff so check it out Roby Tech deals on Twitter um and uh like I said ten thousand you know twenty thousand people follow and he continues to find deals on a consistent basis um also uh last place we'll go through and then we'll go through the deals for the show today but this is where you go if you want to buy things like our build map by the way our merch I think a lot of people forget we do actually have uh merch for sale so uh big one is our our build mats but we have these hat these show uh these amazing New Era jackets these hats uh t-shirts uh we're actually getting ready to do a sale here at the end of the month um so all this stuff is going to be a lot lot more expensive but make sure you check I mean sorry a lot less expensive so check these out these are fantastic like we make high quality high quality merch so a great thing to check out and pick up uh right from uh right from the store um if you want to and then we're going to be doing exclusive drops of these uh these shirts uh they're going to be happening in mid uh in early March so if you want to get in on the mechanic shirt orders those are going to be happening in mid-march okay uh also if you'd like to build or you like any of the builds that we're building on top of finding the parts down in the description below you can always head to and look at the builds all the links for all the parts are always there so if you're like oh I really like this H9 build I want to copy it parts are there there's the build the air cooled build that we did in the Corsair The Cooler Master uh td500 mesh so all of our parts are always there so if you're interested you're like oh I love this specific build all the links with all the parts are there as well as a link to the video to check that out okay let's see what deals uh Tom has found today so hs80 if you were at we found that this was actually a pretty good price hs80 RGB USB wired heads uh wired gaming headset on sale 64.99 over at Corsair if you want to get that I really really like this headset uh again uh the one thing to just be aware of is it's got those foam headphones but again you could uh so if you have a tendency to have ears that uh get warm under headsets this has a a better chance of trapping heat but if you want a warmer head that's good um it's got a a flexible flexible microphone a great RGB control everything control with an IQ so if you're already using IQ for your controls Etc this is a nice thing to add to your uh to your collection great headset sounds good um and it's worth checking out uh deep cool ak-400 probably one of the best air coolers in terms of price to performance on sale right now 29.99 so if you're doing like a ryzen 700 a ryzen 7600 non-x build these are going to be great your 12 600 k your 12 400f your 13 600 F these are great uh Tower coolers for um uh you know very well performing Tower coolers uh if you want to check that out uh bit Phoenix Nova mesh SE argb case uh if you want to go pick that out looks like it comes with four fans I haven't tested this looks like it's a mesh type panel but on sale right now 64.90 um the K65 RGB mini this is their 60 inch mechanical keyboard looks like they're pastel Twilight is on sale over at for 99.99 so and again it comes with those keycaps I love their K65 their mini is a nice 65 percent uh keyboard and just yeah worth checking out and it's good to see that price a gigabyte RTX 4070 TI on sale right now 819.99 uh like the 470 TI the only thing lacking in it is just the amount of vram which you've seen issues with like 4K hog Awards but at 1080P and 1440p for this card no issues whatsoever you just might see some memory constraints at 4K not that it can't handle it but there are games that are hitting that upper limit uh Intel Core if 13600 KF this is the version of the K without a integrated Graphics chip on sale 296.97 that is an awesome price for that CPU fantastic chip uh uh a little bit still you have to do an AIO to cool it you can do air cooled mode if you want to which that ak6 the ak-400 would cool but again you're going to lose out in some of the Boost performance on that so an AIO is definitely recommendation and then here's a bonus deal uh mole work 11 piece one-quarter mini ratchet set so if you're looking for something it's like little mini ratchet looks like it's on sale for 12 bucks perfect go for perfect for vertical Mount and H9 Elite well there you go so Tom's trying to Tom's trying to solve problems um so there you go cool so there are our deals guys uh and everybody say thank you to Tom for finding those deals you know it's a it's a great part for him to add to the job um and again trying to make things Lively and awesome for you so good job Tom on that we're gonna pull this under let's get ready to uh turn on our PC here okay now is the moment we're getting the uh we're getting the prediction up will it post will it post is the question also guys uh let's get the last of those likes over on robitech and also get those last nine Subs guys nine Subs that's all we have and we'll we'll essentially unlock at least a 50 new a gift card um which would be great um because we're just so close we're 10 10 likes away and nine Subs away so let's get those last nine subs and maybe maybe we can do a Hype Dream we haven't done any High trains I built this four thousand dollar system and there's no hype I think it'll post that's good let's see what we can do to get that done um okay let that go by take a drink yawning salmon got it so close guys waiting for the oh the prediction's done okay prediction is already finished okay let's turn on mood mode and then we'll get this bad boy turned on it's so Elite you forgot to ask okay here we go guys going to mood mode if it catches up here hey the original Parker bot dropping it in there taking it to eight we're super close now guys okay here we go it's in mood mode whoa now this the the none of the Lee and Lee fans will spin until I put the lean Lee controls in there but it is going well that Fan's really loud I just realized I need to spin that because the NZXT is not it's not in the best direction of the rest of the fan the rest of it looks good all white across the board still posting oh still waiting oh it is posted oh it is posted guys there it is right there we are inside of Windows there it is right there completely posted and ready to go uh and uh looking looking nice there it is the RAM and the slash bit let's get the let's get the Lee and Lee software in there [Music] okay firmware is updating for our fan I'm pretty fir I'm pretty sure that all of our land our L connect our lconnect stuff is going to need an update so we're gonna pop in here real quick okay go to keep changes and Okay cool so now we have it all in here let's go and throw our lconnect software in here real quick pull that pop it down okay there we go okay just installing that let's go to our side camera so you guys can see it go okay fans should be spinning there they go fans are spinning okay let's go to SL lighting okay let me do this okay we're gonna download and so what I'm doing right now is I'm basically up getting the firmware upgrade so you can do all the lighting it doesn't seem to do very well so we're going to scan there's the browse grab the infinity fans and then open and start update okay so we're going to update all the devices get all the fans going so now when you look at that side they're all spinning nice and fast okay now we got we can do this close this restart I'll connect three okay so now we have all the lights okay so let's go and just for the sake of stuff let's do um we'll do white and there we go there we go nice clean all white build did the top knot update oh no they're all updated there it is all white all white all clean that looks really good and again we could have some fun with this and do some some pink and stuff like that on the outside but there it is right there and there is your build okay so uh the question comes down to then we've got that we've got that compress on it we've got that uh thing on it so let's see real quick we'll set our fans to basically Max but let's see how our KF performs under load so we're going to throw this in here actually I'm going to grab my a I'm going to grab our perf stuff okay let's jump into here we'll throw it in our local drive and just paste it here so we're gonna do that let that copy real quick while I made a 64 and give it a nice test which would be great everything hot hot we'll see we're gonna test it we got we actually do have that uh that uh frame for the CPU this time while we're at it though let's go ahead and drop real quick let's grab MSI afterburner and get that done it looks so dang nice I'm glad that you guys like it we wanted something that looked really clean right so I think it came out incredibly clean um which is which was the whole point and there's our YouTube goal that is an extra extractive you say extractive PC right there I guys I have to admit man that build this build came out super clean and the mirror and stuff okay so what we should what we can do while it's doing its little bit there is let's let's have some fun you guys have been you guys have been a good audience let's go ahead and grab our let's go to our side view and we'll pop this on because we're going to be doing thermal testing anyway okay here we go hey Riddick dropping five more gifted Subs taking us to 47. guys he's really trying to get you guys that giveaway okay here we go and here is the last bit of it well come on okay here we go we'll do it from the bottom okay I can get it from the top here okay there we go here we go foreign there's that boom there you go with the glass on now oh there was one other peel I forgot about hold on I gotta take one other peel there's one more peel inside of this that I forgot to grab it's right here there we go okay okay everything's plugged in ready to go what happened here the PC did something weird man that looks really good that is a very clean looking PC guys oh no one other thing I noticed oh that's what's going on okay I left the Windows installation media in there and so like keeps rebooting and then it keeps getting stuck in the Windows installation because it's trying to install Windows let it get into windows again and then we'll just copy 8064. so we can see how it runs there we go okay back into Windows now okay let me see if I can get this to okay there we go okay now we're just copying this in here getting this all squared away just real quick just so you guys know what's going on here this is why it helps to do USB 3.2 Gen 2 we got MSI all squared now okay so let's grab cinebench making sure everything is good giving you guys more views of the the PC as we wait for just little little setup stuff so we can bench it okay okay so over a group name okay we're just putting our putting our tracking in or just waiting for the updates to finish be done in just a second guys foreign CPU power shown on your show ride there you go Ram uses we don't care about that okay frame rate I care about and frame rate average at care about I'm going to do override group name game shown under your subscribe group name game shown under his play okay there we go we want control I control o control p Benchmark control k ick control Okay cool so now that's all set up now we can just grab cinebench and then we're good to go we can actually start doing this and see how this actually I've never got to test with I've done it with washer mod but I've never actually tested it with like uh just a standard um with a with an actual frame uh CPU frame so we'll see how that looks okay so we have everything okay so we're bringing it up there just doing the last bit of this PC's ready it's waiting for the download I love Cinnabon dude that would actually be pretty good yeah you can do dark mode in Windows yes okay here we go okay let's go ahead and just for the sake of stuff we'll do well that's all we want when a to 64. so you guys can see Temps I'm curious what our how what our thing is going to be okay let's go here there's our Temps right now we'll get rid of GPU because we're not going to do anything with that okay um you guys should be able to see this we'll go to file Advanced let's go to 10 minutes and start the multi-core oh you know what let me stop that sorry one thing I got to do because these I don't know what the ramp is on these or you can't it's with the fans so we'll just do full speed for now it's the easiest way to basically test okay there we go okay starting our multi-core now we'll see what our threat oh what our score is whoa look at that that is 38 686. for our cinebench score no it doesn't I mean it's just right now we're just doing it because we're basically wanting to see what Max cooling is so we actually have a little bit of we actually could have some fun with this with some overclocking and stuff like that now this does have the latest NZXT bios and all that sort of stuff but you can see CPU temps right now are sitting at a very easy very manageable 87 on this uh 13900k yeah so it's not having any issues whatsoever in terms of keeping this under control and then so those who are probably joining us you want to see what we're talking about that's the PC we're currently testing uh let me take a look we can uh let me throw Hardware info monitor in here let me stop this real quick so this is whatever stock on NZXT okay okay so we'll run this again we'll keep this up too so you guys can see the overall everything okay so I can go there there's Temps okay so let's just start this there's your temp and then your power voltage right now is pulling [Music] 253 Watts right now so 252 253 Watts right now so it's not it's not boosting like crazy so again you could if we wanted to pop it up and get it and again I've seen this it's not surprising to see this happen with z790 like we did with z69 with z690 it's just sitting at stock right now um so if you wanted to uh boost this like a lot of times when they first these boards first came out they would just let this thing boost like mad and so basically it's just this is running its stock which is why if you boosted this and let it kind of run away like if you put this on an Asus board we'd probably be getting closer to 40 000 on a 40 000 on a cinebench score uh but dude I really actually would rather it do stuff like this where it's at stock and the cooler and then let the people basically uh mess with this instead of letting it just do something stupid and run this as hot as absolutely possible or do something more like what AMD does which I do appreciate which AMD just says I'm going to take whatever your cooling is and I'm just going to give you the max amount of power and I'm going to run at 95 the entire time when I can and then it'll boost a core accordingly both Intel and AMD both do the same thing in terms of they don't do they don't thermal throttle the core clocks what they do is they boost throttle which means the amount of time and the length of the Boost changes but you're always getting at least stock the entire time so 40 70 TI is good uh if you're playing at 1440p or 1080p 4K there is some potential issues in terms of your uh you having some potential memory limitations but anyway guys perfectly fine great temps it's sitting in the 80 this is having no problem managing this whatsoever so yeah there we go okay let's uh let's take a look here because I could let this run this is maybe going to get into the 90s but uh you're not going to have any problems whatsoever yeah we're gonna see probably after 10 minutes we have another 10 minutes maybe 91.92 uh as your higher in temp uh but your your cinnamon score is still going to be north of 38 maybe just PSI of 38 000. so so okay so that's the performance for the uh for uh thermals and stuff like that we could let it run again where I'm I'm extrapolating but yeah it's running at stock not doing anything wacky in terms of boost or anything like that right now let's put our let's put our we're gonna go back to like a regular standard and then well this will be gaming at standard so we're going to set things to standard here which is making this much quieter uh let's go ahead and throw up uh let's bring up on Steam so launch Call of Duty why not see how this performs with Call of Duty yeah they are org they are they're that's why I don't mind like those and the um the other ones the the uh one the 120s from NZXT are also great performing fans to me I don't know if this is gonna I don't know if I'm gonna get applications here whoa I actually just lost oh no there goes I'm not seeing afterburner but not that I need it for I like I'd like to see CPU and GPU temps up here um but we might need to restart MSI afterburner I don't know if the Riva tuner statistics stuff worked oh come on it's like trying to cap okay continue continue we'll do perform performance we'll do that's fine oops cancel continue not now okay I'm gonna close this restart this okay yeah I think we ended up with a uh it didn't install all the way so we'll run this one and then we'll fix MSI afterburner just so you guys can see the overall performance with this lady on there we had the PC restarted I don't know if there was like a an update or whatever it was it ended up causing it to restart but kind of annoying skip okay let's go to settings we're going to go to graphics full screen exclusive 4080 Auto that's fine we'll do yeah Auto is fine we'll turn vsync off frame rate unlimited and then we're going to go to Quality apply we're going to go to basic Nvidia dlss we're going to run it at balanced apply okay there we go okay so this is how does Modern Warfare 2 run benchmark start there we go so we'll see how this goes this is a 13900k with a RTX 4080 at 1440p with uh dlss set to balanced and graphic settings set to basic what's up Leo how are you man uh invec does I mean it does I haven't noticed an issue with the the GPU being 100 with the nvac no it's it's such a low it's such a low hit on uh GPU performance so I would say not really at least that I've seen anyway let's run okay so coming in at the very end we ended up with 272 frames per second uh on our uh basically that seems that seems pretty that seems pretty good that seems pretty good guys 272 frames per second with uh at 1440p so no problem whatsoever GPU temp was 46 so it was running you know nice nice uh nice and nice and good no problems whatsoever there uh let's go ahead and just for the sake of fun let's go to Graphics we'll go to uh uh 38 40 by so we're gonna go to 4K okay so here we go 4K now there you go yeah DLS is three that's only frame generation that's on uh that only frame generation is uh restricted to 4000 series regular dlss and all the stuff that we're showing you here uh there's no frame generation here this is just this is just uh regular so this is 4K and there you go guys so this is I think what just shy what just going to be shy of 200 frames per second so 199 frames per second at 4K um versus uh we were looking at we were looking at uh 200 oh what two four two something to almost 270 at 1440p so yeah there you go that's 4K uh Modern Warfare okay let me do this let me stop stop okay we're just reinstalling it because the direct deck stuff failed there's always like the little part where it's like you forget about stuff and you're like oh crud something didn't quite do its thing and that what it didn't run was all of the direct three the DirectX stuff this stuff which if you don't have this it can't do all of the on-screen stuff that we want how many of you were develop nice okay now we're just waiting for the install and then we'll uh we'll uh why don't we end it tonight we'll end it tonight with a little Hogwarts Legacy so we can show you guys that running something brand new but uh what do you guys think of the system right what do you guys think of the system overall right like now you're looking at it what do you think about the performance like all the stuff that we've kind of shown here what do you think looks like people are happy with it and what they've seen from it it not only looks good but it also it not only does it look good it also performs like a beast you know oh shoot I'm wondering if I keep closing this and then I keep not getting the installation done hey let he's taking it to 49. it's probably the hardest we've ever had to work for the giveaways but at least we got the 25 we got a 25 hopefully that'll just upgrade to a 50. all right here we go hey flicord shaking it up there he got us there we're at 50. yay now we're just doing a 50 new gift card or we can do 225s if you guys would rather do that if you guys can do a vote I'm going to go ahead and update this just in case somebody decides to get crazy because we still do hit the next goal okay this I'm pretty sure this is not working okay I'm gonna try this one more time let me see what happens if this works yep stuck in this weird I'm trying to get I'm trying to do this last bit guys sorry about that I'm a fan of the fans okay just want to try and show one more game you know what I mean in with a good game but I will be honest uh MSI afterburner is being a little bit of a pain in the butt right now so just letting it I want to try and reboot it and then have it finish its install no it's uh naku it's just a it's just a looks thing uh the one thing that they have done is there used to be a performance hit for these kind of uh for these kind of uh things and now that's going away which is nice so you can do uh you can't you do see in some cases slightly higher thermals uh when you do uh when you do um side like this um but um but um it's not it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be okay people are saying 150 okay that's totally fine okay this thing is oh yeah well I'm sorry guys it's being stupid um let me I'm gonna unremove it and try it one more time it didn't quite install all of the stuff so I'm going to remove it reboot and then try it one more time and then if that doesn't work then we'll go from there gosh darn it okay we're gonna try this one more time see if we can get this to work I really want to show you guys I really want to show you guys uh Hogwarts but if it doesn't work you guys if you guys get the idea of how good this is so yes it does UConn you they don't run unless it's warm so unless it's needed it doesn't it doesn't run which is more efficient from a power standpoint right right now the GPU doesn't need it so they don't run if they don't need they're not needed that's a good question though you know so I appreciate you asking that question I like that you weren't afraid to ask that okay hopefully that hopefully this is gonna fix it we'll see what happens I hope it kept all my settings that would be a bummer okay we'll see what happens just installing this last bit bring this DirectX 3D stuff down yeah this is my this yeah I think this is just hosed yeah it's just hosed oh maybe oh nope there it is yeah the DirectX one times okay guys well I guess we'll call it here let's go and do our giveaway sorry it's just not gonna I mean like there's no really way to show it and if it's gonna do this it's just it just sucks that it basically stuck like that so um let us do our giveaways okay so basically you guys have unlocked a single 50 dollar new a gift card we just upgrade them once we unlock the 25 so congratulations on that we're gonna run our giveaway for that right now uh and go from there so going to cloudbot uh and go to giveaways okay so 50 new a gift card up for grabs exclamation point New Egg now guys exclamation point New Egg now is going to be the entry starting that giveaway right now guys 50 up for grabs exclamation point New Egg now foreign two minutes guys 25 seconds guys foreign foreign there we go winner is uh pixel Pusher okay guys well that was it I want to say thank you so much to everybody for tuning in today we are back on Tuesday for the Valentine's Day build so we're gonna find out what the build actually was uh and then what happened to the people who submitted and what we ended up with there so that's gonna be happening on Tuesday then we're returning on Thursday dad my dad we're gonna be building a PC with robitex Dad that's going to be happening Thursday and then Saturday we're going to build another showcase PC uh that one is going to be with um that one's gonna be with um uh the brand new uh AIO and um uh case from uh Corsair so using their new AF RGB fan so you're going to want to tune in for that those are going to be three really great builds next week and that should be a lot of fun and also don't forget we got Amazon live happening on Tuesday and Saturday outside of that guys have a great rest of your weekend super appreciate you guys being here and have a good night bye guys foreign
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 14,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, custom PC, building PC, robytech, how to build a computer for beginners, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc step by step, how to build a pc step by step amd, how to build a pc step by step for beginners, how to build a pc 2023, coolermaster td500 mesh, all white pc, all white pc 2023, nzxt h9, nzxt h9 white, nzxt h9 elite build, nzxt h9 elite, nzxt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 37sec (14977 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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