$4500 PC Build with Wardell– Giveaways + PC Build Corsair 5000d (12900KS / EVGA RTX 3080)

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guys welcome to a very special edition of mod workshop the first ever where we're using the brand new intel core i9 12900 ks now i know most of wardell's audience is like what the heck is he talking about um but anyway i don't want to introduce this fine gentleman next to me who are you who is your daddy and what does he do i'm just kidding no just who are you what's going on tell us a little bit about yourself i'm wardell i'm i stream on tw i stream valerian on twitch and i used to play professionally but now i'm just you know looking for a home looking for a home yeah and some people are like you're here for a hundred thieves announcement no that's nothing like that we're not doing anything we're here to build him the announcement is we're building him a flex system that is the announcement that we're doing today and it is absolutely a flex system um i all in all i'm actually really excited to build about the build that we're doing today specifically because it is great for top level esport or pro level players like yourself in games like valorent cs go you name it these are great pcs for that so let's really quick walk through the parts so you guys can be very excited um and go from there so our processor is actually doing really really good yeah somebody's i love all the people 1300 uh yes that is there um it's actually almost as much in terms of the amount of weight that uh wardell uh benches right like 1300 pounds uh right there and so uh dude yes i love that yes that's going in there i love it yes i love it so uh that is what we are building for wardell today should be absolutely awesome now this is the new mod workshop format so for those of you who are coming from wardell's audience this is going to be a bit of everything so we're going to kick it off starting with some pc building we're going to get wardell like up to speed and then he is going to become a pro tech streamer like me and then afterwards uh once we kind of get it to a good point then he's going to go off and show you his valerian skills so if you're a robotech fan you can stick around for some quality valorem gameplay unlike yesterday's intel uh shenanigans where roby got killed in the first 30 seconds every freaking time uh but my dad actually did better which is the sad part uh then afterwards what we'll do is we'll bring them back we're gonna flex on that super awesome gpu uh put that in open uh turn on the pc do the peel which is very important you know what i mean and so it's like great chance to show off your biceps by the way it's like as you're pulling look at my you know anyway point is it's gonna be super cool and it should be a lot of fun so great great great format of the show you're gonna get to see a little bit of both uh him building a pc and uh him also uh playing some games now have do you know who um oh my gosh i just forgot his name uh will's gonna have to help me out here uh um dang it superman guy who plays superman what henry cavill thank you henry cavill so henry cavill built do you know you know henry cavill yes he built a pc and there is a scene that we're going to have to reenact here on the show where he is holding his gpu but his biceps are so big that we're gonna have to do it so we are gonna get that wardell like bicep gpu hold uh going in here as well um and so we're gonna get yeah i know i my mind space guys it's been a long day people like who this guy is a he doesn't know who henry cavill is i am not that i didn't say i was smart uh i just built pcs um but yeah it should be a lot of fun uh so questions do you know what's you feel like you know what's going on yeah just walk me through wait i have to do stuff on this show i thought he was like i'm done let's go you know he's gonna go in there and uh and uh just start building um so let's talk a little bit about your building experience because you you do have you've watched someone who has building experience so i watched my brother build pcs and i'm just like wow good job that was a great job so um and your brother your brother has built all of your pcs yeah yeah and how many pcs have you gone through uh just one just one okay so he's built one piece yeah so after today you can fire your brother yeah yeah that's what's gonna happen guys we're breaking up families here on mod workshop right here this is what it is this is how we this is how we uh go here um okay cool so um do you know anything just about it outside of it it you push the power button and out out comes ballerina or no i feel like it's like somebody told me it's like legos it is adult lego yeah exactly but it's very expensive if you like it is this what is yeah this is gonna break the parts yeah let's not break any parts these are gonna be hard to get a hold of um have you built lego before are you like a lego fan oh yeah okay yeah oh really like a mickey mouse boat oh really oh yeah the steamboat willie one yeah yeah that was actually pretty cool hey by the way you guys here here's here's a little something hey guys today we're going to be building with war now it's going to be awesome oh boy little mickey mouse for you um okay cool yeah so it's a lot like adult lego um but before we get too far into that for people who don't know did you kind of come out of college wanting to stream or like how did you get into playing games professionally because i know you you used to be a pro esport like cs go player and you were like i don't like cs go anymore but like take us through that journey a little bit uh well i just played games when i was little and then i didn't know there was a pro scene for like like a counter-strike okay and then i was like going to school at the time and then i was like oh i want to go pro in this game because i see people like very successful and i was like okay so i like stepped away from school and then just pursued like trying to become a professional and then eventually i built my way up there and then yeah now we're here so have you so have you done like you know like intel actually sponsors a lot of these a lot of those tournaments like iem chicago which i mean going in there tell us about your first experience like walking on the big stage and having that many people watch you play was that was that crazy i i haven't made it past you [Laughter] so you're like i don't know that would be a great thing all i've seen is for videos i mean i'm spectating it's a good it's like you can feel the vibe yeah energy is crazy oh yeah and you and you have played i mean you are playing competitively for money so you can get an idea of what that would feel like yeah yeah i mean in a lot of ways it's crazy to think because knowing how many people watch you so like i went to like and i know trust me i'm actually going somewhere useful with this guys um i actually went to a dualipa concert at um at a stadium in um seattle and they 17 000 people will go to that show now i was looking at some of your numbers you've had streams bigger than that and so it's like crazy to think like you've had that many people just watching you play by yourself yeah it's pretty crazy when you think of that yeah but when you like think about it it's like really big yeah it's real and that's and that's just the people that are concurrent so if you think about the total number of people it's actually way larger than that so um you know in the end you've had some of that experience you but probably just because they're detached you never like consider that exactly dude i mean that's it's still crazy um it should be it should be a lot of fun though today we're going to start walking through there now we do have giveaways that are happening during the show and so what we're going to do and please you're going to put it in chat anyway because you guys never listen to me but what we're going to do is we're going to be giving you codes now when we give you those codes we're going to give you a link in each one of the channels that is the link for the gleam giveaway what i'm going to do is when i tell you the code you go to that gleam link giveaway and then from there you go and you'll be entered to win some of the number of prizes the first code is i9 ks which is of course the new uh ks that just released we're going to be giving away two core i9 12 900 k's plus a 12 gen swag kit four core i5 12 600 case absolutely fantastic cpu there too and 10 12 gen swag kit so again don't put it in go and go to the gleam link put that code in and then you are good to go towards winning it now we will announce those winners later on uh you will get a notification from intel uh if you are the one who wins so that won't happen at the end of the stream so congratulations and good luck there's going to be 10 of them over the course of the show that's also a good way to know whether if you're bored how close we are getting to the end or not but hopefully you're not it's going to be great we're going to have high level pc building and high level gameplay at the same time so people are still see even though i tell them they're still gonna put it in in the codes uh so uh if somebody could reach out uh so i know that you guys may not have that in there uh we'll get a mod over and your channel the link so that way you can put it in there um okay guys well let's start building you ready yeah i'm ready you nervous at all a little bit a little bit yeah yeah well i i will tell you we have done it in in i think we're close to 30 episodes on the show we have yet to have one fail and i don't feel like you're going to be any different because i think it'll be fine yeah okay so why don't you grab this this is your motherboard this thing is a beast by the way this is a monster of a motherboard and i'm going to grab the other components you need for the motherboard at the same time so uh so you want to flip it over let's here we go let's get you a knife how often do you get to hear that on stream okay so there's two openings there's two little bits you're going to cut right there right there perfect there we go let's do it there it is okay cool and then i'll i'll take that back from you look at you with your proper knife handling skills of course did you learn that like in boy scouts or anything like that no no i learned that i learned that i think in valor most of the time you stab people with it so i really appreciate that you've known me i'm not your teammate it's not oh that's true that's true um okay so you're gonna pop it open okay cool and then what way what works best is just to lay it flat on the ground like this and then just kind of pull on and i'll hold the other side okay there we go perfect cool nice okay and we'll put that off to the side perfect now this board is ridiculous by the way like so this is like one of those boards that like is like impossible to get um because of just how overkill it is so kingpin is the guy who currently holds a record for like overclocking i'm actually hanging out with him on friday we're gonna be oh we're gonna be liquid nitrogen overclocking on one of these boards and so that's the kind of level of like performance you can get from this so you have your accessory kit which we'll put off to the side because we'll use that a little bit later and then inside here is your actual board so if you want to pop that out it's a little hefty just as an fy okay yeah just pull it out yep it does come out they just secure it there you go now here at the bottom one of the cool things that this is and i'm showing you this here i'm going to show this over at will here right there this is actually a bench so you can put screws on this and then put your motherboard on top of it and do things like without having to put it inside of a case you can like test it if you wanted to it's pretty rad so it's one of the few boards that actually comes with that i guess when you're spending that kind of money on a board it's got to come with something extra exactly so there we go um put that right there so it doesn't fall off cool okay so why don't you go and take that out of the static no wardell's not going to break anything people are like wardell's going to break absolutely fine i hope not no if henry cavill can build it wardell can build it there we go what do you think huh wow that's a beefy board isn't it it's a beefcake so there we go it's gonna go it's gonna be it's gonna sit like right here okay so now the first thing you're gonna do and this people always enjoy this is um peel peel the pie peel all the plastic off so oh okay yeah so there's a ton of it and we're just gonna basically peel all the plastic off in my family we leave the plastic on really yeah what okay that would be really bad for this because it would melt everywhere and then you just have like a goopy mess oh and then like on the couches and those yeah dude that's like a grandma like she used to do that stuff and then we'd be like grandma why don't you take them off she's like because then you ruin it i'm like but then you sit on it and everybody can hear you sitting it's like [Music] like you can't shift in the couch especially if you're watching a movie then everybody yells at you oh yeah yeah but do you keep you you like at your house do you still have the plastic on the furniture or no uh no but i have it on my monitor oh really yeah why you just like spit a lot when you're cursing at people so like on the back i'm like i like the back of it you know what i mean oh oh on the back but not on the lookout yeah you didn't keep it on the phone no no no no no definitely is this plastic yeah that's plastic it does come off this is the test okay perfect there we go there yeah there's that part dark like your soul i'm just kidding i don't know okay does this this come up yeah it does it does actually come off luckily you don't like yeah and the thing that's rough is like i groom my nails and like i really shouldn't as a pc builder because like there's so many yeah you are slowly getting it off slowly yeah don't worry guys this is why the show takes 10 hours because we have to just peel this off and the peeling takes like forever it's man it's being a pain here i'll take that from you though throw this off in that garbage pile over here there we go oh i'm almost there uh the code the first code was i 9k uh i9 12 900 ks guys that was the first code and then now we have more codes coming up oh sorry i9 ks sorry my bad luckily i have the uh the voice of the voice of god in my ear there we go so there you go okay i think you got it all right yeah nice that looks really oh no you got one more little peel oh the kingpin yeah now it's ready oh it's cool now it's prepared yeah you like it oh no i meant [Laughter] i like you too he shook my hand i was just like i was trying to take the garbage but he's so polite okay so this is the board this is a pretty ridiculous board like you know when the capacitors are yellow uh things are oh uh crazy now the only thing that's nuts about this is in most in most motherboards this is rotated the other way but they rotate it this way for extra performance and then the other thing too is they only have two dimm slots most boards have four but that's so they don't split the memory controller just to make sure that everything is as fast as possible and efficient as possible the other thing that's unique is all these connections are sideways usually they'll be up and you can do things like but this one is just not and then you can obviously tell here some super thick vrm's and this is just for doing things like cooling things for overclocking so and then you get like your power button and all that sort of stuff i mean all in all it's all stuff you'll never use yeah but hey it's kind of like you know those options on your tesla you know like the romance mode that you're never really going to turn on but hey should i need it i'm good to go okay so what i'm going to have you do now is just we'll make this a little bit easier uh you're going to go like this and then you're going to push and then kind of lift pushing and off to the side yeah there you go just like that and then open it up yep perfect and then now you can lift this up okay cool you are ready for a cpu my friend here we go now here it is making i think this is only this the third live debut of this chip so there's been two so i got to do the world debut and then we got to do that we did the stream yesterday which is the first time system integrators have got to build with this you are the first like public person who's non-tech cool to actually have one of these exciting one of these um in your system and so here it is right here guys the intel 12 900 ks just wow they really there it is right there the intel 12 900 ks look at that so right from the factory like this isn't even one that like basically came from anywhere else this is like basically ready to go inside the system so pretty awesome and then uh what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hand this to you like this what you're gonna do is you're just gonna set it right inside of the socket okay just like that there you go just like there you go perfect okay now what you're gonna do is go ahead and close this using like the thumb just like that so just keep your thumb on that side yep and then push keep pushing keep pushing no no no on use that one yeah there you go yeah on the thumb on the on this little bit yeah right there keep pushing down okay okay it's not gonna work okay cool okay there we go got that off now what you're gonna do is you're gonna pull this back and then put it right back where it was it's gonna be tough so don't be afraid that's the kind of tension you need to have all those pens go down okay now we can do the fist bump because you've installed your first cpu you have like that is that's like it's funny because it's one of those things that a lot of people get nervous in because it's you know it's like you're like oh man it's like the brain yeah yeah i was like yeah yeah and you know it's like just one thing i love about doing this show is that people are afraid and so it's like this is the kind of show like in the end it wasn't actually that bad wasn't it yeah there we go okay so the other thing i've noticed by the way got more peels buddy lots of peels oh you got the biggest peel guys we're in for uber peel here in a minute okay go ahead and pull that one too this one too yeah but you're not where you have the uber peel i forgot about that where's the uber i'll show you here you don't shoot my hand okay guys ready for the uber peel okay here's the uber peel oh i see it i got it look at this here we go oh yeah it's like you know like i said it's like skin from a sunburn [Laughter] you're like yuck okay okay so now we've got our motherboard in yeah people were really excited about that yeah um okay now we have our cpu in next step what we're gonna do is we're gonna install our ram so this is a ddr5 5600 megahertz um with 1080p which is what you play at um this actually makes a pretty significant difference paired with a 12900 ks so pretty rad that you're actually getting to have this in let me grab my the knife the sharp device and i'll have you go ahead and it cuts right at the top there oh at the top yeah right sorry right here that's right here in here right yep okay you can just cut one side there it is did you get it yeah i think i think so okay here we go did he get it he got it got it yeah just like that yep oh okay then you're going to kind of take it out and this because this stuff is like so high-end it's like individually sleeved there you go i'm going to grab bar i'm i'm saving all the manuals for you so should you have any issues you're good to go okay cool can you hand me that thank you and then you want to go and take those out out of the little plastic there okay cool there we go and you got one more okay and then you can just they're kind of like tacos there you go oh like waffles like bubble waffles are you a bubble waffle fan you ever had bubble waffles oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh dude buffalo are good they're like legit tasty um heavy do you do are you a bubble waffle with ice cream or just a plain bubble waffle guy like uh like a chocolate chip like matcha yeah yeah those are that's super good okay so what i'm gonna do here is i'm going to unclick these i'm going to show you how to do one and then you'll we'll do the other one now this this is a big thing for people is the click like how loud the click is when you put these in so i'll show you i'll give you an example and you'll hear it's very sometimes it'll make you weak in the needs because it just gives you so much your soul so much power um and if that's okay just feel free to sit down for a couple minutes and then you'll recover just fine yeah okay you ready okay here we go so you put your thumbs like this did you hear that yeah yeah yeah quality right yeah i could do it but apparently this guy's too strong to be taken over by the power of the click so uh we'll go from there okay so you're gonna pot it pop it in just like that yep the instructions in that way cool is it this way yep just like that you're gonna put thumbs on both sides and then give it a solid push it does go in don't be afraid it dude i know it's nerve-wracking there you go that was not as good as mine yeah i just want to let you know see this is this is the difference between competitive people like normal streamers are like yeah that's fine i'm okay with it competitive ones were like my click was not as loud as you we are going to practice it until my click is louder so yeah we'll let you do it one more time because i just i want you to be the best so we'll undo that and you know how strong it is go ahead and give it so put it on both yeah just like that and give it a solid push ah okay now here let me let me yeah we'll do it one more time but literally so like this see nice solid okay you want you want to hold on maybe you need to do some push-ups first or there we go there we go there we go okay that's awesome okay so we now have our ram in uh now we're gonna do something this is like this board is so oak overkill now we're gonna do is we're gonna install your m.2 drive so let me let me crack this one open real quick this is it's not as it's not as fun as i slice off my thumb okay so this is your hard drive yeah so this is what we're gonna put your games on just throw it out like a like a like a little i'm just like here you go it's all fine okay so i'm gonna grab you the tiniest screwdriver okay here we go right here so this is your intel 670p uh nvme ssd you got one terabyte of storage right there so what we're going to do now is you're going to take this little screwdriver you're going to take that screw off that screw off that screw off that screw off and that screw off okay yep oh wait this is like this is like a thin here let me see if they have it uh yeah that's the right this got to be thinner i guess shoe's a really thin one let me see if this works it is a right screwdriver but sometimes they give you let me see oh you know what it might be an accessories hold on they might have given you a special uh special thing for this no oh hey cool that's cool they give you a hard drive i mean a thing for that okay we'll find the right one that's thin enough to use that width by the way guys uh code number two coming up right now and code number two is wardell which is uh i don't know if you know this but that is the fine gentleman you're currently looking at right there uh and uh he is the one who is currently building this pc i'm gonna see which one of these works so wardell is up okay let's see if it's we can just use a phillips i mean a sorry flathead instead of a phillips there you go yeah that'll work cool wardell is the code number two and again giving away two and this is pretty awesome you're giving away two 12 900 k's uh two uh uh four i5 12 600 k's and then again 10 12 gen swag kits so pretty cool giveaways today so by the way guys you don't put it in chat you put it in the gleam giveaway so just as an fyi oh it's magnetic yeah yeah which is nice right it's cool yeah it makes it a whole lot easier yeah so far enjoying this is like is this a little bit like building the steamboat willy oh yeah i like it a lot actually it's even better yeah because like when you get done you're like it'll be more than just sitting on my uh sitting on my shelf exactly um okay so how did you get into so you said that you were going in there um tell people the story i love the story of how you decided to go from cs go to ballarat oh uh basically we were in a like a league already okay and then we saw that valerian was coming out and then me and my teammate my ex-teammate subrosa was like we should go on this game and then we just played it because we thought it was gonna be the next big thing and then it was and you feel like you you you feel like at this point in time you made the right choice yeah yeah okay so this does come off so you can just lift on that okay and just kind of the whole thing will come up okay there we go okay so now inside of this accessory box we got a couple things that we actually do need unlike when we are trying to find the screwdriver okay so we'll need these right here which are all of your yeah here there these right here which is your the things that you'll use to secure your m.2 drive okay so i'm gonna dump this take we only need one here do i take these off uh you will take the top one off okay so this one yep uh sorry when we turn it off uh this one okay yep man that thing is hefty like if we were just sitting down i was like did you take it all the way off oh i was waiting so it's like a sticky right yeah you can just yep i don't want it to like miss the sticker okay okay that's fine it's all good you can uh it'd be okay if it was either way but if you you do what's more comfortable okay now we're going to do and see where it says so this is going to go right here so i'm going to give you this a different screwdriver this one yeah you're going to put this and it's going to go right uh there oh okay now it should be magnetic so it should just yep should just be able to set it right in there oh sorry this it's going to go right here oh okay i was looking at the wrong connection there it is just like that you can just if you you can't you can't use your fingers if you want to get it started and then start screwing it in oh there it is there you go perfect they're just going to screw down and then just tell it stops okay now screw the other way that you just did and then that little screw should come out oh here let me try this this is it gets kind of weird there you go there it goes oh okay cool and that's how we're going to put in our m.2 now because we have evga gives us some extra thermal thermal padding i'm going to go ahead and put it in you don't really need it for this nvme but because they provide it it's always fun to use everything that you kind of get okay so what you're going to do this is an m.2 thermal pad it's like play-doh okay so we're going to take this bottom peel off here just like that you're going to take this and you see this little square area right here you're going to set that right on right in there and then you're going to peel that blue off like right on yes right on that light or like yeah see where there's a little it's kind of like squared up yeah yeah yeah it's okay if it's a little bit over but it's just to create some extra thermal padding for perfect and you're a very precise individual i like it i like it okay cool and then you're just to peel off that plastic comes off just like that is it coming off or is it sticking to the thing still oh i'm going to push it down a little bit okay i like i like the way i like i like how you're verbally problem solving this still not coming up it's being awkward i pushed it back down okay there we go done okay so we've got that now squared now we're gonna do is install your m.2 drive now see how there's a little slot right here in the pcb that's going to slip in just like this and you you want to kind of kind of push it in until it clicks there you go just give it a solid push it's pushing okay yeah just keep going there you go just like that now you know what's in now what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this little screw like this and you're gonna hold this down and then screw it down yeah i'll just hold it down for you okay thank you you're welcome glad to help okay boom okay so now that is ready now you can peel that top one off just like you were going to awesome and then what you're going to do is turn it over and put it back on just like you had it there you go just like that there you go perfect now i'm going to give you this screwdriver head because that's to put these back on you're just going to reverse put them all back on and we now have almost a completed motherboard guys what do you guys think wardell sitting here putting together a pc like did you uh that might go in this one yeah oh oops no it's okay they're a little bit different uh what do you guys think wardell building the pc uh are you thinking this is what you expected from a difficulty level we'd love to see uh what you guys think of the build as well so far going about what you thought a little bit easier a little harder what do you think oh it's much easier with you oh really yeah yeah well good we're gonna we're gonna finish this pc and it's gonna be he's saying every people are saying looking easy which is good so that's that's pretty much what it is and all in all this board you have to admit this board's pretty pretty awesome yeah it's really really so what is your original system do you like how long ago did your brother build it um not that long ago or uh like a year ago okay okay so yeah this is still you're still getting an upgrade with this one for sure for sure oh for sure big upgrade oh good oh yeah oh good and then uh like when you think of like for your streaming and stuff like that is you guys have basically been doing the streaming things like what are some of the things that are you guys are you thinking about doing it like a two pc system or what do you think you're gonna do with the other system you know yeah well i'm gonna make it a two pieces really yeah okay okay i'm gonna make my main one into the stream pc and this one my main pc do you think uh do you think like uh having a second pc is are people looking forward to some like new graphics or something like that with your current one or do you know what you're going to do like you're going to up update your stream in any way oh it's definitely going to be more smooth okay yeah yeah yeah that's pretty cool i mean that's the one thing that's nice about hardware is like it unlocks more potential and obviously not only are is obviously we're all getting a benefit out of this but you guys are going to get a benefit out of this as well which is always pretty cool i like how somebody is adding additional codes like going from there and it's always good to have so many people joining us from both communities thank you very much for those who don't know uh we are currently building a pc with wardell there is going to be some valor gameplay coming up so uh what kind of what what kind of gameplay are we gonna see today like what do you think we're gonna see your top tier stuff cause you're playing on like a strange system a little bit too right yeah i'm just going to hop in just to see what happens yeah yeah now i think we gave you a new account yeah really i don't know yeah i know i mean i mean i i can only imagine what that's going to be like in terms of you playing with complete like if you were playing like no yeah your but your main your main operator wouldn't be unlocked at that point because you only get like the first five right yeah it's okay i can use one yeah i'll be okay oh wow and uh by the way uh congratulations to our psychic viewer because he actually got the name of the code right so code three here comes right there guys it's op it's oppa it's ope oppa academy oh cat wow i'm just literally gonna mess this up the entire time over and over again even though entire crew is laughing at me right now yeah i was like opa wait a minute roby sorry opp academy there it is right there op academy and that's what we're showing off uh and that's code three now guys don't put oppa yeah i know we're a greek show now uh no so uh opi uh make sure that you put that inside of uh the gleam you guys are gonna keep putting it up there anyway uh because that's what people do they're just really happy about uh oppa and going from there uh okay so let's go ahead yeah what yeah that's actually a really good question what is that what is the op academy or is it op academy yeah the cabinet okay what is the op academy app academy is basically like the the gun you use okay that's like my specialty and then academy is like for the people oh okay you support me and follow me nice yeah so it's like your gun plus your people yeah okay okay got it so is that like is that like when people come in and like say like that's like the way that you talk to your community a little bit oh nice okay cool so and then op stands for overpower that's what everybody's saying yeah yeah pretty much pretty much okay so now uh your entire motherboard is built like this is all put together you've got most the core components actually done what we're gonna do now is i'm gonna have you i'm going to set this off to the side right here i'm going to have you grab your case which is right back there we're going to get you get you some practice in lifting it now the good thing about this is that this will be it's still a pretty hefty machine so you can do some some dead lifts or some sumo squats here with this a little bit later but right now what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and strip it down to like its barest sense so i'm going to have you uh undo these two thumb screws now they will they're captive so they don't come all the way out so just when you feel like they're loose do we have some screws for that or oh my gosh what the deuce i don't know if there's a screwdriver is there oh there's there's some screw holes okay cool yeah that was like uh is there there is screw holes right there's not it feels like they are but what the heck it's like the most like you can't even it's like these things are so tight like in in your no it's it literally is gonna twist at some point in time uh hold on let me try i need like a rag or something uh okay we're gonna we are gonna get this off i'm gonna try here no man this is like this is not twisting oh i got that one oh my gosh guys this hurts so much when you do that i got no torque strength in this at all okay here oh i thought it was good i thought they were gonna hit me all you did was hand you to the red bull thanks literally guys the whole crew i was like oh maybe they give me something to do this no literally walks over and hands the guy a red bull he was like yeah this is this is entertaining i'm just gonna drink it well oh can you here see if you can do it i don't think i can do it no i can't he's like we've given up uh okay uh guys we're gonna take a quick two minute break so we can get this undone and then we will be back in two minutes sorry guys we got it we gotta get this undone so we're gonna need some help we'll be back in two minutes guys [Music] you gotta find things that are gonna make you constantly inspired and have that passion you also got to be responsible for your own creative vision and you have to create that spark yourself it's such a fun challenge to try to get that vision what's in your head on to the final projects my name is ron lee christensen of blue horse studios i'm a custom graphics shop here in vancouver washington been working with the pc industry and gaming industry for the past 15 years excited to be a part of everything that happens within the industry when i got started in pc modding about 15 years ago i was looking to upgrade my own personal pc because i needed something powerful enough to run like photoshop and some of my graphics programs at the time i didn't really know anything about pcs how they were built i didn't really know anything about what i was doing and i think i fried my first pc while i was building it so it kind of forced me to go out and learn a little spark went off i'm like well i can customize this pc i can actually paint this so we're going to start uh working on these little inlays but we want to really give this a really cool metallic finish so we're going to use a little bit of this graphite powder here and what that's going to do is kind of give us like a metal surface look and then once we're done with that we're going to take a little bit of gold paint and kind of just go over the top of that just to give that embossed kind of relief look so we got about 40 of these that we need to make and once we're done it's going to look exactly like this one being a painter and sculptor i was looking for another way to express myself i just got tired of working on a 2d surface and and incorporating the love for pcs and now artwork and kind of putting those two together i thought would be like a really cool idea and a fun venture for me to express myself and then i'm like what if i document this and just put it like on youtube show all my mistakes and all my successes and just capture everything and i started my first pc mod which was scratch build and then slowly started to get sponsorships the first was mmpc tech and thermaltake and cooler master and then nvidia and intel of course all right here at the shop we do work on a lot of projects that are on strict nda and we can't really reveal the full build to you guys until those ndas are released but i got a couple projects behind me that i've completed and they're still in our shop that i'd love to share with you guys first is our alien build all aliens theme i'm a huge aliens fan if you guys all know this was on cpu magazine cover i believe in 2016 and then the other one behind me here is the half-life black mesa this one i won my first mod contest on at pdx land all this sculpture and stuff is all hand crafted these are two of my first builds that are still in the shop and i'll probably never part with when i started my first project i never thought it would come all the way around to where it is now and it's been such an exciting journey so these files here we just 3d printed them on our sla printer we got several of them here that we need to get painted up great thing about sla printers is that they do print quite a bit quicker than the fdm printers and the detail is a lot better as well you don't really get those layer lines all right we're going to start working on a little bit more on the base here i got a lot of rocks and a kind of cobblestone that i still need to create on this base but i really like styrofoam because it has all this great little detail and just roll it right on top of the clay and it gives you all those pores kind of indents that stone naturally has and voila we got a little stone path going i love working with studios that allow you the creative freedom and trust you to just do what you do they're hiring you for a reason and trust that your creative process i love to be able to have that creative freedom in the intel projects that we we've been doing on a regular basis the fall gun the fall guys was a really fun project for intel and we teamed up with tristan eaton to create these awesome marvel projects and a couple other ones that are going to be coming up as well like those relationships for me and projects like that is is definitely why we do [Music] this it my wife debbie she helps me a lot here at uh at the studio she's my pepper potts uh so um anything that i need that's you know that's on a tight deadline like a mock-up created that she helps me with she does all the heavy lifting for the shop uh we met in computex at taipei actually i'm there for work and he did uh an airbrush demo yep yeah and got picked up from the audience try to do some airbrush we switch contacts and start talking traveled back and forth to indonesia to see her for four years and finally realized this is the one for me and proposed to her in thailand and got married in indonesia and then now i'm here yeah six years later just right before covet things that my wife and i love to do is just to get to the outdoors take the dog to the park and take it on a hiking trail you're working in a busy schedule it's really important to keep a healthy frame of mind and my wife and i both love to travel we love you know exploring the world and seeing things and as being an artist one of my great inspirations that i get is from being in nature and traveling and experiencing different cultures and different ways of how people live and try new foods and experiences constantly getting inspiration and passion from other things these last two years with the restrictions of covid it's been really hard to actually travel or really do anything so we haven't been able to go to any shows because the shows have been pretty much all cancelled but now that they're starting to come back really getting excited to be able to take projects back to shows the best part about the pc mods is not the projects themselves it's the actual community working with the other guys and girls in the community working with the vendors hearing like their creative ideas for projects that they're thinking about when i'm working with other creative people like that just really get my juices going and to be able to like take those projects that you've worked on for a few months or a few weeks or whatever and sharing them with the community or sharing them and at an event you know when you don't have those connections you know or that's half of half the fun of of doing these projects we put our heart and soul into the builds it's it there's no words to describe that feeling when you see somebody so happy about something that you created for them i don't know i get a little teary right now thinking about it because that's why we do this that's why i do it is because i i just love to see the happiness and joy in the people's eyes that we create these projects for i'm just really truly honored to be part of this whole process okay guys well uh it took uh 15 individuals and then we finally actually went and got pliers and got them undone so we can now continue uh by the way this means don't drink and lift weights i think that's i think that's what that means oh yeah yeah that i think that's definitely the sign for what that means so there you go right there okay go ahead and now what we're going to do is yeah you've got these unlock that just go ahead and pull on the towards the case like you see how it's got the little thumbs here yes you're just going to kind of pull out pull it up yep just like that cool and you can hand that to me there you go got a little spice and then you're gonna do the same thing on the front with the glass there we go okay tempered glasses off yes okay now we got to do kind of this is this is the stuff that is not near as hard you're just going to go and lift on this pull on this there you go easy and then see there's a little some some tape right there if you want to undo that tape cool can you hand that to me yeah i just can't even holding all the throw this in the garbage there we go perfect and then on the front we also have the same thing i'm gonna rip this around oh yeah oh forgot about this side here i'll do it like that go ahead and take the tape off there there we go okay cool then what you're gonna do is open this up and then you can go ahead and lift up lift this there you go okay cool so that's that opens up the back for us now because we're using this massive power supply we're not going to be changing any of the parts out last part is and i'll let you go on this side is go ahead and pull here there we go and then there's also a little grate on there if you want to remove that just from the top and there we go perfect okay now because we're using such a massive motherboard we actually do have to remove this panel that's protecting this right here um so what i'm gonna have you do is i'm gonna have you remove that screw right there with this really massively long overly long excalibur uh screwdriver after this like we basically just give you the longest screwdriver in the world to do this so it's going to be this one up here oh this one yep there we go is this one magnetic it's no just going to go oh yeah the screwdriver is magnetic but it's gonna you're gonna take it all the way out i love how your i love how your community is trying to guess what all the codes are oh no it's in there somewhere we don't actually need the screw so we'll find it at some point oh there it is oh there it is got it okay cool and then there's another screw right there that you're gonna remove perfect let's do that there we go i'll be ready for when it comes out there we go okay cool now on the side here there's a screw right there see you gotta go you gotta go from the rear there yeah screw right there and there's another one up too up above like way at the top side there we go and that that won't come all the way out just make sure it's loose and then there's another one up there and because we have such a big motherboard there you go and that comes off cool and so now your case oops that's nice and loud okay so now your case is pretty much ready to put in your motherboard now this is a big old motherboard so just going to set this down what you're going to do is see how this is like this square hole right here you're going to line that square into here so you're going to kind of grab it and then lift it and then just kind of set it in that seems easy yeah there you go and then there's like a peg yeah so just keep kind of pushing it over make sure you lift it up yeah so it's lifted yeah there you go and kind of down let me do this sorry there you go then perfect and then all that's like the perfect size right there i don't think we can get any bigger of a motherboard okay perfect so there you go see how you've got just enough room to run all your cables in so this is like one of those and one of the things i always will tell people when you get a case or a motherboard like this is that you always got to check to make sure that it essentially fits we're just basically testing for fit now uh now that we know it fits and we're good there take it out one more time and we're going to put your we're going to put your uh your asatech thing on it so our case is ready and now what we got to do is put your cooler and we have your lga 1700 cooler parts right here okay put this back in the middle so what you're going to do is this is going to go underneath so i'm going to hold up the board for you and just going to kind of put it in those holes right there actually we'll flip it over and just do it this way so you're going to put them in those holes yeah and you may have to adjust the um the little pins yeah there you go so it'll just kind of fit in there i love the back of this motherboard it's ridiculous okay done perfect there we go okay i'll flip it over now what we're going to do is so here are these little pegs okay here's where we get dangerous just remember everybody cut away from you there we go just like that good nice safety okay there we go now what you're gonna do is you're gonna take these you're gonna put them in each one of those does that make sense screw it into each one of those little post locations there we go there's one and he's going through it and getting them all done so uh how many how many different operators have you gone through in playing valor like did you did you start with the one that you're playing now it's relatively new character what you're playing now i think i was just finding myself at the beginning okay eventually i found it okay and then it's just one so how much do you have to play valorum to stay at the top of your game like when you when people watch you stream when people watch do you stream and play all the time or do you just play sometimes off stream or is it like like what's your routine whenever i play i'm streaming okay i think that like in order to like be really good at ballerina you would have to have like previous experience and playing like you know shooter games right i think and then right because like everyone has experience is this is this just you trying to very kindly say that roby you have no chance of becoming a a pro level i think that's what i'm hearing right like you're not going to be a pro level ballerina no you can do that you can do it you can do it with enough practice and enough sacrifice like is this where we like break into the rocky den [Music] and then like roby's playing you know the whole time is like like i get really good um so uh have you um asked somebody who plays as much as you do do you ever get to like work with riot on things or like get feedback to them or things like are you not at that like i don't know i'm curious how because i know some game companies like i've worked on halo and so like we have uh pro players we work with to give feedback and i'm just i'm curious do you get to do that with uh i think that like people when people tweet out oh what what problems they have then right really fixes it okay yeah so what you do is you just get the you get the tweet fleet going right you're like here's the deal guys op this and then go from there until then opie academy needs to be the op academy needs to get fixed it's 2 0p i'm too good with this gun pretty much anymore that's how it works okay so we've got everything ready here we're going to have you repeat what actually i'll give it i'll scoot it over to you a little bit so that way it's better and then we'll have you now go ahead and put it inside of the case but first we got to get your extras out here so now that we're prepped and we got the case here what we're going to do is we're going to take out the hard drive tray or move it over as far as we potentially can so what i'm gonna do here is there's two screws and these can be really tight okay but luckily these are not the other screws are tight but this one's not maybe this one is is it good it's i we can get this one undone which is good okay yeah i got it okay so go ahead and unscrew these just loosen them as they won't they don't come out they're captive there we go okay now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and go and clip this and pull out perfect just like that okay so here's your accessory box for your case so we'll need that for putting all the screws in there we go now what we're going to go and put on this is your hard drive which is right here 10 terabytes what do you have anything that even requires 10 terabytes i don't think so i don't think so like are you going to start getting into like some sort of name collecting or like cat means yeah here you guys go this is this is years of entertainment being put in right here so what you're going to do is you're going to you're going to kind of pop this in and then you're going to there's little pegs you got to kind of bend it to kind of get the little pegs in if that makes sense let me make sure i'm putting this in yeah just like that and then you kind of separate it so pull it out and then the pegs will all go in does that make sense oh yeah you got to kind of see where the pegs are yeah there you go it's you it's best like put one side in and then the other side you kind of torque out oh it's like a phone case yeah yeah exactly it's like a phone that's a that's like the best illustration now i'll know that from now on thank you for solving that for me it's like a phone case it's like putting a phone case on for a hard drive okay now what you're gonna do is you're gonna go ahead and slide that right back in just like you did the other one okay perfect might have to go up a little bit oh let's see it kind of goes into the tray there you go perfect okay there we are now we're going to do is you can actually here i'll do this part so now we've got these unscrewed i'm going to push this as far over because you've got like a big boy psu but this is far over let me go one more there we go as far over as we can and then re-screw it down okay so now you've got plenty of room for your massive psu and now we can put your okay now i'm going to let you do your motherboard just like you did before oh so go ahead and set it right back in just like you did there's going to be a little peg that's going to go on and that's how you know it's kind of in the right spot first let it down so then just kind of lift it up and then keep pushing over until it'll kind of click on when it's see the screw holes it'll align with the screw holes okay ugh so how many hours do you have to play i guess that was one of the questions is do you end up playing like eight hours a day oh man i feel like it's like there's no there's no limit it's like you just have to keep on playing really so do you like sometimes you feel guilty when you're like here doing this and not playing valor right yeah sometimes sometimes but right now this is pretty much the greatest experience of your life that was like my vacation i'm having fun that's good yeah that's good i like to hear that you got to have you got to take a break every once in a while too for sure okay let me grab your let me grab your screw stuff here okay here it is so these are the screws that you're gonna put in to secure your motherboard okay i'm gonna try very hard not to shoot this stuff out everywhere okay cool okay so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take that really massive screwdriver because this is fun and then you're going to use these screws i'm going to hand you oh wow and then you're going to basically so you're going to put a screw here here here here here oh let me no not one there sorry here here here here here here here and here okay but i'll we'll let's just start with the third the bottom row and then we'll we'll go from there and i i hope i remember yeah don't worry i'm here to guide you you don't have to remember i'm just oh no did you where'd it go how are we gonna get that one okay guys by the way code four is ah there it is code four ah why is code for that oh that's my signature [Laughter] when i'm at home when nobody's nobody's with you but nobody's with you [Music] we know everybody was saying oh everybody knows but did you know how many h's there were would some of you try five h's was that like actually a guess i'm curious i haven't been able to watch chat because we're focused on building a top tier pc right now yes we knew what okay so let me ask you guys this what was what's code five gonna be we're gonna see i'm gonna see if you guys are right i'm i'm letting you guys guess code five while we are currently uh having him uh get all these screws in is it being is it gonna be in kind of a pain oh it's pretty hard yeah this is like i'm like you're pro level right now we're pro level pc building oh yeah oh no it's pretty easy man i got it wow look at all these people we finished all the entries we finished all the entries we have all oh you guys have they have all the codes guys that's amazing they're like that pro i guess they probably like reverse engineered them okay they're saying that so there we go you guys don't have to watch the rest of show thank you for tuning in today uh what happens when i oh i'm just trying to flip it right now okay uh give me an ah who yeah cause you're like did you get it actually no i didn't now i get it i'm working on the other one wait do i think at this point uh no the middle one you don't the one that one you do yeah the other one you do not but you can't give us an ah because you're not frustrated enough right now no i actually lost my voice the other day oh did you i did too many eyes you did too many eyes so you're like this is like you're on here let me do this you're on uh you're on rest right now there you go that's cool i'm here to help that's what i do okay let's see if we can do it again dude no no okay i'm gonna let you cheat on this one okay just because i'm nice i'll let you cheat on this one maybe this may not work actually we'll see this may not work oh no that works okay i'm gonna let you try let's see if you can twist it then you can use a big screwdriver to finish it because that was it's kind of fat like p-h-a-t it's kind of thick triple c thick so you lost your voice just because you were screaming so much yeah yeah actually i'm not even kidding right up here this one yep ooh i'm too nice to him like i actually gave let him use the small screwdriver nice okay and then you've got here i'll rotate this for the other two oh i need to top that one off oh you want to go okay go ahead and top it off you still got long arms you're good so when you started playing were you have you always been a competitive fps shooter player or have you played anything else like are you like a big like closet stardew valley player no i used to play maplestory oh you used to play maplestory okay that's legit april story runescape i like how somebody like literally somebody in the studio was like let's go uh runescape yeah oh wow that's a good game um and then so but why like now is it just because you feel like you need to play the other games to stay you have to play valor is why you play ballerin at this point in time oh yeah i feel like valerian is like the best right now because like you're competing against other people okay maple story is like kind of leisure like yeah yeah yeah so so what do you do in your leisure time because i mean that's one of the things that probably some people may ask like you're not always playing valerie you sleep and what else do you do i like to work out a little bit work out a little bit yeah okay i like to do some investments really yeah investment so what like when you like are you like do you spend a lot of time like reading like like look checking out weeble like reading like like financial news or when you like when you say investments like are you like are you like hardcore into it yeah i'm really into it i'm just like working on i'm a noob though okay it's gonna take a while for me so are you do you are you like have you have you done any like dressed up in a suit and like gone and done like some like serious like conversations about investments like yet or no no no just on the internet okay cool okay cool yeah but you're like you're you're learning about it and you feel like that's something you're passionate about when you you said you went you were going to college at the time right so you did do some time at university yeah yeah what were you going to school for uh kinesiology what is that that's like the movement of the body oh okay yeah so like sports medicine kind of is it like a brown sports medicine is that kind of lego decide or no no i don't think so okay i was completely wrong like like uh like uh like a chiropractor you could oh okay okay okay so it is it is some sort of it is medically related in terms of what it is okay but then now that you've found this you're not doing that anymore yeah pretty much do you ever like on the like on the dl like give your friends likes you know like like inexpensive chiropractic like hey let me give you back oh no i didn't i only went for one minute so if he offers that i would definitely i would definitely not recommend having him do anything like that okay next up you're gonna go and pull that go and put another one right there and then we got one more after that and then we're good to go so that would actually be pretty that would actually be pretty like you're like that somebody's like oh man i really like can you give me an adjustment you're like no dude i've been like i did it for like an hour like like you don't understand what you're asking me is this one the last one yeah just right yeah right here and the last one right there yeah oh oh oh drop it in oh did you drop it where'd it go where'd you drop it that's in there oh oh yeah that's okay save the day that one might be here let me see let me let me do a little let me see if i can do some pro level strats here and go oh that this is not sticking at all i can see why this is a frustrating but what we do is we do this oh okay there we go i'll let you finish that out how professional hey you know what after building you know almost a thousand systems you kind of start getting pretty good at this whole thing okay i'm just going to check to make sure that we got them nice and tight that feels good because we just don't want to have any adjustments yeah these these don't these don't these don't uh these don't screw in too bad and they're actually okay okay cool so we're good there this all feels nice okay awesome so we're we're all the board is in next thing what we're going to do is we're going to go ahead and put in all of your um like connect all your front panel connectors okay and uh that'll be like so that's our next step so this is like all the stuff that you need to use to um like turn on your pc stuff like that so uh now when somebody says oh i you know i need to hook this up or if somebody says hey are you you know is this connection broken or is something out of place you'll be able to know a little bit what they're talking about i know it takes some practice but still i mean it's pretty just kind of instruction kind of thing okay so i'm gonna flip this over and we're gonna some screw just shot out don't know what that was i'm sure it's fine you don't need all the screws i probably one that we just forgot to put in the bag okay so these are all of the connections for your motherboard and so what we have here is these are your front panels and the front panel is going to be right here so we're going to run that right here we have to find where some of this stuff is this board this board's a little bit more unique than other words this is a fan header so we'll find that so this is to power your this little fan header this is like what runs all your fans these are going to go off here so we're going to use this right here i think that's going to go right there we'll test i think this is going to go right here and i think that's pretty much everything so i think everything else is all stuff that we'll hook up a little bit later so we'll flip this over have you start plugging things in okay so the first one we have is your usb 3.2 what you're going to do is you're going to take this and you're going to go light right at a 90 degree right into that now you want to make sure you go right at 90 so you don't bend any pins yeah just like that and just shove it in it's literally one of the hardest connections to make people bend pins on that all the time okay so i'm going to shove this out and take this and put this right through here okay and you're going to take this you're going to put that right in there and i'll make it look nice later but right now if it now if it's kind of hard oh no nevermind you're good it's good sometimes you can rotate you have to rotate it but that one seems to be completely okay so there's that one okay now down here there is our front this is the fun one you're getting the fun one right now so i'm going to do is i'm going to hook up one of these cables and you'll i'll give you the reference outside after that okay and the one i always hook up is the power switch cable and what this does is this is when you push the power cable the power button on your pc here this is what turns on your power your pc okay so this is called these are like the funkiest ones to push and i'm going to put that one in right now so it goes red oh this is actually going to be way easier because they color coded it okay so this one that says reset switch if you look down here you see purple underneath it that's going to go right underneath the one i hooked up where it's where the color is purple do you see it yep cool oh man i don't see it anymore oh you don't yeah it's kind of it's right underneath the one that i plugged in oh yeah and you see what's a little purple these are usually some of the uh usually some of the hardest somebody's asking what rank is this this is definitely diamond tier uh for sure in terms of this in terms of this pc too uh diamond tier isn't that the what's the top tier right here what radiant radiant this is radiant tier sorry guys i was not good enough to get that in there okay yeah if he's like yeah if you were laughing at me because i said diamonds sorry i'm sorry i was wrong okay next up uh so these are the c where it says plus and minus you're gonna keep it in this order plus and minus but you're gonna plug this into the green right next to the one at the top just like that that is not wardell's fake laugh he thinks i'm genuinely funny right warnell yes i don't know if i believe him anymore i think you guys might be right i think you guys might be right maybe he's just fake laughing at all my jokes oh did you argue is it still plus and minus plus on the left minus on the right nope yeah you got to switch it back so yeah even that's why i handed it to you this way perfect just like that okay and then you're going to stick it in green are there like two greens there's one there's two greens but yeah they sit next to each other so it should be right to the left of the top one there yeah i think he's he's focused guys yeah you're watching you're watching him focus got it okay let's take a look verified just check your work no no that's fine oh let me show you it's it's it's kinda hard to explain plus so it's right here it's the top where it's where they're both green just like that oh see what i mean oh yeah yeah it's okay okay trust me this is that is like literally the most difficult one because hey the one thing that makes it hard is it's like in this little space most of the time it's open and so it's hard for you to see it totally totally get it i'm not going to let you fake laugh at me anymore because they're telling me you're fake laughing he was like no i'm not this is a real laughter genuine laughter okay so what i'm doing right now is just pulling all these extras down so that way it looks really nice okay so now this one is interesting and the reason it's interesting is that this plug do you see that four pin right there this has got to plug into that just uh so here let me rotate it this way so they can see actually i'm just gonna do this because it's right here and it's just a little easier okay guys so there's a little four pin right here i'm just gonna plug this in just like that that's to control the fans it was just it's just easier sorry i wasn't trying to take it away from you are you mad do you feel like now you know you're like i haven't built enough of this pc i quit rage rage walks off stage um okay we have an hd audio cable oh there it is this is gonna go right here and then you're going to plug this in i promise not to take this one away from you okay so we're going to peel no not that one there's these little covers okay so this is see how there's one filled pin yeah and then there's one pin missing so this is going to go where it says audio up right into that i try very hard to think of good ways to explain this to people but sometimes i fail but so far you've actually been really good about just kind of jumping in and getting it hooked up so i like how uh i like how some people are like really timid but not not you you're just like i'm in do you think you did it i got it okay let me take a look i know not that i don't trust you i just like to check your work is it all the way in yeah oh yeah that's in oh yeah dude good to go okay so now all of our cables are in and we're good to go there okay so now what we're going to do is i'm going to show you the aio so because everything now is your most of your basic stuff is all plugged in let's make this run a little bit lower and then once we kind of get the aio put together then guys uh for people who are more like used to ward out playing some valorant then we'll actually have him jump off and play some balance but we're gonna get the aio at least put together and uh at least mounted and then we'll go from there so yeah i think we're doing pretty good in terms of time so what do you think of your build so far looks good looking good yeah looking far yeah isn't that nice i like especially and then what you're gonna have here is um a you're gonna basically have a screen on this that you can make like whatever you want so it can show temps and all that sort of stuff which actually be pretty cool okay so let's get this off to the side and uh we're gonna tell you guys code five but you guys are two pro so you already know what code five is but code five is evga if you did not know uh but there most of you guys already do so there you're good so evga um okay go ahead and pull go and pull that out perfect just like that there we go okay so we have this is the z73 because you're using a 12 900 ks you're going to have you have to use a very powerful system here and so yeah go ahead and pull that out yep this is your radiator just like that and then i'm going to pull this stuff out this is all your extra stuff some of this stuff we didn't have to worry about because you um we we got a separate kit for it okay so yeah go ahead and take that out perfect oh i did this part before oh you did okay cool you want to hand me that and then you want to take out the bag and then you can take all of the other parts out of the bag too just be careful not to yeah with the little plastic fit there that's stuck on yeah you want to not not remove that okay perfect and that's just because the thermal face we want to there we go perfect and then i'll have you take them off of the bags awesome these are these are the rgp this is the rgb version of this which is actually pretty awesome okay you want to hand me those okay so there's all of our garbage now we're going to do let me look take a look at our case here so we're going to be doing it like this which means the fans are going to go like this so we're going to screw it on like this okay cool a little 3d placement so go ahead and set all of the fans just like that on here okay so just air shoot upwards or downwards in this case we're going to be doing is exhaust so air is going to be pulled from inside the case and through and out okay just like that perfect okay now what i'm going to have you do is this is if you want to open that up for me cool and then you're going to take your you're just going to take your let me see these ones and you're just going to basically put them and we're just going to line them up with each of those individual bits just like that yeah then you're going to put them in each hole and then screw it down this is the most screws probably that you see done at one time and you can use the other screwdriver once you kind of get it get it set up yeah you want to get into kind of each one and then did you get it in i'm not sure all right let me i'll do this just to get so here's what i do just my little thing here is i'll put it in there and then basically just do it on the corners because that way it locks in and then oops this one's stuck in same thing with this and then i'll let you you work well we're gonna do teamwork team work okay yeah that helps there we go yeah so we can get it all done and there is that so uh what do if you think about like when you guys chose valerian right because valor was like one of those games that like you saw as having a ton of potential and being big was it what was it about it that attracted you to playing it was there something about the gameplay what was it that's like you were like yes this is the next game i'd say the company behind it okay so it's definitely like they have a strong support so so go ahead and use your screwdriver to plug put the rest these in it's definitely like a really good sign when they have a good support to like get into it because you know what's not gonna fail they'll do like whatever it takes not to fail yeah and so have you have you been have you have you been impressed with the pro scene for valerant given what you've seen so far yeah yeah yeah for sure do you have like a favorite team right now like if you like people that you watch pretty regularly because and do you watch a lot of esport uh valor and stuff uh sometimes sometimes i don't really have a favorite team okay i used to oh you used to what was it that took that took it away they kicked they kicked me no what they kicked me [Laughter] i'm just kidding you're just being funny yeah so you don't so as a so and then do you actually get to scrim with a lot of uh the pro players for the who do play on the pro scene or no yeah yeah okay i like all of them okay yeah and uh who's like uh who's your like do you like scrimming more than you like just playing for ranked or oh yeah i like actually playing matches more okay because matches where everything matters so then okay but like everybody plays like not properly and you know like scrims are like ranked right then when matches come everyone's like scared so it's like much easier to play have you done anything like has have you been able to participate in anything like twitch rivals for valor or anything like that oh yeah at the beginning i had we placed second oh wow okay um and then what about like now that things are kind of starting to like lax for travel and things like that you're obviously you're here uh hanging out with us but are there are you gonna get to do travel more and maybe some on-site tournament stuff you know because i mean they still have open things too right like oh yeah yeah do you think you guys you'll do anything like that or no maybe not me but definitely other people oh you're it's not something you're just all that interested in right now yeah okay okay so what we're going to do now is this is the weird part where we have to do this is this is this is weird so i have to look at this and it's weird because i have to know how this all goes together so this is going to go into here just gonna make sure okay so this has got to go into an n okay so it and there's and so this is like the weirdest part it's you have to do these in and outs and they're labeled a specific way and we just want to make sure we put it together it actually goes the right way okay so that's going to go in this so this has got to go into an in okay so we're going to put this so i'm going to have you plug this into right there and it goes the this way other way yep flip it over okay just like that and this is to get all the rgb to work and it's actually kind of nice it's daisy chain you just got to kind of it's definitely a more visual one than some of the other uh the other uh rgb okay so there you go that's in okay now what you're gonna do here is you're going to take the out you're going to plug that out into that and then you're going to plug the in next to it out yep just like that and you're going to plug the in into that one yep uh the same way you know the way that you had it yep just like with the top either way flip it over just like that yeah this is so all your rgb is daisy chained and works together sorry that's okay it's actually a little easier that way okay there we go snaps in okay and then you're gonna repeat that with the next one so it's gonna go out and in out and then okay there we go and just go ahead and pop it in oh no oh did it see it popped out yeah there it is so do you have like a favorite map that you like to play on invalid like one that you like every time it pops up you're like yes oh i like all of them oh okay they're wrong i don't have like a i hate them do you do you like attacking and defending equally oh i think i like defending more okay yeah what is it what do you think what do you what what is it that you like about defending more oh i don't have to go in and then i so i'm assuming are you at like the when you think about what level you're playing at now you're obviously playing at the highest are you like the highest tier in terms of ranked right now or yeah yeah playing at the height like in ranked yeah highest year for sure but it's not really that high if you think about it if like for me it's i don't think it's a high oh really yeah oh okay so you you think you can do better well like it is called the highest rank but like the people that play it aren't like oh aren't like the top they are you don't you don't consider them being at the tier that really should be but there's but there's some people that are really good stuff and so that makes so that makes it somewhat you know every once in a while you get to play somebody you're like yeah that was a good that was a good that was a good match or this is a good player um have you like so on top with you what is your stream like is is your stream like do you spend a lot of time interacting with your community or is your stream more like it's just they love to watch somebody play at the highest tier what do you think i think i used to like interact a lot but now i'm like i have to put on a delay because there's a lot of people oh really like stream tonight and then wow it just feels like i'm like a zoo animal and everyone's just watching me that makes that makes some sense that makes some sense right like i and i've i've heard similar things like so just with interactions with other like high tier players right it's just like i used to do that but it really has to become about me focusing because there's usually some sort of other goal and you have to continue to be good to have people come watching oh yeah you have to be good entertaining and all that so how do you uh so how do you find your like the people who are your mods because you do have like a number of mods and stuff like that are these people who are friends or just people have been around since they since you've started or i think it's like a combination of everything and then like uh usually it's like people who've been around since like day one or like some people who are like really supportive it's like they all they all come differently but like i had to like stop because like some people use it for the wrong reasons yeah yeah so there's a lot of that like as you've kind of grown there's been a little bit of that learning as you've kind of like seen like that hey this person's genuinely authentic versus the other side yeah i get it okay okay so guys what we're gonna do now so we've got the aio together so we've kind of shown that stuff off but what we're going to do now is we're actually going to take a short uh eight minute break i i don't know why i say short because it's always eight minutes but it's short-ish so in terms of coming back what we're gonna do is we're gonna come back now when we come back uh we're gonna put our man to work so we're gonna put him up some some valorent and then what we're gonna do here is i'm gonna start putting the rest of the pc together and just start getting cable management and all that sort of stuff so this is a great place he's built most of the pc everything's really for the most part hooked up but now it's just about getting the finer details and then he gets to come back and be surprised it all lit up and everything like that so we'll be back in eight minutes see you guys in just a bit bye and actually so we now have the i o mounted um and like i said really what i'm going to be focusing on and i know we got the feedback from last time i want to let you guys know that you guys will be seeing picture-in-picture of me as i continue to work on the build but we'll be also showcasing wardell as he's playing valerian because that's what a lot of you guys would like to see as well so you get the best of both worlds here on mod workshop uh no next code now i know waldel's entire community seems to know everything that's going on already uh but for the folks who may not code number six valerie code number six valrant make sure you put that in at the gleam.io link again we're giving away two core i9 12900ks four core i5 twelve six hundred k's and ten of those twelfth gen swag kits we're sure actually pretty awesome uh anyway guys i'm gonna toss it over to uh wardell who is uh all ready to go actually was over here uh doing some uh bench pressing uh we have we we brought we brought some stuff on site so he's super pumped uh and uh all in all we got him some creatine and all that stuff so he's like he's ready to go and apparently my crew's been trying to give him red bull but he did turn that down uh thanks very much for the help by the way crew when i needed i needed pliers not red bull yeah they're just doing the thumbs up anyway guys let's go toss it over wardell and hit and i'm gonna go ahead and keep building here oh wow here we go you know i'm not used to these settings you know what i mean i haven't really touched i'm just it's going to take a while for me to get used to it oh yeah oh could i oh i thought you wanted me to play on your okay i can switch okay hold on let me switch am i alive right now yeah can they see my screen okay let's hide it real quick sakuno do i i was like oh this is a sakura thing this is dope i actually need one of these okay guys so we're just coming back to be really good he's getting games reset up and all that sort of stuff so he was doing a little practice there warming up just making sure things felt good with the new he is playing with stuff that is non-standard at this point in time so uh just a little bit of practice there but we are going to be uh we are going to be jumping back to him uh really all i have done is put in four screws so i i really have no other update but one thing i can do is i can update you guys on the specs that are inside of the system if you are joining us for the first time so why don't i do that real quick because some of you may not know it's a pretty baller system so inside of this we got the core i9 12900 ks this is the brand new cpu that just launched from intel the best specs to pair with somebody who plays at top tier uh pro level uh gameplay because uh for 1080p this will maximize absolutely the most he can get for 1080p with valrant especially with ddr5 and with that 12900 ks now we're gonna go and throw back to him he's got some games to play but we're gonna go ahead and toss it over hopefully wardell is ready to go he's got his practice in he's good to go yo you guys hear me hello or should we run a 10 man oh i think greg could be so funny right now oh ten man's okay okay wait where's james is james here right now we can coordinate something jose jose you want to play jose james okay get everybody in here you guys can invite them goodbye invite like some subs and then if there's no subs left you can invite some beavers you know what i mean i'll be dope yeah let's do it let's do it what's your uh user name supposed to use their names yeah some supposed to use names oh man this computer is going to be insane i was my friend was telling me how good this the cpu is i was like oh my god it's about to be lit um let's get let me add jose what's your thing what's your thing jose uh your username okay add that oh i'm already friends with you okay perfect i'm just requesting can we make it so it's like can we make it so it's like a california so like it looks like i have less pink so i have like a better chance to look good when i'm killing you guys engage of course i hope you guys are enjoying the stream it's pretty fun it's pretty fun to be a part of honestly very thankful if you get a friend request for me join please yeah not chemo are you doing 10 minutes i'm doing 10 minutes for the next hour and a half i think okay five kills remaining hello hello okay thank you guys for the subs aj sleep you're thinking six months thank you thank you thank you show fbs counter oh this is not the computer the computer's being built right now being like you know to be cable managed and all that but we're going to play it meanwhile okay okay perfect perfect rip your pings yes rp pings true peach prime thank you so much tree peach all right we are looking for what two more p one more person is uh james white i take a picture right now but um i can't you know what i mean all right james is not playing i guess he's a watcher he's a watch he's one of them watchers you don't need xd [Applause] all right let's go start it start a jose let's go let's get you'll be i think you're 31 months thank you bro thank you appreciate it all right you know i gotta instead jet real quick i'm not playing i'm just inviting okay thank you thank you thank you for giving people an opportunity to play the game thank you that's good yo what's up i was like oh my god we're gonna it's supposed to be lit when i get home they're gonna send it to me and i'm yeah i know i was like oh even my friend my friend b was like oh my god this is crazy he's like can i have it i was like [Music] anyway oh yeah oh you're waiting for that right you're waiting for that to come out or something you're gonna build a gundam now we need to build a lot we need to maybe it's beat i think 18 months we need 16 months thank you we need to build like the mickey mouse thing with the minnie mouse and we need to do the gundam spicy peanuts think your twitch prime thank you fred chan thank you for two months thank you ebb nets what is that s s stead ebbnets let's do ebbnets thank you you're gonna trip the power home with all that power yeah we're definitely gonna need a some new wattage luke thank you for 17 months thank you josh three months thank you so much thank you thank you uh each movie oh not each movie movie i think it's 20 months thank you i remember still are you playing on the same no no no no that one is being built right now because there's only one of that processor is it me or is it just stuck on this is it me are you guys stuck hello it's stuck right oh man don't worry don't worry man whoever can have you can have my with dc whoever this is toaster my check yo jordan thank you 31 months thank you bro thank you i'll see you soon about to hit the gym together again you know what's up lord grim what's going on oh my god it still hasn't started yet oh oh you're good you're good to go perfect that's for thighs not maybes i got a flight back home tomorrow so i'm just here for like a day basically oh don't hate on my drugs okay two more two more hey i need help oh i'm dead ah there's three in three three oh my god clutch or kiss clutch let's try a nice try [Music] giveaways open to canada exclamation point codes exercise point intel yeah guys go into that giveaway click on the click on the link and you enter those codes get a chance to win uh the very very strong processor bang bang so that's why you don't have obs settings for legs yeah yeah i don't i don't i don't think it'd be good because like i have text to speech and all that and then it could look bad for this month for intel yo i think yo 2a oh [Music] i'd scream but like without the ass he's right here spike planted oh my god is he really doing this much please don't be here it's the pc it's the i9 it's the i9 ks that's the pc it's the pc i swear it's the pc it's the i9 it's the i9 [Music] is ksc the most quiet i've ever heard you it's because my voice is gone i've been i've been doing a lot of streaming the past week but i actually like i'm just gonna squeal i start like i was you know what i mean what peripherals am i using i'm using the g903 logistic pro x keyboard the g sub g 773 or something g733 headset hashtag not a sponsor by the way just you know me oh my god what was that i was like you pink there and he came out of the the other side what the heck okay okay oh true true 82 thank you guys for making me look good in front of everybody thank you they're going to invite me back for another one right now everyone's playing it no one's playing 150. must be nice i can't use that oh my god what a shot he hits that he's hitting that okay we got a juicer mcgee sort of a plank jose speed it up bro speed it up come on come on a little faster a little faster bro i think they're both in the site so handsome good looking good credit score lululemon i think in 14 months thank you brother next thing for two months thank you how does the field feel i i don't have it yet but when i do get it i'll let you know i think oh i'm gonna get it shipped to me they'll come pretty fast and i'll let you guys know girard donut i think it's 21 months thank you let's do let's just do a blind just give me a blind like right now i put some pep in this that scratching it you know what i mean it's not my game spike down mid dream go up and adam up and adam oh my god well actually i'm comfortable but like you know what i mean i'm a shy guy a little shy a little bit you know eleven dots think about the four months yeah yeah shuck it oh my god i didn't see him oh joseph you got the bomb you see peen probably planting spike planted i will say something but i didn't you don't know what's your new team just tell us man you'll you'll you'll know soon enough because um man i was like surprised i was like what i was like what this is [Applause] i don't even know what to tell you i'm gonna i think he's on my team team bell yeah you're the co-cap co-captain and the two-man team say i got a is offer but just you guys will just be you won't you don't expect it peek me peek me okay perfect oh oh shoot this is the team name to start with i can't give it away but like you guys you guys are gonna be like whoa well what dude that's how i that's how i literally reacted i'm like what plus esports here i'm actually joining these in sugan sugan and then you know team i'm coming okay yeah oh i'm full blind oh no foolishness foolishness man i was like they're opening this hot mid leaving the sky on the island sheesh dj i think 19 months thank you man 1.5 years damn okay okay okay what is the mod workshop my workshop is like a collaboration with me intel robbie tag roby roby tech yeah let me just you know come together build a sick pc a jew a mcjuice or something on a pc yeah make sure to join the intel giveaway they're giving away a lot of stuff excellent point intel go ahead guys do your thang my look at me go oh the cat thank you giving you away an i9 sheesh i need that yes yes you do you actually do but it's okay you can have my hand me down i mean if you were to use it a lot more than maybe you know what i mean i'd consider but like you know what i mean just just a casual jay revo 181 just a lovely casual player the 17 months thank you so much thank you thank you thank you for the support oh shoot they're nerfed you think he made its market already i'm kind of scared right now i think he's behind me tree yo this this back thing is actually really sick i'm not gonna lie i actually might get one of those it's like i have i have so much clutter at home it's just like hard to wash or like a green screen i definitely do like the the green screen of it uh i'm so sorry is the guy not up here too shy he's not coming out yet just wait a little bit here we go so much clutter satchel i heard my checklist would have been you clean it's me i'm just kidding yeah i'm sorry dude dude peeker's advantage right jose nice yeah sure i'll definitely take that sounds like you're inside a water bottle really fish bowl michael thank you 32 months thank you it sounds normal i'm not sure i'm unsure how to fix it it's not oh no i i can't i can't i have no idea how to fix it mid i don't know why i feel like he's behind me always feeling trouble what reason is this north america north america why does this camera make whatever 20 years older no it doesn't this is the glasses it has to be the glasses i'll take it off oh i can't see the trap i have to put it back on [Applause] switching sides let me sniff your gaming chair oh what is up guys so we've got rgb fans in but we are going to do a new code we're basically making sure he has all the bright lights so code 7 is exotic dancer that's right i don't know if you know anything about that but apparently like that was where he started so yeah exotic dancer right there and so uh that's the that's the next entry uh if you go to his profile it says that he was a bodybuilder then come exotic dancer i don't think this is actually true it's just a nice little joke but i thought that was a nice one to kind of throw in there excited dancing all right guys uh we'll be back with the streamer here in a minute we're just building his pc now we're just putting in fans so you guys are going to see all the rgb is still updating uh still updating uh the build as we go so we now have the aio in uh you can see that there's actually like front rgb fans now and then we're installing the uh intake uh fans as well and then uh after this we'll do some cable management throw in a psu and then uh we'll also uh then we'll have him come back when we do the gpu now guys i know we did say that we're gonna have the picture in picture uh we're having some technical issues with that so we'll just be cutting back and forth but uh let's go ahead and jump back in uh to uh my man wardell uh who's currently uh opponentful as i believe in uh in uh invalid go tommy go oh hopefully he's not in her belt that'd be really sad oh my god jose so handsome so rich and handsome full head of hair full head of hair i was there okay yeah i'm thinking like a like a rouge like a rush let's go ahead let's go let's see if they're watching us [Music] what where's the jet is he saw this is let me guess flanking i saw him heaven will say there he is because light year that's it oh yeah to their voice comes disabled now we forgot to swipe now they're talking you guys are talking right they're they're just shyer than me somehow just shyer than me somehow i have pizza pizza oh my god i'm one tapping thank you i actually have no idea how it's like it must look very very cool no one other studios yes unlucky okay i'm going to top it one enemy remaining nice proxy maybe 10 months thank you man oh is that us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's only one guy there come on i have stairs you watching oh i'm blind [Music] oh my gosh i survived i can't scream i lost my voice i actually lost my voice that's why i sound different it's not my quality or anything it's my voice he knew he walked me yeah i was like ah man oh cause you know did you get boba yeah not here not now [Music] oh my god dice he's this guy's up here where is he running to this little rascal ah he's hiding in a corner [Music] i was gonna put the other side but i didn't for some reason jerking j i think 16 months thank you magnitude 11 months thank you thank you so much gonna do more i think i'll be doing like one more i think i think one more then then we'll have to go back so good night we're don't have a dream thank you thank you thank you for stopping by [Music] [Applause] [Music] am i sweating now i'm actually freezing that's probably the grease from my forehead wow it is hot in california like like in canada it's super cold still wow it is it is hot yo what up eric what up moe what's going on he's paying it oh he's out he's out already he's out already he's out already he's out he's out already all right there he is i told you i've been told beauties jgs okay okay start it up like let's thank you guys for playing you know i appreciate that let's get like let's get a new new group of guys ggs everybody yeah thank you thank you thank you for playing hello you can stay i'll let you are you just kicking them or are they just leaving oh okay yeah just add uh add jose or something if you're a sub or jose is gonna is gonna invite yeah get what up james minnie valley i think 11 months thank you this is me daniel looking two months you mean heck oh it's heck oh i feel i was like kiko who dad oh my god let's get it come on everyone's just popping lauren playing from like yeah i'm gonna wait yeah okay nice there's on the moon okay and then one more just need one more doesn't buy anybody i know is he eu is if he's if he's in another region he can't join growl i think with 19 months thank you thank you namaste whoa let's go start it i've not seeing numbness oh it's donkel what's up let's go start it start it perfect okay let's do man i think i can have a lot of fun with uh who should i play like reach i think we should be fun uh i got next i think we're doing one more because i think we're gonna do something in in a little bit after this uh we're gonna go back into the to the this might be the last game i think i just want to say it it is just so i don't give anybody false hope where's matt i'm in uh la right now now yeah yeah i'm in california what's up josh what's going on are you building more computers yeah yeah he's working on the uh ruby's working on the cable management doing all that that stuff that people don't like to see so that's why we're playing violent and then we're gonna go back into it and install everything and we'll be good to go i've had korean bbq yet yes yes yes i think okay so like when we first were on when we were on tsm doing the boot camp or whatever oh never mind i want to see the cable management oh yeah i think he's doing it on his his stream i think he's doing it on his stream ruby tech yeah because he he said he said his viewers like that stuff i'm on his stream oh oh oh six glitch thank you such prime thank you thank you 10 second delay or what no i think it might be a six second what is an intel mod workshop it's basically we have like a super tech guy roby and then a super non-tech guy me and then we built a computer together and what happened i'll start it start it started i think james dc you love with ruby oh you know who wrote me he's josh yeah he's dope he's dope he's very very well spoken very very cool guy i like him how about an hour delay now it's not narratively but uh it's actually better than me like having a delay at home did you see did you see uh yay's tweet he was like radel's in l.a so he and rodol never goes outside and i was like okay that's true and then he's like he must be signing i was like that's pretty funny honestly i rated that sweet so i quote you two did it away from my arm oh let's go phoenix right real shifter yes yep launching smoke hmm uh [Music] i love your headset thank you girl i love you too i love you too my my little guy my little man i kept getting stuck it i was like oh no oh no he's going all the way why did he stick it oh yeah you know what i asked that same question myself i ask it too and then ichiman thank you three months thank you where did he go what i feel like people look oh just got here what's with this aquino background this is yo when i first saw it i was like yo it's sakura background so cute does this kuno have followers on it you changed it up or something oh that's pretty dull let's go let's go we're going and we're going oh man this is pretty thick it's what is it 903 it's pretty sick oh man intel buff for sure so smooth so fresh and so clean dc ugh [Music] that's funny that is funny i i'd even shoot him i just stared at him i was like what hey what the heck when i was playing sub games giving away two intel i9's enter experience point intel yep experience point until guys enter use the following codes there's like nine of you could be one them winner and trips to canada which is very rare that something ships to canada it's usually just the united so all the states can win too you know what i mean you saw the afk how much you want to bet from my home except quebec sorry the frenchman so when we see this pc and like around after this game probably after this game probably uh this game might end really fast so maybe the next one you sound so sick i lost my voice a couple days ago i don't know what happened to him i'm just gonna stand in the same spot can you respond oh my god he was penetrating through those walls oh my god oh my god [Music] this is it dad oh no oh no don't worry he's gonna come back tt is broken can you check oh i don't have alerts on they're off they're off for this uh for this stream for now why do you look kinda what that's the sakura background effect i agree it's much more than i want to play let's play just like less less and less he's back oh my god i am running through them i am trucking guess there is no codes there are codes i9 ks where dell op academy ah with four h's evga valoret exotic dancer jet chamber ace those are the ten codes type of men point intel yeah go go enter go go enter you have a very high chance of winning because it's a extreme exclusive i'll be back home what's your name is oh no it didn't work out the way i wanted it to be [Music] out here everyone's everyone's winning oh my god everyone has the spine up i just love how everybody has a spline out that's actually makes me happy the signature matrix i give 11 months thank you thank you that actually makes me so happy for some reason everyone has i had a last game too and nobody was on the same team last game these are fresh fresh people [Music] oh yours are so good what what is going on what is going on yeah exchange point intel guys external intel enter those codes there's 10 codes i-9 ks wardell op academy ah 4hs evga velaran exotic dancer ace jet chamber oh no wait let's go see let's go see i'll say he's playing here i don't see any kills or links exercise point intel exclamation point codes then you'll get it oh okay okay okay okay 10 0 10 l we're speed running games done fast oh my god let's get these idiots what are you doing it's like you know let me borrow his backdrop foreign [Music] charlie shard don't go short it's good no no go back to you go back you will not kill my allies it could be on site can we nc i'm holding spawn oh i'm gonna get a kill peace [Music] [Music] oh my god oh my god you guys are obviously not on the intel processor am i right obviously hashtag sebastian think that's 21 minutes thank you let's play thinks he's so cool we'll see how cool he is after this shot century [Music] oh smoke's down us am i fast enough to flick [Music] [Applause] it's so sad that made me so sad i'm not gonna win i was i was gunning for the 13 now and now i don't have to do anything now 13-0 sean i think eight months thank you we're at miami california california just for the just for the day and then i'm flying back home oh man how's california it's nice the weather is nice i haven't really got to to explore california but i'm happy to be here what the hell is just a little smoke there i think it's sea you've been going to texas bike planted a smoke no no no you guys can't think like that honestly you'll be you'll be surprised as to what is happening i'm gonna be honest you'll be surprised even i was surprised multiple enemies dude he's gonna ego oh thank god last player standing oh damn it i saw it george said you were rejoining tsm dude i don't believe anything that guy says man he's he's fake news honestly like i don't even know what i'm who i'm joining like how the hell how the hell is he now you know what i mean super super launching smoke what's nyfu stand for spike planted where is this guy they're going opposite of where i'm going what is this and box for a brand new to nyfe and box is rebranding yeah i feel like if they put like because they're the new york sublimers what is that intel giving away two 2 i9 and 4 i5 enter using x mesh point codes at intel at x which point until yep yep yep yep i'm whispering no my voice is just gone it's just gone right now foreign what is this man what is this [Music] oh my god 30 seconds left oh my god what a bad egg 10 seconds left i got your backs just you know from the front i can't even say anything man i can't i can't that's my guy right that's there guy right award ward rage ward rage ward rage ward rage you want to play later publicly avoid rage but it's actually ward right there right oh let's fight i'm fine oh oh he's taking the long way round is you guys see me soon oh you mean like where am i i'm in california do you wear contacts no it's just that the chat is really far far from me so i have to put on my glasses in order to show up yep can you can you result can you result pop your razor stand oh i think we can get a spike russian i think what is up guys we are back uh here's the machine it's all the fans are set up even here in the back you guys can see the cable management is now done so that's all clean and ready to go so system is actually very close we're gonna be putting in the psu uh and then we're gonna get all that stuff pre-wired and then put in he'll come back uh do the gpu so he's still got one more whole round that he's gonna work through and play through on uh on uh valorent so build is coming together beautifully it's got lots of rgb you got you got total of uh you got a total of 10 fans uh connected right now so it looks really really good let's give it here they go there's a nice nice view for you and then we'll get you a little bit of sun light there so you guys can see the whole thing plugged in and ready to go um but yeah it's coming together beautifully here let's show you that better close-up view of the cable management there in the rear as well but let's do the next code the next code is what we're going to do right now and that code is jet uh who is his favorite character in valorant so jet that's the next code uh and so that's code number eight we still got two more codes left uh and then we'll be uh we'll basically essentially be done so not a lot this build is making great progress we're very very close um i hope you guys are enjoying it are you enjoying the show you guys are you remember don't put that in chat what you want to do is you want to go and put that in the gleam.io that so many guys we've we've been linking and you guys have been seeing before uh i heard he tore through that round almost perfect almost perfect uh but didn't quite uh didn't quite make it up there um and so uh we we almost got to see like a like a perfection which would actually been pretty cool um but yeah again let's go through the parts that are inside of his build today uh as a last bit so we've got uh the core i9 12 900 ks all right who wants to play who wants to play can you guys see me oh perfect perfect all right let's get some people in here let's get some people in here get we need four more people to fill up the lobby let's get it started let's get it started yeah adam adam up jose and uh we'll get him in wish i could play i got to go dinner yeah y'all have a nice dinner bro this is it spike rush yeah spike brush i think we only have time for like one or two so play play a couple spiders yeah just keep on posting your id and your tag and then we'll get you in here for all the lovely subs yeah don't forget to do x-range point intel and exclamation point codes and type in the codes and then a chance to win some processors okay two more two more people two more people okay hi chew no one getting invites i am sending them okay let me try to invite some people here so okay we got roxanne we got zb calvin and we should be good right okay perfect start it up spike rush can we do bind fine oh that works too you know that works too somebody just got flashbanged now we gotta wait for him to join i hope you have him on friend's list jose my game kicked me yeah yeah come back come back we'll re-invite you sl slayers slayers it gets layers back in here this layer just okay okay got him invited here we go waiting for the uh okay so oh man he starts your glasses on she's fine i can do without oh okay golden gun i'm excited i'm actually i actually used to do 60 spike rushes in a row to complete my battle pass that one time and then i had to do like another and then another time i had to do like 50 death matches or something and then they they increased the they increased the battle past the xp by three percent i don't have to do it shannon 19 months tier two you remember that yeah it was it was crazy i was like oh my god this is going to take forever and i really i had like the fear of missing out i didn't really want to miss out on the on the on the banner i don't even use the banner too it's the crazy part i don't i don't even use spike rush i just wanted to add your tricks you're not faster than me oh frenzy actually i want the golden gun bucky yo spear [Applause] oh no oh yeah oh no oh yeah oh no oh yeah oh may the wind guide your blades yet how much is it up to four is it four oh get the golden gun get the golden gun [Music] oh mangos but oh my god do you have this i think i'm gonna die instantly i feel where did you zoom right here on the left on the left close left what's the update oh no oh [Music] there's no way we lose this there's no way okay okay i'm gonna up the top here okay you alt oh i want the golden gun [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go let's go oh my god we're back we're back intel ace we play that let me play that robie [Music] oh there's a lot of them i'm actually one enemy remaining here's the golden gun no way he wins this oh he ate that oh my god golden goddess the golden gun i was oh my god i can't believe the lineup for that was there but this is just a 10 sub 10 man it's a cabinet okay i want the golden gun what's the strat oh run the opposite direction and i'm running the opposite direction tracer round orbs what it is oh my he has the the hand thingy oh my god oh i'm lucky okay okay okay just play with this dude i did not realize raxiom was in north america i thought he was zero the whole time have you ever tried a kimchi pork one no i have not i've tried pork buns before kimchi you know bottom over the hair oh i want side side last player standing wow we're really doing this right now put a door put up door oh you don't have the orb on it how are you going to win now you're just going to stick it wait they're going to stick through it don't they you put the orb on top see it only works with the orb wait nobody's gonna oh they want to play more they want to play more oh dude they're letting us win so they can play more i'm not getting me two months hi uh hi chopsticks thank you for 15 months thank you thank you guys thank you for the support appreciate it oh my god watch this window uh i don't think we're gonna get the government done where is it i don't see it oh that's in the halls oh he's hurting he's hurting oh oh i thought he one shot me in the head but that was just the one gun dude why is the golden coming so close to them so convenient [Applause] ah they're gonna lose now oh hit him with oh [Applause] what does the golden gate look like oh geez refugees guys thanks for playing thanks for playing wait it's not over yet oh it's other okay one more one more one more we got one we got i i don't know i feel like wait it's one by two or something oh ot's enabled why do i do oh yeah that was a crispy one doors doors right doors doors doors double doors double doors together together no no no come here come here oh yeah oh attack from leap the tackle lead oh okay so this is gonna go forever i guess this game's just gonna go forever this is one of those yeah don't forget to don't forget to do uh xbox point intel guys and extra smart codes and have a chance uh to win some intel processors dopamine oh the tech let's go b i don't think i can stop it wouldn't be honest oh my god they're gonna wish oh no no they're they're trolling these wait i think a is clear i think a is clear low key low key there's two there's two two s one more one more one more there one more there same spot i think he's ct now i think he won ct cg oh my god we're gonna win okay okay play for the stun okay you stun and then you and he all it's off tab okay perfect okay just hold for a push right now up hang up man yeah just drawing jordan jordan oh my god jesus we're going to disney we're going to disney dj oh my god i did not want to lose man i think those guys would have dragged it out to like 15 15 or something oh man oh man that was a good one do you have time for one more i think we have time for one more let's do one more let's uh uh we should do it we should do did anybody not play yet in the chat i'm actually lying about the same if you guys haven't played yet let's let's just let's just do let's just do new people new people hey guys thank you guys for playing i think there's some people that haven't played yet yeah let's do one more and then we're good judy's judy's everybody thanks for playing thank you yep let's get thai pian shannon j reeves k chubby intel with 20 gifted thank you shout outs to intel yo experience more intel experiment codes type in the codes yeah can't wait for this pc can't wait excited okay we definitely have one more one more one more spike brushing us one more one more kevin i'd get get kevin in here jose i think jose's adding people what's your thing what's your thing about you elk heavy hashtag yeah okay next hi chew what was haichu's thing wait okay wait actually what was yours quinn fill it up hi okay what's shannon shannon what's yours me yeah i should just post it so i can see i'm just adding a first come first serve what was it zero one two seven oh my god did i put it right okay a player not found um is there is this it oh they're king larry not found um i'm so confused i do my okay let's go i'm actually gonna picture you should i pick chamber chamber's so broken in this just yeah yeah i think i only have one one one more sprite brush before i have to go and then we go look at the pc wow why do you sound so disappointed bro you're killing the vibes killing the vibes chill food you already played with me yeah you saw you soiled you know what i mean you went 30 you know and i was like oh my god this guy's too good this guy's making me look bad you're so humble so humble baby what a humble king so oh uh spike rush spike rush whoa they only give me four bullets what is this four bullets they're fine hello what's going on are you gonna content crew explorer myself i think myself how do you know i'm content creating what if i'm just saying that playing professionally oh rockstar girl jesus what a shot oh oh breath brother oh rosa oh rosa that's for the one time oh oh i have lots of opportunities with this what i can't see oh it's like that yo i did not know i can do that i did not know oh the boombox why is it only four bullets i swear before those eight bullets how do they nerf me they nerfed it oh i like how they do with these uh the orbs so people play for the orbs so it's like faster oh what is that what is the purple one oh he's up in the bathroom oh oh yeah yeah paranoia oh my god it looks so funny for them what i thought don't jump don't jump don't jump okay no stop telling him how to play he got it you got it oh just just just tv just tv oh what if he's here oh dude just tp again there's cp again yeah just tv oh he's there he's there tv on you oh sheesh thing diff oh yeah wait you guys have it's like nine difference eight differences yes oh we have all classics and the chamber d gg gg man this is what i've been waiting for the unfair advantage oh wow it's going so fast oh my god golden gun oh yeah i'm not sure about that oh yo it's not that bad oh yeah it's pretty bad oh yeah oh my god oh i can't wait to see the menu the new pc speed run to the new pc we just been winning so much today you know we got to let people other people win you know what i mean just to be fair you know this is a wholesome stream very awesome yo kevin you're letting us down right now i put on the carry pants trousers oh my god are they letting me have this no way one enemy remaining oh they don't want to win either they they clearly don't want to win hey did you turn off ot jose did you smile for ot oh you didn't huh we're gonna have to do this thing again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you said [Applause] [Music] oh they just wanted the ot man i just knew it i just just kidding knife okay oh no no we can't do that we can't do that let's go it's all night out it's all night out okay okay okay is this the last i think there's one more all right nice all right let's go knife a short let's go let's go same performances last round should be gooch oh i'm blind i can't yo i hit him oh no way [Applause] guys you're supposed to aim at them you're supposed to aim at them oh oh 30 seconds left let's find him they're both one shot i think they're just gonna point no they're not gonna play remaining i think that's it right i think that might be it i can't hear the discord but oh ggs ggs thanks guys for playing yo that was fun thank you thank you thank you guys ggs ggs what is up guys pc is just ready sounds like he just got finished the pc last thing we got to do is put in this gpu so we're going to bring him in here get him ready for the peels and we are good to go uh for today's episode uh pc's done though uh even even the cable management and everything is done it's the back sealed all we got to do now is have him slip in the actual gpu so let's go ahead and set this down for you wait hold on i'm going to put this on this side here for a second got our mat a little wacky there's your gpu whoa hey how'd it go it was good that's fun it was good enjoyed it yeah okay so let me get this down oh wow there's your build 100 ready we got you all your rgb and everything ready to go okay all cleaned up and good now we gotta do your peel and set up your basically set up your uh your uh get your get it basically going so if you want to take that out taking it out yep there you go and then there's peels all over that thing okay yeah so if you want to go ahead and take off the peels that'd be great let's see if you can get them all this one at least unlike the some of the other ones are like so oh yeah uh sticky yeah sticky and some of them like you have to peel for like ever like it's half an hour of just peeling isn't this a nice thing to come back to valor with is like just getting do some some peels oh yeah this is much more relaxed much more relaxing yeah okay there's that one you want to hand me that then there's another one right there oh here yes you can peel that off yeah like using your nails you have inch it'll just there you go so much peels okay there we go okay then there's a peel on each one of the fans really yes where oh here yeah okay so many peels yeah you thought the show was done over four hours of peels we're only halfway done with this show no it's it's you're you're in you're really close at this point in time there we go there's one one you get it oh yeah so you've learned the trick now you got the first one figuring out like two that sounds easy now he's like he's like i'm in i know what i'm doing so rounds were fun though oh yeah good times yeah you just played with viewers yeah yeah seemed like a the right thing to do okay go ahead and flip it over and there's one more big peel on the back well you getting it yeah it's a little bit of this field academy there it is okay and then we're gonna go and take that off and then take that oh you already got the other one off it looks like it came off oh it's scary cool and then now what we're gonna do okay this is the the final part of your build so you see this line right there here i'm gonna set it in and then just have you click it in so set this in just like this get it lined up there you go now you can just give it a nice press okay give it a salt okay there you go now let's get you the giant screwdriver and then you you have two screws over there yep you're gonna put one in you see you can see the two holes oh the big one yep there you go that's that's he did like you did pro strat right there oh yeah yeah holding that in yeah okay okay one more when all the screws are over here yeah right there yeah i see it there you go dude this guy's a pro oh yeah we got that 1300 watt psu in there dude that thing is so big it's uh it took i had to do some special cable management do this okay and that last part is we're just gonna connect these up so uh you just get i'll oh hold on let me get this there we go so you're just going to kind of oh okay yeah they're just going to go in one at a time across the board so and they have to like the left starts there you go just starting to just go ahead and push them all in oh they're they're yeah they all so it's like a oh it's a little bit here let me it's actually a little easier if you do it this way okay so you can like see it but yeah they all go in and you have to push them all in at the same time all at the same time by the way guys code 9 is chamber code 9 is chamber not that you guys don't know all the codes already because you guys are so pro code 9 chambers chamber not chambers you know i feel like we should just change one of the codes and code 10 is not ace code 10 is now level up man this is pretty hard yeah all right let me give you a little help are you good oh yeah let's do it you want to do it here i'll show you the way i do how would you like this so start on the left side okay and then just basically when you get the first one in like this then start the second one and then start the third one cool just like oh and then i undid them all because that one was a little loose there we go they do they're kind of it's just i think it's just for me it's just a ton of practice there you go oh yeah and i'll let you uh let me make sure that's it okay i'll let you push them in make sure you get solid clicks okay cool there we go it is in so now we're gonna lift this up real quick and i bring it down so it has a nice little wow it looks so good are you happy kale imagine it looks really good yeah you should see the what's you want to see the back real quick just to show if you can't see it but i can i can show it so you guys can see well it's it's cable it's actually cable managed very well but i'll just we'll do a top down real quick so you guys can see what the what you have to do given how big this psu is oh man i was a little worried that one was gonna let go so you have to do it a little bit different given how big the cable management is here so here's your cables but then see you had to run oh wow yeah so there's all your cable manager right there because the psu is so big i had to route the cables in this way but yeah you have everything in like a nice big group there and cable managed but the best thing about this case is then you just do this and close it like this and nobody sees it even though i did all that work to make sure it looked nice that's good [Laughter] there you go guys the whole build now we're gonna put the rest of it together so here's the whole build ready to go let's go ahead and start grabbing parts so you're going to put this back on the front here we're going to go reverse now this isn't the front it goes pops into the bottom first and then the you get it so the bottom will go in first there you go just like that okay then this goes on the front with the logo down give it a solid click on both it should just pop in there there you go okay then this goes on the top like that there we go and then this i think goes just like that right on the top i understand uh wardell basically put most of this together it basically got to the point where it's just like the the cable management fan installation stuff like that it's not it's not in the hole sorry sorry there you go okay there it is okay pc is done okay let's get the extra stuff out of the way given this is done if you want to grab the power cable down there you can see it just hanging out there oh wait this one yep that's it go ahead and plug it in let's see oh dang it we have to use the other one sorry i forgot this is the big boy power cable so you can okay i just want to show people this uh the uh plug for this one is like massive look at yeah it's like the sad face it's like let me see what get where's the light there it is it's like the it's like it looks like an emoji there you go okay so anyway we got to plug this one in because it's got so much power if the power goes off in the studio uh uh and uh there you go then i don't know tell you we're gonna we're gonna draw all the power hopefully la can handle it okay i'll let you plug that in down there okay there you go okay okay uh i think i think uh oh there you go now ladies and gentlemen hit that button right there okay ready yep three two one oh there it is it just came on now it's gonna take a little while for all the fans to spin up oh i guess one fan came loose so we'll fix that easy fix you want to go look at the front and see what it looks like there's one fan that looks like it came loose i'll fix that real quick that's good oh yeah is it this one yeah it's that middle one that's just that apparently it came loose so we'll fix that real quick all the fans are connect that's just that's normal that's the that's that's being that's an evga power supply all of the cables are plugged in i don't know what's going wrong now it's working now oh it is yeah oh then boom i fixed it don't know what i did but okay working now it just apparently was just a little bit loose there you go and there it is okay time for the big peel you guys ready so this is the big peel the big moment if you you should go look at the front all right yeah go take a look at it while i while i do this that way you can actually see it oh wow see there's that screen and oh wow it's super clean are you happy yeah okay here we go i'm gonna put this on and then we're gonna have you come over and do the big peel okay there it is okay so start which which direction will okay you're going to go start over here oh here yep start over here ready yep do it slow people don't make people sad okay very slow remember guys don't drink and carry it lift weights that's what this means oh look at all that and boom boom there you go beautiful pc uh and it is all good to go now you guys are seeing flashing on the screen that is actually not flashing on the pc that is the dr debug which is the uh indicators that let know like what the post codes are and if there are any issues but it is absolutely uh good of course he got the rgb lights like there would be a question that there would be rgb lights yeah he's got rgb lights uh last code is luck just kidding it's ace you already knew that but i'm going to try and i was trying to change it to see if you guys freaked people out now last code is ace uh there is the last code right there uh for uh two of those 12 900 k's or four of those i5 12 600ks or 10 of those 12th gen swags what did you think did you have fun yeah i did i mean that's a very very very good experience i learned how to build a computer yeah i mean although you can fire you fire your brother you're now like you don't even need him in your family just write him off just i'll be your brother now okay because that way you're good to go uh but point being is that um yeah you put in the cpu you got the motherboard completely the only thing you didn't see is watch me hook up all the the pretty cable stuff but yes and there was a lot of cables uh but for the most part like you if you know all in all you've seen how easy it is to build a pc you got to see some really awesome valerian gameplay you almost streaked the first one right yeah and then they came back where are you just losing your edge is that why you need to go back and practice like right away yeah pretty much honestly but having too much of a good time you've been having too early i've had too much of a vacation five hours off is too much time for me to be able to uh uh too much time for me to enjoy myself i need to get right back and play well uh super appreciate you coming out and being a part of this man it was super fun uh guys that is it for this episode of uh mod workshop now next next one oh okay one more time let's walk through the parts real quick because i'm being told or i get yelled at uh first and foremost we got the processor the core i9 12 900k to see something if you want to see overclocking honestly i want to let you guys know intel and myself and evga are going to be doing a stream on friday at 4 pm liquid nitrogen overclocking so again tuning in over at evga's twitch uh twitch channel along with mine we're gonna be overclocking with liquid nitrogen maybe you should come hang out yeah we're gonna like we're probably gonna like almost freeze some bananas and stuff like that too i mean it'll be it'll be a really good time we promise jacob won't have any uh won't have any scissors and then lastly uh we are going to be get ready for some really awesome stuff around pax east we got some really great content coming up for you as well guys now um if people want to find you i mean most people actually know where to find you because they're your audience but if people like if some of my folks or people who tuned into intel were like hey this guy he's pretty good he's okay he's like uh he's like henry cavill but way better like where do they go to find you uh you can find me on twitch.tv slash wardell and that's where i usually play valored okay and then if they wanted to watch you do exotic dances like do you have a location for that stuff i can't say i can't i can't say it right now anyway guys we hope you enjoyed this episode super appreciate you tuning in and we will see you guys on the next one bye guys
Channel: Robeytech Live
Views: 12,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: robeytech, pc build, how to build a PC, gaming pc, pc building, tech, technology, custom PC, PC, building PC, robytech, robeyetech, phanteks p500a, pc live stream, live pc build, robeytech live, evga, evga z690 dark kingpin, 12900ks, 12900ks build, intel, intel 12900ks, 5000d, corsair 5000d, 5000d build, 5000d eatx
Id: jglriPJ-LKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 206min 21sec (12381 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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