AMD FSR 3 Frame Gen is HERE!! But Does it Work on Steam Deck & ROG ALLY??

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what's up guys welcome back to the channel  for another video and amd's Fidelity FX super   resolution 3 is out now for for spoken and  Immortals of avium the first two games to   get the technology and this promises an increase  in your frame rate like dlss and frame generation   from an Nvidia combined and it makes a lot of  promises especially for your desktop gpus but   our conversation has been here on this channel  around handhelds and how this technology could   possibly help with the performance of things like  the steam deck the Rog Ally the upcoming Legion go   and future handhelds to come because technology  like this besides raw power can really help push   the performance where we need it for these types  of devices now in our past video I did see a lot   of comments talking about uh frame generation or  fluid motion uh only being for 60 FPS and above   and that's just not true it's very similar for  nvidia's technology as well it does work under   60 FPS however it's not the ideal situation and  you don't get the most out of that feature or   that technology when you're on 160 but if you're  upscaling and getting close the closer you are   to 60 and above the better the tech works so keep  that in mind we can still take advantage of this   technology on handhelds and on frame rates that  are under 60 FPS but we're just not going to get   quite the benefits that we will if we're at  higher FPS so let's take a look at steam deck   and unfortunately I have to say the news isn't  great for steam deck right now and I don't know   if steam deck and its Apu and its older Hardware  will necessarily be supported from AMD for frame   gen now here are your options for fsr3 which kind  of replaces 2.1 but it does the same thing it just   has all the Integrations for frame generation  as well and we have our performance imbalanced   and all that but I can't turn frame gen on here  on the deck because it immediately crashes the   game now that doesn't mean they won't fix this in  the very near future but at the time of testing   for here and me talking to other creators and  friends trying this out they can't activate   frame generation on the steam deck no matter what  OS or anything like that here it just crashes   and doesn't work and as far as fsr3 well I think  that's basically still like 2.1 or whatever doing   its upscaling for balanced and performance and  all that but it has those Integrations for frame   gen when you're going to use it for those field  motion frames but without that we pretty much get   the same performance with fsr3 here without frame  gen as we did before and I'll probably dive deeper   into to this in a future video as well if we  jump over to forespoken be aware that the screen   is going to be flashing so if you're sensitive to  strobe and flashing lights please be careful here   but if you load into forespoken it just flashes  and flashes and strobes and you can't stop that   no matter what you do and this seems to be that  way for everyone I've talked to hopefully this   will get fixed so that we can see if we're able to  even use frame gen in forespoken so for the steam   deck right now it's a bust for fsr3 it's not doing  anything for us yet and we're not sure if it will   in the future but I'm hoping because with the Rog  Ally it is a different story so starting here with   forespoken at 1080p for frame gen and for fsr3 we  are able to activate everything here so I do have   performance even though that's not my favorite  for picture quality and we can activate frame   generation here as well and we'll take a look at  a comparison of the two and I'll use the Benchmark   here for consistency and don't worry about the  frame times over on my overlay everything else   here is correct but it's having a lot of issues  with understanding the frame gen but you can see   here even if we're under 60 FPS we do get a nice  boost with frame gen on with FSR on performance   here I would prefer balance for picture quality  and we could do that but I wanted to see what this   would do also using something like 900p works well  but we're getting a nice boost in our FPS here and   I think this just shows what kind of possibilities  there are in the future I think there's still a   lot to be ironed out here in maturity to the  tech and things like that and we'll get into   more testing in the future but just seeing the  possibilities and how things are just at launch   and even working on something like this extreme Z1  it's pretty cool to see then getting out here more   into the real world we'll get similar performance  here with frame gen on as we run around with low   settings so let's go in here and we'll tick frame  gen off and we'll leave performance on fsr3 here   and we'll come back down into the 30s which I  would be more used to for for Spoken Here on my   Ally at 24 25 watts as we run around and play and  it can dip more than that as well which is where   the frame generation really does come come in and  help things out a bit where I'm able to hold the   higher frame rate overall but it certainly does  work and there is a lot of possibilities here   there are some more stutters and things like that  introduced and just some ironing out that I think   needs to happen and it's not the best situation on  Lower powered apus like this just yet but I think   it's pretty interesting to see what we might be  able to get here in the future now let's go ahead   and make a change here I want to go into Immortals  of avium we're going to be at 1080p here as well   we can activate or turn off frame generation no  problem so we don't crash like we were over on the   steam deck and the Ally really is winning today  when it comes to the launch of fsr3 because for   spoken it is working properly I haven't had any  crashes and it is helping us with performance even   though it is introducing a few little issues along  the way and then in the models of avium right here   switching things over and turning frame generation  on with performance fsr3 this again even though   it messes up my overlays frame time reading here  everything else is correct and it increases our   FP PS a bit now this game is just very difficult  to run to begin with it wasn't very well optimized   either and it's always had its issues so I didn't  expect a lot here but I was happy to see that we   could activate the technology and we could see  it working here and I don't think it felt as   good as I would like it to it still had some more  stuttering and different things introduced and   some dips that were still happening but overall  it did offer a better experience because this   area would often run in 20s like 28 FPS for me  with frame gen off so that is a nice difference   and if I go to 900p here that makes another  difference where a lot of the stuttering kind   of went away and it felt a lot better pushing the  50 to 65 FPS or so here it was working pretty well   in this area at 900p so you could also do 720p  there's a lot of fun to be ahead here playing   around with this I do plan on getting into it  some more but I wanted to cover in this video   whether it was working how it was working  and for the Ally it seems to be good so far   I'll be glad to see some maturity to the 10 I can  hopefully these devices taking advantage a little   disappointed the steam deck isn't able to take  advantage of any of it just yet we don't know how   that's going to pan out in the future but it'll be  interesting to see alright guys thanks a lot for   coming to check out the video as always I really  appreciate it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: GameTechPlanet
Views: 19,410
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, pc gaming, valve steam deck, steam deck review, steam deck gameplay, rog ally, asus, asus rog ally, amd fsr 3, rog ally gaming, steam deck gaming, AMD, FSR Upscale, FSR 3, steam deck fsr 3, rog allt fsr 3, handheld oc gaming, handheld pc, amd, steam deck games
Id: u0e0ToO5fls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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