ROG Ally | THE VRAM Test

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what's up guys filterless here and do I have a vram test for y'all today this is going to be a lengthy video I will have time stamps down below I tested auto four five six seven and eight as well as found some really weird things with vram that I'll discuss throughout the video and also include charts at the end to show you the weird findings also wanted to go ahead and thank all the new Subs would just hit over a thousand and I just created a member section I put it at the lowest one dollar per month so if you want to join for fun and help support the channel you can join but I didn't feel comfortable having different tiers for certain packages so it's not going to be where you're getting videos early over everybody else I'm gonna get the information out so everybody can view it but if you do enjoy the videos and you want to become a member I definitely appreciate it and all right let's go ahead and jump into it so the first thing we need to show are the settings we're running Ultra with AMD FSR 2.1 video memory scale is set at 85 and here are the texture resolution everything's pretty much on high and then there's one thing down here that we get spot cache and particle Lighting on Ultra but overall just pretty much a high preset 1080p now this isn't a hundred percent accurate obviously we're running around in DMZ however DMZ I found is more demanding than multiplayer smaller Maps so I like benchmarking this and we'll be able to see here shortly and as you can see down at the bottom we are doing four gigs five gigs and six gigs however I also have auto four and eight so we're not going to be doing seven gigs and I'll show you why I found some interesting things about the way vram is working even when you're at 8 gigs so we'll cover that later in the video and we're also going to be hunting for games that will actually utilize the vram but getting started right here you can see four gigs five gigs it really doesn't like it so we're at about six for the point ones the middle we're also at about six and then on the right we started getting stuttering as soon as we ran around a bit and we're getting eight for those Point ones and if you look at the averages they're actually really close so 58 on the left 60 in the middle 59 on the right and this is where you can get a little spotty on the left you can see we're around 20 for the one percent the middle however showing 13 and the right 38 so it's not 100 accurate on this game but we have a lot of benchmarks going forward but basically if you look at the vram we're at 3 200 megabytes so 3.2 gigs 4.7 at 5.5 on the right and in my testing Call of Duty likes to eat whatever amount of vram you give it it's going to eat pretty much all of it now moving on to cyberpunk we're at medium settings just the default preset at 1080P and we've got four or five and six gigs and on this game you're starting to see something I noticed very interesting so if we look at the vram up at the top we're at 3 200 megabytes it's like it doesn't want to use the four that it does have available other games have no problem using it but cyberpunk for whatever reason is only using 3.2 of that then look at the middle we have five gigs dedicated but it's only using about 4.1 and on the right we have even more and it's using slightly less so right about 4 3.9 on the right four in the middle and 3.1 on the left so these results are very interesting and as you can see we're at 41 across the board we're at about 29 getting 30 on the right now here is where the stuttering with four gigs it does matter so if you look closely we'll rewind here you can see we're at 23. so if we back this up just a little bit you'll see right around here we're at 29 for those one percent one percent lows and then 30 on the right but that four gigs where it needs it right here and doesn't have it even though it's there it's not utilizing it you can see the stuttering and then the point once it went down so on the right the five and six gig pretty much the same and then that 4 game does stutter so wrapping up the results we're at 41 41 40 for the averages 23 28 27 for the one percent and 15 22 and 22 for those Point ones now moving on to Diablo 4 1080p vsync off utilizing quality for FSR and we're on the high quality preset and so starting this one off you can see on the left it's utilizing all four it's utilizing all five gigs of vram in the middle and off to the right it's utilizing all six gigs and that 5.9 gigs will be the highest number even once we start increasing Ram Diablo does something really weird when we get into those charts and I will show you all later in the video however looking at the averages the one percents and the 0.1s it's pretty close across the board in fact four gigs is actually beating out six gigs right now and one percents and point one percent which is strange and that is why I do not like point one percent benchmarks and I will show that later as well just some of the issues we ran into when we get into the hunting phase of trying to find specific games so wrapping this Benchmark up we got 53 51 52 36 34 and 36 for the one percent lows and 20 23 and 14 like I said those Point ones can be really tricky and kind of give skewed results I wouldn't pay too much attention to them the actual gameplay looked really close across all of them even four gigs is a great option compared to five and six on Diablo 4. now moving on to Forza Horizon 5 we're at 1080P and we're just running the default settings right here and we're doing the high graphics preset on here so getting started this Taps back into those interesting results I was talking about on the left we only have four gigs and Forza looks like it's trying to eat up all the vram because it doesn't have extra overhead however on the 5gb gigs and the six gigs we're actually utilizing less vrams slightly so it's like if you're at a dinner party and the cookies are about to run out everybody wants to go and get the cookies before they're gone it feels like four gigs is kind of doing that to some degree it's saying hey there might not be enough I'm going to utilize as much as I possibly can whereas the other two go we have plenty of Headroom no reason to grab that vram right now we'll grab it if we need it and as you can see we're at 54 53 and 53. we're at 42 for the one percents 42 43 and then 20 for the point ones 27 and 40. but if you look at it it does not really look like it's stuttering more than the other ones and this is a game that really does like having more vram for my experience especially in the past but I would say the averages here are more important and the one percent low average is the more important Benchmark from the actual gameplay I did not notice much of a difference even though we're seeing that 20 from a stutter it's pretty close the game is absolutely playable in the four gigs and wrapping it up on the left it's used in another 100 megabytes of vram than the right two that have more dedicated to it so very interesting result there now moving on to GTA 5 we're at 1080p msaa I've turned up to 4X as well as FXAA and we're at a pretty much High settings across the board and this is utilizing a bit of vram if we look up at the top video memory you'll see 2607 out of the 4096 now this is because I'm just pulling the 4 Gig one but the five and six gigs will obviously have more dedicated to them and I fast forwarded to my favorite part of the Benchmark the jet part I don't know why I like this more than the others and as you can see on the four gigs of era on the left right about 3.7 so it's not really using that full amount once again it's taking some off at the five gigs we're only using four gigs and six gigs on the right you can see it's using about 4.1 gigs we take a look at the averages we're at 89.89 87 or was 88 very close now 29 for the one percents all the way across the board and look at this 27 27 and 26 at four gigs on GTA 5 the one game I would think it matters more than a lot of other games it really does not seem to be much of a benefit going from four gigs and as we'll see later even all the way up to eight gigs until wrapping this one up we're at 72 across the board pretty much 30 for the averages 29 on the right but we're at 27 28 and 26 for the point ones which is all very much within the margin of error so pretty close across the board no matter what Ram setting you use on GTA 5 and moving on to Microsoft Flight Sim we go back a little we're at 720p we're using the high-end preset as well as DirectX 12. and for this we're just doing a tour flight I just left it B so it flies the exact same route across the board and once again if you look in the left if harder to see since this is 720 it's a little blurrier but I can still read these charts and you can see the vram on the left is at 3.8 it's 3853 Megs and then in the middle when we have more RAM dedicated it's 3.7 and off to the right with six gigs still running 3.7 and these benchmarks I'm raising the settings up to try to even use more vram so for most people it's going to be lower than this for the settings you'll usually use in a lot of these games and as you can see across the board 38 on the left 38 in the middle 38 on the right we're at 18 19 and 19 for the one percent 13 14 and 13 for the point ones and you'll see here in a second it's going to stutter across all three of them there's one spot I noticed it drops the frames I don't know if it's trying to load in some type of new textures on the ground or something else all right so look closely at the point ones every single one of them is going to stutter there we go five five and five off to the right so I'm not sure what was causing that but this happened in every Benchmark on this game so very strange must have been loading something in here's the settings for Red Dead Redemption and I want to point something out we are going all the way up to Max quality favor quality I really want to push this vram to the Limit and if you look at the top it is showing we have 3.2 gigs that it should be using out of 5.7 so this would be I believe the six gig one that I pulled the graphics settings but in each one it's going to be assigned four five and six gigs and so here is the strangest thing it's only using a gig so these are it's four gigs five gigs six gigs at the bottom but look at the actual vram we're at 960 978 and 1001 which is really strange you would think it would use a lot more and we're only at 35 FPS so we could up those settings even further however this is more of a playable setting while still using really high texture should be using more than this and this is kind of just a strange issue I noticed on a bunch of games when we get into charts later that I'll show you so you can see on the left we just got a real big stutter when it was loading into this and we're at one and one which is ridiculous it's definitely running better than that look at the actual gameplay so if I were to end it right here we'd have some pretty jacked up charts however we can just watch it and see it still seems to be working pretty good and we're only using one gig of the four so it really shouldn't matter at all these should be really close like I said it was just a crazy stutter we got that caused it to do that overall it's running very similar though across the board right here and so wrapping this Benchmark up you can see we're at 68 69 70 23 for those one percent 33 and 33. like I said on the left though if you actually look at the gameplay it's identical it just hasn't recovered from that stutter so it's still showing one I would say actually playing the game it is exactly the same it's not even touching the vram so four five or six gigs would perform identical however we're getting slightly skewed results from that stutter really bad stutter we got for whatever reason could have even been something with Windows something with the way it was loading the game there's no telling but overall very close on this one as well and so before we continue with any benchmarks I think this might be one of the most important pieces to this video I just wanted to show y'all the reason these are 0.1 percent when we're watching them and we're looking at them just how inaccurate they actually can be this is the exact same settings four gigs on the left four gigs on the right and as you can see on the left for whatever reason we just dipped down to 23 for the one percents versus 35 on the right 14 for the 0.1 versus 20 off to the right just a random stutter exact same settings caused it to do that and just to give you all another test this is actually not at four gigs these are both running eight gigs of vram so I ran this multiple times and there's even more benchmarks off record that I don't show y'all but the reason I'm including these is to show you once again even at 8 gigs of vram we're going to get a different result at the exact same settings on this game so you can see on the right riff 13 and for the point ones but on the left we're at 29 but these are the same settings so 54 54 for the averages and see the one percent's 39.40 those are much more accurate and close and as we wrap this up it's actually reversed on the bottom so we've got 31 on the left for the point ones versus 13 on the right you would think that's crazy so if I threw this in a chart and I'm like hey look at the point one it's just not accurate these are the same results and I wanted to show you all this going forward when you're seeing the point ones just so you all know in one more quick test we have Insurgency this is five gigs of vram between both and right now they're very close and we'll fast forward a little here look at the left we're at 27 for the point ones and there was a stutter so we're down to 10 now so if I fast forward even more we'll go through the game and you'll see our look at our averages and our one percents pretty much identical but it and look it recovered to 25 right here and then went down to 12. this is the same exact settings though and so as we finish this up if this is where I ended it now we're getting this even worse than Diablo 4 like we just saw now it's 12 31 instead of 13 31. so just to show y'all you know it can kind of fluctuate actually seeing the gameplay definitely matters a lot more all right I promise this is the final one on the 0.1 so this is the final video it's generation zero you can see we're at 29.26 for those Point ones however on the left just a small one so we're at 24 16. just that tiny stutter these are the same settings and it caused that 0.1 to go down as you can see our averages and one percent lows are still pretty close a bit different though if you look 30 34 24 30 this is a shorter Benchmark so the one percent and averages don't really have time to recover but the point one being almost half of what the right is and we're running the same settings that's crazy all right now moving on to the auto four and eight gig benchmarks same settings Ultra 1080p AMD FSR 2.1 we've got our high settings pretty much across the board and like I said this is the one game where it can vary a bit more than others just because we are loading into DMZ but this will still give you a decent idea of watching the gameplay and actually seeing if they're stuttering I think is important you see off the left is showing 343 megabytes of vram which it should be utilizing more of the system Ram that we just cannot see at the moment and it'd be nice if they tweaked Auto where it worked really well and I was hoping it would after this update however it still is a bit finicky and I wouldn't recommend it as you can see in the averages though we're at 53 59.56 and then 42. for Otto versus 21 on the 4 gigs and 41 off to the right for eight gigs and what you'll notice is four gigs does stutter the most if you look at the frame time there will be these bigger spikes Auto not as much and then eight gigs is definitely a smoother experience so if you like Call of Duty I'll say eight gigs is something you're still on the run you can even see it's using seven thousand so it's using seven full gigs off on the right and it's only using 3.2 and as you remember when we're benchmarking cyberpunk did the same thing we have four gigs dedicated in that middle column but it's only using 3.2 of the four gigs which is really strange and then obviously on auto we can't really see all the system Ram that it's utilizing to run the game however definitely not as smooth but I would say Auto is better than four gigs so now moving on to cyberpunk medium settings once again 1080P and so just getting things started again you can see we're at 407 megabytes on the left four gigs off to the right and we have eight eggs available so this game only needs about four at these settings which is decently High 1080p medium you could push them higher but the game just becomes somewhat unplayable I'm going to give y'all still somewhat of a realistic comparison instead of cranking it so high you can't play it you can see here we're at 39 41 and 41 26 30 31 18 24 28 but watch as it approaches right here you'll see especially the four gig see the stuttering it just brought them down quite a bit and this eight gigs is running much smoother and auto stuttered even slightly more than four gigs right here so wrapping up these results we got 38 41 and 41 21 for the one percent 23 and 29 and then the point ones you can see on auto we got 11 4 gigs we got 15 and 24 on 8 gigs so this game definitely still likes higher Ram but as you can see off to the right we got 3.9 gigs of usage 41 29 24 will when we ran this at five gigs we got 41 28 22 extremely close also using right up 3.9 gigs so five and eight not much difference in this game and if you lower settings down it's going to matter even less and moving on to Diablo 4 again exact same settings as before on the four five and six Benchmark fast forwarding here through the Benchmark a little bit we're at 45 49 and 53 33 35 and 37 for the one percents and 10 20 and 13 for the 0.1 percent what's going to matter more in here and I'll show you later is going to be mostly those averages and one percent low averages you can see our vram usage between four and eight gigs it's really close we're using the full four pretty much at four gigs and going a little past four just barely with eight gigs so not a whole lot of difference and so wrapping this one up it does seem like it benefits a bit from going to auto four gigs I would say the difference between four and eight would be within margin error just how close it is you can even see the point ones are showing higher on that four gigs all right moving on the Forza Horizon 5. 1080p we're running the same settings as before so the high quality preset and fast forwarding Through The Benchmark a bit we're at 49 54 53 36 for the one percents 43 and 42 and then for the 0.1 percent it's 23 20 and 39. once again if we look at that vram usage though you can see we're at 3969 megabytes versus 4051 I don't think that makes a difference at all in fact our averages and one percent lows are actually showing slightly higher and the 0.1 percent once again if you actually look at the frame time it's still running right now look how smooth it is between the two we're not really getting more stuttering at four gigs now if you look at Auto you can see the spikes right there in the frame time see it going across on the left so there is it is spiking Auto's definitely not as smooth but four gigs and eight gigs I would say is pretty much identical on this game and moving on to GTA 5 1080p we have FXAA turned on running High settings across the board pretty much moving on to where we're in the jet you can see our averages are really close so 88 91 and 90. for one percent so we're at 27 29 and 29 and our 0.1 percent 24 27 and 27 and at this exact point in time on the other Benchmark we were utilizing actually 4.2 gigs at six gigs of vram so we are using a little bit more at 4.4 however overall it's really close between four five six seven or eight it's really not even though it's utilizing that 4.4 at the 8 gigs when you run four gigs you can see we're at 80 and 80 29 29 27 27 so it really doesn't matter if you use eight gigs on this or four gigs how however Auto does seem like it's slightly less stable but definitely still playable and nowhere near how it performs at some other games but once again four gigs is pretty much a great option in this and so wrapping this one up we got 68 72 71 28 30 29 and 25 27 and 27. now moving off to Microsoft Flight Sim once again running 720p DirectX 12 in the high-end Global preset and right here you can see we're at 35 37 and 37 for the averages 19 18 and 18 for the one percent and 15 13 and 13 for the point one so really close this game is totally playable in auto four gigs five gig six seven eight whichever one you want to run seems to be working pretty well and like you can see off to the right even when we dedicate that eight gigs it's still capping at 39 so 3.9 now this is what's really interesting about that a lot of game games seem to be capping at four gigs no matter what we're setting that vram at so it's a very interesting statistic that we'll see in a graph here in a minute makes me wonder if something's going on in the back end that's causing some games to really not see it and not go over it you can see right here we're going to get that stutter on the point one so drop down to five five and five again so really similar across the board on this game use whichever setting you would like and moving on to Red Dead Redemption you can see we're at 364 megabytes on the left like I said it's probably using more of the system Ram we just can't see it we've got the one gig in the middle and even when it has eight gigs it's at 1.1 gigs as you can see on the four gigs this is the four gigs that had already run so we got that stutter but I wouldn't pay too much attention to that you can look at the gameplay right now in the frame time it's very close so the it's not an accurate result and this is why I like comparing them side by side you can run four gigs in this game without an issue just like you're running eight or even Auto they're all working well well if you look right here in the middle the one percent you can see it just jumped to 12 and it's slowly gonna sit here and recover and if we were able to just freeze the game here and run around in circles you would see it it would recover very close to both of the other two and would probably be almost identical and overall averaging we're at 70 68 70 if we didn't get that stutter in the middle I'd say that would also be right at 70 very close across the board for this so you can use Auto if you like on this game seems to be running great all right so moving on to the hunting section as I'll call it you can see we're at medium preset on this game and we're going to be comparing at 720 to 1080P and this is not going to be a perfectly accurate result but we are running around seeing our frame times what we're looking for is that vram so between 720 to 1080 there's almost no difference you can see 2.7 gigs on Arc versus 2.8 you would think it would go way higher but it's really not even though our averages do get a lot lower still doesn't seem to matter much it's very hard to get Arc to use a bunch of vram which I thought this game was going to just eat it up turns out it really doesn't so here I decided to take it up a notch epic settings at 1080p just to see how much vram can we eat now this is definitely not going to be playable as you can see at the top we're at about 18 FPS so not something to run but look at our vram we're only at about 3.3 gigs on Epic settings on Arc running the full 1080p so with this game we're definitely not going to be using anywhere near eight gigs if we dedicate that much and we can get by with four gigs without any problem at all and you see now we're at 13 so just completely unplayable but we're trying to find games that can utilize vram and I thought y'all might enjoy just seeing how much vram some of these games use so I threw them in here so y'all could see them now moving on to BeamNG we are at high settings 1080P and we're going to be running four gigs on the left eight gigs on the right at the same time just the C and as you can see here a new BMG beam and G would be a game that would definitely be able to utilize that additional vram and it is so it's going up to about 5.2 gigs of vram versus the left at 3.2 and if you remember from cyberpunk the same thing happened it's only utilizing the 3.2 same thing with Call of Duty Call of Duty was also getting stuck at 3.2 even though we have four gigs dedicated to it so it's very interesting how a lot of these games are almost not seeing that four gigs and not able to utilize it I'm wondering if there's going to be some type of update maybe when Armory crate updates or something else where it actually will utilize the full amount because then four gigs would be a really good option but because it's doing this four gigs isn't the best I don't think and you can see here when we stopped The Benchmark this is a game where it doesn't matter as much so we're at 3.3 on the left 5.2 on the right but look at our averages 28 to 29 19 to 20 and we got slightly higher Point ones at 17 to 14. so it really doesn't matter and a lot of games are that way but when a game needs vram like Call of Duty it just doesn't function properly but in something like this it's able to just utilize the lesser amount of vram and not struggle hardly at all all right so I had to test crisis out at can it run crisis just for fun at 1080p so we're gonna see how much does this use it's probably going to be a bit we're about to be seeing a slideshow here so you can see our vram is at 5.4 gigs we're getting a respectable 14 to 15 FPS sometimes dip it down to 13. you might even be able to see some single digits going on here so I decided to engage in combat here even though it's super risky at the FPS we're getting very hard to move the gun around and as we continue running through this Force you'll see we're at five 5629 it's going up to 41 Now 51 so it's slowly increasing that vram as we run through the force and then moving on to a more normal comparison we have medium on the left eight gigs and high settings on the right also eight gigs just to see how much vram is it using now so both at both at eight gigs and just changing the settings this is 1080P and on the left we're at about 3.6 on the right 4.4 it's not the exact same area it's close though on the right I'm running up right to where I'm at on the left anyway and you can see our frame rate is definitely degraded on the right because of the higher settings but the actual vram isn't too far off for getting around 3.6 on the left 4.4 on the right and one other thing I wanted to test was cyberpunk to see if you see off to the left and on the right we have four gigs on the left it's utilizing 3.2 so I wanted to see just driving around now this is in the desert on the right the buildings and everything The Benchmark does obviously uses more vram but if you see as we're driving on the right we're only using about 2.4 so it doesn't look like it's getting anywhere near even the 3.2 on the the left like I said in the city it's going to matter more but I just wanted to test this for fun just to see and driving around in the desert it's only able to utilize around 2.4 even we have the four gigs dedicated to it so it might not matter as much unless you're in a really intense area in cyberpunk except I wanted to test dirt rally 2.0 I like car games so we were at 1080p using the high quality preset here and as you can see just driving around we're at about 3.3 gigs of vram when we have eight dedicated so this game definitely is not going to matter at all here we have Dying Light I forgot to include the settings at the beginning but this is the highest best quality I believe it's called it's the highest preset at 1080p not Ray tracing or anything in the main point of this test was even to see I noticed when I was benchmarking this at eight gigs I found the vram did go past Four so that's kind of what I was doing a lot of these benchmarks is seeing which games are actually getting past the four gigs and then let's compare it two four gigs and see how much of a difference it makes as soon as we get on top of this van that's where I freeze the frame counter so you can see we're at 48 47 37 36 26 29 so really no difference but you can see the 4.4 gigs being used when we have the 8 available on the right versus the 3.8 on the left but it doesn't look like it makes much difference at all in this game it's able to function fine with slightly less vram and this is at pretty high settings so if you lower them down you won't even hit the four gigs most likely moving on to generation zero this was a game that went well over the four gigs you can see we're almost pushing five gigs on the right so I wanted to test it what does it run that at four gigs so I went ahead and did that and you can see 34 on the left 31 on the right 30 and 25 on the right 29.25 so really no difference at all it might appear that it's running better on the left with just small things can make it change this is pretty much just an even across-the-board result you're going to get basically the same whether you run four or you run eight and moving on to 4 Far Cry 3 probably a lot of people don't play this game but I wanted to see very high settings 1080p just kind of what vram usage were getting and it's not much at all we're at 2.5 so this is totally something you can play without needing to up the vram at all from four four gigs is plenty something else I wanted to show you all for fun this is at medium settings pretty much and this is a game called GTFO it's exactly how it sounds and you can see our vram 7.5 gigs already we're not even loaded into a map and it's at 7.5 this game loves vram it loves so much vram you'll see here in a second we're about to be getting a single frame that does not turn off because the game crashed and it crashed twice so I tried it again could not even get this loaded on the Ally so definitely not something you're going to be playing and I'll just fast forward and show you the second start here so we start it back up we load back into the game you can see right here as soon as we host the the lobby the guy Pops in boom there it goes so the frame time just stopped and the game crashed again all right guys now we have Insurgency Sandstorm we're running 1080p High settings and we're going to be comparing four gigs five gigs and eight gigs now this game does utilize a bit more vram when you give it access to that vram and I wanted y'all to see a game that's pretty intense on the vram just how it behaves you can see off to the right we're at five gigs when we have eight dedicated in the middle we're at 4.6 when we have five gigs dedicated and on the left we're at 3.9 with four gigs and you can see as we update even past five it definitely seems to have ate up some of that Ram not a bunch so I wouldn't I would say five is probably a good number for this and six would be more on the safe side but either way if you look between the five and eight gigs we're at 46 46 33 33 and 31 for the point ones versus 28 so very close across the board on that and as you can see on the left with four gigs it's definitely struggling a little more the averages are close however the one percents are at 30 so slightly lower however our 0.1 percent this is where it does matter more and there is a bit more stuttering so I'll go ahead and fast forward a little bit and I just want to show you an area where there is a big slowdown because it's basically running out of vram so if you pay attention on the left you see it slowing down right now and look at our averages one percent went to 23 24 and 16 whereas on the right the five gigs and eight gigs that we have it's running butter smooth no issues so this game definitely benefits from getting that extra gig now moving on to Metro Exodus we're at 1080p high quality preset and on this game definitely doesn't matter as much you can see we're sitting around 3.1 when we have eight gigs dedicated like here's the interesting thing once again we're at right at 3.2 gigs we've dedicated eight but there's a few games were for whatever reason it likes to sit around 3.2 it could be a coincidence maybe all the games are that similar to me that seems strange though moving on to Monster Hunter worldret 1080p on the highest graphical preset in this game does utilize more vram so I wanted to test four gigs now against the eight and so running around you can see we're getting very close results obviously this is not perfectly accurate since it is a bit different each time you load the game but it's close enough I think this will give you an idea I would say this game seems to be running really well on four gigs if you want to use that as well as eight gigs and so wrapping up this one 29.29 we got 26 25 for the one percent and 17 15 for the 0.1 percent so pretty much identical moving on to Resident Evil running 1080P and I cranked a lot of these settings up so you can pause and see but yeah we've upped the texture quality the I think the filtering quality the mesh quality Shadow quality kind of turned it up and you can see the graphics memory down at the bottom below these options where it's showing 3.58 out of 11 so we should be utilizing a good amount of vram and as you can see right here 5.3 on the right with eight gigs versus the 3.9 so it is able to eat the four now as we saw a lot of games are doing the 3.2 luckily this is not one of them and as we're continuing on right here we're at 47 47 37 37 now 38 but 33.35 for those Point ones so very close even though we are talking a decent difference in the vram usage this game seems to be able to handle it fine and it really is going to come down to the game so Call of Duty being one of those Prime examples that just really wants to eat vram and it will keep eating it so finishing up this Benchmark you can see we're utilizing about 3.9 on the left 5.2 gigs of vram on the right and we got 50 51 32 739 and 34 35 very close you can use either one in this you could use four five six seven or eight so moving on to a game Ultra quality 1080p I'm sure you all know what game this is Skyrim special edition and running around here when we go outside the vram did go up to about 2.7 gigs but nowhere near where we're going to be running into any type of issue also there are settings you can change in Skyrim for the raw Galley that actually give you the full freesync butter smooth experience at variable rates so you can go all the way above 60 or below 60 and it doesn't cause any issues Skyrim will actually stutter if you are on 120 hertz and since the game runs at 60 by default so you have to switch your refresh rate over to 60 to get a smoother experience but when you do the freesync option just let me know down in the comments if you want to see that it removes that so you can just enjoy a nice smooth experience no matter what FPS you're getting moving on to the forest we're at 1080p High settings and this is one I was really surprised and we're only at 2.5 gigs and that's a lot less than I thought this would use when we gave it the 8 gigs overall a really playable experience no issues here you can run pretty much any Ram setting you'd like I didn't capture the first set of settings in this but we're getting nine FPS because this is Ray tracing Ultra or something like that basically the ray tracing height reset something you would never use I just wanted to see what is the maximum vram we can use here and it's about 4.8 and it goes up as you run around so here we're knocking it down to ultra so we can compare four gigs versus eight gig since it does go above the four gigs vram at 8 gigs at these settings so you can see side by side here we're at 4.3 on the right and here's the kicker we started at 3.2 on the left again it is utilizing more but it started at 3.2 when on the right it was eating up a lot of ramps so that's very interesting that no that 3.2 number is very interesting as as you see as we run along the left is coming up we're now at 3.8 gigs and it stays around there and then on the right we're at 4.8 however you look at the FPS we're at 27 27 2020 12 13. so very close this game seems to be able to utilize less vram without much of an issue as well all right and moving on to the charts first up we have Call of Duty and we're doing auto four five six seven and eight and as you can see right here Call of Duty is really struggling on those one percent and the averages seem fine on auto but I did notice more stuttering in person and auto so I really don't recommend that even though it kind of looks good over here and it basically just struggles all the way up and really wants that vram so eight gigabytes is definitely the way to go Heck if they gave us nine or ten that might work but you'd be running out of system Ram I would think at that point so overall if you like Call of Duty 8 gigs still going to be your most consistent best option moving on to cyberpunk you can see here at five gigs we've basically leveled off and you're not really going to get much improvement if you go past that and auto is worse than even four gigs so I really don't recommend Auto in that game I would say five gigs and even four gigs as you saw when we were out in the desert is only using two point something and The Benchmark was only using 3.2 out of the four so the thing with that is playing it normally could be more beneficial if it can slowly climb that Ram to about four gigs I would say you could even try out four gigs just see how it runs you might really not notice much of a difference but there's really no reason to go past five gigs in this game and moving on to Diablo 4 I would say four gigs and up is fine even Auto's not that bad you saw we got that 10 for the 0.1 it still is playable though more than it was before before there was a stuttering mess you could really not play it at all and now it's much improved so I think in the future it probably will improve even more it'd be great to be able to just use Auto however I would say four gigs and up on this also works really well for Forza Horizon 5. you can see our averages Auto again and four gigs are pretty close four gigs has given us pretty much the same for the averages as well as these one percent lows and the 0.1 we did see 20 from my testing it would be a little higher if it had time to recover however five gigs and up definitely seems like an option GTA 5 really doesn't seem to matter at all and you can see here on seven gigs it actually was at seven and then went to eight it's just some weird stutters at the end but either way it wouldn't usually be this low but I just like to include the data that I have from the video recording so it did show eight but I wouldn't worry about that too much but yeah GTA 5 you can run auto four gigs five gigs six gig seven eight whatever you want on that one moving on to Microsoft flight simulator it looks like we do get a slight Improvement going to four gigs and then this is all within margin of error right here so you could use four five six seven on this one it doesn't matter that much and moving on to Red Dead Redemption 2. you can see on this four gigs we did get this weird stutter here where it went down to one but as we saw in this Benchmark it wasn't even using one gigabyte of vram so I would say if we didn't get that weird stutter they would all be very close use pretty much whatever setting you want now coming over to this chart I thought it'd be cool to throw this together so blue is four gigabytes of vram and the usage so this is how much so 3263 megabytes so basically 3.2 to 3.4 gigs here the Orange is going to be our six gigs and red is going to be eight so kind of just skipping two so we can see the chart a little better and this is where things get the most interesting if you look right here this is kind of what I was talking about throughout the video that seems really strange to me we're getting this weird limit on a lot of the games around four gigs now it could be that the game's just not utilizing it as you can see GTA it's going past Diablo Ford's going past Call of Duty doesn't care it will it will eat your vram until it crashes it doesn't it would eat the whole system Ram if you give it that as well but on these you can see right here this is really weird and this happened a bit actually we'll see in another chart this 3200 hovering around here when you start the games for whatever reason there's a few of them that do this and even Diablo does it but then it climbs up so a lot of them are climbing up to around the four but they're starting out at this like 3200 when we're limiting it at four gigs and as you can see down here Red Dead Redemption 2 we're sitting at right at a gig I don't know why it eight it decided it wanted to use 1.1 but that's what it did still kind of strange it's only using that this game is supposed to be pretty heavy on the vram um it seems to be running decent though so it's not too much of an issue I guess yeah just overall this four gig limit still seems to be there even when we're using eight to some degree on these games it's just weird results unless this is just right where they're stopping so very strange in my opinion I don't know exactly what would be causing that now moving on to our other games where we tested four against eight because we did a lot of those just to see if there was a performance difference in BeamNG you can see we were using 3.3 gigs out of the four and then 5.2 when we gave it eight however if you look at the FPS it's so close definitely within margin error even the one percent slightly lower on eight gigs so on this game I think you can use whatever you want Dying Light very close results again basically the same across the board and you can see on Dying Light we did use about 4.4 gigs when we gave it eight verses 3.8 we only gave it four generation zero actually scored higher on four gigs but all within margin of error for sure on this I don't think it's using enough system Ram to cause performance loss it's just benchmarks can vary a little bit and you can see on generation zero we were actually using 4.8 gigs when we gave it the 8 versus 3.9 women only had four gigs but still getting a better result with the four gigs I say the game works pretty good you could run it at four and moving on to Insurgency Sandstorm we ran four five and eight gigs and it definitely struggled more at four as you saw in that video it slowed down a bit in certain areas and overall it was this is where it actually does matter and you can see it actually brought the averages down the one the one percent low average so that's where you start seeing when you're hitting ram limitations will usually bring just about everything down I'm surprised the averages are even this high and if we look at the vram usage Insurgency Sandstorm we're at 3.9 at 4 gigs 5.8 at an 8 gig limit so we're using 5.8 and I'm sitting and looking at the chart right now we're using 4.9 at the five gigs I didn't include it in here because it puts gaps in between everything else but at five gigabytes we are using right at five so it is eating all the ram we give it up to about six gigs and then it doesn't really care too much and five gigs I would say and up is definitely the way to go in this one as well moving on to Monster Hunter World 4 gigs and eight gigs as we saw was pretty much identical and even the vram usage if we look over here was 3.9 versus 4.4 not a real big difference on that Resident Evil 2 is pretty much the same I would say this is all definitely within margin of error basically the same for our averages one percents and point one percent and in this game we can see there's a a really big difference this is one of the bigger differences between the four gigs that we would have so at 3.9 gigs being used in the 4 Gig and then 5.2 gigs being used when we give it that full eight but when actually looking at the FPS it doesn't look like there's too big of a difference moving on to the Witcher 3 I was surprised this is pretty much exactly the same and this is another one where we have a bit of a difference going from the four gigs where it wouldn't even use all the four gigs it was slowly climbing if you remember when we were watching the videos slowly climbing up and then we're at about 4.8 so a little under five gigs when we gave it eight gigs as an option and so you are probably wondering what my recommendation would be based off of these results and what I would say is if you are playing Call of Duty I would say go all the way to eight gigs and just leave it there if that's a primary game you play you're not going to get much benefit at six or seven even they're still stuttering even at that the fact that they're limiting like this really weird when you're giving it eight gigs and from the test of games that are using slightly more like especially Insurgency Sandstorm it's making no difference that would be a game it definitely would since it's utilizing it all there's no difference in Diablo there's no difference in hardly any game I would say five gigs is what you should use mainly because of this issue right here where these games are sitting at 3.2 this happened more often than not we are seeing four here but a lot of these were starting at 3.2 when I was testing them so what the five gigs does is it lets it get up to that four gigs rather quickly and then even go beyond that and it seems to be running really well if five gigs isn't working for some of the games you could bump it to six and like I said if there's a game that's really not working well that's what's going to matter more than anything else if one of your favorite games needs a certain amount of ram then that's the ram that's is going to be best for you so I don't really play Call of Duty that much I'm planning on personally running five gigs so I give the system some extra memory and it seems like even when running eight there's just this weird limit it's like artificially putting in place in some games so anyway guys I hope this video helped you out helped you made a decision of what the best vram is unfortunately there's not a perfect number for anyone even four gigs with the new bios 323 is great it runs really well if we were comparing 322 to 323 at four gigs you would think we were upping the ram that's how big of a difference the performance gains are so either way we're getting improvements on the Ally I think that's what matters they're still supporting it updating it in the future right now for the Ally is looking pretty bright anyway if you did enjoy the video make sure to hit the like sub and stay tuned for new content and I will catch you on the next one peace [Music] thank you [Music]
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Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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