Bullet Hole in WW1 Button? Mudlarking Bead Beach & Casting Tiny Silver Dolls from our Find!

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hello so today we are out mud locking in north queens ferry and we are joined with scottish mud locking nicole and craig so let's um see what we can i've already found something to be honest i've already found a little bead but yeah let's see what else we can find [Music] okay so this is the find i'd already found just as we got down here and you can see it's a little bead always get my camera tada it's a beautiful little green glass i think it's glass little glass beads so i'm really hoping that there'll be more where that came from today so there looks like there's lots over this way there's certainly loads and loads of shards of pottery down here i have found a few bits of pottery and we got a bit of sponge wear this piece of transfer wear here has a little building on it which is quite cute and some really tiny bits of clay pipe which are perfect for making beads with my first find is this lovely piece of lavender sea glass isn't that beautiful and a little bit of pottery that alex just just put in my hand a pinky ready albany color glass that's really pretty orangey just found a bottleneck down here bottle lip and it looks like a really old one look at that it's probably the um the lip of what's called a mallet bottle which is an 18th century um wine vessel so that is brilliant very old find there's something here it's a disc is it a coin it's very thin i don't know if that's been a coin but i don't think there's anything on it now oh just found a wii button down here and i think it's glass i think it's a tiny little glass button okay i think this is what i think it is a bead it's a little red bead there you go yay i found another bead a pink one this time look that's lovely wow don't think i found one that pink before two beads [Music] a couple of pipe stand pieces here [Applause] [Music] lots lots of sheds and i see something just here it's broken it's a bit too broken but it looks like it was a part of a cream jar let's see what other things we can find around here lots of bottlenecks there's one there there's one there and one there oh and one there i think nicole and craig like finding these there's another one and another one okay it looks like i found a vulcanized rubber stopper down here oh and it has something on it i don't think i've seen this one before it looks like it says michael let's say michael i don't think we found that one before have we i think it does say michael that's true would you look at that there's some metal down here it's a bit of brass or copper wire that'd be great for jewelry but there's some also very old square nails i think that's a modern coin but isn't that lovely it's quite an old nail it'll have been hand forged which is really cool and i see um one or two of them down here it's a big lip here of a stoneware bottle maybe off a hot water bottle foot warmer oh my goodness oh my goodness i've just found the tiniest doll i've ever seen in my life this is the first it's like oh oh my goodness oh she has no legs but she's a tiny little doll a tiny little frozen charlotte oh my goodness that's so cute what shame she doesn't have any legs yay oh that's fantastic alex has just found the smallest frozen charlotte oh my goodness look at that it's so detailed and it's my nude it's smaller than maggot baby isn't it xs extra small who knew they came that small that's less than an inch even if it had its feet looks like we've got a coin a little threatens your pork colors on there and what looks like the remains of a button two quite interesting i'll find what you're gonna find here's a little button he's lovely with the leaf alex has just spotted this next to me it's nice isn't it it's got a leaf on it so pretty button and pottery i've just spotted my second bead i was hoping to find another bead it looks like a teeny tiny blue glass bead this time isn't that beautiful some really pretty glass here look at that that's a really lovely tiny clean uh milk speed and it looks like a dice but it's not and it's got a couple of markings on it so if you can see it very cool you can come a wee bit closer that's the game oh found another tiny little bead down here oh and half a bead i found a little black bead here that's complete and then half of a little green bead wonderful alex has just found two two more little beads let's have a look zoom in they are so cute and another one i let's go find some more i found another bead just down there can you see it it's a beautiful green bead it looks as if it's faceted can you see that look got three that's beautiful that is gorgeous lit wow i'm gonna put it with the other beads look got three beads this has been a b so i just found this little terracotta type bead i've just found what looks like a little leg not sure what a little leg off but it's definitely a leg off something i'm in the sun that's beautiful i love the color of that oh nicole's found a beautiful bead beautiful blue bead shining in the late evening sun goes with your dress alex has found a beautiful blue bead another beautiful one it's the same one it's the same color as the one nicole found maybe it was off the same necklace yeah maybe it's off the same necklace oh sorry you've been interesting there isn't it yeah [Music] [Music] okay i'm inside the north queensferry heritage trust lighthouse it's got a big brass lamp there it's so cool it's tiny think alex is on our way up the steps hello hello i don't think there's room for two of us up here wow what a great view as well and there's a fourth bridge how cool is [Music] that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we've had a fantastic couple of days up here at north and south queens ferry um with our new friends nicole and craig from scottish mud locking and we're hoping to meet up again with them again very soon yeah so please make sure you check out their channel we're going to leave a link in the corner of the screen and we'll leave a link down in the description so go and check them out straight away after you've watched this video definitely and we'll see you again very soon [Music] [Music] [Music] hello so here are our finds from our trip to north queensferry and we've got some lovely bits and bobs here um i think our best find is probably our most unexpected find here but first we'll look at our other things so we have some pottery pieces yeah some lovely uh bits of blue and white and they're all very um jewelry sized yeah perfect yeah that's a bit of a doll's head there and uh yeah there's transfer aware and then we've got the sponge wear pieces scottish sponge wear which is expected since we're in scotland um moving on up here so we found quite a few small fragments of pipe stem and they can be used for making beads yeah they're the perfect size and they're nice some of them are nice and worn on the edges already um we found a surprising amount of lavender glass as well yeah it's gorgeous that bigger piece look at it i know that's very dark that must have been in the sun for ages it must be very old because up here in the northern hemisphere it takes much longer for this glass to turn purple and it's glass that has manganese in it would have been clear originally yeah yeah and so the exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun turns it purple um and then we've got oh yeah i don't know who found this was it you yes it was me oh so mum found this lovely piece of agate and apart from our lavender glass we have an array of other small pieces of glass all very nice for jewelry and some of this is a bit too rough to be classed as sea glass but we took it because especially these beautiful red and purple especially these beautiful orange and yellow pieces here they are destined for beads these pieces and there's a yellow piece and then there's this lovely piece here and i think this is an older piece which then ties in with our older bottle lips and collars up here yeah this one here is could be late 18th century very early 19th century yeah from a mallet bottle and this bottle would have been hand blown free blowing beautiful lip it's so crudely made and that's the beauty of it i think and you never know one day we might find a whole one of these 200 year old bottles like the mud pies do yes you have to go and check out their channel um and we've got some others here these are drippy bottles so they've got the they've been applied they're applied lip bottles but they have also been tooled on the top because it's nice and smooth and even unlike this one that's all wavy so these ones are later 19th century yeah and i think this see how that flares out there yeah i'm wondering if that's part of an onion bottle onion yeah it's probably a bit of bean part of a bottle like that okay so some curious bits and bobs here we think this is something electrical though it's now in two parts yeah some kind of electrical insulin oh wait i think it's a little bit of a light bulb of a light bulb yeah oh yeah and just realize must be a really early light bulb um these we're wondering if that they're either of um light bulbs and or syringes something like that or the bottom of the thermometer or yeah something like that and then we've got a leg we're not sure what this legs off either an animal or a human but it's a human when it's sideways yeah but then when it's that way yeah i don't know okay and then uh oh yes we've got two glass buttons and mom and i both found one and they're both identical isn't that weird yeah it is um and then coins there's two coins down here this one is uh threatens so a three penny piece and you can see on the front there the port colors and underneath it says 1967 i think and the port colors was a kind of gate used on a castle and it would have been raised up and it sort of had spikes on the bottom you can see it or so it could be let down in a hurry to stop um the enemy coming in yeah you can see the chain there that would have probably been used to lower it yeah probably a capstone used to wind it up or something you see you often see them in movies and things yeah and on the front is a depiction a silhouette of our current queen queen elizabeth ii still going strong so that's a pretty cool little coin i always like these coins i like the pork colors and the shape of it and everything oh yeah of course they don't use them anymore that's worth saying um and then i think i think that's a modern half penny well i say modern it's it would have been in the last century yeah because i think that look can you see that face on there yeah i think that's lizzie i think that's our current queen it's an old half pea not penny yeah half decimal penny okay and before we show you our favorite finds um we've got this beautiful old iron nail yeah hand forged iron nail that's beautiful i don't know what we're going to do with it maybe we'll use it it's a nail hanging things on and here they are our favorite finds and we've got the most beautiful selection of beads here well i can't believe we found so many i know i was hoping we'd find some beads because we found bees there before but but we didn't expect to find this quite this many so i think it's safe to say that most of these beads are from the 20th century and most of them are pressed glass beads so the molten glass would have been pressed in a mold stamped out and then tumbled to get the sharp edges off so um yeah they're absolutely beautiful and we love them you know how much we love beans yeah that's definitely bead beach isn't it yeah a little bead bead cove bead corner and i love this big pink one that mum found i think that's my favorite so this black one here might be a little bit older it's a bit wonky it looks um yeah i don't know almost looks like a train bead yeah i don't even know how you saw that because there were so many black pebbles and bits of coal it's the shape yeah i'll spot a bead at 20 yards and this little blue one is also similar as well it's a bit wonky yeah it's like not being pressed in a mold so i don't these two are not pressed glass beads where they're these are and then there's the terracotta one oh yeah mom found this little terracotta one we just found loads of these now yeah and i love this one of course that's absolutely beautiful it's gorgeous color and then there's this which has loads and loads of cracks in it's crazed it's crazy crazy we don't know whether it's supposed to be like that or it's become like that with being in the water yeah because of course it would have frozen and thawed out and frozen and thawed out the thermal shock might have just made it all cracked like that but it looks lovely they all look lovely i love them ah okay so finally it's probably um our most unexpected find um it's certainly unusual yes i mean and it's this button down here and i when i found it i knew it was a button but i didn't quite understand what kind of button it was until we got it home and cleaned it so i've done a bit of research and it's a world war one general service core regiment tunic button and a full sized one would measure 26 millimeters but this one is only 16 so it's probably from the cuff of the sleeve of a uniform but the strange thing about it is it's got this hole going right through the middle of it yeah and you know what we're thinking world war one yeah almost like a bullet hole so this is just absolutely amazing at first we thought the hole is too small to be a bullet hole but then mum did some research and i found out that there was a two millimeter calibri pistol and this had the smallest commercially available centrefire cartridge and it was patented in 1910 and introduced in 1914 by franz fano an austrian so we're starting to think could um a world war one german soldier have taken his hand pistol with him into battle yeah and shoot at someone and it went through someone's cuff see we don't know much about this would would people take handguns into onto the under the front maybe just as a backup maybe yeah so this is obviously a british soldier and probably scottish since we found this in the fourth um so maybe he was shot if this is a cough button maybe he had his arms held up to his head and i don't know was shot by a german soldier and the bullet went through one side of the cuff and out through the other it's a possibility but there's also a more mundane possibility yeah it was used to that's a washer nailed onto something yes because if you look at it um this is obviously the exit would have been the exit hole and that's obviously the entrance because you can see where it's flared out here but if you look at it from the side notice how flat it is and notice how the shank is actually squashed down into the button almost like it's been hammered or nailed to something maybe of course it has been rolling around in the sea amongst the rocks for quite a long time yeah so it could have yeah it could have been crushed afterwards that's also a possibility who knows i know you could come up with all sorts of theories and stories so it's definitely a conversation piece it's wonderful i love to think that that is actually a bullet hole and there is a possibility that that is a bullet hole which is just amazing well let's hope it didn't uh do any lasting damage to it well if it came back we're hoping it came back on the soldier yeah exactly yeah he actually brought it back home with him so hopefully um but yeah i think this is just an amazing piece of history and i absolutely love it one absolute wonderful surprise you might notice something missing from the roundup and it's that little tiny frozen charlotte doll that i found which is my favorite find which is just yeah we love we've never found a whole one and that little one was just so wonderful anyway she is in the frozen charlotte hospital at the minute getting herself a nice new pair of legs in preparation for alex's making project yes so keep watching for that definitely and now we're going to show you what we got from the lovely nicole and craig as a gift and we have had a sneak look in here already but now we're going to show you so we've got some lovely lovely sea glass here wow look at the shells and the shells look at the lovely shells wow look at that i love these ones oh yeah what are these called yeah we've got some of these but i can't remember what they're called they're absolutely beautiful though look at the purple in that and that yeah they're beautiful and then look at the sea glass that's a cowrie shell of course wow that piece is really chunky so these are glass and shells from vanuatu which is an island country in the south pacific they were found on the beaches of a fate and the pieces of coca-cola bottles were from bottles shipped there from the u.s to help boost the morale of the us troops who were stationed there during world war ii so that's really interesting yeah that's really interesting so there's history attached to those so these coke bottle pieces are from world war ii then that's really cool so a huge thank you to nicole and craig for gifting these wonderful pieces to us [Music] do okay so here's little charlotte now you might notice she has a pair of legs uh they're not the most proportionate legs in the world but i'm hoping they'll work for this little project we're about to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] okay so i'm going to open the mold and then see what charlotte looks like [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so let's open it up and see if it worked [Music] the silver has run through the gravel it's stuck to a piece of gravel right this is gonna be very hot oh wow there she is it looks pretty good okay so there you can see charlotte gonna try and lift her out oh she come out pretty easily now she is very very hot and you don't want to touch her right now but there she is i'm gonna go and i don't have any water with me here but i'm gonna go and quench her in some water and then we'll begin on making her into a little charm um so i'm gonna start tidying her up and put a little jump ring on her head so she can be worn as a charm or a necklace but firstly i've got to saw this funny um sprue off the top of her head um it looks like the top of her head's exploding a bit funny but yeah i'm gonna saw that off and then yeah get to cleaning her up [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so here they are alex's amazing frozen charlotte's first of all she mended the legs on the little charlotte that she found and then you saw her casting one and then she cast another one so that we can have one each and they're absolutely gorgeous i love them and although these are for mom and i i'm going to be making some more of these for our etsy shop okay so we had another wonderful time with nicole and craig from scottish mud logging we've left a link to their channel down below if you want to go and watch their videos and subscribe so thank you nicole and craig for coming along with us we had a wonderful day and we hope to do it again soon so now we'd like to say a huge thank you once again to everyone who helps our channel in all the different ways whether it's buying things from our etsy shop which will be restocked soon buying us things from our amazon wishlist or donating and also for commenting liking and subscribing to our channel because it helps us enormously and of course to all of our patrons who are all important to us keeping the channel going and we'll see you again next week [Music] bye
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 25,394
Rating: 4.96452 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, treasure hunting, beachcombing, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking Scotland, mudlarking uk, scottish mudlarks, treasure hunting Scotland, sea glass, beads, mudlarking finds, frozen Charlotte, silver casting
Id: RS5tyjyNjS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 47sec (2267 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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