AMAZING MESHES in Blender with the FREE Extra Objects Add-On! ALL TOOLS EXPLAINED!

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what's up guys Justin here with DCG essentials dot-com back with another blender add-on tutorial for you so one of the things I don't think gets talked about enough when we're talking about blender is the amazing number of add-ons that come bundled with the program when you open it up so there's a number of amazing tools that you can use to do different things in this one I wanted to talk about the extra objects add in that gives you the ability to add new kinds of meshes inside of your 3d models so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so in order to get these extra objects you can add them by going to edit preferences and then under add-ons you can just look for extra and you want to look for the option labeled add mesh extra objects so what I thought that I'd do is I'd walk you through the different kinds of objects that you can add using this free add-on this comes built-in with blender so you don't have to go download it or anything all you have to do is enable it and I will also label these in the lower left-hand corner as I go so you can skip to the ones that you're interested in if that's something you want to do and so this adds a number of different tools so if you do a shift a and go to add mesh you can see how you have a number of additional tools in here that you didn't have in here before and so I wanted to kinda talk through some of the different tools that get added in here so the first one I wanted to talk about is the 3d function surfaces or the math surfaces so these are basically surfaces or tools that create surfaces using math so for example this first option adds this kind of like kind of tinsel structure look and you can actually adjust the number of subdivisions in here but you can also adjust the equation to adjust the way this looks so if I was to add like a times 0.5 in here you can see how you could adjust this equation and it's going to mathematically adjust the way that this is going to create a 3d object so you can use math in order to do this notice how you can adjust the X&Y sighs there are no operator presets on this one however there are on the other so if I go to XYZ math surface you can see how this one creates completely different kinds of shapes and notice how for this one there's also operator presets so you can use these presets to create different kinds of mathematical shapes and then you can adjust them using the functions that are in here one thing to note is that each one of these each shape is going to have a different mathematical formula and so it's gonna have different things that you can adjust in order to make changes to them so these are going to be unique to the kinds of shapes that you're creating but they make these shapes really customizable allowing you to create some really cool stuff using mathematical functions so this tool also gives you the ability to add different kinds of solids so like regular solids you can also select like like dodecahedron Zoar icosahedrons other mathematical shapes in here as well as the ability to as well as the ability to create different kinds of triangles so you can create triangles based on an isosceles or a scalene so going back to grade school geometry those different kinds of triangles you can create in here so you can use this in order to create mathematically correct shapes inside a blender alright so next is beam builder so if you want to mesh and under extras you can see there's an option in here for beam builder now what beam builder does is it allows you to create different kinds of beam profiles so things like eye beams or tea beams other things like that you can adjust everything from the height of those to the width you can also add tapers so you can use this to create structural shapes inside a blender note that the length of these objects is also adjustable as well gears gives you the ability to add fully adjustable gears inside a blender so all these different features like the teeth and the angles contained inside of these these are all going to be fully adjustable so you can bring in a simple gear or you can make changes to adjust everything from the number of teeth to the radius the taper that's in here one thing I don't know about this tool is if you were to 3d print this if these are actually mathematically correct in the sense that they would actually work as gears but I do know that the level of customization contained in here is very high so you can use this to create all sorts of different gear inside of your 3d models so in addition there's also so in addition this also gives you the ability to create a worm gear which is going to be a gear that's more cylindrical that runs kind of along a pipe and would spin in order to drive another gear so not only can you create a simple regular gear you can also create a worm gear with this tool inside a blender so gemstones gives you the ability to add three different kind of gemstones in here it's labeled diamonds but the actual addon itself that's bundled in here is called gemstones this basically allows you to create three different kinds of gemstones so two different kinds of diamonds and then another gym notice these are all adjustable from a height standpoint and also a segment standpoint so if you want to create some custom gems to use in your models this is a great add-on to do that honeycomb creates a dynamic honeycomb shape inside of blender so what this allows you to do is this allows you to create a honeycomb mesh or you can adjust the number of rows and columns as well as the size of the honeycomb so this is great for things like if you have some kind of a mesh on a computer or something like that you can use this in order to create create that shape as well as you could extrude this in order to make this a 3d shape so if you're looking for a quick honeycomb shape this is the tool that can do that the minzer sponge is gonna be a cube they get subdivided into multiple different cubes so this is going to be an interesting shape because it really doesn't do a whole lot from a practical geometry standpoint but it looks really cool I can see you're using this to really quickly create some sci-fi landscapes or something like that so notice how this just continually subdivides you need to be a little bit careful when you add additional subdivisions to this or add different levels to this because it creates a lot of different geometry but it creates a really cool shape that I think you can build some really cool things out of it's more just a fun tool the pipe joints object gives you the ability to create a number of different kinds of joints that are fully adjustable in here so you can add anything from a single pipe pipe joy or you can adjust the radius and all so the the turn angle or there's also different options in here for different kinds of joints so different teas and other things like that as well as the last option which allows you to basically add as many different pipes coming into a joint as you want to so if you're looking for customizable pipe joints this should work very well for you the step pyramid does exactly what it sounds like it has a pyramid with steps on it so what this gives you the ability to do is this allows you to create that pyramid and adjust the number of segments to adjust the smoothness of this shape that you've created as well as giving you the ability to customize the depth of each step the number of steps things like that so this allows you to create a simple step pyramid really quickly inside of your models the round cube function allows you to create a number of different kinds of shapes based on a quad sphere so basically what this does is this creates different shapes and there's a number of different presets in here that are based on a quad sphere allowing you to create anything from this quad sphere to also giving the ability to create like capsule shapes or other adjustable shapes like that as well so in addition there's also shapes that are a little bit closer like rounded off boxes but they're built on quad spheres the star tool allows you to create different variations of star shapes inside your models so you can adjust everything from the number of points on here to the length of the arms go out you can also adjust both the outer and inner radiuses and the thickness so if you need to build anything built on a star shape this tool should have the functions that you're looking for there's three tools built-in for creating different kinds of torus shapes so the torus shapes are going to give you the ability to create everything from a twisted torus which is going to be a torus that does exactly what it sounds like it has a twist associated with it you can adjust the number of twists that are in here as well as adjusting the different features of this to make this anywhere from just kind of a standard looking torus to almost more of a ribbon shape there's also a mesh in here called the super toroid basically what that is is that's more of a standard torus but it gives you the ability to just all the things that we talked about and then a little bit more so inner and outer radius also the ability to adjust the number of segments that are in here you can also adjust if this kind of scales in or outward so you can adjust the direction as well as the way that the geometry on the torus reacts so if you want to customize a torus this is a great mesh for doing that then the third tourist will the torus knot basically brings in a torus knot and it gives you three different three different input functions that are in here so there's not a ton of customization allowed in here you can basically adjust the amount of geometry and then the kind of knot that this adds but if you need to add a torus knot this function will do that the teapot option is basically the classic teapot that you're used to seeing inside of 3d modeling programs it's kind of a sample mesh so you can adjust the smoothness of this but it's basically just a teapot shape there's also a preset down below for a teaspoon so if you want to test mesh or surrender something something like that this is a great mesh for that it's basically just a sample 3d object that you can quickly insert into your scenes so this next tool is a nice little function that allows you to add a single vertex and so on the surface that doesn't sound like that big of a deal but the cool thing about being able to add the single vertex is if you go into edit mode and you go into vertex editing mode basically what this allows you to do is this allows you to extrude the vertex you can take the single vertex making sure that you're in vertex select mode you can extrude this in order to create a line so what that allows you to do is this is probably the closest that blender has at the moment to a traditional line tool like you see inside of a CAD software but you can use this to extrude this vertex then you can fill it in in order to create a face so you could just select all of these tap the F key to fill this in so the extra vertex tool can act like a line tool inside a blender and then finally my favorite tool contained inside of the extra objects add-in is the wall factory add-in and what the wall Factory does is this allows you to basically create like a medieval-style wall in here and it's mathematically doing this by generating the different blocks so all of this is fully adjustable meaning you can adjust things like your height or your width in order to make your wall as complex as you want it to be and so in addition to being able to adjust these and also to adjust the spacing so things like the grout spacing between the objects you can also add and adjust windows so you can use this to add different openings to your wall as well as you can add little turrets at the top of the wall as well so overall just kind of a fun tool that allows you to quickly generate a wall with actual geometry in here so it does give you some kind of weird results sometimes you may just have to play around with this in order to get the results that you want but overall I just love playing with this one I'm excited to do some more interesting stuff with this in the future so that's kind of an overview of the tools contained in the extra objects add-on for blender I'll leave a comment below let me know what you think about these objects and if you'd like to hear any more about any of these in particular if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below if you're new around here I'm gonna click that subscribe button for new blender content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it and I will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 32,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender extra objects, blender extra objects add on, blender meshes add on, blender extra meshes add on, blender more meshes
Id: k9HaolFUyfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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