The FUTURE of Architectural Modeling in Blender? Exploring the BagaPie Add-On!

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what's up guys justin here with the checking out a brand new add-on built on top of geometry nodes that adds a lot of different functions to blender super excited about this one specifically for more of an architectural focus there's a lot of stuff in here though so let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so this add-on is called bag of pie and basically what it is is it's an add-on that adds different modifier and geometry node tools inside of blender so most of it's built on top of geometry nodes which is super super cool you can also download this for free from the author's gun road page so the author goes by baga um he actually has a youtube channel his actual name is antoine bagattini and i apologize if i pronounced that wrong but um he's made this modifier available for free so you can download this from his gumroad page i do recommend if you want to support developers like this please make some kind of a donation here to kind of support what he's doing so there's also a great video on that page that gives you kind of an idea of what this whole thing is capable of so you can watch that if you're interested in checking it out you can see how there's some really cool stuff in here but when you download this what we're going to do is we're just going to jump over into blender we're just going to edit preferences you just want to make sure that you install the zip file that comes along with it then you just want to check the box for the bag of pie modifier and notice how it tells you right here that you access all of the tools by tapping the j key so let's take a look at some of the tools that are in here and i'm kind of going to start with the architectural ones just because that's kind of my focus and then we can talk about some of the others as well but there's a lot to unpack in here so first off let's do a shift a and let's just add a plane i'm just going to move the plane over and then i'm just going to tab into edit mode and i'm going to delete only the face and so my goal here is i want to keep the perimeter right here so one of the first tools i want to look at is there's a tool in here if you tap the j key for creating a wall and so when you create a wall what that's going to do is that's going to take the edges of an object or curves and it's going to create a wall just like this and so notice what that's going to do is that's going to give you the ability to set the height of the wall as well as the depth or thickness of the wall right here and so one of the cool things about this is let's say that we were to tab back into object mode select this edge like this well notice how because this is in here kind of as a geometry node we're going to be able to actually edit this in here as well just by adjusting those lines so let's say i was to select the edge right here move it this way notice how the wall is going to adjust with us so we can also come in here and add like a a loop and then extrude across here like this and i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to toggle snapping on but notice how i could extrude that vertex in order to quickly add walls in here so just the wall adding functionality is going to be really cool so one of the cool things about this is if you click on the bag of pie menu which you can access by tapping the n key and popping this menu up you can come back and make adjustments to this later so i can adjust my wall thickness i can adjust the axis offset other things like that and so that's going to allow us to create a wall well then we could come in here and we could tap the j key again and we can add like a window and so we could come in here we could draw this window so we're just going to draw and then we're going to move our mouse and click on the back right here so basically what we're doing is we're just like cutting a hole in this face so i can just move my mouse right here well then this actually generates a window on the wall right here so you can use this to quickly add windows to your models so if you click on the button for more window what that's going to do is that's going to allow you to add another window over here and you do want to make sure that when you do this that you're giving it the thickness of the wall and again i find the snapping to be really helpful in here to make sure that i'm snapping this to the back side of the wall but this is a great tool for creating things like windows and so in addition you could also use the boolean function to add openings in this wall so for example if i was to select this then tap the j key there's a boolean function in here and notice how it's going to put this right on this face but you can use this in order to quickly add like a door opening or something like that so again we just use the same snapping that we used before you can see how this makes adding booleans really easy as well then we just click on exit right here but notice how creating this uh creating this wall is really easy all right so in addition something i really like about this add-on is the array functions that are contained inside of it um specifically one in particular but let's go ahead and let's bring down a model from sketchfab so this is the power transmission line by combine soldier and so we're just going to bring this in and we'll place it right here i'm probably going to delete out this plane we'll select the rest of this and do a control j to join it and we'll just scale this down and we'll make sure to apply our rotation and scale but let's say that we wanted to create an array right so you can tap in here you can tap the j key you can create an array with as many objects as you'd like in here you can adjust the offset you can adjust if it has a left or right a lot of the same kind of functions that you have with the array modifier but you do have some cool things in here like for example let's go back into bag of pie so first off this allows you to do randomization of scale so minimum and maximum like this as well as randomization of rotation so the randomization of rotation can be really helpful for things like trees and other things like that you can obviously adjust the seed that's in here as well so there's different kinds of arrays that you can create so for example you can also create a grid so the grid is going to be exactly what it sounds like it allows you to create a certain number along an x and y and then adjust the offset in there it gives the options over here but there's also my favorite one in here which is the array along a curve so what i like about this one or along a circle what i like about this one is you can create an array along a circle without having to come in here and mess with curves or other things like that and fitting something to uh fitting something to a length and what i like about that is it means you don't have to come in here and mess around with creating a curve and then fitting this to curve and all of that you can just take this and you can literally create the create the copies along the circle no problem at all so you can also adjust the different alignments in here as well as the position one of the fun things about this is you can also kind of randomize that position up and down left and right what i like about that is it means you're not limited to just like a simple curve like this but you can also have some fun with that as well so i really like the array functions that are contained inside of this tool and so one of the cool things about this is if we jump over and i've got a geometry nodes view and we look at this this is actually built on the geometry nodes so what that's doing is that's actually creating your geometry nodes over here well what that does is that gives you the ability to actually come in here and make adjustments to the way that it works if you decide you want to do that so it is going to require a little bit of knowledge about geometry nodes in order to make that happen but this being built on geometry nodes means that there's going to be a lot more flexibility in the future all right so in addition it also contains tools for scattering and scatter painting so you can use this to scatter things on a face inside your model so what we're going to do is first off we're going to use this low poly asset collection collection the little nature pack by dfs studio from sketchfab so you can download that and follow along alright so what this is going to allow us to do is that's going to allow us to select some objects by doing a shift click and then selecting this object last and just tapping the j key and clicking the button for scatter so what that's going to do is that's going to come scatter these objects on your surface notice how you get a menu over here where you can adjust things like your density as well as your position on the face you can also randomize your position you can randomize your rotation other things like that as well this gives you full control over the randomization that's in here so for example we could set the randomization of our scale a little bit in order to really add some random stuff in here so in addition to being able to scatter things like plants just on a surface there's also a tool in here if you tap j again so in addition you could also select this object then do a shift click and select the face you tap j and you can click on scatter paint and it's going to ask to preserve performance hide the scatter modifier i'm actually going to say okay but what this is going to do is this is going to allow you to paint in where you want copies of an object so you can use this in order to quickly place objects on a surface just like this then we can jump back into object mode and see this and so then to turn this back on all you have to do is go back into your modifiers over here just click on this button right here in order to toggle that back on so it's also got a couple tools that basically give you access to or quick access to some modifiers so they're not necessarily based on geometry modes nodes but they allow you to do some cool stuff like for example let's say i was to add just a simple curve in here and we're just going to edit the curve so we'll move this extrude this out just a simple curve like this well what we've got is we've got an option where we can select this object do a shift click to select this one then tap that j key and click on auto array along curve so first thing is you're going to want to make sure that it's uh using the right direction so in this case we want the x direction but notice how this is going to automatically create that array on the curve and so previously what we had to do is it wasn't super hard to do this but you'd have to come in here and add an array and then a curve modifier over here this just does this automatically the cool thing about this is now this is going to automatically adjust things like the length of your chain by arraying that object along the curve assuming that you've set it up properly so this can really make that process a lot faster so there's also a function in here to quickly add displacement so if you tap that j key with this active the displace function is going to allow you to add displacement to this object and so this is basically um very similar to adding a displacement modifier over here it's just it puts the tools in kind of the same place and makes it a little bit easier to use so for example now i could like keyframe this and adjust it keyframe it again by tapping the i key and over here bring it back down we can keyframe this as well so there's a lot of things you can do with the displacement modifier but this gives you the ability to access those things really quickly inside your window right here so specifically for this add-on what i really like is the architectural functions like the walls and the quick booleans and things like that this could be a great architectural modeling tool for blender but leave a comment down below and let me know what you think about it if you like this video please remember to click that like button down below as always thank you so much for taking time to watch this i really appreciate it i will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The CG Essentials
Views: 12,703
Rating: 4.9528794 out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender 2.82, blender 2.8, blender modifier tutorials, blender tool tutorial, the blender essentials, the cg essentials,, justin geis, justin geis blender, blender 2.9, blender 2.91, blender bagapie, blender bagapie walls, blender bagapie free, blender architecture, blender architecture bagapie
Id: 1p4fP04ZVhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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