Loop Tools Addon | Important Mesh Editing Tool | Blender 2.8

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hello and welcome to Gavit media I'm grant Abbott and today we're looking at loop tools it's a really handy add-on that helps you with editing your meshes and it comes with blender you just go to edit preferences select add-ons type in loop and there is loop tools these add-ons should be saved by default that you can go down to the bottom here and save current state in case you've got autosave and ticked so I can close that down and now I have the add-on installed when I go into edit mode now it should be down the side here under edit now originally it was under tools but it seems to be edits now and you can find the loop tools options just here you can also right click and it will come up at the top loop tools so what does it do first of all I'm going to right click and subdivide this cube so subdivide and I'll just turn it up to ten let's zoom in a bit and deselect all by double tapping a my screencast keys are down the bottom left in case you get stuck I'm going to select the square of vertices so see two circle select and I can use my wheel to change the size of this and I'll just select this sort of square here and now if I look at my Luke tools I've got this option called circle and that turns it into a circle this is really handy lots of you will have seen me used the 2-sphere tool but this does a slightly better job if I press three now and circle select and select these faces I can then inset them I can extrude them and I can create a nice circular sticky-outy bits whilst keeping my nice topology that's my favorite tool although there's some other great ones I'm going to delete this cube and start with a plane this time and go into edit mode with tab right-click and subdivide once again giving it ten subdivisions I'll go into vertex mode with one so you can see all the vertices this time I'm going to select this edge along here so I've alt left clicked to select a line of vertices and I'm just going to duplicate them so shift D duplicate and I've pulled them down here now if I select this group of vertices again with alt shift left click so it's selected that line as well as this one I can press bridge and that creates a bridge between the two this is the same as bridge edge loop but we have an option for segments which is quite handy so we can bring up the segments we can actually twist as well which doesn't work in this case but I'll quickly show it with a circle so I'll delete this shift a circle into edit mode shift D to duplicate those edges select all and bridge and we've got this bridge again it's remembered my settings which is for segments and this time we can twist and you can see this vertices is now going through the next one along and you can twist it around like this so let's delete that and back to my plane shift a mesh plane into edit mode and right click to subdivide them ten times let's go to the next one on the list which is curved so if I select this line here and I'm going to turn it into a curve I want this starting point here so I'll grab that out in the y-axis G then Y and I'll grab this one G then Y and I want to curve going between the two now if I select these two at the moment and press curve it just creates a straight line but if I select one of these middle vertices and press curve you see it creates this lovely curve you've also got options for most of these tools that it has an influence and you can change the amounts of that it influences another useful tool is flattened so if I grab this one by little z-axis this time and then select this line and press flatten it brings them all down but it Everage --es them out so if you have a look it's got a slight slope up here because it took into account that 1 vertices was up here so it averages it out and flattens them out so if I deselect all and go to select and then select random and then grab these in the z-axis and then select everything again with a and flatten you can see that it's flattened it out and taken the average height it does have other options so you can do it from view or normal but you can have a play with those now another interesting option is the G stretch if I go to grease pencil now and use the annotate so hold it down and get annotate and let's draw a line like this now back to my selection tool here and select this edge once again this time I'm going to press the G stretch it stretches it across to my grease pencil line so on to the next one this time I'm going to delete this and erase my line by going to the grease pencil annotate eraser and rubbing it out back to the selection and let's add in a circle into edit mode let's duplicate that move it up here and rotate it slightly duplicate that move it up here rotate it slightly and I'll scale it down this time duplicate that rotate it slightly this will make sense eventually select all and press loft and you can see it's created mesh between my objects you can do this with lines as well it's still got twist turned on so I'll turn that back down to zero and you'll see it has the straight lines you can even loop it so it goes back to the beginning but obviously there's not much of a loop here so it's quite a clever tool and this used to be an old style of modeling if I start with a line this time I'll grab this plane delete these two vertices and subdivide these two you can see you can create complex shapes by duplicating this line and I'll grab a few of these move them around slightly to edit my shape select all and press loft and you can see I've got a quite complex shape there and I start adding a subdivision surface modifier and you can see if I shade smooth you can create quite complex shapes fairly quickly and easily using the loft so I'll remove that subdivision surface modifier now relax is an interesting one and I'm not quite sure what it's doing a lot of the time but if I press relax now it just creates quite a mess but if I select a line and try and relax it you can see it sort of averages out and evens it out trying to smooth it which is a bit like smooth vertex but it looks like it's trying to maintain the position if I go to vertex smooth vertices you can see that sort of moves position whereas relaxed tries to I think average them out and smooth them out without moving them around so if I press relax again it doesn't move positions very much hopefully that makes sense it's not something I found much of a useful yet the last one is space so I'm going to move this over to the other one and this one over to this one and you'll get the idea of what I'm doing in a second so if I select this line now and press space it averages out the distance between them which can be very useful so here's before and here's after and remember you've got your influence here as well so that's all the Luke tools a very handy add-on which is well worth turning on within blender remember you find it under the Edit menu you must be in edit mode and you can right click and go to loop tools up here as well so thanks for watching and I hope this helps
Channel: Grant Abbitt
Views: 111,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: understand, texture, paint, how, to, learn, blender, tutorials, 3d, art, graphics, game, material, guide, easy, sculpting, sculptor, sculpt, painting, loop, addon, 2.8, eevee, tools, editing, mesh, flatten, curve, loft
Id: W2MjvKy1yCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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