Amazing Discovery In An Abandoned RV

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[Music] I got a call for some bees in an RV those are notoriously difficult removals and I am driving up through some beautiful territory wanting to stop and take pictures every time I pass something interesting but pulling a trailer and uh I'm listening to Mr Ed his last cut out while I ride yeah we got one today's gonna be a doozy and almost every way the RV right over there bees are pretty defensive and pretty active I haven't been over here one time been over here one time and you can see why why I had to walk away I had to go get a hood on I drugged this piece of platform over to lay down and look at them and what we got is that bottom panel right there it's got oxidation holes in it and they found a way in through these oxidation hose and they've built out that whole bottom corner that old RV is old but that ain't in bad shape even inside smells good it's been under this canopy for a long time because they had a roof leak at some point and it survived pretty well under here none of this down has been touched in a lot of years and so the bees have just had free reign I got uh oh my gosh there's a second one to say it ain't so man sure is there's a second one in here I came around here to look for power whoo all right well we got a plug and an extension cord laying over there already man I'm sure there ain't no more foreign [Music] it's actually pretty clean in that RV for it for being stored this long here's what's going on with them right here we got corrosion hole here and some more down there behind the tire apparently this trailer came from up north or took a trip up north at some point because it's got a good amount of rust underneath of it for a southern trailer good amount of corrosion here but since this is already destroyed and that's where they're at we're just going to cut it open this panel needs to pick somebody's going to repair it just kind of got to be replaced anyway [Music] crashing my eyeballs and I'm late on another beat coffee I've Disturbed their entrance and they're waiting on me to move so they can go back in [Music] it's an old big old Hive up in here [Music] like they say if you're gonna be dumb you better be tough [Music] all right Joe we're in I'm probably gonna be getting into finding something else to lay on because after a few Cuts this thing's gonna be covered with honey EMG get that picture I think my kids are like driving me nuts we got about half of it it looks like maybe we still got a lot of sheet metal to go before we get to that back wheel and there's bees coming in out of another hole about as far forward as what I've cut already or about as far forward as that half of that hive can we up in here checking it out I'll suit it up flannel shirt and jeans that's how you do it loose clothes loose fit and close y'all if you ain't got a B suit wear some double layered loose fit clothes and you might be all right so they were they were extremely defensive until I got into them a little bit and they've kind of settled down partially because I've Disturbed their entrance they don't really know what's going on I've smoked them a good bit and he changed things up on them and they changed their attitude sometimes but sometimes I still get you so I'm in shorts but I got a hood on I've only taken two stings to the hands and the arms four things I guess we're early in the year but I smell some honey in there so might not be captured but there's gonna be something so if you want honey you got containers you don't put it in do you want it yeah a big pot or or some big Rubbermaid big Rubbermaid containers or something you don't ever know may get in there and it'd be pretty dry or it could be a gallon you never know now I don't know it to be a fact but I think what we got here is a cantilever situation I think this boat is holding some of the load of the slide out I'm not certain that's what that's there for but I can't imagine any other reason for a little John Boat to be tucked up under this slide and and be holding pressure on it like it is we're getting a vac set up and everything and the sun has moved over on me that was a mistake to wake this late in the day it's already a humid day I got the sun on me but the good thing is you'll be able to see a little better I think [Music] there's some Captain right there in the end we're in The Brood cones too baby bees or or on these cones right here Queen cell this is a big old Hive there's another Queens though these were um these were getting ready to swarm again see cells are hanging off sides kind of fat when they start building those out they're getting ready [Music] yeah well this is a different Venom most people are allergic to wasp and hornets are not allergic to honeybees but like you say you don't want to chance it don't want to play with fate just a bought something unique well I talked you into it yeah this is where it gets messy everything gets sticky so here's what's going on right now y'all I'm cutting these in I already cut these end attachments I'm gonna start removing Combs from this end and work that way I'm just running bees down off of them since we're outside and I have the liberty of using smoke and not have to spend so much time vacuuming but just have you sell the trash on the ground it's a lot of red dirt and a bunch of black trash at black trashes because they've had a dead out before so this Hive has died out at least once before and come back strong all this is wax moth feces and and just trash it's dirt now so it's not like I'm flicking fresh crap this is the pH of dirt so if you got a problem with that that's what that is capped honey right here first thing you see capped honey and then Captain brood so this is all honey ring around brood keep in mind your your colony is mostly going to be a center of brood with a honey ring around it if they have the resources so this is brewed all the way down to the bottom cap brewed all the way to the bottom something that Frederick Dunn asked me was how far they build off of a bottom and you can see b space all the way around this it's pretty much the same here they just had enough space to work around it but they built it pretty much all the way to the bottom normally if it's touching the bottom there's been a problem before there's been a collapsed comb or something like that but this this one is pretty healthy this one's been healthy for a good long while at least since early last year judging by the color of these Combs we've got to smoke them to the ass water baby so basically I'm wiggling it to try to break it away from the top as high up as I can [Music] pull it out a little quick little clean search and put the cereal on here you start backing whatever falls off let's go in there and go back to the uh so I'm not worried too much about getting everybody I'll get them all eventually bucket I didn't realize there was a metal brace in here it's giving me trouble cut down both sides of that and give them some smoke because you know you just probably cut a couple of bees in half it's unfortunate but you can't do it otherwise [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah uh loads of hunt no no okay I'll order it I'm sorry I ordered it I'll send you a picture of him it wasn't a B on my leg until I washed my leg off must be how nasty I am the bees with him laying on me until I washed my leg off oh look at that dude goodness gracious isn't that a sight goes back at an angle so that's not the end of the hive it's it's angling in and so what you're seeing is where the these Combs meet up with the inner wall over there foreign thankfully it's an easy panel to replace and it's it's a cheek panel to replace and anybody with any handyman abilities could do it you don't have to take it to an RV shop this this whole thing ain't going to an RV shop anyway I doubt if they'll ever repair it maybe somebody will buy it because it is a decent unit but it's old bees are helping me clean this up is making an absolute mess dripping honey all over everything a ton of bees in here I'm still on halfway done but thankfully I had a little bit of cloud cover signs back on me again but you'll be over the trees pretty quick at least I have sun on my good side or where's that my good side I don't know I don't have a good side precious you mean you mean precious thank you I gotta do some more cutting so this right here I didn't cut this this is all broken loose from oxidation and I can see comb at this next hole is oxidized through which is right here I'm gonna come on down past it about a foot all right I think I just hit another wooden brace down here so that's about as far as I'm gonna go right now all right I just revealed the rest of it the five massive I tell you look underneath of there and it goes back to I didn't hit a brace I was just in the wood up top it felt like a brace she's huge that my friends is a big hive dude I mean this is a big RV and filled up from almost back of the wheel well to this first support down here I don't know if with this camera you can really appreciate how big that is that they calmed down a lot after opening them up I've been stung once under the right eye if you I don't know if you can see that and a dozen times in the legs and arms just from laying on them or mashing against them I don't think I'm gonna get this one done before the sun goes well I know I'm not gonna get this one done before the sun goes down and still have one on the other side I'll have to come back for it tomorrow [Music] yeah I was afraid of that because that looked like a good place if I was a bee I was thinking that's what I would do it and that's what not even I had a hell of a mess another one on there so it ain't as big I mean this one's probably 45 50 000. 00 and I saw he's sitting there like that I said go get you some blue jeans and a flower shirt and I'll give you a skin that hat and you can all hang up ain't getting no arthritis in my face or or in my back or my legs yeah it's good for arthritis good for it unless you're on blood thinners a minute and then it don't work now I look for her but when I'm sucking up hundreds at a time a lot of times I just suck her up and don't ever see her all this brood is an indicator that she's there's definitely one in here and I'll try to find her but if I don't see her I don't worry about it I'll put him in a high but let them run for about a week and then I'll go in and look for eggs and larva and if she's not in there or not laying I'll put another queen in there with them foreign [Music] it's in plentiful Supply and it works good but grass does good too long as you pack it tight pack it too loose it burns up pretty fast anything organic Oak sticks Pine sticks as long as they got plastic or rubber in it would you mind having them tools over there I didn't clean everything up and lay down without getting stuff thank you very much how long you reckon they've been in there 10 years no this uh this comb looks about three years old maybe potatoes I have in here before I know they've been in there longer than three they've been here where there was a hive in there before that died out yeah all this dirt hanging here this is a good cone yeah okay see all this all this dirt on the ground under it that's wax moth species so the hive that was in here that died before the wax Moss eight hours of wax out of it yeah and so when I opened it up all that crap dumped out some of it had fallen out already through the oxidized holes but you can set up in here that thick layer of junk oh they nest going back in there before that tire too yeah [Laughter] like a chimpanzee [Music] I like Captain you took inside in that pot it's all good to jar up right now okay without doing anything to it all this is uncapped moisture content is going to be too high in it just to jar it up so eat this first or um use it up cooking or something anything's got caps on it is dried down but that's all 18 moisture content or so anything higher than at a ferment if you jar it up over time you can't put it in the refrigerator and stop or a really slowed up process but as much as you eat honey just eat it let's get rid of it [Music] much of that would be good though no this is all Brew coming that uh top hole piece right there is honey [Music] all right [Music] holy shnikes I'm gonna have to swap back buckets I've been vacuum and backing for a long time now and there's a giant pile there's a second Hive in there gotta go back tomorrow for it is 10 30 at night I just made it to a little gas station I wrapped up over there around 10. and uh the the one on the other side it's not gonna be near as bad somebody left a little storage compartment open and they swarmed into there and it looks like a fairly new Colony so I think I can get everything reaching through that little door and it's only that big of a door but I think I can get everything through that but as tough as they are in a way because you're watering on the ground Honey's on the ground you're in dirt you're in honey you're propped up on one elbow for hours on end but they're fun those are the ones that I like you're not on a ladder my feet it's 10 30 at night my feet feel great if I was on a ladder for several hours I'll be Advil and tylenolin or whatever but that was a really fun job there so right now I'm gonna stay tonight at my brother's house and that's uh 40 minutes away tomorrow morning more bee work and back up here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the way mine normally are when somebody comes but this year they're not that not that way yeah the privet I wanna I don't know previous running late but usually it's already bloomed out I think by the time he picks up yeah yeah it's just about to start here yeah this that cold spell did a lot of damage especially down south a lot of the Chinese Tallow got burned up yeah Dannon down in the bay and in the Keel and over in Louisiana a lot of the popcorn trees are just burned up I don't know I saw some coming back a little bit and go for it yeah because it did burn them and go for it but not bad yeah but those over in the bay just I mean it looks like somebody went through with Roundup and sprayed them all oh foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 1,397,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: km9AHPk7mIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2023
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