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oh crap hey everyone welcome to the hornet king channel and in this video i'll be removing the most massive european hornet colony i've ever cut out of someone's ceiling i brought it home and fed it to my chickens and my squirrels here's the video check it out [Music] i'm the hornet king and i remove some incredible and insane wasps nests [Music] [Music] all right so this customer has obviously some kind of infestation but these are european hornets oh it's just all soft that's sludge all right so we're gonna get to this get them out for here [Music] so ah reeks [Music] so as with all of my removal processes from inside of people's homes when i'm cutting a nest out of a ceiling or a wall or what have you vacuuming up adults as i'm opening up the cavity space kind of mitigates the amount of numbers that enter the space now this particular space is actually above a garage so it's kind of like a finished apartment so i didn't have to worry too much about them flying around because they weren't going to be going anywhere into like a living space per se and they were just going mainly to the main window at this dormer so i just vacuumed up a lot of them as i was going but it also kind of made it a little bit more relaxed that i could open up the space and if anyone's got in i didn't have to worry about backing up like instantly um i do like to try to like chip the numbers as i go but uh for the most part i was able to leave the vacuum off so you can get good audio [Music] so now that i've opened up about a 10 inch by 10 inch hole i knew that i'm gonna have to make this hole bigger to be able to get this whole nest out oftentimes when i'm removing a nest out of a hole i try to keep the hole as small as possible so usually i do about a five inch to ten inch hole however when a nest is as big as this one and this much drywall is compromised it really doesn't make much of a difference because they're gonna have to replace the drywall anyway so to be able to get the entire nest out and to know that i got all of the nest making the hole as big as i need to is most important oh my god this goes on forever so now the hole being a little bit bigger i still realize that i had to go even bigger than this yet i was noticing then too that the stain on the drywall was indication as to where all of the cone was going to be so they pretty much just use that as like a stencil and if i could get it a little bit smaller then that's fine too but for the most part all this drywall as the knife was going through it was just crumbling as i serrated it there's like nothing left in this drywall so [Music] holy holy crap oh my god this thing is huge if the hornet king saying that it's huge holy crap there's like nothing left in the ceiling [Music] oh my god the thing is just gummy i can't tell you how big [Music] it stops there i think i don't think reeks i think how high it goes [Music] oh my god i don't even know the best way to get this down so i knew now that i'm gonna have to pull this down pretty much all in one piece and i wanted to keep as many of the adults in between the layers of comb as possible that way while i was pulling it down they weren't just like flying at me you know spraying me in the face or whatever so i was able to just vacuum off a bunch of them and then get my hands up in here and just and pull the nest down in one piece i want everybody to appreciate how big it is look how big my look at my hand compared to this and that's not even i mean that's just freaking huge lots of plants i honestly don't know what's even only holding this up here okay so try to get it down so so [Music] holy holy crap guys this is just absolutely massive i don't know i'm getting 80 shots i really hope i am [Music] that's big so it's pretty cool the homer was actually sitting right outside so i was able to knock on the window and hold up the nest to the glass and she was able to see it from out there and she was she was pretty impressed with the size of that thing that i pulled out so i'm vacuuming up the adult wasps that are hunkering down inside some of the envelope in this dormer attic and they were all just the ones that were coming in from outside one of my favorite parts of removals when i'm doing inside house removals is vacuuming up the whole clumps of wasps off the windows it's very satisfying to do this um and they're always in a nice big clump and what happens is when wasps get into a living space like this they try to go right out the window so a lot of my clients are saying yeah these yellow jackets and or hornets or whatever are getting in through my windows because i'm finding them around the windows that's not where they're getting in that's where they're trying to get out so once they make it into a living space they fly to the glass because they're trying to get outside and you'll see them in big clumps because they start swapping fluids they can't get any sustenance from the larvae inside the comb because they're away from the nest so they go and they meet up with each other and they swap fluids trying to gently get things separated because it's going to be chaos [Music] so [Applause] uh holy crap the amount of numbers inside of this nest is ridiculous there were so many new males and queens in here so anytime i would pull the layers apart it would just it would just reveal a ridiculous clump of hornets hunkered down inside these spaces it's kind of like opening up a christmas present christmas present from the hornet king opening up the layers of comb and exposing all of the hornets so so the vacuum i was actually kind of nervous that the vacuum was going to be too full of hornets and i'd have to empty it out in between um but i'd have to empty it out before the removal was complete i was sucking up a lot of envelope and i was sucking up a lot of adults and since queens being larger than regular worker hornets i figured they were going to be occupying a lot of space inside that vacuum so so and honestly my favorite part of this removal was scraping all of that envelope off the back of this large cone patty and hearing the sound it almost sounded like raking leaves and then hearing all the buzzing as all the males and queens were falling out of all that foliage this part actually took a lot longer than what you see in this video it just took so much time vacuuming everybody up and trying to clean up all the comb i wanted to show the homeowner the comb in person i didn't wanted to show her a picture so i wanted to try to get up all of the adults off the comb as possible and take it down and show it to her which i did and she was very much impressed so look at the numbers in here i mean even though i've been backing for such a long time there are still this many adults inside of these different layers and in between uh layers of cone and envelope oh my god so this is actually a full-term colony and european hornets usually have anywhere from like 800 to 900 adults but this one i would guess to me probably had about you know 1200 adults all together at the end of the season so just some fast time lapse shots of me cleaning this up there's nothing more satisfying than having a really messy space and then just watching it get all cleaned up now for me with doing these nests it's not as as simple as just sweeping it up i mean you have to vacuum everything you have to try to get all the adults from you know every little nook and cranny inside the space so it takes a lot longer than just what this little time lapse shows but um i take the nest down here i want to show it to the homeowner so i didn't carry that out now all the drywall i bagged it up and threw it away but man it just stunk so bad it had so much waste material from the hornets inside of it so i double bagged that and then you know had to put in my car so i could take it home and throw up my dumpster but uh it was it just reeked so bad and that inside this room it was it was so foul from vacuuming up all of this you know rotten material it was so rough stop touching stuff [Laughter] wow there you go let me just back up a little bit i don't get a shot of just me holding it yeah we can get the size okay [Applause] okay oh hey good birdies yeah nice glue thank you squeal yummy oh a nice glue oh what a nice grill the good birdies let's give another one to the square squirrel where are you going dbd a good squeal okay okay good squeal here eat the rest of this eat it when it's turds fruity okay hey enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Hornet King
Views: 4,277,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hornets, European Hornets, Hornet King, Wasp Nest Removals, Vespa Crabro, Yellow Jackets, Infestation
Id: jAO2oAEr6Ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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