DIY Extermination Fail

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[Music] thank you yep you guessed it we gotta Hive up in a house on a lake in the middle of nowhere Alabama you can see where there was a dead out last year it's a master bathroom and they're over the top of a garden tub water source plentiful wild forage plentiful so they've been here for quite a long time I bought a bunch of White Pine two bars partially in case we need to frame up over this tub we're working over but also I needed some more frame boards at my house so might as well buy them on a job if we use them fine if we don't even if we do I take them apart and use them at home I'll come back y'all do whatever you need to do let me know okay to help you hello I'm here for some bees oh hello to your camera so so gentlemen what we have here today is a failure to eradicate [Laughter] oh yeah welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster Channel where coming Alabama is a way of life all right so Joe this around here but yeah if you hadn't seen it yet yappy be man everybody for anyone who doesn't know who yappy is Yo um yes me yo Happy uh I can't rap but I'm uh Slappy so you see all the white on the brick they've had this problem for a long time long enough the bees have gotten into the inside of the house above the master tub and the lady of the house is not having it so our customer got up and put some plow I put some cardboard over the tub to try to block them out from the inside and so he's tried to get rid of them but as we all know that is rather difficult I got one question you climb that ladder up there yes I want to know who made that ladder because I'm buying that ladder that's a Werner it's it's a knockoff of a little giant but that little ladder has helped me for a minute a year now it has been stress tested and so yeah I'll climb it and seal all that in well I was just wondering if your faith was that strong or the ladder both okay it does take a measure of faith for me to climb that ladder yeah I'm telling you uh one more than I do because I'm not climbing that ladder Pete don't even like it Pizza like I ain't I don't want to go up that oh all right get out of the way and then he'll go up it huh there's something moving in that water yeah it's a leviathan um you know where they got alligators down here all right so we're impossible we're in Butler I'm trying to figure out how far are we from where we came down to do that um that Sizzle real thing that never happened oh we're good ways maybe so we're like towards Montgomery that's right yeah what yappy is referring to is we shot a Sizzle Reel with a production company and we were going to go to Hollywood we was yep it was going to be famous and I was going to be a sidekick but it never happened what's because they they brought out that oh they're gonna be pissed I see a b coming up rooster yeah we need to let that smoker do these things are gonna come out of here and kill me hey give me a hive tool I'll just leave that little last little bit on there like a hinge if I have to I can close it back up and not die you scared me for me hey hey you made me nervous with all that I knew it business because I don't see what you're looking at no I'm not they're pissed yeah out there's one let me get down in there take a look all right fellas Kill the Lights I gotta hit it do you officially agree with me I officially agree with you I just got hit about 20 times that's what I'm saying this is waking him out of my hair let's get some smoke up in here yeah I got one of my phone see okay we're at the we're at the end of Comb right here okay on the right and we can go up to right in here somewhere yeah right right at about the time that we were marketing that show the B whisper what or something what was it oh the bees are the bees are Caesar Cesar so when the bezar came out they were like oh there's already one of those out there we don't need another one I guess but I made it better I was more fun well and then we actually knew what we were doing but there isn't that why is there a hole in the ceiling already it was a rock or a chew out from a previous dead toilet yeah I already thought about that so I've got masking tape to mask off the top edges of the tubs so when I scored anything homeowners already had a ladder in the tub one time he's the one that put that cardboard up and he said whatever we got to do so I brought two Buys in case we need to build framing across there to hold a ladder or if we even need to build a platform in the bottom of the tub and go at an angle which is kind of what I'm thinking right now because my ladders out so I think yours is shorter than mine yeah is that is that a joke making fun of me getting shorter yeah talking about the ladder oh they sound like they're in the tub but I think it's just the acoustics [Music] um Reverb and off the tub or bouncing off the tub and echoing whatever you want to call it I can't wait foreign because that way I'm not over top of all this yeah but uh and then we still gotta unscrew this thing there's no sign of them ever having been over here though this is where where if that side is where the um there should be a bed right there man there should be a bent hole but those joists were in front and back I'm telling you they're going to be over top of that too but maybe maybe we can reach them there I mean Monica right there and I mean I'm I'm good to go you ain't gonna be happy about it but yeah if his Feet's dirty I got some uh I got to take them up I got some got some pads yeah well it's that blue cloth stuff you bring snacks there's some honey left in that bag from yesterday I'll pass you sure yeah all right then all right you ready foreign Master about four dollars over at Walmart and that thing is just crazy sharp but tight spaces that's three dollars again mine's more effective we have built some hypoallergenic padding on the bottom of the ladder I would like to thank my friends you the viewers for this award comes thank you very much get my bees out your mouth I'm thinking we should have done the other feet too yeah I think we're gonna have to Lord have mercy of that sheetrock what it's getting opened up one way or another right just driving see right it's gone kind of nasty which way the Jewish run uh I don't know what the comb kind of runs this way but it's man it's like chocolate brown nasty it's bad nasty a ton of ants in it [Music] that's what I figured because of the roof pure Phil pure nastiness Lord keep this letter in one place all right we're good on that side oh [Music] your knees knocking no nobody's home I hear something chattering when I see her I could sound it all the way back to that light fixture I can see it moving while you're pulling you wanna multi-toe I guess you don't need it now okay where's that trash can you want it in the bag well that yeah the roaches foreign do you see how no you can't see like if you can see this it's all this chocolate brown nasty comb and then it goes all the way back in here but there's an old man I need a flashlight all right gang well this is what we got see this right here is the old couple of many years ago where it's where there was no Hive that's died out started in there please allow me to introduce you to a deadout beehive what do you think Randy I think there's a surviving colony in there but they're barely hanging on well I don't think those are robins I think that's what's left of the colony that succumb to small heart beetles yeah there's too much stink in there for Robert don't want anything to do with it right now because they're still blackberry and Bloom up here and I think credit heads probably starting to come in there's enough out there that they wouldn't be attracted to garbage when there's fresh yeah Instagram Angle now sir I would suggest we start cutting from the outside we might not even have to cut that stuff might be dry and crumbly yeah I mean we're going to get up to at least right in here we're just ripping it out see if it's see this crunchy comb this no no out towards the outside this yeah oh yeah well is it crunchy there's a tad bit of crystallized honey and it looks like yeah there's a drop or two up here even the bees can't get past the dang stink in this thing uh yeah bounce that off my head into the garbage can that works I don't bounce the comb off your head into the can because your hair is just too perfect the comb even respects your hair the glacon goes into sugar hands but I don't want the ants man just sugar and shampoo goodness I'm surprised that steps as soft as it is but they're still a little bit and it's recent they've just recently I'm all choked up imagine imagine if this thing actually was full of bees oh God three hours to get here three no four hours well yeah because because there was a good detour I got detoured bad Rock on the internet took me three and a half um four hour drive broke yeah I mean I have to stop and I really I had to think about it now I quit I did I that'll be my video yeah I stopped at it because and eased across it and after I got on the other side and took a picture of it it's a girl in a little like a Honda Accord or something I was flying across the thing I need something to five and one Pete's favorite too whoa dude you just scared the water out of me [Music] they keep messing right here in this little corner that we hadn't cut yeah it's that much yeah there's another six inches to the outer edge of that yeah but what's scaring me is are they fixing to get me some of this fan of bees Philippines uh you know what we didn't take a picture of this thing talking to the grill what the heck I'm in here texting somebody I'm like what is that racket what you were texting somebody so I came outside for a few minutes I was giving you your privacy yeah that's a lot of Honey left in that count that's why it's full of sugar ants oh yeah yeah and it's let's see that I mean between the the sliming and the smell of pure death in this thing good manner honey beans left on this thing you know what's going on right now me and yappy were going to split this job but when we get done he's gonna be like I did like 90 of the work no I fully admit I call you straight up I will do all this so that I don't have to climb that ladder outside and go two stories up on Mr rickety ladder I already told you your faith is better than mine I mean I'm good but no I'm I'm good here we go here's a big one this is the biggest one unless it breaks oh it's gonna break I just tell you it's gonna break no oh oh it's the nastiest one for sure it is nasty it looks like it's got a dead crab or something oh dude we got a pocket full of bees over there jeez that's nasty I don't know what that is on the back side of it was it nasty well there's something that they've propolised it looks like a oh a rat I don't know what it is is it a rat it ain't natural to a beehive whatever it is oh it looks like rap dude we got a handful of bees up in here man seriously there's a lot of wax mouth damage in this corner look real good that we may end up having a queen in here dude holy crap I gotta get over here in the light oh really rally [Music] I hope you got that on camera [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in my heart no matter no matter when I'm too far got her got her got a queen got a queen yes I do hand on the Bible I got one piece of comb in the way dang it here wow come on you ain't going back again golden tiger stripe dude oh come on oh she just went behind this piece Chuck this page check this piece she's right here yeah I don't have it I don't have her on this piece all right [Applause] you sure you didn't have one yeah I'm still holding the same piece [Applause] [Music] she literally uh had hands on her twice I got stung both times by another bee see one fell one had fell well she thinks we should end up in a group on the window I'm hoping she got turned around when uh [Music] yeah recording you want it up there and let me get this man to back off here and then just let him chill yeah all right all right fans off yeah look at them foreign [Music] something made him go crazy yeah she is out of the hive somewhere all right let them let him let down let them settle let them settle they'll be on the window in a minute got her say it ain't so I knew she came out when they started going nuts I'm glad you said turn the fan off because I didn't even think about the fan being on let me get a light on her dude what'd I tell you son there she is look at that all right I knew she was out when they just went nuts I didn't I didn't think they had one to begin with but the further we got in the more evidence there was that there had to be one and then when I all of a sudden just went ballistic look at you I won't doubt you ever again thank you listen I'm I'm surprised there was a queen as nasty as that is okay I mean at first they were making all that noise like they didn't have one and beekeepers understand a loud Colony generally means they don't have a queen I'm gonna put her right here and let them figure it out but uh once we pulled a piece or two that come back and they were actually real calm I went hang on a minute and then they started doing the wrap around where she was moving and they're going there's just too many signs that we have a queen then all of a sudden I come down for a minute to look at the window I went back up and it was like whoa turn the fan off I was like a flipping swarm in here yeah I wasn't even looking up at the fan but yeah they were getting in it there's a lot more bees in here than I really honestly thought there was going to be yeah but dude guess what we don't have to let me turn this light we just light up here now we don't have to worry about we give them five minutes we'll all go to the window we'll vacuum them up and we're done nice work yeah you don't have to do that the Bottom's open oh yeah they weren't finding them I didn't know you had the bottom open yeah hey grab a piece of wax and put on that bottom so it won't come out clog the hole up I don't have any plenty wax it's all got blank on it as a cleanup man five minutes ago thousands of bees was flying in here [Music] take two this is my Cleanup Man right there I'm putting some attendance in with this queen because we had her on the windowsill but they didn't seem to be fine or they were more concerned with getting out they're going to light probably too much airflow in here with a fan on they just weren't finding her um who's cleaning up the mess where's uh Pete where's Pete Pete feel better about it now brother all that ladder work made me tired too hot that was warm I just I went uh man I'm about to go lay down in that ditch over there maybe there's some cool water running out of that spring in the ground that's what I yeah at least give me a bath yes getting on summertime what did you think did you have a good time no okay those were your bees but now they're Arby's and we're so glad you're they're your bees and not our bees anymore so how many years have you been dealing with this how many how many years have you known about it I know for a year for a year so at least last year yes um like I remember it got really bad last June they normally say two weeks it just showed up a week ago you got something you got something on the bridge of your nose and your right eyebrows probably sheetrock dust but uh it kind of looks like boogers looks like eye boogers eye boogers so um how long ago they start getting inside the house you got to cut off my belly if you're going if you're gonna shoot here because I'm sitting down it's really compressing it it got really bad I remember you know like I said last end of May first of June last year yes so if they were getting in first of June last year then they were in there for at least a couple years before that or at least a year probably more than likely more more than a couple years because what she had was a couple of deadouts one old dead out had wax moth chrysalis over in one Joy space over and so that would have been a deadout long ago because it had been propolised and everything wasn't much left of it so another colony had come in and clean out whatever wax my Chrysalis had been in there and then another dead out besides that and then this may have been the Third what do you think they're dead out at least second maybe third I mean because that if you remember that comb that was way in the back was so crispy and dry that was from the original yeah which probably wax Moz ended up coming through there and taking out that first batch another one come up and then Hive beetles got in a lot of what happens with um bees going through sheetrock ceilings like that is when you've had a dead out and honey runs out into the sheetrock it absorbs into the into the drywall and the bees don't necessarily do the damage a lot of times it's roaches and it don't matter how clean you are or how this house is immaculate doesn't matter how well you keep house if there's honey in that drywall and we're in the woods like this the roaches will find it and they'll chew through that drywall getting every bit of that yummy goodness out of the drywall so over time they they chew it out and then the the bees of course can get inside the house all right Yellow Jackets will chew through it on their own if you've got yellow jackets in there like that but so this is uh probably you probably had bees in this house for five years and didn't know really four four or five I'd say at least well and it's it's on that side of the house where you'd never notice it anyway so yeah it's over there you probably can't see from here but there there is like a 30 foot drop to the water am I exaggerating is it 30 foot 28 and a half so I was exaggerating but that's the side of the house you don't really go on much you know maybe trim trim a tree once in a great while I have three scenarios that I think may have happened here why these bees are here one is that maybe this is a swarm that just came in because they did just start getting bees in the house real bad yeah there was no brood in there so it's possible there's a dead out and then this swarm smelled uh Hive space and moved in or as possible that there was a hive in there that threw a swarm this queen got mated and didn't get back producing fast enough and the hive just got decimated by hot small high beetles or maybe it has nothing to do with swarming and the hive just got weak and all the brood has emerged and this is what we're left with what do you think they're getting ready to abscond yeah I mean um there was no brooding whatsoever and and the area where they were staying was that the darkest nastiest of Comb yeah and I mean I just spit over the top of your tee and nothing went in it but let's keep that in mind when you're drinking that hot tea [Laughter] and uh I'm seeing I'm seeing specs on my phone yeah that's that's bees pooping on bees pooping on YouTube let's go okay thank you Bill absolutely appreciate it we're at the La Familia funny enough I just put out my first Spanish video and we're gonna eat at the La Familia how to order in Spanish since I had one video in Spanish one video in Spanish and now he's lingual yeah now multilingual a little bit of Italian yeah yeah sometimes if my legs hurt in the high blood foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] get a shot yeah [Music] okay you want me to hang back [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] I'm getting some Reverb here but y'all that's the end of the day we're signing out wait I gotta put my glasses on who are you where'd you get those looks like somebody threw them up a Mardi Gras float my daughters oh okay but they helped me find Queens so yeah we had a good good dinner and now we both got long road trips home yeah it was half hour was it worth it dude I had a ball I did too I caught a queen yeah you kind of cleaned I had a good time we worked but it was a good time well we do this about twice a year so yeah finally you you set up to see you always come to my job so I'm glad you finally set one up I know I know I had to turn it around yeah I had a ball well I appreciate you coming up well thank you for inviting me bye rooster fans if you let me down foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] it is on my mind [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 24,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Butler, Alabama, Butler Alabama, bee removal, bee rescue, bee hive, queen bee, queen honey bee, honeybee, honey bees, wild bees, dead bees, home repair, pest control, cutting drywall, battery powered trim nailer, milwaukee battery nailer gun, battery nail gun, beekeeping jobs, beekeeper, professional beekeeper, road trip alabama, exploring small town america, travel blog, travel vlog, bathroom remodel, youtube collaboration
Id: 6B9Qu6UmwL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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