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here if you are thinking about doing cutouts for any reason whatsoever you're going to want to see this video [Music] that's looking pretty good yeah it is looking big I hope not doing a lot of insulation and quite chewed up so they've been there a while yeah oh all right just dropped it on the back of my leg with a bunch of bees on it my gosh and they've been here a couple of months at least that big yeah and a little bitty hole yeah can you see it okay because it's such a small hole welcome back to the 628 dirt rooster Channel where hobby beekeeping is a way of life thank you for joining us today I've got a couple of videos here today that I'm gonna kind of I got a voice over because my GoPro ate my audio again on the on this kind of long clip where I'm explaining a lot of this uh this first job that you just saw no clue what that was so anyway the first job that you just saw that's all the footage I shot of it uh for a reason this guy I used to play baseball against in Babe Ruth leagues when we were 13 14 years old and we get to this house and it's just it's a mansion and I had to look it up on Zillow just out of curiosity curiosity was killing the cat I wanted to see how well is this guy actually doing two and a half million dollar property on the beach in Mississippi that's a lot of money and that's a big house and I was like wow good for you dude but I didn't want to show anything about his property other than the hive you can see what we're working with there's a space about this big I could only get my forearm about halfway up in that hole so I couldn't even reach as far back as a hive was everything was done with Long Reach tools so really nowhere to sit the camera we got them out re-homeed them on wax foundations this is one where the guy lied to me man my company works on cable time now yeah okay on his next job you're going to want to watch this if you want to do them for free this is going to show you you're going to run into the dead out you're gonna run into deadout more times than you care to imagine I don't normally show videos of deadouts because they're just not that interesting but just did one with yappy that was I'll be basically a dead out we found a colony a live Queen but The Hive was done this is another one that's a dead out but it's a good teaching opportunity for those of you who are wanting to do cut outs for any reason really but this one here the on the business end of it I'm going to discuss that a little on this video and I don't normally but this is a good opportunity to show you what can happen and what does happen and as well as I take a phone call from a prospective customer and you get to hear me talk them through basically a phone interview that I do with most of these people because I don't go out and look at these jobs before I do them this one here is a rare instance where I did because another beekeeper had already been working on it and decided not to complete the job and um and I knew he was familiar with cutouts so I wanted to go see why why did he not want to do this job but basically it was because there was a power line running in the side of this house right there where the bees are and so I had to call and order a disconnect get the reconnect all this kind of stuff best time that you need to factor in when you're bidding these jobs took me about an hour on the phone to order disconnect took me another 10-15 minutes to get the alignment back out to get him on the phone to get him back out to reconnect that's an hour and 15 minutes of your day that somebody's got to pay for you can pay for it out of your pocket with just given your time or the homeowner who is benefiting from your services can pay for it which is the way it should be so factor that into your price and also when we schedule this job the alignment was supposed to be out between 7 30 and 8 to disconnect I got there at 7 30 immediately set up prep ready to go to work uh Pete overslept he was late that's uncharacteristic I'm usually the one running late but this time it was Pete but it didn't matter because the lineman didn't show up until almost nine o'clock so it was nine o'clock before we got the power shut off and were able to get the job going you know further In the Heat of the day dead middle of summer Factor these things in you have no control over what time this guy's gonna show up or whatever other factors there are going on that are beyond your control get and when you price give a range on something like this where there's kind of unknown factors give a range if everything goes smoothly this is your price but plan for the worst and we'll hope for the best and it gives you a little bit of cushion so you don't have to be so stressed if you're running up on time and you've told them it's this much no more regardless and now all of a sudden you've been on the job for three hours longer than you expected or you ran into needing more materials like on this one comes the rain on this one um one of the unforeseens was that t11 behind that vinyl siding it's not a problem we still have to cut sheathing normally but normally with sheathing you can see where the nails are with t11 is kind of buried in the texture of the wood and the paint can't really see where the nails are you just kind of you cut wherever and then build back structure so all that dead wood that we had to use back there is uh extra money out of pocket the extra screws that went into it the potential for wasting a blade for not knowing where nails are you go over nails or screw heads or something with a blade you can ruin a blade really easy now with the electricity off they got a little more as soon as he got come over here and he had electricity up how they were clustered up there yeah they're not clustered they're off of it now weird I didn't show you all this yet somebody remodeled them when they did they built out around the Mast and the weather head so this is siding over siding I assume it's a two by four stack over some old siding and then vinyl they just brought it out to the end of the weather head so bees are going in here moving up and building right here I need to go talk to the power company gap before he gets out of here they're stapled down [Music] what staple I'll show you oh Staples here's a five in one and a catch ball you really think I went up here my favorite tool you know that foreign [Applause] [Music] to hear people talk vinyl siding it's so simple so easy not to be taking it apart or putting back together yeah and you got to match up laps on the existing job brand new install sure it has a stapled instead of nail it has no flexibility like it's supposed to have yeah I can't push it to get it unjammed there it goes [Music] that was nasty I don't know what it was but it was nasty tastes like dirt laughs there you go how you doing is breaking the Staples out we'll go to a different path that is uh 111 behind you and then there's space behind it it says siding over siding over siding this has deciding it's painted now there's wax moth chrysalis up around it well that's what that was I wasn't sure yeah yeah so this is at least have number two these things always turn out to be more complicated than you could ever imagine that ants infestation just peel that foil back figure where the studs are and we'll cut on or as close to as we can so we can put that wood back when we're done I'll go get the skill saw we're doing real good so they on the inside wall right there y'all video them they went in right there on the maps there that's what I was looking behind the side and behind that t11. this one who's been to make them mad oh yeah you don't need y'all we got stuff [Music] so far none anywhere in that area just pick a spot so the black ones ain't no such thing yeah really that well I guess for him messing with him I guess the black ones that got him more than a yellow I cut down as low as you can so we're not making multiple cuts no I don't mean uh I adjusted the depth of the blade I mean come all the way down to that side and if you can I would hold that for you but I got a camera that's more important [Music] [Music] all right which one honestly just lay that blade in there just lay that blade across that angle yeah I'm talking about for that side oh okay it's the first time I ever found a bandana that fit around my head check out the zoo and see what they use for the gorillas [Laughter] just got to keep the sweat out of my eyes that's all I'm concerned about that and looking like I'm going to a Cheech and Chong concert I got bees Escape okay but I need a new thing about more ladder in a good spot yeah I'm very glad it's me jeez yeah I'm telling you it's because we're my first day on a job oh it's because of where that cut is it's springy on that [Music] if you're not on framing so it's making that sad and springy [Applause] oh yeah awesome uh wax rolls you got power coming in on one end of the house and a breaker panel for the whole house is on the other end of the house well [Music] okay [Music] eight foot walls crown molding texture or wallpaper [Music] what's the floor room full of stuff y'all living there right how long have Bee's been there [Music] yeah okay what's the siding on the house Brickman here up to is that a Gable end or is it just a soffit [Music] the brick and it meets up to the siding or it meets up the socket are you sure they're in the wall are they going in around the panel or are they going in uh somewhere on the wall [Music] they're definitely going behind the panel [Music] how old's the house [Music] well it's a remnants of a colony you just never know never know till you get into them got good activity on them no robbing or no fighting brother yeah that was um that was treacherous coming down that ladder with all that weight I thought she was gonna lose your balance I was gonna have to catch you well that was due to humidity and the sweat in my eyes yeah if y'all didn't know it we live in a subtropical climate it's like early July to early July look at this happy birthday America that's right that's right happy Fourth of July he's trying to make me edit this video right now is what's going on yeah if I added a month from now and say happy Fourth of July I don't mean nothing one section clean down to section number two this is the nasty one you know this is an odd build Yeah the more I look at it yeah there was old side and they stripped that off framed this up recited with t11 and then at some point instead of painting the side of a vinyl dude that is slimy yes it is I didn't lie to you that's nasty bro it's been slimed [Music] but it's going to go by by now 808 . and pull back oh look you're not see him fall out of this thing as I did this the bees you're talking about yeah yeah I think there's still a little group up in there [Music] [Music] you need smoke yeah I got plenty it's probably blowing Flames by now so be careful it didn't work this time you hear him yeah yeah I'm backing out of the hole and staying right around your head bumping me too I got bumped in the face twice once in the shoulder you were hurt are you good the only bump I ain't gonna sting yet how many of you want a good handful English [Music] you got pizza like dominoes not all the way through I like for it to hold together [Music] [Music] big roads big roads big roast over there [Music] thank you [Music] Leah I'm just getting one to start right here we're gonna call that retro guy and he can come in and do what he's got to do now [Applause] other than a ladder you don't know we were up there [Music] time to pack at them get out of this sauna how much weight did you lose today well it'd be in ounces I mean a liquid probably a gallon or two I'm liking this little Widow Peak on my bandana just got somewhere for the water to drip instead of my face the end of another successful cutout on an extraordinarily hot and humid day it ain't that bad but the humidity just I thought we were gonna get rained out though yeah I I hit that really well it looked like it was saturated all of a sudden they come down the road bright white and no not wet no nothing it was raining when I got here so I brought the generator for a couple reasons one was we were killing the power to the house and we thought the homeowner's wife was going to be inside while we were doing this job so I want something to run a refrigerator and a fan she had to go so we just used it to run tools nobody's been in there opening the refrigerator or anything we got this done fairly quickly so fixing to get the power guys back out here to kick the power back on finish clean up our mess and putting tools up we'll be done headed to get some Crispy Crunchy chicken it's usually what happens please leave your message after the tone hey it's Randy over here on the road we're done with those bees ready for that power reconnect black cherry same color shirt you're wearing today oh yeah we match we're Twinkies look at that Privet Hedge blooming in July July 3rd pivot Edge is blooming green ones are all over it that's odd did you happen to Mr Ed and their booster seats in Cracker Barrel we'll make more uh we're just waiting on the power company to show back up reconnect look up over in there can't even tell we were here other than the fact that bees are no longer flying in and out of that hole I build the whole whole clocked off backhand front get it from the inside yep the job's sweet when we're done I'm not a professional but I do play one on YouTube yes let me finish this video out with some tips on cutouts whether you're doing them for free or charging this should be a help to anybody number one know something about construction don't go in there and not know in construction not having any clue where to look for the bees where they could possibly be building cut up somebody's house and you ain't even found the bees and you got holes everywhere no construction first especially with the more difficult ones you can really get yourself in a pickle and um you know cutting in places where there's wires or Plumbing or anything like that can get you in a spot where you financially it's gonna be detrimental to you at at worst land you in a lawsuit at best cost you a lot of extra time fixing something that could have been easily sidestepped if you knew what you were doing number two you're a customer does not know how long those bees have been there just go in there with that mindset that your customer has no clue how long the bees have been there it's really common that they'll say two weeks or something like that because they they're cut their own grass they trim their own Hedges surely they would have seen bees there before people are not as observant as they think they are and so a lot of times you'll see somebody that's got they saw a little elevated heightened activity on hive and they just noticed them and so surely that's when they moved in you know you're expecting this cute little cantaloupe of a hive and you get in there and you've got a three or four foot tall Hive and a wall or you know six foot long Hive in a floor joist or whatever it is so don't take your customers word for it how long they've been there they're not trying to mislead you most of the time although sometimes after somebody shopped around a little bit and they figured out how long or the longer the highest been in there the more it's going to cost to get it out sometimes they start their memory starts slipping us you know I don't remember seeing them in there more than the past month but that's that's pretty uncommon but don't take their word for it because they're usually wrong number three price in a Range this will protect you to some degree and the homeowner will understand so if you're looking at a job that you think is going to be a 600 job and I'm just throwing random numbers out for the sake of conversation tell them it's going to be six to eight hundred dollars if it's a you know 1500 dollar job it's gonna be 15 to 18. the bigger the price of the job the bigger the cushion needs to be so 2000 to 2500 whatever your uh price is add something to it to to have a little cushion there that you can say look we're going to plan for the 600. but if we run into unforeseen that cost us extra hours extra materials extra whatever it could go up to this that way they're budgeting they're planning for that because if you come in there at your 600 and you get in there and it cut it took you an extra four hours you and another guy and more materials and this and that and you need to come back to them and say look I know I said 600 but we're in deep I'm I'm gonna need we're gonna need to to uh renegotiate this and they have a budgeted for that well then you're both stuck either they're going to have an IOU to you or you're gonna just walk away with your 600 and eat the rest of it which is more than likely what's going to happen um so price in a Range and I think I'm I'm gonna end with that because we could go on this stuff all day but part of I I'll I'll say one more thing and I'll lead it into I'll let it lead into something that we can discuss later if somebody tells me and I get this a lot new B removers or even season B removers surprisingly will tell me people just won't pay to have hybrids removed in my area they won't pay that much to have hives removed you know I'm doing them for a hundred dollars you can't do high removals for 100 200 even 300 sometimes it's it's ridiculous to expect somebody to work all day long for 100 bucks just because you think they're getting some freebies or some free honey or whatever you think they're getting out of it that is just dumb as as it can be the world doesn't work like that you can't do that for for an extended period of time you'll go broke but I got a lot to say about that and I'm Gonna Leave You with a quote from Jim Rome when somebody says they just won't pay that much here and I say it's not that they won't pay that much there they won't pay you that much there that goes into a whole different discussion listen to some Brian traces and Jim Rohn you know some of that stuff learn how to sell because a lot of the problem is you just don't know how to sell or you present yourself wrong you don't have confidence in what you're saying or you don't know what you're talking about when you're trying to sell these jobs don't undersell yourself be fair to yourself be fair to your customer and we'll we'll cut it there we're going to the Illinois conference this weekend if you're in the area come see us me Mr Ed will be there Cayman Reynolds will be there Natalie Summers will be there Corey Stevens would be there and a whole bunch of other folks will be there that I can't think of off top of my head but Mississippi Valley Beekeepers Association puts on the Illinois State conference this coming weekend July whatever today's the 11th so whatever this coming weekend is and hope to see you there hope this was a helpful video you have a great day your garden of mine yeah it's a difference in the eyes on the queen and the Drone drone looks more like a horse fly of course Queen's got a huge abdomen comparatively speaking but drones a lot fatter you just not as long and got buggy eyes
Channel: 628DirtRooster Bees
Views: 9,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lcD1Se0I0Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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