Amazing device pumps well water using compressed air! Health Ranger in Ecuador

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[Music] hi everybody this is Mike Adams the health Ranger reporting for natural from Ecuador and today we have an irrigation project to work on here and this is a pump it's a deep well pump it's one you've probably never seen before it's called a Brumby pump the website is Brumby pumps calm it's out of Australia and we have acquired this Brumby pump and we're gonna see if we can install it today in a well that's 20 meters deep we're going to install it and see if it can work we've never tried this before I'm not familiar with this technology but it's very very simple it has no moving parts other than just a simple float inside so it's designed for long life and simplicity notice there is no electrical motor down in the pump so you don't have to put electricity down into your well all you have to do is put air into this hose right here into this nozzle compress there from an air compressor and out the top comes water well that's the theory anyway let's see if it really works okay we're here at the pump house there is a well in this pump house that's 20 meters deep that's what we're going to be tapping into here well we have an air compressor in here and this air compressor of course pushes air through this tube right here and this is what's going to connect to the pump like this and then we're going to drop this this whole assembly down into the well and have the air tube coming out the top so you see how that works compressed air goes in water comes out well water and air coming out that's my own handiwork right there treinen we'll try not to get electrocuted while we're doing this so all we got to do is turn on the the air compressor and we start creating some high pressure okay we've got our Brumby pump all assembled here the hoses are connected we've got our emergency retrieve line here anyway now we're gonna go ahead and start lowering it down into the well here we go definitely deep I think you just hit water now I'm gonna power this thing on and we'll see if water ends up coming out of this too so here we go this is really precarious water and electricity don't mix by the way you don't want it you don't get this tube on that wire this could be a really bad YouTube video if that happens [Music] getting heavier waters coming off [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] like a wild snake we got loose [Music] grumpy pump definitely works this is a thumbs up it brings a lot of water up and in fact I found that you don't even have to turn the air on 100% just a little bit of air a steady stream of a small amount of air from this compressor which isn't even very big this is only a 2 horsepower compressor running on a 110 volt line so it's not even a big compressor and it still pushes a lot of water up this tube as you saw the only disadvantage is it's not a steady stream of water so you can't really use it to drive a sprinkler or some some kind of system like that but you can certainly bring water to the surface you can use canals and you can use it to entertain your dogs see let's see what buddy does when we turn this puppy on okay several days later we've actually built an irrigation system using the Brumby pump combined with a second pump that's on the surface it's a lot less expensive it's just a one-horsepower surface pump to provide some pressure I'm going to show you this solution it's really simple really inexpensive so inside this pump house we have the Brumby pump in there and an air compressor driving that and we showed you the water that it produced now that water comes out through this through this hose and it goes into this holding tank here and this is a 2500 litre holding tank of water and check out how it's also really pristine water and so I'm going to turn on the Brumby pump and I'll show you how clean this water is and how it pumps the water into here and then I'll show you how the second pump works but first the Brumby pump water coming through this part [Music] it starts out kind of slow but then it there we go [Music] so the the air compressor then refills this this water straight out of the well and this is the solution for irrigation right here in vilcabamba ecuador okay now I'm gonna show you the second pump powering the sprinklers here we go when I flip the switch pumps are going to go the second pump we've got water to grow food year-round now if you're not excited about this you need to learn more about the food supply in America because a lot of people don't have water they don't have food and they certainly can't grow food year-round well here in Ecuador vilcabamba in particular you can have your own food supply just like we have here you can feed families of people out of that garden and this is the water this is the set up that does it you've got sunlight you've got fresh clean water you've got cheap affordable electricity you've got a year-round climate to grow all the food you need and this is how simple it is to make it work you just need a a tank in the ground well their air compressor a Brumby pump and then a second pump on the surface and a few sprinklers 100 meters opposed and you've got your around food without ever having to go to the grocery store and you're seeing it right here this is this is working this is not theoretical I've been eating out of that garden for 30 days drinking juice three times a day and I haven't gone to the grocery store for an entire month so this is really happening alright I hope you enjoyed that that's how you use the Brumby pump to provide irrigation to a garden or trees or anything you want to irrigate check out their website Brumby pumps calm and check out my website natural for more videos about sustainable living green living lots of cool stuff going on in our world if you're willing to step outside the box and look for some innovative solutions I hope you enjoyed learning about this solution this is Mike Adams the health Ranger signing off for natural [Music]
Channel: NaturalNewsScience
Views: 8,558
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: irrigation, Brumby Pump, water supply
Id: wBoQXUYarJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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