Air lifting wells explained

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hello you do I've had some questions about airlifting or water well and how it works what it takes to get it done but I've got a couple of examples here that I want to be able to show you the first is a two pipe system and the second will be or one byte like you had a casing with perforations on the bottom the biggest thing that remember when you're air lifting is that you're not forcing the water out of the hole you're separating the water by creating bubbles in the middle of it so if you can create bubbles over a greater percentage than what your submergence is that's sorry then what your total head is you'll be able to have the water come over the top you can demonstrate that with clear tubing and a two pipe system fairly easily add a little bit of arrogance not quite that much and you can see the bubbles are holding the water separate and stacking it up now you don't have any more water in this tube to what you have down here or it just ran out the bottom so basically you're trying to create enough separation in the stacks of water to get it to come over the top one of the biggest cypress tablets you can airlift depends on how much submergence you have with your pipes if you're only got a little bit of your pipe submerged you're not going to get a whole lot of water out the top okay I light a little bit of food coloring here make the water a little more visible even when I quit blowing air it's gonna stay stacked up for a little bit until the water has a chance to fall back down into the through the pipe one way to tell whether or not you have enough air going into the system is how consistent the output is if you're getting a real consistent continuous flow of water coming out then you know you've got enough air if it's coming out in surges then you're not putting enough air into the system and you could pump more by adding more air so there we're getting a fairly consistent surge now is it possible to add too much air you won't get much water out at all because your pipe friction coming up the hole with the air is great enough that it's forcing all the water out the bottom and you're blowing bubbles on the bottom with the amount of back pressure you've created so it is possible to have too much air and you won't get any water out at that time I'll show you an example from when we were glowing do we didn't have enough air and then we when we had the air turned up a little higher it smoothed out and was producing a lot more okay if we change this over to one pipe system we'll consider this to be our casing and our perforations of the pond the bottom normally you'd have your casing set down into the water and perforations going from somewhere below water level to the bottom of the hole in this case should be running an air line down the inside of the casing to the bottom of the hole or somewhere in that neck of the woods now if your perforations are up right to the water level it makes sense that you're not going to get any water to come up with a pipe because it's all just going to leave out through the perforations your water there it's just gonna lead it makes a little bit less sense but even if you're underwater here you've only got 25% submergence here and a whole bunch of water a room for the water to stack up here so you're gonna be moving water up to here but then when it gets to this hole you're not gonna have very much additional head left over to push it on up the pipe so a lot of that water is going to come out to perforations water and air both can leave out your perforations up the hole even though you've got your hairline all the way to the bottom one solution to that if we consider this to be our casing again if shirani a second line all the way to the bottom and you're essentially making a two pipe system just like this one only you're doing it with one pipe inside of the other being a total head available is cleared at the bottom of the hole instead of being up for your perforations are now making a lot easier to be able to get flow to the top of the well and not just with the end of the way again the amount of water that's coming out the top and the consistency of it will tell you how much air you need to have going into that well there's a couple of different things you need to consider from the first is what your goal is trying to be if you're just trying to clean out the bottom of the well you don't necessarily need a large amount of production or flow out of the rest of the well mostly you're just trying to get the sand and rest and whatever else is in the bottom to come out so that would take a lot less air than it would to properly develop the entire section screen section of the well if you are trying to develop a well and you just run your airline the bottom will start blowing you'll notice that there will always be a certain percentage you'll notice that there will always be a certain percentage of the casing abutment that has water in it so as long as you have water above this the top ten twenty percent of your screen is not going to have any water coming into the casing because you're up whole pressure is higher than what the top leaders pain is so it's not a very effective maids of developing the top portion of screen whenever you're just using one pipe in the well if you switch to a two pipe system like they covered earlier today and you're producing from the bottom of the will and this top section that screen will have less hand on it so the water can come in and it will develop it will be able to develop because the water is moving into instead of out of the well it's awful hard to develop something when you're pushing water back out into the tea really need to be pulling the water the other way
Channel: Kenny Kemp
Views: 16,377
Rating: 4.2577319 out of 5
Keywords: air lift, air cleaning wells, well air, well cleaning, well development
Id: 5nqFPx4dhLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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