Brumby Pump Overview

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you hi I'm Tom Chris I want to show you how you can clean out their silt it up well war using a Brumby pump there's all this one pump here it's been down my bore for a good number of years it still works perfectly well and it'll keep working perfectly well for a long time yet but to clean out the sills out of the bottom of my ball and to make a deeper again it's very simple I need to do a small modification cap down here I've got to price it off with a screwdriver you can't be a little bit difficult because it's stuck on in a couple of little spots but if you slightly damage your strainer it doesn't really matter and unless you're expecting big dead critters to be sucked up through the through the pump at some point it's not even that important if you put the strainer cap back on so we take this off so the bottom is open and then we reinstall the pump just as we did before but we need a bit of extra piping at the top because we're going to push it down further so this can be pushed down into the silk jiggled around stir up the silk and it'll just pump it up and you just keep feeding it down as you well gets deeper and you'll see in a minute just how that works so if you're already using a Brumby s1 pump just take the lid off and you can clean out your ball make a deeper you'll be able to set your pump deeper for more delivery and you'll be able to have more water flowing back into your ball if you don't have a Brumby pump already maybe you ought to get one very simple than just a couple of minutes we've sucked up a couple of feet of silt out of the bottom of the well I just need to clear out for a little bit and then you can move that slope and we can go further so as you can see we're bringing a whole lot of dirt and mud to the surfers out of the bottom of that well it's making a deeper it's going to perform better and it's not hurting the Brumby is one pump one little bit you [Music] you
Channel: Brumby Pumps
Views: 708
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: well pump, bore pump, air lift pump, dredge pump, de-silt bore/well, DIY well pump, Submersible pump, water pump, vortex pump, aeration pump
Id: ZExoTcMozpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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