Always Do THIS with a new Gaming PC!

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good people so you just finished building your system like I have with this microx machine and this interesting Master enclosure but are wondering what to do next in terms of that initial bias uh configuration Windows installation drivers and what to do when you get inside windows for that proper experience you know so let's talk about all that plus some Hardware tips along the way probably one of the most important things when it comes to K Management in this day and age since uh the 16 pin 12vt high power cable is so Troublesome is to make sure that the bend at the GPU point where it's connected it's not Bend into Oblivion so make sure that the curvature of the bend is large enough and there's no tension at that connector you can actually zip tie that cable to the top of the power supply that way you avoid any tension built up by the connector and all the tension will be actually supported where the cable tie is located by the cable itself and not by the connector which is really really important to minimize any risk of potential fires and stuff you know before the first boot I always always remove the side panel and Power on the case without the side panel on both sides that means if any cables get eaten by the fence or something goes wrong and I need to get in there and unplug certain things I have access just to make sure everything is safe you know so powering on the system the first thing you want to do is press delete in order to enter the BIOS and you can start hammering away on the delete key as soon as you see some lights going on on the PC case you don't have to wait for anything to show up on the screen just go and then boom we're inside the bio the first three things I look at when we get into the BIOS is the CPU temperature because regardless of how many times you've built a computer you might still forget to peel the sticker off an AIO pump or an air cooler and the CPU temperature will immediately you know grant you that information if uh we're getting cooled properly or not the second thing is DM status not just the speed the speed doesn't matter right now but the actual uh sticks in which slots they're located because I've had Sticks being properly seated in the motherboard with the clips properly attached but the memory was not recognized and not it's not because the memory was faulty it's because the memory was not actually seated properly in the motherboard XMP right now is disabled which is fine and the last thing would be our storage information this would be a really good way to make sure that all your drives are recognized before we install Windows let's update the bios so we go to manufacturer's website type in the bios for your particular motherboard download the latest but be careful because some bioses require a previous version of the bios install first for everything to work properly so with my z790 M plus D4 it didn't say anything about uh compatibility with previous versions of the bias so I downloaded the latest one and let's install that together fun fact this black USB drive is for my BIOS installation only I don't know I've been using this for years so let's plug into a USB port let's go to advanced mode tool so on Asus you can Flash the utility directly from the BIOS on manyi actually pretty much on all motherboards you would be able to do this we navigate to our drive storage device we find the exact name of the bios so right now we're at 0602 and the BIOS is 16004 so I'm way behind on the BIOS updates we select that and we select the cap file the cap file is the BIOS we click yes because we have not set up bit Locker recovery key and we want to read the file and now we don't touch anything I have plugged in the USB stick into the case front IO but most of the time when I'm updating BIOS with like really critical machines I always plug the USB stick directly into the motherboard just to be safe you know I have updated many motherboard biases in the past and I've never had it stuck sometimes it might pause you know it maybe it's reading something from USB or writing to a certain area of the motherboard but uh just be patient and let it finish all right update successfully system will be reset click okay right now it's going through a few reset processes and it you know tells you to not shut down or reset the system don't touch the keyboard don't touch the USB stick this is very important because now you can actually see the bias revision has been updated so we've updated the bias correctly and now now we can press F1 to run setup go back into the BIOS and install Windows now here we can verify the BIOS information is correct and next thing to do is we can unplug the the BIOS USB stick uh XMP we don't want to touch that yet but I know that the system is perfectly stable because I've used this motherboard and this set of Ram uh in the past but before installing Windows people tend to recommend to leave XMP disabled or like the overclocking memory on Intel or the docp on AMD just because it will give you that peace of mind and stability when we're installing Windows another thing to consider is to disable multi-core enhancements especially for that initial setup process because Asus loves to feed the CPU with lots of power and voltage for good performance so we can disable it and enforce all Intel limits which is actually going to be great for our CBU temperatures if that's something you care about from the get-go another big thing to consider in the bias while we're here is that if you're using a riser cable we want to make sure we set the proper link speed for that Riser cable depending on your Hardware so now I'm going to navigate to Advanced I would go to PCH configuration PCI Express configuration and here we have the G4 PCI Express Lane and you choose between gen 1 to Gen 4 uh link speed so if you're using all Gen 4 Hardware motherboard graphics card and the the Riser cable normally Auto should be fine but sometimes it's nice to select the Gen 4 to avoid compatibility issues and also if you're using older Hardware selecting gen 3 uh on some of the older motherboards as well will eliminate you know that black screen things not working properly now for some reason on this motherboard in know actually to access the PCI link configuration for the PCI Lane where the graphics card is plugged in the G5 you know based on the manual I found it uh here we have the option to select what speed the actual uh PCI Lane works at and this is again something that you can play around with in case you're experiencing black screens with the Riser cable some motherboards interestingly also have full fan control via the bios so right now we have q fan configuration with this Asus motherboard we can enter it uh so for the fan profile here I would go into pwm mode for the fans and you can also select the speed of the fan if that's something you're into but the more important thing is that if you have an AIO you're just want to make sure that this is set to full speed just to make sure our temperatures are under control so this new MID Tower definitely has room to breathe okay that is with my largest graphics card installed good luck finding something that doesn't fit or something that has better lighting than those gorgeous four light Wings want 40 mil fans the view from the front and back I love the integrated cable bar with two positions full dust filters at the bottom and the front The Versatile fan and argb hub rotating pcie bracket 420 rat support and of course noise dampening basically a very be quiet enclosure the shadow base 800 FX Check It Out Below as for Windows installation this is where my Green Drive comes in I always use this one and you can create your own uh media installation tool and I always recommend you download it yourself and make sure that it's up to dat because it will give you the most recent drivers and so when you install Windows itself you don't have to wait an hour for all the drivers to be updated so make sure to use the most recent bootable media installation to install Windows let's plug in my USB now we can go into a boot override setting so it's going to be under Boot and boot override right here this is where Windows installation media is located actually over here the Lexar USB flash drive and the thing is we are just overriding the boot for this particular boot sequence we're not trying to change any of our default settings for the boot properties once we override here we don't have to worry about this booting back to USB once windows in is installed so right now we should proceed with standard Windows installation I normally stick to the default here we're going to and click install now I don't have a product key you don't need this for installation we're going to select Windows 11 home and so here I left this because the m.2 drive I'm using already has windows installed on it so let's say you're reusing a previous drive that you might have had windows on you can safely just delete every single of these partitions okay and now we have unallocated space on our Drive zero and I would recommend once you're installing Windows if you have multiple drives plugged into the system system to unplug them because see they're not labeled they're just drive zero 1 2 3 whatever and all you have information wise is the actual capacity of the drive so unless you know how big the drives are I would recommend you unplug whatever you don't want Windows to be installed on and now we can just click next it's going to copy Windows onto the m.2 and after that it's going to fly every time I reinstall Windows I always go through the BIOS and through this type of procedure with a bootable USB drive and not going through the reset or the refresh setting in which Windows itself because that takes way too long it doesn't fully clean the drive and like other remnants of previous stuff might still be on the main storage device where the windows was installed so I would definitely recommend you do this and it's also way way faster especially because if you download the Windows media tool and all the updates already kind of built into that package this is definitely the way to go all right so now we are ready to restart and since we only did a boot override for that particular instance it's not going to boot back into this USB stick so when we see the black screen when we see a little icon pop up it's safe to remove the USB drive on which the Windows media was located and now we should just go back into that uh continuing of the installation with Windows 11 now the Windows installation media normally carries you know the display drivers the networking drivers and Etc but strangely my motherboard doesn't have Wi-Fi so I would need to install manually land drivers and then plug in my Wi-Fi card in order to access everything so now we're on this screen we can just select your your region I'm not going to add a second keyboard layout this is the part where I don't have Wi-Fi installed and I even if I plug in the Wi-Fi card right now it won't find anything because the land drivers are not installed and so this is where a little tip you go shift F10 so we type in OB back slash bypass nro so we're bypassing the network requirement on boot whatever it's called and now we're going to restart back to the same page but we'll have the option to skip uh the that initial Wi-Fi setup if I had Wi-Fi on the motherboard I would gladly sign into my Wi-Fi without any issues but now we can see we have the option to I don't have the internet over here I don't know why it's not there by default but anyways we're going to continue with limited setup we're going to name the PC let's do microx no password for now I normally dis disable everything because I do not use any Microsoft product aside from Microsoft 365 but do you guys recall in previous days with Windows 7 and earlier whenever you were trying to reinstall the OS it would always show you percentage or some sort of progress bar and now we just have empty words give me a percentage so I know how far long we are all right we're almost there woohoo okay so we are finally in desktop mode I have already pre-downloaded drivers for this particular motherboard on a separate USB stick so let's plug that in and install my land driver so that when I plug in my Wi-Fi card it will actually do something all right we're connected and it's going to install Armory crate software I also changed the time zone because if that's not correct then the Windows updates don't properly work and you might encounter issues of like error error error and that's because the timing is not right and the Windows system is freaking out to say like wait a second something is not right along here now before we continue with Windows updates I want to go ahead make sure that all the chipset and drivers are updated on the motherboard first because I find that speeds up things along the way and now Armory crate oh this one's going to take a while so while that's updating let's go into our power plan power options and let's go into additional and high performance and that just means that while all the updates are coming in everything's being updated even at default settings without changing anything to bios definitely the high performance mode that initial setup helps a ton we also a few things to do with the task manager so first of all change graph to logical processors so you can see what's happening on each individual thread I like that very much you can double check your memory speed is at 2133 or it's like default one before enabling XMP which we'll do later I do appreciate that they finally added the ability to check out the temperature of the GPU which is right now at 39° which is perfectly fine for this thing so we're not worrying about that and of course one more thing is that for the startup apps I go in and and disable crap I don't want like one drive Cortana is disabled and I guess I don't have anything else installed on here so we don't have many other options but normally after re reinstalling all your applications this is definitely a place I would revisit another tip for the recycle bin if you right click go to properties you can display delete confirmation dialogue which is very very important and click apply so if let's say it comes to deleting things as soon as you try to delete things it will pop up with this dialogue like are you sure you want to move this to recycle bin because if that's not enabled as soon as you click delete it will immediately be you know removed from your system and I just like that little piece of confirmation my goodness Armory crate you are slow so while that's happening let's go into our private set settings and just theable of things so I don't want websites to use my things I don't want this I don't want this uh and I don't want this either so just disable everything while this is happening let's just check how many many updates we have on the Windows side of things I haven't had any issues of like downloading this while everything else is updating in the background it might be a little slow all right we can finally look at our chipset drivers from Armory crate and I will just do download and install and this will restart a couple times that's just the nature of installing chipset drivers and updating things on that first an hour and a half after installing Windows while things are updating definitely make sure to go into view show and file name extensions it's very important so you can actually see the file extension it's not an executable it's a JPEG and when you rename it it's smart it's highlights only the file name so you can go green but you also can accidentally highlight the whole thing and rename it and uh at least they'll give you a warning that hey wait a second you shouldn't do that because you're renaming the file extension while things are installing we can go into notifications and actions and you can disable notifications for certain things like Windows products and stuff microsof store notifications I don't want and here is when we don't want wa to get most started Windows getting tips of using Windows or this as well oh my God finally all the chipset drivers have been installed let's restart and then resume with Windows updates the good thing is that while we're updating chipset drivers the OS drivers were kind of piling up in the background so at least some of those will be installed upon this you know first restart but man how much do I wish this had a percentage in Ator or progress bar because this means nothing I hate empty words now while we're on Windows the right click functionality is just horrible I hate needing to click show more options you can do a registry edit you can just Google how to do it it's very simple but you can also just hold shift so that's something if you don't want to mess with registry editor this is a very quick hack Windows updates download some drivers for NVIDIA but we are going to download directly from Nvidia so we going to go NVIDIA drivers download while that's downloading let's go into Nvidia control panel just change the refresh rate of the monitor quickly let's go on 20 HZ for now the reason why you want to download them directly from Nvidia AMD or Intel is because there'll be the latest ones and also I personally like GeForce experience now because of uh Shadow play and like you can record your screen and it's not it's way easier than needing to use OBS and set up all the parameters and stuff so I personally like GeForce experience just for the recording of the screen alone but you might not and you can go into custom but like see Express is just recommended custom is uh if you have previous drivers installed but right now we don't have anything installed so it doesn't really matter so after the graphics driver is installed let's restart the system because we have a pending restart after the OS updates so the black screen is for the the graphics drivers it's not a problem at all all right let's restart and hopefully that's going to be the end of it oh now you decide to show me a percentage all right all right fantastic another restart oh my gosh this is the longest Windows installation ever so our chipsa drivers are good our Graphics drivers are good the OS drivers are good so now it's time to restart go back into the BIOS and make sure that we have XMP enabled and a few other settings all right we're just going to go and enable XMP directly from this uh favorites page that way we're no longer running 2133 we're running 3200 MHz so I'm going going to go ahead and restart the system make sure that the XMP profile has loaded onto our memory and not tweak with anything else in the meantime so just make sure that you know you go one by one to isolate any variables that might cause issues with instability and such go back into the BIOS go back into our advanced mode and let's see what is our memory frequency yep 3200 MHz 1.35 volts all good if you're an Intel motherboard and like to take advantage of the integrated graphics card for some uh acceleration with premiere for example on this mboard it is disabled so we go to system agent we go to Graphics configuration and we can enable the igpu over here so that way it can actually show up in my task manager otherwise it doesn't even show up I also appreciate the ability to save all the settings you've done to the BIOS as a user preset so right now on Asus we go to Tool we go to Asus user profile we can go down over here we can name it to something like stable and we're going to save this profile to one so now that's going to show up over here here and what's good is that you know if you reset the bios and don't want to go through all the settings manually once again you can just load it from this profile and you have different profiles for potential experimentation with overclocking and Etc the thing is I would love to know what you guys do with a new windows 11 machine if something we've missed or something that is a must for this OS let me know in the comments I'm Dimitri thanks so much for watching I'll talk to you in the next video
Channel: Hardware Canucks
Views: 215,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming pc build, gaming pc build 2024, gaming pc build guide, how to build a gaming pc, how to build a pc, how to build a gaming pc for beginners 2024, how to setup gaming pc, how to setup gaming pc after build, optimize windows 11 for gaming, how to optimize windows 11 for gaming, hardware canucks, hardwarecanucks, first basics after PC build, what to do after PC build?, how to setup Asus BIOS, best BIOS settings, how to Install Windows, How to Install Windows 11
Id: Hk1N18LBizg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 55sec (1135 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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