Installing ReactOS in 2024 but Everything Goes Wrong...

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Albert Einstein once said two things are infinite the universe and react os's development cycle uh yeah as I'm sure we all probably know react OS has been in a Perpetual Alpha State ever since development first began on it back in 1996 and the last time I made a video on this was back in 2020 and of course I used the $5 Windows 98 PC as a test subject which just resulted in a complete and utter disaster So today we're going to be revisiting reactos for the the first time in over 4 years to see how well it's doing hello everybody and welcome back to another video so for those of you who don't know react OS is a third-party open-source operating system that's designed to be binary compatible with Windows it's a pretty massive undertaking so it's understandable that we have not seen a a final release of this yet especially considering that the development staff is primarily comprised of volunteers but anyways today we're going to be checking out the latest version that isn't a nightly build which is 0.4.1 14 from December 2021 now react os's minimum system requirements are 64 megab of ram though they do recommend 256 a pennium processor or newer 450 mby of free hard disk space and a VGA compatible graphics card this machine passes all of those requirements with flying colors this is a pennium 4 running at 2.8 GHz we've got 1 and 1/2 gigs of RAM and I don't remember what the hard drive is but it's certainly more than 450 megabytes so uh we're just going to get started here uh we're going to see if we can first of all get react OS installed on here we'll see if we can get all of the drivers for it we might have to do some of those manually we'll see and number three run some windows software including some games of course you guys know the halflife rule on this channel we'll try to get halflife running on here and uh yeah it should be pretty fun um I already have the dis inserted in the drive and we'll press any key to boot and of course to load all its files in and if you've never installed react OS before this setup process at least the initial portion here will be pretty familiar to you if you have installed like Windows XP or a prior NT based version of Windows so here we are we'll choose English US install or upgrade acknowledge that this is an alpha and we're going to see okay so we're going to we could probably leave all of these at the default settings um yeah was you can actually install um react OS on the original Xbox that might be something worth doing cuz I've got five original Xboxes they all have something wrong with them though uh so yeah I think we can just leave all this that looks uh looks fine to me so we'll accept these device settings um for now we can change the screen resolution all that uh later on if we want to now this is a blank fat 32 partition on the drive so we're just going to install it on that and I guess we'll just format it even though it's already formatted uh you can choose between fat or better FS I usually just do fat just to keep things simple and we'll press enter to have it format the dis uh we'll install to the react OS folder that's fine and it will prepare to begin copying files and then it will start copying files that was perfect timing wasn't it all right we're done with that uh next up is where you want to install the boot loader we'll go with the first option you could even set this up on a Floy disc if you want to but uh first option is fine with me and we'll restart this time we're not going to boot off the CD so we'll let this time out and we're going to start react OS so it'll bring you to this menu uh every single time that you start so you can choose you know all these other modes here uh we'll just go with the standard react OS mode all right and here's where it starts detecting our Hardware so hopefully it will just detect everything and there'll be no issues we've got the display working at the very least so that's awesome I do have the audio cable plugged into here so if there is sound we will hear that uh if it's able to get our our our sound Hardware detected now I've got two network adapters in here I've got the one that's included on the motherboard and then I've also got a PCI card so if you can detect just one of those um I'll be happy we're going to run through the uh Setup Wizard here you know this oh no we do not have yeah our Mouse is not working but I think that might be just the cable cuz it was a little bit unplugged from the computer so I'm going to try to just restart start all right thankfully that's all it was uh so we'll hit next uh it does give you a list of all the um other projects that reactos has made use of you can view the GPL if you really want to and read through all that and then you choose between server and workstation which is interesting that server is actually the default and um apparently at least under description here it says when you choose server my pictures my video and my music are independent from my documents when you choose workstation they are in my documents we're just going to choose workstation cuz I'm not going to be using this machine as a server and we can customize our user and local settings I assume everything is going to be set to English uh by default I mean that's what we chose in the first portion of the setup so uh yeah we'll leave that uh keyboard layout should be English us which is what it is uh I don't want to restart uh I didn't change anything but okay we'll hit next we'll put in Michael oh also you probably didn't hear that so well but it did make use of the PC speaker so that's cool hopefully it will um get our audio Hardware set up here shortly computer name um I don't know we just go with react OS uh box maybe and abmin password we're not going to bother putting that in and we'll leave it in Pacific time that's fine and this is where we get to choose our theme so you see we've got four to select and we will go through all of these later on in the video but I'm going to start with this misu one cuz I think it looks kind of nice I think it all took effect so okay we'll hit next and okay network settings we'll just do typical for now uh this computer will not be part of a work group seems like there should be more lines on a lot of this stuff and there we go we've successfully completed setup so it tells us to remove the disc from the drive we're not going to do that cuz we're a bunch of rebels uh and we we will restart and just not boot from it it does boot rather quickly on this computer I got to say so I did did already go through and detect okay here we go now it's going to start detecting all of our Hardware so acpi power resource install driver automatically installation failed driver cannot be found all right we are off to a a wonderful start with that uh but let's see let's run device manager here okay I guess device manager is not devmgmt.msc um let's open up my computer computer actually we go to properties here Hardware device manager okay here we go it's got VGA compatible graphics card it still does not have the sound setup okay there's Multimedia Audio device our two ethernet controllers and three acpi power resource all under other devices so I think it came up with another thing here installation failed okay here's the acpi power resource for the third time so after this it should come up with the audio or the network stuff multimedia Auto device so let's see if it's able to find a driver automatically it's not okay let's try the ethernet controller the first one nope all right and the last one no okay so um we are going to have to get these drivers manually all right one burned CD later and we uh hopefully will be ready to go so uh you may have been able to tell from when this computer was starting up but this is a custombuilt machine well I mean you might not have known that uh with an Intel desktop board so I was able to find the driver CD for that desktop board and we're going to see if all of these drivers are able to install properly so we'll open up my computer and we'll go to our d865 GBU uh driver disc here and is there just a setup there's EI setup.exe let's just try to run that maybe I mean there is like a driver's folder uh but this way we get the Intel Express installer if uh the window doesn't want to paint over the auto run splash screen there current system is not an Intel Desktop Board okay well it is yeah that might have something to do with react OS uh screwing things up I don't know application failed to initialize lovely okay so we can go into software here and driver and okay we'll start with audio um let's just run setup.exe looking good so far far all right it could not copy a midi INF file but did it install I think it did well it just closed so maybe it didn't install properly um H let's go back into device manager we are going to probably have to restart the system at some point yeah Multimedia Audio device still does not show up this I believe oh there we go yep it found it installation complete all right yeah this I think under maybe not I I thought this dropped a folder in the start menu but maybe I'm thinking of something else okay so we'll hit finish that should under audio yep we got it so let's go to our sound properties here and oh look at that the system froze up that's L well uh we got the driver installed that's good news but yeah the system is uh oh that's that's me hitting control twice on my KVM switch which is just going to switch to the other computer which is not turned on so okay control alt delete nope I think the entire system just hung which this did happen a few times if I remember correctly in the 98 PC video with react OS so hopefully it's not a sign of what's to come but I'm just going to do a force power off here and yeah Intel Desktop boards if you doubted that we had one in here I mean there you go so oh my gosh okay an error occurred in freeloader version 3.0 I'm guessing it did not like it must have not liked the uh the fact that we installed the driver I wonder if we should have done it manually and not even installed the program all right okay so the first option is not working at all we'll try to open it up in debug mode all right react OS debug nope uh that's not working either uh yeah this is this is not looking good wonder if there's a way to roll back the driver now it was funny you notice the system did not hang until we tried to open up the sound panel like from the system tray yeah I think we're just screwed here I think I'm going to have to reinstall the OS all right we are back after hopefully the only reinstall of react OS that we'll have to do in this video and we are just going to go into device manager and manually install the hardware drivers from there so we'll start with the audio one again we're just going to go into here we'll reinstall driver install from a specific location and we apparently can't even choose manually that's interesting uh but we're going to include and this should be the folder that everything is in so we'll select that hit next installation failed okay uh this is where the right like driver audio analog what are these folders here Pro V8 2019 win 2K XP let's try to run it is this the same thing as the auto run oh here Pro network connections okay wired land adapters install base driver installs or updates okay this is like an error message but it's just more letting you know it installs or updates drivers for Intel Pro adapters okay drivers for the network adapters were successfully installed you know something tells me they weren't um oh wait a second holy cow it actually was I stand corrected so we should be on the network I mean I've got this thing plugged into my ethernet switch over here so let's see ping look at that all right at least we got one thing working so okay that's awesome but yeah I really want to get this audio driver working I wonder what that other folder is so under software that was this folder let's see what okay this is win98 and me so this is probably the same thing I mean we got the same folder layout and everything so this is yeah so this is just that same driver for uh Windows Mi or you know just Windows 9x these are all okay so these are all like kind of bloatware stuff that would come with the computer by default I guess cuz you got like Norton Internet Security um I mean not all of it's bloww but Norton certainly is I don't know let's I mean it was weird how like we got this installed it was able to detect the audio driver maybe we should restart immediately okay well device manager just threw up okay it's devm gmt. exe Okay so that's why uh what we didn't launch before they don't use the MSC extension for that but anyway we got a memory error that's awesome so okay we'll terminate that and we'll try to open it up again I mean I'm guessing that this setup executable we do have some cab files in here so it probably extracts stuff let's just try I'm kind of nervous to do this but let's try just to set it up again and then maybe restart the computer before going in and configuring the audio driver which in fact it might just do it automatically upon boot up okay we get that same midi INF file error but yeah it never says that it like completing the installation like we don't get that window it just closes immediately so but anyway we're going to restart the system here and then just see what happens we'll see if it's able to automatically detect it upon Bood up if not we'll go and manually configure it again and hopefully the system will not just hang and render itself unbootable all right well that's a good sign so it wasn't just for merely installing the driver that caused that blue screen to come up doesn't look like it's coming up with a found new hardware wizard okay do I want to open volume control okay no active mixer device available it's still using the PC speaker so let's go uh back into here and actually let me go into my computer and just see where it dumped all those f files so it should be program files Analog Devices sound Max okay so we have a manifest file in here yeah I think there is a program that installs cuz I I've done this before and I think it drops like a soundmax audio control panel somewhere so I'm I'm guessing it didn't install properly but if we go back into here and go to Multimedia Audio device reinstall driver and just install driver automatically last time it was able just to pick up that it was a soundmax driver it's installed it so okay at this point I'm just going to restart all right we're still able to boot that's awesome maybe that blue screen was just a fluke and we did something to just corrupt the installation I don't know I am nervous to oh no it just locked up I guess we can just leave it here and see if it recovers but I don't think it's going to I mean yeah the keyboard like hitting caps lock the lights's not coming on so it's definitely just locked up and I have a feeling that if I force restart now we'll get that same blue screen so maybe this uh maybe this audio driver is just incompatible with react Os or something it does not like it at all uh but this is the proper driver I mean I have installed this before under Windows XP and it works totally fine with this hardware and you saw that the network driver works so at least we got that and at least we have video I could try to put a another sound card in here and I would still like to mess around with the display driver a little bit uh I am just force powering off the system now uh cuz I would like to get the um the proper you know Intel Graphics adapter installed but I guarantee you I'm going to have to reinstall the system again because I just have a feeling oh maybe not but it's probably just going to do that same yep just locked up again okay well we can press f8 to get to let's try regular safe mode and react OS but we're still locked up oh my God okay it's really still loading the audio driver and it's maybe it's not the fact that the driver is loaded it's just that it's installed that is wow that's obnoxious okay yeah the whole system just locked up okay so I was able to boot into safe mode with command prompt and that loaded up just fine so we're going to run Dev [Music] again okay what what you know what before I restart let's see if it magically recovers I'm going to try last known good configuration but yeah installing this driver has turned this video into just an absolute uh cluster I mean really locked up again lovely okay so just to recap what I've done here I have tried to just let it recover on its own I tried to go into safe mode I tried to go into safe mode with command prompt to uninstall the driver before it froze on me there now I just tried last know good configuration and that didn't do anything either it's still frozen up so the last known good configuration is not actually a good configuration I mean it is cuz it boots up but just immediately freezes so I think I'm going to install react Os from scratch once again find another sound card to put in here and uh see if we can get that working if not we might just not have sound which honestly at this point I might be okay with all right so we're back I've got a sound blaster card installed and you can see uh it did not recognize it I mean well it recognized there was a new card installed but it wasn't able to get the driver for it uh so I do have a couple of drivers on this CD right here almost said DVD and um yeah we're going to pop that in and see what we can do now it looks like um I opened up control panel and it just completely lagged and it's all oh now it's detecting an input device I wonder what that is I didn't plug anything else in oh you know what it's probably I mean the Sound Blaster card has an input on it now this disc has two drivers on it one of them is an XP driver that I got directly from sound blaster or creative uh the second one is an old 98 slme sl2000 driver that I was able to find uh on another website so we're going to start with the xp1 first and see you know what results that that gives us and yeah I don't know what's going on with control panel here and also this we're just going to cancel out this it's not going to be able to find the proper driver for that yeah all right I guess we just have this window like perpetually opened up here but anyway we'll go into the drivers here and we'll run the XP one so this is a self- extracting executable this one here is already extracted and I don't think like if we go to audio here are the drivers just in here um oh there's a whole bunch of stuff in here isn't there well here's the setup wizard for the XP driver so that's a good sign uh no other applications are running sure okay to continue setup is unable to detect the supported product on your system uh so all right that's not a good sign all right we'll go into the setup for the older driver and this is the only uh PCI sound card that I have so if we don't get this working I guess we're just not going to have sound okay custom installation let's just see what we got we really only need the drivers um you know what I'm just going to say that there there was that option back here drivers only that's not good got another memory cannot be red error and okay it wants us do the registration we're not going to bother with that and sure we'll restart even though I don't think it installed properly and it froze up look at that oh oh wait okay it it was just turning off well we're at the desktop so that's good um do I dare go go to the sound control down here open volume control it's still using the PC speaker so yeah we don't have uh we don't got nothing uh okay so let's open up device manager or not I want to go to properties there and see if we can just run through okay well we got two now because you know we've got the internal one the only thing is which one of these is which one of these is going to be the well PCI bus one and this is uh PCI bus zero I'm guessing PCI bus one will be the uh or maybe it'll be the PCI bus zero I'm thinking zero would be the internal one one would be the PCI card but whatever let's start with this one reinstall driver let's see if it's able to find it automatically like it did with the other one I guess while this is going on why don't we take a look at the themes that you could get for react Os or you know the ones that come with it so you've seen the um whatever this theme is called misu is that what it is yeah oh look installation failed what a surprise uh yeah Mizu is Japanese for water um I'm wondering if maybe they're going for like a watercolor thing maybe going on I don't know but uh yeah you got a light color scheme that's the only variant then we've got okay we'll start with the classic theme this is going to be just your you know old windows you know 9x/ 2000 looking feel uh so yeah there this is the like truest Windows theme that's on here where did the oh yeah I closed out of it didn't I no here it is okay so you got a whole bunch of variants too so you know we can just briefly go through here uh you know we saw a lot of these on like Windows 95 Windows 98 even XP you know and then you could go into effects and advance and change all the stuff around if you want to so you got that then you've got um Lotus or latus and this one only have one color scheme it's a bit of a dark like Sleek looking theme here uh something kind of futuristic even Vista esque like Vista basic esque in the in a somewhat of a sense so there you go here's what Windows look like and yeah so you got that then you have lunar this one looks pretty cool so the title bars look a little bit bigger the start menu seems to not change at all so we've got the same exact design there and yeah here's a here's an Explorer window so and then last one is modern I think I'm going to set it back to misu we have a dark and a light version of this so there you go and this one's kind of bizarre cuz the active window title text is dark so it's like dark on dark here you see the inactive you can read that totally fine but when it becomes the active window it just turns into like dark text on a dark background which isn't really great so yeah we'll just set it back to to misu here and again we only have the the one color scheme so those are your themes in react OS and okay so what we were doing we were in device manager let me go back to here so this is either not the uh PCI card that we installed or it is and it wasn't able to get the driver for it I'm thinking it's the ladder but let's try the second one anyways and see if it's able to miraculously detect the uh the driver installation failed what a surprise um I wonder if we go back into my computer here let's just try the like I wish it would tell you where it's extracting these files to maybe it maybe it extracted it to the temp directory that's not a percent sign [Music] no h nothing in there wonder if we run this in compatibility mode for XP we don't have XP Service Pack 2 do we hm that is interesting uh cuz I believe that's what this driver was written for we'll try xpsp 3 yeah like I just I just wish that we just had like it has to do this self- extracting thing and install just give me the freaking driver file so I can just install it manually like but yeah I think if this fails again I'll just give up on audio cuz like I said I don't have um a uh you know another card to put in here unable to attack the ported product yep there you go so yeah uh looks like we are not going to have audio working actually I'm looking at the react OS Wiki right now and they did test seven sound cards with it one of those was a sound Max integrated digital audio which this computer you saw earlier it installs a soundmax driver and it says that it failed it doesn't mention anything about the system hanging but it says it causes a fault it could be ignored in the debugger and it's possible to shut down um but yeah so this is a it's a different soundmax uh driver than what I was trying to install but uh there are a couple creative ones that work this is not one of them so yeah we'll just give up on sound and we'll try to see if we can get the proper video driver because again we're just running this basic video driver here in fact I'm curious what it allows us to set the resolution to oh we could go up to 1920 by 1440 so I've got the Intel drivers disc back in and we'll go into the video folder here and we will try to run okay so I think yeah this one's for I mean there's a Windows 2000 folder here there's a 9x folder in here so let's try this one and again we have to run the setup executable so we'll do that installing graphics driver here's the moment of truth yes I want to restart now okay this is going to be interesting will it hang will it give us some other problem that we've not exper experienced yet will it throw up a bunch of error messages will it blue screen okay well it's not blue screening when you select the reactos option from the boot menu that's great oh I spoke too soon it blue screens when we try to start up the video driver failed to initialize yay okay so now I wonder because the the last known good configuration should actually work now because now it actually detected a problem you know it threw up a blue screen whereas before it was just hanging on startups so we could try to boot into safe mode and uninstall the driver I'm probably going to do that first if that doesn't work we'll try the last known good configuration and I guess we could try the older driver version that's on there that was for like Windows 9x and see if that works maybe um but I have a feeling that that's not going to work either so then we'll just have to use the base driver uh that came with react OS which means that we basically spent all this oh that even fails too on safe mode look at that all right lovely all right let's try last known good configuration and that fails too this wasn't the last known good configuration what are you talking about maybe we can try Okay safe mode with command prompt react OS debug I might have to just reinstall this again I mean really I mean to be fair to react it's not like they said any of this stuff was going to work I mean they do have a list of supported video cards and supported sound cards and none of this stuff is on that list so I'm just kind of throwing stuff at the wall here uh which is good cuz it's good to confirm that none of this Hardware Works currently with react OS except for the network adapter of course but yeah right now we're at a black screen which is not a good sign but I'll just sit here for a while and see if it does anything all right it's been a little bit and we are still on a black screen so I'm going to you're not going to believe it force restart once again okay so before I completely give up on installing these drivers I do want to try one more thing and that is using a program called Snappy driver installer that was recommended on the react OS Wiki now normally I just avoid these driver installation programs because a lot of them are just scams and scareware designed to get you to pay money to download free drivers they are say like you got all these problems with your system and you got to pay us to you know fix them and you know it's not anything severe uh so you know I just avoid those programs and I would never recommend them but snappy driver installer seems to be different this is an open-source project that's supported on patreon but what's interesting about it is there's actually two separate versions you've got Snappy driver installer and snappy driver installer origin and both of these programs have two separate versions you've got like an OnDemand downloader that just downloads the application itself and then you get all the drivers you want from there and then you've got the whole library of drivers included with the program that's like 40 GB in size and according to the react OS Wiki that's the version you have to get that works with react OS now as far as the difference between the two Snappy driver installer programs uh I don't quite know the whole history here I've seen some conflicting things online at you know what else is new but uh apparently Snappy driver installer origin was created by the person who originally created Snappy driver installer after a new group took over development of it and a lot of people didn't really like the new groups Direction apparently there were there were at least allegations of malware being in the program or the drivers that it downloaded or they download it from some sketchy sight something like that and pretty much everybody recommends Snappy driver installer origin and as it turns out when I went to torrent Snappy driver in solar origin because to get the full version with all the driver packs you have to do it through a torm there were like 60 people seeding the torrent where with Snappy driver installer the non-origin one there was one person so Snappy driver solar origin definitely seems to be the more popular one that's what I downloaded we're going to try it here and see if we get any different results now I just put this on an external hard disk we're going to go into here and I believe uh we have to run there's a batch file here so we're going to double click on this and uh see what happens all right we are already got some drivers showing up here so that's awesome now my theory in doing this is like with both of the sound drivers you tried to install for example we had to do that through installation Wizards we had to you know open those up it would self- extract all the files and then run you through the install process and we encountered problems with both of those so I'm thinking like maybe it didn't fully extract the drivers maybe something didn't install correctly and if we just had the extracted driver files where I could go into device manager and manually say okay here's the drivers for this device install them from here that might work for us but I think Snappy driver installer does that automatically um so we're going to grab um why don't we get both of actually we've got three sound drivers here we've got oh well this is the creative game Port yeah so we're going to grab this we'll grab the Sound Blaster live we'll grab this is the internal audio driver and we'll get the graphics controller this is the PCI network card that I don't care about because we're using the internal one now these down here are installed drivers but there's apparently an updated one available we're not going to mess with any of these or we're not going to mess with these that don't even have a driver in the driver pack we're just going to get these four we'll hit install and interestingly enough it's actually recognizing the system as Windows XP 64 32bit and yeah if this doesn't work for us like let's hope the system doesn't hang here or blue screen or something else that hasn't happened yet uh but but if we don't get any good results here uh we're just going to move on with what we've got you know we'll use the basic display driver we will try to play the few games that I'm going to test without audio which would suck oh and speaking of hanging I think that the program just hung here uh it's not saying it's not responding but you see we've got the hand cursor I can't click on this to expand it and let's open up task manager and just see yep it is not responding isn't that lovely and now that I have minimized the window it's not going to show up when I when I try to restore it again so we're just going to let the system sit here for a while and hopefully it will recover all right well long story short that didn't work the system actually hung up and then I had to force restart again so let's just try it one more time I have an idea of trying to run it in compatibility mode now this bat file here from what I can tell just decides which version the 32-bit or the 64-bit one to run depending on your processor architecture so we're just going to right click on the 32-bit one here and go to compatibility run it in compatibility mode for XP Service Pack 3 and we'll run it we'll accept the license terms again so now it actually just says Windows XP 32bit I wonder if the fact that it was saying Windows XP 64bit last time maybe it thought the processor was a 64-bit machine and that might have factored into the issue and I guess we'll just grab all of these I'm not even going to bother getting the game Port though we don't really need that at all let's install those three it installed the Sound Blaster live one okay that's awesome so the program is not frozen up here oh my gosh look at look at all that I guess these are additional drivers that you can get um I think it I think it just fro okay maybe I shouldn't do that like I should just let it do its thing so I am curious if we go into device manager oh I'm doing MSC again I'm so so I'm so used to doing that and okay oh that's the yeah the window like yeah it's it's doing the whole painting window thing devm gmt. exe and yeah there we go so now we have this installed now it says react OS can't load it it may be corrupted or missing um that could just be because we have to restart it looks like Snappy driver installer has frozen again I don't even think I'm going to let it recover because it did not recover last time and the system just eventually froze so we're just going to end task and then we will uh restart the system and if we get a blue screen uh well that's going to suck I realized a little while ago that you know just like the Windows XP installation disc react os's install media does have a repair function where you can go in and try to repair the operating system and I believe in there is where you can roll back a driver so that's something we could have done before but I mean just reinstalling the OS works too it's not like I needed to save any data on here but we could try that just for the heck of it if we ended up getting a blue screen here so here's the Moment of Truth all right no blue screen there it was the video driver that blue screened after the boot screen hey look at that all right is it going to lock up it's not hold on a second uh okay well it's still using the PC speaker open volume control oh I want to adjust audio properties it is showing the creative Sound Blaster live okay that's interesting yeah where did audio devices go we've got you know Multimedia Audio device under here but this is the internal one it shows up in here no drivers are installed for this device and I was right PCI bus one is the PCI card so I don't know why it's not showing up in device manager oh it's disabled that's why y okay well let's enable it react cannot load the device driver it's missing for this Hardware okay so that was not because we had to restart um that is just straight up it's not working all right so now we should be able to now that we've enabled it we can go to device manager and it should yeah there it is okay so we'll just uninstall that from our system let's go back into I'm looking for like an executable on the desktop I know it's in my computer local dis e and we run this again the compatibility modee should still be applied which it is and I'm just going to get one driver because I think installing multiple drivers or at least you know messing around with the program like expanding that list that we did last time may have caused it to hang up I don't know oh the whole oh my gosh the whole system hung up again what the heck all right force restart time okay okay it worked that time I guess we'll try the internal audio one next system restart required okay let's go ahead and restart we'll just do this one by one all right we're at the desktop taskbar and icons are loading up so that's great and I do not have the audio cable plugged in at the moment and I'm probably not going to swamp it because uh we get the same error message that we did before and if we go into not helping support and oh look at that wi Internet Explorer has frozen what a surprise um let's go in here to device manager again once again it's disabled the driver so we got to go here adjust audio properties Hardware properties enable this it says there are no drivers installed for the device apparently cannot load driver for this Hardware the driver may be corrupted or missing so what happens if we do update driver install driver automatically installation complete I don't think it changed anything in fact we can't even change it to be an enabled cuz when you go back in it just has it set to disabled again last but not least Let's uh try the video driver all right well long story short it didn't work uh you see in device manager here we are still with that basic VJ compatible graphics card driver so yeah none of those drivers installed and worked properly which again you know to be fair to react none of this stuff was on the officially supported list so yeah I mean there you go I would imagine Snappy driver installer would work better if it had Hardware if it was downloading drivers for Hardware that was supported with react OS uh so yeah we're going to install some windows applications in a moment but I figured before we do that we'd try out the built-in applications manager that react OS has here and this is just a database kind of like a package manager that you'd see on Linux of just a whole bunch of software that you can download and use with react OS so we've got szip you know Adobe Air I saw on there I think I just saw chromium uh chromium XP so why don't we go to I don't know games and fun we've got extreme tux racer yeah why don't we grab that under internet and network we've got I actually want to see do they have superium in here it's not in here my pal is though so we'll grab my pal maybe yeah why don't we just why don't we just get those okay and my pal here came up with a setup wizard we have to go through so we'll just go with with standard sure we'll use it as the default browser and we'll let it install so yeah I mean it's nice you just got a whole bunch of software that I would imagine all of this has been confirmed to work with react OS which is you know great now the extreme tux racer program did install it didn't come up with a wizard that we had to go through so I mean it does depend on what you know stuff that you download here if that's going to happen or not but we'll launch myal and yeah we'll just close out of this we'll try out both of these programs uh see if that game can you know run on here so there we go yeah it's it's a web browser uh let's go into programs here and see uh under games maybe no huh oh you know it did ask me to extract contents of a folder somewhere I think I chose in my downloads um let's see administrator my documents yeah this right here so this is all the stuff that the applications manager downloads so this I think did yeah it did run the soft extractor so let's try to run the executable here I guess I believe I played this before on this channel in another video but you can see the menu oh my gosh yeah the menu is even lagging here this is going to be rough if we can even get to okay can we use the keyboard uh we'll just hit enter assuming we can do that yeah we can all right I wish there was a frame rate counter you know there might be in this program but I mean I'm not going to go through the hassle of trying to enable it I mean holy cow if the menu lags that badly but yeah this is this is unplayable like there's no I mean so yeah uh that's tuck racer and that is uh definitely not a good sign of what's to come because I've got some other games that we're going to try but just for the heck of it let's try them anyway oh and also a copy of Microsoft front page all right so it started up at least that's a good sign and we'll just leave username as Michael not bother putting in anything else we'll accept typical install that's fine and we'll install all right it's finished though the setup wizard here is kind of glitched out a little bit and brought the some of the contents of the file browser into it but okay we'll hit finish and if we go into our programs here we should see there it is front page 2003 let's see if it starts on up and yes it does okay well the title bar for a second just had two boxes and a question mark in place of the application name but it fixed that um oh do we got to activate really okay at least we can get past that for or can we can we can we not type in here oh look the whole program froze up that's lovely react OS is in Alpha that's what I keep telling myself well it isn't not responding but we'll get out of that and just try to launch it again I'm wondering if you like have to activate it what the heck why is that well I cannot type in here and I also apparently can't click on the [Music] menus uh I can move the oh my gosh I can create copies of the menu items all right that's certainly interesting but yeah none of the I mean I can I can drag them off the okay I've never done this in Microsoft Office before like just drag these menu items around and it makes clones of itself but yeah we can't type in here that could be because of activation I know in certain Microsoft Office releases uh you would have to like you would start typing normally though it comes up with a message after you start typing it'll say like hey you have to activate but I mean the program opened we just can't really you know uh use it why don't we try to run it in compatibility mode and we'll just go to properties compa ability and we'll do xpsp 3 and see if that changes anything if not we'll try Windows 2000 oh it's going to keep our lovely file menu layout there all right so it comes up with the activation thing we'll just say cancel and then there we go okay so that that worked now we can start typing so let's just maybe write out uh hello world and change this up to size seven there 36 point and I don't know we want to maybe bold underline it I I did a whole video on Microsoft from page 98 back a couple years ago that was actually that was back in 2022 man that was a couple years ago uh yeah time is weird uh anyway so it looks like okay well task manager is causing issues or maybe the whole program did did this thing freeze up again come on come on can I can I at least save this please it what's interesting is it hasn't gone into a not responding state it still says it's running but yeah it just completely like locks up all right well I mean we still have the start menu and everything responding but task manager is not uh can we can we log off okay let's just do that we'll just log off and log back on okay so we'll try front page one more time here and let's just quickly write hello world I don't want to register hello world make that bold underline italicized uh this is so cool and okay so oh and now the yeah now the menus work look at that so yeah I don't like that's not a normal thing right you can't just drag the freaking menu items around so like I don't know how I was able to do that but that is hilarious cuz yeah you see now I can't now now I can't Do It um we can move like the the bar around like the whole menu bar we can move that to another location if we want to but uh yeah so okay we'll just save this why not save as my websites index.htm so we'll open that up and there's our HTML document so yeah wi Internet Explorer that's the you know Internet Explorer clone of sorts that's on here so we've got that and of course we are on the internet so we could go to you know the old as we always seem to do and there it is so yeah we're all online we got front page at least somewhat working that whole file menu thing was hilarious and yeah okay so now we're going to get into the games I'm actually really curious to see how these run especially with this basic video driver we're going to start with uh Microsoft revenge of arcade now just to show you react os does include some games you've got soliter spider soliter and wine mine so you know these are going to be very very Windows card gamees so we'll open up spider solitire just so you can see that uh of course you know it's a little bit of a different layout these are not exactly the same programs or anything so there you go and we'll try wine mine so there's that so you got three games on here not bad not bad at all but we're about to give it a whole lot more so Microsoft revenge of arcade uh this includes a bunch of arcade games you would have never guessed that I'm sure of course these games are going to kind of uh be missing like an entire aspect of them the fact we don't have sound but we'll just run through the installation and see if we can even uh get them installed and and you know if they work I think I've mentioned it before but this is such a bizarre layout for a setup wizard I mean I know they're trying to go for like oh look it's the like arcade you know buttons and all that but it's like just okay where's install there it is okay uh yes you want to set up to create the folder does it make a Microsoft games reveng of arcade yeah so we can launch them right from here but we can also just you know do it from this launcher so let's just do Miss Pac-Man so I believe we hit F2 to insert a coin F3 to start and here we are so yeah I mean I'm not going to spend a whole lot of time here because I do want to check out the other games but we got it working we got the games installed so that is that is a success so you've got a little collection of arcade games that work on react OS and now let's try uh Sim City 2000 we'll save half life for last so we'll hop back into my computer fun fact about me the only Sim City game that I ever played uh was Sim City 3000 I never actually sat down and played 2000 I guess autorun.exe we will proceed how would I like to proceed I want to install it okay oh no trying to load win95 setup.exe wow 16 applications are not supported internally by ntvdm at the moment yeah that's the NT virtual dos machine screwing up that's lovely uh I guess we could let's try compatibility set it to Windows 95 yeah I mean this just has to do with the fact that the application is 16 bit apparently they're not supported internally by ntvdm at this moment so compatibility mode wouldn't change anything and what is ip. exe infopro all right right can't open registry can't find specified path in registry maybe it's corrupted oh no so yeah we cannot install Sim City 2000 it doesn't necessarily mean we won't be able to run it because you know the installer is a 16-bit application but there are versions of Sim City 2000 that are 32-bit only uh this is just not one of those versions so uh you know if I had one of those versions we might be able to get that running on here properly um but we are going to move on to halflife which we hopefully will get some better results with let's just run setup.exe oh no the setup executable is 16bit really oh no that's interesting um clicking on install halflife for some reason brings up read me. text that's okay what why clicking on are these options out of order oh I I think they are cuz this top one here yeah I think in stall is usually at the very top why is this out of order cuz this is running the install executable that okay that's just bizarre yeah cuz hitting install opens up read me. text Play halflife Just quits or visit the halflife website yeah these are these are out of order so that okay um well fortunately I do have a copy of halflife with the no CD crack that's like already installed just in a folder so I'm going to copy that over to here cuz halflife is a 32 B application so it should be able to run on here fine at least you know if it's able to run all right so we got that disc in the drive we're going to open it up I'm just going to copy all these files over to the hard disk let's call this HL and just uh do a control a contrl c contrl v so will it run that is the question let's see please type the halflife CD key okay good sign also okay create game and join game like these these labels are being all screwed up that's not what that's not what it's supposed to say all right we got the Sierra logo that's cool um we still have the we still have the taskar I cannot hit Escape but I think the first time you run this I think it doesn't allow you to skip the intro movies maybe hopefully that's the case I also cannot alt Tab out of this so uh oh my gosh the PC speaker is going crazy okay it stopped but yeah the labels are all messed up look at this 3D info site previews visit One update ad server console Hazard course and disconnect like this okay um let's start a new game and let's uh view game info to play it on the medium setting Now is it going to actually start that's the question okay well we've been sitting on this loading screen for a few minutes here and yeah I think it just froze we okay we can alt tab now at least oh and that's lovely we've oh look we can paint on the desktop so we can write I don't know hi if I can okay well now we can't yeah so at least the system didn't lock up but I don't think halflife is going to is going to get past the loading screen now we can of course go in and change all the video settings so I'm going to I'm just going to quit the process and oh no it okay well it blue screen [Music] [Applause] all right once again it's been a little while on the loading screen and we are getting nowhere so uh what have we learned well react OS is definitely not a gaming platform uh it's certainly not a replacement for Windows in its current state it's not even close but you know it is cool for what it is I mean the fact that this has been in continued development since 1996 is commendable on its own uh these people and you know all these volunteers again this is a mostly volunteer project uh you know they're still committed to this they still are you know putting out updates for it every so often and yeah we did experience a bunch of issues today but uh all the hardware you know the video card the audio driver all that stuff was not on the officially supported Hardware list so if you wanted to use react OS I would recommend doing so in a virtual machine or looking over that list and seeing you know what Hardware that it's been tested with and you know try to Source some of that Hardware but this is just a very Niche project you know there it takes a very specific kind of person to uh fire this up and you know install it on a you know secondary computer this is definitely not like main computer material by any means and it probably will be a very long time if it even ever gets to that point but you know to put on a secondary computer just to mess around with if you got like an old XP eror machine that you don't you're not really doing anything with and just want to have fun with it yeah I mean definitely be prepared to get frustrated with drivers and all that stuff but you know it is pretty neat and yeah that's a little look at how react OS is doing in 2024 so uh if you guys enjoyed this video if you want to see more like it definitely be sure to uh give this one a thumbs up get subscribed maybe consider becoming a patron or a channel member to get early access to these videos before anybody else but either way I just want to thank you all so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Michael MJD
Views: 238,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video, michaelmjd, mjd7999, game, review, overview, apple, microsoft, unboxing, tutorial, windows, how-to, mac, os, system, michael mjd, reactos, react os, windows xp, windows nt
Id: OY-oYfHeE64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 45sec (3345 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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