Aluminum drip cap installation

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hi this video is brought to you by trim bender calm and in this video we're going to explain how to install a drip cap the first thing you're going to want to do is slide the piece so that one side has about a half-inch hanging over now on the other side we're going to take a pencil and Mark also a half inch hanging over now with our snips we're going to go ahead and cut off the excess piece then go ahead and put the piece back up atop lining it up so that it has a half-inch on both sides hanging over now with your pencil mark to the edge of the brick mold repeat on both sides now what you want to do is cut off the front tab you now in the back corner cut the exact same distance back that you marked on both sides this is going to allow for us to bend a tab over now on one side go ahead and bend the tab at a 90 degree angle the result should look like this then put the piece up there and slide the one side tight then the other side you can bend the tab over now that should also be bent over at a 90 and there you have it now to secure it put one nail on one side one in the middle and one on the other and thanks for checking out our video hopefully it was helpful to you and check us out at trim bender comm thanks
Channel: Trim Bender
Views: 259,323
Rating: 4.7130308 out of 5
Keywords: drip cap, window trim, covering windows, window installation, dri cap replacement
Id: 6dMOWekACm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 17sec (137 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2010
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