Make your windows leak proof: How to Trim a Window

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hey what's up guys it's Kyle here from our buildings and I'm gonna take you through the step by step how to trim out a window on a post frame especially when you are doing a metal siding a lot of questions how that works and how its flashed properly so that you don't get water getting in behind your window the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get a measurement of my window so I am 47 and 1/8 I'm sorry 47 and 1/2 by 35 and a half I already know that because I've done these windows a couple times now but now that I have those dimensions I can go and make up my trims for the perimeter of the window so what we are going to do is use a piece of jade channel and this can be found from probably any metal supplier it's just a simple I mean if you look at it from the end it looks like the letter J so it's got a longer back leg that way you can nail it to your wall and then it's got a J that wraps around so that your steel can go in here and look nice and finished so what I'm gonna do is I always like to have and you will see this later I always like to use my factory ends for my side pieces and that is because the top of them is going to be finished and you will see it so I like to make sure that that the factory top and this is what I'm talking about this is a factory it's not been cut not by any you know snips or anything on the site so this was done in the factory which means it's nice and clean so this will be visible people not know I'm doing YouTube hey sweetie oh it's going great how are you doing I'll ask them Thanks I love you everybody back okay we're back so as I was saying before my lovely wife called me to let me know about her day and how it was going was just going okay in case you guys were curious so now that I know my dimensions over there on the window I'm going to make my sides first and I'm gonna measure off of the factory cut edge now over there I said the dimension was 35 and a half what I also need to do is I need to mark 35 and a half but then I need to add one inch for the bottom trim because it's going to need to go an inch further than the window so that it can match up with my bottom trim dimension so what I do is I mark 35 and a half and then I'm gonna add an inch but I'm gonna show you a little trick the dimension of this steel is one inch but I always go an eighth inch bigger and when I get to the installation part of the video you will see why I'm doing that so make a mental note that it's okay if you go a little bit bigger on this dimension I'm gonna do that to both ends that way I get both sides of my trim now it's hard to see on the dark trim I understand that I'm gonna pull out my Martinez square which is a prototype awesome square by my buddy mark and I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna squirt around that thirty-six and five-eighths measurement and then on my 35 and a half inch measurement square the backside so I've got the 35 and a half measurement I got the 36 and five-eighths measurement that is squared around now when I'm coming from this side I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to use my Reds reason is it does a better finish when going through the hem you can kind of see this side is a little bit cleaner right when you pop through the hem right here not sure if you can see it you get a little bit of a dimple but if you use the right snip you'll avoid that on the finished side of your piece of trim I always make two cuts and that is so I can take this little piece here and bend it up that'll allow me to come in and make another nice and clean cut and then this measurement does not or this cut does not need to be perfect if you feel more comfortable making a square line you can do that but for the purposes of what this trim is this is not as important I've got the thirty five and a half inch mark here just on this back face and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take my Reds because it's just easier for me and I'm gonna cut right along the edge and I'm gonna do that on both sides just cutting up to that line then I'm gonna take just about an 8-inch to almost nothing out take this little flap that you just made and you're gonna bend it to about 90 degrees so you see what we've done there okay now the last thing you're gonna do is I I'm gonna be cutting a miter on this piece of trim but I never go exactly to the point I'm gonna come in just about an eighth or so and I'm just gonna connect that dot leaving this a little bit square not a straight point and you'll see you'll see why later now over on this side I'm gonna use my greens same reason as the other side so that I get a nice clean cut on the side that I'm gonna be using [Applause] so those are going to be my sides this little tail here is going to tuck into my bottom trim and this mitre is going to go over top of it so now that make my bottom trim first thing I got to do is clean off this end so I'm going to kind of square this around and you'll see why but this doesn't matter as much for being a perfect cut with a square it's actually going to get buried in my side trims so I'm 47 and a half wide which means I need to add two inches one for both sides so I'm actually gonna mark this at forty nine and a half and forty eight and a half that'll give me one inch past this side and then on this side I'm gonna mark one inch and all I need to do is square just the top side of this trim you get a nice line there on this side I need to square both these on the top side and square the outside dimension around so I get a nice cut [Music] okay so now that I've got the bottom trim this is my bottom window J I've got that line that I made I'm gonna do kind of the same thing that I did on my sides only this time we're gonna do a little trick with metal and that is bend it about ten times or so and it will snap clean off give you a nice clean cut without having to make some weird snip cut to get in there which is really hard to do so I'll show you that again I cut right out to my line that I've got on the trim and I'm just gonna really tightly grab it underneath and give it a nice tight Bend so getting that to break right on that line give it a couple back and forth and you can see that does a really nice job actually getting a nice clean Bend so now I've got my three pieces of trim let's go over to the window and let's show you how I install it so the first thing we like to do is throw some silicone around the perimeter of the still that way I am NOT a fan of caulking windows visually so that I don't want anybody see the caulk reason being is it always seems like caulk it's dirty it looks like garbage after any sort of time so I'm trying to always hide my my sealant so that you don't see it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna give it a nice bead of caulk up here and I run it a little bit long and that is where I'm gonna be putting my bottom trim and this is gonna get pushed into that bead of caulk so that any water that comes around it might sit right here but it's not gonna last for long nor is it gonna be really detrimental cuz it's not gonna be able to make its way back into the building now what I'm gonna do is I've got these notches I just kind of put my finger here in the notch and I feel right where the window goes to the edge of that notch and I just push up nice and tight that's also creating a little bit of a slope on this piece of trim there's just a slight slope and I'll just use my stapler does a really nice job and I'll get that faster and then I'll come here to the side I do the same same sort of thing now here what I like to do is I like to just run a bead this way and I like to run a bead out this way so water has to make its way out over time not working its way behind now with the side trim this is kind of important you'll notice right here if you can see that there's a hem and it's slightly open okay that is an important detail when we go ahead and tuck this in here we're gonna make sure that this guy tucks into that J channel and we're gonna make sure that this is tucked over top of that so what I like to do you like to fish this in and then as I bring it in making sure this is overlapping this and then this is where the important part comes Greg making sure that this hem is opened enough to grab this piece of trim and it slides right in make sure you like where it's at [Music] obviously you can always use nails or screws if you want to use like a nice little flat headed screw but you'll see here we're gonna wait for that train to go by so remember I told you to run this dimension 1/8 inch longer now you can kind of see why this little bit of a tip is just running past now what I like to do is I like to grab I'm actually gonna use greens coming this way and I like to take it and just barely I'm just gonna keep it there cut that off now what that did was first off I made a nice clean cut exactly where it's supposed to be versus measuring it out and hoping that it lines up perfectly but also it's cinched it tight by cutting it it squeezed the metal together and it's gonna keep this nice and clean now the other thing is the reason I don't run this mitre exactly to the point because it just doesn't give it as good of a finish so so hopefully that little tip might help you guys but I know the biggest thing the biggest question is what we do with the top trim and do we do it do we install it before our steel or after our steel so let's talk about that detail now that we've got the steel up to the window it's time to put the steel around the window so our first piece we're gonna measure it and we're gonna measure it into the J channel from the sides at the bottom and then we'll also measure to the top of that gin channel which I've got all my measurements broke down so now we'll go over to the piece of steel so what we've done is marked out the sheet with the measurements we put some lines on it and the thing to note is that to be tight to the top of my window here it was 43 and 3/4 but I went just a little bit higher and you'll see why when I get this all cut out [Music] now if you guys watch the tools de video on how to cut metal I'll go ahead and I'll pack it right up here you would know that we use the nibblers to go over the ribs but when it's time to cut the flats out our go-to is usually the double cut shear we're gonna head a another layer of protection here we'll throw another nice bead of silicone in here we'll wrap that around now the important part here so that's one side I will do the exact same thing to the other side and then I will show you how to put that top j-channel in for us it's important to run the steel first j-channel later okay so once you've got the steel up over the window you're gonna leave everything up top fairly loose and I've got a piece of jade trim cut from that edge of the cutout to that edge of the cutout and all I did was I just stuck my piece of jade channel up here went from this side or this side and cut it now what you'll notice is I've got this cut off here so it's not straight all the way to the point he's gonna pull that out a little bit work it and that'll go in there now the important thing is to notice this right here so if I pull this trim out so there you go hopefully you can see that now remember I told you to cut that just a little bit higher at the top of the window that is so this J channel is tucked up in there so any water that comes down is gonna go into the J channel and then it's gonna go out and it's gonna come down here now the next thing you can do is you can put just a slight little bead of caulk right in here stopping any of this water from wrapping around but remember we've also got this back here both underneath the trim and over top of the trim underneath the steel and all that water is going to go down and it's going to go up over your base trim so the last thing I will do is I will go ahead and I'll screw all this off I'll get it all nice and tight the other thing is that you want to make sure that you do this in a timely fashion because you just put a bunch of silicone underneath all these trims and steel and you want to get it all done and fashioned before that has a time to harden or cure so as you go put that top trim in to make sure it's all good once I get that trim in there you can see those screws right across the top I just do it on the corresponding side of the rib where the rest of my punch holes are so it looks all nice so there you go now you have a nice J channel trimmed window and should be nice and watertight I'm sure there are many more ways to do it and that's the beauty if you're not learning you're dying so if you guys have a great way to flash out a window you know let me know linka linka video if there's a better video somewhere I'd love to learn myself this is how we have done it for the last five or six years and always trying to think of a newer better way to do it so I appreciate it if you guys enjoyed this video hit that thumbs up make sure you subscribe for more tips and tricks in the future and if you haven't already go check out either my tools day video or go check out the latest build series video so thanks a lot guys and have a great day and always guys if you know somebody that could use these tip tricks make sure you're sharing this channel I greatly appreciates the support that's basically the reason this is all being done is to hopefully elevate the standards maybe educate some people on post frame and how it is done across the world more in particularly the Midwest and in Northern Illinois this is how we do it so I love hearing from all you guys down in the comments and definitely hit that thumbs up if you're liking the content thanks guys
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 647,076
Rating: 4.9408259 out of 5
Keywords: window, trim, steel, metal, j channel, water proof, protection, leak proof, carpentry, windows, post frame, how to, diy, replace, repair, remodel
Id: fMdFeDS6t6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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