How To Install a Window with a Nailing Flange

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hi I'm Shannon from house improvements comm and today I'm just going to show you how to install a vinyl window that has a nailing pin on the edge so by a nailing fin I've got the window leaning down here by a nailing fin what I'm talking about is this this piece of plastic along the back and it has these little holes in it or slots in it that's where the nails are actually fastened it'll hold this window in place this is slightly different than all the other windows that I've shown in other videos so I thought it would be worth showing you this one as well just because the membrane that I use is done in a little different fashion for this so so what we've got is we've got our we've got our rough opening here you might have seen us do this in another video as well but so we've got the opening we're going to be using a membrane around the exterior for water infiltration purposes to prevent it and these these corners as well on the inside so to start out with I'm gonna install these corners and basically what these are is they just sit down in the two bottom corners like this just to help out with some extra protection just because those corners are the ones that are hardest to do and get properly sealed with the membrane so I'm gonna just apply a small bead of silicone here in the corner just to kind of help stick them on and I should have cut these to the depth they're made to fit a varying amount a different sized window opening so I'm just gonna cut that quickly I can so it can just be slightly short of the actual thickness of the wall so I'm cutting up maybe an eighth of an inch shorter than it then the full thickness I'll just just push it right into that bead of silicone trim this one as well you just made out of some type of kind of light plastic so they're fairly easy to work with and cut so I pushed that into the plastic just give it a couple little staples to hold it in place like so now on the other videos I also talked about you know trying to slope this bottom sill of the window opening just slightly I'm exaggerating with my hand but you you want to get some slope on it so if you any water does get inside the window opening and comes down to the bottom it'll at least have a chance to drain out if you have that bottom sill slate a slightly sloped so it doesn't take very much less than an eighth of an inch will at least get you some slope on there now the other thing we need to do with the member membrane that I'm using we need to prime the the wood that it's going to stick to so I'm just gonna run some primer around to start with I'll give it a chance to set up so again depending on the primer or the product you're using just read on the manufacturers recommended instructions whether it needs any kind of primer or not and in this case we're gonna also the membrane is going to roll into the bottom and slightly up the side so we'll prime those as well lots of little strings okay so that can set up a bit while I'm talking okay so we've got the primer on there I've pre-cut my pieces of membrane we always want to start at the bottom and work our way up so that the the subsequent layers of membrane are overlapping the one below it to help shed water better I've also cut this this old paper we're gonna be reciting this house and house wrapping it at some point so we don't want that old paper under there if you had the hosts wrap already on home you would just cut it about an inch and a half outside of the opening so you know not flush here but to the outside all the way around and leave it on there up to this point then these would get installed so you could either have your house trap already in place or be viewing it just like I am right now now we've got this first piece of membrane I've cut it about three actually six inches longer than what the actual opening is and they generally just have a peel way back on them and if I didn't mention before this membrane is again to help if you get water in behind the window just helps to keep the wood from rotting so we're gonna peel the back off and this first one I'm gonna put I can get all the back off I can roll that up and get it off after this first one we're gonna put basically flush along the bottom edge of the window opening and hanging past those few inches each way which is usually three so just line it up there where you want press it into your primer paper cut away okay so just press that right onto the wood get it stuck on there really well just like so now we have a second piece that's going to overlap on to that and before I peel the back off we'll just show you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna overlap down on to there by about an inch and a half onto this one that we just did I'm going to put it right across the opening like this then I'm gonna cut down on each side just to the bottom of those corner panels I put in and I'll fold this inside area in so that'll protect the bottom sill there that is just wood okay so here's our second piece and like I said I'm just trying to go down about an inch and a half I think I'm closer to an inch but that'll be alright I'm just sticking that on and up the wall like that okay and just press it in there firmly I'm gonna make the cut right here right down to the bottom right down to the bottom take this flap fold it in kind of stretch it into the opening just like that so you can see we've we basically made this nice membrane rubberized area where if water got back here it can't sit here and rot the wood and you can see why we are using these pant these corner protectors because they just run up a couple more inches up the side so it can't water can't run around this membrane that we just put in and still get behind it because the membrane stuck to that plastic as well okay I'm just making sure it's all stuck on there well I've seen some guys even take a like a rubber roller for laminate and that sort of thing and actually roll that right on but usually with the primer sticks really well okay so we've got that all on there now the next thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna install the window so remember this one has the nailing flange and my steps might be a little different now doing this one as compared to some of the other videos that you've watched me do with other styles of windows so before I do the window I also I always put a bead of silicone just going back to the part where I talked about cutting the house wrap back from the opening that's something I do on a lot of other people's videos you'll see them recommend bringing that house trap right into the opening I kind of gone away from that my my worry with that is if you get moisture behind that that house wrap it can just follow that follow in behind all the way around and it's in your opening there's nothing there to protect it so what I like to do is cut it short of the opening and I put a bead of silicone around the opening before I stick the window in that way if any moisture gets behind that host wrap it can actually get past that silicone and get in here if your window sweats or anything inside the frame then that's what your membrane here is trying to protect so so we're gonna put this betta silicone around again we're just trying to do everything we can to make sure we're doing what we can to keep the water out so I'm putting a generous bead of silicone across the top down the sides staying in a boat I don't know three quarters of an inch or so from the edge of the opening just like so now when I get to the point where I want to go across the bottom I'm actually gonna leave a couple of areas with no silicon and that is so that because of we've got this bottom sill slightly tilted if any water does get in there and is trying to get out the spaces in the silicon will leave a couple spots for it to actually find its way out if it needs to okay and I even kind of start my silicon high and even slope my silicon so if water's in those sides and it runs to the outside edge it still finds its way down to there to the spots I left out the same thing with this just try to slightly get a bit of a slope where I've got a high spot in the middle and the water can drain down I don't know if it's necessary but it seems to make sense to me to try to direct that water as best we can okay so I've got that there now what I also do is you want to check your bottom sill and you can could have done this before I did any of this just to check for level and then I like to place a block this block is what the window will sit on and it gives a little bit of space for the for the insulation as well and if I get the blocks cut to the right size or shims whatever you want to use so that when the levels on there they're level when I set the window on it should be level as well okay so I just position those blocks where I want them I'm gonna put a little dab of silicone underneath them just to kind of help hold them in place like Seoul we've got the silicone all the way around the window other than our two drains on the bottom so now we can set our window in on into place okay so you just want to be careful that you don't slide those blocks in and they fall out when you're doing that something else I should have mentioned is it's a good idea to drive fit the window before you did all the silicone and everything just in case there's some kind of problem with the you know with the opening size then if you just have somebody go in and look on the inside they can tell you whether the gaps are equal from side to side and even top to bottom but side to side or Center it up to wherever you need to be in your opening and okay so I've got to go just a little bit that way how's that pretty happy okay there you go we should be good okay okay so I've got it centered in the opening where I want it I'm just double-checking with the level that the windows level looks pretty good so with the nailing flange like I said it gets fastened through these holes in that flange along the side and we're gonna use a flat headed shingle nail to do that so put your nail in the center of the hole and place your nail in now we've got one in there we'll just double check looks like I just need to slightly lift this one side here so I'll do that and then I can adjust that inside with the shim to give it a little bit of support just gonna double-check that again yeah that's better okay so then just have a look make sure that everything looks good I'm just gonna have another quick look inside make sure it didn't move no it looks pretty good there so then you want to just go around you want to put a nail in every hole or every second hole even usually is good and that just pushes the window right back into that bead of silicone that I already put on there and makes that first initial seal there I guess another thing you want to make sure you do this window here has little greens on the outside these little vent kind of window dealies make sure that should be your bottom of your window that's to allow any moisture that's inside the frame to come out so just be sure your orientating your window the right way as well so so I'm going to go ahead and nail the window off and then we'll talk about how to finish the membrane okay so we have that all nailed in and now we're gonna put the side pieces of membrane on and they'll stick fine on the on the vinyl there so there's no need to prime the vinyl we're gonna pull this off now this is where it kind of differs from the other videos you've seen where I use this product we're gonna actually overlap the membrane right on to this lip where we put the nail so it covers the nails and it covers this seam that's back here as well so it's an extra barrier protection even though we do have the silicone back there and then it's gonna start from up here somewhere a couple inches above the window and come down and overlap now a couple inches on to the other membrane that I already installed having a bit of a time with this backing not wanting to come off Wheatly see if we can rectify that here we go that's better so like I said I want to overlap on to the vinyl window as well as on to the wood wall on this particular window there's a bit of a kind of a bit of a lip here on that flange so I'm just kind of lining my self up with that it's given me a good 3/4 or seven eighths of an inch surface on to the window edge pressing that into that primer that we applied just like the sole okay so we've got that now over on this side I did this one off-camera I don't have the old siding quite cut back far enough so I stuck it on to the three inches of plywood that is beside this window to start with and just kind of folded it out of the way I'm gonna have to cut that siding at a later point to get us some clearance there stick that rate down so I've got that one all pressed in this window you might have noticed as well come back to this side where you can see this window also has a built in J channel around it so there is a groove here or an inch deep for your siding so this in this particular window has that feature as well so now we do the head lap very last now if we had house wrap we would have had the had a flap cut here and held up out of the way to this point so now we would pull that flap down you can see that on the other video put a couple staples in it so that it's down here and then this would overlap onto the host wrap and onto the window and onto the wood so the important part is that you do this this one last so it slap properly and we don't have any issues okay so I peeled the backing off same thing up here I want to get stuck on to that edge there of the window and overlapped onto the side pieces of membrane that we've already put on just like that pressing it on firmly and then read up on to the wall a little bit cold here today so it's not sticking a hundred percent in a couple spots but I think if I come back with a heat gun and just gave a little bit of heat it it'll stick right on there it's nice on the edges though that's really the important thing okay so we've got that there so that's the main differences with installing this type of membrane and you'll notice that I didn't put one on the bottom and again that is so that the water or the any moisture could drain out of those couple slots that we left the walls still protected the woods protected there will would be a house wrap on here as well when I do my house wrap at this point on this type of renovation I'm going to be doing it afterwards so the host wrap will overlap onto here and get taped onto here as well not the most ideal situation you're better off to have your house wrap on first and the membrane overlap onto the host wrap but sometimes you can't make it work out that way okay so I left the membrane off the bottom talked about that we've got the window secured I guess the other thing to mention with this type of window with the J channel already installed because you could have one with a nailing flange without the J just so we're clear on that this one does have the J so I'm making sure that this membrane isn't stuck so far back in there that it might show once the sidings done you know if I seal it right back in there you might actually see some of that red showing through one even when the sidings in so we stayed out we're still getting a good laugh onto the window and everything should be good so I don't think there's anything much else to show you on that particular type of install no I think I think I've covered it all so I think we'll wrap up with that like I've been mentioning all along we've got other lots of other videos on YouTube on our YouTube channel that you can check out on windows on all kinds of different DIY type projects so go and have a look at all those we also have the website at improvements calm on there we have articles we have links to the videos as well we also have the forum on there which has been very popular so if you have any questions or problems or maybe you just want to come on there and help some other people out with their problems go ahead and check it out see what's going on on there every day and maybe maybe I'll be talking to you somewhere down the road on the forum so but anyways thanks for watching and tune in next time and see what else we have for you
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 1,620,316
Rating: 4.7850871 out of 5
Keywords: window, install, nail, nailing, flange, fin, exterior, Construction, Installation, glass, vinyl, replacement
Id: YttTTi-hNZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2014
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