ALTTPR Lockout Bingo Tournament!! Bracket Round vs P-Train - GAME 3

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do [Music] that all right defeat a dead Rock again reveal a hidden cave in both worlds pay for hint 11 hearts or red male three crystals the shovel again take three blue ball hits six big chest light roll chest games buy an item in both in the shop overall drop downs consume an apple again I like the consum an apple opening I get I get to the items way [Music] quicker have a drink freeze and burn the same enemy defeat an Agony and take so taking hits from AGM and defeating an AGM both are a goal so that's nice [Music] uh I don't know if they've been recording these or not honestly so yep game three [Music] baby con [Music] [Music] Zoom oh there must be a different consuming apple ELO I thought that was the only apple tree or I got crazy smoked but I don't think that's possible there must be another uh apple tree somewhere yo 15 rupees let's go Cheapo [Music] hints um all right well this is kind of weird I don't know what to do now I don't have the money to do the chest [Music] games [Music] you need what 70 I think to do the chest [Music] games so I'll do cwell and I'll go down to the lower one okay that's one [Music] compass [Music] it's a map and a desert G [Music] okay Pokemon soundtrack's real [Music] good all right um yeah this is [Music] [Music] bad okay I just need to fall down uncle and hulahan oh man if we don't get to this one it's going to be very not [Music] good [Music] I don't even know if I should get this money we'll grab [Music] some [Music] [Music] I have three bombs and no [Music] weapon six bombs okay so I can do the front of Escape here o okay [Music] b [Music] b [Music] okay so I didn't do chicken Huts or race game got two my bombs back that's a [Music] BL how you doing gamer [Music] okay that's good I didn't think I was going to be able to get to that one in time that's fine uh I'm going to bail on dark cross for now I just don't have good enough weapons or health oh my [Music] god let's go from class nice [Music] [Music] okay oh man well so that puts that Pearl in logic but I also wouldn't have felt comfortable going all the way through uh with my current equips so I'm actually okay with bailing on dark cross cuz obviously if we don't have a glove early I'm going to go all the way through and see what [Music] happens all what do we got money don't [Music] care what the [ __ ] my man's got red mail [Music] already [Music] oh my [Music] God there's my glove unless he's got 11 Hearts already okay Compass number [Music] two all right we're a hammer away from Dark World access so I should go buy something from a light World shop soon or I just need to make sure I do that before I go to the Dark [Music] Worlds I don't remember if lift up a [Music] rock in both yes that on that's actually really [Music] nice I almost have zor money is that on [Music] here oh there's [Music] 300 three crystals bring a follower blah blah [Music] blah rock big [Music] okay yes buying Zora item is [Music] here being 75 rupe short faora item feels kind of [Music] bad unless [Music] [Music] [Music] a so I bought a hint from one NPC okay there's my light World shop purchase I've revealed a cave in the light world as [Music] [Music] well oh my [Music] God Turtle Rock is the green pend okay map number two swamp big Compass number [Music] three I'm feeling the Eastern early this seed [Music] ouch come on five Maps or compasses even on here no no it's not [Music] okay yeah hammer or glove in here would be super sick and I would just immediately leave to go do Dark World [Music] stuff [Music] sank heart no Eastern big okay hopefully zor is not that [Music] item [Music] okay I'll take that um if I can get into desert I can kill a red igore that's a really nice [Music] bow I don't really want to do this backwards pod small there's one of the male upgrades I'm going to try doing it [Music] [Music] backwards okay that end up being [Music] fine okay [Music] um getting a little worried about [Music] Zora all right well that explains [Music] [Music] it uh cuz I'm running out of items to do like item checks and if Zora is hammer or mits and he starts getting some of these dark World goals then I'm pretty [Music] [ __ ] not like GG it's over owned but I'd be in an extremely bad spot okay I didn't check race [Music] game [Music] [Music] um we have a ginaa left um [Music] [Music] this where the seed bleed is taking over um okay [Music] [Music] I have chicken hut that I [Music] skipped [Music] um race game that might be it which is not [Music] good [Music] that's not good he train has Dark World access okay so that's a compass which you don't need all right chicken hut it is not having bought something from a dark World shop is interesting though you might have forgotten which would be very good for me if that's the case cuz then I can pull that on my way to pod looks like we both might have skipped [Music] this is that a hammer no uh-oh um oh the merchant [Music] wow that's [ __ ] [Music] up okay uh man I don't know what P train is doing now okay there's the Boton item um [Music] [Music] I don't really know what the proper play is here well yeah with Ms that's pretty [Music] standard that's why I didn't bother grabbing a follower should have changed the [Music] MSU man all [Music] right I could have faked flipper to open up dark ice rod probably should have done that actually if he hasn't done that by the time I'm done in pod no okay he just did that cool cool cool [Music] cool [Music] um so I need a [Music] bottle [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] okay that's [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] w this is a crystal with Turtle Rock being a pendant it's also pretty unlikely that GT isn't going to be accessed the seed since Turtle Rock just needs a ton just clear all it's lock out bingo [Music] [Music] [Music] okay release a bee and a fairy okay that's something I can go take a drink [Music] soon I do have to release the fairy to not dying which is kind of [Music] important so I need to make sure I don't die in this room that's [Music] me ice small is that on here yes [Music] okay all right release a fe I can go buy uh a bee as well from the Curiosity [Music] shop so I'm going to do [Music] uh have a drink in the tavern [Music] it's the other bottle one right there [Music] okay so that'll get me two back at least [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to go straight to Meer area here [Music] cuz that'll let me kill the red [Music] igore once I uh buy this B and release [Music] it I wish I had a fire source that way I could beat desert but alas [Music] [Music] [Music] what okay we need Quake for [Music] Meer how do you defeat a dead Rock uh powder or Quake it and then kill the enemy that it turns [Music] into oh he just got the red igore okay well then I'm not going to the back of desert um all right so we're opening up desert big [Music] [Music] here [Music] okay [Music] yeah red igore [Music] specifically I can't I can't go up to herrow without a way to kill moldorm [Music] oh [Music] man skull with keys on here I know ice Keys is on here I don't think skull Keys is on here [Music] no okay so that's probably he might I'd assume he has a sword more than power or uh the bow maybe ice big okay that's five big keys that I [Music] have [Music] oh my God he ran so far to the right okay so now I'm going to go straight up the [Music] mountain [Music] God how many rounds would there need to be of this for the top player to always win I don't know what that means top randomizer player will never always win [Music] this it is literally impossible to always make the correct [Music] [Music] decision that's why competitive randomizer is so popular cuz it's not just the best people [Music] winning the best people win a lot but not [Music] always I also don't know if there's a best Bingo player Bingo is not very often done so that's even more variable [Music] I'd argue the best player won't always win in a best of seven I don't know like also like if you're talking about like two of two high level Runners going against each other it's generally like a 60 to 65% win rate [Music] w w so you'd have to do a pretty large sample size for like the best runner to come out on top wow that's gross all right we've opened up hair big yeah how a bunch of cheaters have gotten caught is actually like being too lucky over a large sample size there's been a couple cheaters that have been caught that way for like months of races have been analyzed and they made the correct decision an abnormal amount of [Music] times [Music] all right I'm definitely going to ice once I get a strong fire [Music] Source okay game three is not going too well [Music] I think we both last located dark world but I last located slower I lost out on a bunch of [Music] squares [Music] all right we have burn a floating skull right so I can definitely get into M I can maybe get into Turtle Rock so if we get a strong fire up here I can also do that uh that's the number of bingos which is irrelevant for this mode [Music] or this race format I should [Music] say okay another sword and Cape and I can do the agony ones oh man I really have no idea how I should play this in terms of aggression yes this version of Bingo is about being the first of 13 squares lockout means once one player gets a square the other player cannot get that square that is the wrong Rod yeah so it's not looking good for us we need to absolutely Beast the rest of this card which is going to be very difficult to [Music] [Music] do [Music] oh okay we need one more [Music] bottle oh pain got that square a while ago I can't get that [Music] one red male was super early um okay I need to buy a blue potion and I have the Turtle Rock I good go to laser [Music] BL [ __ ] I really want to go buy that buy that blue [Music] potion I need to go steal this small key this is the third we end up doing a triple header since game two didn't take very long [Music] [Music] is [Music] pokies without a good way to kill them is so bad man is going to be another big chest I can open up Meer big chest now as well and Ice uh no not ice yet just kidding uh can't do ice or swamp with the big keys that I have swamp I would need flippers ooh that's the last ice key that's huge so we can do all the ice fors [Music] [Music] um I don't know exist I haven't noticed it at all personally uh L game one one game [Music] two okay I have a bunch of [ __ ] I can do uh uh t uh t t train won 13 to 10 game one and then I won 13 to 7 game [Music] two all right so I can do both of the AG goals I have no idea how to prioritize what I'm doing here um I think I put off AGA for a little bit God [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm going to go buy a blue post ition first blue potion right [Music] yes all [Music] right still no fire source is crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] didn't give mushroom to the man I didn't want to is not my priority but also no help please nice oh man okay Meer big chest is getting opened here do I have a Meer small no yeah because of the lockout Bingo aspect I wanted to beine the goals and not do anything in [Music] between freeze and burn the same enemy is not good [Music] [Music] okay I just got to hope that he did that before Turtle Rock if he's like in ice palace or something or if he like hasn't done Turtle Rock at all [Music] um [Music] [Music] we can't burn this skull [Music] yet surprised he hasn't burned a skull if he has the burn [Music] ability and music is very good come on bro a why am I going this way Pokemon music always goes hard I guess going hard is different than being good but yeah this this OSD does go pretty hard man there was Jack [ __ ] in here uh I think I'm going to [Music] leave that we did Bagel Bites [Music] what was tonight some sort of chicken I don't remember what that entailed chicken was like four [Music] bites [Music] okay um I am G I'm almost positive that P train does not have the both ice Smalls cuz one of them was in like [ __ ] mold or uh mimic cave right I'm going to go straight to burning SK I think this goal might make or break how this ends up going I don't know if I'll be able to overcome 11 to five I do need to be a little careful with my I I have potions so I can get around my [Music] magic [Music] and do I beat this B this boss [Music] now come on Burn cuz now I'm kind of playing [Music] crystals I need to note that fire Meer is still alive I can't do [Music] it [Music] what still can't be desert I can beat ice um I need to hit this I can always use my red and blue [Music] potion uh this is lockout so first person to [Music] 13s o [Music] okay all right so he's got a bug net oh [ __ ] do I YOLO dark AA so that he can't assuming he doesn't have I think I YOLO dark AA uh where's my map tracker here it is because I'm like almost 100% positive he doesn't have all the ice palace Smalls and being at 11 he might YOLO agga because it's two [Music] goals I just need to hope that I YOLO better only that was actually faster whatever this also might not be what P train does I don't know how comfortable he is with fully dark AGA he knows that I did the last seene [Music] [Music] yeah that was good we're going to bombos here just to be safe I should be in like the top left area okay with samario we can set that up really [Music] [Music] easily oh my God come [Music] on okay I need to take three blue ball hits meaning I literally need to take damage from [Music] her and then we're going straight to ice palace from here maxing capacity is really weird I literally I don't have the money to do that right [Music] [Music] now all right so we need to stand far enough away where I can react to not hitting a blue ball [Music] back [ __ ] all right here's what I'm going to [Music] do okay that's three I also need to make sure I get four I I get three blue balls right this is guaranteed four okay that's one blue ball [Music] ow that's five okay no more hits just throw blue balls at me [Music] this was a two blue ball [Music] fight I've only been hit by one of [Music] them come on hey yo there's two come on come on come on come on come on come [Music] on come [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] h all right this will be big chest number five as well opening Ice Palace [ __ ] on [Music] flippers where's the ice palace right there okay uh if we get a [ __ ] ton of money here I need 700 Rupees to Max Capacity uh I do that after [Music] this how sweaty is this oh it's so sweaty Bingo is insanely sweaty ouch what am I doing uh all right I need to open up all of the small key doors in [Music] here we do a weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] route three crystals thieves big okay so that's big chest number six for me once I go open it okay so we need to go this way yeah ideally he was climbing aat tower the same time I was and I just beat him to both how are the pegs oriented they're down okay good need to unlock that door I need to grab this small [Music] [Music] key [Music] okay we fall down here opening up all the the smalls in here is really it's just weird yeah that bomb strat's really [Music] cool all right two more doors to unlock [Music] okay we don't have to grab the small key that's in that room yet uh we can grab it on the way to the [Music] basement all right well there wasn't that much money in here [Music] so all right this is big chest number five that I've [Music] opened and I have to go grab the last small key right here what a weird route one more door oh I don't uh that's enough magic fine we can [Music] bombos all right and then thieves toown big chest is next for that potentially my third crystal as well come on there we go I mixed those two up in my [Music] head yes this is fast [Music] R okay so we're still missing the shovel I still have a [ __ ] fire source which is [Music] insane okay these two are next dude if I tie this up I was down what 4 to 11 4 to [Music] 10 three to [Music] nine all right time to cook the real scary thing right now is the bomb and arrow capacity cuz I just don't have the money for it and that's something that petring can do at literally any [Music] time it's 700 rupees that I need so 1 300 in a chest is good there is one 300 on Lake Kia Island but I would have to I could do that after this uh I would have to water walk to halia Islands right but money's [Music] farmable so like once he saw I was was starting to get squares he could have just gone and farm money just to guarantee he gets that square before I do there's the bug [Music] man why am I going up here because this could also be the third [Music] crystal [Music] I mean there's other ways to farm money that aren't the 999 or the 99 archery game I think I will do that after this actually if I end up getting both of these square if this is a crystal which I don't know if this is a crystal and I get three crystals and six big chests here I'm going to water walked at 300 rupees oh he got three crystals that sucks okay well then I don't give a [ __ ] about this anymore uh well eh we're still missing shovel oh no dude I got I have to leave and I have to go buy capacity cuz he can just buy that and win I have to leave um yeah we're in a not getting both of those put us in a really bad spot so I just have to race him to capacity fairy basically and hope he doesn't have the money right now oh [ __ ] [Music] and then it's like pullad and find the shovel or or get GT big [Music] chest I need to make sure I don't Bonk or take damage [Music] oh that doesn't okay that's [Music] fine uh uh uh fake flipper you idiot sh [Music] [ __ ] [Music] one oh we just had to buy it six time seven [Music] times Mon Mon Mon I'm so nervous dude come on three more hi Juno dad dad's yelling one come on come on come on come on come on come [Music] on okay we sniped it it's fine I don't give a [ __ ] all right we need a shovel [Music] oh not entirely I had to bail on the thieves toown Maiden there which is really bad if that's a [Music] crystal but it's not over and if I taking the maiden it probably would have been [Music] over [Music] oh uh swamp is a pendant okay so that's my last pendant everything else is a crystal yeah I've been in pod a long time ago so flippers and fire rod and hook shot are required for pedestal I think because I I left the maiden in the cell I'm going to be it's going to be really rough for me to pull uh GT big chest cuz I'm going to have to go I'm going to lose a lot of time just having to go get the maiden again so I think I need pedestal to be what ends up happening okay that's step one that's step one we also need the shovel to not be in GT because I'm so down bad on [Music] crystals [Music] and yeah it's literally just find find shovel is all P train needs which could be literally anywhere feels V8 man yeah how do I not have a fire Source still I think I hammered them all otherwise I would have taken damage there [Music] nope [Music] [Music] oh I have one more check to do in here oh God I'm still missing Eastern big as well for crystals so we're not necessarily out of it if Shuffle in GT Shuffle could be on pad we don't know [Music] I haven't been into Skull Woods at [Music] all um do I play [ __ ] P wait wait wait a second we play we play Turtle Rock we play Turtle Rock hope we get flippers behind the fire rod and then we pull p and [ __ ] win [Music] okay fire Rod was behind six pod Smalls in in the most skipped chest in Palace of [Music] Darkness dude my first fire Source at 116 is insane there's a shot if this leads to Flippers and shovel is in swamp we have a shot I still think if shovels in GT I'm really hard press to win but there's a lot of game [Music] [Music] left if I find shovel in here like if I find it right here I probably have to beine [Music] it which is fine because I can just mirror and shove I guess no shovel that's fine the swamp's small I I needed that too I didn't even [ __ ] know all right that being behind fire Rod could potentially be huge [Music] all right hold on all we need is flippers flippers can't be in GT because ice is a crystal so flippers have to be there somewhere um let him cook do I have a fourth small no okay so I need to go straight to the back lava chest be [Music] [Music] danged am I about to o4 this you're coming back from down 3 and lock out would be that pretty [Music] much I'm so sad about that this music is so intense for the cooking [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e m oh okay that's fine we needed this [Music] pendant um I'm going to do ether [Music] tablets I do Spike cave here probably I don't have a hair small for the basement yes it's always seven crystals for GT yo what's up [Music] Spike too sweaty to [Music] queef where am I going this [Music] way I think I need more sweat I need to tie this up at 12 then I'd be [Music] [Music] queefing okay I'm going to play Green pendant and then I'm going to go straight straight to the back is full wood all I need the flipper if I find the flippers first I could win this [Music] game heck you let me run fast you [ __ ] [ __ ] post AA Eastern Area sucks [Music] [ __ ] flippers could also just be in the front of Skull Woods I haven't touched any of it there's still uh Smith chain left side Meer would be really bad um I got to do all of Skull Woods yeah Locka Bingo is I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it like I think if there were more goals and like slightly different settings it would be more fun for me personally uh like having the correct goals for lockout is extremely [Music] important wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait I need three things one small magic come on come on heart [Applause] ah I need the flippers neighbor about to text me like what the [ __ ] is going on over there shut the [ __ ] up our babies [Music] crying wear [Music] flippers don't day flippers oh my God he's sweating buckets now [Music] [Applause] [Music] dude [Music] [Music] dude I am absolutely going to need a shower after this [Music] ah where the [ __ ] are the [Music] flippers I just need flippers so I can get into swamp and beat [Music] it I I really don't want this to come down to uh going into GT because I'm going to most certainly be behind for that so and flippers can't be in GT so that works the shovel not being in GT is the only way that I have a chance to win this and it was just in the front of [ __ ] Skull Woods holy [Music] [ __ ] yeah with ice being a crystal flips can't be in GT um I have [Music] um [Music] [ __ ] um we have left side Meer I have a bunch of mirror stuff to do uh I'm going to go do graveyard ledge bumper ledge um I can check Lumberjack I guess I don't think I ever did um at this point it it I just need to do [Music] checks I could I could Che Shuffle uh flippers can't be pedestal no I don't care about small keys not right now anyways um the only useful one is what Hera [Music] I think I did check that that looks familiar to me that would have been faster to grab than water [Music] walking oh man all right yeah I don't I don't really care about small keys no I think last seed it was a hard container so I definitely looked at that at some point this seed but seed bleed definitely helped in me not remembering if I look that is or not all right fire me I have k45 Smith [Music] chain do I have the good Crystal no I don't know what the other good crystal [Music] is I could go beat desert I could do right side desert [ __ ] there's so there's so many options Gamers there's so many options bombos I'm going to go do shovel actually let's do [Music] [Music] shovel I don't think I've actually done any of South Dark World I did High cave and went straight to ice palace cuz it had [Music] bombos well P train might have flippers there's no guarantee he doesn't but swamp small key is in a really [ __ ] spot so you need that to beat swamp too and the hook shots also in pot big chest uh is GT big locked to GT in this mode I don't remember either way I'm hoping it doesn't come down to GT Well it can't it can't flippers can't be in GT uh but like he could pull GT big chest for sure it really depends on where this Eastern big is cuz that's I still can't beat that Crystal at all come on [Music] flippers [ __ ] h no it's seven yeah I don't remember if GT big is in GT or not [Music] w uh mode definitions this fad keys on here it is yes GT big key is in GT GT big key is in GT always and agat Tower keys are always in agat to oh holy [ __ ] dude I'm [ __ ] sweating so right now Eastern big is the only thing I'm missing for uh GT [Music] entrance [Music] I'm going to check bombos [Music] [Music] tablet [Music] Zora area is still available or like Zora specifically is still available [Music] um [Music] bat oh my God [Music] okay flippers got to turn up [Music] baby [Music] I never did sick kid holy [ __ ] the the bleed is so bad on this one doing three relatively normal setting seeds for me back to back to back this is getting real fuzzy [Music] okay we're going to do Smith chain here plus Hammer pegs plus magic bat go go go go [Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] where's my hais small yes I'm having a lot of fun these races being close is a ton of fun it's also fun when you're on the good end of a blowout being on the wrong end of a blowout is very not fun [ __ ] all right Harris small being on bumper is a possibility fire me is still possible [Music] come [Music] on that puts fire Meer in logic all three Smalls [Music] I should have fluted what am I doing I can't believe let him going back into [ __ ] Meer bro actually first let me let me check s real quick I have all four bottles to fully heal him he is [Music] now the key master all [Music] right am I the key master no I'm still missing a pod small a haris small a turtle Rock small and maybe a GT small I should have two trackers open that are both Auto tracking and just have the small one visible to you guys so it fits on the stream better dude I can't believe this race is still going where flippers TR small locks lava chest and a TRX technically today um [Music] four wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait get out but [ __ ] I don't want to save and quit to the pyramid wait wait wait wait wait all I need to do all I need to do all I need to do is beat Argus and then beat him to the [ __ ] pedestal holy [ __ ] oh or I need to beat him to GT big chest I don't know what I don't know what P Train's doing on his end I need to focus I need to calm down I need to focus I need to execute my balls off starting with the Annie fairy [Music] skip that's fine all right this is fine we got this we got [Music] this don't need that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [Music] chest o we didn't take damage from that water bug [Music] easy 20 second time [Music] save yeah this is this is too chill bring back the turtle rock [Music] music [Music] [Music] huh [Music] okay okay uh it's allowed in everything unless specified [Music] otherwise all right come on pedestal pedestal pedestal holy [ __ ] dude if I get sniped I'm literally going to die if I get sniped I'm going to [ __ ] [Music] die come on come on come on come on come [Music] on ah my [Music] ass dude this sucks so much dick post AA kill [Music] oh my [Music] God I can't believe we came back oh my god [Music] oh holy [ __ ] [Music] oh
Channel: Andy Laso
Views: 6,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2-vrx0wx0jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 40sec (6280 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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