Pokemon Emerald Race BUT they Evolve every Level

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uh today we are doing a lot actually uh we're gonna start with a Pokemon Emerald but they evolve every level race against 360 chrism why so early because chrism is in Europe and uh I figured I'd I'd start my stream a little early to to because he he set this up uh he didn't make it but he figured all this stuff out so we're gonna start with that it's like this is really a lot for me um we're gonna start with an above every level race and uh honestly it's gonna be kind of a more casual race you know I've we did one in the past I won it uh but he's like an expert at these so I expect he'll probably win this one if we win it'll be a pleasant surprise uh but honestly I wouldn't be too broken up about it because the only streak I really care about is my map randomizer streak uh So speaking of that we are doing that today but after the Evolve every level race that we're doing with chrism we're gonna be really quickly doing a Pokemon emerald map randomizer co-op with chrism where we work together with chrism to beat one as quickly as possible and hopefully that takes exactly four hours to 1 pm where at 1 pm we will be racing bloody who has been practicing literally every day for the last two weeks to try and beat me in a Pokemon Heart Gold Map randomizer and Adrian has apparently created the most vile seed that the heart gold randomizer has ever seen [Music] but um we're gonna call so let's say hello hello oh hello hi how are you all right we're here we're ready let's do this let's do it this way I'm gonna actually open up live so people know how long we've been going because people always ask okay so how does this work again for the people that do not know on my side um wait one second okay so okay basically yeah we're gonna do an EVO every level raise we're gonna pick a starter and then we're gonna have to stick with that through the entire game whatever it evolves into we're gonna have to use so it's a solo and it's on Emerald exp Choice which is a mod that has every single Pokemon in it not just gen one through three it's gen one through eight actually okay and yeah I mean that's pretty much it right yeah um you can catch Pokemon to use a jumps oh yeah yeah and for the double battles how does that work oh yeah yeah so for the there's two Force double battles and for those you just use whatever you want as long as it's lower level than your main okay and generally like switching and healing is fine as long as you never attack with your main with your side without anything other than your main thread okay only attack with your main got it yeah so you can have like another Pokemon in battle and like I don't know if you like force to double switch or like throw a ball or something yeah yeah do that sometimes I gotcha okay that sounds good to me um again if we lose this I'm okay it's not my map randomizer let's go on new game okay oh and no speed up because this is already like speed up built in basically this is free choice yeah it's already fast all right so new game or do I need to change your options at all go hit preset uh cea wait do I need a new game or option which one uh new game new game okay and it's preset preset what uh cea cea okay yeah just hit hit a on that then set your name okay I'm gonna go we have enough time to set our name and everything okay okay my name is set yes how's the volume in the game chat uh and then we go on page three uh uh oh okay yeah I see it okay page three earn easy fall swipe off okay and Evo every level on Evo every level on gotcha that's it and then you hit start start game once and then that's where we start all right I'm ready all right uh Evo level in three two one go let's do this wait I actually press the speed up button right at the start it's okay I only if I win already if I win by a second then you can say I cheated okay okay oh it's so nice you can just hold down the button for text oh oh yeah just hold on yeah it's so convenient wait you start with running shoes too and the bike you start with the bike you can use the bike immediately does it map to select immediately no okay okay there's a done button what the heck does it done button in a sleeping bag the done button is for us if we want like after the race we can hit the done button and then there's like a bunch of stats in there like how many steps you've taken how many Bonks how many encounters is that right well that's cool all right let's leave the PC Items any good oh it's so amazing yeah it's gonna be so good wait well we have the same PC Items or are they going to be different I guess I'll find out no it's all gonna be the same okay absorb bulb oh classic everybody loves the absorb bulb yeah our CVS didn't match according to chat oh well that's too bad I mean if you will I think we're gonna have to restart though you think wait why yeah if we have different settings one of us messed up I mean I'm assuming it's me did I do everything that he said chat all right let's just reset let's do that actually reserves okay I'm fine resetting this is okay you were probably already at your starter I was already a Roxanne dude oh damn it of course you were all right all right uh uh new game preset is cea yeah my name is smance s m I'm Crim and T okay my setting is exp keep plotless keep Spinners keep page one page two Max Vision off early flying no oh page one says Spinners keep yeah no no Spinners Purge oh okay well that was the difference oh oh I see uh when you're when you're selecting the preset hit a oh oh okay yeah there you go ah okay and then we go on page three full swipe off Evo every level on I see that's what I did all right take two all right CVS zero ff69 DDF nice that sounds good then okay all right even in three two one go I'll say it again uh we're gonna have to poke every Pokemon evolves every level it's also modded that every Pokemon is even in the game so gen one through eight um we're only allowed to use our starter whatever that is and it's going to evolve every level two and Pokemon random moves items and abilities you don't need an emote only mode wait why first to be the champion literally doesn't matter for emot only mode you can take it off oh my God my my mods are so used to having Pokemon races with like map randomizers being an emote only because at least spoil stuff but I don't I don't really think that this can I don't really think this can affect if they tell me what his Pokemon evolves oh no that's fine yeah I'm gonna pick a different starter anyways you want to pick a different one again yeah I think so it worked out so well I mean as long as there's two good options well actually it doesn't really matter I know I know that's the one thing is uh in my video I was like oh my goodness I was so smart I did this thing and it actually just didn't matter I realized afterwards yeah it didn't matter but it was it made the story come yeah it made for a good narrative you know it's like man I suck at the game but I just got luckier because I made a different decision at the start but it actually didn't matter yeah even if we picked the same Pokemon they're gonna evolve into different things because it's based on trainer ID I think okay but my trainer idea is the same as yourself I can't remember how the start of this game goes but that's okay I forgot to map the bike this time I'm so dumb I did that last time this is even slower you're probably at the starter already I'm not holding back man yeah last time you felt like you were sandbagging that's what it felt like I felt pretty bad man no no no I was just like oh no I'm doing so bad ah and uh and you fell for it fell for it I I knew there were gonna be some strong Pokemon later on and and it was gonna be your downfall I I have a I have a rule the never sandbag okay I'm gonna pick uh probably this one then I think this this was pretty good right Chad I I don't really know new gens but I I'm pretty sure this one's decent oh yeah right don't they have random moves too yeah random moves and abilities okay my Giga Impact missed that was great uh we use the same starter yeah did you use your Greek impact as well by chance is that a legendary no I didn't I think so I'm not gonna nickname it Frick that no nicknames today you thought it was still the usual three starters no it's every I think the the items are random the move sets are random there's a whole bunch of stuff that's random yo and yeah we can't really catch anything is that a mythical Pokemon I don't know maybe might be oh another thing I don't know if you ever did that last time you there's catch XP oh so you can catch one to evolve instead of fighting yeah cool I picked the moderna yeah me too of course it was the only but only because only because I wanted to give my rival The Helio tile um I even think that's the only reason for startup choice in this yeah it's just this first fight and I lost like 15 minutes on the first fight last time so this is a much better start for me chat um it's a mythical not a legendary they're the same thing mythical legendary why why do we need to clear that up oh my God moderna yes they're not the same okay what's the difference they're both good Pokemon honestly why don't we just call every Pokemon with a base stat total of 600 and up legendary right they're basically all the same at a certain point every oh did they hit you with the it's actually mythical yeah oh my God mystery mythical is legendary but not every legendary is mythical what is comatose even I have no oh nice I think can't fall asleep interesting I don't know but it's just wasting like an extra text box at the beginning of every battle I don't like it slacking is now legendary I'll say it it is yeah it is legendary it's not strong just just skill swap it in a double battle you skill swap it twice it's crazy wait so what did we evolve into it'll be different so my uh my Salamence here you don't have assignments I didn't evolve yet oh you're not in the real one battle I'm evolving now let's see uh no I got a Wartortle you got the better okay I didn't actually evolve yet I was just I was just kind of just wow he always does this okay now I'm evolving it better be a Salamence don't make me lie Emerald don't make me lie foreign [Music] yeah this is about a physical special split I think so [Music] I'm pretty sure yeah does it have physical special split uh yeah that is so sick so many nice quality of life improvements here foreign [Music] 's not randomized on Evolution now doesn't happen in normal Pokemon but you do learn random moves at random levels is it what like when are moves learned how does that work like is it just like everybody in vanilla okay I see I see is this a mod no this is uh how Pokemon Emerald usually works bonus 42. so it's a common thing oh yeah I need to save right all right let's see what Wally catches better not be a rods oh man I've started a challenge and it's a Pokemon Ruby but I get the worst luck possible okay um and uh it's like an encounter every four steps um you know they always get a crit High Roll you always get a low roll if you can miss they miss oh my god um but uh the first Zigzagoon is shiny and Ross's Wally or Wally's rods is shiny so you have to try and kill the Zigzagoon at the start I also realized it's literally impossible to lose that first battle in in this the second one yeah they don't let you I didn't know that until last week runs if you lose oh I didn't know that yeah yeah I guess not [Music] do you have a Mew as well on your screen for yeah okay because it just keeps using like stat boosting items or Stat boosting moves and it's just taking so much time and while he's just taking this sweet time navigating this menu I think in vanilla Wally can actually he can kill him to the to the rods I think he can kill the rods because the world's only knows growl oh yeah does he attack twice uh I think he can get like a Hyrule crit on his with his Zigzagoon yeah double Hyrule I think Hyrule crit killed yeah all right let me let me remember where this beach item is [Music] um I'm not getting the beach item it's too much what time waste do pider heck is this we got the first plane for the plate Bingo guys let's go what happens to the story if he kills Ralts uh he acts as if he did get it yo Addie thank you so much for the raid my goodness thank you so much oh I had an optional oh no you got you hit an optional oh me too I hit them too he has a cricket tune for me oh I guess he probably is this oh no he's a Haxorus oh I learned raw of time I think I'll be fine didn't you already have Giga Impact the Roar of Time you're gonna well I got rid of him okay okay oh this should be easy okay maybe this was a really good trainer to hit yeah this seems like a lot of exp for me [Music] what the heck is solar blade chart oh it's physical yeah it's physical solo beam oh that's awful do you usually stream this early no but chrism it's it's uh it is the uh evening for chrism and I didn't want to keep him up too late so we started early and we're also doing a thing with bloody later all right I'm evolving I better get a Salamence at least one point in this race now I don't I don't want to be pinned as a liar I just want to be I want to be pinned as more of a uh oh he can tell the future rather than a liar you know that that's much better later on okay it's it's one of my favorite favorite lines a run super good it's a little scary but yeah but no no no no I just won't encounter a water or grass or fighting or fire or ground type all right okay maybe it is a little scary and flygons for the AJ death mad bro yeah yeah we're doing another one today or wait we're doing one today with Blake uh damn it someone has mud bomb I can't escape I died to a level six wild male tank oh no that hurts freaking mail tank where can you down this download this mod uh where is this mod you can just search up like speed Choice ex or something is that old Pokemon Emerald ex B Choice Pokemon Emerald ex B Choice there you go chat that's how you get it wait isn't every Pokemon like a Pidgey level to catch like it's easy to catch as a Pidgey actually no it's it's just guaranteed in this 100 oh okay well I guess I don't have to I'll buy one ball once foreign are you allowed to use Rebels oh that's so smart first time scene live welcome to the Stream yeah I just got a munium zchat wait there's no oh there's no story right oh yeah I guess I didn't I didn't mention that for the for the people watching we skip all the aqua and magma story so it's less battles overall which means we're gonna be lower level overall which makes it a little more difficult wait are all the the shops randomized as well like the March no they're not random okay okay you can use Z moves I think it's like mid game you get the z-ring right went with uh Steven he gives you the Zed ring Zed ring after twice thanks for the prime okay all right you speed up not allowed the game is already so fast because we get the bike and the text boxes are sped up it's honestly kind of just better speed up foreign [Music] no I would never no okay why would I skip it I mean it would be nice to have if I really needed it I did it and it I used both candies and I was still screwed yeah I think I got a little luggy because there's two rare candies right there's the uh the rare candy in the trick house and the rare candy and Lily Cove you said yeah yeah there's one in the lilyco center okay I'm not gonna skip kite but I might skip the trick house yeah I'm trying Roxanne without having caught anything else I'm not sure if this is going to go uh probably not you're already at Roxanne I see prism is German right is prism German are you Germany yes yep oh no Squad stream today oh I could invite him to a squat stream here one sec I'm gonna take the time loss add the channel 360 chrism I sent you a squad stream invite I hit accept on my dashboard I just opened another tab yeah except on the dashboard a lot of time doesn't open it doesn't work did it work uh nope no you might have to go into your like your your dashboard button thing and like actually open up the stuff and click on it it's awful sometimes it doesn't work foreign all right chat there you go you can see both perspectives now easy Tech Leon does that evolve from Evie uh yeah it's the normal type BB illusion yes how many badges are you both at it uh did you get the first batch no I just got killed by the the first again okay I think I'm gonna maybe beaten more trainers that's fair this is not exactly foreign [Music] are you level 10. I'm level 12 back 13. oh [Music] Torterra set up a sandstorm and everything right that makes sense I forgot foreign stats suck what the heck is a wishy-washy bro I don't know I got the first badge oh they ain't yeah I had an ice move Torterra is one of the best starters I think I think kurtwig best starter from Gen4 I'll say it that was my choice when I played Gen 4 for the first time yeah nice I think the first time I I picked I always picked like the the bipedal like I'm cool looking like Chimchar and uh Trico and Charmander and what else like I always pick those growing up and I as I've gotten older I've realized my mistake when do you fly in this one is it do you fly at the normal spot no you get to fly after the Rival fight uh before what is it Marvel that's where you fly good to know I watch your eats up eat someone's pet fish it was delicious I don't regret a thing swirlix now oh boy I mean isn't that like defensive I guess oh no but the Torterra has still be much out no I'm through Roxanne now but you're through Roxanne wait where are you that has a swirlix oh wait you have a sword I evolved into one oh never mind do you have to go through the cave uh yes you do okay wait not the north one go to the take the boat take the boat okay yeah yeah the boat cave that's what I mean fall Arbor cave this is still involved with an Everstone uh it'd be hard to get never Stone but I think it still evolves at least we cannot cancel Evolution yeah we can't cancel Evolution it's just not allowed if whatever evolves into you got to work with Chet yeah it's like impossible I don't think it's it's literally impossible you can't press B nothing happens I thought they were on the same speed why are we getting the do I have to get in the same Evolutions well all the trainers have the same Pokemon we have different ones that's the idea what are you sipping on coffee all right I'm picking up flash because I don't know this area well enough [Music] is it worth killing the wild Pokemon is the question I guess only if you don't like the Pokemon you have hmm right psychium Z psychic okay I picked up flash just to not use it never mind [Music] good I got so many Z crystals Zed crystals it's wild so many is every Pokemon of Pokemon have fast stat gain or fast exp what a category they're all on medium fast I think except legendaries okay good to know good to know yo I Got Dirt away the best Gen 4 starter I was just talking about him I did say I wanted this one well not in the race but like Fair oh my God I can't run another bad starter how is this happening I'm gonna kill it to get rid of perfectly sorry Chad is bro Roar of Time is special right uh uh yeah yes [Music] Beyond hard all right evolving in the cave let's see what's happening swirlix wasn't the greatest Pokemon card stuff is that right or is that a different person that is a similar name oh boy Halo oh I get the evolution of tortwig I just get to freeze dry everything it's great you know heart is a Pokemon TCG YouTuber yeah yeah wait it was El Lionheart maybe at least it's fast [Music] extra drill used to be one of my favorite Pokemons it's leonhardt uh okay okay this is very close sorry about that you only like it because it's op p uh I didn't know it was op I just thought it was cool and it killed everything um you know I didn't know it was that good I I didn't really what the heck I've never seen this Pokemon before I had had tena I don't think I've ever seen that I haven't played the recent chins I feel like doing a challenge run on the recent Jones would be kind of funny to watch because like I have no idea what I'm doing Jen I like genate except for the story but the story in Pokemon games is not really well you play them anyway yeah why don't you buy Rebels that's a good point I should wait do Rebels Auto renew in this and they open a text box oh that's so nice Okay I should definitely go for that did you do that I feel like you went for that repels yeah I didn't know usually repels are just slower with the when you have to like open up the menu every time it feels like but okay good to know uh he bought Rebels you'd probably sell for so that means you're probably in like Slateport by now then huh Maybe oh my God yeah yeah we're gonna lose this one you were ahead when you went into the cave actually yeah I know and then I had 17 encounters it's 18 sorry what happened yeah but you got a lot of XP right I haven't killed any of them oh well and I wiped it out well oh my bad my bad I'm gonna sit here for oh all right there we go I'm not adding a whiteout counter chat that's the only time it'll ever happen I white it out and I'm back in russboro now I'm not feeling bad for you why huh I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I mean that's terrible oh my oh my God [Music] oh it's whatever it's fine it's fine we'll be your way yeah you guys count I'll give you guys permission to come save oh but like before I finished all the progress it's fine as long as what's his face is still here imagine if he wasn't here and I just saw [ __ ] the game it's easy probably getting stuck on Fall Arbor lighting out isn't that like a way to to another thing hmm come on Mr Man yeah if I lose this race honestly that's the expected result I don't care as long as the trainer is impossible what there's a trainer that's impossible yeah with with Taylor it is I'm gonna have to evolve um I should buy I should buy potions for the Rival fight or try and sell some items no story is low level so you just fight everything and that could be an option okay now I need to figure out whatever you where that item is that you found here is this the auto Mewtwo Knight y yeah that's helpful I'm totally gonna use that ah sweetheart what does that even do did you just skip the second Gym yeah I freaked the second gym I don't need it nobody cares just gonna throw a ball at this honeyde XP kills 20. all right please be good I have an idea chat it might be a bad idea but it is an idea so it'd be better than Taylor wait you can't buy X items at this one my God can you buy super potion uh man Sun Curry I think it's better suncurn did you get a suncurn please tell me you got a sun cream no I got a was it Glameow um that's probably like exactly the same that's like that's like gen 4's [Music] they're the big difference orders now but we have slightly different look get this well at least it's not weak to Electric anymore race I'm sorry oh oh I don't think I can win that well maybe oh great damn [Music] oh rookson thanks for the raid we're racing welcome everybody jump off okay as long as Blaze get chaos shoot well we're not evolving now that sucks that's okay I healed at the Pokemon Center we're fine oh of course of course of course you win or you lose it paralyzed me with spark of course toxics no painful bunker for me thank you I don't even know what type this is water poison easy freeze dry you ever Crush double fully no I don't wait why did you delete triple fully apparently honest question quadruple fully paralyzed this is how I'll win no come on let me attack what is this fly I'm getting out of this drill bird it's special attack is awful five times in a row five okay wait what are the odds of that five five coin flips in a row that's it's not a coin flip it's one in four actually five times in a row oh oh that's like a one in a thousand laughs I feel like this is worse I I missed Place kick as well my God what is this my Pokemon has tried to learn sludge I believe three different times and I have a sludge wave already [Music] be paralyzed again fully paralyzed again all right that was a great fight my God I'm dead I'm just dead aren't I wait uh okay okay I now I just need to use the ice move this time because I'm not an idiot right now I have stab Roar of Time for one battle oh what is it wait what did you get my Brava please please I forgot to get cut I forgot to get cut we just can't get that rare candy now I forgot to get cut ice thank you so much Moon sub appreciate it I'll have to ask you the answers for the the Lily Go Quiz once we get there I'll have to come back later it's like question for babies I think you can do this question for babies is it is it like okay okay it's not like a random special thing you gotta know to be able to answer right no no no yeah I believe in you okay did you skip that last time too no that's ridiculous oh my God I can't believe it I didn't I didn't skip it literally no I didn't I I I'm pretty sure I asked I asked last time where the trainers okay did I do it yeah I did do it did you beat the Rival uh no I'm on the trainer before I just got a Snivy um yeah that's probably tough not sure if I should beat the Rival with that am I going to trick house to evolve yeah that's a good plan use that right candy early not use it early but damn it I tried I have a war total I don't know if it's enough we'll see ghost again [Music] does that have to be a solo run yeah bruxish I'm gonna evolve I'll race it I'm risking it ow I'm risking it we're going we're gonna do it London follow on YouTube Welcome to the Stream power again learning high jump kick hmm oh frick what do I what do I get rid of what do I get over chat please I'm learning Power Jam I don't know what I should destroy now that's a strong move damn probably yeah I think I'm getting rid of Blaze kick High crit ratio burn chance [Music] um please be good please be good this is important yeah I'll get rid of Blaze kick that's a cutie fly I took the risk of evolving before the Rival Battle and I got a cutie fly I got a Rattata okay well we're the same boat at least and okay we need to level up we just need to level up now I guess I guess I'm fighting another trainer first yeah same defense worse than tissue paper ah I don't even know what heat wave why didn't I teach Heatwave I kept sludge wave instead yeah that's weird keep a better wave oh I'm so stupid why didn't I teach that is cutie fly stats insane wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute a Q5 stats good it's just one shot everything you fly off good stats heck yeah okay so all I need is just him to be weak to yikes um okay freeze right no no no no no the sludge wave is better sludge wave is special uh is there a physical special spot yeah this is added to the physical special plate I missed high jump King yo I'm killing yourself isn't freeze dry special too yeah but we're gonna raise this at gdq yeah oh you are this this exact category pretty much yeah cool wait they're allowing modded stuff now because I knew they were like for whatever reason really against a modded stuff they just wanted they just want us to play on Console that's it oh really so you just need the little correct uh thing to put in the the especially I can never drive cartridge yeah ever drive yeah huh interesting it's kind of cool we're gonna do like Co-op well it's called Co-op because we're gonna do it's four four players and every time we evolve we switch seats like you switched oh seats yeah we're just gonna like rotate through the games and try to beat all of them [Music] could be a fun one down for that I don't think Nintendo's gonna shut them down for that no I don't think so because what does Nintendo shut down events for I mean that would kind of look really bad on Nintendo's part hey let's shut down this charity event that would be a good look [Music] okay oh my God rats can't beat anything cutie flight it's Evolution beat something work with that I'll work with that playing melee playing melee is it's honestly a good thing they shut those things down the world is better off without melee it's a joke chat that's a joke pyro ball it's better than Blaze geek bad take double that is very good yeah it's decent the joke is that I played Smash in the past okay canceled no no this is why you're trying to cancel me for saying a video game is bad just melee things [Music] he revives nope I'm resetting again oh okay yeah restart the whole run just get a better seat yeah just pick the other starter yeah yeah I unfollowed you because of that fair it's okay for melee to fade away Multiverse this is the true platform battery I have an idea platform fighter um who's everyone meaning in multiverses yeah I could use an X attack or something I don't know true I I forgot to buy them that was earlier on I actually pressed eight twice so mean look oh no I can't escape anymore Shaggy of course it's Shaggy okay okay I finally managed to make it through the Conch Elder to a heliolisk interesting why did you guys tell me to get rid of oh no John big blue Nathan the prime all right another Revolution after this second conch Elder you've got to be kidding me don't burn yeah I have to leave the trick house for now I can't beat the trainer in there either oh no it's okay it's okay special move user special move users special please be special or just like Mewtwo all right I actually managed to make it past the the Rival into a turkey League again okay third tweet again oh no he's supposed to rival already you look fresh and shaven yep like where's the only baby yeah I know the freaking like electric you know like I like I like to elegant there you go got it took me a few tries I I made it fly like a hundred base power in this or something 90 no wait whoa [Music] does that mean you're in Loop no no no they evolve at a different level every level you know what I need to get a I need to get a Pokemon I'm gonna take out the babies oh Brock's fish in the wild what type is this even water I think I think it's just water but ugly it's so tanky why didn't I throw a ball what am I doing it's water psychic what a nice large wave it's just better I'm a little scared of that level 20. can we be better than Rattata you can you can suncurn suncurn suncurn come on no uh it's she what is it uh shieldon like the baby yeah shield on isn't that so slow shield on yeah it's really really slow plus it's definitely a rock type against some uh it's definitely a rock type I guess two fighting types there's two concorders there I'll tell you that much foreign moves I won't I won't uh I don't know I have 42 attack on this Pokemon yeah it's not like stats of like a level eight well wait level eight yeah that's like a level eight Pokemon 42 level 8 uh mega Rayquaza oh pyro buffets I I missed uh what is it three out of five high jump cakes did you mess with my RNG or lunch I I had five pyro balls in a row so what is happening inaccurate I was Trucking balls at Wilds until I evolve again good plan why is it babies this is literally sabotage no I can't even run from the babies do you like riddles hey yeah Tyro that's gonna give so much xp guys yo I can't even one shot it I couldn't watch out a tie rod with high jump kick that's 130 base power wait high jump kick is that strong yeah it's 1 30. whoa they buffed it in recent gents yeah huh I mean I I can't afford I don't think I can afford ax items we'll sell stuff later on yo thanks Aggie all right all right all right [Music] oh there you go I'm gonna buy I'm gonna get a Pokemon for HMS because I need someone to learn rock smash wait do you need to teach your Pokemon HMS that's it I know that's a stupid question and then uh yeah you do okay okay because I know in some hacks I couldn't remember this one you don't need to [Music] it is a a normal run but they have a blue Sr thank you for the raid everybody's reading me today thank you so much thank you blue I hope blue stream went well we're doing an evolution every level map randomizer hope you like it hey level 21. all right you're set you're set you're good what is it I don't know yet it's a Viper there we go hey mine was a zaggers that made it through that's so fitting Rivals literally we have something it'll work it's it's enough right as long as the the controllers don't have like a physical psychic move cycle cut I don't care I'm one-shotting them yeah you think so all right actually no conquer door is pretty uh people key yeah he's a tough tough boy I'm gonna have to fight some gym trainers I think yeah I'm just gonna trust you and evolve again because the Viper isn't good enough uh you know yeah yeah you'll need more for sure like that sunburn is just waiting to get evolved into uh what was blue up to today what the heck is core Enforcer oh I have no idea is it good yep what do I get rid of Chad what do I get rid of I need to get this quick which one [Music] the crush a little darker damn power gem ice is so good okay I'm gonna get a power gym [Music] I need to I need to fight another battle I need to evolve this this clink is not gonna do enough pyro is so good though let's try it all right through rival yeah I forgot about PP I need to get through the entire Elite Four with one Pokemon PP are super important you made it through what the Rival okay okay oh you can you can use fly immediately by the way you don't need the badge oh very cool I need to grab those lights too slow bro that'll do yeah Slover is strong a little slow I'm gonna fly to get cut we're gonna fly to get lappa berries that's the plan foreign [Music] [Music] and it was poisoned and it's not poisoned and they're healing gym 3 is annoying my goodness foreign level 21 you said no I'm 24 now okay I might wait out here ooh Elder Goss I love Lagos have you ever played Pokemon Unite nope it was fun for like two weeks what was that so I I have a question what move what what is what type is mind blown uh uh sounds psychic I'm not sure it's a fire type oh isn't that oh it might be is that fire explosion or something it don't have its Health to itself it cuts your HP in half but it also is a 150 base power the cephalon signature oh damn that's terrifying I really need to evolve bro if you guys yeah oh you just picked up the choice see where you are very interesting how many Ultra beasts are there aren't they don't they all have like legendary stats like Ultra beasts um I don't know how many there are I actually like never got to that part in gen 7. there's like 10 They just added 10 legendaries that's ridiculous that's so strong all right this this will evolve me here we go for sure plus Beast boost ability which was insane yeah absurd they're so weird looking they're from another dimension of course they're going to be weird yeah they're like intentionally weird looking I don't know if it's justifiable though they look pretty bad yeah they're all funky where are you I chatted my one person in chat said you're at Flannery I don't know if I believe them okay I wish do you happen to be at Flannery by chance um not quite that joke again I used through Watson yet no you guys a really strong Pokemon are you I'm about to start looks like I'm catching up again good luck do I like riddles I don't know what why do I does that look like a setup I'm terrified okay I'm gonna catch a secondary for HMS whatever this is we're catching it perfect oh man oh man I had a streak of good Pokemon and now I'm a bergmite all right good luck with the gym it's gonna be tough but I thought it was a map randomizer no no no no that's later that's later [Music] I wish I had those moves I wish I just caught a Pokemon for an AGM and I really wish I had those moves would have been way better oh my God there's so many good moves oh my God that's so genius chat that's so genius I'm gonna use the Exp share to delay evolutions oh no but I should I shouldn't I shouldn't only only in really good sections all right I can't do that yet I wonder like I'm gonna switch heal oh so you did catch a secondary I didn't catch a secondary yet but that would have been helpful you only have one problem well I just caught my second oh my God yeah I'm I'm I don't know what the good strats are [Music] Diamond eater thanks to the prime illuminata Lambo thank you oh no I really hope I get some oh no I went to level up six Pokemon ah I'm just throwing balls at a hariyama on a trainer by the way just stalling trying to get him to kill you yeah okay yeah you know what the best Ultra Beast design is definitely the buff plug 100 I can't remember swole bug buzzwole oh buzzwole wait that's literally his name right foreign for the leader I think that's doable probably yeah you could do it sure he's buzzing he's swole what not to love yeah speaking of ultra beasts this one's annoying oh how long did this take last time we did this you remember uh two three hours it was like around three hours I think I'm not sure okay speed through the map how long do you think the co-op map randomizer is gonna take because we were going to do that after right yeah so that should take if we get an average seed maybe an hour and a half oh easy okay we'll do it in six I hope I think we could actually get someone in that like you know uh yeah yeah this is whatever I want 130 base power 100 accurate move it only works when you're a fire type oh no what have I done chat I learned burn up but apparently it only works if you're a fire type and then it gets rid of your fire type I just have a useless move now foreign [Music] no it's too late it's too late we'll just we'll replace it we'll replace it I didn't save recently at all quick Evolution I don't have any quick Evolutions load save to what 30 minutes ago ah that raiku damn yeah exactly [Music] better than nothing you say before you first fight with the Electric Gym yeah I'll lose like 20 minutes of progress exactly it was like 20 minutes ago maybe not 30 but it was 20. oh my God oh my God I just want to fight these I'm Gonna Save again I don't care is it Jim vanilla it's chocolate actually red indoors is a speed hack yo I found the hariyama you were talking about are you oh you're okay that's good to know you're not through works and uh Watson yeah yeah not the Roxanne yet that first Gym trainer in Roxanne is tough yeah right right the the double Arceus that happen to have plates and judgment perfect coverage there we go please be good please just evolve into something good just please what's your level of your Pokemon I'm curious 26. okay we are level 32 okay I think this will work for the gym leader chat you should probably do it oh my last potion I saw this puzzle this is so stupid I'm leaving I'm out dude we just skip Watson you can skip Watson no you cannot I was like don't you need it for rock smash yo I got a wacky way Lord I could have swore I was level 32. why am I level 29 now oh it's because I have a Kyogre right [Music] wow this gym leader is actually so strong did you see the other legendary that that they had by chance no it is awful it is so it has it I it has some bad moves that are very annoying that's what I'll say very annoying on terrifying even though it's dead though [Music] all right we gotta go get strength okay this ryko should be easy we'll just core enforcer bam then one more it has pyro ball itself the coverage on this team is crazy easy crit all right we're gonna evolve into a Groudon next all right yeah that's so weird just because the EXP speeds are different that sometimes your Pokemon can evolve and then level down yeah it's all right though yeah different exp group so Nerf the legendaries a little bit yep that's we're on Game music today for now yep all right it's actually so insane how much stuff they added to this [Music] oh wait I need to check this is this is another thanks for the 26 months poke and have whatever would it please be a really insanely good move well that's better than burnout all right my leaky tongue is doing it good luck I think good luck c-ring shot feels good it feels very good oh Reggie eyes yeah how did Wally get my number in the first place I just thought about this do TMS fix PowerPoints in this one random question actually no I'm not I'm not gonna never mind I'm not gonna ask you all right I'm through Watson I'm assuming you beat it with Kyogre yes I did beat it with Kyogre I did I don't know the optimal path but we're gonna just go I fought so many accidental optional trainers just because I don't know where the trainers are and I'm just biking everywhere just zipping around we could get cut now or I'm a small blue now I don't have to you're what swab blue like that just like that accidentally run the other trainers like that yet demolinard thank you I really hope we don't evolve here that would suck let's try this it's good cut is pointless no it can give you a rare candy which kinda can save you in the elite four if you get a bad Pokemon the thing no matter what you're going to finish this subnautica video before glad you liked it it's so good last rear no thank you it's so over level though it'll be fine right it's a small blue yeah you're fine you're so strong you'll have no chance to lose exactly no shot you're losing this one what was that that was a glass rear minus 75 base that total but plus 75 cuteness yeah I'll take it it'll distract the opponent about one hour in did we skip Brawley yeah we'll go back to Brawley once we get a bad Pokemon [Music] just mock bike things oh frick oh no we're in a double battle okay we're allowed to do this though we're allowed to do this it just sucks because I might level up what's the bigger threat probably the haunch grow I wait steering shot hits everyone okay like at least it's not getting exp now what'd you get after your Kyogre dugong huh it kind of works [Music] got a nice Google are you in the fourth GM already no I'm getting strength first [Music] what why why does he not have strength yet I'm so confused how wait what is power of strength is it based 100 in this no it's like 80 yeah but I'm a swablu I don't want to fight the gym leader I'll be honest whatever go to the secret cave what is what's the point of the secret cave there's nothing 80 usually yeah but in this one what is this rockruff or something hey [Music] I might be wrong that was wrong damn it I always forget always forget it's the top right I think might not be no it's definitely the middle damn it I always forget bro do the level UPS keep going after 100 We're not gonna get that far don't evolve don't evolve don't evolve don't evolve don't evolve please don't evolve please don't evolve please don't evolve I really special attack foul doesn't matter whatever we only got special moves yes okay I need to be so careful now do not hit the wrong thing pretty sure it's this I need to save I can't remember which one it is is it left or right is it left or right chat I'm pretty sure it's right it's right yeah it was right let's go [Music] all right it's gonna level up no matter what so might as well go for it all right I'm not believing in the Rock rough I'm gonna be Brawley first fair enough that sucks let's go yeah my dugong is doing pretty well was this little randomizer completed not yet it's on his way I am I am believing in my dugong it's actually doing I have only special moves so this works out well special attack is decent I managed to learn uh searing shot along the way which is kind of sick oh that's good yeah 100 accurately under base power it's like fire earthquake but special [Music] three badges technically we could probably go back and fight Brawley right now yeah we're gonna fight Brawley now especially if this is a bad or when it's a bad Pokemon we'll fight Brawley that's the Strat that's the Strat if it probably beats me wait Brawley beat you what is this no no I got this I got it he's only 14 levels what do you think Chad is this bad I think I think we could probably do better can you pick any of you will pick up the worst luck again next week probably okay we'll check this TM and then we'll teach strength level 16 out speeds me did I not get strength this is so bad what the hell where's strike I'm leaving I it out speeds me in one shots me yeah like I can't win wait where do you get strength I have surf but where do you get strength oh that's what I think that's what I meant sir not strength okay the guy in the tunnel I went to before yeah I went in after I had Rock Springs too uh where do we actually get string are you not watch it from I went in a second time Norman you get it from Norman okay so slightly different order got it [Music] all right we're getting badge two now we'll jump to the speed Choice ex or exp choice or something yeah the guy in the tunnel gives you smash the rock we smash The Rock please we already went to the tunnel and smashed the freaking Rock and they gave me something but they didn't give me what I expected please oh well I sped up I'm gonna wait very up okay I wasted time I keep speeding up by accident and I just sit there for five seconds as punishment it's okay I'm like oh he's been up okay I'll just sit here for a bit if you want a second to unmap it like no no I don't I'll just I'll just like sit there for longer than I would have taken it's just a lot of times when I get into a battle I'm like oh turn on the speed up gotta gotta get out of this battle as quickly as possible what do we skip the second badge it's too hard and we can come back later no reason to do it oh wait what why was why were you getting outsped at Brawley it's an Excel Gore and I'm a rock ruff [Music] wait they made blizzard Wii group in recent gems they made Thunder hydropump and blizzard weka yeah for some reason so weird with anything they still have awful accuracy yeah I don't know makes no sense all right four badges in please oh Thunder and blues of accuracy and weather that's true that's not terrible that's not [Music] do any moves get accuracy in Sandstorm because I know like thunder and like hurricane and blizzard get them in weather uh any any move that's like a special Sandstorm move the ctma8 is um I can just think of weather ball yeah yeah I guess there's a sand weather ball other than that no idea [Music] no moves get an accuracy boost in the snow storm I mean I guess that makes sense how are you Flannery defeated Brawley defeated neither I'm on my way to Flannery but you moved on from did you try Brawley you said though yeah I gave up oh damn okay I'm trying to kill Norman oh my God we're a little ahead two badges ahead right now almost three we're getting just better luck which you know I'll take do we have stab here we don't have stab might as well just do a series shot for the burn nice Screech that's fine they have one oh yeah yeah that one move um yeah the root is boosted that's true okay please be good please don't be bad foreign stage Open Stage I'll take it lit Leo for a cat wait what's litleio why did I think lilio oh my God a quadrupedal cat [Music] I want to handle this I can handle this go ahead freeze right bang easy I feel very over leveled right now which is a good thing but it is protein oh I should use the Exp share makes it literally oh it makes me up I mixed up litlio and litten yeah poor cat has protein foreign all right we have protein should we should be fine we have really good coverage and I'm on the Norman punching my dad never mind I don't think I'll be dead come back story here we go never mind I got really lucky nah can you struggle for a little bit please you're gonna burn on a Pokemon that is really high attack and use outrage it's great but his toy cat have protein it has any oh wait I don't have anything for this zero shot burn yeah that's pretty good okay I one shot everything on Flannery nice yeah Flannery is a pushover you got this Flannery had like super easy Pokemon [Music] five edges five edges coming down the White tour cat's evolving which had protein it was so so good for one battle two battles I got the monkey I'll give you five Subs if you can name the monkey that I got [Music] wrong answer are legendaries in the pool yeah they are we naming or is it prison I don't know okay let's uh began useless useless I believe his name is Rafiki such a random monkey are we heal here I can get on my bike in the Pokemon Center where hm two digits while they're on 10 HMS wait isn't Celestial grass steel I think so yeah sounds right my jump kick was neutral maybe it has an ability that changes the typing is that the thing oh it's still flying oh what but it gets like leech seed yeah and competitive yeah weird very strange Cortana is the grass Steel is it just oh light of room what is light of brilliant it's based on a bamboo folk tale interesting when are you allowed to catch this Pokemon whatever I want oh hey let's go hit one top I've somebody freaking spread moves this is so good I jump kick hit him on top I'll take it [Music] him on top yeah that's decent pretty dang decent learning dazzling gleam nah this crafty Shield dude crafty what does it do you're here psychic is really good for coverage I think I'm gonna get rid of core Enforcer corn force is only I'm getting rid of core enforcer because uh the ice move is always gonna be better than dragons it's just better having a dragon move is not worth it because the ice move is always gonna do more damage to dragons because it's super effective yeah it's like he's better than Dragon wolf okay okay only five BP we'll we'll fix it don't worry we'll by the time we reach the end we'll replace it with like surf or something in Norman's gym do you go left or right uh I think I went right foreign [Music] [Music] Pokemon in there I'm pretty sure yeah okay okay yeah yeah bro how's traffic amazing crafty didn't make this we got him now perhaps he didn't make this what what no this isn't something Christmas on me what level's your starter by the way I'm curious 33 I think 33 dang okay I got a 39. you 39 29 39. 39 yeah I've actually been running into a bunch of trainers but I haven't got any bad luck on encounters doing Pokemon yet like all of my Pokemon have been like all right at least also I didn't realize how freaking good freeze dry was oh my goodness yeah I mean that was amazing the coverage is Wild on this thing [Music] foreign [Music] he's probably gonna catch up if I get back if I get bad luck but this is fine bite through Tall Grass illegal no no no no although I think I have like 20 people or 25 PP total on all of my moves I mean as long as you get through fights though it doesn't really matter what like the Elite Four is gonna be tough you can get leper berries he gives me the secret straps now there's no way I can lose God damn it shouldn't have told him it's already too late kid oh hey Chad do you want a new emo by the way I commissioned likel for a new emote it's animated after this race I could add it it's Pokemon related I forgot to save okay I'll add it liquid may have posted it on Twitter oh my goodness [Music] these are dragons great it is so good I really hope this doesn't give me anything oh no um I'm paralyzed why did I do so much what is soul hard uh Soul heart I have no idea Moxie but special attack it looks like please that thing is so strong that's like the third time one more Pokemon just don't do any damage please how did that I don't I don't understand I was paralyzed on like zero HP and uh I outsped a Pokemon actually cheating pause thank you oh it's right it's half speed they change it to half speed okay attacking is really slow all right okay I'll just be Norman as well oh my God you're catching up yeah I got I got a couple good power in a row yeah yeah that'll do it that's really all you need all I need is a couple bad Pokemon and you're just right back there all right we're gonna catch the Keck Leon and uh fight the gym that's the Pokemon I have now what huh I just heard a grunt is that right did I hear that right yeah it's just boltoned I don't even know what Jen that's from oh that's gen 8 oh I wasn't sure did you see that movement oh my God Bolton wait wait are you here hmm I found a Bolton well you've got a Bolton okay no I evolved into one ah damn it well better be good come on technically better but I'm Gonna Keep searing shot if Joe Pokemon Crystal Clear nah eruption I think is like better but I don't know I'm just gonna keep that one because it's more reliable oh that'll be good for the gym sweet okay steering shot is more consistent yeah more consistently probably damaged [Music] searing yeah steering shot is also a spread move for when we get into uh the double battle stuff it's probably one of the hardest parts of this whole run all right he has these low attack High defense I don't care it'll be fine uh that's not good whatever okay how do you boggling around this mod every Pokemon to every Pokemon oh wait eruption's also a spread move what is Chad talking about oh my God my chat oh what was my chat they convinced me that instead of searing shot which is a spread fire move that is 100 base power they convinced me that uh it's better than or die convinced myself and then they confirmed that it is better than eruption which is also a fire move that's also a spread move but it has 50 more base Powers so I don't know how to feel about this anymore eruption is good if you're fast it's true eruption doesn't burn wait eruption can't burn that doesn't sound uh I don't know about that eruptions and Powers you lose Health yes did you know that water types are weak to Grass types learn something new every day why are why did they change this gym to have red things what is the reason I actually have no clue why that was changed yeah I noticed that too but it doesn't like look bad or anything yeah it doesn't look bad it's just interesting [Music] colorblind maybe they were black before what have white black color blindness then they couldn't see anything I really am really curious [Music] probably should have used an actual attacking move with a this is one of the required double battles I'll take for the next fight [Music] that's decent I was just a 39 it's a legendary so it lowers handsome Force Phantom Force oh that's good 100 baseball nah if it was Shadow Force Maybe wait wait a Phantom Forces Shadow for wait yeah wait what is that it's the same move but Shadow Force is like 30 stronger and kiratina's move okay [Music] maybe it's only 10 stronger we leveled up we're gonna get a new Pokemon we may need to I don't know if I should leave the gym to heal yet or before or after oh Shadow Force is 120 and Phantom is knockoff with 90 base power okay I don't think we try to level up I think honcho is decent all right I still haven't got the sun Kern this is good we will have to play one more trainer in the gym punch bro is such a good Evolution I feel like so many of the the Gen 4 Evolutions that evolved like earlier gens those are some of the best fitting evolutions out of out of all the Pokemon I like those like gen connecting Evolutions a lot as well I just I feel like they feel deserved yeah exactly that's what I was thinking too fit like miss magius you forget that that isn't a original thing the one thing though young Mega should have evolved into a dragon type or yanma to yanmega it should have been a dragon type Dragon Ball yeah there's still I think there's still no Dragon bug yeah and it's right there dragonfly come on [Music] get it together what about riperior okay riperia is weird I agree Rydon did not need an evolution yeah I'll Flygon could have also been bug Dragon exactly yeah because it's an ant lion right that evolves [Music] that's what they're called is that right wait which one the ant ant lion that the Flygon is based off of I have no clue what it's based on I'm right okay I just know that because I played Terraria once and there's enemies in it [Music] you went on like a lot of freaky real animals like stuff is based on like have you seen the year like the real Magikarp no terrifying does it have just as big of a mouth does it splash ing wait real life Magikarp [Music] no not a picture of real life Magikarp Google just a big goldfish a very big old oh my oh they're big oh yes very big oh my God based off the koi fish yeah Japanese myth of the coin dragon [Music] I I've defeated Winona foreign ly caught up by now because I fought a bunch of extra accidental battles no I I actually just went past it and I'm on my way to musty first and then I'm gonna fly back for a window now and skip it yeah story right oh I got my first bad Evolution my first one it's a Shelmet [Music] that's your worst thing today yeah oh my God what is it showing bad though I've seen it all I went from swablu to like Rattata to shieldon all right I think it's time Chad [Music] oh you know what I did have a cutie flag but it was it was one hit koing everything I didn't have to wait for it at all it carried its own weight [Music] ring Target gross you can bite through Tall Grass yeah it's nice very cool I required battle I haven't did I heal I can't remember I found the bike so unwieldy I feel like it's very skill based Santa skork they didn't have enough or something sent to score oh this is bad on my way down here we'll see foreign no oh no I think I'm gonna white out what did I last hear oh that lives what the hell easy easy skill base skill Base by the way that was a one-hp with my Shelmet and traffic came out searing shot there's scaling shot missed and then I used acid armor and it died never punished oh my God the showman is now a Gardevoir and that was your worst uh segment yet all right that was my worst segment yep dragon energy this is HP oh that's like Dragon eruption I'm not learning that [Music] if I can just get into the Safari Zone I just need to get to the Safari Zone oh no are there other required battles here okay all right Gardevoir makes me have a dragon eruption I don't like that okay boom let's go I killed my own part yeah so it doesn't get XP for like 10 minutes which stories your Pokemon question mark PC department store television what's the answer to the quiz which stores is your Pokemon the PC yeah yeah you got it I'm a tinomo for wine Winona can we like not [Music] oh I'm amazing thank you I couldn't done it without you all right let's go to the next badge heal I think I did heal I did all right we're gonna go fight the tayden Liza I think wait how do you get dive in this is it you just you just talked to Steve Stephen on his house I see that makes a lot of sense actually yeah I am a tynemo but I'm evolving in like one fight so I'll be fine not a good Pokemon Dynamo what is that that's like a little tadpole [Music] right yeah yeah it is okay the first evolution or like the first baseball one I mean I hope we don't evolve before the uh the leader because I think we'll Sweep with searing shot and sludge wave okay Greninja for Windows way back that is so good yeah that carries I'll take it okay does RAM of all this built into it yep I'm sure I have to fight this person because I'll rotate around we'll do a double battle hopefully we don't get a lot of EXP I'm really trying not to Mr Pudge should do the most oh rolling cake is gonna do nothing what's your held item never melt ice okay okay yeah the Exp share did nothing it's got a few weeks ago binge watch every video you know let's go freezer effective against water oh I guess that would have done more you're right yeah I always forget about that sunflora easy searing shot wait does it expert not do anything I gave my YouTube a second Pokemon yeah it's like another Pokemon I like I don't think it did anything I got rid of it though well you shouldn't use it anyway did you use that last race the XP sure no actually I didn't okay no it doesn't look like it works like a Unwritten rule where we don't use that to like stall Evolution oh heck okay well I used it for one battle and it didn't work so all right 20 minute penalty we're all good no no it didn't even work my Pokemon didn't even get any levels or like exp I mean like I'm pretty sure it literally did nothing which I think is pretty nice it's probably the intention of this hack I guess maybe yeah my bad I didn't know we didn't want it sorry shot this is not gonna do a lot don't be special attack okay especially slide wave [Music] oh it's burned idiot hell yeah all right all right we're probably pretty close now yep I'm in today Lisa the gym you know you're not fighting them right uh in a few seconds I will be damn okay your head never mind a little bit not too much I mean you can fly directly to Lily Cove now so you're gonna be there in like a second or two yeah but you beat like the first like three trainers already right yeah like four maybe I don't know how many trainers all right yo buddy it's going great I'm ahead by some miracle I mean the miracle is luck it's great post race like an hour and a half hour 40 in and we're like three trainers apart or something yeah it's real close I'm spooked wait rabbit's been raises your speed now it needed a little bit of a buff that's good that's good it's a good thing that they did that Jenny buffed it cool there's a physical touch plate this is the one type I can't really do anything about fire types are scary doesn't matter right boys a bit okay please be a really strong psychic type give me like a Legendary Legendary Legendary come on come on strong psychic or strong song special attacker I'll just revive I got a Caterpie right before the gym okay well you're gonna catch up now because I've yeah you got a Caterpie yep nice do I just use my hurricane no dude come on e4 is five matches in a row and they evolve after every every fight apparently I have as one as one Caterpie that's kind of viable yeah this is so awful foreign [Music] well it'll just it'll die I just need to not use a strong move which will kill me before I kill it I think let's see if you can guess the Cry of the Pokemon I just evolved into okay okay wait I need to hear him once more when I send it out now I think you know this one did was I supposed to hear it there no no not yet all right uh uh uh uh I think that's pretty good right chat rated is that like is it Gen 4 yes [Music] can you do it again hey [Music] is it a water type yeah is it guest room yeah there you go too good where are my encounters [Music] foreign I got Ultra Balls just in case I need to level up that was weird critical hit oh [ __ ] I think I just have to use the wreck handy you know what screw it i'm risking it all I am risking it all do not be worse than a Caterpie literally risking it all I gotta go get the other cat or the other one [Music] well looks like chrism's gonna be ahead I gotta need a ran after the Caterpie so things are not going well [Music] it's fine it's five percent better that might be the one I have to use for the gym leader that'll be tough especially with the uh the Arceus Darkrai combo [Music] I have no idea what the gym leader has just to be clear why am I surfing what am I doing let's take a look with Caterpie no I understood I have no idea what it is [Music] ah just blind to the bucket egg sure all right there's a rare candy in petalburg with surf so the thing about a randomizer is that everything is random it's not just the level or it's not just the evolutions it's also all of the hidden items the only rare candies you can get are the ones that are given to you by people in dialogue so we have to do this as quickly as I can whatever sounds to be loud no they are not allowed oh man I decided to get the the cut or the cut the trick house rear candy smart yeah because you might need a random well I Scout was like if I need it I'll get it later and I I'm probably gonna need it I'll be honest probably gonna need it unless like the gym leader has a bunch of grass types just a bunch of grass types I haven't seen it oh wait you're not actually no okay maybe even I won't be as far behind as I thought because like yeah these not going well with the the Caterpie neither ran combo and I'm a pretty high level so it's gonna take a while to level up [Music] I think we're technically tied now because I'm I'm available I can beat you now you can but I'm a Shepherd I don't know I could try with Shopper I just saved I guess I could just give it a look good luck what they got I could peek at his screen see what he got it's uh oh my God it's a sun corn Kakuna I'll try a shopper let's see oh he hasn't been in there yet oh dang it trying to convince my chat that I was watching your perspective you're not watching my stream no I'm not everything what did Porygon move first fake out I'm gonna take forever to level up my need around is level 47 [Music] why is it such a high level what happened wait what our captions limited you have to do a solo run with your starter except for the one double battle in Dayton Liza okay we got our candy we're good we're good that's now we can evolve if we get a really bad evolution we can evolve that's all we needed Bang bang okay uh I need to go back to Moss deep we're gonna fight some gym trainers I guess but we're gonna save that one for the Elite Four I have to save one for so much damage to you or to them please please do you please do them to me yes all right if I get another battle it might be a legendary on the on the lead yikes okay so a female Nidoran probably can't do it is what you're saying uh I think you can try yeah I should I should try okay I'll just use all these X items McLovin thank you for the dance subs and thanks to tier one yourself I appreciate that okay oh my goodness I have so much exp this is the best okay the McLovin love your work IES all right I'm almost free of this Nidoran I may need to heal and buy some healing items you can cycle inside the gym yeah okay please please mid I don't even care just don't be bad what are wobbuffet's attack stats like 35 or something it's pretty tanky though oh I revived the wrong Pokemon foreign game shopping real quick we have to do we're gonna use X items we're gonna do some late game shopping we're gonna sell some stuff and we're gonna buy all the late game heels um so fly to sorry I flew to the wrong place lava Ridge base 33 on both attack and speed lovely McLovin thank you for five more subs oh my God okay [Music] uh yeah oh this fight's taking so long and I might not even win [Music] do exercises raise stats like sharply yeah I'd like modern ones okay I don't know why they buffed X items they were already too good to begin with X items are just so busted ah I have to reset I can't beat them not with shopper is that next special McLovin they were five more don't use a rare candy to evolve I'm saving it for the Elite Four it would be stupid to use it now because I already used the one of two that we get [Music] okay our Revival orbs allowed yeah as long as you never attack with your hm Pokemon apparently it's fine so we'll probably catch three more Pokemon and then uh deal with it later but we're gonna buy some some X specials or something if we can man no we just got to evolve we're just gonna have to evolve I'm gonna go fight some more trainers [Music] yeah I can't do it with what I have now either so you're fine on that front candy early candy early I I used one of mine already and I'm not using another dude oh my God I had I didn't want to deal with that Caterpie it was going to take an hour to level it up it's so risky foreign he's not gonna take out anything yeah that's a base 100 super effective move 12 beating all the gym trainers yeah I'm fighting chip trailers just need something want to have a team of Zigzagoon where do I get zigzagoons they're all random damn Cagney just one shot that nope it means you can find them any everywhere you know what if I see you they don't even have the pickup ability they don't have the same ability does not helpful at all times four okay yeah any Pokemon could have pickup just catch every Pokemon all right please please do me something other than oh wow I just knew I just know all the Toppers are fairy type all the what all the tapos yeah let's go that'll work that'll work what'd you get nine tails that should work I got a chickarita oh ah luck is on my set again it keeps getting worse it's not terrible it's not good because I'm pretty sure it's special attack is like mid but I'll take it our alolan or gallerian forms in here I don't think so I think they are yeah but I there's like Vera that was painful I want to save and use a candy and if it's if it's a good evolution damn it I might level up now wait it would evolve into that anyway even from like a regular XP oh ah oh I don't have a candy I never got any wait I'm gonna switch so we distribute the EXP even more wait you never got to wear candy no I forgot both aha as long as nine tails doesn't level up please don't please don't please don't please don't please don't uh I don't know what type this is we'll just try this okay that works good yes [Music] yes he's evolving oh wait a is evolving now yeah you're allowed to use these in a double battle as long as they're weaker an ant let's go all right that'll actually be better for the uh the actual fight I just got an ant this is so popular that means you're through the fight no I actually walked into some gym trainers but I will be through the fight in just a second just give me a moment I'm gonna be freaking so fast with this are you what what's your clock man still on Chikorita in the gym I I I'm actually about to beat like the last trainer please tell me I have the moveset for this please ah sludge wave yes [Music] no wait might not have a fire move does that level up no I have to leave the gym it's okay protein holy leave the gym we'll catch a wild and then we're gonna beat tnl with an Arceus we got a luster per jacinte we gotta focus it hopefully it doesn't I believe three what the [ __ ] [Music] freeze dry the Entei why it has Brody and holy [ __ ] I'm just gonna get the fly point for zootopolis first ah true the plan on this I uh lost a protein Entei crazy clanging scales isn't that like good that's better than Roar of Time let's go it's better than Roar of Time what how much damage does it do how much damage does that do if better than Roar of Time it's 110 but no recharge turn and apparently it drops defense dang yeah that's decent is it 100 accurate yeah power creeping Pokemon oh my God because I wanted another Pokemon that's revived from Chikorita to to gotharita we're gonna start with this to poison oh it drops the user's defense oh that's scary oh never mind okay next items [Music] okay now let's hope they focus on the Manda buds Focus the Manda buzz freeze dry the Entei please uh we're just gonna fly if we survive this damn it okay we died after zuka right no we don't we can sludge wave again then oh you've got to be kidding me [Music] yes it takes down okay please be easy please be easy please be easy please be easy please be easy easy easy easy easy it's a Viper we'll start see-ring shot oh oops burned Aqua tail gunshot mist [Music] s got the Rita is special maybe I need another special move we got this we got it we got it we win we win hello um okay [Music] easy are you through tnl yes I am [Music] I got so lucky like a bigger burn so the aqua tail did last gunshot mist I was on literally one age I'm getting pretty lucky all right this isn't terrible it's like mid but it's not terrible [Music] all right time to figure out what this is what the hell you're switching out Entei do the Arceus Dark Ride combo that I was talking about earlier it's totally real and not made up I need to figure out where to buy X specials haven't seen an X special shop yet okay and one down modular day thank you for the 25 Subs oh my what thank you you don't take it Aurora ticket what are you getting this helmets uh in the Elite Four old C map Mystic ticket [Music] all right dive use yes uh you all right we shouldn't need these Pokemon anymore it's attack oh my God I have zap zipper and it activated let's go yo clutch Drizzy yeah thanks for the prime okay we need to figure out how the heck to get into sadopoulos now because I actually don't know how to get into silapolis I should probably save the game we can catch people I'm not gonna catch Mew it'll it won't be a meal let go if you can buy it okay do not open up the Pokemon use the map as a guide true [Music] down to the left I had to check the map to figure out how to get under uh to get the wait how do you [Music] you have to go further left here I don't even know how to get the freaking sodopolis if you win it's because I don't know where sadopoulos is wait how the heck do you [Music] do I have to go through that battle is this required [Music] ah damn required battles power leveling up no it's not required there's a path to the left the battle is not the way uh it's too late to do it you got them okay well you can fly to Cinepolis so you're ahead now I I haven't actually gone there yet I turn around but I did beat him oh let's go special I hope this is a good Evo because there's no fight before the next gym leader I don't know how to get to cinopolis I'm gonna be honest once you're just go back to move more Steep and then go directly like bottom left bottom you got to take the left turn as early as possible okay so this guy's required then most likely there's no no fights required what I just fought two people what where are you going I went directly left and then down and there was a required like double battle oh you went okay you you have to go down first and then left oh my God foreign I'm out of rebels now too what the heck is that thing [Music] I'm a Marini isn't that very weak yeah it is you should not try the fight can I get the bass stats on that [Music] oh here we go here we go are you in the gym already you're probably in the gym by now no no I'm doing other stuff I might do the trick house what other stuff wait you haven't done the trickhouse no I thought you did the trick house oh [Music] wait that's so good okay that's good for us foreign some of my Sprites are starting to freak out it's kind of funny [Music] like they're they're all wrong yeah I think tricho's is a good idea yeah yeah for sure you should do that 'll be fine we'll be fine check this out here's a strat chat I'm evolving my Steelix by deliberately fighting one trainer we got we have to get something better than this what are you fighting one with what what are you fighting with I'm about to find out oh I see it's on Kern [Music] um um bayonet that special is decent right no it's physical it's good it's specialism it's special is bad yeah you should reconsider bayonet special stat Bay Net Pokemon Special stat s it's decent what are you guys talking about idiots better than the what are you talking about dude [Music] it's better than the Caterpie to knit around exactly this should be easy let's do this all right I'm fighting Juan one fight two fight yeah I got my rare candy red now I'm getting the other one because I forgot that earlier in lilyco [Music] it's bug fire I know I don't have anything special dark is Wiki versus yeah should ninja keeps the Wonder guard yes it's the only one that keeps disability oh I was like oh I guess I could just attack it with anything no that's not the case because ninja would be completely useless yeah foreign we just got to take out this thing now bug fire oh man this is a really tough one [Music] that helps though I'm gonna try as Marini I would not recommend it I would level up but what if the level up is worse no 100 should I have nothing dude oh wait so that wave is neutral I thought poison was not very effective on bug all right I have eight badges bam all right I'm evolving whatever if it's worse than Mourinho Marie said I don't know what this is but it's sick again Nadal what is light of ruin [Music] nah foreign PowerPoints chat I won't do it [Music] stanky has good typing it's not aware of time at least yeah yeah it's perfect you can definitely get through with stunky the the first the first trainer definitely doesn't have a magnitude what do you mean first trainer the first Pokemon definitely doesn't have magnitude you're totally good I don't know how to get to the next section stab sludge wave two [Music] why does Wallace keep so many women in his basement good question that is true what if it's just what if everyone in the basement just wasn't able to solve the puzzle what if that was it what if what if the people that aren't solving the puzzle or just stuck in a basement and they just don't know there's a ladder maybe they broke their legs maybe I just got really lucky [Music] that what if I got lucky whenever I fall and just happened to land or really in like a soft spot hey just go in with stunky looking all wrong yeah you got this it should be easy with stunky well Corona trash with thousand arrows I don't know how to get to the Elite Four I keep running in circles I don't know the optimal path either through the the victory road so you're gonna probably save some time on that well last time I took the optimal path I got bodied by a dodrio that is true yeah I took like the eight trainers 10x for minutes path but having to level up a bunch it did have magnitude he was lying I yeah I was telling the truth I I don't I don't lie like right much that is such a statement I don't lie that is the most stable end that you've heard you said it didn't have magnitude well I said it didn't have magnitude but it was sarcastic so we knew it had magnitude you know oh you have to beat the Rival or whatever don't you you see this dude once at the start of the game and then he's like I'm your rival now fight me no you're not special hey stunky sweeping we're good oh my God how are you getting stunky to sweep what Bia him oh my God you literally told me there's a ninja and I was still like terrified to see it I have a move though oh my God this back Sprite is nuts what the heck [Music] back spray goes so hard oh oh oh oh my God that did a lot we're fine and again Adele in general goes so hard it doesn't feel like it's going very hard we'll fish let's go wait you evolved into cool fish and that's not bad to you cool fish is okay compared to the rest I've seen today I guess that's fair you know you haven't had the best luck yeah YouTube made with you I guess so [Music] yeah I haven't had terrible luck I keep getting decent Pokemon foreign [Music] goes so hard feel free to screenshot yes please good okay okay and I have two candies you only have one right maybe I might only have one yep did you use both no I didn't I only used one of them oh my God all right is this thing good chat Jen ate trash damn it it's mediocre midday at best it's just a pidgeotto 43 special I've got a full special attack build [Music] hoping it I just needs to win one battle though [Music] yikes that's really bad that's enough let's go with the champion is the line um [Music] foreign yeah about to enter the Victory Road we're still pretty close yeah we're literally one battle apart or two battles I guess two battles apart who's winning me by a little bit but I don't know the optimal path I really wish I knew the optimum path it would have really helped me out here I had to use Flash and everything put on the Exp share I sold the Exp share also he said it was not loud and it also doesn't work anyways chat Exp share doesn't work none of that wait did I not get strength oh okay no I did [Music] there's no way you couldn't have yeah it's just impossible to miss okay [Music] okay oh that one shuts me we're gonna catch some Pokemon in here for a switch fighter this way we need some switch fighter Pokemon doesn't matter what they are but I'm buying some I'm getting some Pokemon for switch fighter so you can buy Pokemon for switch fighter right or catch Pokemon switch Hunter yeah yeah yeah okay all right we bought Pokemon we've got Pokemon for switch water yes apparently you're allowed to do that which fish water just Pokemon to switch in to take a hit while you heal oh and that's its strongest move okay what is I want the gliscore right now yeah I had an ice type I didn't get up lucky I managed to get another coyote dude yeah we'll catch one more for switch water why is it called switch father switch fodder like you it's fodder for switching so you can switch in to heal your main because we can't attack with anything except our main but you can switch it in so he can heal your main to take a hit good thing you don't go to ESP for catching Pokemon you do though except you do we just gained 1500 at exp I mean I was gonna level up no matter what in here you forgot to battle the win straight family how is that relevant again so is the optimal path down or up here chat I gotta know I don't know yes oh damn it to be completely honest I actually don't know the optimal path I just always do the same path and no one's ever corrected me okay all right some people are saying up some people are saying down I'll try both I'll just try both King shield King shield again I don't think I had a single legendary oh wow oh wait I've had a couple of ultra beasts and coyote I think yeah foreign is this another Ultra Beast this looks like Ultra Beast shape is this an ultra Beast chat or Beetle that doesn't sound like an ultra Beast name no that's just a Junaid penguin okay I think that's the first ever bug psychic type whoever set up liar [Music] you're so bad I don't know I only know like the I know the layouts of rooms but I don't know where anyone anywhere leads because of the map randomizer oh right I don't know anything leads this random trainer just used a photo store on me what the heck did you get past Wally yeah I just beat the second as well no the required trainer there okay I'm an azelf let's go oh my god well there's your legendary just I just need to complain more I think yeah yeah man this Hazel sucks you had one too right no [Music] no I didn't get one I think I've had any of those burned come on we're probably gonna be burned for the red I don't think I picked up a roster or anything chicken Max Orby orbital goes hard it's that big helix I don't know how to feel about this I don't know how to feel about that yeah this would be a great timing for the the start of the legendary Evo chain honestly what was that this would be a great timing to get a chain of legendaries yeah this would be the time for sure yeah fighting the the trainer that was the dodrio last time I got stuck here for a long time yeah I mean you had some bad Pokemon in a row right y gone that's fine nope it one shot me no no oh dude this this path is cursed I should take the other one did a lot of damage I should have healed probably I should use the energy Roots man our defenses and our defense and special I guess are good oh I did not mean to use two use that so I'm doing a little bit of damage and then one shot so they don't potion bam look at that same the colander okay wait no don't you just go this way pretty sure you just go this way [Music] winning 27 chance for what oh three in a row yeah okay it's just the way out oh that is the optimal path [Music] let's go dominate is 90 special that's it ominite is actually such good stats it's crazy speed is awful fordon actually the sub uh oh I have a feeling we won't win this one [Music] foreign room right now no I passed that a while back no okay I have to use the leopard Berry have to use [Music] Shelmet oh boy oh you know what it feels like [Music] is that good waste of a berry no shut Flareon can do it you can't attack you can have to only attack with your main bro foreign [Music] by chance [Music] oh what are you willing to pay for that info just I don't know whatever maybe it's uh on 119. what is the goal get to the level 100 first what are you talking about why did you just immediately soon get the level 100 first what institute no near the weather Institute okay cosm Cosmo causes something you just gotta beat the game okay Cosmic something Cosmo m m is this good chat it's very tanky and doesn't deal any damage the deal is no damage no I don't I don't think it does any damage I think it's technically legendary though but I thought the legendaries can't evolve normally it can't even attack it has 29th it is one of the lowest special attacks in the entire game its only purpose is to evolve yeah don't let it down evolve it will do definitely will do I definitely will do I am now I couldn't one shot of Paris that's 15 levels lower yeah yeah that's Shelmet yep okay now I just need to evolve this so I can actually do something in the Elite Four wait I'm gonna I'm gonna summary just I'm curious at stats it's level 60 and has 50 special attack wow wow all right we'll fight him to get a level potentially Cosmo weighs a thousand kilograms nice [Music] interaction if you want if you ever see a tarakion watch out they are not to be trifled with they got some crazy movesets this thing is awful wow foreign how's your Pokemon looking for the Elite Four Shelmet is evolving and then I I think I have one fight left in in Victory Road are you out one more time no I'm trying to evolve my Cosmo image to something that can do any amount of damage so you're still in Victory Road no I finished that a while ago I'm trying to okay okay you're getting ready for E4 I see yeah it looks like if this has if this doesn't evolve on the next trainer I might be start starting with a stout land that's pretty good that's decent it's gonna level up though X special defend doesn't exist damn it oh I didn't say football buy items for peepee what the hell are you talking about can't buy ether's chat okay what trainer do X special defense not work people Max you can't buy people Maxes what do you have two more I bought them for switchfootter all right I'll be stoutland oh no that's actually so good I don't know if I need to go uh X item shopping again before I start yeah you do [Music] I mean you might be helping me with that they're so important nah we'll just buy potions and I go in what [Music] we might need that do I need to buy I need to buy he's going in celtiums it doesn't let you all right that's all we got that's all we got [Music] we're just gonna have to try with this uh I'm going to fight a few wild Pokemon really quick to level up and evolve it's starting Sydney oh no took the lead and you have hmm and you I have one rare candy and I need to evolve my cosmoem I need to get a level berries [Music] hurry hurry hurry just give me some EXP bad luck in the end okay I'm gonna deliberately fight this trainer you'll give me more EXP [Music] Raichu this is a fairy type right or is it psychic I don't know psychic Electric ah am I gonna white out foreign I have to use one of my freaking healing items already how's how's it going how's Sydney going pretty smooth yeah yeah that's not good wait why is that doing so much oh oh I'm going for the special defense drop that's all I can do [Music] does he not have any more attacking moves damn through Sydney no I'm stuck on this freaking cosmoem it just won't this rich boy keeps me a healing because boom does no damage I'm an Aloma momomola now that's decent that's good at that thing that's good too didn't I beat you right oh you may have I think you're used to it's a Viper didn't you yeah I'd Survivor at the end but I'm pretty sure I had an Alamo Mall at one point okay okay I I cosmoem is evolving please please please please foreign we have to try with this we have to try I got a bunch legs I'm not using a rare candy that would be stupid I need to have more self-control than that oh no uh it's 80 to attack us 85 base it's special attack is I just have to hit one move it's fine no don't hit anything we're just gonna hope that the Pokemon is physical he just drank the yeah just so I can't get rid of it oh my God it's attack is 10 higher you need to play physical you need to be quiet I don't have any physical moves we're getting some leper berries because apparently I need some I still need to get the leper berries too because I had to use some oh my God where's the berries where's the berries where are they here where are the berries they're by the house like the the first house South and then you go left to the through the grass oh that's so far maybe we can evolve before we get there maybe I don't know maybe this will give us a lot of exp that actually did give us a lot it's your own medicine Hitmonlee you are past them dork all right the learning if you're wrong I'm Banning you if you're right I'll give you a sub I'm through Phoebe [Laughter] oh no it's evolving here we go oh what is this uh Yveltal [Music] let's go there are it's all it's all averaging out yeah no uncorn combo in a row and it's gonna be impossible to beat it yeah yeah yeah all right I'm ready to go in with my Munchlax foreign [Music] [Music] shut up he's literally on the third fight of five be quiet don't you dare doubt me [Music] don't be so negative um this could be a physical attacker I don't know a 99 base speed that's weird [Music] foreign is circled through so I couldn't set up with my Munchlax so I have to evolve is it good I don't know it'll take 10 minutes because much likes is awful foreign no it's not as much Lexus [Music] and it's gonna evolve what far do you want to get I beat Glacier okay okay all you need is just too too bad a bad evolution here it's evolving now into electrode I think it's just a it's just a circle I don't know that's like okay if you have special moves do you have special moves I do all right it is much like survives into something bad they give up I'm just gonna use the rare candy oh it's a wishy-washy it's a dang wishy-washy bro the school version is really good but the small one isn't I gotta use the candy I'm using candy on the wishy-washy it's the only chance oh boy Regirock that special stat is awful wait you got Reggie Rock yeah you got reusable TMS so maybe you can make that work we just gotta send a chat this is the end of my end of my rope this is all we can do we'll just evolve with no crying [Music] all right foreign okay wait we'll do this [Music] we can get rid of this temporarily this we'll get rid of this temporarily [Music] oh my God there's a thunderstorm I hope the power doesn't go out it's really loud all right how was the how's the electro doing in the in the sweeping yeah yeah it's doing pretty good you know what I'm saving I'm committing chat we have the power if the power goes out right now anything could have happened you know I could have won you know you might have had uh yeah I beat Drake you said you were struggling no I said I'm sweeping oh oh all right final Pokemon [Music] is that good yeah it's a Janae it's pretty good dang it I could candy for content [Music] [Music] foreign freeze dry wouldn't have done anything we just candy for Content ah I don't know man witnessing the rare ant L I don't think you watched me very often if you're saying it's a rare Aunt l ol what the hell type is this is searing shot physical foreign [Music] steering shot no it's special [Music] [Music] wake up Reggie Rock I need you to wake up foreign yeah we'll see what it would have evolved into with the candy anyway if I if I do beat a champ okay I got a Lapras that's good that's good Chad okay bad luck he also probably just played better than me it's better at these the only reason why I won the last one is because he I got like really good luck and you got bad luck he's doing this way more than me what this this I have done like maybe eight to ten off not that not too many just ten times more than me I mean we've done one together I've done one it's ten times quick maths okay okay all right I finally beat Sydney with a Regirock Vice just a miracle on beating Phoebe now have you not beaten well well Wallace I'm on him you're on him right now okay how's it going how's your Grim snarl doing pretty good [Music] oh actually it just died yes you forgot to buy revives no I didn't definitely I thought kobalian was fighting what type is that doesn't matter Double D doesn't matter oh steal fighting okay [Music] okay okay I'm sweeping Phoebe as long as I don't get a bad Pokemon and you keep struggling on Wallace for some reason lapras's back Sprite is pretty I agree all right I defeated Phoebe lappers is evolving yeah I wish I could just keep Lapras is good Stantler that's like okay I guess and that's good starter is really good it's like very it's like mid it's not bad it's not a bad Pokemon it's the same special attack stat that's what matters Chad yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right I beat the champion let's go oh three battles away all right hey that's all right oh you were pretty much exactly on where I was when when you finished last time yeah yeah it was pretty much at the exact same where like I think you got luck early game and then I got like late game and it just is inverted this time I feel like yeah it was it was the other way around this time yeah we were really unlucky just after Roxanne yeah that's cool all right nice well I want to see what I saw and that's a really fast run I think that's the fastest I've ever done one of these actually nice 248 pretty good are you gonna do another one I'm not exactly sure what we're gonna do now because I think [Music] um I have a race in like 50 minutes 5-0 with uh bloody but that's not enough time to finish a run I'm not sure what's the plan what could we do do you have anything that takes 50 minutes if you don't want to do the like the map Co-op because it's too long we can we can come with some like meet short meme race maybe we could uh yeah we could do like a first three gyms try or just see who who gets the most gyms uh By the time one hits in a map Rando or something in Emerald we could do we could do a randomize on no XP to like one one badge or we could do a metronome only yeah you know what metronome only until once whoever gets the furthest wins whoever gets the furthest yeah in a metronome only I mean we have 45 minutes whoever gets the furthest in a 30 minute timer all right sounds good I mean sure all right what game this game we could do Emerald I'll be fine with that Metro only mode in the game itself I don't know I don't remember all right I got a shaman all right the second the last Pokemon I'm not gonna do another battle all right chat like I said I don't mind losing this one because this one is a lot of luck it's just how familiar are you with Gen 2 uh I could probably do Gentoo but uh because it's just part of the game the big one that I don't want to lose is the race against bloody [Music] I don't want to lose I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quickly figure it out I'll be right back yep [Music] uh let's see oh is it I might feature yeah turn it on [Music] no there's no metronome only in this so it would have to be Gen 2 was it is there is there Metro only in speed Choice Gen 2 I don't remember [Music] there is oh nice yeah we'll do Gen 2 then [Music] oh cool cool yeah we'll do that we'll do that I'll prepare one I'm gonna have to use the bathroom too [Music] um beat Troy all right I'll prepare that that sounds fun I hope you guys enjoyed that race by the way that was a lot of fun very close back and forth pretty much the whole time I'll put that on my YouTube channel if you want to rewatch it if you missed it if you tuned in late maybe go check it out [Music] [Music] uh yeah this should work this should work it's called Emerald ex speed choice [Music] [Music] okay uh if he comes back just tell him I'm using the bathroom [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] did anything happen hey Chris hey hey guess what I didn't think this far ahead I don't know um good race right nice back and forth I like how it was like a complete opposite to the last race where it was just the luck was inverted [Music] Yeah by losing now I guarantee the win against bloody yeah yeah yeah that's what I like I'm still undefeated in the map randomizers I really don't want to lose those I'm gonna try so hard against bloody my hand is starting to get tired today maybe I shouldn't have started with this but we're gonna do it all the oil thanks for the prime what kind of race you have versus against bloody a heart gold soul silver map randomizer race uh the Adrian the person who made the map randomizers uh for hardcore Soul Silver um said this one I don't know this is just the here's what here's what Adrian said Adrian said good luck y'all will need it which indicates to me that it may be the worst map randomizer anyone has ever done it is raining so hard right now oh hey are you back yeah yeah okay I actually forgot to eat breakfast so I'm ordering breakfast so we'll see how this goes all right what's the oh wait here we go Game Boy Color good file name I like it don't forget to change your directory oh do I wait what game is this Crystal yeah okay all right all right all right do one of the mods do that for me please where's my downloads what downloads there we go wait a minute something's wrong here I could feel it do you guys care if the layout is like this for like a few minutes beforehand I'm just going to leave the layout like this until our race race against bloody is in 40 minutes just fine all right I'm ready but actually I think I can do it Pokemon Crystal do you have the game open yes I do okay go on options okay and then on page two turn off bike music if you want and turn off give nicknames okay one second done I just updating my title and stuff we're all good [Music] all right so go options go to H2 page two wait I need to change the frame type here we go okay page two like music off give nicknames no yeah okay and back and then on new game uh hit item Rand uh wait where um or the preset the preset sorry oh Freedom preset is item Rand a yeah okay have you you pressed a yeah and then scroll over to page four to metronome only you don't have to get get in your nickname and then on page three turn on the bottom the bottom four one two three four okay and then start with bike metronome only on start with bike on metronome only on okay I am ready to go Press Start you should get a CV you have it when I press start I should get a CV yeah hey I mean H7 fbf844 yep yep that's what I got all right let's go okay I said so I'll set a 30 minute countdown instead of a timer all right a 30 minute countdown I'm gonna do that as well negative 30 we got 30 minutes to get as far as we can get I'm afraid because you play I whenever I go into your stream you're always playing Pokemon Crystal so I'm a little spooked but let's do it all right I'm a little spooked because whenever I see your stream you're playing Pokemon Crystal but this is fine I've played this one a lot more yes all right all right so we're gonna do a metronome only race whoever gets furthest in 30 minutes in three two one go okay so basically it's also speechless you can hold a to like oh nice and it's gonna be Pokemon random moves and items what moves are every move is random every every move is metronome sorry every moves [Music] and we actually don't have to worry about PP we have infinite oh nice okay that's cool that is sick and we start with the bike so you can just open your menu oh but you can't use it in the house no that's that's a emerald only thing it's Sunday yeah it's not daily savings though all right which start are we going with okay away which starter oh it's gonna be random isn't it uh one weakness one weakness Gyarados this is Gyarados Fortress no I don't want that Magnemite no hmm okay I'll take that yeah espeon's pretty good yeah but and the entire move pool is like mostly physical moves so you just gotta get lucky wait is it a metronome though [Music] yeah that's what I'm saying though out of the entire like move pool oh wait really in the game metronomes most of them are physical oh well I can catch a new Pokemon but I mean espion's good you can just you can just hit metronome until you get a special you know [Music] I just got clamped by wild I can't run I will what are the three starters there's only one starter a test Beyond is all the story progression stuff taken out like do I have to talk to Mr Pokemon and do stuff yeah we have to do start though okay we have to do story stuff still good to know I get used to this bike wait which Pokemon did you pick then Espeon you did pick ice Beyond okay yeah I'm gonna catch another Pokemon immediately okay an interesting choice picking Espeon this is not still that would be super good dodrio if I could catch that do I have balls yet no it's a 30 minute race so maybe I'm trying to think of that I mean you still want to catch something [Music] foreign oh my God I'm picking up all the items I don't need those I have three balls that should be like I'm so used to full item randomizer where I just pick up literally everything there's no reason not to just hope for something good [Music] oh my God please stay here please stay here have you talked to Mr Pokemon [Music] Pokemon dang what does the metronome only raise me I I don't it I don't know do you need any help with the story stuff I think I'm good I think I got a good handle on it okay does it make sense now it's hard to explain I don't know if we can skip returning to Elm I'll let you know okay I'm touching yeah we have to go back to our Pokemon easy to catch yeah one in three on full HP with the Pokeball oh thank goodness I bought three they're below half they're guaranteed to stay in okay I'm fine rival [Music] we gave rival a fortress oh I roll Thunderbolt though [Music] it's under half it's guaranteed yep should be okay did you get something good I thought oh you got the anti-doo knife wait what I'd take two I got it too what how's it not running it's what do you mean how's it not running I'm behind bed he hasn't talked to Mr Pokemon yet I bet totally no you're doing fine do something I use things immediately is that they usually level four [Music] wait use it did you use explosion I used explosion but I had another Pokemon sorry oh yeah nice nice there's no XP [Music] he already beat the Rival okay maybe yeah [Music] fire move sacred fire [Music] can take a while isn't it tail whip oh did I mess up oh oh I didn't talk to Elm no I gotta go back you didn't row it you didn't talk to Elm I went back to him to like talk to the police and then I didn't talk to him oh no [Music] I cannot take out oh I got fire blast oh let's go wait do they evolve every level no like is that still no no no no I hope not I'm this is my main for the whole thing [Music] I really don't know optimal pathing here but you forgot to talk to Elm so he don't either [Music] yeah usually we skip um in like the the Kian renaos okay kind of I'm not used to that [Music] should I got pokeballs the only reason I have all the heated by just a few minutes it was so close I just got some bad luck at the end how are you feeling today I'm a little tired a little tired [Music] embarrassing oh no well [Music] um oh my God he does the capture tutorial fast no longer undefeated no I'm still defeated undefeated in Pokemon map randomizers this is why I was a little this is why I tried to specify like this is not a map randomizer this is a Pokemon above every level okay Entei with the setup yo ancient power boosts Maybe I'm still undefeated in my map randomizers that's what counts Arcanine just all these fire dogs how many fire dogs are in this game or in Pokemon there's Entei there's Arcanine there's Growlithe there's litlio there's it's basically what else to so many so so many and does a five hot dog Speed Run sometimes Gen 5 is a hot dog Speed Run no Shenanigans oh Shen yeah yeah he he speed runs getting all five hot dogs sometimes he made it one I guess it sounds fun [Music] what uh what gen is that gen five two gen two there's five hot dogs in gen two wait what what is it okay so we got Entei there's Arcanine growlet what's the other two don't do them houndour [Music] how did I miss a low kick okay so you can skip Sprout Tower in this game oh you can yeah that's just for Splash yeah I think it's required in hdss because it makes it so the leader is in there yeah and and the Remake it's required interesting just another reason why this is better than the remakes [Music] I don't know I love this game but no the remakes are far better yeah yeah there's a trainer there pretty sure Entei is a Pokemon not a dog yeah actually chat's right [Music] I'm a slam damn it are you in the first gym already is that why you brought it up I'm shopping now you're almost shopping yeah before the gym interesting very interesting God and snow what's up just a couple potions it's a little scary yeah whatever I don't need potions I'm gonna destroy that Pidgeotto with no hesitation level nine you're level nine no the the first trainer in the gym is a level nine [Music] no he said yes to money so it's an extra text box every battle said something to Mom you should you should get used to mashing b instead of a yeah yeah that's true slow stretch Sonic Boom ouch oh that's that's a bad move for the start here huh [Music] milk drinks soft boiled level 9 back at full HP all right good [Music] are all the trainers required oh my God they're all required this gen too hard to skip them if you're real clever and see the very very clear platforms why did I start glowing oh I use Sky attack I want you at the spinner rack I I died dude I'm reset wait wait I'm ahead of you now [Music] this dude spinner eggs broken easy thought skill chat it's all skill [Music] oh oh that's a problem [Music] sport oh come on wake up wake up I roll Dragon Rage that's the way that's just an instant win [Music] I roll Dragon rage [Music] then I rolled tackle which missed slash half of my moves are failing what's going on oh nice okay all right [Music] I'll just die I'm going to over here real quick I think we have to go heal yeah yeah rolling a tackling and missing yeah let's be undo something yeah do you want the first one uh Chris I'm on the the emerald uh evolve race [Music] but I'm gonna win this one because his luck was good in that one my luck's gonna be good in this one that works the EXP bar is backwards no the expr bar isn't backwards this is the original exp bar every other exp bar is backwards all right Faulkner time prepare to be destroyed they shouldn't be able to beat this come on yeah yeah it's unfortunate already [Music] I'm level five still wait what you're ending level five wait isn't it I think so why no level six what's your starter no it's level five it's actually number five what's your starter [Music] uh level six I'm very under leveled I don't know what happened okay [Music] okay I don't know why he's under leveled so much but I'm good I have a level 10 and a level five oh my God I wish booming on Rival was really bad yeah that was [Music] okay A little streak of good luck the channel is amazing thanks giving author Liliana was defeated [Music] is this a Nuzlocke as well yes it's a 30 minute Nuzlocke except if your Pokemon uh faints it doesn't die and you can catch Pokemon on everyone and you don't need to nickname them [Music] you could have said no no but it is another lot we just change the rules a little bit it's like but with some some modified rules to make it a little easier [Music] the blue entry on my screen blue white shiny shiny [Music] no I just use transform it's an anti-in for alligator colors when you use transform it like keeps its color [Music] I got an egg this is so cool foreign Ty is just the same but no orange [Music] 13 minutes to go I'm starting Faulkner I am almost fighting uh I like this person Bugsy well you would go do the well let's look well well right right I'm just I just passed the I'm just going to the words of the PC at this point in time [Music] you want to fight the Whooper trainer I refuse to fight the Uber trainer out of the emerald it's like an emerald thing but it was good I used sunny day and the Evie's like nah rain dance oh I think Bloody just went live bloody is getting ready sunny day rain dance yeah in the same turn we're in the same turn oh they used and then you yeah they countered it on the same turn [Music] this is the Whooper trainer hopefully he doesn't have a Whooper I don't want to hurt a Whooper okay I'm through partner yo you'll catch up in just a second I'm stuck on a level 10 Snorlax [Music] I'm no longer stepping at level 10 Snorlax [Music] yeah man I split XP again between the two so bad hey don't remember Tom pass you can only use metronome anyways all right we're zooming I feel like I'm going fast it's going well no Whooper motor yeah not work not murdering a whooper all right here we go I think we can get the badge too in in that amount of time uh yeah yeah maybe maybe [Music] this guy doesn't see me [Music] fighting all the trainers that give the most EXP how do I know they have they give more exp just sheer luck all right keep muting by accident I'm just fighting all the trainers that give me more exp so I am I'm doing pretty well how do I know they have more exp uh just by chance because I hit them yeah because I happen to hit them and then okay yeah this wax this one has probably a chancy nope clefable okay that's a lot of exp right foreign [Music] triple kick where's your feet [Music] entrepreneur Mia I love these custom trainer classes they're kind of cute entrepreneur that's not in the regular game right there's no Arch entrepreneurs no no no no no yeah foreign [Music] it's a bold strategy picked up the rod did you there's a rod the old rod in the oh what's in there really wait what level Pokemon can you catch with the old rod and oh [Music] so it's pretty pretty guide bro you better kill [Music] [Music] hey let's fish ones let's see okay good luck Miracle Mewtwo or something the whole Mewtwo would be so good oh my God no no way the Ponyta okay I'm getting a phone call it might be important oh no it's my food oh no [Music] hello food sounds good do you have to pick up your food or something all right you can just leave it at the door and I'll grab it uh any of them yeah [Music] how many doors are you perfect thank you yeah either one [Music] okay my food was good for like eight minutes hopefully no one takes it foreign bunch of buildings that are just all and it's very hard to describe where I uh it's very hard to describe where to drop stuff [Music] imagine it's it's actually quite a bad place my cars have gotten broken into like at least once every two months or so since I moved here oh that's terrible which is why I'm so excited to move in a week or two in a week [Music] actually a week from the day I'm gonna be the owner of a house it's very exciting [Music] did you beat the Porygon 2 yet I just beat the Porygon too okay I'm on it I missed cut why is why are they oh well I lose this battle [Music] it hit Guillotine no they used explosion unless I can take out a polyrth pollyrath use Dragon rage oh yeah through the Porygon that's cool no [Music] no what if we're on the same fight how do we determine the winner uh it's a tie [Music] from the exact same flight like where we're both on gm2 this is ridiculous same Pokemon out or not foreign [Music] I'm going for it there's one more trainer we gotta fight the one trainer and then we'll go heal through the poly red I got through the body right through I got a thunder crit with a level five [Music] attack don't hit yourself reflect five minutes to go oh I got all the stat boosts my ancient power freeze [Music] oh my activity setup screens got an omni Boost from ancient power and then started attacking what the hell level five coming in clutch it's level 10 now oh boy [Music] I'm on Charizard are you what there's a Charizard okay he's not on Charizard I rolled earthquake on Charizard so sad [Music] foreign [Music] I beat that already oh apparently I beat that I exploded on the Charizard never mind [Music] yeah never mind I explored on the Charizard I forgot about it [Music] please miss please miss please miss it's paralyzed get paralyzed four minutes we might be able to beat the welders just like that yep foreign [Music] Dragon rage Dragon rage Dragon rage Dragon Rage that's all you need my artillery was a level five when I went in there my My Level 12 exploded the level 5 octillary carried it's now level 11. I just sent it the whole time oh no a double battle wait what that's not a thing senior and Junior sent out remaraid [Music] it's not time to sleep and day that's Sonic Boom gravel I'm glowing what does that even mean [Music] I got Dragon rage oh no no defense drop metronome splash I got sacred fire oh my God flash you Splash and then slash [Music] okay if I want to win I there's no there's no way I have like time to like heal or anything I just gotta tag okay I'm on the level 14 now actually in the well okay okay I'm almost on the I'm almost on the gym leader oh [Music] great let's do it wait pain split exists in gen 2. I thought that was added in gen 4. no I had no idea just like one one Pokemon learn paint split or something uh mischievous gets it and maybe Gengar [Music] I getting swept by a Vaporeon right now 90 seconds left [Music] he actually used OCTA zuka let's go I made it to Bugsy I made a Bugsy I beat I beat the well I don't think I kept time no I don't know like level nine though as well [Music] we got 40 seconds left I'm on the twins [Music] can you beat him can you beat bugs in time I don't think I'll be Bugsy I have I went in with a level 13. I just wanted to send it and see what happened [Music] is it dig like insane in this gen like 100 base power like it's earthquake but underground no it's 16 gen 2. oh okay I oh dude okay I made it to I beat the twins just in time okay one trainer away oh GG okay a nice quick glow race nice quick little race okay okay all right thanks for the [Music] for this one I gotta go grab my food before someone takes it and uh have fun with your other race and thank you yeah thank you thank you you have a good one good one bye-bye bye-bye all right I'm gonna go grab my food I'll be right back
Channel: SmallAnt VODS
Views: 489,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smallant vods pokemon evolve every level, smallant vods, smallant vod, smallant vods pokemon, pokemon evolve every level smallant, pokemon evolve every level smallant vods
Id: 5OJ0ZIa0iK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 218min 23sec (13103 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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