Ocarina of Time No Logic Randomizer - February 2nd 2023

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foreign foreign [Music] ER hey guys how are you all doing thanks very sub Sea Dog you hate me because you can't stop watching now so I'm sorry I'm sorry I recommended you the best streamer on Twitch now thanks a resub zsg one fan are you the guy that cheats in Zelda some people would say foreign riveting yeah I do need to play ship rendo again I need to do a lot of other random stuff again but I keep uh I keep wanting to mess with my settings for the main one and I want to like mess with this first I think Theresa leonhardt yeah ship Brando apparently has most of the features of regular Rando now and some extra ones I actually like scarce item pool a lot so far it um it seems to improve by improve I mean make more different uh the beginning of the game a lot like I have to do more unique like no explosive stuff early game I think any new music I haven't bothered updating the music pack in a while actually although I'm not sure if anything's really been added recently yeah the first seed just happened to be super bad but the two since then have been fine they've been well balanced I think yeah the otm combo Brando I am gonna do at some point I I kind of want to wait on it because I need to play it on either emulator or N64 and I kind of don't want to play on either of them because I can't play it on VC but I don't I don't know if like it might come to VC eventually or if it's just infeasible foreign but still keep hard requirements I'm not sure what you mean by that like if you if you have it set to like you know X number of dungeon rewards you can't really have it set to be like in a random place also kind of have to choose one or the other [Music] Things We Said Raptor dust [Music] oh like not being able to use the key without filling the dungeon reward Department uh I don't think that's an option now but I guess in theory well I don't know that'd be kind of weird to implement I mean you probably in theory could Implement something like that but it just worked kind of weirdly if say like you have to find it randomly but you can't use it until you have the dungeon requirements [Music] hundo will come back sometime yes thanks very sub Chrono thanks reset KX [Music] well there's no flag for it but with dcomp stuff you could add you could like manually add a new like function to it [Music] I think it's recently without shoes [Music] I need to start a Gamba [Music] foreign here you go [Music] [Music] I already always got the same two sounds for opponent I think opponent just doesn't have a large pool of sounds depicts from I think there's only like six or something sounds for opponent sounds [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] gets a bit more interesting [Music] the reason to start with a medallion is because there's nine dungeon rewards but only eight Dungeons and in vanilla you get one from you get light Medallion from just becoming adult so uh they just decided to give you one at the start since there's not enough dungeons for all the rewards and they don't really want to like just give you let me down for free I guess or like always like it'd be weird to have light million tied to becoming adult in Rando I guess I'll just give you one for free thanks everybody said Malik [Music] foreign [Music] Dreamer I should buy eth are you are you trying to show crypto in your in your resub message [Music] I respect the attempt [Music] foreign you've been watching the videos hello [Music] thanks for watching my vlogs instead of lively keep trying to fast forward I know that feel [Music] foreign yeah a lot of people seem to fall asleep to my randos I I seem to have cured many people's insomnia all right is Gamba over all right let's get started damn pay uh I don't know if it's a good idea to just actually yeah why wouldn't it be a good idea just go for it [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] just rupees rubies both of them just rupees very cool foreign oh wait I should have actually grabbed nuts uh you know what I'm gonna reset real quick just to grab nuts from the pot I forgot it doesn't even matter that I didn't save since I got nothing I won't restart timer [Music] thank you yeah same rule set still Regional BK no BK skips scarce item cool and uh dungeon and boss pools mixed okay when I accidentally grabbed that part when trying to roll [Music] got a very Green Seed today green sea buttons green a button green hearts yeah I still have Regional boss keys on [Music] nothing nothing foreign can never have a boss key uh Market Market would be the region of gannon's Castle so I got afghan's castleballski if I had it but uh against basketball ski obviously isn't randomized biggeron sword early on is nice um actually I'm gonna go back real quick I want to check the nut here and see if it's a nut capacity yeah okay I guess just go straight adult nothing else really to do Ocarina of Time gold social token jabu foolish Market foolish okay well thanks for that now and count house bullish okay Market drabu Cowan house and OT all foolish [Music] what happens [Music] yeah Market Market foolish is a really nice scent because I don't have to worry about night night market no just safe work uh cow house called mellon's obstacle course because you get the uh you get the cow in your house from completing melon's Ops of course [Music] thank you you're a fortress uh that's not a good entrance get on here this is some interesting the seat has interesting uh spawn points [Music] laughs [Music] hello Pokemon music so far I mean there's just a lot of Pokemon music in the pack in general I I don't mean to add like more purple music than anything else but they're just like the music that's available is the more Pokemon music than anything else [Music] naturally there's just going to be a lot well I'm easy to go at it anyway there's some pretty good Pokemon music I don't I Pokemon is definitely not my favorite series for music music but there's definitely some pretty good ones I don't know if I want to go off to Spirit right away I almost got skin attacked foreign [Music] yeah I just found Giant's life bigger one big one sword was like my second check and that's supposed to be a jump slash and then uh Giant's life like my sixth check or something I got both of them within 10 checks or something uh [Music] foreign okay I think I actually first want to go check Spirit and then I'm Gonna Save warp and check GTG [Music] this might look a little bit weird [Music] because when I when I check GTG and then I leave I'm gonna get thrown out into Gerudo Valley so if I want to check both spirit and GTG right now spirit's gonna be better to check first shut up [Music] sometimes I hate that not talking to Navi and first person or tied to the same button [Music] this place the capture card go out for a second I don't know why it does that I need to figure out why that happens oh I'm also likely to die in the Wasteland but it's okay because it'll get rid of the sand so it'll be easier anyway foreign or maybe I'll just be good I can't see what happened I'm so bad at doing this while not hissing somehow somehow I can do the hard way but not the easy way [Music] thank you unfortunately I can't get the Torches there because uh I need shield in order to crouch stab them with qpa and I can't actually do qpa like jumping straight to the torch so I'd have to come back there for the other check foreign yeah it sucks that you can't Crouch Sab with big run sword even though you can't use shield with it I kind of wish that because you can't shield with big run sword that pressing R just lets you crouch even without a shield that'd be such a nice uh such a nice thing yeah I started in well as child I started in dampe's grave as adult my save warp was a grew to Fortress foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I might be able to check the skull toy yeah I should be able to I can do it like this can be a bit weird uh hold on I can do this why is the master Mark sorry [Music] yeah I didn't get angled enough there [Music] I'm scared of being too close okay [Music] nothing just leave said okay very rare that my first dungeon checked is Spirit Temple [Music] all right now go check GTG without getting caught uh this is gonna be better to reset [Music] here I'm just gonna take the easy way and go in here [Music] yeah let's hear this item pool the main thing is that yeah it's harder to get bombs but then also Bo is less free um bow slingshot uh [Music] for the other ones Magic are all harder [Music] uh I can give this an attempt here I'll save right now actually if I happen to die it's probably better to just take the game over screen to leave uh very cool uh this is not gonna go well [Music] yeah I didn't think so okay whatever easy to come back to [Music] uh waterfall first I guess daddy pickles Okay Ice Cavern has a bomb bag at the end that's really good [Music] rupee yeah scarce means only one magic and I already got a hint for magic being in Shadow Temple which could mean many things must be just a giants live both actually got both already it was first bgs and then I got Giants knife shortly after a couple of time foolish as usual yeah if magic is deep Shadow and I don't have ZL then I will only have one option didn't start going to city that's very good [Music] foreign has three checks I think Prelude letter cutscene and Airways and only two checks it feels like it's three but I can only remember two right now all right I'm the World vanilla [Music] all right now I gotta back walk all the way across Turtle field I think there'll be sub K block vanilla means uh I have I have dungeons can be either the original version or the master quest version vanilla just means original yeah deep Shadow means past the boat helps so if if my magic happens to be past the boat and I don't have lullaby then I will only have one option for uh getting Magic I think I'm gonna make a stop in Curie I prefer vanilla math questions I mean for for Gen um for General gameplay I mostly prefer vanilla I think Master Quest done a few of the Mask Quest dungeons are better like jabu but for randomizer in particular I don't necessarily prefer one or the other the reason I like having both of them is that uh I need to consider more what tricks I need to do what checks I can and can't get there's just more to think about uh when it could be either one and so I don't necessarily prefer one over the other foreign [Music] I don't have sticks right yeah I'm gonna avoid getting sticks right now song of time [Music] okay bow bottle 195 220. [Music] actually we know I should get sticks right now I forgot because I can actually equip sticks over and or wait if I equip sticks overnight then I can't equipment well I think I should still get them now [Music] honey Moon Deku is javu can't do anything here favorite dungeon is uh either water or spirit s go down your water yes water is a good dungeon if you're not if you're not a six-year-old oh wait I should be going back out oh wait no I should take zores over actually okay that's massive Truth junk [Music] uh no I didn't I was just telling myself get the Ocarina check and then it didn't yeah I need to get the Ocarina check it's easy to forget when coming from the other direction because I have to like go backwards [Music] ten pickles [Music] Ruby what did you guys also rupee I think that was a squad War token uh uh can I just nice I can kill this I don't know if I can check it without a first person item foreign [Music] whatever [Music] I'm gonna try a strat here I want to see if this West works the same as adult hey [ __ ] no okay now there's a Westeros child with a stick oh God I'm gonna make it to KHAK before daytime right or before night time should make it me I haven't tried it with Master Sword I tried with big one sword specifically because you typically do it with Deku stick as child but I guess I could try with master sword at some point also but it looked like it was just completely missing so I don't know they all junk [Music] all junk [Music] Shield thank you thank you hook shots in cack s and thankfully I got the Nocturne hidden already so it can't be Nocturne that's against Castle foolish fire key [Music] you know graveyard does not count towards Keck [Music] [Music] yeah I've made a 50 token reward a few times it happens it's not common but it happens [Music] like almost all of the almost all of the super rare checks or like the the very hard annoying checks that you rarely need I've had probably all of them be something good at least once hey [Music] Google oh yeah I just have a text oh it's not an empty text file uh so the way I have my notes organized is I have uh one place that says Baron Curious George River so uh um so I have a few different like uh sections on my notes I have a baron section uh bad items good items shops Dungeons and grottos and so I just um put whatever notes into whatever section I need to put them in [Music] shops are not good so far there's hook shot very easy hooks up the seed I know there's still two hook shots because long shot is functionally different than hook shot um so yeah there's still there's still two of them it's only the ones that the difference is only capacity so like Bomb Bag bows slingshot stuff uh the exception is um wallet because wallet like an upgraded wallet can actually be it can actually give you different items oh wait I should actually uh it's too late now [Music] I guess Ocarina is an exception well I mean Ocarina is not a capacity upgrade good thing I just got hook shot uh I don't want to make it night yet so I'm going to not kill Phantom beginning or I'm gonna kill him I'm not gonna get the reward [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Prelude very nice okay so I'm just gonna have to come back for The Medallion later so I don't make it daytime right now [Music] yeah it's upside down to distinguish it from Sun song because before I had the same model as sunsong uh can I make it into Goron City before daytime probably not [Music] thank you no actually you know what okay in that case I'm actually gonna get The Medallion right now because it's gonna make it like midday instead of early day which I think is probably better [Music] I know it's not Max Capacity it's one less capacity So Max Capacity for bombs now is going to be 30 and bow 40. fire medallion what I think ice traps are between five and seven not four but uh yeah ice traps are unchanged no it doesn't apply to scales because scales have different functionalities oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] on the well he's a Deku I actually kind of want to go back down there now [Music] water has a boss uh there are pots over here I need health so I wanna well I could theoretically do this with the help I have right now okay now I can't [Music] I do have summer time I also have nothing to play an Ocarina with or play a song with no Ocarina no bottle I don't understand this foreign [Music] yeah I thought what it is is that you do it shortly or like right before you're supposed to take damage at the end [Music] foreign [Music] like wait until right before you take damage and then backflip and then it should be good but I feel like that's what I'm doing okay see like that foreign [Music] [Music] doesn't take extra fire damage that's TP only [Music] I mean maybe I was backflating too fast oh man so worth thanks everybody foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] all right hook shot clock for the Statue I wish that clip saves a little time that I'm pretty sure considering I'm probably gonna go back and forth multiple times I don't think it's worth it in Rando uh do I want to go out the top here I think I do [Music] uh the thing about checking fire entrance is I can't make it out alive if I do check it I'd have to save warp out and my save War position is Guru Fortress which is not great that's kind of the problem that's the reason I often don't check fire temple as early as I can because getting there is usually not a problem getting out is the problem Wasteland has strength I mean there's only two checks I know it can be either oh right it's still daytime I think it's like kind of almost night so I'm I think I'm just gonna wait for night if we have fire temple entrances myself yeah if fire temple entrance is my save warp location that can also be uh essentially a soft walk depending on what I have oh speaking of strength I got strength and a strength hand right next to each other oh I need qpa or no I don't need qpx I show strength foreign [Music] actually I have to do Fury Mega flip but it shouldn't be that bad or Berry hover if I'm bad things reset air off thank you [Music] uh I did that wrong uh I might as well get this while I'm down here oh wait I can't I forgot I need to jump to it uh oh no savor you know what maybe I should just check most of javu actually I was gonna just check the ball especially I should probably just check all the job here do I have any info about the next low Ted I have info that it will be streamed here on February 21st oh yeah drop it was foolish yeah that's why I'm stupid I mean I still need to check uh the boss but yeah you shouldn't be checking uh any items [Music] [Music] yes you can climb this yeah this also works this child it's easier his child in fact as adult the berry can get stuck easily [Music] oh what happened [Music] that's not gonna work oh I might as well just check this maybe something moderately useful okay okay [Music] [Music] are you hello [Music] cool whereas head cold sneeze Austin I don't know I haven't seen him in a while I miss the name [Music] [Applause] [Music] just a ruby [Music] wait no this makes it daytime well it would have been kind of annoying to come back here just because of night time though spear medallion oh well maybe I should have checked Forest first well another thing Forest could have been a boss yeah all blue Works change time of day all of them make it midday except for water tempo which makes it early morning thank you [Music] the devil fairy [Music] that's a double 1 in 16 chance [Music] okay [Music] hey Google [Music] oh no actually one of the fast entrance here for my setup [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay both OT items confirm junk 10 skulls [Music] pick around John utgmq [Music] stick capacity that's nice okay [Music] winner [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] I'm originik no I I just knew that I was gonna get a quantum soon thank you predicted [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yeah that was planned that's too uh that's a have a wall Master grab me and pull me into the last silver rupee that's completes the puzzle [Music] I know it's not that it's faster than hook shot it's the mq needs long shot here [Music] [Music] foreign gotta go now nothing else I can do uh what else is gonna do now um [Music] how's it called wall Master when it comes to the ceiling because in original Legend of Zelda they came from the walls but in a 3D game they wanted to make it like they're coming from the ceiling but they didn't want to change the name for [Music] I think I want to go back to cat I want to go to Deku I'm gonna have to remember my oh my God I need to remember my setup for entering bomb of the well [Music] check [Music] hey hey oh actually wait uh I can check fire Channel now I should do that okay [Music] shadow [Music] I don't even if he could have a picture Shadow is in q which means I can't do anything I'm just gonna open this up for later and then leave [Music] goodbye [Music] thanks a b sub J Duty I think it's a pro pro Blaze Pro blades thank you look like a rough started I wouldn't quite call it a rough start yet I'm still in the I'm still on the exploration phase so like figuring out the Dungeons and I haven't done too much of childs um I mean it's not fantastic yet but give it a bit more time I think so we said Darksider foreign yeah okay okay I need to somehow remember this [Music] was it how does this go I need to look this up real quick [Music] that's it okay no Shields [Music] no stop I can't move foreign need to be this side are these non-symmetrical sides what [Music] what huh why am I not getting up there [Music] hey what can I just manually set this up [Music] probably not this is relatively new it shouldn't be version specific I'd practice the actually I don't know I guess I practice it on gz which is 1.2 okay no no this is it foreign [Music] this much but I forgot [Music] oh my God how did this go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] something's off about this [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I forgot what direction you're supposed to hold and the stupid description doesn't have it oh never mind it's in a comment okay [Music] oh okay wait I think I should have it now why does this happen no I'm not moving on [Music] all right [Music] [Music] who said move on [Music] [Music] besides I need to I needed to relearn that because that's actually going to be pretty useful from now on I think NCS item settings I think is going to be a lot more useful thank you [Music] I mean I actually did learn it a while back but then first time I tried it I was gonna try it in a run the well was filled with water for some reason and I thought it had like something to do with entrance randomizer filling the well as adult uh but I guess not I don't know something weird changed I guess thank you [Music] it's an old Club it's like a month old I learned it when it first came out and then the first time I tried to do it in a rando I couldn't do it because of the water but then I don't know something about some settings that changed uh make the water not there anymore I don't even know what it is [Music] [Music] uh I don't want to slash my sword maybe I'll do this [Music] I don't want to slash my sword so I don't lose qpa [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] exactly completely bare and I mean I haven't gotten anything good here so far I didn't get a hint about it being there in but I'm not getting anything from it [Music] Deku leads to fire I can't get anything in there uh I can save some of the bottom real quick [Music] all right [Music] I hate to stream without magic [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I know I never had hints that were wrong well actually I guess yesterday I had a really weird hint where I think it said oh no no I remember that was actually correct and I was reading something wrong never mind uh no I don't think I've ever had a wrong hand s [Music] [Music] okay nothing's here that I'm safe scumming this yep why don't use bgs instead of Master Sword uh flare dancers damage table is actually bugged where Master Sword does more damage than big one sword Matt sword and big one sword have like flip damage values on flare dancer so I was actually using bigger one sword my hand settings is very strong with magic which if it sounds broken it's significantly nerfed when it comes to no logic [Music] oh okay I used to think um Stone requirement for hints might be a good idea but it just ends up with like you either never having hints or you have to go back to All the gossip Stones you got you never got like three hours in and it's just annoying [Music] if you're not in my opinion if you don't start with all hints already available then just don't have hints at all it's kind of annoying to like halfway through the Run suddenly oh now I can actually go check in tonight I have to go back everywhere foreign yeah I am by that point hints are significantly less useful anyway like imagine I didn't get the hint about jabu being there in early then I would have spent five minutes in Java doing nothing I don't have explosives for that just say warp out okay uh so Deku leads to fire [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you uh might be time to go child again yeah Bomb Bag it was into that in a nice cabin but I haven't found Ice Cavern yet City had a hint for dims not Bomb Bag s oh actually you know what uh wait this is I so I have a hint for um I have a hint for uh strength upgrade being in Wasteland and I know it's 50 50 chance it's the torch hint or not hint uh the torch check and so I was gonna save warp and go check that real quick but then it would have been really bad to get back to Temple of time so I think I'll just do it first thing is adult next time I go to adult no uh outside against Castle is Baron [Music] yeah it could be carpet man it's 50 50 if it's carpet man or torch uh chest foreign [Music] [Music] this better [Music] so I know Market's Barren I don't need to bother checking anything else here I do need to check the hydro Castle skull though in the tree and I guess check the hints there too oh [Music] thank you okay I'm Gonna Save here check the hints and then save warp and then I'm gonna go to CAC and hopefully I make it in time for damn pay they've had a foolish what's like I wish I got that earlier actually I totally had a chance to get that earlier but I didn't because uh I was worried about time of day I think thank you plenty of uh foolish location hints today Market jabu Temple timeouts against castle and thieves hideout I'll have nothing okay I already got those [Music] thank you [Music] I hope I make it in time for Dan pay but I don't know if I actually will what sucks is if I don't it's better to go to Lawn Lawn first uh you know what I should I think I should just abandon the idea and go to Longline first yeah there's no way gonna have to skip Dan pay for now [Music] Samsung I like that you know if I could play it thank you [Music] well I do know where a bottle is but I need a wallet for it if I get a wallet I can get a bottle Spirit keyring foreign as expected I can equip hook shot to note a stick with equipped swap the problem is if I use it I get soft locked it just doesn't work properly as child it has nothing with like unlocking shooting animation or something yeah keyring is all keys to that dungeon I have them on random though so I don't know if any given dungeon has individual keys or a key ring pop pop say we're gonna do the damper race then I have time for Dante no I couldn't I wouldn't be able to exit the dampy Race 2 cack because um there's a ledge at the end that you need a ground jump up as child and without bombs I can't ground jump up it that song of time marked on the tracker not Ocarina apparently a boss key key ring option was added but I don't really have a reason to use it [Music] oh my God [Music] uh I might be able to go back into Deco and do a few more checks as child specifically is that a good idea choose now it is [Music] well after I do this actually maybe before actually thank you [Music] really [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh wow okay slingshot that would be really useful right now actually but I definitely do not want to do that [Music] kiss please [Music] Master Quest moment you have to if you're doing this room in Reverse you have to go back and forth here [Music] uh I should get qpa it's gonna be easier [Music] thank you [Music] that's wrong whatever I forgot the chest over here is open for free [Music] thanks resubs skinny Mike [Music] everything for the slingshot if I'm starting all the way from the bottom it's probably gonna be like I I want to say like 20 or 30 uh it'd be way too much uh is it worth hovering the shadow yeah I can probably do it if I didn't have strength I could do super sled teleport oh God this is gonna be bad oh no I think I won't do it with the PO or Shadow is games castle that's pretty good foreign [Music] with so many sticks on them [Music] I know for practice you definitely want to use gz right on the pc4 because the PC Port is going to play slightly differently than console and so if you're practicing for a speed run that you're doing on Console gz is going to give you identical practice while the PC Port is going to give you a slightly different practice so yeah definitely use gz over PC portrait practice is that a map yeah that's a map uh nothing in there [Music] yeah and Jeezy just has many more relevant tools for practice uh the PC Port does have Ocarina thank you the PC Port does have a lot of similar functions to gz but like overall GG still has more stuff more relevant stuff at least uh [Music] go down here [Music] [Applause] [Music] first wins [Music] [Music] foreign so what's annoying about Sun song right now so I I can play Sun song but uh it needs to be early night for dampe not just night and Sun song makes it go past midnight which is too late for dampe so to do dampe I have to go all the way out to Hyrule Field play Sun song twice and then come back foreign actually now it might be worth it to go get slingshot now I still have to hover to it but it'd be um medium hover uh it's not to do like all twisted side flips I don't know if I want to do that ah but slingshot would be so good right now or I don't know if it'd be so good foreign [Music] maybe it would be I at this point I don't think so but I might want to save warp soon after I check uh the rest of khaki [Music] [Music] no I don't think I should I kind of want to uh ESS adapter is definitely really good if you if you really want to like actually get good at the game then I definitely recommend yes this adapter if you're just kind of like trying it out just seeing if you like oat speed runs it's definitely not necessary but if you do plan on like putting in time long term then yeah you probably want to get any SS adapter just rippies [Music] come on I need some bombs actually I guess my save warp location damn face grave has a bomb drop do that [Music] I'm gonna go there now anyway or actually no I should go to Guan City first because I know dins is there and then from there I'm Gonna Save her all right but if I'm at Goran City I'm going to want to go to kakiri oh I should meet Zelda should I do that first I should have made Zelda right now [Music] [Music] I know it's the Ocarina of Time that was junk not meeting Zelda but either way meeting Zelda unlocks The Mask shop so this is how I get um bunny Hood which is what I really want this is all messed up thank you [Music] this is walking as easy as I make it out to be uh steam walking can definitely be tricky when you're first learning it but there's a lot of setups for steam walking nowadays and uh the setups can make them fairly easy [Music] yeah there's a Storm's got over there but can't get that right now uh I might actually want to go no I don't want to go adult yet although I think my I want my child section to be kind of short well I say that all the time and then it ends up not being short I think I want to [Music] check the check some of the grottos here uh go to Valley Lake hylia's or his domain tours River kakiri something like that oh not I already I know what that Grotto is don't need to go there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that's very good [Music] I'm gonna check the other grottos here gonna be kind of awkward but I think it's worth it [Music] for a stage I think they get mad at bunnyhood all right not mad some rupees foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] anything [Music] yeah the seed has not been free foreign happens I already checked the waterfall how nice let's get this [Music] I guess just go straight down here uh I hope I can make it to the other skull I might barely make it oh no come on foreign I should probably check bomb of the well now which is water entrance yeah attack side super swim is good yeah I'm gonna do fishing and then probably clip to water temple for bomb of the well [Music] come on come on come on bye can't press it anymore [Music] foreign Charlotte uh did I already check what this was foreign drop cool laughs [Music] foreign oh no [Music] oh no [Music] oh I missed it [Music] this is harder at night because I can barely see how did I miss it again where is it okay there [Music] so you said okay which I already know is junk [Music] [Music] shadowbowski [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] pools if anything it's kind of what I wanted because uh early game early game for a lot of randos recently have started to get kind of easy and I do want a slightly harder early games foreign you uh you try to go into a crawl space and interrupt it by throwing a Decker not one frame later and you get some really weird Collision properties including uh not interacting with water or any other damage Source really and uh oh God this is bad uh where am I okay uh don't okay [Music] you don't interact with water or other damage sources and also uh it's easier to clip through certain things I like that over here no come back here come back here see you [Music] ready [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] deck of shields the fire Keys too though foreign I think I should go this way actually I know blink a is required to not have a sword it's not easier it's straight up doesn't work if you have sword and also it's uh 1.0 only and thankfully Rando is played on 1.0 that's not what I wanted uh [Music] I'm not gonna risk this Dungeons and bosses mixed with grottos I was thinking about that uh the one thing about that is um if you do dungeons uh dungeon and bosses mixed with grottos that makes it much more likely that what's behind the boss store is some junk Grotto like there's a pretty good chance that behind all the boss doors is gonna be a fairy fountain or a grotto with one chest or something and I think that makes it a lot less interesting whereas now behind a boss store find a buster was either a dungeon or a boss and those are both very very good and important things foreign [Music] matter at that point or at least matter a lot less I mean it sounds interesting in that like it could there could be like a very minimal reward for something that you think would be a good reward riddle Valley that's not a usual one uh but yeah I think I think the way it is is best right now for these settings like when I'm specifically optimizing my settings for like most interesting strategic value I think uh these settings are good three Okay so uh toilet room has my third set of bomb shoes wait I already know what's in Javier or well I know but actually uh I can do this better as adult [Music] I can do that right now but DC is just objectively better as adult in every way plus I need to go here soon as adult for ice Caverns I haven't checked Ice Cavern yet I could have hovered ice Gathering but I kind of don't want to I don't need to [Music] know foreign [Music] so that's annoying because I had to skip the skeletalism by the well that lets me go get them but I kind of really don't want to go back there right now surely they're not hammer and mirror Shields [Music] no I'm not gonna do it now it's it's so much of a detour right now I think right now like I'm trying to this was supposed to be a short child section it never ends up being short but uh if I have to come back if I end up in a place where like I'm desperately searching for specific items towards the end then uh I will come back and uh I'll come back and uh do that foreign [Music] [Music] oh wait I forgot I need to check the wall up there again uh the other the other Grotto is The Grotto I had to skip earlier [Music] I have to go back to that actually [Music] dude regular Stick Swing isg doesn't break uh grass but stick jump slash does because reasons wait did I already buy no I didn't [Music] assistant [Music] yeah that's a scam [Music] wallet I was just about to say something about wallet too uh that's really good because I'm going to kakiri next and kakiri Shop has a bottle for just under 200 rupees so I'm gonna get a I'm gonna get a bottle soon [Music] [Music] and that guarantees that I can get uh I guarantee that I can get silver gauntlets when I become adult because I know it's in Wasteland and now I can buy uh Wasteland guys item if uh it's not the Torches there's only one magic in in these settings and it's in Shadow Temple [Music] foreign [Music] somehow I knew that this item that I had to skip earlier was gonna be good [Music] yeah [Music] all right [Music] uh [Music] uh this could be risky [Music] I had a feeling that was gonna happen [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] yeah you can do pretty much whatever you want if you if you really believe this game does have many things you were able to do just gotta believe and that's why it's cool [Music] all right so go buy the bottle and it's a it's a bug bottle specifically too which is perfect thank you [Music] yeah it really is kind of amazing how many glitches this game has yet how few of them will ever be no that's not what I meant to do they're all going to do at the same time [Music] it's not that big of a deal because I can easily get them back in uh let's say I'll go to forgers okay that's uh morpha yeah I can get those bugs back easily without really a detour oh minor detour [Music] nice rupees kind of needed that oh yeah saying something about yeah I was saying it's pretty amazing how like the game has so many glitches but so few are ever encountered in casual play because like it's uh okay so for like a little example so some of you guys might know about the oot version 0.9 thing that was released or not released but leaked uh like uh two years ago or so where we actually now have a version of OT that's like very close to release but slightly before release like maybe a month or so before release and it was way buggier there's a lot of like really obvious things uh really obvious glitches that easily would have impacted casual play that were all debugged like at the very last moment and uh yes they actually they did a pretty good job of like getting rid of all the bad stuff like right before the game came out it's been two years yeah it's been a while I think it was like early 2021 right uh I think I have to break it with stick coolest point or exclusive bug uh there's a few really cool ones one of them is uh it has a different version of qpa that you can do just from putting away your sword and slashing at the same time and it actually has a different damage value too it gives you uh bomb damage so you have easy access to bomb damage qpa which is really great it also has a glitch where if you don't have magic you can drink green potion and it actually gives you Magic so you can get magic without having Magic which would be pretty op for Rando well game has the coolest glitches on the te uh uh breath of Wild's glitches nowadays are pretty neat in addition to all the fast Movement Like There's multiple different fast movement glitches in breath of wild which are great there's like btbs blss uh wind bombs those are all really cool and then there's also stuff like Shrine coordinate warping which is really neat um has like menu item duplication stuff now uh those are all really cool yeah uh Metroid Prime Metroid Prime is great stuff Metro Prime has some of the coolest out of bounds stuff in any game I think same with prime two prime one and two both have great stuff um what else [Music] yeah I mean when I when I play it here's the kingdom yeah it'll be a little bit of both I'm definitely I'm definitely gonna play casually but I also if I if I think if I see something I think like oh man I might be able to do a glitch or a skip here I'm gonna try it out it's it's gonna be in the back of my mind it's always I'll never be able to like play something like a Zelda game and just completely never think about the possibility of glitches or speed run struts it might not be my main priority while playing my first playthrough but it'll be in the back of my mind [Music] see you uh I don't want to break my stick yeah I'll stream my uh cheers the kingdom playthrough [Music] come on oh these die the bombs I didn't I don't want to waste my sticks but here [Music] I'm gonna die [Music] no no bossy sips getting all my key rings is that vanilla or um or it's vanilla I already know [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on dude what a waste of time [Music] oh my God foreign key I think it's three right let me double check my fire keys yeah three okay [Music] all right so I know dins is in here [Music] come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] there's Dunes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] we're gonna check yeah I'm gonna do Journey to check in a sec when I come back I'm gonna do a loop around Quran City or uh Japan crater I might have to intentionally die here oh I haven't gotten this Grotto yet uh for the sworn I did already foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] three [Music] yeah well it won [Music] got some bombs [Music] [Music] wow [Music] yeah it's two bomb bags with scarce but that wasn't a bond like that was just a bomb refill sticks I might actually want to grab that stick oh actually no uh do I want to just okay I'm gonna grab what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab the soil skull the soil skull out here I'm gonna get Cocos and then I think go adult [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign yeah bugs work without breaking the rock but you can't kill the skull without worry you can sort of kill the skull without breaking the Rock and then grabbing the token or grabbing the item you can either Boomerang it or you can do something really dumb to get it without breaking the rock but basically you pretty much want to whoops you pretty much want to break the Rocks so you can actually get the item there's technically ways without it but oh that's a good one good thing I did not forget Coco's [Music] oh come on [Music] now I learned Hyrule Castle's foolish [Music] okay now go to or wait wasn't there something I was supposed to do before I go adult uh uh it was after I go to oh wait um okay I'm gonna grab some rubies okay yeah I'm just gonna dupe so doob sell bugs for rupees so I get 200 so I can get Wasteland guy if I need and the way some guy's gonna be like first thing I do [Music] yeah I have a lot of foolish hands so all my foolish hands today Market jabu Temple of time outside ganon's Castle thieves Hideout Valley and Harold Castle are all foolish [Music] so much to remember [Music] okay just save warp right away [Music] thank you it's gonna be easiest time I just get caught actually can I hook shot the thing from the area that I started I don't think so I think it's too high let me see if I can hook shot the ground I guess okay I probably could or maybe I don't know it might actually be like barely on the edge what I did not mean to do that that early I thought I had the wrong sword equipped I don't have grudo card do I no of course I just got caught yeah I was just surprised that the guard didn't catch me through the gate thank you [Music] thank you do it was this guy for Silvers all right I'm just gonna go check uh the torch chest and then probably save warp again and then I can do more for real quick now that I've hooked shot [Music] come on [Music] actually wasn't this rupees I think this was rupees holiday [Music] so I guess I'm not doing uh I'm not doing boot skip [Music] [Music] probably Megan Knight and check the night skulls first before I do this uh let me kill this thick no I'm not gonna do both skip when I don't need to I mean I I do when when the time comes and I'm sure the time will come at some point I will do it but I'm not gonna do it when I blatantly don't need to [Music] three three that's good actually that's annoying because now I need to get the song storms right over here but uh okay it's actually not that bad okay now I gotta remember to get songs from Dakota here before I leave foreign all the sound effects are on max randomized unless I'm missing a setting no The Grotto doesn't load when the area isn't loaded I mean after I do morpha after morph I'm gonna get caught I'm gonna throw it in jail I gotta get out then check The Grotto and then leave is Prelude still my only warp song uh what I want to do after this um I'll probably yeah I gotta go to jabu so I can check Ice Cavern entrance and then DC Ocarina of Time I've been getting both ocarinas a lot more often recently [Music] foreign storms which I need to mark oh I never worked ins yeah and silver gauntlets marking stuff's hard I have no money there is money in jail throw me to the money you know what farming that box probably would have been faster than farming the um uh uh can't believe I didn't get caught [Music] maximum stealth [Music] [Music] kill the Blind Lady [Music] oh really pinky shy okay so I guess I should manually randomize them all um oh you know what I'm actually gonna go down to Lake hylia first to set Scarecrow song and I know Greta Valley's Baron so I'm not gonna bother checking anything here is that 31 skills I mean my skulls don't matter for this so all my skulls are junk so I don't really care about skull count foreign foreign nice jumped right into me foreign I don't have a shadow key ring yet right no because I want to go to shadow [Music] but I don't know if it's a good idea to go there with zero keys I mean there's still a decent amount I can check plus I can check the end uh because mq Shadow doesn't need a key to check the boss door which is good but I don't know if it's worth it [Music] oh yeah I should get the tree in the Sun actually while I'm here lower the water so I can go to Source the main after this all right [Music] [Music] yeah the lowering the water is uh specifically a rando thing it's not in vanilla it's because there are certain cases where uh you can do something I think it's specifically with gold scaling entering water temple like you can enter water temple with gold scale and not iron boots when the water's lowered but not if uh the water's raised and so that is in logic but that also causes an issue where you can't get back into water temple after you've already beaten morpha with gold scale without iron boots and so the solution is They just added a thing so you can lower the water thank you which I think is neat if I don't look up um what can happen is uh the I'll automatically get the heart piece anytime it just loads in and if it actually loads in at a point where it loads back out really quickly but the text box does still come up and I close the text box while it's loaded out again and then it tries to load back in again after that uh it can actually soft lock so like basically if the text box comes up and I close it while the item is not loaded and then it tries to come up again even though the item is gone then I get softwalked and so that's just to prevent a soft lock there [Music] I did do adult fishing that is water boss key did I ever check the shop I don't know if I checked the shop as child I never checked the shop is horoscope 255. it's not like I could have done anything [Music] yeah I found a silver scale earlier [Music] foreign [Music] um one thing I have noticed is that it seems a bit easier than I was hoping for getting the boss keys like I haven't really ran into a situation where I'm like struggling to find a boss key and because the original reason I thought it would be a good idea is uh I get into a situation where like I need water boss key to finish the seed and so now I'm like okay now I know I need to check Lake hylia zores River resorts in Maine I need to check all those places for kabaski and I know the boss key must be in some of those places and I haven't really ran into that situation yet which I mean I'm not expecting it every time but I feel like I should have ran into that situation so far and I haven't so I do wonder if Regional boss Keys is a bit too easy foreign [Music] [Music] I go to the bus directly because I have Dungeons and boss boss entrances randomized in the same pool so that means bosses can be dungeon entrances and also dungeon dungeon boss doors can lead to other dungeons uh yeah I recently updated my music like uh mid-January like two weeks ago or so yeah so I did an update since December yeah [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] mq [Music] foreign key there should be enough fire keys to check everything in fire now might want to go check out fire soon it was fire again fire was [Music] Deku right it was Deku oh another fire key Deca led to fire temple which actually now now I can definitely easily get slingshots and now it's actually a good time to go back to Deku too although slingshot is also not as important now I'll definitely get it though [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign yeah I haven't I can't get the lighter in until I've already uh I can't get the lighter in until I've already gotten gannon's boss key foreign [Music] [Music] dude please [Music] what's up uh yeah that probably normally goes up there's a switch that activates it in vanilla this switch is at the end of the dungeon but in Master Quest it's at the beginning [Music] [Music] [Music] very cool ground room it's ground jump towards the wall I almost got it if I very carefully just touch the corners of those platforms I should be able to get across the whole thing without uh without falling [Music] [Music] foreign it would be cool bgs I just don't have much of a reason it could be just right now I mean I guess the little face it would have been good for but a lot of the time Master Sword just is better than BTS there's a lot of setups that I specifically use Master Sword for um I mean there's not a lot of fighting that I really do where big run store is like much better [Music] you're a shield got all three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that's nice what the heck [Music] finally another warp song that's not Prelude uh uh really can I make it still incredible [Music] [Music] do I know where water temple is yet I don't think I do right no [Music] time time for the bomb Farm [Music] a nice hole [Music] [Music] a VC crash lurks don't say that man okay Spirit um I don't know if I really want to check Spirit right now I have all the spirit keys but I feel like I don't have a spirit boss key and I don't really have any knowledge of something in spirit being good I'll check this stuff at the beginning [Music] but I think this is something I should come back to later if I need to [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] dragons okay I'm just gonna check the bottom floor stuff and then leave [Music] [Applause] now I never marked my first bottle whoops [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] s are good this seed [Music] foreign leads to Spirit mq [Music] okay I think now the best thing to do is go to shadow where was Shadow was fire I should just play bolero foreign [Music] no I should check Guinness Castle first Gans Castle is the last dungeon I don't know the entrance of yet [Music] and I think it must be water or no it could be Water Ice Cavern a boss yeah I think it's either water ice Kevin or a boss I think I found the others water okay I have water boss key that's good [Music] thank you [Music] yeah and I'm pretty sure uh water had a boss yeah and I can beat whatever boss it is let's see more than I need [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Okay so if I've beaten five bosses [Music] corn Ruby uh that was evolved okay wait does this tell me I'm gonna Fortress water temple Fire temple all right so I know Fire temple has a boss so that means shadow I think does not or no because I don't know about spirit oh yeah I don't know about forest fire and spirit and also so I was trying to think if um if I knew for sure if Shadow had a boss or not at the end but I don't know [Music] so I guess I'll go check Shadow I can't check all of it in fact I can only check a fraction of Shadow without a key but I can at least get to the end [Music] uh there's no set number of dungeons I need to complete I need to get seven dungeon rewards so beat six bosses uh but I can find the bosses in the overworlds and not just in dungeons also but what that usually means is that there's like a handful of easy bosses and then there might be like a few hard to get two bosses [Music] all right so I know my magic is in Shadow so if I'm lucky then uh Magic will be easy to get if I'm lucky I don't need like any keys for Magic if I'm not lucky then uh I need to go find Shadow key ring [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not for sure a key ring but given uh given how long it's been that I found zero Shadow keys and there's six Keys normally it's pretty unlikely that I would not have found a single key yet not impossible but unlikely [Music] [Music] ready yeah Spirit boss he can be in GTG Nobel [Music] thank you [Music] foreign I had magic and I could use for rosewind then I could come back here easily oh my God [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] uh let me check or no [Music] all right this is the most annoying hook shot shot [Music] okay that wasn't too bad no Lin's chess game does not have magic I know magic is in Shadow Temple [Music] arrows [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] fall out of bounds [Music] there he is [Music] this is just the only one that's available both I hope that the other one oh there's Shadow key ring thank you that is perfect all right now I can for sure get magic [Music] uh oh yeah I need to weird shot in mq this is kind of annoying tonight [Music] [Music] uh that was almost really bad [Music] uh not too far no [Music] yeah qba might have been better instead of weird shotting yeah you can you can get itself well not true softwalk semi-soft locked because once the room voids you you'll be fine but yeah that's not the room I forget my way around here sometimes [Music] it all looks the same [Music] no the invisible maze doesn't change it's not a change in them Cube but uh one of the doors is very cool uh one of the doors has changed which um that that last door the door that links the boat room to that room is changed from a knob door to a sliding door and that is what threw me off there [Music] because I I remembered okay that it is a sliding door so I'm looking for a sliding door oh there's the sliding door oh wait it's not the sliding door I'm looking for uh I knew that was gonna happen because I went way too far behind the air knuckle foreign [Music] well I need to check all of Shadow for magic anyway so that's fine this should actually put me in go mode [Music] or a lighter mode yeah [Music] foreign [Music] on the wall [Music] but I did check it [Music] [Music] oh right [Music] NQ lag [Music] oon [Music] well unfortunately light arrows cannot be chess game because I already have a hint that said Market is barren the market does not have anything good [Music] it's not a liar and I don't have lighter hints on [Music] no mq is not always that laggy but there are a few specific places where it's laggier than it should be at the luxury a Dollar Tree is cack not Market [Music] will I die [Music] Gambon if I die [Music] okay so there's one annoying situation here so there's uh something in this room that I need or not this room but the room before that I need long shot for and there's a no longchat alternative using dins but I need to actually use dins like with magic so I don't have long shot or din so the only way to never mind doesn't matter uh uh just save work yeah all right well I was gonna complain a lot but I don't need to complain anymore I should have just died that would have actually been faster to death work I was in perfect position to death at work when I do that no not scripted or else I would have death worked to be optimal [Music] foreign [Music] the wall there or the gate there is uh one way so you can just walk through it on the other side [Music] Nobel [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I will have seven dungeon Awards I gotta go to gannon's Castle which is that uh Shadow entrance get lighter on him and see how bad lighter hints gonna be uh there's actually not too much bad things that lighter and could be it could be water would be kind of bad because I don't have any water keys uh um the most overall locations or any dungeons I should be able to deal with unless it's like a cow [Music] cow might be dead [Music] I don't have Nocturne but I can get there relatively quickly what are you could be frogs I guess I mean it can't be final frogs I know final frogs is junk but who knows if it's opponent song frogs [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] uh it's possible that opponent is possible it's possible that opponas is impossible uh it's definitely not most likely though opponents being impossible at this point would pretty much need to be if I want to lock behind Upon a Song which is a fairly low chance there's only there's only eight cows well nine with uh Cowan house but I already know Cowan house is junk [Applause] actually and goretta Valley is junk so seven really so there's only seven possible cows that light Rose could be on or opponents could be on and then for for the seed to be impossible both opponents song Judo card I remember dropped the griddle card somewhat lore fitting [Music] oh yeah so like both light arrows and opponent song would both need to be in cows and that's just super unlikely I mean it's possible but I have no reason to assume that right now [Music] yeah now I gotta just go ask in and [Music] oh come on no storm check now no reason to check anything now that all I need is lighter is there's no reason to check anything else but until I get the lighter in if all you need is uh light arrows and you have access to the lighter hand you should never bother checking anything else until you get the hint maybe if it's something you're coming across then it takes like two seconds like I'll probably get the gannon's castle ball ski chest on the way that's probably worth it foreign is meeting Ganondorf he tells you you'll it's like something like he'll never defeat me without the light arrows from Goron City or whatever and then he says the location where they are [Music] all right oh come on [Music] why do I bothering him trying that I think so we said Jason since 2013 dang that's a long time [Music] he's just not good I must have not gotten hit by the Spin Attack in the first first place from Chic meaning account essential world I mean it depends on which which Chic meeting you mean if it's like uh uh Ice Cavern that counts the dungeon but the rest of the ones should count as Overworld not lighters [Music] thank you [Music] checked yeah ganon's playing some Street Fighter too we're actually gonna play Street Fighter 2 to fight instead of an actual regular fight all right where is it shadow that's annoying annoying as in I just came from there so I have to go back [Music] uh [Music] no Shadow is not Overworld foreign [Music] uh I think I can save some time by going backwards here oh you know what no uh yeah I should go this way so because I got magic that thing where I was like Midway through complaining about not having magic for the din's backup for not having long shot well I can with magic I can do that now so I don't have to worry about that [Music] [Music] I think I need uh Master Sword too foreign magic was in this room that I'm going to right now oh wait did I get both chests over here I probably only got one chest because I think I got magic from the first chest right so I should actually get the second chest now I'm gonna be really mad if this other chest has light arrows and light Rose was right there and I ignored it I mean I did the like technically correct thing like that is kind of what you're supposed to do okay [Music] [Music] yeah I know lighters are in Shadow Temple so I just have to come back here for this so this doing that glitch loaded the other room and getting the silver when both these rooms are loaded getting silver rupees in this room activates a silver rupee puzzle in the other room and that's really significant because that silver would be puzzle needed long shot and I do not have that [Music] yeah basically the same as bomb of the well actually glitch [Music] come on [Music] iron boots don't really need it now but that's cool I guess shadow kind of loaded [Music] really [Music] I didn't press the switch what am I doing that room was very bad oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] for 89 months Ryan yeah almost near a hundo it's cool to start seeing people with over 100 months now or around [Music] come here [Music] I am lucky that I got the keying for shadow in fact I'm really lucky that I got the keyring for shadow in Shadow on a check that did not require a key because that easily could have made the scene impossible all the seed needed was key ring the shadow key ring to be still in Shadow but just behind a door that needed the key and then suddenly the whole seat's impossible magic light arrows and Shadow key ring there's another key ring with water so lighter it's really going to be two of the last oh my God wait can I get up here yeah I can okay or wait yeah okay so yeah there's only I think two checks left so uh that's really cool gonna be the last place I check oh my God Ryan thanks for giving me 25 Subs oh iron boots actually useful by getting in so late [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] there it is foreign [Music] [Music] yes thank you [Music] foreign oh yeah caught a mark frequency besides fine one cycling bosses most of the time it kind of varies but the general idea of one cycling bosses like ganondorfs is you attack them right before their invincibility frames go away it's like when you attack Ganondorf usually they'll be Invincible for say a second or so and so if you attack them right at the end so like right when they're in this building is running out um they're usually like is one frame where they're vulnerable again and then that'll reset their in this building can repeat it although that doesn't work for all bosses uh Phantom Ganon doesn't actually work like that and you have to do something different to one cycle I mean but like that that General concept works for like uh Ganondorf Bongo morpha Goma but not all of them thank you I think the research Peng okay you know Moss no no no Moss [Music] one less yes I can do one less I can do zero randos in a day sometimes okay let's check the log foreign [Music] should I erase the Rando from yesterday a race from history that I did a rando yesterday so I can have negative one randos on that day all right here is the log let's look through it uh I guess first let me see where my other hook shot was man on roof and go to training ground mq ice service chest okay so a long shot was GTG I have to use Hammer to hit the hammer switch and then get the what's the final chest in gdgmq so that's not exactly an easy hook shot I mean I could have got it if I went back but I had no reason to go back foreign okay where is zero ducky scrub Grotto [Music] uh ZR storms got a was okay the DMC lower Grotto so the DMC Hammer Grotto had uh opponent song zrgs near raised grottos yeah I got a hint for kakiri sword being in zoro's River I had a feeling it was either the adult skulls or frogs because I cleared out everything else in George River [Music] okay so Spirit boski was in GTG there's only one ice trap really maybe ice traps are changed in this setting yeah ice trap one huh I don't know [Music] okay if fire basket was in fire temple I was gonna go to fire temple soon if uh things didn't work out for shadow basket or Shadow Smokies [Music] LOL llr Tower right cow is slingshot wait does that mean that the Deku one was an ice trap [Music] foreign no no it wasn't never mind okay I didn't okay for some reason I thought that I got a slingshot somewhere else and then that the decade basement was the second one okay never mind [Music] I don't think that scarcity pool should have less ice traps but maybe it does foreign [Music] I don't know then I don't know why I had so few ice traps okay so I was actually thinking uh I might move it back to eight dungeon Rewards because I I am like kind of the bosses in the worlds make it kind of easy to get a lot of uh dungeon rewards easily [Music] although I'm also worried especially with scarce item pool that eight rewards plus gear side and pool could be really bad but I don't know [Music] thinking about showing something cool I don't know what cool to show off [Music] 18 hour average seed piling area yeah I gotta do Charlie Nero I gotta just mess with it I mean usually when I mess with eight dungeon rewards it usually ends up resulting in me being like Oh yeah this is why I don't do eight dungeon Rewards but yeah I might try it next time [Music] okay anyway I think I'm done for now guys so thanks for watching hope you enjoyed oh thoughts on AI Seinfeld okay I actually was watching the nothing forever stream it's actually amazing I love it I I for one I'm very happy to see AI the AI generated content of the future now [Music] yeah I'm gonna go watch AI Seinfeld after this [Music] yes I for one welcome our new AI overlords [Music] finally we can stop watching human streamers and let the AI do the work [Music] okay anyway I'm done now thanks for watching I'll see you guys later bye-bye [Music]
Channel: ZFG Vods
Views: 100,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, chatreplay, cr:auto
Id: O3YE7-PJgYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 34sec (14074 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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