Kirby but if he gets a coin he INSTANTLY dies and its really sad because watching Kirby die is sad

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the idea is simple if Kirby gets a coin he dies and that wouldn't be hard but like everything gives you coins in this game small rocks give you coins little animals give you coins every normal enemy in the game gives you a paycheck upon their death so I made up a challenge to play against my subscribers I have listed out every way Kirby could get money my subscribers then will have to guess what I'll die to the most while playing a level if my most common death is in their top two predictions they win but if they guess wrong I win who will be the first to get three wins I will not see the results of this poll until the level is fully completed good luck but I I mean um Good Luck I mean that genuinely get ready to lose bub I have to focus on dodging for a second here so luckily all right no no this is gonna be fine this is gonna be fine the thing I was worried about the crap also this instant coin death thing in Kirby's General speed increase was made by farubi so huge shout outs to their hard work I'm not immediately worried and I can even get a power up here ignore the bread as far as I know that bread could just produce money out of it I've never seen a bakery that puts lumps of gold within the bread I don't know man I haven't been to like Europe maybe that's how they do it there Canadian Europeans vouch if there is indeed sums of 500 bills in your baguettes what why did that give me money also as you can see at the top right I'm giving myself a limited amount of time to beat each level I think it's more fun like that get Hammer I actually wait I actually could get a hammer step one burn the skin off your body call me a skin parasite the way I do it so well step number two absorb you and your entire being step number three cheat okay I might have messed up the glitch wow you can't even cheat right look okay there we go ah look at oh no coins up here you know my favorite part of Kirby is skipping Kirby wherever possible constipation okay then oh look at this look at this treacherous Waters ahead oh no I don't think the whirlpools are actually a big issue here no this speed is actually working on my favorite right now Zoom through oh get careful of the shell I approached them with a speed I'm not usually ready for however what I am ready for is this nice level complete kind of that wasn't tough at all that was nice and easy but I suppose the competition isn't just to beat the level the competition is to uh see what the poll says the top tour what we count for what do we got here enemy dies in small rock but the thing I died the most to was plants I died to plants twice plant related deaths was the third highest option that's a victory for me oh so so close look at that 15 more people lacking [Music] 21 more people lacking you would have had it I won't move at all I'll give you guys a chance to peruse the level get a sense of what we have to deal with here internalize what we got going on look at every little enemy every little hazardous area that I could receive a bountiful bump to my wallet on how much is that glunk worth that glunk could put you through college 15 times it wouldn't even Dent their savings account how will filmo die the most can we add a failboat cheats his way through as an option okay filmo Cheese's ways I will I will stop cheating no more unhammer to Dodge Coin sex what are some other ways I could die you guys want skin but everyone wants skin parasites it's the hot new thing what is a skin parasite and look this up on like an alternate tab because I feel it's gonna be oh disgusting oh my oh no no no no oh my we're not putting skin parasites down father you must listen to me this is very important I just want to waste your vote I could things that start with elves sure why not lethal brain damage I'm talking about Kirby guys although lethal brain damage does start with an L all right eight minutes on the clock I don't oh so it seems the first intrusion on my path has presented itself I should be able to just fly around it no okay wait this actually is hell how do I get around this oh no no what Kirby you don't gotta reach for my guy how did I get enough who's the developer that put that there can I get up here no okay I have to do some oh you put the flower there to brace my fall now the clock doesn't move oh come on imagine not being able to get past a coin couldn't be me hit me shoot me no you can do it with needle but the issue is oh it's all ability whoops I sucked them too hard and now he gave me money now don't say that don't take that don't Don't Clap that I literally said I wouldn't use the hammer glitch anymore you guys tricked me wait I might not need it okay I might need it hey I need a hammer right now me going into Home Depot three minutes before closing okay now we're cooking now we're fine now we can one we can play now we fly yeah there we go they put letters everywhere this this is the World's Hardest Level and there's the timer hot cool the only way I could win this is if you guys didn't accurately predict the way I'd win an actual coin in L1 okay you guys win chat gets a point it's one to one Whatever oil Plus calcium plus microwave plus bratara we're going to another level oh it's like this one internalize the level you guys really get to see a lot about this one look at this Cliff that's cool Cliff look at that combo spinning makes more money than you can fathom what will I die to the most you tell me eight minutes back on the board let's do this so immediately oh my God that definitely was gonna give me coins if I stepped on it I love how I'm like what will kill me what killed me did the Knight fall off the Knight drowned didn't they I remember seeing like like the like my brain that they that they indeed did fall off the ledge I remember seeing in my brain Daniel let's just call remembering things all right look so so so that is one to enemy related deaths that's fine oh no all right okay I'm putting a pause on the timer because I gotta talk about something in situations like this I swear to god dude if you're gonna suggest that you cheat with a hammer again well the issue of these mob trap fights is that you have to kill enemies to progress which will of course give me a coin am I allowed to use the hammer to get over this I am seeing a lot of no's and a lot of yeses I mean you can certainly try now that's something I like to see I also don't even know if I can go around it I I might just be screwed so first things first the Knight I want to make sure the Knight doesn't run off the now I have to go get the hammer again this is awful dude okay so all you gotta do is avoid the obvious coins the Rocks as well I got like there are a lot of things that give you coins here all I have to do is transcend this part I think I'm safe if I do it down here are we good are we good I can't see anything oh my God I can see myself all the way out there Kirby's there I'm just like stuck by another border I think I can still do this good luck everybody break out I believe in you little buddy fly stuck in the MS paint smog up there um he's just stuck this is actually impossible I keep on picking the no wait we're good I think we can get over this come on Kirby come on Kirby invite you're lying on the pipe no I lose I lose I I can't beat it what do you guys have enemy dies actual coin chat wins two in a row okay it's two to one it's two to one it's two to one it could still go either way you get points for trying a day for effort though you dare give me pity fights I will best you you know what I need to calm my nerves a little bit let me just like rip the skin off of wispy for a minute it's like therapy like a warm Summer Breeze on a cold chilly day it's like drinking like a pina colada after just being like roasted it's like a thin needle being stuck underneath my nail next would mocks have become God by giving up no would magala have become rich through micro transactions by giving up no do it for them King believe is that the chat belief the chat vote of confidence don't encourage him Daniel are going to fail okay okay what I meant was if you give up now we won't get to watch you suffer more all right thank you thank you guys hey guys this Faith In Me Is overwhelming here is the poll go vote predict and be wrong this love is so peaceful this level's so relaxing only just you know does that activate the flower that doesn't act flare thank God what oh my gosh the scarfy dying the Snowballs activate the Dentin enemies God oh my God who is the Penguins it's the Penguins we did it boys Kirby's no more there's gotta be a way around this can I go over this way I can't what you shot the dog what if I get hit by the Snowballs get down scarfy we're fine we're fine we're fine there's so many who these penguins are psychopaths and this level's gonna be filled with them oh we're good we're fine no we're fine we're fine we're fine okay I don't think I could become the stairs here because I just killed a little poppy bro at the base there but I could just make it over here with a big jump hopefully Kirby Kirby Kirby why are your arms five feet long when it comes down to grabbing coins but you can't grab a ladder I don't know if I can beat this please reach Beach Curry I can I made it up it's an issue and why'd you put the flower there why would you put a flower there oh you put a flower there what'd you put a candy there too this is the worst please let me up okay I actually beat a level I actually would beat a level play the victory music I don't care my question is do you guys call enemy deaths because that was the big one wow I wasn't even close man I'm glad you didn't give up watching you freak out about penguins and ladders was hilarious you guys got so lucky luck had nothing to do with it just take the earlier big baby no no one more game I'm making the best seven I'm making the best of seven I'm salty creep pull you guys have to vote how I'll die in The Next Level you guys don't get to know the next level either go ahead vote I'm sorry Father I just wanted to have fun with you oh I am having fun I'll be having more fun once you're defeated before you guys could just change your vote by How I died go ahead now yeah now see what happens when you can't cheat here we go I'm going the low road ah cry about it all I gotta do is beat bosses and we've already established that bosses don't get paid enough in this game bosses are broke as hell dude porn dude doesn't have a home to go to he just spawns in for his nine to five and dies [Music] think I won't but I appreciate the offer this is easy but we're fine all I have to do is oh my God duck I'm so sorry the Arts are dead how do you guys want your duck chat I want mine dead if you have to kill your own duck at a dinner table I wouldn't recommend going back to that restaurant again wild Bonkers honk honk you guys thought I would die to enemies oh you fools there are no enemies that I have to kill chat oh I get up into him like that throw it back my guy I'm gonna beat a level without taking any deaths now what Chad come on half Health the wild Frosty that should count as a death wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what what what what what what well Frosty drop money did he get a paycheck the mole the mole off screen died there's no way there's no way there's no way no and in the end the chat wins four to one make me feel better ah
Channel: Failboat
Views: 828,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: q2Vmtj3zNVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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