Is Amberlynn Over 600lbs Now?

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hi it's me and I'm back with an amberlynn react because it's been about a week since she uploaded and I I kind of can't wait to watch this I have not watched this yet and in this video it's titled say am i over 600 pounds no it's kind of a silly thing to post because well she said we're her weight is I mean I always go by what's in her videos and she said she's 560 or 5 I don't know something like that so the only people saying that she's over 600 is trolls so she wanted to feed the trolls here clickbait her condition like she usually does that that's her specialty so I already know the answer plus I've watched her you know and on a cxn tease channel so I know what the answer is but here she is click baiting yucking it up which is cool yeah okay you know you gotta get that coin YouTube is her job so if you're watching this hating her remind yourself of that that YouTube was literally her job so this is what you gotta do to get them clicks you know now I am interested to know if she's going to address any of the glaring inconsistencies that have been in her recent videos you don't know what I'm talking about watch my I think my last Sam Berlin video I'll link it below I talked about the corner of the ambulance done pain or so painted herself in let's get this going hey guys oh my god in a crazy minute about a week and I'm gonna explain everything don't you guys worry I hope you guys don't leave me I know a lot of people were like where are you I wasn't worried because I've been following her other social media she's been all over ask fm she's been on you now she's been so I know that she was fine so I mean our like where are you are about the in here I am here here there were a lot of people saying that I was Hospital and some crazy business like that never happened your girl was never in the hospital so I'm sorry that slows down so at first I wasn't gonna upload for just a couple days I was just you know I had nothing that I really wanted to talk about after the last video that I uploaded and then nothing that you wanted to talk about but there are certainly some things that you should have talked about and then all of a sudden Becky gets really sick with a stomach virus for always TMI but she was puking and just like super sick and I was so worried like oh no but are we gonna be filming for a week or anything like that she was super sick if even if you're like sick and throwing up for a whole week then maybe you should have gone to the hospital that's a long time I'm just saying that I don't think that's the whole story here why she hasn't uploaded I think the reason why she hasn't uploaded is she's done painted herself in a corner and she knows that her viewers that those of us actually pay attention know she painted herself in a corner and she's been lying just thought that was really rude of me and disrespectful I wanted to make sure she was okay she was my number one priority so after she started feeling better I was like okay now you know we can blog or whatever and I knew it was gonna happen I just was like it's gonna happen like a sickness that hardcore so I ended up getting sick which I am so much better now so the last week was just a mixture between both of us being sick trying to feel better and it's just been a whirlwind but I am finally feeling like pretty 100% my stomach still kind of has some sharp pains here and there but I am feeling so much better there has just been so many people who have been sick lately and you're just like bound to get all the people that you've been around when you leave the house if you're around someone who has it do you guys hear really loud noise it is so windy outside it's like crazy so I did this thing on Instagram a few months ago where I asked people to send me assumptions about I wasn't there for that and if you guys are a real MVP or whatever you want to call it you guys remember that I did do it before this was looking all right I guess I'm not an MVP because I didn't know about this but I I would have asked some questions about my leg trend but all of a sudden I go on youtube two days in a row and everyone and their mama and their uncle and their grandpa are doing these assume things about me assumption videos and I'm just like I did this months ago but I didn't make it into a YouTube video I just strictly did it on Instagram so I'm like you know what let's redo it maybe I have seen some of the assumptions you guys have made about me and it's just like y'all don't play like you guys are literally haters nope no I'm no no I'm not I actually I'm the opposite I don't want her to die and she III I'm real and I'm real I'm not hating on what it what assumption videos is she talking about look I follow all the commentators okay I don't know what she's talking about look my last video that she's done painted herself in a corner it's not assumptions it's a it's a compilation of things that she herself has said and then consistencies so she can call this hating assumptions whatever she wants but she's just the looting person just kidding not all of you but oh my gosh okay okay not also I'm not this might this might and very very badly because there are some things on here that I'm just like do I want to admit to this so if I was gonna sit here on my in this video or exaggerate or anything like that I wouldn't even make this video so it's just a little disclaimer that everything that I said in this video is going to be hundred percent right I hate that I have to say that is just that so many people have revolved my channel channel around the fact that people think that I'm a liar okay let's she's made videos herself compiling her lies okay she can't keep it straight this is a me hating calling her a liar this is me pointing out that she's inconsistent and she's lying to herself but let's just not even get into that don't get it don't even think I'm like so pump you're fine your dog has a tumor that assumption is incorrect your 600 pounds that assumption is also incorrect I went on yesterday and I kind of went a little cray-cray around saying that I have reached 600 pounds it has never happened my highest weight has oh we were live way my parents it's a boy I will never surpass that and if it ever does happen you guys will be the first to know because I have been super honest with you guys about okay my weight and my weight struggles and just the struggles that I have being as big as I am you have no reason don't you sit here and lie to you guys so wrong all you know that you truly not healthy and if you did go to the doctor there's more issues going on than you share but it's also completely wrong everything that happened at the doctor I shared with you guys I was very nervous about opening up because I knew the kind of backlash that I was going to respect okay so she was open about the fact that her doctor said she has sleep apnea and high blood pressure and but we haven't heard anything about that sense so you're either lying or I don't know I can't I can't imagine I don't know you're either lying or or you don't care beep people would either say I'm sharing too much or sharing tool there's just like no in-between but that is if you're gonna share a problem like that share what you're doing about it I'm not going to share that my cat has these bleeding open sores and then that's it no I'm gonna share the whole vet experience what happened you know you can't just click big your problem and then never talk about it again because then people okay wrong assumption you actually love to swim and the beach but never go that is a truth that's why it's not a job you've loved making plans but you struggle to go through with them that is a hundred percent true so another true assumption I am a plan maker I enjoy making them I always have the best intentions and everything that I do and everything that I planned but it's just like the follow-through I never follow through let's oh I think you're an amazing person who just wants to be loved and needs a lot of help along the way I'm gonna say that's a chore assumption I feel like I'm kind of in a spot where I feel like well I get frustrated because I'm one of the I'm sure very many thousands that have tried helping her because I've been on my own weight-loss journey I know that you know so we've all tried to help her doctor tried to help her problem is she doesn't accept the help and she thinks she knows better did you just accept okay love is a lot more important than hate and I feel like the hate is gonna mess up you know anything that I need to fix for myself and more love and more support is what's going to help me this will make me laugh you buy support do you mean you're okay how you are boo boo don't worry about you you do you is that what you're talking about because that's not help look when it when I help my niece with their homework I don't let it slide when they're wrong or when their thought process is wrong I help I guide I tell them when they're wrong and I point them in the right direction you know there is so there's a there's a point when you gotta be like all right I don't know what I'm doing I don't know how to do long division I'm just gonna ask for help and then you succumb and you receive help that's how you learn oh it's a cat slash dog hair on you I'm surprised that I have for my fur babies just means I cuddle them I love it's just like they need the love they need the attention a huge assumption but I actually receive all the time and it's incorrect it's totally not true I can understand why you guys think it I've seen 600-pound life I got it but it's not true and the assumption is Becky has to help you to wipe I can tell you right now if that was the case I just wouldn't be in a relationship I feel like a relationship yeah it's about caring and if you mean someone you in mind if you need help you know I wouldn't care I wouldn't wanna know and I know if I keep point on this path and obviously it might end up like that one day but I'm young and I feel like relationships are supposed to be exciting and sexy and if I do to wipe my butt it that's not exciting that's not sexy I would no longer feel like a girlfriend I didn't want to know about I feel like someone that she needs to take care of I never sat down with that I don't like I never got to that point I feel like I just wouldn't even want to be with Becky because I would never want to put her in that situation so if you weren't with Becky what would she do how would okay that just makes me really sad to even think about it but that is completely not true you never walked I'm glad that assumption is false when I was doing the whole eight thousand steps a day thing that was completely true I feel like that's what I did majority of the day I would walk and play to cook I would I'm not sure if you guys how where you are of how less abled I am because I have multiple sclerosis and I just want to say that regarding the steps thing yesterday I was in Walmart and I had to walk from the pharmacy to get a prescription to wear my soy milk was and it was just across the store but oh my god I was oh my god they're like old me I had it walking back to checkout I had to stop and lean on something and I was embarrassed so I was trying to make it look like I was looking at something I might want to buy oh my god so I feel her walking is yeah that that's that's actually something I should make my New Year's resolution is to try to build up strength I get I don't know and and it'll help with win / if I continue to lose weight it's this is these are serious things staying active is it's a oh I didn't even notice my car was messed up this is like really bothering me okay well it's like your self esteem like being able to go to a store and get things yourself and otherwise you know it's important for your self-esteem it's important for your sense of self everything so yeah steps that was a rant sorry walk around the house millions of times I would walk in my driveway up and down I was just constantly walking and it's just really sad because it's like I can't do that anymore I can't walk any other myself a goal to even try that and just see how yeah so good I felt so amazing I was walking those steps and I was a part of my sidewalk and the accomplishments that I was making and cuz I feel really good that people didn't believe me because that means that I was doing something right that means 8000 steps was so hard to believe like oh really in Berlin doing that like yeah right yeah that's like that made me feel kind of cocky and made me want to keep going this assumption is sweet the assumption is that you are awesome I'm gonna have to disagree I don't think I'm very awesome but if you think so thank you sad about people hating on you but strong enough to push I'm gonna say that's a true assumption it is sad it's sad that our society is to that point where people are just horrible I feel like there's no validating the hate that I read I just want to say regarding that all the hate she gets I wonder how much of it is actual hate because I don't consider myself a hater I'm just kind of like wishing she would get it and I'm being real so I obviously doesn't consider this hey you know the people are sensitive and they think things are like hey or hates me but it's really just like being real you know so I don't know I I hope she's not so I'm not I don't mean to be egotistical but I hope she's not talking about people like me that are just being real and offering real support other than you do you boo boo that I receive and it's sad that people act that way and I pity them but like you said I am strong enough to keep pushing through because I feel like there's a big portion of people who just couldn't withstand some of the things that people say about me but I feel like I could always make you stronger I assume that you're the best person ever lots of love I'm super sweet obviously that's not true oh very charming and sweet Becky - I wish you all the best - thank you I assume people misjudge you when it comes to your mental illness yeah definitely I've read some crazy comments about even just like physical illnesses people like to diagnose me but they also like to undiagnosed me and it's just like you're not my doctor I assume you love Harry Potter you don't say okay I just want to say that no we're not your doctor but you're getting input from thousands of people that's why it's important to see and listen to your doctor only ever seen the first one and it was recently and I adored it I liked it I've never heard this one upsets me it is you chose I watched it I watched it once I watched the first one in California when I was visiting and I kind of couldn't pay attention because I was um how do I say this I was having a hard time paying attention you know what I mean maybe not okay the woman with the most influence to win the giveaway so that is a wrong assumption and if you guys are I don't know about the situation I was holding the giveaway which you guys know to give away a hundred dollars to anyone who knows and supported me the first giveaway I ever did I hand-picked the giveaway winner myself just by reading a paragraph this time I decided to make it more fair and I did a Instagram generated like random comment picker technique or they chose the winner for me I had almost 4,000 comments on that giveaway I was literally give $100 to every single one of you so I did the random picker and then I sent the message to the person saying hey you won I know this is kind of impersonal but here's my venmo information at me I can send it to you thank you so much for the love and just to make it more personal we can talk a little bit and that's when I found out that she had over a hundred thousand followers on her Instagram and that she's such a lobster gram model I was shocked a--the and I just thought it was unfair that just because the number of followers she had meant that she shouldn't have one yeah but isn't completely giving me that but because I did not pick the winner attackers gonna attack over dumb stuff I just posted a video of my nephew he's autistic and he's obsessed with Martin Luther King so he I posted a video of him saying his speech on the anyway and they were there was some hate on that video saying disgusting things so you know amber haters gonna hate they're gonna hate about dumb stuff I don't know what else to say about that it was chosen by a generator I didn't pick the winner for the millionth time and I don't think it matters hey amber we're doing ways always creatures they have on an Instagram to me that doesn't matter she is it doesn't matter where she was in the giveaway and that is who won that was who was chosen and I have just been wholeheartedly attacked about this saying oh my god I can't believe you would do that she probably doesn't even need money it wasn't about someone gonna put aside me and just because she has a certain amount of followers as I mean she has a certain amount of money it should that's all right amber situation has been so shallow not from my standpoint but from other people's standpoint like saying that she didn't deserve to win even though she actually wasn't in like a complete like shocker to me I just feel like no matter what I do people will find a region girl in a way it is gonna hate and a story to say you don't problems be the bad guy you don't get any sponsorships that's actually wrong I actually do have a business email and I receive sponsorships on the daily I just don't do them and that's probably because I'm lazy you love her line these assumption is correct I do love Holly you're a major fan of Lana Del Rey I am I adore her I love her voice love her a lot I use super super creative so I'm gonna do one more and the last one is you know what you're going to have for breakfast the next day before you go to bed the assumption is incorrect I have no idea what I'm gonna I do the next day and I actually on eat breakfast so that was that video hope you guys enjoyed I'm gonna try filming and uploading little bit more for you guys don't you worry new followers this doesn't happen all the time I've been on YouTube for over five years and I go through spurts where I upload daily or like it's a trim do five times a week sometimes just three and then I go through moments where I'm just like you know what your girl got sick I don't feel like uploading but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I'll see you guys my next one bye alright well that was the end of that I don't want to say no I mean it was nice she addressed the things and actually that sounds like a fun tag you know I wonder if there's things people will see them about me or people assume anything about me at all and it's not if it's wrong if it's right the actually thing I'm gonna do this in the future but for now you know that one that was I wanted to react to her upload that this was just posted so alright well this is a you know over
Channel: undefined
Views: 44,317
Rating: 4.7474465 out of 5
Keywords: amberlynn reid, alr, kickinggeese
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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